--- Log opened Mon Jun 15 17:02:24 2020 17:02 -!- cubelog [~cubeman@maxhost.org] has joined #techrights 17:02 -!- Irssi: #techrights: Total of 64 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 62 normal] 17:02 -!- Irssi: Join to #techrights was synced in 7 secs 17:02 < DaemonFC[m]> If they Long Form people and have to kick them out to a Consultative Exam, then it could just create a bigger train wreck because a lot of doctors that normally do CEs for SSA are not accepting CEs right now and Social Security can't strip people of their benefits without proof that they pay CE doctors to give them 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> SSA was trying to ram though a rules change to make it easier to throw people off who have not medically improved, but the Coronavirus got in the way of that and now even if it does go on the Federal Register, Congress can take it up next year for a Resolution of Disapproval if the Democrats want to. 17:05 < cubexyz> ok, http://www.maxhost.org/other/techrights-2018.log will be replaced with 2020 starting tomorrow 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> I call it the damned if you do, damned if you don't rule. 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> They make you send them your doctor's records, but they can toss them out and say you need more evidence if they can't find anything damning on there. 17:06 < cubexyz> I'll just update that year by year from now on 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> It's the Social Security equivalent of letting the cops beat a confession out of you, and if they still don't have anything useful, they can still proceed to send you to jail. 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> This sort of rule should be ripe for a lawsuit because it flies in the face of due process. 17:08 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The SSA basically pays the people who have to defend against these damned things potentially every couple of years less than the federal poverty line. 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Then lawyers refuse to represent them unless they come up with about $4,000. 17:09 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> That's why it's very important to minimize the chances of Long Form reviews. They'll hit you with something that involves an inferior legal system that's as complicated as the Internal Revenue Code, without a lawyer. 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Their new proposal says that they're going after Schizophrenics. 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I already managed to beat these people twice with no lawyer. 17:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Which I guess isn't bad for a manic depressive type who can't remember to zip his pants half the time. 17:11 < DaemonFC[m]> I totally understand how Robin Williams felt. 17:12 < DaemonFC[m]> The same thing that makes mentally ill people funny to listen to is the disease that torments them. 17:12 < DaemonFC[m]> People blame the bipolar disorder for his suicide. I don't think it had much to do with it. 17:13 < DaemonFC[m]> If I ever get diagnosed with something like that, I'll probably do the same thing. 17:13 < DaemonFC[m]> What person wants to go through MS on the way out while the doctor says there's barely anything that they can do with it? 17:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The United States will probably never evolve on assisted dying. 17:15 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't think there was anything wrong with what Dr. Kevorkian did, and they just kept investigating him and putting him on trial for murder. 17:15 <@MinceR> it was against their religion 17:15 < DaemonFC[m]> He didn't kill anyone that wasn't terminally ill and who didn't ask him to help, so no, I wouldn't vote to convict if I was on that jury. 17:16 <@MinceR> a religion that glorifies suffering 17:17 < DaemonFC[m]> It's terrible. They say they're good people while they're all in that church fucking around on each other's spouses, gossiping, comparing clothes, gathering at the courthouse to sue each other, and now they want to force people to suffer on their way to dying anyway. 17:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean there's like 3 states that allow doctor assisted suicide. It's hard to access. The federal government took them to court to try to stop it and lost though, so there's that. 17:18 < DaemonFC[m]> At least more states could pass laws and use that as precedent. 17:18 <@MinceR> they want to feel like they're good people without any of the actual goodness 17:19 <@MinceR> while satisfying their evil urges 17:19 <@MinceR> just like SJWs 17:19 < DaemonFC[m]> It's feel good bullshit is what it is. 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> On the immigration form, they said they can talk to people who know you at church. 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I told the lady that was filling it out "I don't go to church.". 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> She says, "Well, they can talk to your neighbors.". 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I said, "I live in a hotel.". 17:21 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The lady at the library didn't want to give me a library card because I lived in a hotel. 17:21 < DaemonFC[m]> I said, "It's on my driver's license if you don't believe me.". 17:21 < DaemonFC[m]> This Coronavirus disaster has also been a digital rights disaster. 17:22 <@MinceR> and a human rights disaster 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Libraries are pushing Overdrive (proprietary software with DRM) since you can't go to the library. 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, like the right to go to work and support yourself. 17:23 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean, what kind of fucked up country ties health insurance to your job and then when a pandemic strikes, says "Oh, and you can't go to work and we will not be opening up the Affordable Care Act exchanges.". 17:24 < DaemonFC[m]> One man in Washington State who is 70 years old and on Medicare got a $1.2 million dollar bill from the hospital. Medicare paid the whole thing because it was COVID-19. 17:24 < DaemonFC[m]> So they'll dump $1.2 million into a 70 year old man who statically should be dead in like 5 years anyway, but they tell people in their 30s "Too bad, so sad!". 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not only terrible, it's terrible government policy. Statistically, if you save a guy who is 30, he'll go to work, add to the economy, and pay taxes for another 37 years, at least, before he can apply for Social Security.. 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> The SSA is already making decisions about whether or not to ruin my life with Skynet. 17:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Why shouldn't they make statistical assessments of everyone? 17:31 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I'll bet that would go over well if they rated everyone's lives with a statistical value. 17:31 <@MinceR> monetary value? 17:31 <@MinceR> "to us, your life is worth 12 cents." 17:32 < DaemonFC[m]> "Sorry Ms. Smith, you can't have a kidney because you're in the Master Computer as an M 2347 and you need a higher score." 17:32 <@MinceR> :> 17:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Skynet said I was an L 33. 17:33 <@MinceR> "your Social Score is too low for a new kidney. you should have licked our boots with significantly more fervor." 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Skynet says that I rank lower than a 58 year old woman on kidney dialysis for probability that my condition improves. 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> It gave her an L 58 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> That's actually..... 17:34 < DaemonFC[m]> You can tell what Skynet thinks of you at the time the "ACTION ALERT" was "TRIGGERED" by looking for a letter and a 4 digit code. 17:34 <@MinceR> :> 17:34 <@MinceR> "SkyNet doesn't want you dead... yet." 17:35 < DaemonFC[m]> They use the letters and numbers to determine how to process a CDR. 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> People who get an L 0001 would be the least likely to get full CDR, while people who get H 9999 would be absolutely guaranteed to get one. 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Nobody outside SSA knows what the 4 digits mean exactly but they tend to go along with the letter to the point where people with more serious diseases get an L with a lower profile score. 17:37 < DaemonFC[m]> You can also get an M. 17:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Lows get the Mailer and don't get a CDR unless they tell SSA something that makes them "question the narrative" enough to open one. 17:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Mediums are a coin toss. 17:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Highs almost always get one no matter what they say if they got the short form initially. 17:38 < DaemonFC[m]> If you get an L, don't say anything in the remarks. 17:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Chances are the computer eats it and resets the clock. 17:39 < DaemonFC[m]> If a human gets it they could question the narrative and take a DO CDR ACTION. 17:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The best outcome for you is that Skynet accepts it and resets your Termination date. ;) 17:40 < DaemonFC[m]> If it has to get a T-H involved, who knows what will happen. 17:40 < DaemonFC[m]> https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/Hybrid 17:41 < DaemonFC[m]> In the various timelines, Skynet has two human-derived Terminator models. 17:43 < DaemonFC[m]> The T-H is basically an improved human that has a "Skynet Control Chip" embedded in their brain and an endoskeleton similar to a T-800s. Instead of having a robot body, the internal organs and muscle tissue are of an improved design that can support the additional requirements. Skynet built some of these as Infiltrators because it can have them act as humans, but carrying out its orders through the control software at 17:43 < DaemonFC[m]> a subconscious level. 17:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Once Marcus became aware of what he was, he was able to override the control chip and tear it out. 17:45 < DaemonFC[m]> So it seems that Skynet only controls these models to the extent that they don't become able to consciously override their programming. 17:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Then there was the T-3000 in Genisys. John Connor was attacked by Skynet and had his body transformed by nanobots into a Terminator. 17:48 < DaemonFC[m]> The T-H seems to have some advantages and some weaknesses vs. the T-800. It seems to be strong enough to fight one and Marcus ended up ripping its head off in the end, but the T-800 is better at determining its target's weak spots through advanced sensors and combat files in order to determine the best strategy. Initially, it found that he had a heart and punched it hard enough to stop it. (Someone else had to 17:48 < DaemonFC[m]> resuscitate him.) 17:49 < DaemonFC[m]> The T-H advantage would be that due to their former status as human, they would think and act exactly like a human and would be less likely to be spotted. 17:50 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The franchise has taken the timelines thing to the extreme. 17:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Too much reliance on time travel to tell a consistent story. 17:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Genisys went full J. J. Abrams by creating an alternate 1984, and sticking a T-1000 in it in addition to a CGI Arnold. 17:52 < DaemonFC[m]> The CGI Arnold thing in 2009 (Salvation) was unexpected and took me by surprise enough that at the theater, I didn't really notice the imperfections in it. 17:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Dark Fate was a much better movie. I liked the commentary that they worked so hard to destroy Skynet that they just pushed back Judgment Day another 30 years and gave people enough time to make something even worse. 17:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Time travel gets weird after some iterations. 17:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The Future War as depicted in the first movie might not actually even be the Prime Timeline. 17:57 < DaemonFC[m]> It showed Judgment Day as happening in the late 2020s. A line of dialogue in the movie suggests that the first Terminators like the T-800 came off the line around 2024. 17:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Err, not Judgment Day, the Future War. 17:59 < DaemonFC[m]> The plot hole here is that at some point in some timeline, humans invent a strong AI that is destined to become malicious. 17:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Nobody knows which timeline that would have been thanks to the movies changing things around all the time. 18:00 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I liked how time travel works in Futureman better. 18:01 < DaemonFC[m]> It turns out that each time he uses it and changes something, he's created an alternate universe, and in one of them he tried stopping 9/11 and just ended up losing the time travel device, which got into the hands of Time Traveling bin Laden. 18:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Who went on to blow shit up in a bunch more parallel universes that he created. 18:02 < DaemonFC[m]> I prefer the "Forks the universe." theory of how time travel would play out. 18:02 < DaemonFC[m]> It solves the Grandfather Paradox. 18:03 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Of course if we apply that to Stargate SG-1, they did not save (or even return to) the same universe they departed from. 18:04 < DaemonFC[m]> So in 1969, 2010, and 2001 there would have been the Fork the Universe thing. In fact, they did go there in the plot with the Quantum Mirror. 18:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Since it is established in canon that there are parallel universes in Stargate, it holds that the gate being used as time travel might create another one and shunt the traveler into it, and they wouldn't even know which one to go back to if they had a mirror. 18:06 < DaemonFC[m]> This is sort of the debate that goes around in circles among Trekkies about whether the transporter kills you each time you use it though. 18:07 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm on the side that says each time you use the transporter, it kills you. 18:07 < schestowitz> cubexyz: cheers!! 18:08 < DaemonFC[m]> It rips apart your body, creates a stream of digital information, and converts that back to matter somewhere else. 18:08 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has joined #techrights 18:08 < TechrightsBot-tr> Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77 18:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd be taking the shuttlepod, personally. 18:08 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: I don't really like the concept of forking when time travelling as it implies creating something out of nothing just by fscking around. 18:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Theoretically, everything that can happen already does happen and the universe is already forking itself all the time. 18:09 < DaemonFC[m]> All time travel would do would be what the universe does naturally in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. 18:10 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: And that fails just because time is not atomic. 18:10 < DaemonFC[m]> It creates another stream of possibilities because you are a new variable from that point in time. 18:11 < XRevan86> something happens at any moment 18:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, our understanding of the universe is bad enough that a lot of things are possible with no way to really test a hypothesis. 18:11 < XRevan86> and a moment is infinitely small 18:11 < XRevan86> so that means infinite forks over infinitely small time 18:12 < DaemonFC[m]> The only real difference between that idea in quantum mechanics and a religion is that nobody said it as a matter of fact. 18:12 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: I don't like hypotheses that just work as a plug to justify something. 18:12 < DaemonFC[m]> At least, not that I am aware of, although you could, and the IRS would give your group a tax exemption if it was a sincerely held tenet of a belief system. 18:12 < XRevan86> I want time travel, therefore… 18:12 <@MinceR> 16 000236 < DaemonFC[m]> I prefer the "Forks the universe." theory of how time travel would play out. 18:13 <@MinceR> same 18:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: CentOS Linux 8.2 Officially Released, Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138786 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1baf3807-1811-49a2-a0b5-ea712e5f7005] 18:13 < XRevan86> > Well, our understanding of the universe is bad enough that a lot of things are possible with no way to really test a hypothesis. 18:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Dark Matter is an idea that our universe can't really be explained without. 18:13 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: There is one thing that is more or less certain about the universe that any story tries to ignore very hard. 18:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Its existence is implied, but not directly observed. 18:14 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: The universe is not anthropocentric. 18:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The idea is that something must account for a fuckton of gravity out there. Basically. 18:14 < XRevan86> So even universe forking should not be looked at from the sense of what a human might want. 18:14 < DaemonFC[m]> So, "dark matter". 18:14 <@MinceR> XRevan86: humanity is trying very had to ignore that 18:15 <@MinceR> but in this case, it should work fine 18:15 < XRevan86> MinceR: Because it's all baseless either way? 18:15 <@MinceR> since the things that depend on the actions of the time travelers are affected by the actions of the time travelers, by definition 18:15 <@MinceR> and everything else is outside their control as normal 18:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Gravity is a weak force considering that it requires a lot of mass to become significant. 18:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #PinePhone postmarketOS community edition coming soon for $150 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138783#comment-25506 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f4453217-08de-443e-b703-de6cc0267fc2] 18:16 < DaemonFC[m]> We know that there are objects that are dense to the point where they have so much mass that they have a very strong gravity field. 18:16 < XRevan86> MinceR: If time travel is the only thing that causes universe forking, then it's a lot of mess just to fit time travel. 18:16 < DaemonFC[m]> Black holes, neutron stars, etc. 18:17 < XRevan86> If it happens just because possibilities, then infinity of universes in infinitely small time 18:17 <@MinceR> XRevan86: well, per the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, everything cause universe forking :> 18:17 < DaemonFC[m]> The other possibility is that the past just ceases to exist and there's absolutely no way to reach it. 18:17 <@MinceR> s/use/uses/ 18:17 < DaemonFC[m]> The universe spawns faster than Tribbles. 18:17 <@MinceR> indeed 18:18 < XRevan86> MinceR: Eh, that's not solid. 18:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Applications Release Meta-data http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138784 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0bc4e8d2-4535-4a66-92c6-696c4653e7b4] 18:19 < XRevan86> MinceR: And probably looks nothing like the layman's version :) 18:20 < XRevan86> * versions 18:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Latest Intel CrossTalk Vulnerability Now Patched in Debian GNU/Linux, CentOS and RHEL http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138785 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f5c08f77-1f36-4f47-9f23-b903e4df3cd1] 18:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: EasyOS 2.3 - The Modern Prometheus Tux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138787 [https://pleroma.site/objects/58a2775c-76c7-482e-aaa1-9d7fb2486dae] 18:24 < XRevan86> Anyway, my simple concept of reality works is that only now exists, represented by positions of all the stuff in the universe, matter, energy, etc. 18:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Compact Jetson Nano system has a PoE port http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138788 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f36b2505-0594-492a-af17-fe872d5a4cb5] 18:24 < XRevan86> And no one make a backlog, so time travel is not possible. 18:24 < XRevan86> * keeps a 18:25 <@MinceR> how does your "simple concept" deal with nonlocality, hidden variables and all that stuff? 18:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138789 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4e9aee1d-2b73-4e03-a368-cf74633afe9d] 18:26 <@MinceR> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EalRnd_WAAACyes.jpg:orig 18:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Unity brings back one of the most efficient desktops ever created http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138790 [https://pleroma.site/objects/46979534-0427-43d8-96cb-6e5d9b718bb2] 18:28 < XRevan86> MinceR: Probably not a backlog. 18:29 < XRevan86> MinceR: I'm not saying that the universe is deterministic. 18:29 <@MinceR> :> 18:29 < XRevan86> just that it doesn't have an earlier state 18:29 < XRevan86> stashed somewhere 18:30 <@MinceR> you don't have memory? :> 18:30 < XRevan86> MinceR: I do, I can even time travel a bit with it %) 18:32 < XRevan86> However the universe possessing a logging device is a bit different. 18:32 <@MinceR> most likely it's a simulation anyway 18:33 < XRevan86> and the ability to bootstrap a snapshot from it in parallel 18:33 <@MinceR> a computer game with great graphics and shitty gameplay and shitty NPC AI 18:33 < XRevan86> or recover it from a snapshot 18:33 < XRevan86> MinceR: Wow, that's extremely anthropocentric :) 18:34 <@MinceR> how so? 18:34 <@MinceR> how do you know it's written, run or played by humans? 18:34 < XRevan86> MinceR: Thinking of the universe in terms of models rather than matter and energy. 18:35 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:35 < XRevan86> MinceR: If it's a simulation, it's probably not a model-based one. 18:35 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:36 <@MinceR> well, the way it seems to try to save resources is a bit telling :> 18:37 < XRevan86> Okay, here's a time travel kind of idea that kind of fits into my views of this universe: 18:38 < XRevan86> what if there are many other universes, and the only difference they have with this one and each other is when they began 18:39 < XRevan86> So they represent past and future in all sense except, you know, the actual one :) 18:39 < XRevan86> * senses 18:40 < XRevan86> and this concept also lacks all the usual time travel paradoxes 18:40 < XRevan86> Maybe I should patent this. 18:41 < XRevan86> XRevan86, the guy who finally fixed time travel in fiction %) 18:46 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/15/politics/neil-gorsuch-supreme-court-lgbtq-rights/index.html 18:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Neil Gorsuch just protected LGBTQ rights - CNNPolitics 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> The Supreme Court just made a 5-4 ruling that expands the Civil Rights Act to cover discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> This mostly undoes Trump's rollback of the transgender protections under healthcare laws. 18:48 < DaemonFC[m]> It also makes it illegal to discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity for private employers, and in housing decisions. 18:48 < DaemonFC[m]> That's hilarious. I wonder when we can expect Twitler's meltdown. 18:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Attacking his own judge, even. 18:49 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a huge victory over Trump's position. He was arguing that the Civil Rights Act does not cover that because it wasn't what Congress had in mind in the 1960s. 18:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Even funnier will be the reaction of the Christian far right. They figured that if Trump appointed a few judges, everything from gay rights to abortion rights would go through the shredder. 18:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Instead, they got the biggest expansion of the Civil Rights laws at the federal level in over 40 years. 18:51 <@MinceR> twitler's lawyer/soldiers refused to do his bidding? 18:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Neil Gorsuch delivered the majority opinion. He was appointed by Trump. 18:52 < XRevan86> MinceR: https://loadaverage.org/conversation/13779883 and so I wrote this notice 18:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- loadaverage.org | Conversation - LoadAverage 18:53 <@MinceR> there's a simpler solution 18:53 <@MinceR> there's no backlog 18:53 <@MinceR> but there is a past 18:53 <@MinceR> :> 18:53 < XRevan86> MinceR: What is a past? 18:54 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR One big way this changes things is that landlords and employers in states like Indiana which went the other way and made explicitly legal to fire people and deny them housing by saying religion can't do that anymore. 18:54 < XRevan86> MinceR: Can you explain it from an objective point of view? 18:54 <@MinceR> no, i'm not Stephen Hawking 18:54 < DaemonFC[m]> The state law can say whatever it wants, but the discrimination is now an offense at the federal level. 18:55 < XRevan86> MinceR: That man who thought there's danger of Machine Learning taking over. He must've been always right. 18:55 <@MinceR> i suppose i could say that the past is where you get if you move along the time axis/axes in a direction that contradicts the arrow of time :> 18:56 <@MinceR> has it been proven that ML can't take over, then? 18:56 * XRevan86 bends his head, sees axes 18:56 * XRevan86 freaks out 18:56 < XRevan86> (yes, it's a Fourth Wall joke) 18:57 < XRevan86> MinceR: Can it reliably tell a banana from a cat? 18:58 <@MinceR> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 19:00 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.spinics.net/lists/stable/msg391827.html 19:00 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.spinics.net | [PATCH 3.16 57/61] x86/speculation: Add Special Register Buffer Data Sampling (SRBDS) mitigation — Linux Stable Kernel Updates 19:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Another performance crippling workaround for Intel. 19:01 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:01 < XRevan86> MinceR: You do realise that to move somewhen that when has to exist in some form 19:01 <@MinceR> so what 19:02 < XRevan86> MinceR: It stopped existing the moment the state changed. 19:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Fuck. 19:02 <@MinceR> no problem, just go back in time to the point when it still existed 19:02 < DaemonFC[m]> I guess I'm just going to update my kernel command line to mitigations=off. 19:03 < DaemonFC[m]> This is becoming a Christmas tree of Intel bug shit. 19:03 < XRevan86> MinceR: "Man cannot breathe on Venus" – "no problem, just fill it with oxygen" 19:06 <@MinceR> take a spacesuit 19:06 < XRevan86> I think of this as anthropocentric, because with narrative thinking it is *very* easy to think of the past and the future, and how one would interact with it. 19:07 <@MinceR> so anything that's easy to think in terms of is "anthropocentric"? 19:09 < XRevan86> MinceR: No, it's just hard to fit this concept into a world without magic. 19:10 < XRevan86> Information never being lost is a very magical thing. 19:10 <@MinceR> spacetime is magic? 19:10 < DaemonFC[m]> There we go. That's much cleaner and it disables anything they might add later. 19:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Grrrr. 19:11 < XRevan86> MinceR: Do you think that the concept of spacetime would allow you to travel backwards? 19:11 <@MinceR> probably not me, unless i had a time machine or something 19:11 <@MinceR> even thermodynamics tend to be pretty difficult to resist, despite applying only in a statistical sense 19:12 < XRevan86> it just means that whatever is perceived as time can be warped, slowed down or sped up 19:12 < XRevan86> but in a global sense everything's still in the now, just that some bits are slower, some are faster 19:13 <@MinceR> not sure about that 19:13 <@MinceR> time appears to be relative 19:14 < XRevan86> MinceR: If you're going very fast and time is slow for you, when you slow down and look around, the stationary stuff experienced time more than you did 19:15 < XRevan86> but if you look from an absolute point of you, you just received less ticks 19:16 < XRevan86> * point of view %) 19:19 < XRevan86> I like it how applicable terms of non-realtime computing are here. Because time is relative there, heh. 19:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I just ran a 4 thread Opus encode from WavPack. 19:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Apparently, enough Intel mitigations had been added since I last revisited my switches to disable them that just switching to mitigations=off sped up a 4 thread transcoding job by a further 12%. 19:22 < DaemonFC[m]> I think when I last revisited the issue and added pti=off spectre_v2=off l1tf=off nospec_store_bypass_disable no_stf_barrier the process sped up by about 14%. 19:22 < DaemonFC[m]> These mitigations are pretty severe and they just keep piling up. 19:22 <@MinceR> if the terms of non-realtime computing are applicable, that's anthropocentric per your earlier argument 19:23 < DaemonFC[m]> We're looking at Intel robbing you of something like 25%-ish of the performance your Skylake CPU had when you bought it. 19:24 < DaemonFC[m]> Some of their new chips are "not affected", but that's because they changed the way the chip did something to where it's probably slower than it could have been and you can't do anything, and then the kernel ends up having to mitigate things on those CPUs as well. 19:24 < psydread> oh, that's becoming interesting 19:24 < DaemonFC[m]> This is fucking terrible. Linus was not as harsh on Intel as he should have been. 19:25 < DaemonFC[m]> The truth is that these new Intel CPUs are not shockingly faster than the old models. 19:26 < DaemonFC[m]> They just sabotaged the older ones so much that it would appear that way if you bought the new one. 19:26 < psydread> I have Skylake and Kaby Lake and am not even looking at the new ones 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Intel is falling apart. 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Their CPUs from the last 4 years have accumulated more serious bugs than the entirety of everything that they released in the previous 16 years. 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> No, my next system will be AMD. 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Cheaper and they don't have all these damned bugs. 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> So many piled up that affected Skylake that you can have 11 switches on your kernel command line to turn them off or just mitigations=off. 19:29 <@MinceR> same 19:29 < psydread> I've linked to it before, but it looks like Intel doesn't do rigorous verification the way it used to do 19:29 < psydread> http://danluu.com/cpu-bugs/ 19:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- danluu.com | CPU bugs 19:29 <@MinceR> also, maybe the boot firmware isn't totally fucked up on AMD 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> They have been affected by a couple of the bugs, but the performance drag isn't shockingly bad. 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> The worst one of all of them is Page Table Isolation, and AMD CPUs don't need that one. 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> That one alone costs you 7% of the CPU's performance on transcoding Wavpack to Opus. 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Not every workload is hit the same. 19:32 < DaemonFC[m]> KPTI can take away up to 30% of the performance out of some database workloads. 19:34 < DaemonFC[m]> "for database engine PostgreSQL the impact on read-only tests on an Intel Skylake processor was 7–17% (or 16–23% without PCID), while a full benchmark lost 13–19% (Coffee Lake vs. Broadwell-E)." 19:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Process context identifiers can avoid a TLB flush, but the impact of KPTI is still bad. 19:38 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:38 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:39 * XRevan86 always thought that database engines are a concept specific to DBMS' like MariaDB where a modular design allows swapping one module for database interaction with another. 19:40 < XRevan86> How does this apply to PostgreSQL which has just one set of code for interaction with a physical database? (excluding stuff like memory DBs) 19:43 < XRevan86> I can't find them calling it an engine anywhere either. 19:45 < schestowitz> [00:29] http://danluu.com/cpu-bugs/ 19:45 < schestowitz> should say "CPU Defects" 19:45 < schestowitz> not bugs 19:45 < XRevan86> It's like saying that an adblocker in Vivaldi is an add-on, because that's what adblockers are, right? 19:45 < schestowitz> bugs you can squash 19:45 < schestowitz> you cannot fix silicon in place... 19:46 < schestowitz> We need to change the way people refers to these. They're manufacturing defects 19:46 <@MinceR> you might be able to, for example if it's in an FPGA 19:46 < XRevan86> Vivaldi built-in adblocker extension %) 19:46 < schestowitz> working around the issue does not change the existence of the defects, it's the microcode that changes a bit 19:46 < schestowitz> those aren't programmable circuits 19:47 < schestowitz> MinceR: yes, that''s what I was getting at 19:47 < schestowitz> I developed a calculator on a programmable circuit when i was 19 19:48 < schestowitz> I think that needs only a few hundreds of transistors, not hundreds of millions 19:48 < XRevan86> Or I don't know, trying to find a windowing system in Windows, even though it clearly doesn't have anything distinct that this unixy term can be applied to. 19:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Is #FreeCulture As Important As #FreeSoftware ? http://techrights.org/2020/06/15/free-culture/ #sharing #freesw [https://pleroma.site/objects/8340888f-5e56-409e-92c4-575c84397c43] 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Yeah, I got after someone for suggesting sticking to an older kernel without kpti. 19:50 < schestowitz> sometimes things get too bloated 19:50 < schestowitz> like Vista 19:50 < schestowitz> and then you have no simple fix 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> I said it was not a long term solution and was much worse for security than going ahead with new kernels and disabling the mitigations. 19:50 < schestowitz> other than starting over with something simpler 19:50 <@MinceR> there's a simple fix for vista 19:50 <@MinceR> overwrite it with a real OS 19:50 < schestowitz> the do it right, like nginx over apache 19:51 <@MinceR> i prefer lighttpd to nginx 19:51 <@MinceR> because it isn't open core :> 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Sticking with an old kernel just gives you the hardware defects and whatever regular bugs pile up unpatched in your kernel. 19:51 < schestowitz> Intel is a beast of transistors that get smaller and smaller, they've lost control of the frankenCPU 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not a solution. 19:51 < XRevan86> MinceR: and isn't burdened with documentation 19:51 < schestowitz> and then they even added another MINIX-based OS that's in practice like a back door... maybe throw 10 more OSes on each chips? No... 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> The Management Engine is not active on this laptop. 19:52 < schestowitz> lighttpd is almost extinct 19:52 < XRevan86> MinceR: or with developers, or with decent configuration syntax 19:52 < schestowitz> I checked the other day when researching netcraft for an article I was preparing 19:53 < XRevan86> This reminds me that I should check how h2o is doing. 19:53 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/14/microsoft-spin-share/ 19:53 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | To Better Understand Why Microsoft is Laying Off Staff (and Stopped Hiring Any) Check the Charts Net Applications and Other Microsoft Spinners Distract From | Techrights 19:53 < schestowitz> IIS is now at about 4%, I kid you not!! 19:53 < schestowitz> And not even big sites 19:53 < schestowitz> like HPC/Top 500 it's quickly approaching 0% market share 19:54 < XRevan86> Actively developed, yet still unable to come up with a fresh stable release. Still better than lighttpd. 19:55 <@MinceR> XRevan86: nginx has documentation? 19:56 <@MinceR> 16 015148 < schestowitz> and then they even added another MINIX-based OS that's in practice like a back door... maybe throw 10 more OSes on each chips? No... 19:56 <@MinceR> UEFI is yet another OS 19:56 < XRevan86> MinceR: Quite a detailed one. 19:56 < DaemonFC[m]> I got an email back from my bankruptcy lawyer. 19:56 <@MinceR> or rather, the code providing it is one 19:56 <@MinceR> but everyone uses TianoCore anyway 19:57 < DaemonFC[m]> She said don't worry about the $400 doctor bill from April that the insurance kicked back to them. No asset Chapter 7s discharge all debt even if you forget to list something. 19:57 < DaemonFC[m]> If they try to pursue it, send them a copy of the discharge petition with a letter stating that this debt happened before I filed. 19:57 < XRevan86> MinceR: Even generic UEFI is quite capable. 19:58 < DaemonFC[m]> The generic uEFI code seems to be useful mostly for something like Coreboot that needs a uEFI payload that quacks like uEFI. 19:58 < DaemonFC[m]> That's worth something, I suppose. 19:59 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: I meant just "anything compliant to spec" 19:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Although I'm not sure what OS other than Windows doesn't support Coreboot natively. 19:59 < DaemonFC[m]> With Windows, you can boot using SeaBIOS or the uEFI payload that's based on Tianocore. 19:59 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: I considered tianocore for my coreboot, but it's kind of big. 20:00 < DaemonFC[m]> SeaBIOS is also useful for getting a DOS system booted up. 20:00 < XRevan86> So I stayed on the safe side with SeaBIOS. It just works anyway. 20:00 < DaemonFC[m]> I loved FreeDOS. 20:00 < DaemonFC[m]> I used it through the mid 2000s on two of my older computers that weren't even good enough for Windows 95. 20:01 < DaemonFC[m]> It gave them a supported OS that they could still run. 20:01 < DaemonFC[m]> You could do quite a bit with DOS actually. They had a version of LAME and an MP3 player for DOS. 20:01 < DaemonFC[m]> The Arachne browser supported playing MP3 files while you browsed the web. 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> There were tons and tons of office programs, and of course, games. 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't know if the LAME for DOS is still something you can build. 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> The last release that I saw in binary form was LAME 3.96. 20:04 < DaemonFC[m]> I was actually kind of sad to see DOS go. 20:04 < DaemonFC[m]> GUIs still manage to need increasingly powerful computers even decades on. 20:04 < DaemonFC[m]> For questionable reasons. 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Buying condoms from Amazon Warehouse Deals seems kind of funny. 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> They sell stuff where the package got a little messed up but the product inside is okay, but the law says they can't sell it as new anymore. 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> So they list it as used condoms for sale. 20:21 <@MinceR> :) 20:21 <@MinceR> do they have used toilet paper, too? 20:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138791 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6d0c850f-3e86-4095-94b1-fcfebe83f2c8] 20:31 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm not sure which is scarier. However Al Bundy washing out his condoms and reusing them is how Bud and Kelly happened. 20:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: ASYLUM, Don't Starve Together and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138792 [https://pleroma.site/objects/37dc5d9a-d9dc-414a-9a1f-49a29570c4bf] 20:31 < DaemonFC[m]> So probably used condoms. 20:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138793 [https://pleroma.site/objects/076e889a-346d-4ef9-9c30-2d7472bea992] 20:37 <@MinceR> :> 20:47 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Al Bundy was one of my favorite TV characters of all time. 20:47 < DaemonFC[m]> That whole show was great. Parody of the "clean family-oriented programming" like the Cosby Show. 20:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Then Bill Cosby turns out to be a rapist who was drugging women after the far right made him their hero in the 80s and 90s. 20:49 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: In Futureman he's in the past and someone tells him "You're starting to make me hate Bill Cosby.". 20:49 < DaemonFC[m]> He says, "Yeah, well, get used to that I guess.". 20:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Everyone the far-right gathers around turns out to be like an inch away from Hannibal Lecter. 20:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 3 Switches to LXQt, Now Based on Debian GNU/Linux 10.4 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138794 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9caeea9a-35e5-4a33-b261-9970ef0a9f86] 20:51 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: It's gotten so bad that "fairly liberal" in America now means "1970s Republican". 20:52 < DaemonFC[m]> "Democrats Are Worried about Voter Suppression" 20:52 <@MinceR> :> 20:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, but the 50,000 megaton weed whacker for old people that Trump let in while he was busy golfing ought to correct for that somewhat. 20:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Best case, there's easily enough of COVID-19 out there to kill 200,000 Americans before election day. 20:58 < DaemonFC[m]> There's a lot of old people (the group responsible for Trump) that won't get to re-offend. 20:59 < DaemonFC[m]> While the hardest hit states might look like "Oh, that doesn't matter.", it's an even bigger disaster for House Republicans who need to take back the suburbs in blue states. 20:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Small Things that Bug Me in Ubuntu: The Blank Snap Folder http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138796 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ee7a46c3-c015-4a1e-af7c-097942c5c29a] 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Twitler starts his "packed stadium rallies" up in 4 days. 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> The only states and cities going for it are ones dominated by the Republican Party. 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> So have fun with that I guess. 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> It's difficult to see how rallies in Oklahoma help him. He was 20 points ahead already. 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> The electoral system we have makes it irrelevant how many votes he gets in Oklahoma. If he does better than a 20 point lead by a few points because of the rallies, it's essentially wasted votes. 21:02 < DaemonFC[m]> The knife cuts both ways. 21:02 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: I heard me makes the attendees sign waivers in case of COVID-19 contraction. 21:02 < DaemonFC[m]> While the electoral college got him in last time, it also limits the value of expending resources in a state that is not a swing state. 21:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Which he is doing....for some reason. 21:03 < XRevan86> Which makes pragmatic sense, but also shows the risks he's willing to get his supporters to make for this. 21:03 < DaemonFC[m]> He does. He doesn't want anyone suing him over wrongful death after they attend a rally and get Liberal Hoax-19 and die. 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Of course, even if they signed that, their family didn't, and they would be the ones that sue the campaign over wrongful death since death kind of stops the individual from suing over their wrongful death. 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Fuck them. 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> If they get sick and die, less Republicans. 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> If they get sick and live, the faster this thing burns out. 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> There is no downside. 21:05 < DaemonFC[m]> He knows how to give the people what they want, at least. 21:05 <@MinceR> his supporters don't mind dying for the orange idiot 21:05 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: spread 21:05 <@MinceR> so let them 21:05 < DaemonFC[m]> There's something horribly ironic about a man in his 70s holding up a sign that says "Sacrifice the weak! Open up!". 21:06 <@MinceR> though what this planet really need is a major extinction event 21:06 <@MinceR> s/ed/eds/ 21:06 < DaemonFC[m]> I see stupid people. They're everywhere. They don't even know they're stupid. 21:07 < DaemonFC[m]> It would have been better had this started going full force back in January because it would have gotten 60 more days to mow down a bunch of Republicans and get them out of the way before the election. 21:07 <@MinceR> when is election day? 21:07 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: There's like 4.6 million people who will have reached 18 between 2016 and 2020 elections who could conceivably vote if they want. 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Plus COVID is going to kill something like 200,000 old people, who very nearly all vote. 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> So, bonus. 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> "Early Retirement". 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Quit fucking up my country. 21:08 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: It's a calculated sacrifice. Like with the constitution plebiscite. 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: November 3rd, but most states let you cast an absentee ballot. 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> In Illinois, I think voting starts September 20th at the County Building if you want to do that. 21:09 <@MinceR> ic 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I bought an outfit to wear to the polls. 21:10 < DaemonFC[m]> A shirt that depicts the police killing George Floyd. 21:10 < DaemonFC[m]> A face mask that says "Fuck Trump, and if you like him, fuck you too.". 21:10 <@MinceR> :) 21:11 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: When I went to the same office to get a marriage license, I opted for an affirmation that I was telling the truth. 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I told the clerk that I didn't need a spooky Science Fiction reading from a government official that was designed to control people and keep them down. 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I noticed the security layout of the probation department. 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> They have it set up so that if anyone did come in with a gun to kill everyone, that they could hit a panic button and hide behind locked doors and bulletproof glass and the only people to die would be a rent-a-cop and a bunch of other people on probation. 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> It's nice to see what the system thinks of you at least. 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> It's sickening. 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> The right-wing fake media is making as much hay out of the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone as they can. Fox News got caught photoshopping people with machine guns into some pictures. 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> When black people have guns it's basically a national emergency. 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> In fact, a lot of these gun control laws are racist shit, and that's why the NRA used to support it. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> They figured that if you banned felons from owning a gun you'd strip gun rights from about 9 black people for every 1 white guy. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> When a crime is something that white people tend to commit or it could be anyone doing it, it's usually either a misdemeanor or a "wobbler", where whites get the misdemeanor, and black people get the felony. 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: There was a wobbler law with what the cops came after me with. 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> They could have charged it as a felony. 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't think they did me any favors though. 21:20 < DaemonFC[m]> They didn't do any actual police work and by the time they figured out that Shithead was my ex and that this could be a domestic violence felony, we were already in court and the best they could do was reassign the case to a domestic violence courtroom on plain misdemeanor assault charges. 21:21 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So, if they bothered to gather facts, it would have been charged as a Class E Felony and then they would have waved their dicks around and used it to extract a plea to an A Misdemeanor. 21:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Instead they started with A misdemeanors and had to plead it down to 1 Class C Misdemeanor. 21:22 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Sometimes the state gets in it own way when it's trying to be incredibly malicious. 21:23 < DaemonFC[m]> I was at the police station wondering if I was going to get a felony and then when the cop said "Your roommate John told us blah blah blah." I didn't correct them and signed the citation agreeing that I had been charged with a misdemeanor. 21:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Then we get through the arraignment court and I was arraigned on misdemeanor assault, then at the next court date, we had hammered out a deal with the prosecutor already, but they said, "Whoa, wait a minute. We talked to John and it turns out John is his ex, so this needs to go to Domestic Violence court.", but it was too late to charge it as that. 21:25 < DaemonFC[m]> I got extremely lucky. Not only did I plead down to not a hell of a lot and an eventual dismissal of the case, but as disorderly conduct you can go get it expunged in a couple of years. 21:26 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: "Don't interrupt the enemy when he's making a mistake.". 21:26 <@MinceR> sometimes it's a good idea to interrupt the enemy when he's making a mistake :> 21:27 <@MinceR> e.g. the enemy is trying to escape from you but passes through your threatened area :> 21:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, Sun Tzu meant it in the context of when he's making a tactical error that benefits you. 21:28 < DaemonFC[m]> The best way to deal with the SSA is just the facts. 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> You have to answer their questions, but that's all you should do. As succinctly as possible while conveying the intended information. 21:30 < DaemonFC[m]> When you talk to the police, you hand them your ID and then say you're not taking any questions. 21:30 < DaemonFC[m]> There's a lot of ways it could have gone at the police station. One useful fact that I might have given them had I agreed to be interrogated was the nature of my relationship with John. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> The system in the UK is actually worse. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> You can refuse to talk to the police, but if you don't tell them something and then try to use it as a defense, you might not be able to. 21:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices: Linux Plumbers Conference, RISC-V and Advantech http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138797 [https://pleroma.site/objects/56f8fbec-67ba-41b1-949e-535ba8c4af23] 21:39 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138798 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f7692b4a-0668-4e00-98a5-27dea57be798] 21:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FOSS and GNU Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138799 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9dd2ca6d-b185-4f79-af86-1d219a18a421] 21:54 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-hard-truth-of-poker-and-life-youre-never-due-for-good-cards/ 21:54 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- The Hard Truth Of Poker — And Life: You’re Never ‘Due’ For Good Cards | FiveThirtyEight 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, statistics don't necessarily help any particular person. 21:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Servers Leftovers: Toolforge, Kubernetes, OVHcloud and Red Hat http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138800 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ac91207c-34b6-4095-9aa9-b8d620d031ed] 21:55 < DaemonFC[m]> It's kind of interesting that people tend to either believe that they are the biggest influence on everything in their life, and people who believe that shit just happens and someone has to clean it up. 21:56 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a degree of both. 21:56 < DaemonFC[m]> You have to influence the outcome and then hope for the best and then clean up the mess if it blows up on you anyway. 21:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Hope by itself changes nothing, but keeping a positive outlook and remaining calm are better than panicking, even if things get bad. 21:58 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138801 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1095f5ac-6c95-441c-b48a-374bd21e9cc5] 21:59 < DaemonFC[m]> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creedence_Clearwater_Revival#Legal_rights 22:00 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Creedence Clearwater Revival - Wikipedia 22:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Leftovers: Linux Headlines, GNOME and GSoC in LibreOffice and KDE http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138802 [https://pleroma.site/objects/152221f4-edcc-4dcb-8b58-f1ba8a4e81c8] 22:00 < DaemonFC[m]> I remember dad mentioning something about how the record company screwed John Fogerty. 22:00 < DaemonFC[m]> I mentioned that most artists ask Republicans to stop playing their music. 22:03 < schestowitz> Dad is also John IIRC... or Carl? 22:03 < schestowitz> Oh, John is the ex bf 22:03 < schestowitz> Ryan, let me tell you something 22:03 < schestowitz> we went to the stores yesterday 22:03 < schestowitz> 9am 22:03 < schestowitz> as soon as they reopened 22:03 < schestowitz> after nearly 3 months 22:04 < schestowitz> it was a bit depressing 22:04 < schestowitz> doesn't look like they can be profitable unless salaries are lowered and prices raised 22:04 < schestowitz> I don't think this whole "reopen the market" thing will work 22:05 < schestowitz> feels like end of an era 22:05 < schestowitz> I went to the record store 22:05 < schestowitz> not many people there (or anywhere else) 22:05 < schestowitz> I wonder who buys those things now... and branded clothes 22:05 < schestowitz> it's not like people are going to 'go out' much to strut their stuff any time soon 22:06 < schestowitz> the whole consumption/spendings cycle is over 22:06 < schestowitz> people lack the money to spend 22:06 < schestowitz> and those who still have money lack the confidence to waste it on luxiries 22:06 < schestowitz> so the rich get richer 22:06 < schestowitz> people buy necessities by other means 22:06 < schestowitz> and people will eventually revolt 22:09 < schestowitz> http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2020/06/15/second-phase-in-the-uk/ 22:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- schestowitz.com » Blog Archive » The ‘Second Phase’ in the UK is No Shopping Time (Unless You’re Really Desperate) 22:09 < schestowitz> we are not going back 'out there', except for food, for at least one month 22:09 < schestowitz> no point to it, but we were curious to check... 22:11 < insmodppa> And governments the world over are printing to kingdom come to prop up their stock markets. 22:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 16/6/2020: CentOS Linux 8.2 and PinePhone postmarketOS Community Edition http://techrights.org/2020/06/15/centos-linux-8-2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/10c58089-2a4b-4b33-832c-d04984658b1e] 22:13 < schestowitz> yes 22:14 < schestowitz> the currencies will be devalued 22:14 < schestowitz> so savers too will suffer 22:14 < schestowitz> except maybe those rich bastards who put it offshore 22:14 < schestowitz> or maybe savers' tax 22:14 < schestowitz> who knows... 22:14 < schestowitz> it's like they already put interest rates at near zero 22:14 < schestowitz> far less than inflation rates 22:14 < schestowitz> all countries are screws 22:14 < schestowitz> screwed 22:15 < schestowitz> it's a class thing, not nation thing 22:15 < schestowitz> some countries will be screwed more than overs 22:15 < insmodppa> Everyone has become Japan overnight. You pay to save your money in a bank. Time to put it back under the mattress. 22:15 < schestowitz> yesterday I read about hunger in zimbabwe compared to covid19 22:15 < schestowitz> more and more reports about hard access to foot there 22:15 < schestowitz> like the wheelbarrows of money in pre-nazi germany 22:16 < schestowitz> insmodppa: but the currency itself is the issue 22:16 < schestowitz> it will lose value 22:16 < schestowitz> also, they can stop accepting banknotes all of a sudden 22:16 < schestowitz> today they keep announcing, "please use contactless payments" 22:16 < schestowitz> i.e. surveillance 22:17 < schestowitz> of course we only ever pay with cash 22:17 < schestowitz> at least we used crisp, pristine backnotes 22:17 < schestowitz> not some 'dirty' coins 22:21 < schestowitz> In Cyprus they went as far as taking a portion of savers' money 22:21 < schestowitz> like 25% IIRC 22:21 < schestowitz> people mostly forgot about it by now 22:21 < schestowitz> but that's a real risk of keeping money in the bank 22:21 < insmodppa> At least you don't have to cart wheelbarrows of "legal tender" around when they go full digital. 22:21 < schestowitz> maybe you can buy some asset they can less easily claw away at, like houses... 22:22 < schestowitz> but they can impose house taxes too 22:22 < schestowitz> or houses can have their value plunge 22:23 < schestowitz> We withdrew in cash as much as we needed for months to come... back in March 22:23 < schestowitz> just in case banks get all awkward 22:23 < schestowitz> I even paid a fee on some withdrawal, which is a major ripoff 22:24 < insmodppa> I'm surprised the Cyprus debacle isn't brought up more often. As you said, it's mostly forgotten by now. 22:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, the mall looked pretty depressing. 22:26 < DaemonFC[m]> They're trying to advertise a bunch of sales to get people back in. 22:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Some do, most don't. Their anchor stores and the movie theater are in bankruptcy and their restaurants aren't open. 22:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Those were already on the way out. I usually just grab FLACs and convert them to WavPack and stick them on a...stick. 22:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Freed up most of my /home with a $35 thumb drive. Well worth it. You don't need an nvme ssd to play WavPacks. 22:28 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't reserve too many blocks on my /home and I only reserve like 2% of the blocks on / because 5% is kind of nuts. 22:29 < DaemonFC[m]> In fact, I don't think I reserve blocks at all on /home. 22:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Walmart and Amazon got a lot busier, but it's because it's the only places people feel comfortable shopping, and Walmart Grocery Pickup and online ordering surged because lots of people do want to stay out of the store or minimize their time in there. 22:31 < DaemonFC[m]> This has been a tremendously good thing for Walmart. The surge in food at home is great for them because they have a grocery store. Also, it forced most other stores to close and got Walmart declared essential because they have a grocery store. 22:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, the Federal Reserve is predicting that unemployment falls to 9% by December, but that seems like a load of crap by a politicized Fed that's another arm of the Trump Campaign now. 22:33 < DaemonFC[m]> I probably won't go out much unless USCIS calls us for an interview before Trump makes them furlough people because of the budget crisis he created for them on purpose. 22:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Which doesn't cause hyperinflation now because consumer spending has collapsed and unemployment is sky high, but they don't have an exit strategy for once this thing blows over to get the money out of the system again. 22:35 < DaemonFC[m]> I was wondering how I became an L. 22:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Then it hit me, if hundreds of thousands of people lose DI right before the election, Trump goes from maybe finished to certainly finished. 22:36 < DaemonFC[m]> So I'm thinking the L is that they have an eLection to win so they sucked Skynet's brains out, for now. 22:37 < DaemonFC[m]> After the election, they can ram their new rules through and set Skynet to kill anything that moves to purge the rolls. 22:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Previously, Trump's rules regarding Social Security was to make sure that everyone who is on it for psychotic mental illness can buy an AR-15. 22:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The bank is stuck waiving the account fees for us for another 5 years because Mandy was a student when he opened it. 22:40 < DaemonFC[m]> I've been avoiding depositing his paychecks for the most part lately because I'm in bankruptcy and onc his paycheck goes in, the Trustee can declare anything that goes over the limit as fair game for my creditors. 22:41 < DaemonFC[m]> The bank hasn't frozen my accounts though, so that's good. 22:41 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Once it was obvious where this whole mess was going I just started sitting on all my bills. 22:42 < DaemonFC[m]> The smallest one I threw in was $25 as one of the many co-pay bills that came from the hospital last year. 22:42 < DaemonFC[m]> The largest single thing was the car. $19,800 left on the loan. 22:43 < DaemonFC[m]> T-800 Voice: WRONG 22:45 < DaemonFC[m]> They absolutely can fuck up the value of your house. When the mortgage crisis happens, banks foreclose and then the only thing propping up the value of your house is the banks decide not to flood the market so that they don't have to sell them cheaply, but if it's an FHA-backed mortgage, the government might take it and sell it through HUD. 22:45 < DaemonFC[m]> They even have a program called the Dollar Home Program where you can buy a house with serious problems for a few bucks. 22:46 < DaemonFC[m]> People would absolutely lose their shit if that happened here. That's how you get white people burning shit down. 22:47 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: There is some good news. 22:48 < DaemonFC[m]> The condom shortage seems to be abating. 22:49 < DaemonFC[m]> You could say that the people who run the condom companies are master abaters of such problems. 22:52 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 22:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes it's in the dictionary, I checked. Although, Collins says that it fell out of favor in the 19th century and the last published work with it was in 1968. 22:55 -!- smnthermes [~smntherme@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 22:56 < cubexyz> 6 hours ago: 22:56 < cubexyz> "Monsoon may abate chances of wildfires" -> Sedona Red Rock News 22:57 < cubexyz> not uncommon 22:58 < schestowitz> [03:24] I'm surprised the Cyprus debacle isn't brought up more often. As you said, it's mostly forgotten by now. 22:58 < schestowitz> There's a recent and loosely related one in India 22:58 < schestowitz> where they just declared some cash 'invalid' overnight 22:58 < schestowitz> cyprus blamed money laundering 22:58 < schestowitz> like Russia-owned accounts 22:58 < schestowitz> as if to imply savers are crooks anyway 22:59 < schestowitz> India did something similar by insinuating people who hoarded physical money were just criminals 22:59 < schestowitz> or can be presumed as such 22:59 < schestowitz> and boom... there went the money 23:00 < schestowitz> [03:32] Yeah, the Federal Reserve is predicting that unemployment falls to 9% by December, but that seems like a load of crap by a politicized Fed that's another arm of the Trump Campaign now. 23:00 < schestowitz> it was always higher than 9% 23:00 < schestowitz> they don't count a lot of people eligible for work 23:00 < schestowitz> but may have given up searching any longer 23:02 < insmodppa> 9%?! And they accuse China of cooking the books... http://www.shadowstats.com/alternate_data/unemployment-charts 23:02 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.shadowstats.com | Alternate Unemployment Charts 23:02 < cubexyz> what is it really? I'm afraid to look 23:03 < cubexyz> wow 23:09 < schestowitz> Interesting links 23:09 < schestowitz> Video calls seemed an elegant solution to 23:09 < schestowitz> remote work, but they wear on the psyche in 23:09 < schestowitz> complicated ways: 23:09 < schestowitz> https://www.nationalgeographic.com/scienc 23:09 < schestowitz> e/2020/04/coronavirus-zoom-fatigue-is-taxi 23:09 < schestowitz> ng-the-brain-here-is-why-that-happens/ 23:09 < schestowitz> Le télétravail massif, permanent, exclusif 23:09 < schestowitz> qui résulte du Covid-19 n’a rien à voir avec 23:10 < schestowitz> celui d’avant, intermittent, écrit Charles 23:10 < schestowitz> Cuvelliez, de l'Ecole Polytechnique de 23:10 < schestowitz> Bruxelles: 23:10 < schestowitz> https://www.letemps.ch/culture/teletravail-p 23:10 < schestowitz> ermanent-pourrait-penaliser-linnovation 23:10 < schestowitz> (from SUEPO publication) 23:10 < schestowitz> insmodppa: so a third unemployed 23:12 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:27 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has joined #techrights 23:27 < TechrightsBot-tr> Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77 23:42 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 23:52 < DaemonFC[m]> "abater" 23:53 < schestowitz> MinceR: morning 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump had them fake even the U3 numbers of 13.5% last month. 23:53 < schestowitz> do you think it's a good idea to write a techrights post about the master controversy? 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Then they got caught and admitted U3 is at least 16.5%. 23:53 < schestowitz> with or without the carlin video? 23:53 < schestowitz> What do others think? Too sensitive a topic? 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Master controversy? 23:54 < schestowitz> yes 23:54 < schestowitz> the word master is being deleted 23:54 < schestowitz> even in contexts that have nothing to do with slavery like "master branch" in git 23:54 < schestowitz> Maybe instead of doing a post about this.. 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh yeah, even in the ZFS file system. 23:54 < schestowitz> We can cover it indirectly 23:55 < schestowitz> by drawing up a list of "bad" words 23:55 < schestowitz> and joke about why they are "offensive" and must be universally removed 23:55 < schestowitz> like 'manhood" 23:55 < schestowitz> "mankind".. 23:55 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: wow, they also aim at filesystems now? 23:56 < schestowitz> This is going to really mess up literature 23:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Master and Servant by Depeche Mode is now going to sound a lot different. 23:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Primary and Dependent? 23:56 < schestowitz> maybe some technical book authors will be deemed offensive and tasteless in the future 23:56 < schestowitz> lol 23:56 < schestowitz> dependent is not offensive? 23:57 < schestowitz> this is what UK Home Office calls people 23:57 < schestowitz> implying they're submissive and inferior 23:57 < schestowitz> no word will ever be truly satisfying when it implies power imbalance/inequality 23:57 < schestowitz> anyway 23:57 < schestowitz> how can techrights cover it? 23:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I guess it sounds better than unwilling subjects who kind of have rights, but mostly not. 23:57 < schestowitz> without enraging "warriors"? 23:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Plus, less wordy! 23:58 < schestowitz> btw, dining places still have servants 23:58 < schestowitz> airlines also 23:58 < DaemonFC[m]> I thought that TRIGGERING Matthew Garrett would be the best part. 23:58 < schestowitz> call them attendants, or stewards, or service or whatever... 23:58 < schestowitz> doesn't change what they are, just the job title 23:58 < schestowitz> "yo, servant, where's ma coffee!!!" 23:58 < DaemonFC[m]> https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/06/openzfs-removed-master-slave-terminology-from-its-codebase/ 23:59 < schestowitz> "we're ready for the bill, where our table slave?" 23:59 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- arstechnica.com | OpenZFS removed offensive terminology from its code | Ars Technica 23:59 < schestowitz> *where's out 23:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Just bringing it in line with the Linux NewSpeak from the M$ CoC. 23:59 < schestowitz> *our 23:59 < schestowitz> flight attendants have new sanitised titles I didn't even know about 23:59 < schestowitz> I forgot some of them 23:59 < schestowitz> rianne named one --- Day changed Tue Jun 16 2020 00:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, the unemployment is hitting black people a lot worse. They could get restaurant jobs easier than anything else. America is a really fucked up place. 00:00 < schestowitz> they make them sound a lot more senior than they are 00:00 < schestowitz> maybe "representative" 00:00 < schestowitz> or something along those lines 00:00 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: They call Mandy a Customer Service Host. 00:00 < schestowitz> as if fancy job titles alone will fix society's ills when 0.1% of society, the richest, have more wealth than the bottom 90% COMBINED 00:01 < schestowitz> ah, "host" of another one 00:01 < schestowitz> rianne told me of another 00:01 < schestowitz> it's ridiculous 00:01 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Not really going to matter much longer. 00:01 < schestowitz> they keep renaming these things when they get a negative connotation 00:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Bankruptcy courts are going to go into Turbo Mode. 00:01 < schestowitz> prostitutes became "Sex workers" 00:02 < schestowitz> masseuse? "therapist" 00:02 < schestowitz> even if they're not qualified physio-therapists 00:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Someone has to eat it. People will find out that instead of shitty mortgages they have collateralized shopping malls in their retirement accounts. 00:02 < schestowitz> chiros call themselves "doctors" 00:02 < schestowitz> when they're less qualified than even physio-therapists 00:02 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: who will back the collaterals? 00:03 < schestowitz> Let me find that BuzzFeed article 00:03 < DaemonFC[m]> When they go bust? 00:03 < schestowitz> I heard about it 00:03 < schestowitz> but have not ready it 00:03 < schestowitz> hang on... 00:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Retirement accounts fail. 00:03 < DaemonFC[m]> You think the people who package this shit hold onto it? 00:03 < DaemonFC[m]> They didn't last time. 00:04 < schestowitz> found this on the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOwhzHKQ97o 00:04 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Buzzfeed gets Zerohedge suspended from Twitter over coronavirus post - YouTube 00:04 < schestowitz> anyway, cannot find it 00:04 < DaemonFC[m]> They'd write a $600,000 mortgage to a nursing assistant and an electrician and then toss it onto someone who didn't know what it was and then ran like hell. 00:04 < schestowitz> tl;dr ref said they had claims August would cause the whole system to collapse, leading to societal breakdown (they referred to US specifically) 00:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Now it's shopping malls that are missing mortgage payments. 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> The one in Gurnee missed a $1.4 million dollar installment last month. 00:05 < schestowitz> the mall owners? 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Simon (a major mall owner) is in trouble. 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Yep. 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Chapter 11 is months away for these malls even though they don't want to say it yet. 00:06 < schestowitz> what happens then? 00:06 < schestowitz> Can they offload it cheaply? 00:06 < DaemonFC[m]> The mall can be repossessed but then the bank owns a mall that nobody goes to, times tens of thousands. 00:06 < schestowitz> will any US oligarch bother? 00:06 < schestowitz> They never save their country, they just save away in some tax haven 00:06 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Lots of abandoned malls that are left to rot until the town uses eminent domain to bulldoze them. 00:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Get it? 00:07 < schestowitz> I saw it today 00:07 < schestowitz> found it worrying 00:07 < DaemonFC[m]> It was already happening before this. 00:07 < schestowitz> 1 hour of opening, first hour, after 80 days 00:07 < schestowitz> not many people in 00:07 < schestowitz> 10 times less than I expected 00:07 < DaemonFC[m]> When the mall fails you just have a gigantic eyesore until someone tears it down. 00:07 < schestowitz> empty stores, people not even buying much, just browsing to pass time 00:07 < schestowitz> extra stuff for all the health and safety aspects 00:08 < schestowitz> it's a good thing they tore down the outlet near us 00:08 < schestowitz> and didn't start building the new one they had planned 00:08 < schestowitz> with a cinema! 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Seems like many people aren't falling for the attempted gaslighting that the politicians figured would turn it into a V shaped recession. 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> It's looking like an L to me, W at best. 00:08 < schestowitz> they would not want to turn it into parking area now, either... 00:08 < schestowitz> maybe follow the demands to turn it into a forest 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> I've been hoping for years that something would destroy the shopping malls. 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> This should be a public park. Kids should be playing there. Families should be having picnics. 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Instead you get this giant piece of shit to look at. 00:09 < schestowitz> so what's the plan? 00:09 < schestowitz> (in the abstract) 00:09 < schestowitz> what to do now? 00:10 < schestowitz> (not joking. honest q) 00:10 < schestowitz> remember those jobs aren't coming back 00:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I think that Amazon is going to be the 21st century East India Company and Walmart will be big too. 00:10 < schestowitz> I hear of many people with no jobs and no prospect of finding any, either 00:10 < schestowitz> does Mandy still work? 00:10 < schestowitz> IIRC, some servicing job 00:11 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: you can judge by their soaring wealth and share prices, I guess 00:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, Walmart. 00:11 < DaemonFC[m]> I made him hurry up and apply there before there weren't any jobs. 00:11 < schestowitz> they probably did not anticipate such a sudden and fast collapse of their competition 00:11 < schestowitz> eww... walmart 00:11 < DaemonFC[m]> This has accelerated a trend. Probably by at least 20 years. 00:11 < schestowitz> they bought two large grocers here 00:12 < schestowitz> asda and sainsburys, both do home deliveries 00:12 < schestowitz> well, somebody needs to do something about this concentration of power 00:12 < schestowitz> this is becoming so very soviety 00:12 < schestowitz> where the state is just a few corporations 00:12 < schestowitz> each controlling a niche 00:12 < schestowitz> or segment 00:13 < schestowitz> animal farm... is her 00:13 < schestowitz> e*hee 00:13 < schestowitz> *here 00:13 < schestowitz> techies too will be replaced 00:13 < schestowitz> the "cloud" lunacy is taking too much of a foothold 00:13 < schestowitz> so they envision just gafam as all hosting 00:13 < schestowitz> no more rackspace and other 'lesser' 'clouds' 00:14 < schestowitz> Microsoft lays off too 00:14 < schestowitz> I guess they're in a bad position 00:15 < schestowitz> amazon winning as host 00:15 < schestowitz> android as OS 00:15 < schestowitz> (google) 00:15 < schestowitz> what does microsoft have left? 00:15 < schestowitz> github operating at a massive loss... 00:15 < schestowitz> linkedin picking up rust 00:15 < schestowitz> ibm is also a relic 00:15 < schestowitz> many layoffs already confirmed to come soon 00:16 < schestowitz> 95% of workers are 'working' from home 00:16 < schestowitz> they'll be told they're laid off over the Internet 00:16 < schestowitz> maybe IBM will let many from Red Hat go... depending on which project/s they work on 00:17 < schestowitz> Microsoft fired its so-called 'journalists' 00:17 < schestowitz> maybe IBM will axe opensource.com and other Red Hat 'news' sites... 00:17 < schestowitz> someone told me they'd do it within 2 years likely, based on the IBM track record 00:17 < schestowitz> so that means around Oct. of this year 00:17 < schestowitz> they said they'd buy rht around Oct. 2018 iirc 00:17 < oiaohm> schestowitz: https://www.sramanamitra.com/2018/05/15/billion-dollar-unicorns-how-will-github-reach-its-billion-dollar-revenue-target/ Unless Microsoft has really screwed it up github was operating in profit before Microsoft took them over. 00:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.sramanamitra.com | Billion Dollar Unicorns: How Will GitHub Reach Its Billion Dollar Revenue Target? | Sramana Mitra 00:18 < oiaohm> With all the companys github was selling private solutions to. 00:19 < DaemonFC[m]> You forgot a really shitty OS that business users are still fleeing like a house that's on fire that breaks people's home PCs every month. 00:19 < schestowitz> https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanhatesthis/coronavirus-never-agree-second-wave 00:19 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.buzzfeednews.com | To Survive Coronavirus's Second Wave, We Will Have To Agree On What Happened 00:20 < oiaohm> Now if github is operating at a loss for Microsoft it really would show how hated Microsoft is. 00:20 < schestowitz> oiaohm: massive losses: http://techrights.org/2020/04/08/githug/ 00:20 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | GitHug – A Guest Article by Thomas Grzybowski | Techrights 00:20 < schestowitz> based on their SEC filings, iirc 00:20 < schestowitz> someone (Tom) looked into it 00:21 < schestowitz> ewww... buzzfeed has nasty surveillance 00:21 < schestowitz> I cannot even view without accepting 00:21 < schestowitz> I'll never again open their web pages 00:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably people don't want to wake up and find their entire github repo deleted because some random DMCA troll complained, or Facebook....They do it. 00:22 < DaemonFC[m]> That's what happened to instagram-api.. 00:22 < schestowitz> oiaohm: where is an article to back claims of github profitability? 00:22 < schestowitz> oiaohm: I heard Microsoft had panicked, seeing how people flee github (projects and users) 00:23 < schestowitz> they still list me there two years after I DELETED my account: http://techrights.org/2020/05/14/microsoft-fakehub/ 00:23 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Microsoft FakeHub: GitHub is Faking the Number of Developers in GitHub by Listing Non-Existing Ones | Techrights 00:23 < schestowitz> so when they say stuff like "40 million devs" you know they lie 00:23 < schestowitz> but this is typical Microsoft, lying about everything it can 00:26 < oiaohm> schestowitz: I should be more correct github had only just got to operating in profit when Microsoft took them over. So every commercial company to jump ship put github income back into the red. 00:27 < schestowitz> link? 00:27 < schestowitz> (or it "didn't happen") 00:27 < schestowitz> BTW, can you think of words that can be seen as 'offensive' in tech? 00:27 < schestowitz> Other than 'master'? 00:27 < schestowitz> I am trying to come up with a list 00:27 < schestowitz> to make a point 00:29 < schestowitz> Monitor - we should say screen instead. Monitors are used in hospitals to observe the health of ill people. We must not cause people panic (tragedy relived), reminding them of the time they spent on life support or some near-death experience. 00:29 < schestowitz> what else? 00:29 < schestowitz> come up with terms we use in computers 00:30 < schestowitz> that have other terms for them 00:30 < schestowitz> and can be spun as something that 'triggers' some bad memory 00:39 < schestowitz>
  • Monitor - we should say "screen" instead. Monitors are used in hospitals to observe the health of ill people. We must not cause people panic (tragedy relived), reminding them of the time they spent on life support or some near-death experience. 00:39 < schestowitz>
  • Terminal - we must all say "shell" instead. Terminal is the state of a patient who is likely dead by now; when we say terminal it can trigger some bad memories, or someone like a long-lost loved one (often a relative or parent). 00:39 < schestowitz>
  • Ncurses - we should speak of interactive shells; the religion user is likely to associate curses with very bad things. 00:39 < schestowitz>
  • Daemon - See above. We must not remind the religion user of demons. Use buzzwords like "microservice" instead (with the caveat below). 00:39 < schestowitz>
  • Services - this term should be reconsidered; it's too similar to servant, which is a synonym of slave in some contexts. 00:40 < schestowitz>
  • Wiki - use the term "collaborative page" instead. Wiki is Hawaiian for “fast" or "quick" and there may be racial connotations associated with Hawaii, which is a disputed territory with mixed roots. 00:40 < schestowitz>
  • Web (or World Wide Web) - Arachnophobia means that the term can invoke negative feelings or overt fear. Use the term "Interpage" instead. 00:40 < schestowitz>
  • Mouse - same as above, albeit fear of rodents. Say "pointing device" instead. 00:40 < schestowitz> any other ideas? 00:40 < schestowitz> I am still drafting this... 00:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Many people appear to be using github as a mirror, or they remote add something else and let the repo die. 00:44 < insmodppa> Gender-neutral connectors! (Although I have this inkling feeling it's already been done...) 00:44 < DaemonFC[m]> They're probably including lots of fake accounts that don't do anything. 00:45 < DaemonFC[m]> I found dozens of copies of various versions of LAME in github, even though the official repository is a CVS at Sourceforge. 00:45 < DaemonFC[m]> CVS works when there's 2-3 people you can trust that have commit access. 00:46 < DaemonFC[m]> That's why there's a constant "approval backlog" in a project like FreeBSD. 00:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Sometimes good patches come in and nobody is even available to look at them, or doesn't want to commit them for whatever reason. 00:50 < insmodppa> It's impossible to out-crazy the crazies, you'll drive yourself nuts in the process. 00:52 < DaemonFC[m]> You can have my hermaphrodite cables when you pry them from my cold, dead hands. 01:12 < schestowitz> yes, the whole thing about stooping down to one's level 01:12 < schestowitz> and then you make arguments that should be common sense but are somehow controversial or outrageous 01:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Offensive Words We Should Uproot and Eliminate From Technology http://techrights.org/2020/06/16/offensive-words/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/869d2c70-23d3-4949-bcc9-0927210b78b0] 01:43 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:43 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 02:02 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:17 -!- Digitteknohippie [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 02:19 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 02:35 -!- Digitteknohippie [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:46 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 03:13 -!- smnthermes [~smntherme@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:15 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@] has joined #techrights 03:24 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 03:25 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 03:25 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:25 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 03:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: I will define 2020 as the first year of the Linux desktop http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138803 [https://pleroma.site/objects/88b3d1c3-266e-4915-bd4f-86b5ad844ff3] 03:52 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:31 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 04:31 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 05:10 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:11 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has joined #techrights 05:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux kernel colonel Torvalds... http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138752#comment-25515 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b82d2a44-fff0-4c4f-b924-84bb56e70201] 05:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138809 [https://pleroma.site/objects/33e783dc-7455-4ed8-877c-c3044cbf1289] 05:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: NVIDIA Jetson Nano Powered Edge AI System Supports one PoE Camera, Operates in -30 to +60°C Temperature Range http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138788#comment-25513 [https://pleroma.site/objects/42ce8aa5-9142-42dc-a32a-8cec525205e8] 05:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FFmpeg 4.3 Released with Vulkan Support, AMD AMF Encoder, and AviSynth+ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138808 [https://pleroma.site/objects/40a79f8f-b11b-4fe9-a17c-aee6463e7573] 05:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138810 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fbd056a8-99b9-4ff0-b04d-7850cbba241a] 05:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Is Ubuntu an enterprise Linux distribution? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138807 [https://pleroma.site/objects/db507d05-12d6-4de4-864d-104f039f1faf] 05:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: How To Change Inkscape Icon Theme on Ubuntu http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138806 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b0148d5e-bce8-4af0-b599-0785459a200e] 05:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Changing the world with open source: GNOME president shares her story http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138804 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d8b0c10d-3928-4ebf-9cdd-2ddf18898aff] 05:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: How to know if you're ready to switch from Mac to Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138805 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7b5e7882-7e7b-4271-8a96-460526995dda] 05:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux PinePhone ‘Community Edition’ With postmarketOS: All You Need To Know http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138783#comment-25516 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7e30b7cc-ae85-48d8-9c18-aaa7b2f96320] 05:56 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 06:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138811 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f3814769-d4e3-4363-a0f1-4bbca55108ae] 06:13 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@] has left #techrights [] 06:17 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 06:18 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 06:58 <@MinceR> schestowitz: it's probably worth writing about 07:40 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 07:41 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:11 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/happy-3 08:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Happy 08:13 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:18 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:18 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:31 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:32 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:46 <@MinceR> (cat) https://img.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/8fd6726e22d16ff4.jpg 08:48 < schestowitz> MinceR: I did at the end 08:50 <@MinceR> :) 08:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: WebKit Flatpak SDK and gst-build http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138534#comment-25517 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a058a16-b374-42a1-85a2-7ee43e15e8ff] 09:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: CrowPi2 Raspberry Pi 4 Laptop Doubles as Electronics Learning Kit (Crowdfunding) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138812 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fa4bd816-dfc5-4569-8914-601f7b532bb2] 09:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Launches Appliances For Raspberry Pi http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138813 [https://pleroma.site/objects/58629fd4-d617-45c6-8729-984ee028dd62] 09:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Clunky Hero, Nebuchadnezzar, Prison Architect and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138815 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c9d56cda-71f5-4d83-9c28-78c56742098f] 09:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138816 [https://pleroma.site/objects/90bcf32b-ecff-47ac-ac17-2521c886b6be] 09:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138814 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4d8501e6-5e13-4c98-8966-0478606d9488] 09:41 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 09:41 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Threat to Windows and Linux cannot be really put in the same basket http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138817 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d058af5b-5a97-4956-9e42-38cf36bbae92] 10:03 < schestowitz> MinceR: https://joindiaspora.com/posts/18372178 10:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @schestowitz@joindiaspora.com: "Just changing the words does not solve the problems in the real-world, IMHO (of course, it's my opinion, may it be different from yours)." https://henrich-on-debian.blogspot.com/2020/06/excitement-kills-thinking.html me: http://techrights.org/2020/06/16/offensive-words/ 10:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- -> henrich-on-debian.blogspot.com | excitement kills thinking 10:03 <@MinceR> exactly 10:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- -> techrights.org | Offensive Words We Should Uproot and Eliminate From Technology | Techrights 10:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: AMDGPU, RADV, GLSL http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138818 [https://pleroma.site/objects/36024b50-0816-4206-af77-10079f96a1da] 10:12 -!- Glyphie44__ [sid163528@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jtswgtsioyjdrjyf] has joined #techrights 10:15 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:16 -!- Glyphie44_ [sid163528@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eofbmrvjxgwqrfij] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:16 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-erqhsssmyiwglrxe] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:18 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gtyunfejxuwoaffq] has joined #techrights 10:18 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:19 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has joined #techrights 10:22 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has joined #techrights 10:22 < TechrightsBot-tr> Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77 10:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138819 [https://pleroma.site/objects/84ce1a81-dd25-41b4-8e6a-462a7b3dcbc9] 10:32 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 10:32 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 10:33 < DaemonFC[m]> https://m.jpost.com/international/chinese-military-scientist-arrested-at-us-airport-stole-us-lab-research-631522/amp 10:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Wang's position roughly corresponds with the rank of Major, according to a statement by the US Department of Justice. 10:33 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- m.jpost.com | Chinese military scientist arrested at US airport, stole US lab research - The Jerusalem Post 10:33 < DaemonFC[m]> So what you're saying is that Trump now does have a Major Wang? Right before the election too! 10:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Very convenient. 10:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138820 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a487477b-8af5-4f6c-b4f5-60cefc1945b9] 10:35 <@MinceR> :> 10:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Fedora, Red Hat and Kubernetes http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138821 [https://pleroma.site/objects/59c4667a-87df-4617-a50e-3a6fe6aa539a] 10:39 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668918.png 10:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138822 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4242fb8d-0890-4d34-ac47-1b3c15634fd1] 10:50 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 10:50 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 11:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 16/6/2020: HardenedBSD Report, FFmpeg 4.3 Released, Ubuntu Appliance Portfolio http://techrights.org/2020/06/16/ubuntu-appliance-portfolio/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/32030517-66c3-4bbf-8c5d-811bf7ae8186] 11:20 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 11:24 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 11:33 < DaemonFC[m]> I like the anti-ZFS fud out there that says that only Oracle supports it now and as part of Solaris. 11:34 < DaemonFC[m]> The top contributors to OpenZFS, which is forked from the last version under the CDDL (from OpenSolaris), are former Sun engineers, including one of them that was one of the inventors of ZFS. 11:35 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't know where the trolls are coming from. If Oracle is having people write anonymous complaints about ZFS or if it's from the "Die ZFS! Die, die, die!" crowd on the Linux side because the module isn't GPL licensed. 11:35 <@MinceR> i wonder if Obstacle is planning to sue people for using zfs on non-slowlaris 11:35 < DaemonFC[m]> It doesn't strike me as some code that's just rotting and just barely being bumped to build with Linux. 11:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Legal issues aside, it doesn't strike me as bad or rotting code, which is where the trolls seem to be getting at. 11:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I think that if they could they probably would have already. This thing regarding Java is apparently never going to end, so maybe they're not spoiling for a fight with Canonical over something that is another highly contentious issue that not even lawyers can agree on. 11:38 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Consider the Cookie Patent Lawsuit that kept rising from the grave for over 15 years. 11:38 <@MinceR> well, it doesn't really fit any OS as it duplicates all the functionality anyway :> 11:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The Cookie Patent Lawsuit was the third worst patent and/or copyright dispute I've ever seen, over software. The RIAA vs. the Internet thing was very bad, but it did not end well, for the RIAA. 11:41 < DaemonFC[m]> A patent troll claimed that they had the patent for magic cookies in computer software. They sued Netscape, and then AOL had to defend the lawsuit. 11:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Conceivably, if ValuClick had won the litigation, then any software that used a magic cookie, including X11, would infringe. 11:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, BtfFS tried to be the next gen file system for Linux and then the design was pretty much botched and the only people I know of that promote it now is Suse. 11:44 < DaemonFC[m]> It ended up performing so poorly that Red Hat walked away and deleted the kernel module from their RHEL 8 release. 11:44 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: You can get as many opinions as lawyers you talk to. 11:45 < DaemonFC[m]> So nobody really knows what would happen with ZFS in court. 11:45 <@MinceR> yeah, btrfs was another craptastic fs from obstacle 11:45 <@MinceR> i tried it on a usb flash drive 11:45 <@MinceR> it lasted for about a week before it shat itself 11:45 < DaemonFC[m]> The argument that shipping it as a loadable module works as a GPL condom. 11:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Red Hat's lawyers disagree. 11:45 <@MinceR> but at least btrfs fit into the design of linux 11:45 <@MinceR> zfs doesn't 11:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Ubuntu went shopping and found a lawyer that says the GPL Condom Defense of shipping it as a module works. 11:46 <@MinceR> zfs was deliberately licensed in a way incompatible with linux because sun was so afraid of linux 11:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Actually, BtrFS isn't Linux-ey at all. 11:46 <@MinceR> at least it doesn't reinvent the whole raid layer 11:47 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a layering violation that pisses all over the VFS and the LVM layers. 11:47 <@MinceR> yes, zfs is that :> 11:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Mostly the point of VFS and LVM are that they can be shared among native file systems and you don't have to reimplement special code for each file system that will all have their own bugs in something that could be shared. 11:48 <@MinceR> indeed 11:49 < DaemonFC[m]> it also cuts down on resource footprint because Linux uses a fuckton of file systems that the user never really sees and they can all call that shared code. 11:49 < DaemonFC[m]> On a modern computer, it's not that big of a savings, but there was a time.... 11:50 < DaemonFC[m]> I may do a fresh install of Fedora 33. 11:50 <@MinceR> what for? 11:51 < DaemonFC[m]> They're talking about eliminating the swap entirely on computers with sufficient RAM and just creating a compressed RAM drive for it unless memory usage swells to the point that it has to give up and create a swap file for the time being. 11:51 < DaemonFC[m]> It would let me reclaim 8 GB of my SSD. 11:52 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not nothing. It's about 1.6% of total space. 11:52 <@MinceR> and how will they hibernate? 11:53 < DaemonFC[m]> I suppose if the user wants to hibernate it could just create a swap file on the fly and put everything in that until the computer wakes up again. 11:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Ubuntu uses a swap file that dynamically resizes itself. 11:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Although 19.10 I think had a bug where if you set up encrypted LVM, it failed to set up the swap file. 11:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Ubuntu always seems to have weird file system related bugs in their setup program. 11:54 <@MinceR> what could possibly go wrong? 11:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Right now they have one where Ubuntu 20.04 LTS fails to boot if you have ZFS pools that exist and are called bpool or rpool. 11:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Their ZFS offering seems to be chock full 'o bugs. 11:55 < DaemonFC[m]> It screams to me of hack on top of hack alert. 11:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Things that are held together by hacks rarely stay working as intended. 11:56 < DaemonFC[m]> It's probably better to use a native file system and stratus. 11:59 < DaemonFC[m]> The big issue here when you use an out of tree module is that the Linux developers won't stop you, but it's also far from being guaranteed to work. 11:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Plasma "5.19", Virtualbox, Kernel "5.7.1" update in Tumbleweed http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138723#comment-25520 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e32588e9-44f3-4052-8a8c-1a08f4f37e65] 11:59 < DaemonFC[m]> So you could end up in a situation where ZFS becomes unsupportable or they have to remove it because of a lawsuit, and all of your data is on it. 12:01 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR The only reason I continued using MP3 for so long was because of an iPod. 12:01 < DaemonFC[m]> I used a reverse engineered library to sync it with Linux. 12:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Apple's MP3 encoder appears to be licensed from FhG at some point and then abandoned. 12:02 < DaemonFC[m]> It has behavior of earlier releases of FastEnc or MP3Enc. 12:03 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's roughly unchanged from where the FhG stuff was in the early 2000s. 12:03 < DaemonFC[m]> That seems to be why it underperforms LAME so much. 12:04 < DaemonFC[m]> My guess is Apple had to support MP3, but they didn't want it to be the best MP3 implementation it could be, or people might decide to use it. 12:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #HP #Linux Imaging and Printing Drivers Now Support #Fedora 32, #RHEL 8.2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138823 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5461c2fb-b71a-4c78-a8ca-d97d7da44dff] 12:07 < DaemonFC[m]> The MP3 format, of course, supports VBR (mandatory), and the FhG code Apple licensed had it. 12:07 <@MinceR> apple users don't want the best implementation anyway 12:07 <@MinceR> if they did, they wouldn't be apple users 12:07 < DaemonFC[m]> But they disabled it and force CBR. 12:07 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138824 [https://pleroma.site/objects/20470bea-4f85-485f-a348-77cc81f22455] 12:07 <@MinceR> it would be like buying a bmw and expecting it to not set itself on fire 12:08 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 12:08 < DaemonFC[m]> "MP3 Encoder: Use if you plan to listen to music in apps other than iTunes, or on MP3 players other than iPod, iPhone, or iPad." 12:08 < DaemonFC[m]> LOL 12:08 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 12:08 < DaemonFC[m]> All of those devices support MP3. 12:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I sent them down the wire to my iPod using libimobiledevice. 12:08 < DaemonFC[m]> After encoding them with the latest version of LAME. 12:09 < DaemonFC[m]> They also support decoding VBR MP3 even though you can't make one with iTunes it seems. 12:09 < DaemonFC[m]> I found that LAME -V4 did a fairly good job of quality/space ratio on my iPod. 12:09 < DaemonFC[m]> I think I had 80 GB of flash storage. 12:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 will block Ubuntu Snap by default http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138737#comment-25521 [https://pleroma.site/objects/11d09f28-e34a-4df3-9858-e47be06deee1] 12:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Which was pretty high end for 2007. 12:10 < DaemonFC[m]> The hardware was pretty good, but I was definitely not using it like Apple intended. :) 12:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Removing high frequencies in AAC/Vorbis is the best insufficient bits strategy. 12:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Even though they can store the data efficiently, it just makes sense to sacrifice that first, starting with the highest frequencies and working down. 12:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Vorbis isn't aggressive enough, in my opinion. 12:12 < DaemonFC[m]> FDK-AAC is too aggressive. 12:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Getting started with Double Commander http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138825 [https://pleroma.site/objects/04f67424-8d19-4df3-adb7-dd61a888ab89] 12:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Opus can preserve band energy and might as well keep it by its design since it's very cheap to do, even though it won't be incredibly accurate. (Doesn't have to be.) 12:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Opus is undoubtedly the best lossy codec. Apple has bent over backwards to avoid supporting it correctly. 12:15 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Although xHE-AAC has new patents, you get a license to those patents by paying for the patent pool license at no additional cost. 12:15 <@MinceR> or i could just use FLAC 12:15 < DaemonFC[m]> They're really trying to push it as a "Might as well. We already paid for it." thing.. 12:15 < DaemonFC[m]> The easiest way to support AAC is only support LC-AAC, don't pay them anything since the patents expired, and call it a day. 12:16 < DaemonFC[m]> That solves the use case of very nearly all of your users. 12:16 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: That's exactly what Fedora does, btw. 12:17 < DaemonFC[m]> They ripped out all of the code to produce/decode HE-AAC and shipped the LC profile. 12:17 <@MinceR> who cares 12:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #HPLIP 3.20.6 Released with New Printers, Fedora 32 Support http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138823#comment-25522 [https://pleroma.site/objects/73c0cd0c-81d3-45c7-8079-3230cd9e6bb1] 12:17 < DaemonFC[m]> I thought it was hilarious. 12:17 <@MinceR> fedora became thoroughly broken with version 15 and it will never be fixed 12:17 <@MinceR> it was "developed" since to the point where their installer won't even boot in a VM 12:18 <@MinceR> it's a bad joke, not an OS 12:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Fraunhofer put this thing out encouraging people to build it and pay all this patent money. 12:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Instead, Fedora patches out all of the patented bits that people mostly don't use anyway, and ships the core profile. 12:18 <@MinceR> ubunturd did boot, and then its UI froze halfway through the installation process 12:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Ubuntu has many weird bugs. 12:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I gave up on it with Unity. 12:18 <@MinceR> so when i needed cancerd to run some fiasco systems PoS for my work, i ended up installing deadian in a vm 12:19 <@MinceR> it too is a huge pile of shit but at least it can be installed and booted 12:19 < DaemonFC[m]> The GUI was a radical departure from normal and not in any ways that enhanced productivity. 12:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Router Freedom in Europe +++ Hamburg pro Free Software +++ European Parliament http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138826 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2b79a438-1cc8-4343-98fb-7783b383a759] 12:19 <@MinceR> (said fiasco systems piece of shit does make a token gesture toward running on a non-cancerd system, but i doubt those idiots even tested whether it works at all) 12:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I hear Debian isn't a nightmare to set up anymore. 12:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Last time, I could definitely see why few people bothered with it. 12:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Most normal people don't want to sit there reading documentation for days on end to make their PC work. 12:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Saying you have this incredibly half-baked Desktop Role and then when people deploy it, it's only kind of set up for them is not how you attract users. 12:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Ubuntu does a lot of things that are not well thought out. 12:22 <@MinceR> well, it probably can't be set up anymore 12:22 <@MinceR> unless you don't really need any packages 12:22 <@MinceR> they probably let you use a real init system, they will just insist on reversing that if you try to install anything 12:22 <@MinceR> that way, in their tiny minds, they can claim that they've given you a choice 12:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi Gets Open-Source Healthcare Management App http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138756#comment-25523 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c9aa7e3b-51e2-4988-8460-735717e656bb] 12:34 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138827 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c3eadb0f-53d4-4162-a09d-5e4a79151352] 12:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Eight Features Not In Linux 5.8 From The DirectX Kernel Driver To FSGSBASE & DAMON http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138275#comment-25524 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9a4c1d18-8142-44ae-a1f9-6ff960242438] 12:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm sure that they've managed to not only include systemd but even managed to set it up incorrectly so that it behaves even more erratically than it should. 12:40 <@MinceR> well, if their live media being able to boot at all (unlike fedora) is "erratic", then certainly so :> 12:40 <@MinceR> after all, fedora functions consistently, that is, not at all 12:43 < DaemonFC[m]> It's been in use on my laptop from version 26-32. 12:44 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd say they've definitely done some bad things upstream in Linux that gave me problems. 12:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138828 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0c3cd2f9-bb2f-4b69-bbe7-d1f9e7bf5d51] 12:44 < psydread> and that is the case on x86_64 12:44 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668909.jpg 12:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Like completely disabling GPU power management over a very minor security flaw, leaving it broken for months, and then giving up and turning it back on. 12:44 < psydread> on some other architectures it has been uninstallable 12:44 < DaemonFC[m]> I ended up using an old kernel until they did turn it back on. 12:46 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.yourdoll.com/sex-dolls-legal/ 12:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.yourdoll.com | Are Sex Dolls Legal in the United States? - Your Doll 12:47 < DaemonFC[m]> This reminds me of that guy that got prosecuted during the Bush administration for having drawings (manga) that might be construed as "children" if you looked at them just right. 12:47 < DaemonFC[m]> It's this weird thing that comes up every time there's a Republican in the White House. They try to go after people with obscenity laws and almost always lose. 12:48 < DaemonFC[m]> I wonder what RMS would have to say about all of this. 12:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Actually, that article is not correct. Some states (Alabama, iirc, is one of them.) have laws against sex toys. 12:49 < DaemonFC[m]> They occasionally prosecute people for ordering them over the internet. 12:49 <@MinceR> you're supposed to fuck close relatives, not sex dolls. 12:51 <@MinceR> then the resulting children must be born, regardless of how much suffering it will guarantee them in life, then, since they're born and have no rights anymore, can be sent to fight in some war for some rich people's interests. 12:51 <@MinceR> christian "morality"! 12:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Hackable #CrowPi2 STEAM education laptop available with 8GB #RaspberryPi http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138812#comment-25525 #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/93ea7bb7-ad05-46b5-92a0-c565d943fe22] 12:53 < DaemonFC[m]> People like Matthew Garrett piss me off. They're as annoying as Republicans, just on the opposite end of the spectrum, and often have the same goals in the end. 12:54 < DaemonFC[m]> The Republicans have weird hangups about sex because they're creeps. 12:55 < DaemonFC[m]> On the other end, SJWs do because they've invented terms like microaggressions, and porn and sex toys are an attack on womyn. 12:55 <@MinceR> authoritarians have mostly congregated into 2 factions, so they can have a numerous designated enemy group they can point to and claim to be superior to 12:57 < DaemonFC[m]> They really outdid themselves this time. 12:57 < DaemonFC[m]> All womyn must be believed, except Tara Reade. 12:58 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668869.jpg 12:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump has not made Tara Reade a campaign issue because he's a real pig and he probably doesn't want attack ads with 20-some women in them. 13:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM: New Fedora 32 Builds, Red Hat Satellite and Marketing/PR With COVID http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138829 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7b14b173-ad36-4dc9-b59c-ac68d3fa7e97] 13:02 < schestowitz> MinceR: nice.. 13:02 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: IIRC it was the UK where there was a high-profile incident related to this months ago 13:02 < schestowitz> someone ordered online a doll which he said he didn't know was 'too small' 13:03 < schestowitz> A argument could be made that people who are sick and find kids sexually attractive (and cannot be 'cured' off it) would harm children more if they didn't manage to relieve themselves with objects 13:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Most of them are not of the correct anatomical shape and size, just "close enough". 13:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Keeps manufacturing and shipping costs down. 13:04 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: maybe if the dolls have breasts too small, that too would make it "pedophilia" 13:04 < schestowitz> like some people might call porn stars with flat breasts something for 'sick' people 13:04 < DaemonFC[m]> I was actually thinking that. So they're doing something to a hunk of plastic instead of maybe breaking the law. 13:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Isn't that better? 13:05 < schestowitz> as if to say not you're not allowed to have sex with woman who are adults but are 'too flat' 13:05 < schestowitz> which would of course stir up racist allegations, too 13:05 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: RMS spoke about this in the context of necrophilia 13:05 < schestowitz> I think he also spoke about dolls, but nothing I can remember vividly 13:06 < schestowitz> he had some page where he spoke about the damage done to the corpse being less severe because it's not aware of it 13:06 < schestowitz> which afaik isn't a defence of necrophilia 13:06 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't see how it would be one. 13:06 < schestowitz> but if you're to convict people, unless you also killed the person, they might want to take relative harm into account 13:06 < schestowitz> same for people who rape animals 13:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Generally, what makes a person a person is being alive and aware of what is happening to them. 13:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Once you're dead, that's gone forever. 13:07 < schestowitz> and some would allege that some animals might sometimes "enjoy" it )(yuck) 13:07 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: but that's another law 13:07 < schestowitz> maybe desecration of bodies 13:07 < DaemonFC[m]> I think RMS said that too. 13:07 < schestowitz> if you dismember bodies, it might make the sentence worse after killing them 13:07 < schestowitz> same for cannibalism and decapitation etc. 13:08 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: the anti-RMS lobby used that page as evidence of thoughtcrime 13:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, I met someone off Grindr one time who was 17. (Legal in this state.) 13:08 < schestowitz> as if RMS somehow advocated those things 13:08 < schestowitz> depends on your age 13:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Then we were sitting at the mall talking and he asked "Do you like dogs?". 13:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I was like, "Uhm, in what context?". 13:08 < schestowitz> I think if you're 57, it might be problematic for you two to date or have intercourse 13:09 < schestowitz> There's that Roy Moore guy, dated little girls 13:09 < DaemonFC[m]> He told me he wanted me to have sex with his dog. I said, "Okay, we're done here.". 13:09 < schestowitz> ewww 13:09 < schestowitz> animal abuse 13:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, people in Chicago tend to be pretty messed up. 13:10 < schestowitz> there's that south park episode 13:10 < schestowitz> where cartman (iirc) 'milks' the dog in front of house guests, not realising what's going on 13:10 < DaemonFC[m]> LOL 13:10 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The police in Gurnee bait gay people. 13:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Fake profiles of 15/16 year olds. 13:10 < schestowitz> anyway, if those subjects (sex dolls, bodies, zoophilia) ever get brought up, you might be quoted out of context 13:11 < DaemonFC[m]> It's never 17 because that wouldn't be a crime. 13:11 < schestowitz> oh, so it's that whole "gays" 'prey on kids' narrative... 13:11 < schestowitz> as if there aren't dudes who look for schoolgirld 13:11 < schestowitz> *girls 13:11 < DaemonFC[m]> yeah, and they do it in Illinois 13:11 < schestowitz> maybe the PD is homophobic 13:11 < schestowitz> how many gay cops are employed there? 13:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably. 13:12 < DaemonFC[m]> In Indiana, the age of consent is 16. 13:12 < schestowitz> those ages are arbitrary 13:12 < schestowitz> RMS once talked about maturity differences 13:12 < schestowitz> mental and physical 13:12 < DaemonFC[m]> They can't really do much of anything over it. Sometimes if the parent complains they're at your house or something they can hit you with a misdemeanor. 13:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Contributing to Delinquency. 13:13 < schestowitz> some races reach at age 16 the sort of sexual maturity others reach maybe at 18 13:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Most people aren't too stupid to know what they're doing at 16-17. 13:13 < DaemonFC[m]> They can drive a car and own a gun in Indiana. 13:13 < schestowitz> so going by DoB alone might be not so ideal... though it's a tricky and prickly situation altogether... remember that in many Muslim countries people marry little girls 13:14 < schestowitz> and they tell us to treat that as "cultural differences", not pedophilia 13:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, and it's like 11 years old. 13:14 < schestowitz> some of them have not even reached puberty, years behind it... but it's Islamophobic to bring that up 13:14 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not even debatable. That's terrible. 13:14 < schestowitz> Rural US has the same issue, which is unspeakable in mainstream media because it harms the image of Christianity too 13:15 < DaemonFC[m]> "Cultural child rape" 13:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Have to respect! 13:15 < schestowitz> like parents arranging marriages after someone raped a niece or a neighbour, who's well under age of consent 13:16 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, that's actually a defense in court in some states. 13:16 < DaemonFC[m]> It's pretty sick. 13:16 < schestowitz> what is? 13:16 < schestowitz> That it was arrange to 'settle' things? 13:16 < schestowitz> And now that they're adult and married, all is forgiven? 13:16 < DaemonFC[m]> You broke the law by having sex with a 13 year old or something but it's okay because the parents signed off and you got "married" later. 13:16 < schestowitz> *arranged 13:16 < schestowitz> child bribes, grooming... 13:17 < schestowitz> all sorts of terms are used here 13:17 < DaemonFC[m]> No, the prosecutor literally cannot prosecute a rape that already occurred against a child if you are currently married when they go to bring charges. 13:17 < schestowitz> but the law is now catching up 13:17 < DaemonFC[m]> It works like that in Mississippi. 13:17 < schestowitz> and the fear of the courts being called racist may be a factor 13:17 < schestowitz> Remember: 13:17 < schestowitz> in Islam... 13:17 < schestowitz> Sometimes... 13:17 < schestowitz> if not by law 13:17 < schestowitz> the rapist can marry the victim 13:17 < schestowitz> or... 13:17 < schestowitz> the victim can be forced.coerced to marry her rapist 13:18 < schestowitz> iirc, also if underage 13:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Islam is pretty much the most despicable mainstream religion. 13:18 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not exactly a photo finish either. 13:18 < schestowitz> and the law would be on the rapist's side... that's one heck of an incentive to rape... even little girld 13:19 < schestowitz> you get rewarded with marriage to an unwanting and unwilling girl, even young girl, by sexually assaulting her 13:19 <@MinceR> 16 190352 < schestowitz> A argument could be made that people who are sick and find kids sexually attractive (and cannot be 'cured' off it) would harm children more if they didn't manage to relieve themselves with objects 13:19 <@MinceR> obviously 13:19 <@MinceR> but fundamentalists are immune to reason 13:19 < schestowitz> they're too busy "thinking about the children" when it suits them 13:19 < schestowitz> not Roy Moore 13:19 < schestowitz> Roy Moore is great 13:19 < schestowitz> and Trump was just "kidding" about groping women 13:19 < DaemonFC[m]> There's basically no way to cure it that doesn't involve castration. 13:20 < schestowitz> and they wanted it anyway, they tell us, they were 'lucky' to be molester by the Return of the Christ Donald J Thumppp 13:20 <@MinceR> whether he was "kidding" or not was probably decided afterwards 13:20 < schestowitz> *molested 13:20 <@MinceR> people didn't like it => only kidding 13:20 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I don't think it's uncommon or creepy to be attracted to older teenagers. 13:21 < DaemonFC[m]> If it was, there wouldn't be a huge market for "barely legal", some of which have people go in there and show an ID that has their birthday on it that day. 13:21 < schestowitz> https://boingboing.net/2016/11/11/hitlers-only-kidding-about.html 13:21 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- boingboing.net | "Hitler's only kidding about the antisemitism" New York Times, 1922 / Boing Boing 13:21 < DaemonFC[m]> It's frowned upon to say what everyone already knows though, for some reason. 13:21 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio:unimportant) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/a33258681ebfffd9.mp4 13:22 <@MinceR> lol @ headline 13:22 < schestowitz> When you ask Trump about racism and stuff he'd also end up saying it's just a joke 13:22 < schestowitz> if it gets too hot, even from GOP politicians 13:22 < DaemonFC[m]> The Nazis had a lot of support in the US. 13:22 < DaemonFC[m]> People pointing to Hitler's "economic miracle" in Germany that basically reversed their awful recession overnight. 13:23 < schestowitz> MinceR: I thought he was going to flush 13:23 < schestowitz> but then the video ends 13:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, refusing to pay war reparations and passing a huge public works campaign and rearmament tends to do that. 13:23 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 13:24 < DaemonFC[m]> You need lots of people working all of a sudden to build roads and bridges and dams and power plants and tanks, guns, bombs, and airplanes. 13:24 <@MinceR> also, damn, i didn't know boingboing was such an unholy barrage of ads without an adblocker 13:24 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 13:24 < schestowitz> and labour camps... they're more productive at it 13:24 < DaemonFC[m]> So unemployment goes down to zero and suddenly you're a genius for putting people to work who had been totally sidelined and forgotten about. 13:24 < schestowitz> MinceR: it's a dying site 13:24 < schestowitz> even doctorow left it 13:24 < schestowitz> they also put Microsoft spam there 13:25 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: the New Deal worked in a sense... 13:25 < schestowitz> but I think it wasn't geared towards invading countries 13:25 < DaemonFC[m]> We need another one....immediately. 13:25 < schestowitz> yup 13:25 < schestowitz> here also 13:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Instead, what we get is trillions flowing to banks and Wall Street while they fire everyone. 13:25 < schestowitz> very high employment deficity 13:26 < schestowitz> people don't use their productive potential, and many possible projects can be started, like extending canal works and improving the infrastructure 13:26 < schestowitz> but that requires importing tools and material, training too 13:26 < DaemonFC[m]> The stock market only looks good because the Fed stepped in and is buying ETFs and corporate bonds that nobody actually wants. 13:26 < schestowitz> the stock market is not the economy 13:26 < schestowitz> it's a mirage 13:27 < schestowitz> the oligarchs point to it 13:27 < DaemonFC[m]> The private sector is being snapped up by the Central bank at a rate of hundreds of billions of dollars per month. 13:27 < DaemonFC[m]> It's absolutely horrific and it will not end well. 13:27 < schestowitz> because it shows THEIR wealth as a surrogate of COLLECTIVE (national) wellbeing 13:27 < schestowitz> which is false 13:27 < schestowitz> all the markets went up a lot while wages stagnated, so that tells enough... 13:27 < DaemonFC[m]> This is basically nationalizing the economy by any other name than Communism. 13:28 < schestowitz> Socialism For the Rich 13:28 < schestowitz> Trillions of businessman 13:28 < schestowitz> *men 13:28 < schestowitz> sometimes women 13:28 < schestowitz> sometimes 13:28 < DaemonFC[m]> The Federal Reserve is partially a government agency and partially a privately owned bank. 13:28 < schestowitz> it's not good to say that the system is by men, for men... still... with "diversity" lip service to appease critics 13:29 < DaemonFC[m]> People should really be taking their stocks now and selling them soon if they have any. 13:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Putting it in something real, like gold and silver. 13:29 < DaemonFC[m]> The value of the Dollar will plummet eventually while the adjusted value in gold will increase. 13:30 < DaemonFC[m]> There's a limited supply of gold and people always like it. 13:30 < DaemonFC[m]> It's pretty obvious. 13:30 < schestowitz> if you can keep it safe 13:30 < DaemonFC[m]> yeah, that 13:30 < schestowitz> most people keep their gold in some banking systems 13:30 < schestowitz> in cellars and stuff, sometimes overseas 13:30 < schestowitz> they can be denied access to these one day 13:30 < schestowitz> if stored at home, it can be stolen by break-in 13:31 < schestowitz> or you cannot find a buyer for it when times get tough 13:31 < schestowitz> there's a huge online BS market for gold and other metals 13:31 < schestowitz> and they pump up hype into it 13:31 < schestowitz> helps them 1) sell it 13:31 < schestowitz> 2) drive up the price of it 13:31 < schestowitz> so either way they profit 13:32 < schestowitz> and you end up with some paper of slip saying you have some bar of $METAL somewhere 13:32 < schestowitz> and you don't get very good assurances of access to it 13:32 < schestowitz> see the collapsing bitcoin companies 13:32 < schestowitz> where the assets just vanished without trace and without warning 13:32 < schestowitz> I don't regard these as any safer than deposits at the mainstreet banks here 13:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Banks are choking off the supply of credit to their revolving credit card customers. 13:33 < schestowitz> with "property rights" being strong here with regards to home you'd assume the state would help if someone attempted to steal your home where you live 13:33 < DaemonFC[m]> So they're saying that the economy will just go right back to booming again in a few months, and what they're actually doing is hunkering down and protecting themselves against future losses. 13:33 < schestowitz> and the state would send armed people to defend your "property" if necessary 13:34 < DaemonFC[m]> They gave Mandy a credit card. 13:34 < schestowitz> this is 2008 all over again, plus the virus, which actually kills and would kill a lot more if we pass it around 13:34 < schestowitz> wow, a CREDIT card 13:34 < schestowitz> debt cards I call them 13:35 < schestowitz> they spam me like 20 times a year offering me one 13:35 < DaemonFC[m]> We've been using it to buy groceries and gas and pay it right back off. 13:35 < DaemonFC[m]> They're bonus categories. 13:35 < schestowitz> bbl 13:35 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Yeah, they're about to eat $45,000 in bad credit card debt in my bankruptcy. 13:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Things just spiraled out of control last year and there was nothing else to turn to for money. 13:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I didn't have any payday loans. My lawyer mentioned those, but I said I didn't have any because they go away in bankruptcy, but by the time you file the bankruptcy, they've probably gotten most or all of the loan money back from you paying roll over fees when the loan came due and you still didn't have any money. 13:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Payday loan people do not fuck around. If you stop paying the roll over fee and they can't get into your bank account for some reason, you're in court a few weeks later. 13:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Credit card companies just nag you about it for a year or two. They'll get you into court at some point, but we're not talking weeks. 13:46 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:46 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:47 < scientes> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/04/03/new-york-times-in-1924-hitler-tamed-by-prison/ 13:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.washingtonpost.com | New York Times in 1924: ‘Hitler Tamed by Prison’ - The Washington Post 13:47 < scientes> Also was nominated for the Nobel peace prize.... 14:04 < DaemonFC[m]> The IMHE model is now predicting that the Coronavirus will kill 201,000 people in the US by October 1st. 14:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, they sure changed their mind on that one. In late April, only 68,000 were going to die, period. End of story. 14:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Now it's 4 times that, according to the same people. 14:08 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/16/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-rally.html 14:08 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.nytimes.com | Trump's Rally in Tulsa Could Spread Virus - The New York Times 14:08 < DaemonFC[m]> "They are pleading with the Trump campaign to cancel the event, slated for a 20,000-person indoor arena — or at least move it outdoors." 14:10 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:11 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:13 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/15/us/gay-transgender-workers-supreme-court.html 14:14 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.nytimes.com | Civil Rights Law Protects L.G.B.T. Workers, Supreme Court Rules - The New York Times 14:14 < DaemonFC[m]> ENDA, or the Employment Non Discrimination Act, had been stalled in Congress for over a decade. 14:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The expansion of the Civil Rights Act effectively enacted ENDA by saying that anti-gay discrimination is illegal under existing federal law. 14:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump was reportedly stunned when the news asked him for his reaction. 14:19 < DaemonFC[m]> This is just fantastic. Trump was a reaction by conservatives against things like the decision to strike down same-sex marriage bans so nothing further would be decided in that direction. 14:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump got in and the people that voted for them basically got to see ENDA go into effect anyway. 14:20 < DaemonFC[m]> It doesn't seem logical to assume that this court will be the one to reverse marriage equality in light of the fact that two Republicans on the court just expanded federal civil rights law. 14:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Electoral-Vote dot com wondered if this will enrage the Republicans and get them into the voting booth to try again, or demoralize them. 14:21 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't suspect it will have much of an effect on the election though. 14:55 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 15:41 < AVRS> Google wants to display only the domain name in the URL field: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1090393 https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=53154 15:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- bugs.chromium.org | 1090393 - chromium - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Monorail 15:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.opennet.ru | ? Chrome ???? ???? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ????? ??? 15:42 * XRevan86 saw that. At least they allow to switch easily on desktop. 15:42 < scientes> AVRS, that is a HORRIBLE idea 15:43 < scientes> end of the web, "apps" only 15:43 < XRevan86> - Send me the link. 15:43 < XRevan86> - twitter.com 15:44 < AVRS> Suspected reason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accelerated_Mobile_Pages 15:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Accelerated Mobile Pages - Wikipedia 15:44 < scientes> its ActiveX all over again 15:44 < XRevan86> I'll just leave this here: https://daniel.priv.no/web-extensions/amp2html.html 15:44 -!- scientes [~shawn@unaffiliated/scientes] has left #techrights ["Leaving"] 15:44 -!- scientes [~shawn@unaffiliated/scientes] has joined #techrights 15:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.daniel.priv.no | Redirect AMP to HTML | Web Extension 15:45 < AVRS> https://developers.google.com/amp/cache/use-amp-url https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17927972 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17920720 15:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- developers.google.com | Link to AMP Content  |  Google AMP Cache  |  Google Developers 15:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- news.ycombinator.com | Chrome 69: “www.” subdomain missing from URL | Hacker News 15:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- news.ycombinator.com | Google wants websites to adopt AMP as the default for building webpages | Hacker News 15:46 <@MinceR> these "switchable" things have a tendency of becoming unswitchable a few releases later 15:46 < XRevan86> MinceR: I don't think that'll be the case here exactly because the default sucks so much 15:46 <@MinceR> google doesn't care how much the default sucks 15:46 <@MinceR> they didn't care when they copied the massive and ugly tabs from failfox 15:46 < scientes> when people start open-washing things its time to run away from them 15:47 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 15:47 < XRevan86> If you're at least a "confident PC user", then suddenly you might want to disable this mess. 15:47 < AVRS> Another suspected reason: https://wicg.github.io/webpackage/draft-yasskin-http-origin-signed-responses.html https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!msg/blink-dev/gPH_BcOBEtc/Z41GR0mwEQAJ 15:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- wicg.github.io | Signed HTTP Exchanges 15:47 < XRevan86> MinceR: The Australis tabs? 15:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- groups.google.com | Google Groups 15:47 <@MinceR> they didn't care when they removed MHTML support 15:47 <@MinceR> XRevan86: something like that 15:47 <@MinceR> tabs with the assumption that you're using a touchscreen 15:47 < gde33> https://youtu.be/pW-SOdj4Kkk 15:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 15:48 * XRevan86 loves OpenNET. 15:48 <@MinceR> what's that? 15:49 < XRevan86> MinceR: A news site about FOSS in Russian. 15:49 < XRevan86> MinceR: AVRS actually linked to it. 15:49 < gde33> https://tonsky.me/blog/good-times-weak-men/ 15:49 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 15:49 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Good times create weak men @ tonsky.me 15:49 <@MinceR> ic 15:49 < AVRS> XRevan86: why do you love it? 15:49 < XRevan86> I've been following it ever since I switched to GNU/Linux. 15:50 < XRevan86> AVRS: A more professional take on things than, say, in LOR news. 15:50 < AVRS> Moderation though has had some… issues. 15:51 < XRevan86> AVRS: Shigorin? 15:51 < AVRS> Also the way people rate news. 15:51 < AVRS> XRevan86: Yes. 15:51 < scientes> https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=881410 15:51 < XRevan86> AVRS: Yes, I don't read comments there, unless I'm told to. 15:51 < scientes> holy shit 15:51 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- bugs.chromium.org | 881410 - chromium - An open-source project to help move the web forward. - Monorail 15:52 < XRevan86> AVRS: And I only now noticed that the news have ratings %) 15:52 < AVRS> XRevan86: the ratings are often about whether the event described was happy or sad. 15:52 <@MinceR> gotta love these informative title strings 15:53 < XRevan86> MinceR: You mean, the failed KOI8-R conversion by the bot? 15:53 <@MinceR> the strings the bot returns for chromium bugs 15:54 < XRevan86> AVRS: Shigorin is quite a character. Did you hear that he was shunned when RMS came to Moscow last year? 15:54 <@MinceR> which contain the bug id, "chromium" and some worthless slogan, but no bug title 15:54 < AVRS> XRevan86: "shunned"? 15:55 < XRevan86> AVRS: Received vocal disapprovement. 15:56 < XRevan86> RMS' been expressing support for the protests and Shigorin said something about them being a bunch of thugs or something like that. 15:56 < XRevan86> AVRS: The usual pro-Putin stuff. 15:57 < XRevan86> that you'd expect from Shigorin 15:58 < scientes> if Google gets their way then China will have the most open internet 16:00 < XRevan86> scientes: What I really don't get is why Google even implemented www. hiding when most web sites don't even require www. for use. 16:00 < XRevan86> www is a relic, and they're writing some code for it, that reduces reliability of the browser 16:00 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:01 < XRevan86> in those rare cases when www. has something different 16:01 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:02 < XRevan86> And of course subdomains like m. do have something different, so this just misleads the user intentionally. 16:04 < AVRS> XRevan86: was it at opennet.ru or elsewhere? 16:04 < XRevan86> AVRS: That was IRL 16:06 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:09 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:14 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668864.jpg 16:24 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:28 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/work-it 16:28 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Work It 16:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump's net approval rating is continuing to fall. 16:31 < DaemonFC[m]> It's at its lowest since the government shutdown last year. 16:31 < gde33> when he gets to zero he will reach ultimate form 16:33 <@MinceR> lol 16:33 <@MinceR> or just the next one 16:33 <@MinceR> "this isn't even my final form!" 16:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Net approval in mid-June in an election year, Trump is doing a little worse than Jimmy Carter. 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Jimmy Carter never would have won without the Watergate corruption leading into the 1976 election. 16:34 < gde33> dont worry about it, he will just purchase popularity in time 16:35 <@MinceR> or change the election laws 16:35 < gde33> that would be funny 16:35 < DaemonFC[m]> People were pissed about a lot. The Nixon scandals, Ford pardoning Nixon, high inflation and unemployment, the Vietnam War, and two oil shocks. 16:36 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 16:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Carter did okay in approval rating for a while, but it was really the Iran Hostage Crisis that was the last nail. 16:36 < gde33> sometimes organizing in big groups works out well, at other times it just gets totally weird 16:36 < gde33> my theory is that collectives are seperate life forms 16:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't think it will be so much the country taking a sharp left that throws Trump out and possibly the Senate Republicans too. 16:38 < DaemonFC[m]> It'll be people who are unemployed and mad about it and no job to go to, so they vote. 16:38 < DaemonFC[m]> We saw how that played out in 2008. 16:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The worse thing for Trump is high unemployment going into the election. 16:38 < DaemonFC[m]> People are pissed about not having a job, they see him as the bum to throw out, and they have nothing but time on their hands to go vote. 16:39 < DaemonFC[m]> *worst 16:39 < gde33> homelessness cures voting 16:39 < DaemonFC[m]> You can register to vote if you're homeless. 16:40 < gde33> the shocking statistic I ran into one time was this: I took the US presidential candidate list and tried to find the offical homepage, facebook and youtube for a few dozen of them. 16:41 < DaemonFC[m]> gde33: I've thought about saving up after the bankruptcy and things go through and get a cargo van to convert into a living space. 16:41 < gde33> below the green party (which had 250 views per video) the number of views droped like a rock 16:41 < DaemonFC[m]> The rent crisis is just entirely out of control. 16:42 < gde33> so low as to not account for family and friends 16:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Lots of landlords are now filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy to try to hold onto their properties and get the court to force new terms on the bank that owns their mortgages. 16:42 < gde33> so low that I was pretty sure I was the only guy looking at more than 5 of the programs 16:43 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Not that my in laws are smart enough to do this, but if I was them I'd file Chapter 13 and set up a repayment plan and have the court modify my mortgage. 16:43 < gde33> if one is to chose something, say a meal from a menu, one should read a bit and make an informed decision 16:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Even if they only knock 1-2 points off the interest, that's a big help. 16:43 < gde33> if there are zero people doing that... what do you think that means? 16:44 < DaemonFC[m]> They're too proud to file bankruptcy though, so they'll just keep squirming underneath all the debt they shouldn't have taken on. 16:44 < DaemonFC[m]> The court could cut up their credit cards and set up installment payments at like 3-4% interest over the next 5 years. 16:44 < XRevan86> gde33: That no one even considers any party to win but the select two. 16:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Beats trying to pay off 10 credit cards that are all maxed out. 16:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Sometimes you can avoid bankruptcy and negotiate with the credit card people to lower the interest rate a few points. 16:45 < XRevan86> gde33: In a fatal flaw in Winner Takes All elections. 16:45 < DaemonFC[m]> That tends to help people who aren't in deep shit just yet. 16:46 < XRevan86> Because with those the best way to win is to give the opposition options. 16:46 < XRevan86> And so everyone hates having options. 16:47 < XRevan86> More of the same, please. Or else Trump wins, I guess. 16:47 <@MinceR> and so they don't have any 16:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Bankruptcy is the way to go for many people this year. 16:47 < XRevan86> MinceR: Sometimes you just can't win. 16:47 < DaemonFC[m]> For some reason, bankruptcies were trending down every year since 2013. 16:47 <@MinceR> bankruptcy, so hot right now 16:48 < DaemonFC[m]> If you have little or nothing to take and a LOT of debt, and your credit is ruined already anyway, why the hell not? 16:48 < DaemonFC[m]> That's where I ended up. 16:48 < XRevan86> Where "you" is the majority. Democracy, right. 16:49 < DaemonFC[m]> $335 to file and like $800 to the lawyer beats getting sued over half a dozen credit cards, a Kia with a really bad loan on it, and medical bills. 16:50 <@MinceR> on the long term, "the human species" is the majority 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I'm glad I let them fuck me over at the car dealership in retrospect. 16:50 <@MinceR> they can pray all they want, they can lie to themselves all they want, the next meteorite isn't going to ask them who their god is 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> That's just more money John loses at this point. 16:50 <@MinceR> if they consider science to be just another (unpopular) opinion, they'll be sitting ducks eventually 16:51 <@MinceR> and even if no meteorites strike, the Sun will go red giant, and it isn't going to turn back just because they pray to yahweh. 16:51 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Trump says as many as 60,000 people might gather for his rally in Tulsa. 16:51 <@MinceR> but they'll probably drown/cook themselves well before that 16:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Public health officials are horrified. 16:51 <@MinceR> are these officials republicans then? 16:52 <@MinceR> "republicans" 16:52 < DaemonFC[m]> They know that COVID-19 will find its way in there. 16:52 <@MinceR> the chief "republican" admires dictatorships and dictators the most 16:52 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Yeah, but at the state and local level. 16:52 <@MinceR> and wants to replace the republic with a dictatorship 16:52 < DaemonFC[m]> The ones who will have to deal with the shit hitting the fan after the rally is over. 16:53 <@MinceR> or they can just quit 16:53 <@MinceR> right now 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> I really don't doubt he can get that many people there. 16:53 <@MinceR> "oh, you're going to hold Nurgle parties now? then fuck you, i'm off." 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> It's one of the reddest states in the country and his personality cult attracts anyone who can make it there. 16:54 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Tulsa had its worst one day total for new COVID-19 diagnoses yesterday. 16:55 < DaemonFC[m]> So he's having a rally there right at the worst point in the pandemic, locally. 16:55 < XRevan86> So the main property of that kind of voting is that diversity, a rich political organisation is a way to failure. 16:55 < DaemonFC[m]> I figure that hundreds of people will get COVID-19 at the rally. 16:56 < DaemonFC[m]> If not more. 16:56 < XRevan86> It's how United Russia consistently wins every local election when people have to vote on a person. 16:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe 50 or 60 of them die, and then they all spread it to others. 16:56 <@MinceR> that's only part of it 16:56 <@MinceR> part if it is that there are enough idiot savages who will even consider voting for united russia 16:57 < XRevan86> They rarely make the majority, they are not popular, but… there are many oppositioners but there's only one United Russia. 16:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Biden doesn't really have to do much campaigning. 16:57 < DaemonFC[m]> He's ahead by double digits. 16:57 < DaemonFC[m]> He's barely done any campaigning, although the commercials have begun. 16:57 < XRevan86> MinceR: Conformists are a sizable group, they can easily hit 30% just for showing up. 16:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Apparently, attack ads reminding people of what a piece of shit Trump is aren't moving the needle very much. 16:58 < XRevan86> And 30% is all they need. 16:58 < DaemonFC[m]> I think Biden needs to switch gears and run ads just saying what he wants to do. Doesn't even have to be anything spectacular. 16:58 <@MinceR> then again, in putler's case, it might not matter at all how people vote 16:58 < DaemonFC[m]> People who hate Trump really hate Trump. 16:58 <@MinceR> XRevan86: yes, dangerously stupid people are a sizable group 16:59 <@MinceR> and are one of the reasons why democracy doesn't work with humans 16:59 < DaemonFC[m]> There's about 39-40% of the electorate out there where Trump can do no wrong. 16:59 < XRevan86> MinceR: Point is, they don't need to be a majority. They just need to be consolidated. 16:59 < DaemonFC[m]> So trying to make them change their minds is pointless. 16:59 <@MinceR> it would be a better solution to eliminate the vehicle that lets such retarded barbarians control my life 17:00 <@MinceR> that is, to abolish the state 17:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Biden needs to focus on base turnout and an appeal to independent voters. 17:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump is not focusing on independent voters and undecideds. 17:00 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:00 < XRevan86> And unlike everyone else, they practically always are, just because they are a herd by design. 17:00 < DaemonFC[m]> He's going full base turnout and that might be his downfall. 17:00 <@MinceR> it's enough that such people fuck up their own lives because of their evilness and stupidity, they shouldn't get to fuck up other people's lives too 17:00 < XRevan86> MinceR: My point is that maybe the system should not reward this. 17:00 <@MinceR> in the end, they're going to die anyway 17:00 < DaemonFC[m]> 39-40% is obviously not nothing, but it doesn't win an election if everyone else can't stand you and thinks you're the devil. 17:01 <@MinceR> might as well let the decent, sapient minority survive on the long term\ 17:01 < XRevan86> Winner Takes All is the worst. 17:01 <@MinceR> s/.$// 17:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Nevertheless, he's 100% devoted to appealing to the base and only the base. 17:01 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 17:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Realistically speaking, Trump needs to convince about 47.5-49% of the electorate to support him, depending on the spread of the popular vote. 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> To do that, he has to appeal to people who he is really pissing off right now. 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> So I don't see this as a winning strategy. 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> He's polling the lowest ever recorded for a Republican president among voters who identify as Democrat. 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> He's also not doing very well with independent voters. 17:04 <@MinceR> he can get some help from his friend putler again 17:04 < DaemonFC[m]> On the flip side, fully 9% of self-identified Republicans say they'll vote for Biden or a third party, compared to 2% of Democrats saying Trump or third party. 17:04 <@MinceR> and probably also from the folks at diebold^Wpremiere 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, the issue at hand here is that many of the swing states that he needs to win are not exactly taking the steps he wants to discourage voter turnout. 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Shit, not even Indiana is listening to him. 17:05 < XRevan86> So I really want this to be a globally recognised issue – that this simple kind of voting when just getting more points than the opponents individually is inherently undemocratic. 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> They changed the law to allow no excuse mail voting and extended early voting. 17:06 < DaemonFC[m]> So far, about 33 states have expanded voting in a meaningful way. 17:06 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't see this whole campaign to sabotage vote-by-mail being incredibly effective given that states can do almost anything they want. 17:07 < XRevan86> Because democracy should be about pluralism and rotation of power, not about rewarding those who will vote for the current guy regardless. 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, even if he wins a lawsuit or two, he won't win them all, and there's $15 million in campaign money that he couldn't be spending on something else. 17:07 <@MinceR> i just want an army with which i can defend myself against the biggest criminals on this planet: governments and megacorporations. 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Even rich campaign donors are starting to clamp up. 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Some of Trump's biggest donors are in bankruptcy right now. 17:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Including several fossil fuel companies. 17:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Corporations can't donate money to a Republican Super PAC if they are in Chapter 11 bankruptcy. 17:08 < DaemonFC[m]> The Trustee will not allow it. 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I can't donate money to charity at all right now. 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> The bankruptcy forbids it. 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> I also can't give money to a political campaign while the bankruptcy is open. 17:10 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: Can you throw it in a bin in cash? 17:10 <@MinceR> :> 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: August 24th is the deadline for my creditors to object, meaning August 29th is the day the court officially orders the discharge. I swear I didn't do that on purpose. 17:10 <@MinceR> :> 17:11 < DaemonFC[m]> (August 29th, 1997. The original Judgment Day in the Terminator movies.) 17:13 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/space-weapons 17:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Space Weapons 17:14 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 17:19 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: A lot of people out there don't seem to know what the word "peak" means. 17:19 < DaemonFC[m]> They were saying everything would be fine in several weeks (back in April) because it would peak. 17:20 <@MinceR> :) 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I said, "Well, all that means it is kills the next 100,000 slower....". 17:20 < XRevan86> There could be many peaks 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> We're officially 19% of the way into the second 100,000. 17:21 < DaemonFC[m]> It took 3 weeks to get from 100,000 to 119,000. 17:22 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> So while 200,000 might not happen by October 1st, it almost certain happens sometime in October. 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> That's barring another wave. 17:24 < DaemonFC[m]> To get to 200,000 by election day, that would assume average daily deaths of 578 from here on out. 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> It looks like things are getting extremely bad in Arizona and Florida. 17:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Two states have 1/4 of all confirmed cases today so far with 8.3% of the national population. 17:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Eek. 17:29 < DaemonFC[m]> 18,675 dead in Florida of COVID-19 by October 1st is the IMHE's model figure for that state. 17:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump's margin in 2016 was like 26,000 votes. 17:30 < DaemonFC[m]> It's down there killing a bunch of old people in Florida and he wants to have rallies and the RNC convention.....in Florida. 17:31 < DaemonFC[m]> The public doesn't want mass gatherings, but the Republican Party in Florida has state and local elections on off years when Democrats don't turn out to vote. 17:31 < DaemonFC[m]> So they manage to remain entirely under Republican control (except the commissioner of Agriculture). 17:32 < DaemonFC[m]> So now they're stuck dealing with state leadership that will do anything Trump tells them to do. 17:32 < DaemonFC[m]> That's also why Florida never bothered to have a lockdown "Until Trump said it was okay.", according to their governor, who apparently doesn't realize he's the governor. 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Then as soon as Trump said "reopen America again!", Florida threw the doors open and ended the lockdown and told Disney World they could open up. 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> That's why they're having nearly 3,000 new cases a day again and nobody is doing anything about it. 17:34 < DaemonFC[m]> If this pattern keeps going, there could be 30,000 people dead of this in Florida by October. Not 18,675. 17:35 < DaemonFC[m]> There are large swaths of the south that are having local outbreaks worse than the one New York City had, per capita. 17:35 < DaemonFC[m]> Meanwhile, the Republican crank over in Indiana suggested that NYC got so bad because people take the mass transit. 17:35 < DaemonFC[m]> Which I'm sure there's a lot of in rural Georgia. 17:35 < DaemonFC[m]> ;) 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I got my Amazon S&S drop shipment today. 17:36 <@MinceR> did you get your used condoms? 17:37 < DaemonFC[m]> They totally ignored my delivery instructions again, but at least they left $140 worth of provisions laying outside the correct motel room door this time. 17:37 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: No, I just threw them in a regular order. 17:38 < DaemonFC[m]> It sucks being in a mixed relationship like that. 17:39 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The medication for me is purely to prevent, but it's making my hair fall out and the fucking idiots at the Health Dept and the lab can't be bothered to bill my insurance correctly. 17:39 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:40 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So rather that stand there arguing with said fucking idiots about it, I just added another $800 to the bankruptcy and filed against Quest Diagnostics and the county. 17:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Since they can't be bothered to bill my insurance correctly there is no reason why I should pay them, at least not in my book, and I was filing bankruptcy anyway. 17:41 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's easier to get the court to void the bills than it is to make some paper pushers do their job and get their employer paid. 17:41 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: This bankruptcy is bigger and bigger. 17:42 < DaemonFC[m]> The upside is fuck everyone I owed money to before the end of May 2020. 17:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Including three local governments. 17:43 < DaemonFC[m]> I got a parking ticket before the Kia got taken away and I amended the filing to throw a $20 parking ticket into the bankruptcy. 17:43 < DaemonFC[m]> You have until the Trustee meeting to keep amending it. 17:43 <@MinceR> :> 17:44 < DaemonFC[m]> If you do it later, it costs $140 to reopen. 17:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Obviously, you wouldn't pay $140 to reopen the case unless something substantially bigger came in from before the filing date that you didn't know about. 17:45 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:45 -!- MathAmphetamine [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 17:46 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I threw in parking tickets from Indiana in 2004 that I never paid, listing Ball State University as the creditor. 17:46 <@MinceR> (cat) (no audio) https://i.imgur.com/xpbolUs.mp4 17:47 -!- MathAmphetamine is now known as CrystalMath 17:59 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 17:59 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 18:06 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:06 < cubexyz> there's a low probability the log file will have the odd binary character so I'm cleaning it and giving it an 'a' suffix 18:06 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has joined #techrights 18:06 < cubexyz> so http://www.maxhost.org/other/techrights-2020.log is the original 18:07 < cubexyz> and http://www.maxhost.org/other/techrights-2020a.log is the cleaned version 18:07 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:07 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 18:09 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:12 <@MinceR> https://threader.app/thread/1272180537541656577 18:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- threader.app | A thread written by @0x49fa98: "During the Korean War, captured American soldiers found themselves in POW camps run by Chinese Communists. [...]" 18:14 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #FFmpeg 4.3 Released With AMD AMF Encoding, Vulkan Support, AV1 Encode http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138808#comment-25526 [https://pleroma.site/objects/eed529b0-27b0-4a8e-b731-7530f4d55392] 18:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Plasma 5.19.1 Desktop Arrives as First Point Release, 30 Bug Fixes Included http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138830 [https://pleroma.site/objects/70f26501-65b1-4b5d-92e5-e8bfe6745a68] 18:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138831 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9d6c1cd3-ddb2-49c3-b873-f919fc274ea6] 18:26 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 18:26 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:26 * XRevan86 finds it funny that *both* Esperanto and Interlingua have Slavic counterparts: Slavio and Interslavic respectively. 18:27 <@MinceR> Esperanto needed a Slavic counterpart? 18:27 < XRevan86> MinceR: It's not that it needed it, it has one. 18:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux-driven dev kit offers three VMs for motor control, vision, and gateway duties http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138832 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ab03b4a3-13b9-425f-8bcf-5aa299635343] 18:28 <@MinceR> :> 18:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: More #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138833 [https://pleroma.site/objects/af4a1598-edc4-4863-8510-47b2452d848f] 18:31 < schestowitz> cubexyz: thanks, good to have those for backup 18:31 < schestowitz> I generate them after midnight each day and upload them 18:33 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: tessier, swaggboi, psydroid, siel, scientes 18:34 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: nergal[m]1, kgz, vallor, XFaCE, huggi, alynpost, icarusfactor, hl, schestowitz, cubexyz, (+42 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 18:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: XFaCE, DaemonFC[m], @MinceR, viera, zerogue, vallor, insmodppa, cubexyz, TechrightsBot-tr, alynpost (+8 more) 18:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: nergal[m]1, huggi 18:37 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-bdpnzomhbpukorgr] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: icarusfactor, psymin, moriah, trn, rianne_, schestowitz_log, schestowitz, superkuh, kgz, zoobab (+3 more) 18:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: oiaohm, kermit, prurigro 18:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: gde33, cybrNaut 18:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: swaggboi, psydroid, siel, paride15[m], danielinux 18:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Hail_Spacecake, obarun, smnthermes, ohama 18:39 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Ariadne, psydread, HasanAtizaz 18:39 < XRevan86> Though maybe to a degree. This needs consideration, it explains some stuff. 18:39 <@MinceR> it might be what already happened 18:40 < XRevan86> MinceR: I mean as a process. So ongoing. Even if it gave fruit already. 18:40 -!- kermit [sid393220@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:40 -!- balrog [~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog] has joined #techrights 18:40 -!- huggi [sid80718@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-yljzznjefknruovb] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:40 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-gtyunfejxuwoaffq] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:42 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dckshxfdknxetlss] has joined #techrights 18:42 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ooewxpsrpwslxpbr] has joined #techrights 18:42 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 18:42 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 18:42 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 18:42 -!- pankkake [~anus@inara.p.engu.in] has joined #techrights 18:42 < XRevan86> MinceR: I think a major thing is controversy-driven polarisation. 18:44 -!- kermit [sid393220@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit] has joined #techrights 18:44 -!- huggi [sid80718@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-fasyorsephqdaqnn] has joined #techrights 18:44 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qsxfmlbcjeoyhlpu] has joined #techrights 18:46 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 18:47 < XRevan86> A lot of actions people on social media take are chosen to not leave anyone indifferent – either you hate the action or you hate actions of those who hate the action, settling in two camps that hate each other. 18:47 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qtypczggdjtvhbir] has joined #techrights 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Because the minimum wage is too low. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Social Security should just be funded directly through a tax on corporate profits, which would remove a perverse incentive to hire as few people as possible. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> What we've got going on right now is that Congress is deadlocked and not bringing the laws into sync with what the majority of the public agrees with, and Trump is an old fossil who is sundowning and falling down ramps that people dug up because they're idiots who hate Mexicans. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> This is what happens. This is pretty much a national version of the mess that happened in Illinois when the state government broke down and ended up running on court rulings. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> The Civil Rights Act should have been amended with ENDA 10 years ago. Instead, we have a court ruling that interprets a law from 1964. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> ENDA isn't even that controversial. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> 74% of self-identified Republicans in a Gallup poll said they don't think your employer should be allowed to fire you because you're gay. 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> 83% of the people polled overall said that. 18:47 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 18:48 < DaemonFC[m]> The Republican politicians are fairly out of step with what the majority of their own voters think about social issues. 18:49 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: I wonder how many of those (83-74) % are libertarians who think the employer must have the right to do whatever. 18:49 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't even know how you explain the nearly 100% resistance to gay rights in the Republican Party when only 26% of their own base opposes it. 18:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, the opposition to ENDA and the court decision was only 17%. 18:51 < DaemonFC[m]> The Libertarian Party has gotten that percentage of the vote in a statewide race in Indiana that year Dick Lugar ran without a Democratic challenger. 18:51 < DaemonFC[m]> When both major parties are on the ballot, the Libertarian vote falls to about 1-2%. 18:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Presidential popular vote, so they never get an electoral vote, unless you count that Faithless Elector in the 70s. 18:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Generally if you include the Libertarian in the polls, 5-8% say they'll vote for him and 1-2% end up doing it on election day. 18:52 < DaemonFC[m]> So asking about the Libertarian is just a good way to instantly ruin your poll. 18:53 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: What does the Libertarian Party trying to sell that the Republicans don't? 18:53 <@MinceR> libertarianism 18:53 <@MinceR> in the sense that has something to do with freedom 18:53 < DaemonFC[m]> That the government should be small and quit fucking with people. 18:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Which is something neither of the big parties want. 18:54 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: Trump tried to simplify taxation with a similar logic, seems like normal tea party stuff to me. 18:54 < DaemonFC[m]> They see the role of government as courts that enforce contracts and a military that's big enough for self defense, and criminal laws that punish crimes that actually have a victim. 18:55 < DaemonFC[m]> So naturally, people say that's insane. 18:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump did not simplify taxes, and most of the middle class got absolutely screwed. 18:55 < XRevan86> MinceR: Freedom to fire people for being gay, we've established that already. 18:56 <@MinceR> freedom to punish businesses/people that fire people for being gay would be nice 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Which is why the suburbs kicked their Republican congressman out in 2018. 18:56 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: So the difference is that the Libertarians want to *actually* do it? 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The SALT cap instantly undid any sort of tax cut that most middle class families got. 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> It didn't only hit blue states. 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Iowa, Texas, and several others have high property taxes that now have their federal deduction capped at $10,000. 18:57 < XRevan86> MinceR: By lynching? That's more into the anarchocapitalist area. 18:57 < DaemonFC[m]> That's $10,000 total that you owe the state or local government in any kind of tax. 18:57 < DaemonFC[m]> So in Illinois, the state runs off with 5% of your income right off the bat. 18:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Then it sticks you with a 10.25% sales tax, all kinds of cell phone taxes and gotcha taxes and then your $12,000 property tax bill comes in. 18:58 < DaemonFC[m]> People who could just itemize everything and deduct it at the end of the year have a cap now. 18:58 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: Simplification of taxation is like replacing glibc with musl 18:58 < XRevan86> It won't necessarily make anything faster. 18:58 <@MinceR> XRevan86: i wish it was 18:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Worse, the personal exemption on the federal taxes was ended. 18:59 <@MinceR> the "anarcho-capitalists" i know are fascist copsuckers 18:59 < DaemonFC[m]> It's part of how they "doubled " the standard deduction when it really didn't double. 19:00 < XRevan86> MinceR: That's ironic… they had one job… 19:00 <@MinceR> the way the chocolate ration was increased? 19:00 <@MinceR> XRevan86: i know, right? 19:00 <@MinceR> oh, i forgot that they're also fond of monarchy 19:00 < DaemonFC[m]> There's nothing legitimate about this tax law. 19:00 <@MinceR> apparently the austrian school decided that monarchy was closer to anarchism than democracy is 19:01 < DaemonFC[m]> The Republicans played a pea and shell game that raises taxes on the middle class and makes it look like a cut. 19:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Then hands the money to the rich. 19:01 < XRevan86> MinceR: In a libertarian way it kinda is 19:01 <@MinceR> actual libertarian or "republican" "libertarian"? 19:01 < DaemonFC[m]> People were filing in to prepay their property taxes for the next year in Illinois so they could deduct them one last time at full value. 19:01 < XRevan86> MinceR: Democracy begets bureaucracy, that stuff is complicated and annoying. 19:02 <@MinceR> democracy also reduces the power the state wields over the individual 19:02 < XRevan86> MinceR: Compare it to a simple state of minimal laws with just a dude on the throne. Can't get simpler than that. 19:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Yep yep. Even at the local level, the Democrats are nasty here. 19:02 <@MinceR> if run correctly (which of course never happens), the government serves the people, while in the case of monarchy, the government is not even supposed or pretending to do so 19:03 <@MinceR> yeah, i know the sort 19:03 <@MinceR> "small government" that enforces religious rules :> 19:03 <@MinceR> and polices people's bedrooms 19:03 < DaemonFC[m]> They didn't want to face a Libertarian on the ballot for Fox Lake, IL council, so they had the cops go cite him for having a car parked on his lawn and then "forgot" to notify him. 19:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Suddenly, he owes $46,000 to the city and can't get on the ballot. 19:04 < DaemonFC[m]> The point here is that the people who run the city make sure it stays that way, and they'll do corrupt shit and nobody hears about it because it's a small town. 19:05 < XRevan86> MinceR: I'm just toying with the concept. More closer to reality, the issue of simple absolute monarchies is that they do not ensure bourgeois safety. 19:05 <@MinceR> schestowitz: we should also ban the word "shell", as in wars, tanks fire shells and kill people, causing lots of grief 19:05 < DaemonFC[m]> The message is that everyone has a "car parked on the lawn" that the city will become interested in if you oppose anyone on the ballot. 19:05 <@MinceR> XRevan86: and the cornerstone of anarchism is to not ensure bourgeois safety? 19:06 < XRevan86> MinceR: ancap is all about letting them defend their property on their own without any obstruction. 19:06 < DaemonFC[m]> The country is flying apart at the hinges and all Trump does is lie about the statistics and duct tape everything with Socialism for the rich. 19:07 < DaemonFC[m]> His voters are far too stupid to understand that this is not good for them. 19:07 < DaemonFC[m]> So he gets away with it, maybe for another 4 years too. 19:07 < XRevan86> MinceR: So good luck with lynching actually. 19:07 < DaemonFC[m]> The reason this Tara Reade thing went away is because nobody fucking cares anymore. 19:08 < DaemonFC[m]> They have bigger problems than what Biden may or may not have done in 1993 and they're not in the mood to listen to conspiracy theories that have no evidence whatsoever. 19:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Biden got the Violence Against Women Act through Congress while Trump was raping 13 year old girls. 19:08 <@MinceR> XRevan86: that sword cuts both ways 19:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump will probably always get away with anything though. 19:09 < DaemonFC[m]> When that victim sued him, his supporters sent her death threats and she ran to hide. 19:09 < XRevan86> MinceR: The nonaggression principle is all about leaving them in peace too. 19:09 <@MinceR> but not others? 19:10 < XRevan86> MinceR: If you don't impose on their property, you should be fine. 19:10 <@MinceR> i suppose the fake "anarchists" would not interpret the bigotry they promote as "aggression" 19:10 < XRevan86> Property is everything they can take though, so good luck with that too %). 19:11 < XRevan86> MinceR: Aggression is property infringement. 19:11 <@MinceR> neither enforcing religious rules against people who asked for none of them 19:12 < XRevan86> Ancap is very property focused. 19:12 <@MinceR> seems more focused on "i just want to call myself an anarchist because i think it makes me cool and edgy" 19:13 < schestowitz> [00:05] schestowitz: we should also ban the word "shell", as in wars, tanks fire shells and kill people, causing lots of grief 19:13 < schestowitz> a terminal shell 19:13 < XRevan86> MinceR: Well, proper ones anyway. How that leads to fascism or monarchy – I don't know. 19:13 < schestowitz> = a shell that knocks you over causing a fatality 19:13 < schestowitz> I bash you not... 19:15 < XRevan86> MinceR: But it does mean that you have no right to obstruct anyone's activities if they did something like fire a person for being gay. You can vote with your wallet or do something else equally worthless. 19:16 < XRevan86> Don't know how wallets would look like in ancap. I owe you one's from capitalists or bitcoins? 19:17 <@MinceR> XRevan86: i haven't had the time or energy to dive into the relevant literature enough to find the path from property to fascism 19:17 <@MinceR> it's possible that it was the other way around 19:18 <@MinceR> as for wallets, they could contain gold, depending on whom you ask 19:18 < XRevan86> MinceR: Right, gold makes sense. Except heavy and with quality issues. 19:20 < XRevan86> I don't know what's the appeal of ancap, it's like the worst of both worlds. 19:23 < XRevan86> Capitalism needs a medium in which capital can safely interact. Anarchism is literally abolishment of the said medium. 19:23 <@MinceR> not really 19:23 < XRevan86> Without it they can resort to feudalism at best. 19:23 <@MinceR> it's the abolishment of powerful forces that distort the market 19:24 < XRevan86> MinceR: You're thinking of libertarianism. 19:24 <@MinceR> no, i'm thinking of capitalism 19:25 < XRevan86> MinceR: The state doesn't just influence the market, it provides the market space. 19:25 <@MinceR> it doesn't just influence the market, it provides a hotbed of corruption which also distorts the market 19:25 <@MinceR> the universe provides the market space 19:25 <@MinceR> humans exchanging goods predates the state 19:26 < XRevan86> MinceR: Basic exchange of goods is not the same thing as capitalism. 19:26 <@MinceR> basic exchange of goods gives rise to the market 19:26 <@MinceR> which is what capitalism is supposed to be all about 19:27 < XRevan86> MinceR: What capitalism needs is endurance that there will be no use of literal force, no theft, etc. 19:27 < XRevan86> MinceR: For that you need police. 19:27 <@MinceR> no, i don't 19:27 <@MinceR> for that i need people who wield force 19:27 <@MinceR> there's no need to pretend that someone has a monopoly on that force 19:28 <@MinceR> i know that people like to pretend that policemen are saints 19:28 <@MinceR> unfortunately, they're merely human 19:28 < XRevan86> MinceR: The same people who can be used as thugs. 19:28 <@MinceR> police can be used as thugs as well 19:28 <@MinceR> and they are 19:28 <@MinceR> especially when there's no rule of law 19:29 < XRevan86> MinceR: In perfect capitalism they're not %). 19:29 <@MinceR> and afaict there's no rule of law anywhere on earth 19:29 <@MinceR> yes, because in perfect capitalism there is no state or police :> 19:30 < XRevan86> Capitalism is an economical system in which capital is the primary force. 19:31 <@MinceR> so, not the violence practiced by the agents of the state 19:31 < XRevan86> Without any outer body to protect capital from the physical world occurrences, some security force is required. 19:31 <@MinceR> as long as one pretends that the "security force" is an "outer body" 19:32 <@MinceR> unfortunately, it isn't 19:32 <@MinceR> it's just a bunch of humans, given power, and corrupted by it 19:32 < XRevan86> And because capital of any size needs protection, it can't be just some private security. 19:32 < XRevan86> MinceR: I'm outlining the capitalist theory here. 19:33 < XRevan86> Not how imperfect reality taints it severely. 19:33 < XRevan86> Ancap approaches this with the nonaggression principle and hopes of some bourgeois solidarity. 19:34 < XRevan86> That if someone infringes on some property, the good big capitalist will see it as danger to the market and will eliminate that danger. 19:35 <@MinceR> it doesn't have to be one big capitalist 19:35 < XRevan86> Or in plural. 19:35 <@MinceR> it can be a community of people who recognize that such behavior is a threat to their society 19:35 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:36 < XRevan86> A community of like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Oracle, IBM… 19:36 <@MinceR> hopefully corporations like those wouldn't be tolerated by a society where individuals aren't disarmed and disenfranchised by the state 19:37 <@MinceR> certainly, microsloth wouldn't have gotten anywhere without the state enforcing their Imaginary Property 19:37 < XRevan86> MinceR: But they have the property, you can't just ignore that. 19:38 < XRevan86> And land is also property, so in ancap no free land is pretty much a given. 19:39 <@MinceR> those corporations don't really live off having a lot of land 19:39 <@MinceR> they live off Imaginary Property 19:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: You call it imaginary property, hah. But in anarchism they will decide what is and isn't property. 19:39 <@MinceR> it is indeed not property 19:40 <@MinceR> making copies of it is nearly cost-free 19:40 < XRevan86> And they will defend what they by consensus consider to be property. 19:40 <@MinceR> it is generally easier to copy than move 19:40 < XRevan86> MinceR: Next thing you'll tell me that land is nature and scarce, so belongs to everyone. 19:41 <@MinceR> i don't think there's an easy way out with land 19:41 <@MinceR> declare it strictly owned and people will find themselves without a place they could live in 19:41 <@MinceR> declare it "not property" and you have no privacy 19:42 < XRevan86> MinceR: It's a tricky subject. But eternal ownership of land has some interesting consequences. 19:42 <@MinceR> and you have strangers milling about in the house you're trying to sleep in 19:42 < XRevan86> That ancap will absolutely not touch. 19:42 <@MinceR> but then, i'm not an "ancap" or an "ancom" 19:42 < XRevan86> MinceR: Neither am I. 19:43 < XRevan86> > declare it "not property" and you have no privacy 19:44 < XRevan86> That's never the case. Usually the approach is a lease. 19:44 <@MinceR> from whom? 19:44 <@MinceR> and what is the basis of leasing land if land is not property? 19:44 < XRevan86> MinceR: In anarchy – I don't know. 19:45 < XRevan86> Maybe some mutual agreement that land should not be inherited. 19:45 < XRevan86> Not ancap'ish but in some other form. 19:47 <@MinceR> or just a general understanding that if someone's trying to hog all the land, they're going to get lynched 19:48 < XRevan86> MinceR: What if your business is land-based (plantation)? 19:48 < XRevan86> Or if there's just one good strip of land in the vicinity. 19:48 <@MinceR> there will probably be others who want to engage in such business as well 19:48 <@MinceR> and it's in the clients' interest to have competition on the market 19:49 < XRevan86> But it's not hogging if your enterprise needs it. 19:50 <@MinceR> depends 19:50 <@MinceR> are others starving because of it? 19:50 < oiaohm> MinceR: really it gets fun when you read the finer print of many countries free hold title. Land in a lot of cases is not your property at all its the governments that they allow you to use on a unlimited lease. People normally find this out when govenment sells mining contract under them. 19:50 < XRevan86> MinceR: There are always others starving. 19:51 < oiaohm> and you techically don't have to be paid a cent. 19:51 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 19:52 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 19:52 < oiaohm> So much of what we call property when you get into fine print arbitrary ideas written on paper. 19:52 <@MinceR> oiaohm: that doesn't really make it any better 19:52 <@MinceR> it's just that people like to pretend the government doesn't exist or that it isn't run by people 19:53 < oiaohm> Most people don't think how come when a country gets invaided land titles basically go by by as well. 19:53 < oiaohm> Because land title depends on your country. 19:53 < XRevan86> Somehow we don't live in an abstract world of ideas. 19:54 < XRevan86> Capitalism doesn't exist, socialism doesn't exist, nothing in reality can fully comply with ideas. 19:58 < DaemonFC[m]> They aren't people. They're Replicant Lizards. 19:58 < XRevan86> Worst of all, SQL also doesn't exist (: 19:58 < DaemonFC[m]> First the Lizard People took over but then they realized they had to pay their Lizard minor officials, so they replaced them with Lizard Replicants. 19:59 <@MinceR> DaemonFC[m]: lol 19:59 <@MinceR> XRevan86: good 19:59 <@MinceR> hopefully neither does COBOL 19:59 <@MinceR> or Basic 19:59 < XRevan86> MinceR: SELECT * FROM [good] 19:59 <@MinceR> is that m$ access? 20:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Skynet and the Lizard Replicants are busy deciding if I get to live or die at this very moment. 20:00 < XRevan86> MinceR: yes 20:00 <@MinceR> ew 20:00 < XRevan86> MinceR: That's what does exist in its place. 20:00 <@MinceR> lol 20:02 < XRevan86> A bit of an exaggerated example, as MS Access is the absolute worst, but still 20:05 < psydread> does that abomination still exist? 20:06 < XRevan86> SELECT LAST[basic] FROM [good] WHERE basic LIKE("*absolute.shit*"); 20:07 < XRevan86> I think that would actually execute. 20:18 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:20 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 20:21 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:22 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 20:51 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:54 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:01 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 21:04 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: A New Ethos for Free Software http://techrights.org/2020/06/16/ethos-for-freesw/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/8519f6e9-2880-4175-a2e9-c0efa775d370] 21:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #gnu #linux Games: #Desperados III, Humble, #Steam and #GameMode http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138834 [https://pleroma.site/objects/21c73cfc-11f1-41d8-a6ad-ecba6eede9d0] 21:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FreeBSD 11.4-RELEASE Announcement http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138835 [https://pleroma.site/objects/086e2a52-f722-401b-b538-59638b851481] 21:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #QML Online http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138836 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bc1a4198-8693-4087-87ce-a06d0ae663ec] 21:17 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 21:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: "Linux kernel 5.8 is set to be its biggest stable release ever with more than 800,000 lines of new code." http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138752#comment-25527 [https://pleroma.site/objects/eb04ba56-d79a-4262-a8c3-966834038c87] 21:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138837 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3c8a9d32-1ea2-428f-9314-9fefeafa7d9e] 21:58 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has left #techrights [] 21:58 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 22:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138838 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b3fbc7c3-255a-48d9-a541-a794912d23c6] 22:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138839 [https://pleroma.site/objects/51eb2dab-0d36-44b5-b84e-cbe313f780b2] 22:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Foundation and Linux Kernel Picks http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138840 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d6aa16e0-3431-48b5-8a5d-3e3a615a069f] 22:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GSoC Work on Krita http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138841 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5c7618c9-ac58-47e0-92a2-2cb8e6440530] 22:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Haiku Release and New Video http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138842 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a2795c32-8f8f-4d6b-8e4d-a670c6482281] --- Day changed Wed Jun 17 2020 00:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Not really sure what Haiku offers. 00:04 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not *nix, so there's not a lot of software that's compatible with it. 00:05 < schestowitz> some people older than us are nostalgic about beos 00:05 < schestowitz> I never even used os/2 00:08 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> I had BeOS on my computer. 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> I was triple booting between Windows 98, BeOS, and Mandrake Linux. 00:09 < cubexyz> minix, desqview, tops, CP/M, amigados 00:10 < cubexyz> probably others if I think about it more 00:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I cut Windows 98 way down with RoM2 and so it wasn't using much space in the end. 00:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I installed BeOS Personal Edition and Mandrake Linux in files on my FAT32 drive. 00:10 < cubexyz> Venix, many other *nix variants 00:11 < cubexyz> RT-11, quasijarus, ultrix, plan 9, etc 00:13 < cubexyz> I tried BeOS, I was diverted by it, I'm not really nostalgic about it 00:16 < cubexyz> FOSS was the real driver, which made BeOS less interesting, same for amigados although it was leaked/released later 00:19 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:19 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 00:27 < superkuh> BeOS 5 was my gateway drug to linux. 00:31 < psydread> I never used BeOS, but I remember having a cd set of it 00:32 < psydread> and now I have Haiku installed on an Intel Celeron laptop 00:32 < psydread> after wiping Kubuntu 00:35 < psydread> > Not really sure what Haiku offers. 00:35 < psydread> > It's not *nix, so there's not a lot of software that's compatible with it. 00:35 < psydread> BeOS was Unix-like and Haiku actually has implemented all of Posix. At least that's what one of the developers recently said. It just doesn't have X11. 00:44 -!- CrystalMath is now known as CoderAyn 00:45 < oiaohm> psydread: https://wiki.winehq.org/Haiku Haiku is posix yes but the undefined sections of posix like what libraries functions have to be in add a extrea mix of hell. 00:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- wiki.winehq.org | Haiku - WineHQ Wiki 00:46 < oiaohm> So yes Haiku is Posix compadbile but the library name holding the function could be completely different to every other Unix/BSD/Linux in existance. 00:51 < psydread> oiaohm, yes, I know they have some weirdness and I wouldn't put it on my main machines, but I was surprised it worked on real hardware at all. And its hardware support doesn't seem to be that bad either with pretty modern hardware being supported using mostly drivers ported from FreeBSD. 00:52 -!- CoderAyn is now known as CrystalMath 01:02 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:02 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 01:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FreeBSD 11.4 Released With Various Hardware Support Improvements, Tooling Enhancements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138835#comment-25528 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a06edee0-03d8-4181-88a8-1de765f04d11] 01:04 -!- CrystalMath is now known as CoderAyn 01:04 -!- CoderAyn is now known as CrystalMath 01:05 < schestowitz> Ariadne: any good cli/ncurses client for pleroma? 01:06 < schestowitz> I still cannot get it to load at all in qupzilla, not mastodon style, not classic style either 01:08 < schestowitz> would mastodon clients be compatible? e.g. https://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/Mastodon-Clients-Post-Line/(offset)/3 01:08 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.linux-magazine.com | Tutorial – Mastodon - Page: 1.3 » Linux Magazine 01:11 < schestowitz> https://docs.pleroma.social/clients.html 01:11 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- docs.pleroma.social | Pleroma Clients — Pleroma v1.1.9-10-g42f76306+dev 01:13 < schestowitz> https://brutaldon.online/ seems to work for me, let's test... 01:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- 302 redirect with weird Location: about 01:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Moving to qupzilla as main browser today [https://pleroma.site/objects/7e0e8cd1-da80-416c-bd3a-14df558d85a0] 01:19 -!- factor__ [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 01:22 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Refactoring GNOME Code and Porting to GtkBuilder http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138843 [https://pleroma.site/objects/04478797-f2d6-4eab-8208-7af992ea6b6b] 01:30 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Looking for an Android Phone with Long Term Support? Fairphone 2 Gets Android 9 Five Years After Launch http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138844 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b886e8c2-4754-413a-91a6-135dd9422e7a] 01:59 < Ariadne> yes 01:59 < Ariadne> mastodon clients are compatible 02:08 < schestowitz> I found a way, eventually.. 02:16 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 02:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138846 [https://pleroma.site/objects/851122c0-e8b1-41f7-9467-d4fdce2e93e1] 02:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: How to Handle Account Passwords in Linux With passwd Command http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138845 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c9a0d3b3-e344-4b88-9fdf-a989b5983972] 02:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: mintCast, LINUX Unplugged, and This Week in Linux (TWIL) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138847 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3eed9136-79da-4602-b865-95c62acd916a] 03:20 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:22 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:50 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:50 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Raspberry Pi 4 is Available With 8GB RAM http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138128#comment-25529 [https://pleroma.site/objects/153aef00-47f8-4006-bc54-2e40a7e5c0ed] 04:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FreeBSD 11.4 Released: A UNIX-like Free And Stable Operating System http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138835#comment-25530 [https://pleroma.site/objects/00c02d43-487e-4d9f-b604-fd76ec22cc7f] 04:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Server Vs. Desktop: What’s the difference? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138848 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4985a4f7-f94e-4e80-b429-065423afaadd] 04:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi 4: Chronicling the Desktop Experience – Desktop Searching – Week 34 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138849 [https://pleroma.site/objects/95a44c4d-6707-4dc3-8724-d857614cd9cf] 04:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GNOME 3.36.3 Desktop Environment Released with Various Improvements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138850GNOME 3.36.3 Desktop Environment Released with Various Improvements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138850 [https://pleroma.site/objects/49e360b6-f751-4c92-b6c4-3162e26726d0] 04:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Canonical Launches the Ubuntu Appliance Initiative for Raspberry Pi and PC http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138851 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3ebd44f9-ced6-414e-8dea-645d75393c80] 04:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138852 [https://pleroma.site/objects/87da2ebb-8dc2-4fee-8c68-b8dbaafa2350] 05:10 -!- rodolphoeck [~rodolphoe@pub082136102155.dh-hfc.datazug.ch] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 05:16 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:23 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 05:24 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 05:25 < psydread> I think Mastodon should also go p2p like Matrix recently did 05:33 < schestowitz> is ti scalable? 05:45 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: New release: Tor http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138853 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d67275e7-6098-4804-95cf-21f9b2322e3a] 06:07 < psydread> I haven't tested it yet 06:08 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 06:17 < schestowitz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X74TcEZ3_iI 06:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- A Message From Vandana Shiva - YouTube 06:17 < schestowitz> YOUTUBE seems to be messing with results a lot 06:18 < schestowitz> Google curating to amplify the official narratives 06:18 < schestowitz> demoting things that highlight deception 06:18 < schestowitz> this is awful, YouTube became like broadcast/TV 06:18 < schestowitz> In the name or 'protecting' us from 'bad' ideas 06:20 <@MinceR> there is no good choice 06:21 <@MinceR> they can curate or they can become a mouthpiece for nutcases 06:21 <@MinceR> the problem is with humanity 06:42 < schestowitz>
  • 06:42 < schestowitz>
    We Are Witnessing an Uprising Against a World Built on Anti-Blackness
    06:42 < schestowitz>
    06:42 < schestowitz>

    How we understand the current uprising in the wake of multiple police killings is critical. It is not only a protest. If we are fortunate, it stays an uprising — against a whole system built on anti-Blackness. This is not about a few “bad apples,” but an entire institution that has a monopoly on the definition of “justice.” It is about people’s psychic, emotional and economic investments in a heavily resourced 06:42 < schestowitz> system that functions to protect white supremacy through anti-Black violence. It is about George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Oscar Grant, Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd and so many others, as well as the hundreds of years’ worth of violence against Black communities. As such, and as the world is witnessing — because of the gravity and depth — every strategy to disturb, let alone upend this world, will be taken.

  • 06:42 < schestowitz> oops 06:42 < schestowitz> correct paste: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9gPW77ylGw 06:42 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- What I Learned From Richard Stallman - YouTube 07:15 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:17 < XRevan86> Why do only white dudes with beer bellies coming to my awesome Pirate-themed party? Is it all the black flags with skulls and bones? I mean, I didn't mean it to be offensive! 07:17 * XRevan86 read https://happyassassin.net/posts/2020/06/17/on-inclusive-language-an-extended-metaphor-involving-parties-because-why-not/ like that when it came to whitelists. 07:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- happyassassin.net | On inclusive language: an extended metaphor involving parties because why not | AdamW on Linux and more 07:20 < XRevan86> I can't wait to move on to the world where colours aren't exclusively reserved for skin. 07:22 < XRevan86> I've been making commie jokes about "red flags", but red is also how skin of indigenous Americans was seen by the European colonisers… 07:23 < XRevan86> Or: better dead than red. 07:26 < XRevan86> Yellow press – untrustworthy. Because Chinese are untrustworthy? Is that the message you want to send? 07:29 <@MinceR> :> 07:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: A First Look At Devuan 3.0 “Beowulf” http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138328#comment-25531 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d9885477-511e-487b-b927-decb7ecd63aa] 07:31 <@MinceR> they just can't keep their fucking politics out of my technology 07:31 <@MinceR> they'll be totally surprised and outraged when their ancient enemies get on the bandwagon 07:33 < XRevan86> I'm fine with them taking politics out with "slave". But now it's "race is everything" shoved into every orifice. 07:36 <@MinceR> slavery is not race anyway 07:37 < XRevan86> MinceR: Technically not, and it is a very regional thing to always assume otherwise, but it is politics, because slavery is a political issue. 07:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: And race-based slavery is the kind of slavery that has pronounced consequences to this day. 07:40 < XRevan86> So in that respect, it's not far-fetched. 07:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138859 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b44f6351-51b7-4cfe-8ed7-1a1ace6d3c7d] 07:42 < XRevan86> No one cares about Slavs having a business of selling other Slavs as slaves anymore. It's even reflected in the name, but today it doesn't creep in the shadows. 07:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: First Ubuntu 20.04 Point Release Delayed; It Will Now Arrive On August 6 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138858 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5d101234-377f-4138-bbe4-36535f55eefa] 07:45 < XRevan86> And of course if slavery is based on some inherent characteristic of a person (i.e. if social classes are divided by skin tone), then it's _a_lot_ more nasty than when it's mixed. 07:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Top 10 Linux Distribution for Security Practice – 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138857 [https://pleroma.site/objects/35feeaa0-9c75-46a7-b016-454f91eefc14] 07:46 < XRevan86> https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9501782016/hDD17D8BA 07:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: An Adventure in Codeberg.org - A Review by A Non-Programmer http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138856 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a46658ca-e712-4170-8979-a9983aa7c4ed] 07:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Qt 5.12.9 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138855 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d4e7d2f5-d95d-4f25-a2c3-eac841d3a41d] 07:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The 20 Reasons To Use KDE Desktop Environment in 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138854 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fbd02eec-7c95-4972-a079-6596d6a31cdb] 07:50 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos (mostly videos) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138860 [https://pleroma.site/objects/479f4ac1-09b8-48d5-8358-c363834960a2] 08:02 -!- omac777 [8e7068cb@ipagstaticip-7e3f1ebd-7a04-750e-4500-16c6b067ddec.sdsl.bell.ca] has joined #techrights 08:02 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:02 < omac777> I was reading your article about the Microsoft Github thing. 08:02 < omac777> A few days ago, I was on old.reddit.com/r/rust/ 08:04 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:04 <@MinceR> XRevan86: yeah, and bible-humpers might actually bring back slavery because in their favorite overrated fable, slavery is portrayed as acceptable 08:06 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 08:06 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:06 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:08 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:08 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:09 < omac777> Someone posted something about Microsoft acknowledging Rust and wanting to proceed to adopt it for any upcoming software development. I replied along the lines that why should rust developers care about MS thinks because I don't highly regard Microsoft and prefer to warn Rust redditors to remain vigilant about anything Microsoft. The end result 08:09 < omac777> was I got harshly downvoted in terms of point and given a warning of being booted of the forum for rule of "zeolotry". They said don't be "over zealous". They said "do you have a bone to pick with Microsoft?". I'm an older individual so I have read the number of legal suits against Microsoft. I've been admiring techrights.org for a long time 08:09 < omac777> from a distance. I de-activated my account with reddit reason being "too much censorship". I suspect the rust reddit moderator being a Microserf. Thank you for listening. 08:11 < schestowitz> hi 08:11 < schestowitz> some people in Mozilla are from Microsoft 08:11 < schestowitz> that's an issue 08:12 <@MinceR> i don't even care about rust, it has the same freedom issue as failfox 08:12 < omac777> Have a look at how many messages were deleted in there. https://old.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/h84zwp/microsoft_rust_is_the_industrys_best_chance_at/ 08:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- old.reddit.com | Microsoft: Rust Is the Industry’s ‘Best Chance’ at Safe Systems Programming : rust 08:12 < omac777> my username in old.reddit.com was also omac777 08:12 <@MinceR> also, people keep advertising it as a replacement to C++, when it can't even do multiple inheritance 08:13 < omac777> There are no longer messages within that thread posted by omac777(myself)...because they deleted them all over "being over zealous" toward Microsoft. 08:13 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:14 < schestowitz> wow 08:14 < schestowitz> can you sent screenshot if they're still shown when you are logged in? 08:14 < schestowitz> preferably the whole page 08:14 < schestowitz> with the missing messages 08:14 < schestowitz> we'll reproduce them in techright 08:14 < omac777> No I have none of that history. I'm sorry. 08:14 < schestowitz> *techrights even 08:14 < schestowitz> maybe Google Cache? 08:14 < omac777> perhaps. hangon. 08:14 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:15 < schestowitz> thenewstack is not a news site 08:15 < schestowitz> it's sponsored spam site 08:15 < schestowitz> can't recall whether Microsoft is one of the sponsors 08:15 < schestowitz> but it's a hoax news site, you pay to be covered 08:16 < schestowitz> they have media kit 08:16 < schestowitz> and they call it something like partner, or some other term I forgot 08:16 < omac777> No, I'm not familiar with the time travel within google cache. 08:17 < omac777> I deactivated my account over this, but I just wanted to let you know something is up with reddit.com and rust moderators. 08:18 < schestowitz> if you did not terminate your account fully, you may still be able to recover those messages 08:18 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:18 < schestowitz> with context 08:18 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:18 < schestowitz> the full page is not of much interest, it's a puff pieces and idiotc nodding 08:18 < schestowitz> having eliminated all signs of dissent 08:18 < schestowitz> reddit has long been like that 08:18 < omac777> https://www.reddit.com/search/?q=author%3Aomac777 08:18 < schestowitz> it's conde nast-owned, they kicked Linus out for 1.5 months 08:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- reddit.com: search results - author:omac777 08:18 < omac777> no posts exist anymore. 08:19 < omac777> I deactivated my account. 08:19 < schestowitz> can you reactive still, temporarily? 08:19 < schestowitz> I want screenshots of their reply to you 08:19 < schestowitz> it's a good topic to cover as we've long argued this rust attitude is really terrible 08:19 < schestowitz> they also have github-hosted glean and others, basically mozilla spyware 08:20 < schestowitz> hosted by microsoft 08:20 < omac777> nope I can't. It's done. It's permanent. That's ok. 08:20 < schestowitz> ok, in that case 08:20 < schestowitz> can you expand the above opening message? 08:20 < schestowitz> Recalling from memory your argument and their response? 08:20 < schestowitz> as best you remember? 08:21 < omac777> I summarized the detail accurately above. 08:21 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:21 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:22 < schestowitz> ok, I'll see what to do with it, maybe tomorrow after I work 08:22 < XRevan86> It looks like they want adoption and traction no matter from whom, and you were spoiling their groove %) 08:22 < schestowitz> also: 08:22 < schestowitz> can you confirm is any of the moderators are msft employees? 08:22 < schestowitz> or just flairs? 08:22 < schestowitz> or mozilla employees 08:22 < omac777> in further posting I was perhaps rude and mentioned "rape" as a word to depict how they treated certain companies that had suits against them which led to the my downvoting points and being labelled as "over-zealous" and they mentioned the rule "zealotry". that's the best I can do. 08:23 < schestowitz> that's BS 08:23 < schestowitz> corporations that bomb people 08:23 < schestowitz> call their opponents zealots 08:23 < schestowitz> that's corporate BS 08:23 < XRevan86> Has Microsoft's ICE collaboration been all forgiven? 08:24 < omac777> I have no idea about who moderates old.reddit.com/r/rust but the moderator sounded diplomatic and simply wanted to enforce reddit's rules or make it seem so from my perspective. 08:24 < schestowitz> this is what cocs are about 08:24 < schestowitz> and why they're so controversial 08:24 < schestowitz> corporations love cocs because these help muzzle their critics 08:24 < omac777> None of my words were inciting violence. My words were inciting vigilance. 08:24 < XRevan86> Maybe they paid their moral debts by removing the word "master" from GitHub. 08:24 < schestowitz> and they blackmail projects into adpting their drafted cocs 08:24 < schestowitz> "or else we won't participate" 08:25 < schestowitz> XRevan86: separate issue 08:25 < schestowitz> they were not even the first 08:25 < schestowitz> kde devs wrote about it days prior... 08:25 < XRevan86> schestowitz: That's tied into "Microsoft is no longer that bad corporation it used to be" 08:25 < XRevan86> Not the first, yes. 08:26 < XRevan86> I think GNOME was the first. 08:26 < omac777> to be clear I was simply telling rust redditors to remain vigilant toward Microsoft and I get downvoted and censored to the point they need to delete my posts. So I decided too much censorship and deactivated my reddit.com account. 08:26 < schestowitz> ok, cheers 08:26 < schestowitz> better to screenshot evidence if you do this 08:26 < schestowitz> i know I would... 08:27 < schestowitz> i hate reddit's censorship, it's very corporate-leaning 08:27 < omac777> The data is probably still on reddit databases somewhere. 08:27 < omac777> does the wayback machine cover this? 08:27 < schestowitz> and they're infested with these corporations, without disclosure 08:27 < schestowitz> no, wayback machine isn't good for caching SHORT term 08:27 < omac777> Very interesting... 08:28 < schestowitz> you can try google caching your account 08:28 < schestowitz> syntax is webcache: iirc 08:28 < omac777> ok 08:28 < schestowitz> it would be interesting to see who talked you down 08:28 < schestowitz> if a moderator, maybe a footdsoldiers of mozilla warriors 08:28 < schestowitz> who lie constantly about privacy 08:32 < omac777> Well the best way would be to repeat the process on the same topic using a different username 08:33 < omac777> It just can't be me. 08:36 < schestowitz> a lot of hassle, too 08:39 < psydread> is this a case of MS trying to take over Rust? 08:40 < psydread> or rather of MS and Mozilla colluding to nip Rust in the bud? 08:40 <@MinceR> rust is mozilla's project 08:40 < psydread> I know 08:40 < psydread> but why would Mozilla allow MS to infiltrate it? 08:41 < omac777> At least you can understand my perspective though. Simply wanting to warn other rust users should be vigilant toward Microsoft. Their opinion shouldn't be deemed in high regard since they have a history with suits against them I stated 3 particular ones. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_litigation The stac electronic, the java j++ Sun VS 08:41 < omac777> MS, Znix... your own link but I used another coming from a book anti trust again microsoft http://techrights.org/2010/05/25/microsoft-sco-and-then-acacia/ https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/microsoft-antitrust-cases 08:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Microsoft litigation - Wikipedia 08:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Microsoft Attacks Linux Competition Using Lawsuits and Threats (With Software Patents), Pays Acacia/IP Innovation After Anti-Linux Lawsuit | Techrights 08:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mitpress.mit.edu | The Microsoft Antitrust Cases | The MIT Press 08:41 <@MinceR> maybe they get paid for it 08:41 < schestowitz> afaik, microsoft already eee'd rust months ago 08:42 < schestowitz> mozilla does not seem to mind 08:42 < psydread> that must be a really desperate move 08:42 <@MinceR> or they're just as naive as the lusers who bought the "Microsoft <3 Linux" bullshit campaign 08:42 < schestowitz> it even does all the coding on Microsoft's servers 08:42 < schestowitz> mozilla is a basket case 08:42 < psydread> and if they allow it, it means we'll have to find another nextgen programming language that isn't infected with the MS virus 08:43 < schestowitz> they'll infect it too 08:43 < schestowitz> they always try to 08:43 < schestowitz> this is what cults do 08:43 <@MinceR> or forget the nextgen hype and learn lisp 08:43 < schestowitz> and look at where Microsoft came from 08:43 < omac777> As I stated before, I'm not inciting violence. I'm giving advice to be vigilant...and some moderator seeing my post stated I am over-zealous dinged me with -89 points and deleted my post mentioning the above links. WOW. I couldn't believe it. This isn't inciting violence. Why on earth is reddit and their rust moderator doing this? 08:43 < schestowitz> maybe a Microsoft employee 08:44 < schestowitz> but unless we have screenshot 08:44 < psydread> my Reddit karma is -99 and will stay like that forever 08:44 < schestowitz> all we have is a page full of praise 08:44 < schestowitz> and we cannot check who did what, like deleting a comment 08:45 < XRevan86> omac777: New feature-rich native languages without a heavy runtime? 08:45 < psydread> a page full of praise is a page that is entirely fake 08:45 * XRevan86 doesn't know any. 08:45 < XRevan86> If heavy runtime is not a factor, then Crystal and Google's Go. 08:46 < omac777> I'm a rust fan. It's indeed full of merit. It's fully capable now in Linux. 08:46 < psydread> maybe that is the reason why MS had to eee it 08:46 < omac777> Rust got the macro capability right. Zig might be safer to use than Rust "unsafe" which makes Zig very interesting too. 08:47 < XRevan86> psydread: MS stated it themselves, that they're interested in a language that can produce efficient code but isn't, well, C or C++. 08:47 < psydread> I just started reading a book on Rust a few weeks ago, I will resume that shortly 08:48 < omac777> Zig doesn't have all the written libraries giving practical capabilities though. Rust has grpc, rocket/actix, latest tls, rust-qt(GUI). The only thing truly not documented yet is how to write device drivers in rust for linux, but it's being worked on though. 08:49 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 08:49 < XRevan86> omac777: Have you looked at Haskell? Just asking :) 08:49 < omac777> Rust could be see as a threat to Microsoft since it's better than Microsoft tooling to be honest. 08:50 < schestowitz> they want to control everything 08:50 < schestowitz> even linux 08:50 < omac777> THAT is why Microsoft is embracing it as it did web. 08:50 < schestowitz> even gnu, in github 08:50 < schestowitz> and the kernel 08:50 < schestowitz> the tech version of "full spectrum dominance" 08:50 < XRevan86> omac777: I don't think that they'd try to destroy Rust, but they will try to own it. 08:50 < schestowitz> they already do it 08:50 <@MinceR> everything is better than microsloth tooling 08:50 < schestowitz> I mentioned it months ago 08:50 < schestowitz> Microsoft 'extends' Rust 08:51 < schestowitz> whicb is easier for them because they control rust, it is on github 08:51 < schestowitz> they can ban 'toxic' devs 08:51 < schestowitz> or people who voice scepticism 08:51 < schestowitz> they control the communications there too 08:51 < psydread> is there a way to fork Rust (retroactively)? 08:51 <@MinceR> yes 08:51 <@MinceR> you can clone their repo from shithub 08:51 < schestowitz> rusky fork 08:51 < schestowitz> don't go there 08:51 < schestowitz> don't bite 08:51 <@MinceR> rename it and strip it of the trademark policy and you have a free language 08:51 <@MinceR> still no multiple inheritance though 08:51 < schestowitz> and then microsoft will ban the fork for 'zealotry' 08:52 < psydread> that's what I was thinking 08:52 <@MinceR> they can't, if it's not on shithub 08:52 < schestowitz> they already censor Microsoft critics now 08:52 < schestowitz> i saw some examples 08:52 < XRevan86> polish, because without rust 08:52 <@MinceR> :) 08:52 <@MinceR> "do you speak polish?" 08:52 < XRevan86> MinceR: kurwa 08:52 < schestowitz> maybe it's time to call it a day in Rust, if it's really that bad and too late. I just tell them to delete github every week 08:52 < omac777> The rust + microsoft stuff isn't an issue. You can choose not to use it. You can choose to just use Linux and Rust and that's what I do. At work there are cases for using rust on windows for interoperability with all the mgmt types that use microsoft office stuff in the workflow...I co-exist/interoperate with it, but try my best to keep it to a 08:52 < omac777> minimum. 08:52 <@MinceR> :) 08:53 < XRevan86> I know Slavic languages yet I still replied "kurwa" 08:53 < XRevan86> that's the power of Polish 08:53 < schestowitz> polskurwa 08:53 < XRevan86> omac777: Do you know the status of Rust adoption by GNOME? 08:54 < XRevan86> I know a lot of people at GNOME have found Rust to be exactly what they wanted. 08:54 < omac777> I love gtk-rs. Beautiful ! I should have mentioned it alongside rust-qt with vgtk too. 08:55 < omac777> yes there are rust bindings for gui stuff. 08:55 < omac777> yes there are rust bindings for gpu stuff too. 08:56 < XRevan86> Maybe C++ wouldn't've been this much frowned upon in GNOME if gtkmm weren't such an obsolete piece of… 08:56 < omac777> grpc/go are awesome too, but the gui story in golang is weaker imho. 08:56 < XRevan86> omac777: It indeed is. 08:58 < schestowitz> https://this-week-in-rust.org/blog/2020/06/16/this-week-in-rust-343/ 08:58 < schestowitz> latest 08:58 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- this-week-in-rust.org | This Week in Rust 343 · This Week in Rust 08:58 < schestowitz> for today's next batch of Daily Linls 08:59 < schestowitz> github mentioned so many times 08:59 < schestowitz> "openly develpers" 08:59 < schestowitz> yeah... in proprietary platform with Microsoft spying 08:59 < schestowitz> openly... developed 08:59 < schestowitz> in a prison 09:00 < schestowitz> some people already complained about the rust coc excluding 09:00 < schestowitz> and guess what they got for it... 09:00 < omac777> My brain appreciates all the work done in gnu/gcc/g++/clang/clang++/llvm/lld/ll debugger. BUT Rust really is a joy even without multi-inheritance. I love duck-typing(golang concept) within rust. 09:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138861 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d0ca73cb-b8c4-40c3-83fe-419d7a76da5f] 09:01 < psydread> my concern is what is going to happen to things like Redox now. They moved away to their own Gitlab instances a year or two ago and now MS is embracing the very programming language the entire operating system is written in 09:01 < psydread> instance* 09:03 < XRevan86> psydread: (why do I keep mentioning C++?) C++ has "auto", uses of which were extended a lot starting with C++14 09:03 < XRevan86> pretty ducky to me 09:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices: AirTab, ASUS PN50 and Raspberry Pi http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138862 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5824a899-9eab-4ad5-ac18-b196d38476ab] 09:06 < omac777> the ducky doesn't imply auto typing. In fact I abhor auto-typing within rust. I prefer explicit types not variants. auto is like a variant, but it leaves room for stuff being auto-converted when returning stuff to other caller functions using different types. It wastes lots of cpu time converting between types everywhere. It also leaves room 09:06 < omac777> for a lot of incorrect values being returned too. 09:06 < psydread> XRevan86, I know, I've also reading Stroustrup's book from 2018 to catch up with modern C++ syntax, as I needed some of it to write some threading code 09:06 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:08 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has joined #techrights 09:10 < omac777> the duck-typing for me simply makes functions available for structures without having to exist within the structure itself. it feels like interfaces....in fact in golang everything is an interface and this is how they manage to make all this magic work. In Rust it actually can be made to work in the very same way which is awesome. 09:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138863 [https://pleroma.site/objects/56a4e437-6a89-43a5-85a3-a31dbf6670cf] 09:13 < XRevan86> psydread: C++20 introduced a lot more stuff %) 09:13 < psydread> XRevant86, I'll catch up with that later, C++17 is ok for now 🙂 09:14 < omac777> Redox is amazing as a concept. Redox is coming to fruition. they have the gui, they have the network. It runs in a vm. REDOX needs more devs that know what they're doing though. It also need more documentation for regular users to build it and adopt it. 09:14 < XRevan86> omac777: Can you give an example in Rust? 09:17 < omac777> https://www.ultrasaurus.com/2020/01/duck-typing-in-rust-trait-vs-type/ in this case the to_string() could have been quack() and walk() 09:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- duck typing in rust: trait vs type « the evolving ultrasaurus 09:18 < schestowitz> mind js and typescript 09:18 < schestowitz> microsoft is still doing its java operandi 09:18 < schestowitz> and it leverages github to fake popularity of its stuff 09:18 < schestowitz> fake 'studied' and 'surveys' 09:18 < schestowitz> *studies 09:18 < schestowitz> to entice devs to join based on fiction 09:19 < omac777> It's not the best example but essential of a typed struct with a member value is there. Then the function is made available for that type structure later on. let's quack() the first day. then walk() is added the next day(). It's beautiful just like go. C/C++ have these implicitly, but they usually imply that it needs to be embedded within the 09:19 < omac777> class/struct. In golang/rust they are not within the struct. 09:19 < omac777> quack()/walk() are not within the struct in rust/golang. They sit outside of the struct. For long-term maintenance, this is better. 09:20 < omac777> gotta go. 09:21 -!- omac777 [8e7068cb@ipagstaticip-7e3f1ebd-7a04-750e-4500-16c6b067ddec.sdsl.bell.ca] has left #techrights [] 09:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 17/6/2020: Qt 5.12.9, Plasma 5.19.1 and FreeBSD 11.4 http://techrights.org/2020/06/17/plasma-5-19-1/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/39244b64-b23b-4756-9812-056def931d83] 09:33 < XRevan86> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZwdtnuWsAYxboJ?format=jpg 09:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Qt Creator 4.12.3 released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138855#comment-25533 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9344776b-fddd-404a-8b66-5ab111d045d9] 09:45 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 10:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138864 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8d151906-2aa5-4dcb-afa6-3f61408cb855] 10:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Attentat 1942, Akurra, DRAG, Elder Scrolls Online, Deadly Days, Team Fortress 2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138865 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b60b8178-c095-48cd-89eb-683910e06111] 10:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: sndcpy Forwards Audio From Android 10 To Linux, Windows Or macOS Desktop (Like scrcpy But For Audio) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138866 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0bc5f92e-4566-44cb-ba11-d5c18b921876] 10:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security/Reliability Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138867 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ab2bbbd5-3397-44ae-a72e-28835b7988b5] 11:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138868 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a15cfa69-0bae-41ee-a5e4-72f9bb2a4305] 11:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138869 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3788a01d-2851-4569-8aa5-a9f444b6657f] 11:22 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 11:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138870 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b071568a-45fe-4a0b-be70-503a5ca4964d] 11:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kernel and Graphics: IWD, Vulkan and Microsoft EEE http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138871 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef8c19f7-0672-4f96-8624-000eba5c6ce8] 11:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138872 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e4df9e8b-d004-4cbe-9ff9-857feb73812f] 11:49 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:49 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 11:49 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 11:52 < liberty_box> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVtTCBH_Jug 11:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Olare's Story | Sheldrick Trust - YouTube 11:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138873 [https://pleroma.site/objects/87a4a658-c0fb-4ad4-b406-2cc249ef2869] 11:55 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 11:57 -!- dabblerdude [~dabblerdu@pool-96-234-134-26.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #techrights 12:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 17/6/2020: Intel’s IWD 1.8 and Qt Creator 4.12.3 http://techrights.org/2020/06/17/qt-creator-4-12-3/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/aa1557aa-015b-4775-b9fa-50d2b296aeb5] 12:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy and its Enhanced Security Monitoring http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138874 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bf8ce19d-8b32-4caf-88df-cde8c80576fc] 12:23 -!- dabblerdude [~dabblerdu@pool-96-234-134-26.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:30 < XRevan86> It's strange to see this many Russians taking a racist stance regarding protests in the US. Ate up all the coverage from Russian television. I didn't see it, but from what I hear, it's pretty close to what Fox News sells. 12:30 < XRevan86> Nothing personal, just that Putin needs another example of why protesting is the worst thing ever. 12:31 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 12:31 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 12:31 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 12:31 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 12:34 < XRevan86> So https://youtu.be/u2Ntz-JdH5Q?t=1m39s ("we do not want events similiar to what happened in Paris") 12:34 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 12:35 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:35 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:41 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:47 < XRevan86> https://xkcd.com/2321 12:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- xkcd: Low-Background Metal 12:50 < schestowitz> [17:30] Nothing personal, just that Putin needs another example of why protesting is the worst thing ever. 12:50 < schestowitz> yes, dictators don't like successful revolts 12:50 < schestowitz> they can - gasp - inspire people everywhere 12:50 < schestowitz> they're 'contagious' 12:51 < XRevan86> schestowitz: Indeed. 12:51 < schestowitz> so you infiltrate them 12:51 < schestowitz> you misframe them 12:51 < schestowitz> no people with grievances 12:52 < XRevan86> Even peaceful protests are outlawed, and this can serve as justification. Just frame it as horrid. 12:52 < schestowitz> just lootings, looters looking to burn stuff and get 'free stuff' 12:52 < schestowitz> but when US wants revolt for resgime change 12:52 < schestowitz> then the most abhorrent provocations are "for democracy" 12:52 < schestowitz> even Cubans who take down planes 12:53 < schestowitz> (venezuela was the same, Iran last year...) 12:53 < schestowitz> not Saudi 12:53 < schestowitz> beheaded atheists are OK 12:54 < schestowitz> because back thwn US needed cheap oil 12:54 < schestowitz> not anymore 12:54 < schestowitz> so they bail out n KSA now 12:54 < XRevan86> schestowitz: God bless America 12:55 < XRevan86> They did those atheists a favour, they will sin no more, will make their case less heavy in Hell. 12:55 * XRevan86 wonders if some people still hold the aforementioned views… 12:57 < XRevan86> Maybe Saudis actually do. 13:05 < zoobab> we will launch a crowdfunding campaign to sack the UPC in Germany 13:05 < zoobab> I am looking at which "platform" to use 13:05 < zoobab> we need something basic, with a meter or something 13:05 < zoobab> and no 'fees' 13:06 < zoobab> gofundme seems to be require some credit card fees 13:06 < zoobab> any recommendation? 13:28 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 13:30 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 13:31 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 13:37 -!- dabblerdude [~dabblerdu@pool-96-234-134-26.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #techrights 13:42 -!- dabblerdude [~dabblerdu@pool-96-234-134-26.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit] 13:57 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:13 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:13 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 14:13 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:19 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:19 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:30 < XRevan86> https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/7482#issuecomment-645355341 renamed for some reason 14:30 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Support ESNI · Issue #7482 · openssl/openssl · GitHub 14:30 < XRevan86> I will say "where's my eSNI?" no more. 14:30 < XRevan86> Where's my ECH? 14:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyway, back to sex toys. I really think the government should subsidize these instead of children. 14:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Think about it. They can pay a million dollars over 18 years in welfare and public schools or $1,500 one time to buy every man out there a real doll. 14:47 < DaemonFC[m]> As a carbon offset and population control strategy, you really can't knock it. 14:48 < DaemonFC[m]> I think it's kind of ridiculous that women have all of these birth control options and it's all bought and paid for by Uncle Sugar, including tubes tied. 14:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Women are rate limited as to how much they can get pregnant, but there are some men who go around and have kids with 5-6 different women. 14:49 < DaemonFC[m]> We're not really solving the problem by only giving women options and telling men that the condom is all they get and it has an 86% success rate if you use them right. 14:50 < DaemonFC[m]> 86% is obviously better than 0%, but it's not something that entirely eliminates the risk. 14:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Men should be able to get a vasectomy and their insurance should have to pay for it 100%. 14:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Deciding that you'll never have kids is not a bad decision. 14:52 < DaemonFC[m]> In fact, in light of the United States turning into Soylent Green levels of unemployed people overnight due to the criminal overreaction by state governments to tge virus, I think we really need two things now. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Expand Social Security to Universal Basic Income and enact sweeping measures that remove all barriers to contraception. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> The virus is out there anyway and it'll kill about the same number of people, just over a longer timeframe. 14:54 < CrystalMath> Men should be able to get a vasectomy and their insurance should have to pay for it 100%. <- amen to that! 14:54 < CrystalMath> err 14:54 < CrystalMath> wrong one 14:54 < CrystalMath> Deciding that you'll never have kids is not a bad decision. 14:54 < CrystalMath> Deciding that you'll never have kids is not a bad decision. <- amen to that 14:54 < CrystalMath> i think vasectomies are good but not forcing people to do something 14:55 < DaemonFC[m]> If I was straight and had kids when I was 16, they would be 20 years old now, if I did it at 18, they'd be 18, if I did it at 20, they'd be 16. 14:55 < DaemonFC[m]> In any event, they'd be aging into this fucking horseshit mess. 14:56 < DaemonFC[m]> They'd be inheriting a world that is the most fucked up it has ever been. 14:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Although in 2000-2006, it wouldn't have been as obvious because things seemed to be going well on the surface. 14:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I did them a giant favor by not having kids. They'll never exist so they wouldn't know that, but I did them a favor. 14:58 < kingoffrance> 9/11 was pretty insane, i dont think bush even his supported ran around like they do with trump saying he is really a genius with some mastermind plan...everyone just accepted bush II was an idiot 14:58 < kingoffrance> there was no "hes our last hope" etc. 14:58 < kingoffrance> so i agree somewhat, it was crazy, but not like now 14:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Bush had a 90% approval rating for a few months, and it faded when some people started realizing what Iraq would turn into. 14:59 < DaemonFC[m]> It was too late. 15:00 < kingoffrance> its just been lurching from crisis to crisis for a long time 15:00 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:00 < kingoffrance> theres a red/orange/yellow/green meters for: air, covid, terror, ..... 15:00 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 15:00 < kingoffrance> i predict whatever happens, they will do more of these color-coded crisis measurements 15:01 < kingoffrance> that does seem to be a constant 15:01 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 15:43 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/atm 15:43 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - ATM 15:54 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:14 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has quit [Disconnected by services] 16:14 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has joined #techrights 16:18 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: insmodppa 16:20 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:21 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:22 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/2002283 16:22 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4390849) 16:41 -!- Glyphie44__ [sid163528@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-jtswgtsioyjdrjyf] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 16:44 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 16:44 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 16:44 -!- Glyphie44__ [sid163528@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qogtdigjroempfob] has joined #techrights 16:47 -!- Glyphie44__ [sid163528@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qogtdigjroempfob] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 16:52 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 16:53 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 17:07 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Lewis Black was talking about how nobody even knows what to do when they say orange alert or whatever. 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> We've been on threat level Orange for the last few years now. 17:38 -!- Glyphie44__ [sid163528@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mbkuodrqkuawtejp] has joined #techrights 17:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Lenovo’s New ThinkPad P1 Gen3 for Professionals: OLED, 8-core Xeon, Quadro http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138875 [https://pleroma.site/objects/97cb010a-3042-4e93-8f0e-e82027966ff4] 17:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138876 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f8d26d8b-160e-4836-aeaf-36e9bca038ea] 17:43 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022751 17:43 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4390447) 17:45 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Stable Kernels: 5.7.3, 5.6.19, and 5.4.47 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138877 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4d5b017a-9951-4c5f-b414-54bd21003bd7] 17:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Qualcomm’s Linux-driven robotics kit taps Snapdragon 865 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138878 [https://pleroma.site/objects/55dea8a8-7c3c-4ebe-879f-f08f185b0566] 17:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138879 [https://pleroma.site/objects/cbfb2802-2c3f-4e22-bf0b-c971c516d173] 17:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138879 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a7b9b654-5d75-45c8-8451-366180cfdc15] 17:51 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:52 < psydroid> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Windows-10-Intel-NVIDIA-WSL2 17:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- NVIDIA, Intel Post New Windows 10 Graphics Drivers For WSL2 Linux App Support - Phoronix 17:52 < schestowitz> see comments 17:52 < schestowitz> I did... 17:52 < psydroid> MS, Intel and Nvidia trying to put the genie back into the bottle 17:54 < schestowitz> zoobab: they all suck 17:54 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 17:55 < schestowitz> psydroid: not many people use this anyway 17:55 < schestowitz> so I think phoronix may be helping Microsoft 17:55 < schestowitz> he also did an WSL-only benchmark yesterday 17:55 < schestowitz> which I think was pointless 17:55 < schestowitz> anything for traffic/hits 17:55 < psydroid> yes 17:55 < schestowitz> I confronted Michael about it 17:56 < schestowitz> he told me it's for "entertainment" 17:56 < DaemonFC[m]> So is pornhub and psychic hotlines. 17:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Gambling too, because the state doesn't want to admit it's encouraging a nasty addiction that leads to suffering. 17:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I knew marijuana would happen when the state was having a severe budget crisis. 17:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Double whammy. Tax money and dump out the prisons. 17:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Frame it as a social justice issue instead of "Illinois is too broke to keep maliciously prosecuting minorities in this particular way.". 17:58 < DaemonFC[m]> :) 18:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump had been desperately looking for a way to put the pin back in the COVID-19 grenade then decided to lob it at the governors and switch to "law and order" after the mass unemployment and police brutality sparked riots. 18:08 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 18:08 < DaemonFC[m]> The worst of the AIDS epidemic didn't start to subside until people started wearing condoms because they saw what it was doing to people. 18:09 < DaemonFC[m]> The federal government was no help at all and most of the US contribution to the AIDS research of the 1980s was a fraud named Robert Gallo who claimed he isolated a virus that some French researchers sent him to study and then named it, incorrectly, HTLV III. 18:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyway, you'd think that people would wear a simple surgical mask if it was any sort of protection at all. 18:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean, the effort to get at least partial protection from the Coronavirus is minimal. 18:12 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 18:13 < DaemonFC[m]> The Republicans are cheering on the prospect of a mass culling that will mostly affect them. 18:14 < DaemonFC[m]> By the time a vaccine gets a lid on this, upwards of 300,000 Americans will be dead. Maybe 400,000. 18:15 <@MinceR> "hey grim reaper, lend me your sickle / the world needs some culling, blood needs to trickle!" 18:17 < DaemonFC[m]> That's almost as good as "Here I sit all brokenhearted. Came to shit, but only farted.". 18:18 <@MinceR> :> 18:18 <@MinceR> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGBHfXPqbgI 18:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Zlad - I Am The Anti-Pope - YouTube 18:19 < XRevan86> If pope means father… 18:19 < XRevan86> anti-father… I got nothing 18:22 < psydroid> MS going after Rust, Gemini, ML etc. etc. 18:22 <@MinceR> they also went after python, didn't they? 18:23 < psydroid> Github makes it much easier for them to figure out what to target 18:23 < psydroid> yes 18:23 < psydroid> offering courses to learn Python using Azure on EdX 18:24 < psydroid> I must say they do their infiltration job very well 18:24 < schestowitz> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=AMD-Radeon-Software-For-WSL2 18:24 < schestowitz> now amd also 18:24 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition Updated With WSL Support - Phoronix 18:24 < psydroid> but once you see through it, you know to avoid it all like the plague 18:25 < schestowitz> http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138871#comment-25538 18:25 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.tuxmachines.org | Kernel and Graphics: IWD, Vulkan and Microsoft EEE | Tux Machines 18:26 < psydroid> so Phoronix is becoming another Windows site 18:26 < psydroid> that's good to know 18:27 <@MinceR> "is becoming"? 18:27 <@MinceR> they've been attacking free OSes with their headlines for years 18:28 < psydroid> I've never see so many Windows headlines, though 18:28 < psydroid> or maybe I haven't been paying attention 18:31 < psydroid> I've always maintained that true solutions for Linux will come from companies that aren't tied to the Wintel ecosystem, but I have yet to see if and what a company such as Esperanto Technologies will come up with 18:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138880 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4e5579f3-5ff3-4e98-9dd1-fd12f74237c0] 18:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Best linux laptops for 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138881 [https://pleroma.site/objects/828c0fc8-daf3-49dc-b65f-895c0c305717] 18:46 < schestowitz> wow, for wsl1 no user number change in over a year https://mspoweruser.com/3-5-million-windows-subsystem-for-linux-users-can-now-use-gpu-compute-from-linux-on-windows/ 18:46 < schestowitz> wsl2 is like 150k 18:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- 3.5 million Windows Subsystem for Linux users can now use GPU Compute from Linux on Windows - MSPoweruser 18:46 < schestowitz> this one is the same as ages ago 18:46 < schestowitz> so it is not growing 18:46 < schestowitz> psydroid: I agree with mincer 18:46 < schestowitz> it's a longstanding issue with Larabel 18:47 < schestowitz> I cannot convince him otherwise 18:47 < schestowitz> let me just dump these thoughts in IRC 18:47 < schestowitz> I have just checked news about "Linux", "ubuntu" etc. 18:47 < schestowitz> the usual culprits emplify wsl 18:47 < schestowitz> omgubuntu, phoronix 18:47 < schestowitz> even multiple times each 18:47 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: At least I can do my psychiatrist appointments over the phone now. 18:47 < schestowitz> and it's over nothing of substance, it's hype campaign 18:48 < schestowitz> all in all about a dozen headline today 18:48 < schestowitz> so they are googlebombing again 18:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Instead of burning 4-5 gallons of gas and getting to go to lovely Chicago. 18:48 < schestowitz> writing about this would only give it more free publicity 18:48 < schestowitz> so maybe, at most, I'd make jokes/memes about it, without too much context as that would mean links and name recognition for this *SL crap 18:48 < schestowitz> even just naming it can help them 18:49 < schestowitz> brings their "mindshare" as they call it... 18:49 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: let's talk tech 18:49 < schestowitz> not your medical records 18:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, nobody can really stop Microsoft from doing WSL as long as they comply with the license. 18:49 < schestowitz> yes, but the media helps them 18:49 < schestowitz> like it helped "Open Source" 18:49 < schestowitz> it got people to stop speaking about free software for a while 18:49 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 18:50 < schestowitz> now the MS-funded site amplify*WL 18:50 <@MinceR> well, technically they're abusing the Linux brand 18:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, they gave me a choice between Zoom or a phone call. After everything I've heard of Zoom, I selected the phone call. 18:50 <@MinceR> but they own the Microsoft Linux Foundation, so they aren't going to be sued for that 18:50 < schestowitz> like it's sooooo much better than this hippie Linux thing... more "professional" 18:50 < schestowitz> "the boss will love it!" 18:50 < schestowitz> MinceR: they are 18:50 < schestowitz> I have been saying it for ages, yet nobody else is willing to say the same 18:50 < schestowitz> they associate Vista10 with "LINUX" 18:51 < schestowitz> it causes blur and confusion 18:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I wonder how much code Microsoft "contributes" to Linux that actually furthers anything I want to do with it. 18:51 < schestowitz> for a while many thought MacOS was "like linux" 18:51 <@MinceR> from what i've seen, the code they "contribute" is absolute garbage 18:51 < schestowitz> hyper-V, related stuff.... Phoronix says they want to merge WSL crap ... into the kernel! 18:51 < schestowitz> Where's Linus? 18:51 < schestowitz> Silenced to death? 18:52 < schestowitz> It would be "hate" to reject the PR 18:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Obviously, hyper-v has nothing to do with Linux. It doesn't affect you though because the module isn't used outside of Linux as a Windows guest, but the media played that up. Then brushed off the fact that the code was crap and that Novell paid Greg KH to fix it. 18:52 < schestowitz> (pull req, not public rel) 18:52 <@MinceR> they did compromise the quality control of Linux to get it in, though 18:52 < schestowitz> it was a gpl violation too 18:53 < DaemonFC[m]> If anything, paying someone to fix hyper-v when they could be working on something else was a net negative for people who want to use Linux. 18:53 <@MinceR> they used to not merge drivers that did something another driver was already doing 18:53 < schestowitz> about 18k lines of code, pushed by some microsofter with a danish name 18:53 < schestowitz> the whole thing is a mess 18:53 <@MinceR> and i doubt that Linux would have accepted a patch that has /etc/init.d/network restart hardcoded into it back when it was independent 18:53 < schestowitz> but nobody talks about it 18:53 < schestowitz> I thought about pasting some links here 18:53 < schestowitz> but bot and people would give it more hits 18:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Srinivasan I think? 18:53 <@MinceR> sounds indian 18:54 < schestowitz> we need to send the message people have no interest in this EEE plot, and won't participate 18:54 < schestowitz> I don't want to start fighting with sites over it, like I did back in the mono days any time a journo boosted it in linux 18:54 < schestowitz> *inside 18:54 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: that's different work 18:54 < schestowitz> I have not even come across his name for years 18:55 < schestowitz> maybe he made himself obsolete, having become associated with MSFT entryism 18:55 < schestowitz> and iirc he may have worked for novell prior to that 18:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Microsoft is clearly on the way out. They tried to mimic Apple's business model of consumer stuff and that went nowhere because Windows and the Zune and Windows Phone were horrid and nobody was going to pay premiums for junk that doesn't work right. 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The servicing stack in Windows has deteriorated to its worst state ever. At least you could make Windows 7 updates install usually. 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they have this idea that they'll be an alternative to IBM or AWS. 18:56 <@MinceR> we'll need more non-x86 non-uefi computers to be able to get rid of microsloth 18:56 <@MinceR> maybe just non-uefi if some x86 licensee is willing to make non-hostile CPUs 18:57 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The idea that there are pro-Microsoft trolls that aren't being paid is hilarious considering that their stuff barely even works at all if you're lucky. 18:57 <@MinceR> they get paid in gratis licenses 18:57 < DaemonFC[m]> People love things that work, not things that make their lives more frustrating. 18:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: GOG, Star Renegades, Steam and Across The Grooves http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138882 [https://pleroma.site/objects/706b279a-2014-4c30-9999-9d1ff3c04fb8] 18:58 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: reverse bribes 18:58 < schestowitz> they might get hired for something later 18:58 < schestowitz> rewarded AFTER the act 18:58 < DaemonFC[m]> If WavPack was still proprietary, I would have steered clear of it for the same reason I've stayed clear of other formats that depend on non-Free software. 18:58 < schestowitz> people learn to breathe in rich people's farts 18:59 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't want a program that litters my hard drive with files I may never be able to get the data back out of. People say such concerns are crazy. 18:59 < schestowitz> assuming it might spread some money their way 18:59 < schestowitz> and those aren't the people you want to associate with... there's an ethnic correlation too ime 19:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Being open source and having multiple implementations is always a great thing. 19:00 < schestowitz> anyway, after 15 years with all this advocacy one thing I learned that mentioning things like this wsl thing would only help them 19:00 < schestowitz> it's the ONLY thing other than black duck (and similar) FUD that I refuse to even include in Daily Links... AT ALL 19:00 < schestowitz> and I won't put links here, except the phoronix ones 19:00 < schestowitz> we'll see if tomorrow this googlebombing campaign carries on and, if so, who participates in it 19:00 < DaemonFC[m]> I played around with WMA just for the hell of it back when I had Windows and then I was like "Well, at low bitrates there's clearly these weird ringing artifacts and they've managed to make a lossy audio codec that's worse than MP3 and undocumented. Great.". 19:01 < DaemonFC[m]> They were pushing it hard. 19:01 < schestowitz> Canonical has not yet said anything.... not did Red Hat and SUSE 19:02 < schestowitz> (if they do say something to that effect, we'll spot is promptly over RSS feeds) 19:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Someone pulled the WMA format apart and came up with a specification. It's not poorly designed in theory. Microsoft's own encoder has a faulty block switching algorithm and even in their "new and improved" codecs they never quite fixed that. 19:02 < schestowitz> corporate-level endorsements of WSL do merit a response in techrights, not BS 'blogs' that give lip service to what they pretend to be "SUPPORT" for "LINUX" rather than assault on it 19:03 < schestowitz> now with directX yay! 19:03 < schestowitz> Just what we al wanted 19:03 < DaemonFC[m]> It has 5 block sizes to choose from, which was clearly designed by someone to make it more efficient to code transient signals and short attacks. 19:03 < schestowitz> things that work in WSL.... but not in the 'old' and 'fake' linux that doesn't come with DRM "Store" from Redmond 19:03 <@MinceR> now with directx, all you have to do is run Backdoors10 with WSL 19:03 <@MinceR> "linux" 19:03 < schestowitz> Oh, BTW, of course ZDNet played along with it... 19:03 < schestowitz> wait... 19:03 <@MinceR> WSL2, probably 19:04 < schestowitz> very top story in their "LINUX" section: 19:04 < schestowitz> https://www.zdnet.com/topic/linux/ 19:04 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Linux | ZDNet 19:04 < schestowitz> ":Microsoft pushes new Windows 10 test branch to its Dev Channel testers" 19:04 < schestowitz> Does not even MENTION the word "Linuix" 19:04 < DaemonFC[m]> 3 more block sizes than MP3 (which is also hobbled by poorly chosen sizes and the subband coding phase), AAC, or Vorbis, and it still manages to screw up its decisions to the point of being worse than MP3. 19:04 < psydroid> I've also noticed CentOS doesn't even have links to non-x86 images on its site for 8.2, you have to go to a mirror and specifically look for them 19:04 < schestowitz> Welcome to ZDNet twilight zone, top story in Linux is... Vista10 19:05 < schestowitz> 5th story from the top is also vista10 19:05 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd like to know how WMA development happened. They designed a really great bitstream specification and then wrote a shitty encoder? 19:06 < psydroid> like this, http://mirror.proserve.nl/centos/8.2.2004/isos/ 19:06 < DaemonFC[m]> The patents on WMA Standard are expired now, and the ASF container it uses. It would be interesting if someone developed a new psy model for it that worked right. 19:06 <@MinceR> they probably hired some external people to design the spec and then had their usual code monkeys implement it :> 19:06 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mirror.proserve.nl | Index of /centos/8.2.2004/isos 19:06 < schestowitz> (also side note about phoronix -- discussed with rianne_ the other day -- it tends to cover totally linux-unrelated crap like new hardware announcements form Intel and AMD... no connection at all to any OS... gamingonlinux (Liam) did the same for AMD the other day) 19:07 < schestowitz> Not about games, not Linux 19:07 < schestowitz> so you end up with "slow news day" so-called 'linux' sites covering windows and microchips 19:07 < DaemonFC[m]> The decode requirements are steeper for WMA as in CPU cycles, but about the same for working memory as MP3. 19:07 < schestowitz> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Amazon-AWS-Snowcone 19:07 < schestowitz> this is hours old 19:07 < schestowitz> not linux 19:07 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Amazon Introduces AWS Snowcone: 8TB Of Storage For Edge Computing Within 9 x 6 x 3 Inches - Phoronix 19:07 < schestowitz> just some crap about clown computing 19:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Vorbis has WMA-style CPU requirements and a need for way more working memory. 19:08 < schestowitz> photonix is desperate for traffic, no major stories going viral for months and he relies on ad revenue 19:08 < schestowitz> and the spyware in all articles/forum posts 19:09 < schestowitz> SUSE has just dumped garbage again https://suse.com/c/innovation-accelerated/ 19:09 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: One of the complaints RMS made about Amazon MP# no longer applies. 19:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Accelerate Your Innovation With SUSE! - SUSE Communities 19:09 < schestowitz> still, better than SUSE advertising azure/wsl/msvs or similar 19:09 < schestowitz> the suse blog became really awful 19:09 < schestowitz> it's run by their marketing team 19:09 < schestowitz> not technical people at all 19:09 < DaemonFC[m]> When you click download album now, it hands you a zip file full of the MP3s. withou forcing you to use proprietary "Cloud Downloader" nonsense. 19:09 < schestowitz> "By: stacey_miller | 19 views" 19:09 < schestowitz> Sometimes their posts barely exceed even 100 views 19:10 < schestowitz> which makes you wonder if suse makes money just from some lucrative sap contracts 19:10 < schestowitz> (which they now claim to have 10,000 of) 19:10 < DaemonFC[m]> It seems Amazon went and did new rips of most of their stuff using LAME 3.100 at -V0. 19:10 < schestowitz> why would people need those companies for music? 19:10 < schestowitz> I now have this 4-hour track of music, compilation of albums 19:10 < schestowitz> plus videos with lyrics 19:11 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm surprised that Amazon hasn't ripped up the stakes and told everyone they "need" Amazon Music Prime bullshit. 19:11 < schestowitz> you can get those freely, legally, over the web 19:11 < schestowitz> later you can store these away on external hdd 19:11 < schestowitz> "Cloud" music... 19:11 < schestowitz> you mean rental 19:11 < schestowitz> or streaming i.e. spying 19:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I did some more testing. Seems that it's mostly worth making yet another pass over my library with WavPack Extra High x3. 19:12 < DaemonFC[m]> So I've got my computer plugging away at it. 19:12 < DaemonFC[m]> x6 is only worth the painfully slow encode process on higher resolution audio. 19:13 < psydroid> I told you about Gemini, which isn't anything special and just took things from Gopher with some more modern features, before, but these are people who work at Microsoft and are already trying to eee a technology that has barely taken off 19:13 < psydroid> https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/2020/000849.html 19:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- lists.orbitalfox.eu | Announcing garnet, a new (soon-to-be) TUI client 19:13 < schestowitz> emojis? 19:13 < psydroid> https://lists.orbitalfox.eu/archives/gemini/2020/000850.html 19:13 < schestowitz> in email? 19:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- lists.orbitalfox.eu | vostok: my protocol-agnostic framework, with (very basic) gemini support 19:13 < schestowitz> is that just unicode? 19:13 < psydroid> like really, are they pathetic like that? 19:14 < psydroid> I don't know to be honest 19:17 < XRevan86> It's just Unicode, in this case UTF-8. 19:17 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has joined #techrights 19:18 < XRevan86> They can probably be used in addresses too with SMTPUTF8 %). 19:19 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio) https://imgur.com/gallery/8Enft64 19:19 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- May I offer you a cat in these stressful times. - Album on Imgur 19:21 < XRevan86> Really don't see any boundaries, any by… ehem, octet size is fine. 19:22 < schestowitz> bbl, just got some info leak... 19:24 < XRevan86> I don't think many people realise that email actually supports non-ASCII addresses, which could be for the best for the time being 19:24 <@MinceR> i'm glad not many people realize that 19:24 <@MinceR> they'd abuse it 19:25 < XRevan86> MinceR: That too. 19:25 < XRevan86> I was thinking from a technical standpoint, which is that there are old MTAs out there that don't know this stuff, and they'll have to get some kind of fallback. 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> I was reading the SBC specification. It does have a joint stereo mode, but it usually doesn't improve quality much if the link is capable of 345 kbps. 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Switching to it if the link speed drops lower might be useful though. 19:35 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Almost afraid to ask, but....abuse it, how? 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> It would be hard to make email worse than it is now, with spam and HTML. 19:42 < schestowitz> So now Canonical is OFFICIALLY pushing WSL/Windows again https://ubuntu.com/blog/getting-started-with-cuda-on-ubuntu-on-wsl-2 19:43 <@MinceR> use characters with similar appearance to make it seem you're getting mail from a different source 19:43 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Getting started with CUDA on Ubuntu on WSL 2 | Ubuntu 19:43 < schestowitz> Canonical = lost cause 19:43 <@MinceR> have unreadable addresses 19:43 <@MinceR> exploit bugs in email software 19:43 <@MinceR> and of course have addresses you can't send mail to 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> AMP just sound like someone said "You can't make web programming worse." and Google said "Hold my beer!". 19:44 <@MinceR> :> 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Sites written for Netscape Navigator mostly work fine on my phone. 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Why do we need AMP, exactly? 19:45 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: It's bloat to cache bloat 19:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Cloudflare is creepy as fuck, but everyone from porn, to pirates, to the FBI are using it now. 19:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, the FBI. 19:47 <@MinceR> maybe they should just try putting less crap into their pages 19:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: FLOSS Weekly, Linux Headlines and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138883 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8181b0ed-d6b9-4b89-aacc-861179b00a01] 19:52 < schestowitz> folks, what should we do about the wsl googlebomb? 19:52 < schestowitz> any approach to this? 19:52 < schestowitz> I'm thinking, just mentioning it would be self-harming 19:52 < schestowitz> calling out those who promote it, like ubuntu? We did that weeks ago? 19:53 < schestowitz> The EEE can advance is these useful idiots and paid collaborators carry on 19:53 < schestowitz> I think it's getting to the point where it's risky to ignore because they're at second E now, with DirectX 19:55 < psydroid> a grassroots approach to circumvent all of their attempts 19:56 < psydroid> the decentralised alternative is going to be important to guide people away from github 19:57 < psydroid> if github is just one site out of millions it will lose its appeal quickly 19:58 < schestowitz> yes, we have had a go at this task 19:58 < schestowitz> but like skype, it can take years for people to flee 19:58 < schestowitz> skype used to be near monopoly.. 19:58 < schestowitz> now? 19:58 < schestowitz> Zoom, WhatsApp... 19:59 < schestowitz> Not sure how to measure share, but let's say Skype went from 80% of VOIP to maybe 20% 19:59 < schestowitz> and nobody is talking about it! 19:59 < schestowitz> linkedin seemed stronger when Microsoft bought it 19:59 < schestowitz> I rarely come across any meaningful posts on there anymore... just some suits and lawyers use it stil 19:59 < schestowitz> to seem "professional" 20:00 < psydroid> Microsoft runs everything into the ground 20:00 < schestowitz> Nothing says professional like being a pawn for a company of criminals that bribes officials. :-) 20:00 < schestowitz> psydroid: yes, but they keep buying 20:00 < schestowitz> I hope the pandemic kills their cash cows 20:00 < schestowitz> which is businesses that overpay for crap 20:00 < schestowitz> no more office buildings buying $100,000 contracts 20:01 < schestowitz> so Microsoft now licks Trump's boots 20:01 < schestowitz> for military, ICE contracts etc. 20:01 < schestowitz> Someone from Microsoft sent me this hours ago: 20:01 < schestowitz> [00:29] > People think I’m joking when I say that Microsoft is ironically full of weird hypocritical nationalists. IE people who take an undue amount of pride in their country that dare not question the merits or intentions of the government entities using their products while simultaneously taking great pride in working and living for a company notorious for skirting taxes and anti-trust laws established by the very 20:01 < schestowitz> same government. 20:01 < schestowitz> [00:29] > 20:01 < schestowitz> [00:29] > However, I often get the last laugh when the look of deep concern consumes their face after reminding them that the Microsoft gun club had like 20k members before being closed down for PC purposes and that I don’t use the term “nationalist” lightly. 🤣 20:04 < psydroid> that shows how deep they've already fallen 20:04 < psydroid> no one said it was going to happen fast, but it's happening now 20:04 < schestowitz> BUT... 20:04 < schestowitz> I need help 20:04 < schestowitz> we need to counter the attacks 20:04 < schestowitz> they try to take us all down with them 20:05 < schestowitz> Phoronix, omgubuntu etc. don't get it 20:05 < schestowitz> and they play along with their gameplay/strategy 20:05 < schestowitz> as does canonical 20:05 < schestowitz> we need more people out there 20:05 < schestowitz> to counter the BS 20:05 < schestowitz> and maybe then they'll stop aiding the foe that tells us it "loves us" 20:05 < psydroid> I'm quite sure they do get it, but just don't care 20:05 < schestowitz> I'm not sure 20:06 < schestowitz> look how long they promoted mono for 20:06 < schestowitz> until Microsoft bought mono 20:06 < schestowitz> (xamarin) 20:06 < schestowitz> we had major disputes with omgubuntu and phoronix over this 20:06 < schestowitz> and at the end it turned out we were righg 20:06 < psydroid> maybe that's the cynic in me, though 20:12 < schestowitz> Maybe I will do some memes later 20:12 < schestowitz> need to think of how to combine humour with facts 20:12 < psydroid> the way I see it is that as long as there is an industry (hardware, software, news etc.) that is attached to and grew up with wintel, it will always choose what is needed for its own survival 20:12 < schestowitz> they can decide to diverse 20:12 < schestowitz> it may mean some bad quarters 20:13 < schestowitz> bad things like layoffs 20:13 < schestowitz> but in the long run necessary 20:13 < schestowitz> problem is, ceos etc. are judged by boards on short-term basis 20:13 < schestowitz> so saying, let's axe all these Luddites of the WIndows division and hire new would be hard to sell 20:13 < psydroid> I agree 20:13 < schestowitz> as it would mean short-term losses 20:13 < schestowitz> Novell died this way 20:15 <@MinceR> didn't novell die by selling out their own customers? 20:15 < schestowitz> developers 20:15 < schestowitz> more so than customers 20:15 < schestowitz> their customers were businesses that hardly cared about GPL or "LINUX"... 20:16 < schestowitz> but the geeks hired by those customers didn't think too highly of Novell anymore and they participate in decision-making processes 20:16 < schestowitz> also, novell was killed by Microsoft for its patents, not just by the customers rejecting Novell 20:16 < schestowitz> Canonical is next 20:16 < schestowitz> IBM is a danger in and of its own right 20:16 < schestowitz> they're still monopolists 20:17 < psydroid> SUSE after that? 20:17 < psydroid> IBM is going through a hell of its own making now 20:18 < psydroid> 20k people getting fired in the US, I read the other day 20:19 < DaemonFC[m]> IBM does a lot of ridiculous things and gets away with it though. 20:19 < schestowitz> where does the 20k number come from? 20:19 < schestowitz> I read "thousands" in "five states" 20:19 < schestowitz> inc. NC 20:19 < schestowitz> which is where Red Hat is based 20:19 < schestowitz> so that makes you wonder 20:19 < schestowitz> iirc, ibm itself is based near rohester, nj and that area near nys 20:19 < schestowitz> nc is very red hatty 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> If it hadn't sold its PC business to Lenovo for peanuts, it would have a vertically integrated solution in the PC market right now. 20:20 < schestowitz> maybe 20:20 < schestowitz> is that sector still profitable? 20:20 < schestowitz> I guess people paying $1000 for some shitty phone can be more profitable 20:20 < schestowitz> (which it's not pndemic anyway) 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The PC with Linux business has a much better margin than PC with Windows. 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Lower share, but higher margin. Not all of that is Windows licensing, it's that you can sell better hardware and that's markup. 20:23 < DaemonFC[m]> I reconfigured GRUB to get rid of that horrible ungainly mess of per-mitigation override and opt out of anything they do to make up for those Intel bugs in the future with a single command. 20:23 < schestowitz> are you on f32? 20:23 < DaemonFC[m]> KPTI by itself wasn't terrible, but enough mitigations had piled up, each with its own significant penalty "if you do that", that the overall drag was getting bad. 20:24 < DaemonFC[m]> Yep. 20:24 < schestowitz> I saw some gnome video yesterday 20:24 < DaemonFC[m]> I suppose Ubuntu is fundamentally fine lately since they got rid of most of their buggy "Why the hell did they think that was going to work?" stuff. 20:25 < schestowitz> I thought they had already removed it from the CoC 20:25 < schestowitz> But maybe they just "clarified" instead 20:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe if they get rid of Snap entirely I'll give it a look. 20:25 < schestowitz> have a look https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a02fdZZOHlQ 20:25 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- GNOME Promotes Racism And Should Be Cancelled - YouTube 20:25 < schestowitz> tell us what you think, partly as a gay man 20:25 < schestowitz> I don't agree with some of his finer points 20:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Computer is a little slow right now. 20:26 < schestowitz> Microsoft Lunduke brought this up months ago after people had complained 20:26 < DaemonFC[m]> I have WavPack making a pass over about 1,400 CDs. 20:26 <@MinceR> it would be interesting indeed if gnome was cancelled over sjw stuff :> 20:26 < DaemonFC[m]> When it gets done with this 18 disc set I'll take a look. 20:26 <@MinceR> ibm would be hung by their own petard 20:27 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Mom hates it when I refer to old people dying of COVID-19 as "Republican victims of their own success.". 20:28 <@MinceR> :> 20:28 < DaemonFC[m]> I said in March that this would have a death toll in the US of something like both nuclear bombs dropped on Japan. 20:28 < DaemonFC[m]> IMHE raised their total figure from 68,300 to 201,000, which at least isn't a knee slapper of a lie anymore. 20:29 < DaemonFC[m]> That only runs through October 1st though. 20:29 < DaemonFC[m]> I determined how aggressive is "worth it" for WavPack on various bit depths and sampling rates. 20:30 < schestowitz> [01:26] it would be interesting indeed if gnome was cancelled over sjw stuff :> 20:30 < schestowitz> I don't agree with that video title actually, and doubt it'll cancel anything 20:30 <@MinceR> yeah 20:30 <@MinceR> i have yet to see crybullies take down crybullies 20:31 < schestowitz> a better argument I saw in Debian for shunning GNOME was integration with red hat stuff like "systemdick" 20:31 <@MinceR> they're a bit late 20:31 < schestowitz> the social justice types don't pick on large companies 20:31 < schestowitz> Red Hat, Intel, Microsoft 20:31 < schestowitz> They tend to pick on those who pick on those companies 20:31 < schestowitz> and then get jobs there... 20:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Higher than CD can be worth Extra High x6, but you are bumping awfully close to the limits of WavPack at Extra High x3 on 16/44.1. You can get 90% of the total reduction vs Extra High x0 at 1/3rd the speed. To get that last 10-20 KB out of a WavPack 16/44.1 file you have to further slow the encoder to about 1/20th of that speed. 20:32 < psydroid> GNOME has been cancelled here for years and I only ever used it when KDE was going through the motions in its transition from 3.5 to 4.x 20:33 < schestowitz> try plasma5, it's good 20:33 < schestowitz> if you have more than 2gb of ram 20:34 < psydroid> I run it everywhere I can, I've always used KDE 20:35 < psydroid> except when it was simply too buggy to be usable 20:37 < schestowitz> kate got very good 20:37 < schestowitz> I was very unhappy after kde3 and kde4 kate 20:37 < schestowitz> as they removed features 20:37 < schestowitz> that had worked perfectly ok 20:37 < schestowitz> and plugins 20:37 < schestowitz> but now they added some nice features 20:37 < schestowitz> and I cannot spot any bugs 20:37 < schestowitz> not even minor ones 20:38 < schestowitz> I use 3 windows of kate, connected to the same session, over several desktops, and each has many tabs with syntax highlighting, spellcheck (still a tad buddy) 20:38 < schestowitz> *buggy 20:38 < schestowitz> When not used as ide for code it is very good for text, todo, html editing etc. 20:39 < schestowitz> konversation, which I use now, is stable and seems almost bug-free. plasma5 is in general very stable these days 20:39 < schestowitz> konqueror is my main browser, works most of the time 20:40 < DaemonFC[m]> How's touch support working? 20:40 < schestowitz> that's why I keep telling people to give kde another glance/look/chance 20:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, hidpi. 20:40 < schestowitz> touch screen? 20:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah. 20:40 < schestowitz> don't know, don't use these 20:40 < schestowitz> I also use standard display devices/outputs 20:40 < schestowitz> I swapped the vga cables today 20:41 < DaemonFC[m]> It was a pretty big mess as of 5.13, as far as touch/hidpi. 20:41 < schestowitz> the braids on the old one were becoming too wonky, I'd lose one of the three colour bands too often and had to jerk the wire too much 20:41 < schestowitz> I think I'm on 5.13 20:42 < schestowitz> roy@vonick:~$ plasmashell --version 20:42 < schestowitz> plasmashell 5.14.5 20:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Kubuntu 20.04 says 5.18. 20:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Fedora KDE has managed to be worse than just about any other KDE distribution. 20:43 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not something Red Hat uses, so it gets no attention really. 20:45 < psydroid> I think even Debian gets it better than Red Hat when it comes to KDE 20:45 < schestowitz> Red Hat dumped KDE 20:45 < schestowitz> They shelved the message about it under IBM takeover news 20:46 < schestowitz> strategic timing 20:46 < schestowitz> this means that many people did not notice or no longer remember 20:46 <@MinceR> kde deserved it 20:46 < schestowitz> people were talking about IBM and there was no outrage over their KDE slipped-in news 20:46 < schestowitz> gnome is worse in some regards 20:46 <@MinceR> they supported systemd, so they deserve to be thrown under the bus by the systemd people 20:46 <@MinceR> maybe they'll learn from it 20:46 < schestowitz> it's a red hat playground 20:46 <@MinceR> (though i really don't know what they expected) 20:47 < schestowitz> ah, as if kde shunning systemd would help get red hat's support?@ 20:47 <@MinceR> no, but it would help get someone's support 20:47 <@MinceR> red hat pushes gnome and in their little world, there's no room for choice 20:47 < psydroid> does kde even work with gnu shepherd? 20:49 < schestowitz> kde is not a gnu project 20:50 < schestowitz> (unlike gnome) 20:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh god.... 20:50 < schestowitz> which cancels the person who leads the gnu project lol\ 20:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Watching that video. The GNOME CoC is pretty barf-inducing. 20:50 < schestowitz> remember: 20:50 < schestowitz> white people, so-called 'white' are NOT a majority 20:50 <@MinceR> gnome's been hostile to gnu for quite a while, afaict 20:50 < schestowitz> in economically better off countries they are 20:50 < schestowitz> half of the world is asian 20:50 <@MinceR> they even discussed leaving the gnu project 20:51 < schestowitz> and there are far more chinese or indian (Either) than "whites" 20:51 <@MinceR> they must have decided they can do more damage from inside 20:51 < schestowitz> but someone you can be racist against indians but it's totally unacceptable that the opposite would ever be claimed 20:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, I'm glad someone had time to write this since all of the horrendous memory leaks and CPU stalling behaviors of GNOME have been solved. 20:52 <@MinceR> lol 20:53 < psydroid> the only way to solve them is by cancelling the project 20:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Someone at Canonical has been tasked with a litany of bugs that GNOME has been happy to leave open for the last decade. 20:56 < DaemonFC[m]> So each cycle things get better when they wouldn't have. Daniel van Vugt seems to be working on this. 20:57 < DaemonFC[m]> So far he's profiled the shell and GTK itself and has worked out dozens of memory leaks and situations where it stalls out or drops frames. 20:57 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's much less frustrating than it used to be. 20:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Most notable, at least for me, is the work he did on making the X11 session more responsive. 20:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Phoronix did look at Wayland v. X11 on GNOME recently and memory consumption and power usage were lower on the X11 session. 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Firefox has native Wayland support, but it's much slower than just running on X11 (not XWayland). 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Then there's Windows games. Windows games in Wine take a severe hit in performance on Wayland because of XWayland lag. 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> So the user facing experience in Wayland is much worse, and that's why Ubuntu still defaults to X. 21:09 < schestowitz> " 21:09 < schestowitz> 1) Very good, so there are still a few brave people in office. 21:09 < schestowitz> 2) Let me see what I can do here. 21:09 < schestowitz> " 21:09 < schestowitz> we got some new info 21:14 < schestowitz> "As to your question, as far as I can remember SUEPO published the last Observer in 2014." 21:30 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has joined #techrights 21:30 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:33 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:54 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:55 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:55 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:00 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Client Quit] 22:00 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 22:02 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Client Quit] 22:02 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 22:18 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:49 < CrystalMath> DaemonFC[m]: why would you compare COVID-19 to AIDS 22:49 < CrystalMath> one is invariably deadly without treatment and the other is survived normally by 99% 22:50 < CrystalMath> (also without treatment) 22:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Because HIV/AIDS is much harder to transmit and is less of a threat. 22:50 < CrystalMath> but you're aware that millions die of AIDS every year? 22:51 < DaemonFC[m]> You don't get it by going to the supermarket. 22:51 < DaemonFC[m]> About 7,000 in the US in a year. Give COVID-19 that long without a vaccine and it'll be 350,000. 22:51 < CrystalMath> i don't believe COVID-19 could kill 350,000 if you give it 2 years 22:52 < CrystalMath> not everyone is susceptible 22:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Effective HIV treatments means few people die of it and that if you're following treatment, it's hard to spread it. 22:52 < CrystalMath> and yet millions die every year 22:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Why not? In 80 days, it's killed at least 120,000 people 22:53 < CrystalMath> because it only kills some people 22:53 < CrystalMath> you need more susceptible people to get old in time 22:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Even if you assume it slows down, a lot, it has over 9 more months to kill the rest. 22:53 < CrystalMath> but susceptible people could be as young as 30-something 22:53 < CrystalMath> this year malaria killed more 22:54 < CrystalMath> you may claim that this is because of measures, but Belarus and Sweden show a very low death count despite taking no measures at all 22:54 < DaemonFC[m]> In the US, new HIV infections have been going down year over year, for several years. 22:55 < CrystalMath> in the rest of the world they've been going up or staying up 22:55 < DaemonFC[m]> It has a negative R0 in the US. 22:55 < CrystalMath> you mean less than 1 22:55 < CrystalMath> in africa HIV has an R0 above 1 22:55 < insmodppa> As long as you're not the affected group dying or suffering of something, it's no big deal. Modern western culture breeds sociopaths. 22:56 < CrystalMath> if i wasn't asexual, HIV isn't why i'd care about condoms at all 22:56 < CrystalMath> i'd be way more worried about syphillis 22:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, my doctor told me I had that last year, and gave me very painful shots and then said "Oh wait, the lab messed up.". 22:58 < DaemonFC[m]> So I threw her and the lab in the bankruptcy and haven't gone back. 22:58 < CrystalMath> honestly HIV is not so bad at all 22:59 < DaemonFC[m]> I've managed to avoid it. 22:59 < CrystalMath> i probably did, dunno, never tested 23:00 < CrystalMath> did = did avoid it 23:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh this guy I was messing around with on Grindr a few years ago, my condom broke and I ended up going to the walk in clinic to take a round of PEP. 23:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Made me sick for like a month but it beats taking a risk on having HIV for the rest of your life. 23:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Those extra thin condoms are useless. The reviews on Amazon of all the people who used Trojan Bare Skin and got their girlfriend pregnant are proof of that. 23:04 < DaemonFC[m]> The can't make a good condom, and Bill Gates supposedly was funding research into that. 23:04 < DaemonFC[m]> He got all the PR without them ever making a product. 23:04 < CrystalMath> really i think you just took dangerous antiretrovirals for no reason 23:05 < CrystalMath> i wouldn't take that if i had HIV 23:05 < CrystalMath> let alone if there's a chance i don't 23:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Without them you're dead in 5-7 years usually. 23:06 < CrystalMath> well that's life 23:06 < CrystalMath> it ends 23:06 < CrystalMath> much better people have died 23:08 < schestowitz> [03:53] this year malaria killed more 23:08 < schestowitz> let covid-19 spread to one billion human hosts 23:08 < CrystalMath> i have data to prove that 23:08 < schestowitz> and the 'fun' beguns 23:08 < schestowitz> *begins 23:09 < CrystalMath> well, in Belarus it spread to 20,000+ 23:09 < schestowitz> so? 23:09 < schestowitz> That's few 23:09 < schestowitz> proportional to other countries 23:09 < CrystalMath> oh sorry 23:09 < CrystalMath> didn't check 23:09 < CrystalMath> 56,000 23:09 < CrystalMath> 324 deaths 23:09 < schestowitz> so even worse 23:10 < CrystalMath> what's bad about a number of cases? 23:10 < CrystalMath> if what we're really counting is the cases of a harmless virus? 23:10 < schestowitz> give it to half the population, then you have hospitals unable to cater 23:10 < CrystalMath> you're assuming it's deadly up front 23:10 < schestowitz> and maybe 10,000 deaths, in a small country 23:10 < CrystalMath> doesn't mean it's not, but still, you assume it from the start 23:10 < CrystalMath> that's why a mere number of CASES scares you 23:10 < schestowitz> it's worse than influenza and passes easily 23:10 < schestowitz> also, we have flu shots 23:11 < schestowitz> we don't have covid-19 shots 23:11 < CrystalMath> and maybe they will work even worse than the flu ones 23:11 < schestowitz> or any other coronavirus, either, but I haven't checked older variants 23:11 < CrystalMath> considering that it's a coronavirus, it's gonna be hard to stop it 23:11 < schestowitz> maybe when we have shots we can led it spread again 23:12 < CrystalMath> well some of us never stopped it 23:12 < schestowitz> immunity can be vastly improved 23:12 < CrystalMath> and some of us now let it spread 23:12 < schestowitz> some people who defeat it already donate their plasma for antibodies 23:12 < CrystalMath> yes that is very good 23:12 < schestowitz> anyway, back to my articles... 23:12 < schestowitz> this is kind of a non-starter debate 23:13 < CrystalMath> i just said the truth, it killed less than malaria 23:13 < CrystalMath> malaria never infected a billion people at once 23:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Don't worry. Thanks to a French Quack , Trump, and Fox "News", the US has millions of rounds of treatment for a malaria drug that doesn't do a damned thing to COVID-19. 23:13 < schestowitz> apple and oranges... 23:13 < DaemonFC[m]> So if we get a malaria outbreak, the Very Stable Genius has us prepared. 23:13 < schestowitz> malaria doesn't kill almost anybody here 23:13 < CrystalMath> DaemonFC[m]: it has some antiviral effects 23:14 < CrystalMath> DaemonFC[m]: on the other hand, malaria has pretty much worked around it 23:15 < DaemonFC[m]> I wonder what Third Lady Malaria thinks about all of this. 23:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably that Trump can't die fast enough..... She'll get some money and that's the only reason she's playing along. 23:16 < DaemonFC[m]> She got her green card because of him. 23:18 < CrystalMath> DaemonFC[m]: perhaps what i really wanted to comment was how i agree with your sentiment that bringing children into this world would be awful 23:19 < CrystalMath> it's just that, it's for the opposite reason 23:19 < CrystalMath> i believe globalism to be the cause of most suffering 23:19 < DaemonFC[m]> This ruling extending the Civil Right Act has right-wing Super PACs going apeshit. 23:19 < CrystalMath> in what way? 23:19 < DaemonFC[m]> They wanted more Republicans on the court and now they're screaming that they're activist judges legislating from the bench. 23:20 < CrystalMath> "Civil Rights Law Protects Gay and Transgender Workers, Supreme Court Rules" 23:20 < CrystalMath> is it this? 23:21 < CrystalMath> i consider myself right-wing and i find this okay 23:22 < DaemonFC[m]> I agree with Neil Gorsuch that it is completely irrelevant what lawmakers who have been dead for decades might have meant, because it is impossible to conclude that "sex discrimination" didn't happen if you're firing a gay person for doing something that you wouldn't fire a person of the opposite gender for. 23:22 < DaemonFC[m]> John Roberts wrote the majority opinion upholding the ACA, saying "It's not the job of the judiciary to protect people from the consequences of an election.". 23:23 < DaemonFC[m]> If Congress wants to change the Civil Rights Act to say "gender" instead of "sex", then let's have a vote on that. 23:23 < CrystalMath> well it naturally extends to transgender people, IMO 23:23 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not going anywhere. 23:23 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't see Madam Speaker passing a Senate bill to chip away at the Civil Rights Act. 23:24 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not even completely clear that such a bill could get through the Senate. 23:24 < CrystalMath> well this is clearly a US-specific problem 23:25 < DaemonFC[m]> It would need 60 votes and the Republicans have 53 seats, and would lose 1-2 of their own members... 23:25 < CrystalMath> because only america makes this big of a deal about LGBT 23:25 < DaemonFC[m]> So the ruling stands. 23:25 < CrystalMath> other cultures aren't so puritanical 23:26 < DaemonFC[m]> The US is less so than it appears. 23:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Opposition to gay marriage is down to 30% in the polls. 23:26 < DaemonFC[m]> It fell from 70-some percent in 1996, so like 40-some points in 24 years. 23:26 < CrystalMath> but how open is the US to extramaritial relationships? 23:27 < DaemonFC[m]> What's going on here is obvious. Old people who have a problem with it are dying off and are being replaced by younger people who mostly don't. 23:28 < CrystalMath> i think it's some parts of the US it's actually illegal to be even simply polyamorous 23:28 < DaemonFC[m]> That's underwater, but opposition to that has been falling too. 23:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Nope. Utah tried enforcing their laws against cohabitating with multiple partners and it got thrown out by a federal court. 23:29 < CrystalMath> hmm, okay 23:30 < DaemonFC[m]> The state can't control who you live or have sex with. It still has control over marriage for the most part, as far as incest or bigamy go. 23:30 < DaemonFC[m]> The incest part is also typically illegal to varying degrees. 23:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Most states define first degree relative as a felony and then move out to first cousins, aunts, and uncles (blood relation) as a misdemeanor. 23:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Interestingly, statutory rape as a federal offense only requires the federal government to prove that you crossed a state line or induced someone else to in order to have sex with a person under 18. 23:33 < DaemonFC[m]> So the state you did it in may have a different age of consent, but if the federal government proves that you crossed a state line to have sex with a person under 18 then they can charge it. 23:34 < DaemonFC[m]> I guess the intent is to stop age of consent shopping. 23:35 < DaemonFC[m]> As to that subject, I've always followed the law according to the state that I lived in. 23:36 < CrystalMath> the minimum age of consent being 16 in the US, which would put it among the highest in europe 23:36 < CrystalMath> but not *the* highest (Ireland's at 17) 23:37 < CrystalMath> just making a case for the US being puritan 23:37 < CrystalMath> and what they did to Stallman for the mere thought of suggesting that someone 17 (even legal THERE) could consent to having sex with someone.. 23:38 < CrystalMath> whereas in italy Epstein could have legally set up shop for real 23:38 < CrystalMath> (italy being one of the few to not set additional age barriers to prostitution) 23:40 < DaemonFC[m]> 16 in Indiana, 17 in Illinois, 18 in Wisconsin. 23:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh yeah, if you pay someone under 18 for sex in the US, you're in really deep shit if the government finds out. 23:42 < CrystalMath> hmm, in europe it's mostly illegal for the supply side, but not quite for the demand side 23:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Undercover cops on Grindr in Lake County at least (Illinois) pretend to be minors 13-16 mostly . 23:43 < DaemonFC[m]> The profiles are so ridiculously fake that you'll probably know right away that something isn't right unless you're a complete idiot. 23:44 < DaemonFC[m]> That's why they always catch men that clearly have some sort of severe intellectual disability. 23:44 < CrystalMath> where i live all prostitution is illegal actually, but for the supply side 23:45 < DaemonFC[m]> They caught a guy that someone I know is dating, then they executed a search warrant on his house because they went fishing through his phone and found CP on it. 23:45 < CrystalMath> "supply side" is a nice euphemism for prostitutes :P 23:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Lifetime felony probation with ankle monitor. 23:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Because he said he would have sex with a 16 year old who turned out to be a cop and then they went on a fishing expedition. 23:47 < CrystalMath> the injustice Richard Stallman pointed out on his political notes is actually much more innocent 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> If it was just agreeing to have sex with a cop that said "Surprise!" he's have gotten 2-3 years of probation and 10 years on the sex offender list, probably. 23:48 < CrystalMath> like cases of people arrested for having pictures of themselves 23:48 < DaemonFC[m]> The government can't harass you just for being gay anymore, so they troll gay men to see if they'll have sex with a fictional 16 year old. 23:49 < DaemonFC[m]> They don't stalk straight people like this, so we know why it's happening to gay people. 23:50 < DaemonFC[m]> The best idea if you're on Grindr is immediately block anyone who says they are under the age of consent in your state. 23:50 < DaemonFC[m]> It's probably the ops, and even if it isn't, you can still get in a lot of trouble. 23:50 < DaemonFC[m]> It's just not worth it. 23:50 < DaemonFC[m]> *cops 23:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I've never been up on a morals charge. It's just assault, and I got a lawyer that went and got the state to get rid of it for a song, so meh. 23:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Expensive, but not a lot of actual punishment, and this time I'm filing bankruptcy so it's a whole lot of not my problem at this point. 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, you can make a lot of things go away, but not sex offenses. 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> God help you if they get you on one of those. 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> It's really two lawyers that won on this. My defense lawyer and my bankruptcy lawyer. 23:56 < CrystalMath> and that is because the US is puritanical 23:56 < CrystalMath> honestly, that's why it has #metoo as well, but that's just the communist kind 23:56 < CrystalMath> so instead of rich puritans it's bitter puritans 23:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Spongebob Memes About Yesterday’s Microsoft Googlebombing Campaign Against ‘Linux’ (Pushing WSL, or Vista 10, by Misusing the Trademark) http://techrights.org/2020/06/17/googlebombing-with-wsl/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/f40f3390-ac02-467f-8a1d-0a3adb49a29b] 23:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: VLC 3.0.11 Released (and How to Install That) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138884 [https://pleroma.site/objects/145da9aa-5fa4-40e7-ac24-96a81f398cf6] 23:59 < DaemonFC[m]> The whole thing about feminism is female superiority. 23:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Somehow this is okay and totally not like white supremacy at all. 23:59 < CrystalMath> they went after gay men with gay male accusers (false ofc) --- Day changed Thu Jun 18 2020 00:00 < DaemonFC[m]> A lot of them have made things so toxic that no man in his right mind would go near that anyway. 00:00 < DaemonFC[m]> They wonder why birth rate was collapsing. It was not all about the economy. Much of it was, but a lot of it is men going "Nope, nope. Not doing it.". 00:00 < CrystalMath> honestly if it wasn't for all the obvious lies, i would have probably been fooled into thinking Weinstein actually did it 00:01 < DaemonFC[m]> I wouldn't go near any of these women that are behind this "movement". 00:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they're burrowing into Free Software and setting up a Manifesto that has nothing to do with software, at all. 00:02 < CrystalMath> i know for sure that Michael Jackson and Bill Cosby are innocent 00:03 < CrystalMath> as for the manifesto... no cause would be fun without an enemy, right? 00:03 < CrystalMath> if software freedom is still alive, it will fight back 00:03 < CrystalMath> and it does 00:03 < CrystalMath> the biggest issue is the enemy within 00:04 < DaemonFC[m]> The worst part about is that they have beta males like Matthew Garrett helping them do it. 00:04 < CrystalMath> i don't see how, who cares about that dork with two first names? :P 00:05 < CrystalMath> the bigger problem is projects actually adopting this crap 00:05 < CrystalMath> old projects 00:05 < CrystalMath> that's the only real loss 00:05 < CrystalMath> FreeBSD for example 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> I might move to KDE if this gets worse. 00:06 < DaemonFC[m]> I knew GNOME was in trouble when it ran out of money due to spending it all on Outreach to Nasty Women. 00:06 < CrystalMath> i knew gnome was trouble WAY before that 00:06 < CrystalMath> i left it in 2012 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> There's MATE. 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> How's that holding up? 00:11 < CrystalMath> it's good 00:11 < CrystalMath> as soon as the GNOME team decided to become an elitist bunch of crap 00:11 < CrystalMath> it was obvious that they will go into this 00:14 < CrystalMath> believe me they're worse than you think 00:14 < CrystalMath> i spoke to them on the mailing list 00:14 < CrystalMath> though their ministry of truth deleted that thread 00:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Minitrue 00:45 < superkuh> MATE is enough. 00:46 < superkuh> It has odd corner cases but I can usually workaround. 00:55 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 02:36 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:12 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:14 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:25 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 03:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: [Humour] Maybe DirectX is to WSL What ACPI ‘Extensions’ Were to Windows (Against Linux) http://techrights.org/2020/06/18/acpi-extensions-part-2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/1bd9c603-1fe7-4df1-9d8b-f624666904d9] 05:46 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 05:47 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 05:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Play with virtual Legos using open source tools http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138885 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f922e337-8828-4e13-83b5-cb63cc64aca7] 05:58 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 7 signs of a great open source project manager http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138886 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a5d0b363-11dd-4cd0-a28f-f356aa5c1cb3] 06:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 6 Sparkling Command Line Interface (CLI) Linux Time Trackers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138887 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9e876453-a476-476b-94d2-887168fca890] 06:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Rescuezilla 1.0.6 Released: Ubuntu-Based Linux Distro For System Backup, More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138888 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7a9b392c-9c8e-4309-a766-8560147636d2] 06:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138889 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d185b301-2833-41c6-85fe-bd16936c11bb] 06:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Krita 4.3.0 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138890 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9fe21586-401c-4488-8400-0e640ef79163] 06:25 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 06:52 < XRevan86> schestowitz, DaemonFC[m]: The bit about Ada's Twitter notices isn't really fair, as she was clearly joking about it like "take that, -phobes". 06:53 < XRevan86> And it really could be why GNOME felt the need to add that bit there – to ignore discrimination reports about notices like that. 06:55 < XRevan86> But it also shows how subjective this mess is, if what this policy does is throw people under the bus, and because of that they're trying to protect some people from the policy. 06:58 < XRevan86> And I just now got a spammer who wants me to promote their article on "top women in the tech industry". That's an unusual topic for SEOs, but hey, promotion is promotion. 06:58 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 06:59 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 07:00 < XRevan86> Maybe someone will bite it. It helps me that I can clearly see they have no idea what ldavg bloody is. They just scraped a relevant bit and assumed it's a blog post. 07:00 < XRevan86> or an article 07:01 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUUZUcu0wHM 07:01 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Apple PCB design is a meme. - YouTube 07:07 < XRevan86> I don't think it warrants making a fuss over GNOME – these policies are inevitably vague, and actions speak better than words. If they will intentionally ignore a person being harassed for being you know what, then it's a very different story. 07:09 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022742 07:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4390015) 07:14 < XRevan86> And I don't think any of this will last anyway exactly because of the willfully ignored blind spots. 07:16 < XRevan86> A simple thought experiment: what if two Indians come to work on GNOME, one from a historical higher cast, one not so much. And then they meet on a mailing list and the higher cast Indian mocks the other Indian and tell them to go plough a field or something. 07:19 < XRevan86> Clear discrimination, but from a US-centric position it's coming from an unprivileged person. 07:20 -!- cubexyz [~cubeman@maxhost.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 07:21 < XRevan86> And what happens when an Anglo-Saxon receives racist discrimination in a country where they are a minority? 07:28 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 07:32 <@MinceR> if it depends on SJWs, nothing 07:42 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUaJ8pDlxi8 07:42 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- The horrible truth about Apple's repeated engineering failures. - YouTube 07:48 < schestowitz> XRevan86: I think, based on Lunduke, sharp(e) is where that trolling came from 07:48 < schestowitz> now Ada 07:49 < schestowitz> but I did not look into the depths of these matters --- Log closed Thu Jun 18 07:50:44 2020 --- Log opened Thu Jun 18 18:22:51 2020 18:22 -!- cubelog [~cubeman@maxhost.org] has joined #techrights 18:22 -!- Irssi: #techrights: Total of 64 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 62 normal] 18:22 -!- Irssi: Join to #techrights was synced in 8 secs 18:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The PinePhone Is an Open-Source, Community Developed iOS and Android Competitor http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138783#comment-25546 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8e88041d-3ace-43a7-8a02-3e69481651a9] 18:28 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 18:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138913 [https://pleroma.site/objects/611fc0d4-25e4-428c-9787-af534a5fc8dd] 18:33 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 18:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: System76 Launches Ryzen-Powered Laptop http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138649#comment-25547 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ad4b8e47-8734-4dbb-9346-55c6008fc7f6] 18:46 -!- cubexyz [~cubeman@maxhost.org] has joined #techrights 18:47 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 18:47 < schestowitz> " 18:47 < schestowitz> consider some Microsoft and Open Source conspiracy theories, wonder at the beauty of chroma key and Zoom backgrounds, mourn over the graves of many failed products, ask the tough questions about when good news becomes bad news, and generally chat about how we never cover the topics we think we're going to cover. 18:47 < schestowitz> Links to topics covered 18:47 < schestowitz> Everyone on the GNOME board of directors works for Microsoft (Dr. Roy) 18:47 < schestowitz> " 18:48 < schestowitz> I didn't say they work for Microsoft 18:48 < schestowitz> They have github accounts 18:48 < schestowitz> that's just what I was showibg 18:48 < schestowitz> *showing 18:51 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 18:53 < schestowitz> OK, listening 18:53 < schestowitz> he says it's NOT a conspiracy theory 18:53 < schestowitz> so misleading text 18:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla: Rust 1.44.1, JavaScript, Support and Politics http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138914 [https://pleroma.site/objects/49d165f9-0f7f-4d16-b97b-a0bf0bb6302b] 19:01 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio:important) https://i.imgur.com/l9nG6ks.mp4 19:01 < DaemonFC[m]> That video chat with the doctor was a disaster. 19:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Had to fall back to doing it over the phone. 19:01 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:06 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: bad connection? 19:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Couldn't get my phone to switch to the correct camera. 19:07 < XRevan86> In Jitsi Meet the switcher is right in the menu. 19:07 < XRevan86> dropdown menu 19:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138915 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2b05132e-ed76-4701-a1c9-858ab1671cbb] 19:19 < schestowitz> https://joindiaspora.com/posts/18390601 19:19 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @shivikons@diasp.org: STOP BUYING THEIR STUFF MAKE OUR OWN STUFF #DIY WILL FUCK THE SYSTEM 19:19 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Photo by shivikons@diasp.org: https://diasp.org/uploads/images/thumb_medium_03a3692ee5f2ad4f8be0.png 19:20 <@MinceR> jpg 19:20 <@MinceR> oops 19:20 <@MinceR> https://i.imgur.com/7mXM3VH.jpg 19:26 -!- zerogue [~irc@] has quit [Quit: Goodbye Cruel World] 19:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Home Assistant, the Python IoT Hub http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138916 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1670b7f3-3c93-45c9-8c75-719747932f44] 19:28 -!- zerogue [~irc@] has joined #techrights 19:36 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 19:38 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 19:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Foundation and Linux Kernel Coverage at LWN http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138917 [https://pleroma.site/objects/30229f18-43e4-4eff-aba5-0868d34c1644] 19:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Odroid-H2+ advances to faster Gemini Lake SoC, adds dual 2.5GbE ports http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138910#comment-25549 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fc6e27df-296d-4556-822b-d3bdc53954ad] 19:59 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:59 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 20:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138918 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7b1d0384-997c-4bf3-86cd-b292d625e116] 20:18 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: Intel, VideoLAN, AMD and XFB Development http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138919 [https://pleroma.site/objects/389779a8-2f88-4957-aba3-ad8dbb34613f] 20:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Java’s 25th birthday prompts a look at which tech products have survived since 1995 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138920 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4d93f172-9090-4455-89c7-082dc7d5b420] 20:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Installing FreeBSD, BSPWM and TIC TEK TOE http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138921 [https://pleroma.site/objects/95a714c6-c899-4f15-a846-b68c7b0d041e] 20:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Security and #Bounty Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138922 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3866ad7b-a565-490e-9866-faa02ba1d9b6] 20:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Red Hat Investing In Modularity And Will Support It Where It Makes Sense For RHEL 9 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138923 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b13cdec5-6458-4fa8-aa38-5a19ac812637] 21:53 -!- factor__ [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:53 -!- factor__ [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 22:02 -!- factor__ [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:12 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 22:15 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Client Quit] 22:16 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 22:22 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 22:22 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 22:25 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:26 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 22:28 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Client Quit] 22:34 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 22:42 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 22:42 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 22:46 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:46 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 23:29 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has joined #techrights 23:32 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 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[~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 01:55 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 02:19 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:22 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 02:30 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 02:59 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Lenovo, Star Labs, and Ubuntu Laptops http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138924 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9095bf76-e583-491b-80c0-c2640dd66583] 03:04 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 03:07 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 03:12 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Tallowmere 2, Crayta and Outer Wilds http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138925 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e4feac91-6bc6-42cd-832c-3af54fe8ab13] 03:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: How to sell open source software http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138926 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dee1f23b-6bd5-416b-b735-9f76e05b1bdf] 03:16 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:16 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138927 [https://pleroma.site/objects/15be8fdf-82ef-473c-b4ed-14afa2850d32] 03:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: openSUSE Tumbleweed on an HP Zbook 15 G2 with Nvidia Quadro K2100M http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138928 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8b5d9288-85c0-41b3-881e-a76dee97cc9f] 03:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux at Home: Collaborating in real-time http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138929 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8fbdba20-1e4f-4808-8abc-66f8b73859f9] 03:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Use your artistic skills to help open source http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138930 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a5fdb9d1-fd9f-424c-a9dd-2e167eba9d28] 04:25 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:25 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 04:30 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:31 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 04:38 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:42 -!- zerogue [~irc@] has quit [Quit: Goodbye Cruel World] 05:45 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:46 -!- zerogue [~irc@] has joined #techrights 05:48 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 05:57 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 05:57 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 06:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: CEO of Open Technology Fund Resigns After Closed-Source Lobbying Effort http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138931 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8ee08bf1-b2c3-4e74-8fde-9bfa3dbe49b7] 06:50 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 06:52 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:00 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:00 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:09 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:25 <@MinceR> (cat) http://surrounder.nl/birth.jpg 08:55 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:58 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 09:01 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 09:40 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 09:41 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 09:51 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:57 < XRevan86> > While browsing for reading materials on George Floyd and #BlackLivesMatter I stumbled upon your article:https://loadaverage.org/conversation/13771253 09:57 < XRevan86> > What a great find! This brings to mind, we have an article on top poster designs on George Floyd protests which we hope you'll like it and add to your collection. 09:57 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- loadaverage.org | Conversation - LoadAverage 09:57 < XRevan86> That's a new one. 09:57 < XRevan86> > Let's help each other in sharing awareness of #BlackLivesMatter far and wide! 09:58 < XRevan86> Socially aware spammers second day in a row 10:29 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 10:33 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 10:44 < scientes> XRevan86, I wouldn't call it socially aware, more like fear mongering 10:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138932 [https://pleroma.site/objects/12350c76-48b5-4e47-95c5-f5f0aae34662] 10:55 < XRevan86> scientes: I'm not socially aware enough to tell the difference anyway. 11:06 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:06 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 11:16 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Krita 4.3 Released with Watercolor Effect Brush Presets http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138890#comment-25551 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e3a12ba2-8287-4ea4-a901-45d13640b374] 11:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Everspace 2 Prototype, Cyberpulse, Tau Cubis and Monster Logic http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138933 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4f86242d-4401-441b-99e1-24c078f17998] 11:32 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: Hail_Spacecake, insmodppa 11:32 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Hail_Spacecake, insmodppa 11:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138934 [https://pleroma.site/objects/94962497-ded3-45c8-a518-fe265cf72055] 11:34 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:35 -!- 07EAA42C7 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 11:35 -!- 17SAAVRK1 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 11:35 < scientes> XRevan86, #llvm on OFTC and llvm-dev is blowing up with one of those master/slave discussions 11:36 < scientes> and something about the russian language 11:36 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qsxfmlbcjeoyhlpu] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:36 < scientes> I don't really get it 11:36 < XRevan86> boyar/kholop ? 11:36 < scientes> actually, yes I've seen it 11:36 < scientes> one of the reasons I left the US 11:36 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:36 < scientes> the computer conferences were taken over by stories about how hard to is to be trans-sexual 11:37 < XRevan86> Is there a public log? 11:37 < scientes> http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2020-June/142445.html 11:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- lists.llvm.org | [llvm-dev] Inclusive language in LLVM: can we rename `master` branch? 11:38 < XRevan86> > I am perfectly aware that `master` has other significations than the master/slave meaning, and I personally never made this association in the past. However I'm also able to recognize that I'm privileged here, and that not everyone is in the same position. 11:38 -!- psydroid [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qeoypfiloqjwpnrm] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:38 -!- nergal[m]1 [nergalmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-murebfxwrjgnhegy] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:38 < scientes> oh geeze, SJW 11:38 < XRevan86> So, just in case, eh? 11:38 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-qtypczggdjtvhbir] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:39 < scientes> they were just in the universities day-cares, and then they mutated and spread to society 11:39 < XRevan86> An Iranian name though. 11:39 -!- paride15[m] [paride15ma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-npbsfnanthqmvlpy] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:41 < XRevan86> scientes: https://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2020-June/142448.html got to it 11:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- lists.llvm.org | [llvm-dev] Inclusive language in LLVM: can we rename `master` branch? 11:41 < XRevan86> scientes: The guy is trying to push the logic to the limits with an analogy. 11:41 < scientes> XRevan86, i get the feeling he is trolling 11:42 < XRevan86> Yes, he is. 11:42 < scientes> but trolling that I like :) 11:42 < scientes> but in #llvm they are eating it up 11:43 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:43 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 11:43 < XRevan86> scientes: He has a point though, since that is a more fair point than "blacklist" 11:43 < scientes> except now they have digressed to switching back to SVN for inclusiveness reasons 11:43 < scientes> which is pretty funny 11:43 < XRevan86> because words "rab" and "rabota" are indeed related. 11:44 < XRevan86> https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/orbota 11:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wiktionary.org | Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/orbota - Wiktionary 11:44 < cybrNaut> schestowitz (or anyone): whatever happened with the Microsoft contract with ICE? Employees petitioned and pressured the CEO to stop working with ICE, but it's unclear with all the weasel-wording if MS actually stopped working with ICE. 11:44 < XRevan86> *orbota: from *orbъ +‎ *-ota, where *orbъ means slave. 11:45 < XRevan86> scientes: So unless with blacklists, there is indeed a genuine connection there %). 11:45 < XRevan86> * unlike with 11:45 < scientes> XRevan86, maybe we should put everyone in this discussion on the redlist 11:46 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:46 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:46 < scientes> it comes down to: do you have empathy or not? 11:46 < scientes> wow, someone just pointed out the whole cause of this crazy 11:46 < scientes> social collapse of the US 11:47 < scientes> i.e. no-one cares about anyone else 11:47 < XRevan86> And that's also a loan from OCS (ties in to the yesterday's discussion), the inherited form would be rob and robota. 11:49 < XRevan86> > If the name of our branch causes anxiety/difficulty for a significant portion of our population, it is literally the least we can do to choose a word that better respects the last few centuries of world history. 11:49 < XRevan86> Someone makes up a problem, and then that is used as justification. 11:49 < XRevan86> How significant is that portion anyway? 11:50 < XRevan86> Did anyone care until someone had that ill-concieved thought that "master" in Git means slave ownership? 11:51 < XRevan86> scientes: So in way it wasn't trolling, this is a very similiar situation. 11:52 < XRevan86> except that no one cares about what's happening outside of English and the US specifically, so there's that 11:53 < XRevan86> > I won't stop any kind of rename, but renames have to be done for a 11:53 < XRevan86> technical merit, not a political correctness merit 11:53 < XRevan86> I'd argue that this isn't even political correctness worthy. 11:54 < XRevan86> > And I'll go so far as to say that this frivolous renaming occurring across the board is doing more harm than good in the name of 'respecting the last few centuries', as it forces people to highlight that aspect of history, and not move on as a society. 11:55 < XRevan86> And that is a very good point. Because that stuff didn't exist there, but now it is. 11:56 < XRevan86> > Much as I hate to use this sort of language, that statement appears to be blaming the victim for not getting over it and progressing to a connotation-free reading of language. 11:57 < XRevan86> And this devalues "victim-blaming". 11:58 < XRevan86> Thanks, Paul, now when someone will say something about victim-blaming, I will not think about raped women being blamed, I will think about this woman: https://youtu.be/hEg0MCSr098 who convicted with a felony a dude for playing Pokemon Go in a church. 11:58 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 12:00 < XRevan86> > But language is never free of connotations, even if you and I don't see those connotations. 12:00 < XRevan86> True. Now "victim-blaming" will get this connotation more and more. 12:00 < XRevan86> because of overuse 12:04 < XRevan86> > Maybe we could have a "dictionary" to refer to the terms we use to replace old ones. 12:04 < XRevan86> I'd prefer an RSS feed. 12:06 < XRevan86> scientes: I didn't see any replies to that nabrós about "rabota" 12:09 < XRevan86> Anyway, just how I can't really argue with that woman offended by Pokemon Go blasphemy, I can't really argue with this either. 12:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Ubuntu, Manjaro, Python Bytes and GNU World Order http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138935 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b80b561d-132c-44ec-a5c2-ce07c485cd09] 12:09 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 12:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 12:11 < XRevan86> Nothing is too far-fetched. 12:13 < XRevan86> And if you're one of those people who think that the Russian nation should pay retribution for oppressing religion, then for you it wouldn't be a foreign concept that this guy should serve a sentence. 12:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security and Proprietary Software Issues http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138936 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3a72c085-4cd8-4b68-9077-f43e1e32020d] 12:16 * XRevan86 ignores that lots of self-identified Christians backed him up, because they don't speak for them all. 12:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: OSS and Leftovers: LibreOffice, E-mail, Hardware and Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138937 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7aeb973d-c659-49db-b8c7-90d9223be51e] 12:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Embedded and Devices: RasPi, Arduino and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138938 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b9009742-1b09-42dc-9120-a3e3e343abe6] 12:22 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 12:25 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 12:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GNU/Linux Leftovers: Kernel, KDE/Qt, IBM/Fedora, Ubuntu http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138939 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f80c0743-0117-4294-9861-13a608ae9ba4] 12:28 < schestowitz> f[16:44] schestowitz (or anyone): whatever happened with the Microsoft contract with ICE? Employees petitioned and pressured the CEO to stop working with ICE, but it's unclear with all the weasel-wording if MS actually stopped working with ICE. 12:28 < schestowitz> I was about to add 12:28 < schestowitz> (to my post) 12:28 < schestowitz> that as far as we know they NEVER withdrew 12:28 < schestowitz> what they DID do: 12:29 < schestowitz> they planted fake news in the media 12:29 < schestowitz> it was about a mythical (at the time) "arctic vault" 12:29 < schestowitz> and then spammed the whole Web with it 12:29 < schestowitz> it started with bloomber/ashley vance 12:29 < schestowitz> where dina bass works 12:29 < schestowitz> and it worked 12:29 < schestowitz> they quickly shifted all attention to this fake news 12:29 < schestowitz> days earlier there were articles about high-profile github engs fleeing 12:31 < schestowitz> [16:41] XRevan86, i get the feeling he is trolling 12:31 < schestowitz> trolls can be ignored 12:31 < cybrNaut> i think it's clear that MS is offering github and their office products to ICE, but I'm not sure about the AI. ICE and Palantir both get their cloud computing from AWS. So would it make sense for them to use Azure if they are already using AWS? 12:31 < schestowitz> it's by far the easiest way to deal with them 12:31 < schestowitz> what is HEY HI? 12:31 < schestowitz> data-mining? 12:32 < XRevan86> schestowitz: It's more like fat mockery, really. 12:33 < XRevan86> like "if you do this then why don't you go all the way and do this", except shallowly disguised as a genuine concern. 12:35 < schestowitz> they narrow down a shame list 12:35 < schestowitz> until with help from the media they'll bully all those who don't budge 12:35 < schestowitz> and then they will move on to the next word 12:35 < schestowitz> like picking on ipfire over whitelists etc. 12:35 < schestowitz> asking to change their software 12:36 < schestowitz> as if suddenly sec gurus in companies will be black people, because the strings in the GUIs changed a bit 12:36 < schestowitz> enrollment at universities will soar among the black community 12:36 < schestowitz> they never applied not because they lacked money... but because the prospectus/syllabus mentioned "blacklist" 12:37 < schestowitz> of course this is all nonsense 12:37 < schestowitz> and here we are talking about it, instead of sw freedom 12:37 < schestowitz> today I saw one red hat employee entertaining this 12:37 < XRevan86> schestowitz: Yes, this one change will make colleges in the US affordable for all. 12:37 < XRevan86> or at least slightly more affordable 12:37 < schestowitz> [16:12] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): "All I can say is that I find some words like whiltelist, blacklist and master/slave awful. I do realize that the context in git might not be racist, however I am trying to be nice-by-default person." https://lukas.zapletalovi.com/2020/06/on-git-master-mai... [https://pleroma.site/objects/ee00a6ee-b44d-417c-8f7e-4902db2d0e26] 12:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ( status 404 @ https://lukas.zapletalovi.com/2020/06/on-git-master-mai ) 12:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 12:37 < XRevan86> it's one step, not the whole way, after all 12:38 < schestowitz> If he said something different, ibm/redhat can reprimand him 12:38 < schestowitz> they already have a maJOR PR issue (not push request) with black people 12:38 < schestowitz> after their NYPD work 12:39 < XRevan86> All I can say is that I find some words like hardware, network and binary awful. I do realize that the context might not be racist, however I am trying to be nice-by-default person. 12:39 < schestowitz> admissions and scholarship might be a better area for these people to push on... not mailing lists of llvm 12:39 < schestowitz> this isn't going to make llvm more welcoming 12:39 < schestowitz> it's a mirage 12:39 < schestowitz> it might even make llvm look like a political project and thus less welcoming 12:39 < schestowitz> like a speech polite project 12:39 < XRevan86> ("binary" is actually offensive to some, so it's not that much of a joke) 12:40 < schestowitz> binary: 0,1 12:40 < schestowitz> true/false 12:40 < XRevan86> schestowitz: This offends SQL. true/false/unknown! 12:40 < schestowitz> if someone finds this offensive, their stay alive/suicide mode would be better off suicide 12:40 < schestowitz> I didn't see anywhere a complaint about "binary" 12:40 < schestowitz> oct 12:40 < schestowitz> hex 12:40 < schestowitz> bi 12:40 < schestowitz> tri 12:41 < schestowitz> nothing wrong with that 12:41 < scientes> XRevan86, that is still funny 12:41 < scientes> that SQL's binary is a tri-state 12:41 < schestowitz> maybe they want to reinvent physics to suit trans people too? 12:41 < XRevan86> schestowitz: You're taking it seriously… 12:41 < schestowitz> oh, wait.. 12:41 < schestowitz> someone might try 12:41 < XRevan86> Yes, that's what I mean. 12:41 < schestowitz> never underestimate it 12:42 < schestowitz> after slave they targeted master in contexts that lack "slave" 12:42 < schestowitz> black is lack of light 12:42 < XRevan86> It's not on the agenda, but I wouldn't call it completely safe. 12:42 < schestowitz> or absorbance of photons 12:42 < schestowitz> white is reflecting, absorbs nothing 12:42 < XRevan86> A month ago I'd rate it less safe than master, really. 12:42 < schestowitz> so blacklist make logic sense, nothing to do with skin pigmentation 12:42 < schestowitz> I ping you, the packet bounces back 12:43 < schestowitz> or maybe they want to reverse things 12:43 < schestowitz> blacklists will be the welcomes list 12:43 < schestowitz> and whitelist the shitlist 12:43 < schestowitz> hey, let's say shitlist 12:43 < schestowitz> nothing offensive about it 12:43 < schestowitz> people talking about poo in mailing lists 12:43 < XRevan86> schestowitz: It's actually not a native to IT term. Not sure about the actual origin though. 12:43 < schestowitz> then some females will get offended 12:44 < XRevan86> But somewhere in the same realm as pink slips 12:44 < schestowitz> then you'll explain to them guys too have rectums and - gasp - shit 12:44 < schestowitz> like RMS had to remind people guys too can be virgins and many are 12:44 < schestowitz> pinkwashing 12:44 < schestowitz> pink is not them 12:44 < schestowitz> they hijacked the colour, so to speak 12:44 < XRevan86> Is it offensive to use the colour of feminism for firing employees? 12:44 < schestowitz> like "rainbows", "gays" 12:45 < schestowitz> it's a self-selecting thing 12:45 < XRevan86> As if it's to hint that women should be fired. 12:45 < schestowitz> repelling what already has those symbols as "offensive" would be major "chutzpah" 12:45 < schestowitz> when did females pick pink? 12:46 < schestowitz> A century ago pink was a man's colour 12:46 < schestowitz> so you need to go back to the moment pink was starting to be associated with women and who's responsible 12:46 < schestowitz> these are all mere symbols, their skin isn't pink or anything 12:47 < XRevan86> There's nothing inherent to any of that. 12:49 < schestowitz> http://pyfound.blogspot.com/2020/06/2020-python-software-foundation-board.html 12:49 < schestowitz> need help 12:49 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pyfound.blogspot.com | Python Software Foundation News: 2020 Python Software Foundation Board of Directors Election Results 12:49 < schestowitz> The four top votegetters via approval voting are: 12:49 < schestowitz> Nina Zakharenko 12:49 < schestowitz> Dustin Ingram 12:49 < schestowitz> Jeff Triplett 12:49 < schestowitz> Thomas Wouters 12:49 < schestowitz> who are the respective employers? 12:49 < schestowitz> exercise to the reader 12:50 < schestowitz> remember guido left amid the whole "master" flamewtorm, the first of this kind afaik 12:50 < schestowitz> *flamestorm 12:51 < schestowitz> it would not shock me if at least one is good, another github/msft 12:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 19/6/2020: New Python Software Foundation Board of Directors Election Results and PureBoot Bundle http://techrights.org/2020/06/19/pureboot-bundle/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/095e1ab0-646d-4026-85c1-a178274c1523] 12:59 -!- ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has quit [shutting down] 13:02 < XRevan86> https://youtu.be/igtLqhX4BCA I feel enlightened 13:02 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- How The Term 'Marijuana' Is Rooted In Racism | NowThis - YouTube 13:03 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 13:03 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 13:09 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-kwayptcmkcwiippm] has joined #techrights 13:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Top stress tools in Kali Linux 2020.1 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138940 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0e2d8dec-cd2b-4cc0-a2fc-436f45bfe322] 13:30 -!- psydroid [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-lzzjjymhzhvmmzga] has joined #techrights 13:30 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-kuegvxsjnqexgjib] has joined #techrights 13:30 -!- paride15[m] [paride15ma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-yhvsjbkzxtxfccka] has joined #techrights 13:30 -!- nergal[m] [nergalmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-gjvajsvpmkloppaz] has joined #techrights 13:36 -!- ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #techrights 13:36 -!- ServerMode/#techrights [+o ChanServ] by barjavel.freenode.net 13:37 -!- psydroid is now known as Guest84896 13:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Based Linux Rescue Distro Rescuezilla 1.0.6 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138888#comment-25552 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7a76259d-cbe9-49da-8a9f-e7558aa0608f] 13:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: CSI kit for the RPi CM3 has FPGA for camera control http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138941 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b54b5177-8721-4cb6-b689-3178c53ddafb] 13:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: DragonFlyBSD vs. FreeBSD vs. Ubuntu 20.04 On Intel’s Core i9 10900K Comet Lake http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138942 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef004a69-2047-48cd-b52b-41b71751a5d3] 13:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138943 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ce4fec92-8ee1-476e-86d8-301fe912e580] 13:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Lubuntu 20.04 Is an Absolute Nightmare of a Linux Distribution http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138945 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e4deefbb-f9d3-4f8f-9432-1020bc6f8c0b] 13:59 -!- 07EAA42C7 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:59 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 13:59 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 13:59 -!- 17SAAVRK1 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:00 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 14:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IPFire 2.25 - Core Update 146 is available for testing http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138946 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5c58d1a3-9db1-4b7a-8d6c-c315a0fc1ac7] 14:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Compact Jetson TX computer offers CAN and dual M.2 slots http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138947 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8d64a1ee-3d52-4b30-8838-a4a3b2a5940c] 14:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Robolinux 11.02 Released: Run Windows XP, 7, Or 10 Alonside Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138944 #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/257e3090-8b71-4394-9380-47d809ab79aa] 14:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 14:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Something Ate My Alien, 3dSen PC and Starmancer http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138948 [https://pleroma.site/objects/57f2c3d3-0dde-4169-8e27-196029d3e20b] 14:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138949 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8a038ec5-0cb6-4f16-9e3b-10f7971099cd] 14:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: What Is Harmony OS? Huawei’s New Operating System Explained http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138950 [https://pleroma.site/objects/306b74ce-a524-48b9-8b39-249bf0e4e5d1] 14:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Okay, Florida and Arizona clearly have a crisis brewing with Coronavirus that moved from "Uhhhhh....." to "What the fuck is going on in there?". 14:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Both states reported nearly 4,000 new cases each today. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Governor DeSantis in Florida tried to claim that they're getting waves of new infections due to higher levels of testing. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> The state has tested at 70% of the rate of Illinois. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> They clearly have a rapidly growing Coronavirus problem in Florida that the government wants people to not talk about. 14:54 < DaemonFC[m]> They've added over 9,500 new confirmed cases in the last 3 days. 14:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Florida and Arizona have driven the national 3 day rolling average of new confirmed cases to the worst it has been since May 16th. 15:11 -!- Guest84896 [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-lzzjjymhzhvmmzga] has quit [Changing host] 15:11 -!- Guest84896 [psydroidma@unaffiliated/psydroid] has joined #techrights 15:11 -!- Guest84896 [psydroidma@unaffiliated/psydroid] has quit [Changing host] 15:11 -!- Guest84896 [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-lzzjjymhzhvmmzga] has joined #techrights 15:16 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Red Dead Redemption 2 Better on GNU/Linux Than Windows, Titanfall 2 Runs on GNU/Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138951 [https://pleroma.site/objects/85163665-ded4-40b7-a024-e2d499f7c6aa] 15:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Kernel: Roman Gushchin, Fedora Tests and Linux Plumbers Virtual Town Hall http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138952 [https://pleroma.site/objects/12a41159-fbbb-4002-aa68-b8351250ca65] 15:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: Vulkan in Mutter and RADV, Zink Update http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138953 [https://pleroma.site/objects/768fc057-f7a1-4c62-b2f6-9faf31e9e851] 15:26 <@MinceR> https://img.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/556d8a9338d1da1f.png 15:31 < XRevan86> MinceR: I like the follow-up, when they realised they're trying to EULA a tag that has barely anything to do with them. 15:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Firefox Private Network will soon go public as Mozilla VPN with Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux clients http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138899#comment-25554 [https://pleroma.site/objects/12424e04-d64b-48aa-8022-f26edd18b3c2] 15:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Unity Distro: An Unofficial Desktop Revival http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138954 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f564e206-2a9d-423d-88f1-46976d6287c7] 16:10 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:25 <@MinceR> https://mobile.twitter.com/BigArrrr/status/1273444791221706754 16:25 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mobile.twitter.com | Twitter 17:04 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 17:39 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdTKpzsUoQo 17:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 17:48 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 17:50 <@MinceR> https://full.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/11e2cd1f3b28aabe.jpg 18:07 < DaemonFC[m]> The Republican Party's attitude about Coronavirus is "Shit happens. Go buy stuff!". 18:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Doesn't look like people are going for it, so our economy is in the toilet, but enough people are playing ball that the death toll is higher than it has to be anyway. 18:10 <@MinceR> shit 'appens 18:10 <@MinceR> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L9In8RC9E4 18:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Predator 2 - Shit happens - YouTube 18:13 < DaemonFC[m]> I found a program that does hiss, click, and pop removal fairly well for vinyl rips. 18:13 < DaemonFC[m]> It's proprietary, but someone on RuTracker is using it, so I don't really have to worry about that. 18:28 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 18:29 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 19:17 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 20:07 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 20:07 < DaemonFC[m]> GNOME Calendar reminded me it's Juneteenth. How very not racist of them. 20:25 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has quit [Quit: C-x C-c] 20:29 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 20:30 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 20:32 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:33 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:35 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has joined #techrights 20:59 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has joined #techrights 21:03 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:09 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:10 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:10 <@MinceR> https://imgur.com/gallery/QgJb5gv 21:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Family - Album on Imgur 21:17 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:26 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 21:42 < DaemonFC[m]> We had the worst day for new coronavirus cases since May 1st. 21:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh between people trying to shop, the protests, and Trump's rallies and conventions, this is not going to let up. 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Trump managed to succeed in convincing his own voters that mail in ballots = fraud. 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Many of them are ripping up or burning their mail in ballot applications up in Michigan. 21:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Which means that if anything happens that makes it difficult for them to vote on election day, then Trump will have mostly spent millions to convince some of his base to disenfranchise themselves. 21:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Vanishing from "sociopath" media controlled by right-wing billionaires is probably not a bad idea. 21:48 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitzwas right about how people get addicted to Facebook or Twitter though. 21:48 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't even really look at Twitter. 21:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Twitter and Facebook have become a spawning point for Nazi Nitwits. 21:49 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:49 < DaemonFC[m]> I kind of gave up even trying to follow the news because Trump voters have started spam posting stupid memes all over the place over and over and the comments section became unusable. 21:49 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:51 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has joined #techrights 21:54 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 22:09 < cubexyz> well if we warp back in time to 1992 I can assure everyone that the level of discussion was much more erudite 22:10 < cubexyz> a lot of the people who had internet at that time were University graduates or students, or were from military think tanks 22:10 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: In Brazil nearly half of those tested for COVID-19 come out positive 22:15 < schestowitz> > Hi 22:15 < schestowitz> > 22:15 < schestowitz> > I am looking to contact Dr Roy. I have been following the 'Mansion' 22:15 < schestowitz> > story in Seattle, from his website. I understand that he had difficulty 22:15 < schestowitz> > receiving the police records. I have received the first instalment if it 22:15 < schestowitz> > is of any help. I am currently writing a book and wanted to collaborate. 22:15 < schestowitz> Hi Gary, 22:15 < schestowitz> This is good news. What format is it in? I would be very interested in seeing it and collaborating on this. 22:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Star Labs’ Latest Linux Laptop Now Works with Solus, Deepin, Kali Linux, Tails, and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138924#comment-25556 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f96b6b57-43c0-4780-b8ae-32ffa2412dd2] 22:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Appliances for Raspberry Pi include AdGuard, MQTT, Nextcloud, openHAB, and PLEX http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138813#comment-25555 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8652926d-0682-40bd-a094-53caa1d5bb08] 22:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Wine 5.11 Released With Updated Mono, Initial Work On NetIO Kernel Driver http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138955 [https://pleroma.site/objects/37f2bf65-67d8-47bc-9452-517f5b2fc5bd] 22:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138956 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fdc60836-5bd8-4cfa-8316-514c74762bd3] 22:40 < schestowitz> 55,209 new covid19 cases in brazil yesterday alone... 22:48 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ooewxpsrpwslxpbr] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:48 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dckshxfdknxetlss] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:50 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 22:51 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:53 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bhjggmvjdjmsejwd] has joined #techrights 23:02 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ogtyybuaqsbwcyre] has joined #techrights 23:08 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 23:09 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ogtyybuaqsbwcyre] has quit [Max SendQ exceeded] 23:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 23:10 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kuxakzcybrnrcsgf] has joined #techrights 23:24 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 23:25 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 23:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Red Dead Redemption 2 Runs Faster On Linux Than Windows 10 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138951#comment-25558 [https://pleroma.site/objects/01cb6b05-66a1-4e09-aae8-ca836e4d9ed7] 23:45 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 23:46 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 23:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Screenshots and Audiocasts/Videos: OpenIndiana 2020.04, Going Linux, Linux Headlines and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138957 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e03e2289-e107-4696-8ed4-2c9935de79cf] 23:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138958 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7fedbd16-2874-4806-8870-62ba2df4a57d] --- Day changed Sat Jun 20 2020 00:07 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:08 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software: broot, Jitsi (Meet) and TenFourFox http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138959 [https://pleroma.site/objects/67f23537-8d9a-4a76-b83d-94f2a95e996e] 00:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software and Games on Open Hardware Arduino and Raspberry Pi http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138960 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8d9ad29e-2c94-4200-ae26-641bd5482fe9] 00:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: LLVM and Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138961 [https://pleroma.site/objects/71fa60b5-67c6-46fa-877c-a7f8bd75ca81] 00:20 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:21 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 00:21 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 00:22 < schestowitz> [17:49] The four top votegetters via approval voting are: 00:22 < schestowitz> [17:49] Nina Zakharenko 00:22 < schestowitz> The first one is Microsoft 00:23 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/nnja 00:23 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mobile.twitter.com | Nina Zakharenko 💜🐍 (@nnja) on Twitter 00:23 < schestowitz> "Advocacy at microsoft" 00:23 < schestowitz> seems like one of those PC people, adding pronouns and stuff 00:23 < schestowitz> Guido left when those people were gaining a foothold 00:24 < schestowitz> [17:49] Dustin Ingram 00:24 < schestowitz> Google, as I expected 00:24 < schestowitz> "Dustin Ingram - Senior Developer Advocate - Google" 00:25 < schestowitz> "Jeff Triplett is an open source developer and works as a software engineer, consultant, and partner at REVSYS. He is a Board of Director at The Python Software ..." 00:25 < schestowitz> " 00:25 < schestowitz> Jeff Triplett 00:25 < schestowitz> Lawrence, KS 00:25 < schestowitz> Jeff Triplett is an open source developer and works as a software engineer, consultant, and partner at REVSYS. He is a Board of Director at The Python Software Foundation. 00:25 < schestowitz> He occasionally blogs on his website. 00:25 < schestowitz> Jeff joined REVSYS as an engineer in 2011. Before that, Jeff worked on Ellington CMS and Marketplace as a lead engineer at Mediaphormedia (birthday place of Django), the interactive division of The World Company in Lawrence, Kansas. Most recently, Jeff has been working with dozens of startups helping them build scalable, cloud-based, and web service-based applications for mobile devices, including mobile platforms. 00:25 < schestowitz> Jeff worked with Django before it was officially released and is active in the Django community. He is President of the Django Events Foundation of North America (DEFNA), and has served as Chair, Co-Chair, Vice-Chair, and/or volunteered with DjangoCon US since 2014. 00:25 < schestowitz> " 00:26 < schestowitz> Seems mostly harmless 00:26 < schestowitz> "he/him" 00:26 < schestowitz> very important to point out 00:26 < schestowitz> I didn't know Jeff was a male name 00:26 < schestowitz> thank you for clarifying 00:27 < schestowitz> (from his Twitter account) 00:28 < schestowitz> https://www.python.org/nominations/elections/2019-python-software-foundation-board/nominees/thomas-wouters/ 00:28 < schestowitz> Google again 00:28 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Nominee for 2019 Python Software Foundation Board Election | Python.org 00:28 < schestowitz> Python Software Foundation Board of Directors is 50% Google and 25% Microsoft 00:29 < schestowitz> " 00:29 < schestowitz> Previous Board Service: 2001-2004, 2017-now 00:29 < schestowitz> Employer: Google 00:29 < schestowitz> Other Affiliations: None 00:29 < schestowitz> Nominee Statement: 00:29 < schestowitz> Having served on the Board for the last two years, and seeing the improvements we've made in that time towards professionalising the Board and the interactions with the (growing) PSF staff, and with expanding the PSFs activities, I'm nominating myself for another three years on the Board of Directors. 00:29 < schestowitz> I'm a Software Engineer at Google, where I'm part of the team that maintains CPython and the internal Python infrastructure. I'm also a long-time CPython core developer, founding PSF member and PSF Board member (2001-2004 and 2017-now). Apart from my technical contributions to CPython, I'm very active on the #python IRC channel on Freenode, where I am (along with Ned Batchelder) the PSF Group Contact, the official point of contact for 00:29 < schestowitz> Freenode, for "official" Python channels (#python and #python-*). This forum isn't always without controversies, but we try to be "fair but firm" in handling any issues. 00:29 < schestowitz> I continue to be incredibly proud of the growth the Python community has seen, in no small part thanks to the efforts of the PSF staff and the PyCon chairs and organisation. I want to foster this growth, expand the PSF in new areas for fundraising and funding of events and activities. I believe the PSF should offer technical and legal support for Python itself, as well as the community. This includes supporting development (through 00:29 < schestowitz> direct project funding as well as sponsoring sprints), infrastructure, and efforts like translating documentation in more languages. I strongly believe in diversity, inclusivity, transparency, and fostering growth as well as technical excellence, and I would be happy if the PSF spent more of its money on any or all of those. For the past two years I've been one of the Board's Vice-Chairs (part of the Executive Committee), a member of 00:29 < schestowitz> the Financial Committee that we are in the process of setting up, a member of the PSF Fellows WG (which votes in new PSF Fellows) and a non-voting member of the Code of Conduct WG. 00:29 < schestowitz> " 00:29 < schestowitz> I will not mention names in my article though 00:29 < schestowitz> better to keep it impersonal 00:30 < schestowitz> in essense the companies just buy these people 00:30 < schestowitz> they are not necessarily from there originally 00:31 < schestowitz> but they get bought for "influence" 00:31 < schestowitz> and that's a problem 00:46 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 00:48 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 01:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: This week in KDE: polishing up Plasma 5.19 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138962 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dab03241-5804-49d3-80b4-35140ff8dfda] 01:21 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Xfce’s Xfdesktop 4.15 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138963 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a2bfe4c8-0b14-4aff-aa60-b4a5adc978dd] 01:30 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 01:31 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:35 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has joined #techrights 02:22 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 02:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Getting a 3-inch Smartphone in 2020? You can with Unihertz Jelly 2 (Crowdfunding) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138956#comment-25559 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a41a31dd-1b5b-4bee-8f05-26f1b3bc18fd] 02:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The First Batch Of DRM-Misc-Next Changes For Linux 5.9 Sent In http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138964 [https://pleroma.site/objects/40d2d114-e01e-410e-86ae-c11e27442d5b] 02:57 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:57 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Red Hat and Fedora Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138965 [https://pleroma.site/objects/945d88f5-de4e-4ebb-9b60-dc20fa62e2d4] 03:15 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:16 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138966 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b2e20a1a-4396-4109-9a78-71168fb88fb6] 03:25 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mobian OS For PinePhone Aims To Bring Debian Linux To Mobile Devices http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138967 [https://pleroma.site/objects/30e04ba3-50cb-46d5-b2cf-f909058262a1] 03:26 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has joined #techrights 03:29 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:31 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:44 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:46 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:52 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 03:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #techrights Links 20/6/2020: #Wine 5.11 Released and Red Dead Redemption 2 Shows #GNU / #Linux Outperforming #Windows http://techrights.org/2020/06/20/wine-5-11-released/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/b80ca3a2-ac21-4278-b2be-b189a097987b] 04:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: [Humour] Contrary to What OSI, OIN and Linux Foundation Will Tell You… http://techrights.org/2020/06/20/microsoft-swpats-blackmail/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/3eddaf6e-3975-4a34-a5f4-ce6af5e1eecd] 04:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138968 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b1a20501-2b82-48a7-8122-2e914d1ca027] 04:09 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 04:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 04:59 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 05:05 < XRevan86> > GNOME Calendar reminded me it's Juneteenth. How very not racist of them. 05:06 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: It is a day of freedom, no? 05:09 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 05:27 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:27 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:37 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 05:38 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 05:47 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:47 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 06:01 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:01 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:06 < schestowitz> XRevan86: nothing wrong with that if they mark other holidays 06:06 < schestowitz> and notify you of them, inc. mlk day 06:06 < schestowitz> [10:06] DaemonFC[m]: It is a day of freedom, no? 06:06 < schestowitz> I'd use the work liberation rather than freedom 06:06 < schestowitz> like ww2 liberation day 06:06 < schestowitz> freedom is a condition 06:06 < schestowitz> liberation is the act/event 06:07 < schestowitz> Like when George Bush II liberated Iraq. "Mission Accomplished" 06:07 < schestowitz> the oil was free to flow to vessels controlled by US carriers 06:11 < XRevan86> schestowitz: Right. 06:16 < schestowitz> it's important not to conflate this with other matters 06:16 < schestowitz> such as, their COC, or: 06:17 < schestowitz> the terminology being sanitised 06:17 < schestowitz> (or gnome settling over swpats, their connections to Microsoft etc. Lots of issues with GNOME...) 06:19 < kingoffrance> liberty is also a sea-faring thing...its not freedom, its temporarily go to shore and get drunk/whatever 06:19 < kingoffrance> temporary time-off from your contract from the captain i suppose 06:19 < kingoffrance> freedom i think etmyology is kingdom ...type of dominion 06:19 < kingoffrance> s/is/same type as/ 06:20 < kingoffrance> perhaps invented to distinguish against feudal system 06:20 < XRevan86> kingoffrance: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/-dom#Suffix 06:20 < kingoffrance> this is a "FREE domain" 06:20 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wiktionary.org | -dom - Wiktionary 06:21 < XRevan86> boredom is a bore domain 06:21 < kingoffrance> yup 06:21 < kingoffrance> dictionary i have has "doom" 06:21 < kingoffrance> so i think that makes sense, too, it is the "fate" (or at least, what you hope things will turn out) ... the path a jurisdiction is on 06:22 < kingoffrance> not necessarily bad, but "fate" "judgement" "destiny" what have you, good or bad 06:22 < kingoffrance> the course it is on 06:22 < kingoffrance> the track it is supposed to follow 06:22 < XRevan86> I see it as close to the Latin -arium suffix. 06:25 < XRevan86> And in the sense it is used in boredom and freedom – to the -ness suffix. 06:25 < XRevan86> boreness is pretty much the same thing as boredom 06:26 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 06:27 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 06:27 < XRevan86> to move from an adjective (I am bored) to a noun (boredom surrounds me) 06:30 < XRevan86> I am free → freedom is around me 06:37 < kingoffrance> makes sense 06:37 < kingoffrance> yes, you must be in a proper env. 06:37 < kingoffrance> perhaps both internal and external 06:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: How to Make Ubuntu Look Like macOS in 5 Easy Steps http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138969 [https://pleroma.site/objects/82b2ea5a-f0f5-4a2f-ac41-b391363758b9] 06:38 < kingoffrance> "prison bars do not a prison make" i would say is 1/2 truth then, ideally you want both internal and external :) 06:40 < kingoffrance> http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict?Form=Dict2&Database=devil&Query=right the right to be a king lol 06:40 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- dict.org- right 06:40 < schestowitz> [11:19] liberty is also a sea-faring thing...its not freedom, its temporarily go to shore and get drunk/whatever 06:40 < schestowitz> USS Liberty is being bombed by your own ally 06:40 < schestowitz> "liberty" 06:41 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 06:41 < kingoffrance> this thing? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident 06:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia 06:43 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 06:43 < kingoffrance> what little i know of israel, is (according to pbs and others) there was not supposed to be a homeland until messiah arrives, but different factions/religions emerged, with different rules of how to "trigger" that, and nowadays "christians" who want 2nd coming also along for the ride...and theres a rothschild boulevard 06:44 < kingoffrance> so, there are various people supporting it for different reasons 06:44 < kingoffrance> because they think their 2nd coming messiah will arrive and convert everyone or whatever i guess 06:45 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:45 < kingoffrance> point being, i think america is always going to be "allied" along those lines 06:45 < kingoffrance> because they arent being back to the "old world" for sure 06:46 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:47 < kingoffrance> i suppose hitler jump started that whether they were supposed to have a homeland or not 06:47 < kingoffrance> his intentions? i dunno 06:48 < schestowitz> he was catholic, not evangelical 06:49 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 06:51 < kingoffrance> yes, i have read conflicting things 06:51 < kingoffrance> escape routes, etc. 06:51 < kingoffrance> or "black sun" alchemy type stuff, red/white/black are philosophers stone colors, swastika has a few meanings, rosicrucians claim it too, etc. 06:52 < kingoffrance> and ive heard some of that stuff was buried, thule society or whatever 06:52 < kingoffrance> so i dunno if anyone really knows 06:54 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 06:55 < kingoffrance> and e.g. i have a golden dawn text that says "yeah, mussolini made a pact with the pope, but dont worry (fellow rosicrucians), no temporal powers were restored" lost circa 1870 IIRC 06:55 < kingoffrance> they basically assured their people dont worry, the vatican will "merge" with protestants 06:55 < kingoffrance> that text is 1960s new age stuff 06:55 < kingoffrance> "newsletter" type thing 06:56 < kingoffrance> 1920s-1960s 06:56 < kingoffrance> out of los angeles IIRC 06:56 < kingoffrance> and then it has been said rothschilds are/were vatican bankers received papal preferments, merely enforced the policies of the church 06:56 < kingoffrance> so...its a mess IMO 06:58 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:59 < kingoffrance> i saw a thing claim hitler co-opted "aryan" for his own purposes too 07:13 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:14 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:14 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 07:19 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 07:22 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:22 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:27 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 07:28 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 07:28 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:28 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:39 < oiaohm> kingoffrance: https://viking-workshop.com/blog/the-black-sun-mystical-occult-symbol-of-power/ black sun is another symbol the nazis nicked and ruined the meaning of. 07:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Black Sun Symbol Revelation - Blog viking-workshop.com 07:44 < kingoffrance> yeah, rosicrucian and i think some "indians" swastika was life 07:45 < kingoffrance> so some say hitler reversed it == death 07:45 < kingoffrance> rosicrucian it might be "wheel of life" some zodiac thing, i dunno 07:45 < kingoffrance> its a pinwheel, it spins around :) 07:45 < kingoffrance> its hard to say with symbols 07:46 < kingoffrance> because someone else will say it was male, circle was female, etc. 07:46 < kingoffrance> and they might "both be true" depending on "context" 07:46 < kingoffrance> so if you get one little thing wrong, might change "meaning" entirely 07:46 < kingoffrance> sun i think is always male, so i dont think thats a stretch 07:47 < kingoffrance> or even if you get everything "right" and fail to notice one little thing 07:47 -!- gde35 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 07:48 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:49 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 07:49 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 07:52 < oiaohm> swastika is in fact used in Buddhism historic as the foot prints/symbol left behind of where Buddha was draw either way in his life time. The symbol was not even new then. 07:52 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:52 < oiaohm> kingoffrance: basically there is really no right or wrong way to do a swastka before the nazis messed with it. 07:54 < oiaohm> Black Sun symbol historically depicts a Solar eclipse. Of course different cultures give that different meanings again before nazis ruin it. 07:55 < kingoffrance> us pledge used to have a salute, they changed that to distance themselves 07:56 < kingoffrance> the guy who came up with that was a mason and "christian socialist" and kind of whites are superior, but that was long before nazis 07:56 < kingoffrance> and didnt have "under god" that was put by eisnhower IIRC to show we are not "communist" 07:57 < kingoffrance> so they the u.s. pledge transformed a few times depending on who the enemy was 07:57 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:01 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 08:01 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 08:06 <@MinceR> Buddha had pretty weird feet if his footprints looked like that 08:06 <@MinceR> afaict the nazi salute came from mussolini failing to reproduce the salute shown by some roman emperor statue 08:11 < oiaohm> MinceR: to be correct is a foot print with a particular symbol draw inside and the symbol marks who path it was. 08:11 < oiaohm> Fun of Buddhism leaving paths for others to follow. 08:11 <@MinceR> still pretty weird feet :> 08:12 < oiaohm> Some of the buddhims ones do get very wacky. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha_footprint 08:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Buddha footprint - Wikipedia 08:13 < oiaohm> Genuine ones left by the person Buddha themselves are very plain. 08:13 <@MinceR> as expected 08:15 < oiaohm> Different Buddhism leaders have followed the tradition what is in the foot print has got more complex. 08:16 < oiaohm> Ie you cannot use the same pattern in the foot that someone before you has. 08:17 < oiaohm> MinceR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha_footprint#/media/File:Seema_Malaka_-_Buddha_footprint.jpg This is what you have call a way over complex artist drawing of a foot print. 08:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Buddha footprint - Wikipedia 08:18 <@MinceR> oh, that was meant to be a footprint? 08:18 <@MinceR> one would think humans knew what a human footprint looks like... 08:19 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:19 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 08:21 < oiaohm> Some of the Buddhism path foot prints really do have you questioning the sanity of humans. Yes its 5 flame things for the toes all the same size in that drawing. Yet the person drawing it manages to get creature details all right while getting foot shape complete wrong. 08:21 < oiaohm> To be correct there is a drawing of that carving and it exactly done the same way. 08:22 <@MinceR> maybe Buddha was using a mecha 08:22 < oiaohm> But that is not Buddha one. 08:22 < oiaohm> Buddha one is a very human shaped foot with a simple swastka in the centre of foot. 08:23 < oiaohm> Those really complex and really wrong ones are the ones that came latter. 08:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Evolution of Anti- #GNU / #Linux #FUD and Ridicule http://techrights.org/2020/06/20/gnu-linux-fud-and-ridicule/ #microsoft #deletegithub [https://pleroma.site/objects/a1420ea6-e756-4c84-ad99-530b61e31eb7] 08:53 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:53 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:53 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:55 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:55 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 08:58 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 08:59 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 09:14 < kingoffrance> yes, that article is exactly right re: "designed to prop up a debate around what was later coined and promoted as “Open Source” (to distract people from ‘pesky’ ethical issues, including what was associated with liberty and freedom)" i even see e.g. pro-ms people on freenode saying "linux sucks" "open source" sucks i.e. attacking straw men -- whether they like GNU or not, they have no idea why the term "open s 09:14 < kingoffrance> ource" came about 09:15 < kingoffrance> so those two terms "linux" "open source" are linked in their minds, because they never even *heard* of gnu/linux 09:15 < kingoffrance> which doesnt surprise me at all 09:15 < kingoffrance> but like i said when i first came to this channel: 10-20 years ago, *everyone* on freenode would have at least been *aware* of the issues 09:16 < kingoffrance> whatever "side" they were on 09:16 < kingoffrance> so it is surreal for freenode IMO 09:16 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 09:16 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 09:18 < kingoffrance> even "superficially aware" they would have known there was a debate 09:22 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:29 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 09:30 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Plasma 5.19 Sees Many Regression Fixes, Other Work For Plasma 5.20 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138962#comment-25563 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fc85c531-8431-4cbc-94df-9ac651ec181c] 09:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Wine-Staging 5.11 Is Down To Just Over 700 Patches http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138955#comment-25564 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dcb5c200-c7ac-437a-a428-5c3fd4b98030] 10:13 <@MinceR> (audio) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/5a1fe021577143ae.mp4 10:22 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 10:22 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 10:38 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:38 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:46 < schestowitz> https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=QSHuXsO_NZG4lwTUrLP4Bw&q=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Ftechrights.org&oq=site%3Ahttp%3A%2F%2Ftechrights.org&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoFCAAQsQM6BQgAEIMBOgIIADoECAAQClCwD1iDQWD0QWgCcAB4AIAB4QGIAYMUkgEGMjAuNi4xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdperABAA&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiD5N2X0ZDqAhUR3IUKHVTWDH8Q4dUDCAg&uact=5 10:46 < schestowitz> "38,000" 10:46 < schestowitz> results 10:46 < schestowitz> But... 10:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- site:http://techrights.org - Google Search 10:47 < schestowitz> I think some people have a hard time accessing it 10:47 < schestowitz> I am investigating this 10:48 <@MinceR> (cat) https://i.imgur.com/8qObkdF.jpg 11:14 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:14 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138970 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8fec9d85-800c-4dc5-8d33-b7063d14e38c] 11:19 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:20 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:28 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:30 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:44 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:45 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:47 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:52 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:54 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:57 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 11:57 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 12:24 < DaemonFC[m]> > like ww2 liberation day 12:24 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz Liberation is too strong of a word here. Most black people had to enter work agreements with their former owners after the war because of Andrew Johnson. 12:26 < DaemonFC[m]> What needed to be done in the south is something like the Nuremberg Trials thar happened after WWII. 12:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Where they didn't just let the Nazi officials sign some documents and then go right back into the new German government to start over. They executed or gave very long prison sentences to them. 12:28 < DaemonFC[m]> What happened aftee the surrender of the confederacy was that most of them just went right back to it as long as they called it work contracts and poll taxes/literacy tests. 12:28 < DaemonFC[m]> You just call it something different and we got our states back and yay freedom. 12:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Of course those states are so poor and stupid that they've been a drain on taxpaying citizens since the war ended. 12:30 < DaemonFC[m]> The offer from them to pay their share of the national debt and leave was a better deal than having them back, provided that they surrendered their claim to westward expansion. 12:31 < DaemonFC[m]> What they'd actually have today would be a third world country that US states were not responsible for paying welfare money to. 12:32 < DaemonFC[m]> The political nature of the US would make it impossible for a guy like Trump tp come along. 12:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Every bad thing that has happened to this country in the last 170 years and quite a lot of it prior to that is the fault of those dumb shits in the south who vote for people they'd like to go drinking with. 12:36 < DaemonFC[m]> They voted for Trump because they had this corrupt deal where he'd go after Mexicans and fags, right, and then they'd let him give our money to billionaires. Except that the Supreme Court just took a machete to his order to get rid of DACA and civil rights protections for LGBT..... 12:36 < DaemonFC[m]> "We pretend he's a Christian. He pretends he cares about what we want. It's an equitable arrangement, wouldn't you say?" 12:39 <@MinceR> :> 12:41 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR Mandy was playing ringtones on his iPhone. The xylophone one is from American Beauty. 12:41 < DaemonFC[m]> I was like "Wait! Go back. I want that one!". 12:42 < DaemonFC[m]> He didn't understand why. 12:46 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR It's playing while Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) is self-narrating jerking off in the shower and how it will be the high point of his day. 12:46 <@MinceR> :> 12:47 < DaemonFC[m]> "It all goes downhill from here " 12:48 < kingoffrance> i used to know a guy from tn. i asked him what florida was like "oh, its still south/redneck, but they have tans" lol 13:12 < scientes> kingoffrance, and massive unemployeement 13:12 < schestowitz> Hi guys 13:12 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I need your advice 13:12 < schestowitz> we are about to report on a pedophile who worked for Bill Gates 13:12 < schestowitz> I have hundreds of pages of police and court material 13:13 < schestowitz> and the man is apparently gay, too 13:13 < schestowitz> so asking you, as a gay man, does the sexual orientation merit any mention at all in this story? Is it relevant? 13:22 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd say it's irrelevant because it would just further a myth that's very popular on the far-right (and unfortunately accepted near the center of the American political spectrum too) that gay men are more likely to molest children, and there is no evidence of that in police statistics or mainstream psychiatry. I think it's dangerous because I've even seen the police in Illinois try baiting gay men into saying they 13:22 < DaemonFC[m]> would have sex with a 16 year old, when there appears to be no organized dragnet to find men or women who would have sex with 16 year old of the opposite gender. Unfortunately, there seems to be a pecking order where the police try hardest to go after gay men followed by straight men going after teenage girls, followed by women going after teenage boys. It's a steep drop each time. 13:23 < DaemonFC[m]> There's clearly a "values judgment" being made here where what is theoretically the exact same offense is being used as a witch hunt against gay men, even in 2020 in blue states. 13:24 < DaemonFC[m]> The cops/prosecutors will use whatever laws they can get their hands on and try to claim that the law is the law because it is theoretically neutral, even when it obviously isn't. 13:24 < DaemonFC[m]> It seems like the prosecutor here in Lake County, IL....Mike Nerheim (a Republican) is totally fine with using the age of consent laws as a way to troll gay men. 13:25 < schestowitz> > Keep me posted. 13:25 < DaemonFC[m]> It also appears that the police in some areas of Lake County should be fired to save taxpayer money since they have nothing better to do. 13:25 < schestowitz> I have received the 5 files and am reviewing them all. They're 100% consistent with what we reported in techrights.org and add additional information. 13:25 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: thanks fro clarifying this 13:26 < DaemonFC[m]> It goes on unchecked because "Who wants to be the first guy to go defend a 'child molester'?". 13:26 < schestowitz> thanks 13:26 < schestowitz> I am typing some things 13:27 < DaemonFC[m]> I think we need to reconsider what the laws are. Consensual sex with an older teenager should at least be reflected in the legal code as a petty offense. 13:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Theoretically, sex with a 16 year old in Illinois is the same as charging after someone with a knife. I just don't see how, except "moral panic". 13:28 < DaemonFC[m]> If you bumped it down to a Class C Misdemeanor, the prosecutor would quit bothering with it unless it was charged alongside a more serious offense. 13:29 < schestowitz> Reading documents from Seattle PD at the moment. Disturbed at (and by) what I am reading so far... 13:29 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: next question 13:29 < schestowitz> let me put it like this 13:29 < schestowitz> is it normal for a man about 50 y-o to photograph kids in the beach 13:30 < schestowitz> and if so, might that somehow give clue into 'practice'? 13:30 * schestowitz doesn't have experience reporting on pedophiles 13:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, I think that it's creepy, but I'm just not seeing how there's a law being broken here unless it's a private beach where you would have to trespass to get a picture in the first place. Then it could be trespassing with disorderly conduct as a peeping tom offense. Also, invasion of privacy. 13:32 < DaemonFC[m]> In public areas, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy, and taking photos of people in public might make them angry, but if they have clothes on there's not really much that can be done about it. 13:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Legally, it depends on how you got to the beach and whether it is private property or not. 13:34 < DaemonFC[m]> I heard that there's going to be a nudist beach nearby soon, but I'm not sure what the policy of having kids there is. In any event, it would be a felony at both the state and federal levels to take pictures. 13:34 < DaemonFC[m]> It's also a felony for underage minors to take nudes of themselves. They are producing child pornography (of themselves), and the government has charged people with a crime against themselves. 13:36 < DaemonFC[m]> It might be probable cause/reasonable suspicion for the police to look into it further. It depends on factors. 13:37 < DaemonFC[m]> It could also get his stuff searched by the police if someone made an accusation that he photographed an underage minor nude even if he didn't, but since the search would be legal, anything the police find during the search could be admitted as evidence of a crime. 13:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The police know what they can get away with and you can count on them pushing the envelope as much as they can. 13:38 < DaemonFC[m]> So the best idea is to not draw attention to yourself if you are breaking any laws. 13:40 < DaemonFC[m]> I would say that whether they can start investigating someone for taking pictures at a beach very much depends on what judge they ask for a warrant and what they put in their request for one. Remember, also, that they police lie to judges to get warrants. 13:40 < DaemonFC[m]> So they could obviously throw in something like "He was fondling himself as he was taking the pictures and we think there might be something going on here." even if he wasn't. 13:42 < DaemonFC[m]> The police just lie in general. They'll lie to you. They'll lie in their report. They'll lie to the judge and jury. 13:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Keep that in mind. They promise/threaten to do things that they can't really do. 13:44 < DaemonFC[m]> There's only really two things you do know if you find yourself at a booking station. You've been arrested and talking to them can only make it worse, not better. 13:44 < kingoffrance> cop: your cigarette smells like marijuana me: its not cop: mind if i search your car? me: what if i say no? cop: im going to do it anyways, but it makes you look better if you cooperate 13:45 < kingoffrance> so yeah....smells like wacky tobaccy to me, ima gonna search 13:45 <@MinceR> (no audio) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/d11a914176cfe6c7.mp4 13:45 < kingoffrance> me: so whyd you ask me? cop: 13:45 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: If I was a defense attorney and my client told me that they had child pornography, that it was encrypted, and that the government wanted the decryption passphrase and couldn't proceed without it, my advice would be "Shut up, don't give it to them, and let the judge hold you in contempt.". They can only hold you in contempt for 6 months. 13:46 < DaemonFC[m]> If that person gave them the passphrase, they could get a 10,000 year sentence. 13:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Obviously it's better to do 6 months for contempt and hope they never figure out how to crack the encryption. 13:46 < DaemonFC[m]> It's best not to have it in the first place though. 13:47 < DaemonFC[m]> That actually happened in at least one case that Ars Technica reported on. 13:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Guy did 6 months for contempt and they had to let him out and I don't think they ever did figure out how to decrypt it. 13:47 < DaemonFC[m]> So he's been enjoying his freedom for 14 years now. 13:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Everyone who goes to court ha contempt for the court. 13:48 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm with Larry Flynt on this one. 13:49 < DaemonFC[m]> "FUCK THIS COURT! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT EIGHT ASSHOLES AND A TOKEN CUNT!" 13:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Right to the Supreme Court. This is one of those South Park moments where Cartman shouts something and Kyle goes "Holy shit, dude!". 13:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Why on Earth would you cooperate with the police while they're investigating you? I mean, on what planet does that sound like a good idea. Because it sure as fuck isn't this one. 13:54 < CrystalMath> is it normal for a man about 50 y-o to photograph kids in the beach <- his own kids? yes 13:54 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: MinceR My general thinking on crime is that unless there's a good chance at making off with a bag full of $100s or something, count me out. 13:54 < DaemonFC[m]> So far, I haven't had that opportunity yet. 13:54 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:55 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 13:55 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't know why anyone gets arrested for fucking a 16 year old. People turn 18 every day and a lot of them are into older men. Have at it. 13:55 < CrystalMath> DaemonFC[m]: well it's only in puritanical countries 13:55 < CrystalMath> you have to be a very specific kind of authoritarian to ban it 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. In general, there isn't. 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The law is what it is. 13:56 < CrystalMath> in China, for example, the AoC is 14 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The law has nothing to do with right and wrong. 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> You break the law, you get in trouble. 13:56 < CrystalMath> yeah but when the law is not in agreement with what the people think 13:56 <@MinceR> 20 195328 < DaemonFC[m]> Why on Earth would you cooperate with the police while they're investigating you? 13:56 < CrystalMath> the law can be changed, either through protests or through voting 13:56 <@MinceR> the people who step on your face with their jackboots appreciate you being nice to them 13:56 < CrystalMath> however! 13:57 < CrystalMath> in the US, a lot of people are puritans 13:57 <@MinceR> welcome to Planet Authoritarianism. 13:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I didn't say be impolite. Very politely tell them that you don't answer questions from the police and it's nothing personal. 13:57 < DaemonFC[m]> There's always time for good manners. 13:57 < CrystalMath> i spoke to a lot of people, who were genuinely shocked that someone can believe that 16-year-olds have sex 13:57 <@MinceR> all this planet needs is a major extinction event 13:57 < CrystalMath> this was ofc on ##rms 13:57 < CrystalMath> which is how i got here in the first place 13:58 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: They want to be Very Polite Nazis. I'll very politely decline to help them do anything that isn't already coming my way. 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Why do you think that thing last year went from two A Misdemeanors to court supervision on a C Misdemeanor that ends with dismissal? 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> The state had a very weak case and decided to square up so that it didn't leave with nothing after spending an enormous amount of time and money on me. 14:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Putting me on supervision gives me another year of "Fuck up again and you're dead meat.". 14:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe they get to take another swing at me. 14:00 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 14:00 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Supervision isn't a gift. It's what the state does with weak cases as a way of saying "Please fuck this up so that I can destroy you.". 14:02 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: A lot can happen in a year though. 14:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Shitdick moved to the other side of the country and who knows where his fucktoy is. He's an illegal. Maybe he got deported. 14:03 < DaemonFC[m]> So the longer you can go, the more likely it is that if it does come back up, the state will be too disorganized to proceed. 14:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Don't make it easy for them. Demand your right to confront your accusers in court. 14:03 < DaemonFC[m]> If the state can't make them available, that's the state's fucking problem. 14:04 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: It matters less about defenses raised than it does about "I command you to make this guy that's 3,000 miles away and this other guy that's back in Mexico appear in your courtroom right now.". 14:05 < DaemonFC[m]> If they want to take another crack at it then they'll have to figure out how to get these people into a courtroom here. 14:06 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:06 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Part of me wants to wait until the day after the supervision ends and then call up Shitdick and say "Gambled and lost. How's the car? Very repossessed? Try bankruptcy. Worked for me!". 14:09 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The funny part that John doesn't realize is that the Trustee in my bankruptcy case can seize the Kia and sell it off to raise money for my creditors. 14:10 < DaemonFC[m]> So unless John can come up with $6,000 he's losing the car and the Trustee will auction it off and spread the money around to all of my creditors, and John might end up getting $100 of it back. 14:11 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I told my bankruptcy lawyer to assert that the value of the car is as high as can reasonably be declared and then not to exempt it. 14:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Because I knew that John could end up having to pay the Trustee half of the book value to be dispersed to my creditors. 14:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Many Features of the KDE Plasma 5.20 Desktop Environment http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138962#comment-25565 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b2c0d57f-7c7f-4b5f-962b-626375a7b805] 14:12 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has joined #techrights 14:13 <@MinceR> :> 14:13 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So he's been killing himself to make the installments on the car and then he'll lose it in the end anyway after being out thousands of dollars. 14:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Or he'll end up paying $30,000 for a car that had a $19,000 MSRP in 2018. 14:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Gnome: Tracker in Summer http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138971 [https://pleroma.site/objects/96fa4e40-a6dd-4dcd-80f0-73bb55130d8c] 14:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Here’s Xubuntu 20.04 LTS – Using Xfce Desktop Environment 4.14 with a brand new optional theme, Greybird-dark http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138972 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d84bd6f0-29a9-4980-ad3e-c8eee37bdb19] 14:16 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So yeah, he thought he'd use the police to get me out of his house, and then he ended up creating a minor annoyance for me that's ultimately going to cost him $6,000-10,000 depending on whether he decides to lose ($6,000) or keep ($10,000) the car, on top of the fact that he'll still owe $19,400 on a car that has depreciated to $11,000. 14:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138973 [https://pleroma.site/objects/78958cf4-c719-4fa0-ab22-6b03e956641e] 14:17 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 14:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Sheridan (B5) pushing buttons: "Good morning, gentlemen! This is your wake-up call." *nukes go off destroying a third of the Shadow/Vorlon fleets* 14:17 <@MinceR> how are you gentlemen !! 14:18 < DaemonFC[m]> You have no chance. Make your time! 14:18 < DaemonFC[m]> iirc 14:18 <@MinceR> all your base are belong to us. 14:18 <@MinceR> you are on the way to destruction. 14:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Someone set us up the bomb! 14:21 < kingoffrance> the guy who made the zig language used to hang out in osdev so i linked him to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9reiAOeGQJw thats about the time he stopped hanging around 14:21 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- 【DDR KONAMIX】DROP THE BOMB【MANIAC】 - YouTube 14:21 < kingoffrance> i was just trying to motivate him 14:21 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I left him with three realistic options with the car. 1. Do nothing. Let them take it. Get sued for $18,000. / 2. Keep it. Find a way to come up with $6,000 and the $19,400 left on the loan, plus the 22 installments of $404.91 already paid. / 3. File bankruptcy too, and then good luck getting an apartment in any major city outside the high crime area. 14:23 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't imagine that there are any bankruptcy lawyers in Seattle that aren't charging at least $1,600 + the $335 filing fee, and then if he has any non-exempt assets he loses them. 14:23 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:23 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably Option 3 is the least shitty option, and it still costs him $2,000 and ruins his credit for 10 years. 14:24 < DaemonFC[m]> He'll also lose the car having already paid almost $10,000 that he'll never see again. 14:25 < DaemonFC[m]> The cost of fucking me over starts at $12,000, lose the car, shitty credit for 10 years, and could run as high as $30,000 to keep a Kia. 14:27 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> 3 more bankruptcies in Waukegan. Brings us up to 17 bankruptcies here since I filed mine on the 26th. 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Lots of "blockchain" companies filing bankruptcy. 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Bullshit bingo had its run, I guess. 14:37 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 14:37 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 14:39 < schestowitz> Bill and Melinda Gates Employee Took Photos of Young Boys at the Beach http://techrights.org/2020/06/20/young-boys-and-the-express-stop-envelope/ #billgates #expose #gatesfoundation #seattle #pedophilia 14:39 < schestowitz> part one of many, DaemonFC[m] 14:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Bill and Melinda Gates Employee Took Photos of Young Boys at the Beach | Techrights 14:39 < schestowitz> any thoughts welcome 14:40 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 14:41 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 14:56 < schestowitz> " 14:56 < schestowitz> At approximately 0725 hours, Detective E. Inman and I searched the only bedroom in 14:56 < schestowitz> the apartment. During the search, I located a collection of gay Asian videos (“Island 14:56 < schestowitz> Caprice Studios”) in the dresser drawers and on the floor next to the television. The 14:56 < schestowitz> collection of videos were photographed but not collected as evidence. I did locate a 380 14:56 < schestowitz> caliber Sig Arms P232 pistol (Serial #s245179) and five boxes of ammunition in the 14:56 < schestowitz> bottom dresser drawer. The Sig Arms pistol was photographed but not collected as 14:56 < schestowitz> evidence. 14:56 < schestowitz> " 14:56 < schestowitz> any IP reverse dns gurus here/ 14:56 < schestowitz> I have a long list of IPs 14:56 < schestowitz> I need to find out if any belongs to the Gates mansion 14:56 < schestowitz> I see many/most are in Seattle 14:56 < schestowitz> but exactly location is hard to decipher/map 14:57 < schestowitz> that may be the million-dollar question right now 14:58 < schestowitz> " 14:58 < schestowitz> At approximately 0805 hours, Detective E. Inman and I cleared the scene. 14:58 < schestowitz> I later requested Bellevue Police Records enter Rick A. Jones’ information into 14:58 < schestowitz> WACIC/NCIC with results showing he did not have a concealed pistol license (CPL) or 14:58 < schestowitz> any firearms registered in his name. Bellevue Police Records then entered the Sig 14:58 < schestowitz> Arms pistol’s serial number into WACIC/NCIC with no results found. 14:58 < schestowitz> " 15:04 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 15:05 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 15:14 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 15:17 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> “JONES views his CP [child pornography] collection 2-3 x weekly and masturbates to the files about 70% of the time” 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Not sure why he would tell a police detective that, or anything, honestly. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a bad move to admit to anything that's not part of a deal for a lighter sentence, and even then, only through a lawyer. 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I suppose that, directly, Bill Gates being near a lot of child super predators may not mean that Gates himself is a pedophile, but may be indicative of the fact that people who engage in unethical behavior often have a preference to keep company that has dirty laundry. It makes it more likely that surrounding yourself with these people means that your orders will be carried out and also means that if they 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> defy you, you an "become aware" of their behavior and "be so disgusted by it" that you "had to say something". 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> *can 15:23 < DaemonFC[m]> There's no honor among criminals, so the control mechanism is that you know where the other guy's skeletons are. 15:23 < kingoffrance> ^^^ 15:23 < kingoffrance> or plant skeletons, yes 15:24 < kingoffrance> or require skeletons as part of "oath" whateve 15:24 < kingoffrance> or "initiation" what have you 15:24 < kingoffrance> either prior or make new ones 15:25 < DaemonFC[m]> People use kompromat all the time, but it's so pervasive in Russian politics that it became a loan word in English. 15:26 < kingoffrance> its been hinted that is what epstein was doing: making skeletons for people, but i dunno 15:26 < kingoffrance> as in, it was all approved by whoever 15:27 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd guess that the child porn is something that Gates knew about and sat on in case these people ever got out of control in a way that was bad for him. All you have to do at that point is tell the cops what he's doing and throw him under the bus, then a lot of good whatever he thinks he has on you is. He's sitting in prison as a guy who masturbates to 7 year olds. Why would you believe that guy? Eww. 15:27 < kingoffrance> yup 15:28 < DaemonFC[m]> This is a Hitler and Ernst Rohm situation here. 15:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Useful to get the Nazis in power, then becomes a liability and Hitler suddenly becomes aware of the SA fucking each other in the showers. 15:29 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: A successful loan word is a sign that the loaners catched up to the pioneers who coined the term :) 15:29 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd say that Trump surpassed Putin in many ways and the only reason the US isn't in more trouble than it is, is due to government dysfunction and a few Republican Party old guard here and there. 15:30 < DaemonFC[m]> In theory, there's nothing stopping Trump from sacking people until his orders are carried out. 15:31 < DaemonFC[m]> The fact that he hasn't done that with the military tells us that most of the top leadership would resign and it would be very bad optics leading into an election. 15:31 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: The Russian officials can't even admit that they've already amended the Constitution. 15:31 < XRevan86> they want it that much to make it seem that the magic will happen after the voting. 15:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump has managed to piss off a not-insignificant portion of the Republican Party. 15:32 < XRevan86> DaemonFC[m]: Is the US as bad legally? 15:32 < DaemonFC[m]> It's becoming evident in polls of states like Utah and Texas showing that it's going to be close and he might have to defend states like that too. 15:32 < XRevan86> Legal procedure is a joke. 15:32 < XRevan86> Even when it comes to the basics like the Constitution. 15:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Obviously, money he spends trying to keep red states from getting away from him hurts his campaign even if he ends up winning those states in the end. 15:33 < DaemonFC[m]> He may end up having to dump $50-60 million in ad spends and campaign activity in states that no Republican could possibly lose previously. 15:34 < XRevan86> The only thing Trump has surpassed Putin with is making stupid remarks. 15:34 < DaemonFC[m]> That's something that he can't allocate to one of the more traditional swing states. Of which, he can't afford to lose any. 15:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, he's careless with his remarks and that's why it's becoming harder and harder for some people in the middle to justify continuing to support him. 15:34 < XRevan86> Putin is not the most smartest stable genius 15:35 < DaemonFC[m]> When I'm talking to a government official, I try as hard as I can to avoid making remarks at all. 15:35 < DaemonFC[m]> If you can't avoid making remarks, you can try a filibuster. 15:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Make remarks that don't help them, and a lot of them. That way they have to sit there and sift through a bunch of crap. 15:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mirroring YouTube Videos to PeerTube http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138974 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b3126ea2-36a8-4dba-b97d-7867b294c9bd] 15:38 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a bad idea to talk to the cops, but an especially bad idea to tell them anything that the prosecutor will pull up that goes to state of mind or character later showing that you knew you were breaking the law and didn't care, and/or are absolutely remorseless. 15:38 < DaemonFC[m]> They eat that shit up and if you hint that you did something on purpose, didn't care it was illegal, and have contempt for the alleged victim, you pulled yourself a hat trick if your goal is going to the slammer. 15:39 < DaemonFC[m]> In Illinois, possession of child porn might not actually be a criminal offense if and when you get to court. 15:40 < DaemonFC[m]> There's actually a couple of mitigating factors that can be raised as an affirmative defense. 15:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Like, "I got those photos from a Reddit that said it was for legal teens and people in their 20s and how the hell was I supposed to know this particular one was 17?". 15:41 < XRevan86> spider sense 15:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Or, "It was in my browser cache from scrolling through Reddit." or the state found it as a deleted file. 15:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Courts have ruled that this is different, legally, than saving it to a dedicated folder. 15:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Courts have thrown out part or all of such cases because the files that were in the "de-allocated portion of the file system" or a web browser cache were not allowed into evidence. 15:42 < XRevan86> Makes sense, as only in the latter case the intent is clear. 15:43 < DaemonFC[m]> The ruling was that this is not "being in possession of". 15:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, Tor warns not to save anything to persistent storage or open downloaded files. 15:45 < DaemonFC[m]> That's basically why. Tor might hide you from being monitored as traffic goes over the network, but if the police raid you and you have hard drives and flash drives overflowing with illegal shit, it doesn't matter anymore. 15:46 < DaemonFC[m]> In the case of the Windows Advanced Systems Format container, you could write a book on why opening anything in such a container, especially on Windows, is very dangerous. 15:47 < DaemonFC[m]> The police could set up a honeypot where you download something that says ".wmv" and when Windows opens it, the file says "I have Windows Media DRM and you need to ask this server for a license.", so it does, and then your IP is logged because the DRM server is really the FBI getting pings from people who opened that file. 15:48 < DaemonFC[m]> About 15 years ago, I opened a Windows Media Audio file I found on a pirate website. It opened up Internet Explorer and installed malware on my computer because it said it had DRM and I needed to get a license file from that website. 15:50 < DaemonFC[m]> The interesting part is that even though it said it needed a license, there was no actual DRM on the files, so when I recovered from the attack, I pulled the WMA data out of the container and remuxed it into a clean container. 15:50 < DaemonFC[m]> :/ 16:03 < DaemonFC[m]> This lens cleaner does an okay job, until there's a big greasy smudge on your eyeglass lenses. 16:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Then you need to use a drop of dish soap and water every week or two to get that off. 16:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Considering LASIK if I can ever afford it. 17:07 -!- grandpaC3PO [60ea861a@pool-96-234-134-26.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #techrights 17:09 < grandpaC3PO> Hello, does anyone know if AMD makes their CPUs in China btw? I'm currently researching for computer hardware manufacturers that make their parts anywhere besides China. 17:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 17:13 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 17:16 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 17:23 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 18:00 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 18:01 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 18:20 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has joined #techrights 18:21 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 18:22 -!- grandpaC3PO [60ea861a@pool-96-234-134-26.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:36 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/life 18:36 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Life 18:36 < cubexyz> CPUs are made in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon and Massachusetts 18:37 < cubexyz> also China, Ireland and Israel 18:37 < cubexyz> then there's assembly and testing in Malaysia, China, Costa Rica and Vietnam 18:37 < cubexyz> that might be intel actually 18:39 < cubexyz> I'm not sure if AMD still has their own foundries now 18:40 < insmodppa> Think they still rely on TSMC. 18:40 < cubexyz> yes 18:42 <@MinceR> i thought they relied on GlobalFoundries 18:43 < XRevan86> https://sota.vision/sud-naznachil-povtornuyu-ekspertizu-haraktera-postroek-na-shiese/ an EcoTechnoPark's plead has been accepted and so there will be another examination of the Shiyes dumping ground (after a ruling that it's illegal crap). 18:43 < XRevan86> Another lesson about letting one's guard down I guess. 18:43 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ( status 403 @ https://sota.vision/sud-naznachil-povtornuyu-ekspertizu-haraktera-postroek-na-shiese/ ) 18:44 < cubexyz> GlobalFoundaries abandoned development of 7nm process 18:44 < cubexyz> so I think AMD switched to TSMC exclusively 18:44 < cubexyz> at least for 7nm CPUs and GPUs 18:46 <@MinceR> ic 18:49 < oiaohm> cubexyz: https://www.anandtech.com/show/13277/globalfoundries-stops-all-7nm-development/3 that not new they stopped 7nm work in 2018 in fact. 18:49 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.anandtech.com | GlobalFoundries Press Release - GlobalFoundries Stops All 7nm Development: Opts To Focus on Specialized Processes 18:53 < oiaohm> cubexyz: https://www.anandtech.com/show/13915/amd-amends-agreement-with-globalfoudries-set-to-buy-wafers-till-2021 Really I agree with this move that AMD can use any foundry for 7nm. With the trump embargo crap TSMC might end up off the table. 18:53 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.anandtech.com | AMD Amends Wafer Supply Agreement with GlobalFoundries: 7nm Freed, 12nm+ Targets Set Through 2021 18:54 < cubexyz> oiaohm, this must be close to the point electron tunneling occurs? 18:54 < oiaohm> Yes AMD has none of there own mass production foundaries. They have a handful of R&D foundries. 18:54 < cubexyz> how much smaller can it go? 18:56 < oiaohm> Some ways it would be wise for AMD to buddy up with Samsung if possible. 18:57 <@MinceR> they used to have one, that was spun off as GF :> 19:02 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 19:03 < oiaohm> Its really costly to have a foundry at the cutting edge. 19:03 -!- zoobab [zoobab@vic.ffii.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:03 -!- zoobab [zoobab@] has joined #techrights 19:04 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:04 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 19:05 < oiaohm> cubexyz: we are already past the point of electron tunneling being problems. The silicon atom is 0.2 nm With silicon the hard wall will be somewhere 1 to 0.5 nm. 19:05 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:05 < oiaohm> 3 or 2nm might turn out to be the practical wall. 19:10 < oiaohm> https://www.extremetech.com/computing/309889-tsmc-starts-development-on-2nm-process-node The current forecasts have us hit the hard wall for silicon tech by 2028 at that point is migrated to carbon based tech. 19:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- TSMC Starts Development on 2nm Process Node, but What Technologies Will It Use? - ExtremeTech 19:14 < oiaohm> Even carbon based techs don't get us smaller. 19:14 < oiaohm> carbon based tech is about better heat conductivity and other things out of the chip. 19:17 < oiaohm> TSMC aim is 3nm mass production by 2022 followed by 2nm mass production in 2024 that on their known road maps. Now TSMC has been following 2 year cycle and halving that makes it 2026 for 1nm production and 2028 for 0.5 nm(totally not going smaller). 19:36 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:36 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 19:39 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has quit [Quit: Gone...] 19:45 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/utilitarian 19:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Utilitarian 19:47 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: makes some sense 20:01 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Steve Gibson is kind of a troll who pretends to know what he's talking about in language that sounds like Star Trek or Dr. Who trying to explain something technical to the audience. 20:03 < DaemonFC[m]> One thing that he did point out that is part of the never-ending onslaught of holes in Windows is the Windows Metafile Format. 20:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Microsoft's rebuttal to Steve Gibson was that the "security landscape" was "different" in the early 90s. 20:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, Microsoft didn't design Windows very well and whatever security it did have came from the fact that people never exposed it to a large public network. 20:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Failing to fix it in response to internet-based attacks, Microsoft just grew other Windows features out of the ones it planted there with no security model and that went about as well as expected, and most of it can never truly be fixed now. 20:05 <@MinceR> yes, it was different in that back then microsloth ignored the topic and now they bullshit all day and all night about how the garbage products and services they're trying to force people to buy are "secure" 20:06 <@MinceR> but it was the same in that microshit code was an insecure bloated pile of hacks back then and it's an insecure bloated pile of hacks now 20:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Security was never the point of things like ActiveX. They were a plot to take over the internet and make websites that were Windows applications, and letting the site control the user's computer with minimal effort wasn't seen as an "us" problem at Microsoft. 20:06 < DaemonFC[m]> More of a problem for anyone who had to use Windows. 20:07 < DaemonFC[m]> They don't ever give a shit if it works right. Their goal is to make money, not robust software. 20:07 <@MinceR> that's not enough 20:07 <@MinceR> they also have the goal of controlling people's lives 20:08 < oiaohm> Nothing as stupid as being told that outlooks means to directly run exe from email was intentional feature to allow companies to roll out software. 20:08 < DaemonFC[m]> You can imagine my shock when the guy who developed DirectX was stunned that Windows 10 hosed his computer right before a job interview and he had to borrow his interviewer's computer. 20:08 < oiaohm> Yes I have that on Microsoft letter head somewhere. 20:08 < DaemonFC[m]> He worked for them. He should know what they're like. 20:08 <@MinceR> lol @ running exe from email 20:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Dispensing product! 20:09 < oiaohm> That letter is dated a year before the out break of exe email worms. 20:10 < oiaohm> Being able to see a problem coming does not mean you can get Microsoft or any large company to fix them. 20:11 < oiaohm> MinceR: I am not sure Microsoft has the goal of controlling peoples live exactly its more profit at all costs no matter the level of stupidity required todo it. 20:12 <@MinceR> well, it's not enough for them that you pay them when you buy a PC 20:12 <@MinceR> you must also run Backdoors 20:12 <@MinceR> and you must love it 20:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: UbuntuDDE | Review from an openSUSE User http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138975 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9ce9413d-e5c2-4f14-97e1-fd6424a7ab15] 20:12 <@MinceR> and you must install "updates" and reboot when _they_ wantit 20:12 <@MinceR> s/tit/t it/ 20:12 < oiaohm> Remember the old MS DOS contracts. 20:13 < oiaohm> Where hardware vendors had to pay Microsoft per PC they made even if it did not ship with ms dos and could never run ms dos. 20:13 < oiaohm> Of course Microsoft got anti-trusted for that. 20:13 <@MinceR> yeah 20:14 < oiaohm> I am not exactly sure if Microsoft cares if you run windows 10. they care if you paid them 20:15 <@MinceR> yet they keep trying to lock other OS-es out of PC-s 20:15 < oiaohm> Not like the Android camp is different here. 20:15 < oiaohm> Or apple 20:16 < oiaohm> fairly much all vendors trying to make money out of greed attempt that. 20:16 <@MinceR> crApple definitely is 20:16 <@MinceR> but afaik google doesn't have that much control over bootloaders 20:16 <@MinceR> seems to be more of the device makers' fault on android devices 20:16 < oiaohm> That why I said android camp as in the device makers 20:16 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:17 < oiaohm> device makers customised android versions + locked boot loader happens a lot. 20:17 <@MinceR> that's a different situation 20:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138976 [https://pleroma.site/objects/56003cbc-e024-40fb-b5fc-8718e3b66e63] 20:19 < oiaohm> Lot of ways people buying hardware have not being picking hardware that maintains their means to use it well. 20:21 < oiaohm> MinceR: the greed reason why device makers do it to android and Microsoft with windows is basically the same. 20:24 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:25 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 20:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Ghostrunner Demo, Crumble Demo, Titanfall 2, GOverlay and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138978 [https://pleroma.site/objects/da0e8980-3efe-4a09-8e61-5fc23a229ccd] 20:30 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 20:30 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 20:31 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:31 < cubexyz> got an interesting report on intel phi: 20:32 < cubexyz> "In less than 60 seconds the intel phi cores reached the boiling point of water" 20:32 < cubexyz> there's lots of cheap intel phi boards on ebay 20:32 <@MinceR> lol 20:33 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:49 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:49 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 20:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138977 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0caa71c3-1d50-446d-9eb2-9c436ad3d845] 20:52 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:52 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 20:54 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:55 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:19 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 21:28 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:40 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Macs are mainly for left-handed seniors with dementia; also for prima donnas who are left-handed and perhaps genderqueer of all ages. See also; CHAZ/CHOP 21:41 < DaemonFC[m]> The city of Seattle would like to remind everyone that it hasn't lost control of CHAZ. It's a giant "block party" and they'll catch them all when they come out to go to the Apple Store. 21:43 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: To be fair, I'd kind of like to secede from the federal government, Illinois, and Lake County, roughly in that order. 21:43 < DaemonFC[m]> So I sympathize on some level. 21:44 < DaemonFC[m]> We can all move to CHAZ and extend the block party until we can take over the state of Washington and pass a bill seceding from the union. 21:44 <@MinceR> lol 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> At some point, the issue of law enforcement might come up again, because decentralized government sounds terrific and as a member of that decentralized government, I just made it legal for me to do whatever I want. 21:45 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 21:46 < DaemonFC[m]> It's the other people who might have something to say about that. 21:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Eventually we have have this idea. Call it a state. This state can hire people, let's call them police officers, to protect you from what I will do without this state and those police officers and vice versa. 21:46 <@MinceR> hell is other people 21:47 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm sure we'll get it right this time, unlike any other government that has ever existed in the last 10,000 years or so. 21:47 <@MinceR> you got it wrong at the point you decided to have a state 21:47 <@MinceR> possibly at the point where you had people 21:48 < DaemonFC[m]> In theory, the state is the people through their elected representatives. pause for laughter 21:49 < DaemonFC[m]> I know that people asked me if I wanted to sign a social contract. 21:49 < DaemonFC[m]> I said, "Gee, something that in no way benefits me, that will have an oppressive regime telling me everything down to when I can wipe my ass. Where do I sign?" 21:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, I remember doing that. 21:49 < cubexyz> well you know if there were no people then the crime rate would be zero :) 21:50 < DaemonFC[m]> The Coronavirus is getting rid of many of these old folks who thought that Donald Trump would just fuck everyone else to death. So there's that. 21:51 < DaemonFC[m]> It's 600 today, but we're also getting ~35,000 new confirmed cases a day again. That gives me hope for the future. 21:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Hopefully this bomb will just incinerate Trump's base before the election and our country can just be fucking normal again. 21:51 < DaemonFC[m]> That rally in Tulsa.....I totally approve. 21:51 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:52 < DaemonFC[m]> 6 of the people working for Trump on the Tulsa rally tested positive for the virus. 21:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Guess what starts happening about a week or so after it's over. 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: It kills hundreds of thousands of old people. 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd have more sympathy if it wasn't for what they act like. 21:54 < cubexyz> surely there are old people who don't like trump 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> I quit Facebook for a lot of things, but it's mainly because it's turning into a platform for racist people like my mom to all tell each other how much they'd like to shoot the blacks. 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't need more negativity in my life. 21:55 < DaemonFC[m]> She gets these crazy ideas in her head, like BLM is some sort of Holnist Army from the movie The Postman and they're coming for Huntington, Indiana. 21:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Their goal is to brings anarchy, destroy President Trump (who is on a mission from God), and rape white women with their bbcs. 21:58 <@MinceR> lol 21:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh yeah, and Fox News says the Weather Underground group from the 1970s is out there planning to "Attack Heaven and dethrone God". 21:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Republican voters are fucking stupid. They're paranoid of these fictional bogeymen that were made up to control them. 22:00 <@MinceR> well, Weather Underground is owned by IBM 22:00 <@MinceR> so they should attack IBM 22:01 < cubexyz> there must be more than one "Weather Underground" 22:01 <@MinceR> even if there is, they don't need to know that 22:01 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Attacking IBM won't work because the cloud is everywhere and it is nowhere. 22:02 <@MinceR> also, there isn't, the first one became defunct in 1977 22:02 <@MinceR> DaemonFC[m]: they could try in Armonk NY 22:48 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming: Perl, Python, Shell, Go, Pascal and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138979 [https://pleroma.site/objects/acc67bc5-62df-476d-a73f-0660f3ae9ab6] 23:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Hardware: Morse, HP Chromebook and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138980 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b7f53e18-aac9-4c39-bee2-702a27c6963c] 23:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Cantor Improvements and Windows Portshttp://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138981 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f8138f3a-2dad-4990-a012-a681eac9e642] 23:13 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has joined #techrights 23:13 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 23:19 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 23:25 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 23:26 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 23:35 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 23:38 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has joined #techrights 23:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: [Slackware] Preparing to move to elogind http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138982 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5c8743d0-9ccb-428b-a2bd-2ee8615b0abe] --- Day changed Sun Jun 21 2020 00:06 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 00:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kernel and Graphics: Linux 5.9, Radeon ROCm 3.5.1 and Vulkan Driver http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138983 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ec6967c1-1dd6-4235-80bf-d7748fdab005] 00:53 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 00:53 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 01:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GNU Project: GNU Health HMIS Control Center 3.6.4 and the GNU Chinese Translators Team http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138984 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ac1b1ab6-4508-486f-bd6c-f7dcdbeeebb2] 01:08 -!- Ariadne [~ariadne@2602:ffdb:100:1:fc89:b2ff:fee1:323e] has quit [Quit: I'm not shilling this stupid irc client] 01:09 -!- Ariadne [~ariadne@2602:ffdb:100:1:fc89:b2ff:fee1:323e] has joined #techrights 01:09 < schestowitz> > Yes. I read through most of your listed articles on that site. 01:09 < schestowitz> > Particularly Epstein and Jones connection. 01:09 < schestowitz> > 01:14 -!- Ariadne [~ariadne@2602:ffdb:100:1:fc89:b2ff:fee1:323e] has quit [Quit: I'm not shilling this stupid irc client] 01:14 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:15 -!- Ariadne [~ariadne@2602:ffdb:100:1:fc89:b2ff:fee1:323e] has joined #techrights 01:16 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices: Raspberry Pi, Odroid Go and VW’s Systems http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138985 [https://pleroma.site/objects/83e09fcf-e1db-4488-a806-94d46cea7425] 01:27 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:28 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 01:31 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 01:32 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 01:37 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:40 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has joined #techrights 02:03 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 02:33 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/20/us/politics/tulsa-trump-rally.html 02:33 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.nytimes.com | Trump’s Tulsa Rally Fizzles as Seats Go Empty - The New York Times 02:44 < DaemonFC[m]> I edited the Cinzano page on Wikipedia to mention Red Dwarf. 02:46 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Trump's rally was a disaster. 02:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Hardly anyone showed up and he was furious. 03:17 < schestowitz> lol 03:18 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: old people don't wanna die 03:18 < schestowitz> so... 03:18 < schestowitz> who will show up? Kids? 03:36 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:37 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:40 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:48 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:52 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has joined #techrights 05:57 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:58 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 06:05 < obarun> shame on them: https://forum.opennebula.io/t/towards-a-stronger-opennebula-community/8506 06:05 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- forum.opennebula.io | Towards a Stronger OpenNebula Community - Announcements - OpenNebula Community 06:14 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:14 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:14 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 06:14 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 06:16 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:17 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 06:26 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:01 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:09 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:10 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Quit: Konversation term] 07:10 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 07:12 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has joined #techrights 07:15 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:15 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:15 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 07:15 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 07:19 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 08:26 < schestowitz> REDDIT-WATCHDOG WEB BROWSER PLUGIN and REDDIT-WATCHDOG WAYBACK MACHINE 08:26 < schestowitz> Hello Mr. Schestowitz, Hello Mr. Jones, 08:26 < schestowitz> I recall Mr. Jones writing digital freedom tools and being interested in 08:26 < schestowitz> internet censorship which is why I CC'ed you Mr. Jones. I also recall 08:26 < schestowitz> Mr. Jones creating an app to capture video and send it to web sites to 08:26 < schestowitz> specifically help capture abuse by Police officers. Quite relevant now, 08:26 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:26 < schestowitz> but he wrote this years ago. HATS OFF to Mr. Jones. 08:26 < schestowitz> We chatted on irc the other day about reddit censorship/moderation being 08:26 < schestowitz> biased and being controlled/supported by BIGTECH. My handle the other 08:26 < schestowitz> day on irc and on reddit was omac777. 08:26 < schestowitz> ------ 08:26 < schestowitz> there may be some software in the way ti tackle this 08:32 < scientes> > will incorporate additional bug fixes 08:32 < scientes> hahahahahahaha 08:32 < scientes> anti-features 08:33 < scientes> "Its not a bug, its extortion!" 09:00 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 09:42 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:05 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I will quote you on [20:23] There's no honor among criminals, so the control mechanism is that you know where the other guy's skeletons are. 10:05 < schestowitz> if that it OK with you 10:05 < schestowitz> I am preparing the next part 10:40 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:41 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:51 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 10:53 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:04 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:04 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:07 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:09 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:22 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:26 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 11:27 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:27 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 11:27 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:27 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:37 -!- willyg_cos [~joeuser@] has quit [Quit: Gone...] 12:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, that's fine. 12:17 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/06/20/881199628/protesters-fell-confederate-monument-in-d-c-provoking-trumps-fury 12:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.npr.org | Protesters Fell Confederate Monument In D.C., Provoking Trump's Fury : Live Updates: Protests For Racial Justice : NPR 12:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Proprietary and Openwashing http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138989 [https://pleroma.site/objects/69d45de1-cb33-4a6a-9ec8-382d96fce435] 12:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi News and Picks http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138990 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7df93db2-46c8-4b78-9a1e-7e30eb6a6dc0] 12:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138991 [https://pleroma.site/objects/adbbf2fc-8373-4b91-929b-834ef728d95d] 12:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Touch Command in Ubuntu 20.04 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138992 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6068ad2b-1f64-415d-a89d-6febfff04819] 12:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Oracle Linux 8.2 Released with UEK6, Latest Toolset http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138988 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d8ea2af9-4a4f-4668-92b9-816e2f18beba] 12:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138987 [https://pleroma.site/objects/931028f3-fe80-4665-8d0e-9a4495faec49] 12:58 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Missing Photoshop on Linux? Use PhotoGIMP and Convert GIMP into Photoshop http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138986 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ff2b3e4f-f263-4320-8c27-59475d2b086b] 13:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Checking Out Raspberry Pi OS 64-Bit on Raspberry Pi 4 8GB RAM http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138993 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a9c3f65-44b0-4e1d-8a32-21522e508dec] 13:11 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: lol 13:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 21/6/2020: Oracle Linux 8.2 Release and Wine-Staging 5.11 http://techrights.org/2020/06/21/oracle-linux-8-2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/9cd244fe-e895-4d70-8a38-81073319bf1a] 16:04 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:28 -!- Narrator [adam@jarowit.net] has joined #techrights 17:08 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 17:09 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 18:36 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Apparently, the stadium had room for 19,000 people and the campaign was expecting to fill an overflow area outside too, but just 6,218 people showed up and nobody was at the overflow area. 18:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump was yelling at his staff members, gave an awful speech, and left. 18:38 <@MinceR> so, business as usual? 18:46 < schestowitz> Golden Dawnald 18:46 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 18:47 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@] has joined #techrights 18:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Calculate Linux 20.6 Released with Zram, Zstd, and Better Wi-Fi Support http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138994 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4ca5cbee-2109-4657-a60a-fc3deeefb505] 18:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138995 [https://pleroma.site/objects/81acc986-cb46-4176-9421-e39eb0e0e3af] 18:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Let's Compare Zorin OS and elementary OS http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138996 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4717ff2a-af4c-4f16-bf8d-1a549a67188b] 19:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Plasma 5.19 on openSUSE Tumbleweed http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138997 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b5906ac1-589e-410d-9d2f-dc94cbfbd8af] 19:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: New Game Titles on GNU/Linux and New Video http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138998 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dfa310e7-67a3-45f7-822a-acc453d1df8c] 19:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Foreseeing Trisquel 9 - Will Win Old and Modern Computers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138999 [https://pleroma.site/objects/33ed6db3-445f-449f-a0ef-528cf0ebf423] 19:27 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139000 [https://pleroma.site/objects/37f51090-64e8-40e6-a172-b71bf2b77fcf] 19:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: We bought Walmart’s $140 laptop so you wouldn’t have tohttp://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139001 [https://pleroma.site/objects/46f6b23a-4fa2-4b8c-bcfc-8c26863cbea9] 19:41 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: LibreOffice 7.0 Beta 2 is available for testing http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139002 [https://pleroma.site/objects/06a3cfa0-514f-4df6-bf1b-fc9d5e75fd16] 19:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139003 [https://pleroma.site/objects/23bbbf85-1c8b-44a7-8d49-fc1dffee2b22] 19:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: WireGuard Support Merged Into Upstream OpenBSD http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139004 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d7b77bfb-8119-44e5-b67f-8ddaaa4981bb] 19:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software: dav1d 0.7.1, GNOME, Strawberry and Tuir http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139005 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5d40640f-997b-4e15-837f-fdf3f224d42c] 20:07 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/06/20/520117b553e38727.mp4 20:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux 5.8-rc2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139006 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2994429a-7942-4f04-a5c2-6e61c7b24011] 20:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139007 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1951bea1-a9ee-47ac-a854-9d24c0cf4ac6] 20:31 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 20:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Review: Devuan GNU+Linux 3.0.0 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139008 [https://pleroma.site/objects/20f30b5a-8f93-4b52-8805-9ac89d55c97b] 20:40 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:40 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:47 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@] has left #techrights [] 20:48 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 20:54 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:54 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:00 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 21:01 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:12 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:12 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:14 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 21:14 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:39 -!- phebus [~phebus@fsf/member/phebus] has joined #techrights 22:30 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 22:31 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:32 < schestowitz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iI3joR25V0 22:32 < schestowitz> lol 22:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Trump's Tulsa Rally was an epic failure! - YouTube 22:32 < schestowitz> "one million people wanted to go" 22:37 < schestowitz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Of1WwRuvZic 22:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Loser Trump after Failed Rally - YouTube 22:40 < oiaohm> schestowitz: really looking at the pictures and knowing how it should look with social distancing its not right. Remember 1 person per 4 square metres of floor space. Works out that every second row in a stadium can have a person at max. 22:40 < oiaohm> Basically there are enough people in that video that the stadium with current socal distancing should been almost full. 22:41 < oiaohm> Trump Tulsa Rally in 2 weeks time are we going to be looking at a trump caused covid-19 spike. 22:43 < oiaohm> Stupid at is sounds if Trumps staffer had done social distanting right it would have looked somewhere near decent. 22:44 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:44 < oiaohm> Yes may have required overflow in fact. 23:07 < schestowitz> but remember.. 23:08 < schestowitz> This was set up by dumb people 23:08 < schestowitz> to attract dumb people 23:08 < schestowitz> to them, masks are a plot of "Democrats" to embarrass him 23:17 < insmodppa> By that logic they should abolish the healthcare industry. If you don't test for diseases, there won't be any diseases! 23:28 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:29 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] --- Day changed Mon Jun 22 2020 00:17 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 00:21 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 00:21 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 00:31 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:31 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:32 < DaemonFC[m]> I ran into some Monkey's Audio files. 00:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I updated the (proprietary) Monkey's Audio codec I keep around to get data out of it and into a Free format. 00:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Converting them to WavPack. 00:37 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:37 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:38 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 00:40 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 00:41 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:41 < DaemonFC[m]> He's trying. 00:42 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 01:11 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 01:11 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 01:11 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 01:11 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 01:14 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:43 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 01:45 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:01 -!- bemis123 [498ccda3@c-73-140-205-163.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 02:04 -!- bemis123 [498ccda3@c-73-140-205-163.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:06 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 02:13 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:03 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Quit: Konversation term] 03:03 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 03:03 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:04 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:04 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 03:04 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 03:08 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has joined #techrights 03:10 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 03:10 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 03:12 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 03:15 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I've come up with a simple way to keep a lot of garbage from hitting my computer in the first place. Take a look at how effective the lossless compression was compared to the runtime of the CD. 03:16 < DaemonFC[m]> The more effective the compression was, the less likely it's louder than hell. 03:30 < AVRS> schestowitz: what are dnms? 03:30 < schestowitz> direct messages, I meant DMs 03:30 < schestowitz> I forgot what I was doing when I get those 03:30 < AVRS> Always called them /msgs on IRC. 03:31 < AVRS> or PMs. 03:31 < schestowitz> yeah 03:31 < schestowitz> people change terms over time 03:31 < schestowitz> PMs is misnomer 03:31 < schestowitz> the P stands for private 03:31 < AVRS> OK. 03:31 < schestowitz> direct doesn't even pretend you have privacy, see Twitter 03:31 < AVRS> personal message 03:31 < schestowitz> schestowitz.com/PGP 03:32 < AVRS> You don't have https 03:32 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:33 < schestowitz> no, not enabled 03:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: What is Swap Memory in Linux? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139009 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a5fe8f06-edc7-4f7f-a7ba-d7b097b70b85] 03:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: What is RedHat OpenShift? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139010 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e73df411-43fc-4bb7-9c4a-de19a13dde2d] 03:39 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139011 [https://pleroma.site/objects/834d6f2f-02c6-481d-bece-834575ae9a8f] 03:41 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 03:45 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Getting Started with NetBSD on the Pinebook Pro http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139012 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e34bcdbf-f0f1-418c-b91f-838fcb7d31ca] 04:28 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:33 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 04:34 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 04:56 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 05:03 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:18 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:40 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 05:42 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 05:50 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 06:30 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 07:10 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 07:20 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 07:23 <@MinceR> (cat) (no audio) https://i.imgur.com/AT4FH2x.mp4 07:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Jitsi Meet: A Free & Open Source Video Conferencing Solution That is Also Free to Use Without Any Set Up http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139013 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7ad22a79-d04e-43b4-97c6-92811aa617b9] 07:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 7 open source alternatives to VS Code http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139014 "the version you download from Microsoft is not open source" and it's #spyware [https://pleroma.site/objects/93241123-6757-4c04-af6e-d5ca589bf1aa] 07:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mastodon Fun - Sharing Free Software and Ubuntu Touch Together http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139015 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d6caf994-fb73-4814-99c8-2a39c946f102] 07:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Mastodon Fun - #Sharing #FreeSoftware and #UbuntuTouch Together http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139015 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8ccd5006-04c5-459c-aeb5-c78d05f43046] 07:30 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:36 < schestowitz> MinceR: nice 07:55 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 08:01 -!- decnet [~decnet@gateway/tor-sasl/decnet] has joined #techrights 08:02 -!- decnet [~decnet@gateway/tor-sasl/decnet] has left #techrights [] 08:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139017 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4cbe79ca-2620-4749-b065-a59b05853c8e] 08:07 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Calculate Linux 20.6 Released: A Gentoo-Based Optimized Distro http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138994#comment-25568 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8de99c9c-a65c-4b61-be8c-9eee56cb308b] 08:08 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 08:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139016 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4a6e9f1e-88f3-4c7d-9b7c-b91a70647ad2] 08:34 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:35 -!- Guest84896 is now known as psydroid 09:06 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 09:06 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 09:09 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:12 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 09:16 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 09:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: NVIDIA, VulkanRT, AMD and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139018 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2da6dd3d-eb59-4f0f-b5b7-d1ed74857f13] 09:41 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: LibreOffice 7.0 Beta2 is available for testing http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139002#comment-25570 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5b571a39-5a64-4345-bb0b-6807d3e5fa3f] 09:47 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 09:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux tools for improving your time management http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139019 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a7e9a3e-9d92-4381-ae3f-53d23c9d8014] 09:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Civilization VI, Transport Fever 2, More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139020 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fe882b13-b83f-4f92-ba9e-1e9e71746bac] 10:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #GNOMEShell UX Plans: The Bigger Picture http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139021 #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/d40c5164-af0d-40dd-9766-a366241881fc] 10:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139022 [https://pleroma.site/objects/55105906-486d-4e53-be9e-22f200035e25] 10:14 < oiaohm> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.0 this has got blunt with a notice if you are using MS Office 2010 and before you should install libreoffice. 10:14 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- wiki.documentfoundation.org | LibreOffice 7.0: Release Notes - The Document Foundation Wiki 10:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Easy Buster version 2.3.2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139024 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5c81b800-ef7e-435d-9af4-9966320b84ae] 10:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Late Night Linux, GNU World Order and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139025 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1fb44fd5-ccd9-42e3-b0fc-3492ddd7b37c] 10:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GNU Projects: GNU Health, GNU Guile and Translations http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139026 [https://pleroma.site/objects/274a63f3-43d9-4880-8a01-6af3856a2208] 10:34 <@MinceR> :) 10:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139027 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c660fa0b-bf27-4966-aeed-36851be71183] 10:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Open-Source NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2000 "Turing" 3D Driver Performance http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139023 [https://pleroma.site/objects/614e72ab-55ad-4db0-b24b-6347c29e114a] 10:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Perl/Raku Release and Other Picks http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139028 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4e64b58a-fd5a-4edb-9431-b71dfec2c1bb] 10:50 -!- willyg_2 [~joed@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GUADEC 2020 + Covid-19 = Online Conferencehttp://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139029 [https://pleroma.site/objects/804203f5-f7b0-4c7e-84cd-d08a3844b815] 10:55 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139030 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8397f733-4429-4e65-8a20-f00e479476b2] 10:58 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 11:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices/Embedded With GNU/Linux and/or Open Hardware http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139031 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0d1c9bd0-66da-455c-a90c-34b05b7d8160] 11:07 < psymin> Is there a cloud hosting service that you folks would recommend over the dominant ones? 11:08 < schestowitz> https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2020/06/lets-compare-zorin-os-and-elementary-os.html 11:08 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.ubuntubuzz.com | Let's Compare Zorin OS and elementary OS 11:08 < schestowitz> psymin: what is cloud? 11:09 < schestowitz> which services do you need? 11:09 <@MinceR> devuanhosting, openbsd.amsterdam 11:09 <@MinceR> hosting other people's computers, as a service 11:10 < schestowitz> psymin: what is cloud? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more... 11:10 < oiaohm> psymin: cloud hosting is normally a fancy way of saying other people servers and hardware I don't control. 11:10 < psymin> Potentially a VPS, or if I'm not the one who ends up doing the work I guess web hosting with an end-user web interface. 11:11 < psymin> Yeah, I should have used more specific terminology, apologies. 11:11 < oiaohm> Lot of people do not do suitable risk assessment. 11:11 < psymin> I sure don't. 11:12 < oiaohm> psymin: https://www.vox.com/recode/2019/7/30/20747163/capital-one-data-hack-100-million-americans-new-york-investigation banks don't either all the time. 11:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Capital One hacker was former Amazon employee - Vox 11:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139032 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef222c21-e022-44d7-908f-b1da42d69b63] 11:12 < oiaohm> Yes that was a case of Amazon staff member going rogue. 11:13 < oiaohm> That is always a risk when using other people hardware that you have no control over. 11:14 < psymin> Correct. 11:14 < oiaohm> psymin: basically first thing before using any hosting service sit down and do a risk assessment on the information you will be hosting there. 11:14 < schestowitz> aren't even employed by you 11:14 < schestowitz> don't do your paperwork 11:14 < schestowitz> don't follow your authorisation rules 11:14 < schestowitz> "trust company X, they must be good, the media keeps mentioning their brand" 11:15 < oiaohm> I cannot name a service provider of web services that has run for over 10 years that has not had something go horrible wrong on them at some point. 11:15 < psymin> It is tricky to "roll your own" for every link in the chain. There must be some facets that are more trusted than others. 11:16 < oiaohm> Its tricky for you to roll your own and it tricky for every service provide to roll their own and get it right. 11:16 < psymin> I'm looking for less-bad options, not perfect options. 11:16 < oiaohm> Remember we have had VM exploits and other things as well. 11:17 < oiaohm> The starting point to be correct is always a proper risk assessment on the data what you are going to be handling is. 11:17 < psymin> Currently suggested options for this project are GoDaddy and AWS. So, I'd like to offer some better suggestions :) 11:18 < oiaohm> Question have you checked your countries laws with the data you will be handling. 11:19 < oiaohm> Some cases you can be forced to use a provider that is your country or risk huge ass fines of bankrupting level 1000 times over. 11:19 < psymin> USA 11:19 < psymin> But it could be hosted elsewhere. 11:19 < psymin> The data isn't super sensitive. 11:20 < oiaohm> USA does have laws that you cannot host in particular countries as well due to them being in the banned export list. 11:20 < oiaohm> Of course GoDaddy/AWS for USA user is normally not lethal. 11:22 < scientes> if they advertised on Superbowl for years they must be american 11:22 < scientes> with big tits too 11:23 < oiaohm> psymin: https://www.rackspace.com/en-au/compliance rackspace I have seen people use as they do provide decent assistance with different compliance issues. 11:23 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Governance, Risk, & Compliance Services | Rackspace 11:24 < scientes> they care more about locking down free internet countries than most other things 11:27 < oiaohm> psymin: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Data_Protection_Regulation There are lots of different compliance things. The data you are putting up may not be that complex like the wrong usage of cookies and so on can get DNS servers around the world blackhole your site. 11:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | General Data Protection Regulation - Wikipedia 11:27 < psymin> I forgot about GDPR 11:28 < oiaohm> and its not the only one. 11:28 < psymin> That isn't a facet that I'm currently focused on. 11:28 < oiaohm> Like are you going to take donations and how because that can add another stack of risk issues. 11:29 < oiaohm> All these things can put requirements on what your service provider you are going to choose has to provide you. 11:29 < psymin> The content, the user-facing stuff, that is definitely a thing to look at. I'm currently looking at the stuff the end user doesn't interact with. DNS, registrar, bandwidth, bare metal vs vps, companies that are freedom respecting. 11:30 < psymin> Whether we should have it hosted at a user's location where they have 24/7 physical access but are restricted by last-mile ISP. 11:30 < oiaohm> DNS registration where you are allowed to-do is a factor like USA registering there DNS in a country that on the no export export list that can be huge fines. 11:31 < oiaohm> Also freedom respecting is a sliding scale. 11:31 < psymin> I agree 11:32 < oiaohm> Like you don't want to be hosted with providers that say email spaming and running bot nets is fine because we have no restrictins what so ever. 11:32 < oiaohm> And places like that would most likely get you on the wrong side of USA law dealing with them. 11:32 < psymin> Correct 11:33 < oiaohm> So you want as much freedom as the law allows without having people black listing you all the time. 11:33 < oiaohm> That also comes down to costs. 11:34 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 22/6/2020: LibreOffice 7.0 Beta 2, EasyOS 2.3.2, Linux 5.8 RC2 http://techrights.org/2020/06/22/linux-5-8-rc2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/c01dc016-88a7-4270-95c1-9147a6b292d5] 11:35 < oiaohm> Virtual private server always means you are using a hypervisor and that is not without its problems. Linux kernel at times have had issues with particular workloads on VPS under different hypervisors. 11:35 < oiaohm> So the hosting hypervisor if you choose VPS might be a factor if you can use them or not. 11:37 < oiaohm> Also VPS has increased risk from hypervisor expoits that bare metal option does not have. Of course bare metal is more expensive in most cases. 11:38 < oiaohm> psymin: I guess you are starting to see why I cannot really start just recommending use X. There are regulation requirements, cost requirements and what you want to do requirements that all can rule in or out different providers. 11:38 < psymin> Yep. 11:39 < psymin> This isn't wikileaks level stuff. It is more like church-group stuff. 11:39 < scientes> jj 11:40 < psymin> The users who want the site are, anyway. 11:40 < oiaohm> Church groups can get into putting private information up there really quickly. 11:41 < oiaohm> and get into legal trouble really quickly with under aged information. 11:41 < oiaohm> I have had to deal with that one first hand psymin 11:41 < oiaohm> You cannot afford to take jobs like that lightly. 11:42 < oiaohm> psymin: the one I had was contracted to fix was after a kidnapping caused by wrong information being on their site and spending the time educate them on regulations and why it was required to do stuff X way. 11:43 < psymin> yikes 11:43 < oiaohm> So a church job sounds simple but it can be a path to very big legal trouble. Reason why I was contacted it the one that set it up was stuck in legal for negligence 11:44 < oiaohm> Risk assessment stage is not really optional. 11:44 < oiaohm> Its optional if you don't care about losing everything you own. 11:44 < psymin> So, if I say "Go ahead and just host your stuff on GoDaddy, I'm out" .. that would protect them? 11:45 < oiaohm> The answer is no. 11:45 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139033 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a9d237ea-45ac-4b03-9424-ed84520ce5ab] 11:45 < oiaohm> The service providers are very smart in there contracts to put as much responsibility back on those who pay them to-do the right thing. 11:46 < schestowitz> [16:22] if they advertised on Superbowl for years they must be american 11:46 < schestowitz> [16:22] with big tits too 11:46 < oiaohm> Using GoDaddy/AWS.... the legal risk for putting the information up there is still on you. 11:46 < schestowitz> s/big/fake/ 11:47 < psymin> oiaohm, it sounds to me like it is better for me to walk away and let them take the fall 11:48 < psymin> Perhaps the end site, that I'm not thinking about making at the moment, just looking at infrastructure, is the issue you're addressing primarily. Could it just say "Don't use this site if you're not in USA, if you're a minor, etc." 11:48 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 11:49 < oiaohm> psymin: with this stuff is really do the job right with the right level of training for them documented or not at all. 11:50 < oiaohm> If they are not willing to learn the rules of what they can and cannot place up they are not worth dealing with. 11:50 < psymin> With a budget of next to nothing, that is near impossible, unless the ideology aligns with existing professionals. 11:51 < psymin> Currently they're using non-free services, and still likely have all the liability you're referencing. 11:51 < oiaohm> Like churches USA I would guess they would have children "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA" so this would have to be taken into account. 11:51 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 11:52 < oiaohm> This is what I am getting about you need to-do the risk assessment possible with legal assistance on what regulations do apply to what you are doing and what are the restrictions. 11:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE GSoC: Krita, Kirogi and Games http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139034 [https://pleroma.site/objects/62a25200-0af5-41fc-97da-498bf381d07d] 11:52 < psymin> I understand your concern. I agree with your concern. My focus is not on what the user-facing stuff will look like, how they will use it, etc. I'm just trying to figure out how to steer them towards infrastructure that supports software freedom. 11:53 < psymin> I do believe that eventually we'll get to the point of how the user-facing stuff works, and what disclaimers and user restrictions and moderation is necessary. 11:54 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 11:55 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 11:55 < oiaohm> Reality here is most service providers its in there best interest to get you using items that are not software freedom. So that you cannot change vendors. 11:56 < psymin> I agree. That is why I'd like to get them off on the right foot. So they can change vendors, change to better systems, change to bare metal, change providers, etc. Put the options in their hands. 11:57 < oiaohm> That is normally having one of your own staff assemble the VM/baremetal images in a close to a vendor netrual way. 11:57 < psymin> Yep. 11:57 < oiaohm> One of my big requirements that makes sure of this is must have a local server. 11:58 < oiaohm> As in backups from the cloud must be able to run locally with the internet. 11:58 < psymin> Exactly. 11:59 < oiaohm> Unfortunately this in lots of cases results in higher cost on AWS and the like because you cannot use their provided databases as simply. 12:00 < oiaohm> Basically having software freedom is going to come in a lot of cases as a cost to budget. 12:00 < oiaohm> In higher hosting costs and higher maintaince costs. 12:00 < psymin> Yeah, the "simple" way IMO was to use Amazon Linux 2 locally, on a VM host on baremetal locally, so it can work exactly the same on AWS as locally. But that distro, and Amazon in general, aren't great. 12:00 < oiaohm> That end up normally being arguement with accountancy department. 12:01 < oiaohm> and to win on it your normally need your risk assessment in order to justify it. 12:01 < psymin> This isn't an authoritarian structure. There are no PHBs. No collars or ties. 12:01 < oiaohm> That is a high risk area of running a website. 12:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Canonical Announces Ubuntu Appliance Portfolio http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138813#comment-25575 [https://pleroma.site/objects/82e2f4eb-8e66-46c0-8bee-1edd47635d56] 12:02 < oiaohm> Authoritarian structure is the simplest to make sure of legal compliance. 12:02 < psymin> I agree. 12:03 < oiaohm> I have seen a church employ a person who job was to run website with final say on what could go up that meant the website was Authoritarian structure even that everything else was not. 12:04 < oiaohm> Working out if legal compliance with is going to be possible if the answer is no that could completely scratch the project. 12:04 < psymin> That is definitely a requirement. A person or body definitely needs to have control, and a hierarchy of trust is necessary at some level. Like when it comes to money, and giving folks the ability to delete everything. 12:05 < psymin> oiaohm, maybe you'd like to volunteer :D 12:06 < oiaohm> Not in the country I am in. As I need to pay for at least 10 million dollars with of Insurance if I do it as a volunteer. 12:06 < psymin> ouch 12:06 < oiaohm> Of course a church that employee a staff memeber todo it has to pay the 10 milllion dollars in Insurance as well. 12:06 < psymin> Mind if I talk about a different topic for a bit? Ideology? 12:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security and Privacy Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139035 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b08f3004-55c7-4a6c-92f7-347501389f6a] 12:07 < oiaohm> But they can get discounts on the costs due to joining it with their other insurnaces. 12:08 < oiaohm> psymin: you can change topics. I guess you are starting to see why risk assessment is first task. You need to know if you need insurance like that and what regulations apply and if people will agree todo what is required or not. 12:09 < psymin> I see why you see it as a first task. I see why it is important. I believe that unfortunately, this group needs better tools for discussing what they need/want before we can implement what they need/want. 12:09 < oiaohm> psymin: setting up website properly can cost over 15 thousand dollars in legal before you get coding or hosting providers or anything else. 12:10 < oiaohm> Remember what they want may be be legal todo. 12:10 < oiaohm> or may not be legal todo as well. 12:10 < psymin> I missed much of the systemd discussion when it started to happen. I must have been focused on other things. I have my own objections to it. Seems like folks here object to it as well. What are some common reasons? 12:11 < oiaohm> There are things I hate about systemd but the cgroups that systemd puts around services I find really useful when you have miss behaving services for some reason. 12:11 < psymin> my objections are generally "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". I like being able to grep logs. It also seems like there was some weird groupthink that pushed it through somehow? 12:12 < oiaohm> Lot of ways the init systems before systemd were broken. 12:12 < psymin> I cannot disagree there. 12:12 < oiaohm> So we need fix. 12:12 < oiaohm> systemd lots of ways is better than what we had. 12:13 < oiaohm> But its not as good as it could be. 12:14 < oiaohm> Like people complain about systemd not being scripts any more so they have to learn service files. I have had a huge number of mega screw ups caused over the years because X script for X distribution did not work on Y related distribution correctly. 12:14 < psymin> Understandable 12:14 < psymin> It is easy to write a script that "works for me" but fails in many ways 12:14 < oiaohm> Lot of the complains about systemd is human hate of change. 12:15 < psymin> I agree there. I also believe there must be some valid complaints. 12:15 < oiaohm> There are some genuine one like systemd like the lead developer not being the best person. 12:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139036 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d2854c78-25c5-4860-aa9d-7ea30bd40d31] 12:16 < oiaohm> Having service files deciding to run as root because the name user was not known to the system instead of failing. 12:16 < oiaohm> Bugs like that. 12:16 < oiaohm> systemd is not bug free and the lead developer has not been the most helpful when they come up. 12:16 < psymin> yikes 12:17 < oiaohm> Ok still better than sysvinit where the lead developer disappear for 10 years. 12:17 < oiaohm> and all CVE against sysvinit over that time frame went totally not fixed with sysvint. 12:18 < oiaohm> So level of yikes here all round is kind of on another level. 12:21 < oiaohm> Of course the level of yikes is really not as bad as the windows svchost system. 12:23 < psymin> Has techrights been attacked yet by folks who see meritocracy as sin? 12:26 < oiaohm> psymin: that would be schestowitz and his hosting provider question to answer. I know they have had attacks but reason not exactly sure of. 12:29 < psymin> Thoughts on folks like ESR and RMS being "taken down a peg" within their communities? 12:31 < oiaohm> That is absolutely not as straight forwards. As the legal systems are starting to catch up with the Internet those in charge of important groups really do need to have a clean background. 12:31 < psymin> What does "clean" mean in this context? 12:36 < oiaohm> legally clean background. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman#Controversies RMS has said many things over the years that don't aline with the letter of the law same. I know RMS stuff more than ESR. 12:36 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Richard Stallman - Wikipedia 12:37 < oiaohm> Now if you are going to argue with law you cannot really be in charge of a organisation. Because when you are in charge of staff you are meant to make sure the law is followed. Having a counter point of view to law can cause big legal trouble long term. 12:38 < psymin> rule of law is important 12:40 < psymin> it sounds like RMS didn't violate rule of law, but used protected speech to voice an unpopular opinion. I don't agree with his opinion. 12:40 < psymin> Am I missing something important? 12:41 < oiaohm> It was not just a unpopular opinion it was a unpopular opinion that did not match the letter of the law define. 12:42 < oiaohm> The law define what rape and pedophile.... is. If you have a different idea on that you really cannot be in a management role. Or if something happens you will be claimed that you covered it up. 12:43 < oiaohm> Its not that you cannot be employed with counter to law ideas just you really cannot be management. 12:44 < psymin> I, for example, believe some laws should be changed. My assumption is that most people believe some laws should be changed. 12:44 < psymin> Does having opinions about how the law should be changed make people unfit for leadership positions? 12:46 <@MinceR> 22 183741 < oiaohm> Now if you are going to argue with law you cannot really be in charge of a organisation. 12:46 <@MinceR> so how do lobby organizations work? 12:46 < psymin> ^ 12:46 < oiaohm> Fairly much does unfortantly. The problem is if something happens that the person in the leadership position says they don't believe in that directly come evidence to possible cover up by. 12:46 <@MinceR> i haven't heard of too many of them that had "let's keep the law the way it is" as their mission 12:46 < oiaohm> Most lobby organizations the person techically at the top claim to absolute believe in the law. 12:47 <@MinceR> 22 184242 < oiaohm> The law define what rape and pedophile.... is. 12:47 < oiaohm> They employ staff who argue. 12:47 <@MinceR> these are not exclusively legal terms 12:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Google’s Nearby Sharing and sndcpy on GNU/Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139039 [https://pleroma.site/objects/264f6310-6879-4f60-8ce7-8c95134bd64d] 12:47 < oiaohm> So organizations can change law they have a horrible particular way they lay out their staff todo it. 12:48 < psymin> What if a group is so small, as to not have "staff"? 12:48 < psymin> nm, irrelevant and distracting, sorry 12:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Stable Kernels: 5.7.5, 5.4.48, 4.19.129, 4.14.185, 4.9.228, and 4.4.228 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139038 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c6df6762-1e44-450c-8cbb-0efb3c0d3bf4] 12:48 < oiaohm> psymin: that why you can contract laywers and lobby groups. 12:50 < oiaohm> Asking a laywer/lobby group to look into a law if it can be improved for you company is not having you as management argue with it. 12:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Kernel 5.6 Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Linux Kernel 5.7 Now http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139040 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d6de1de5-e3de-43b8-b6c6-c1124da52405] 12:51 < psymin> Is the issue just "optics" then? Or is the issue that RMS's "activism" extended beyond the mission of the FSF? 12:51 < oiaohm> RMS activism extends part FSF objectives by a large margin. At times into areas that could problematic for a person in a mangement role. 12:51 < oiaohm> part/past 12:52 < oiaohm> The difference between being management and general staff is quite a important thing. 12:52 < psymin> Perhaps if he were the head of another group, that aligned with all of his activism, it would be a non-issue? 12:53 <@MinceR> perhaps if we healed our society and as part of it abolished the state, it would be a non-issue 12:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #GNU #Linux Games: Mars Power Industries: First Job, #LearningFactory , #ClamMan 2: #OpenMic http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139037 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2481bd81-23aa-4b6e-a08c-7098712a9023] 12:53 < psymin> hehe, abolishing the state is a pretty big issue. Would rule of law be possible? 12:53 <@MinceR> rule of law is already nonexistent 12:54 <@MinceR> rule of law was conceived to protect citizens from the state, and it failed 12:54 <@MinceR> the only thing that can protect us from the state is the abolition of the state 12:54 < oiaohm> Being head of another group would not fix RMS issues because you cannot align with all his activism and legal requirements for managers. 12:54 < psymin> With an abolished state, many folks who have come to rely upon it for physical safety will be left vulnerable. 12:55 < oiaohm> Of course there are many ways not to legally be the head. its like x.org being under Software Freedom Conservancy this allows x.org developers at times to have nasty ideas because they are not the management that issues have to be reported to. 12:55 <@MinceR> folks should arm themselves and organize on a voluntary basis 12:56 < psymin> oiaohm, again, this is primarily an optics issue not a legal one I assume. 12:56 < psymin> It isn't illegal for a manager to publicly say "I don't like taxes" 12:56 <@MinceR> seems more like a "how do rich and powerful people who don't want you to fix society fuck you over and prevent you from doing so" 12:57 < oiaohm> but management of a company saying you don't like taxes being audited found to have made a tax mistake the tax office now gets to presume intentional. 12:57 < psymin> Sure, they will be targeted for being vocal. That is unavoidable. 12:57 < oiaohm> Management gets down right restrictive what you are allowed to say without having issues. 12:57 < psymin> That is currently one of the biggest issues I see in society today. 12:58 < oiaohm> Having managment and PR split can be very important. 12:58 <@MinceR> maybe that's how people like zemlin get to lead organizations like the LF 12:58 <@MinceR> and then sabotage them from the inside 12:59 <@MinceR> but of course if your organization is on the side of the establishment and you're rich and powerful enough, you will never be "found to have made a tax mistake" 12:59 < oiaohm> That is not true. 13:00 < oiaohm> The difference is if you are found to have made a tax mistake you will be allowed to pay the difference without interest or fines for the mistake. 13:00 < oiaohm> Interest and fines on a tax mistake because they take the like you are tax avoiding can make the amount of tax you did not pay look like nothing. 13:01 <@MinceR> if your organization is doing well enough, it might even be declared a "church" and be exempt from taxes 13:01 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:01 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 13:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139041 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7ecab2a3-6b75-4896-9b85-0a1b44ded917] 13:02 < oiaohm> I keep on forgoting the USA system allows churchs to be tax free. 13:06 < oiaohm> MinceR: Australian system Church to avoid tax has to be doing charitable work and be operating not for profit to absolutely avoid tax. Of course a not for profit group that is not a church doing charitable work gets the same tax rules. 13:07 <@MinceR> who decides what is "charitable"? 13:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: LibreOffice Community and GSoC Students http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139042 [https://pleroma.site/objects/66ac2638-aace-47d5-80ae-8ab38f60c951] 13:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GStreamer 1.17.1 unstable development release http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139043 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bcd3c5a0-9975-4ee8-a612-85a91ecd645c] 13:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Microsoft Director Enters Board of Mozilla http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139044 [https://pleroma.site/objects/94ae87b9-1b4c-45fd-a0d4-1a35e576ccae] 13:41 < schestowitz> charity-funded officials, MinceR 13:41 < schestowitz> ask BillG 13:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139045 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3b762962-fc3a-4cd7-aedc-782bc21e13f9] 13:42 <@MinceR> :> 13:50 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/mozilla-microsoft.jpg 13:55 < cybrNaut> in the US some orgs split into two b/c they do charitable things as well as not so charitible things. E.g. ACLU and NRA. You can make a tax-deductible donation to either, or you can make a non-tax deductible donation to toward there non-charitible (but generally more effective) activities 13:56 < cybrNaut> i have no idea how NRA manages to have any part that is a tax-deductible charity 13:57 < psymin> Yep 14:01 <@MinceR> human rights advocacy? :> 14:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla Hires From Microsoft for Mozilla’s Board http://techrights.org/2020/06/22/mozilla-board/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/897074f8-9bcf-42a9-8d31-62965992f0d5] 14:04 < cybrNaut> a long-ass time ago the NRA was truly a gun safety advocacy org. I could see that being "charitible".. but these days they're purely about fighting gun restrictions and putting republican scumbags in office 14:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Partition Manager on openSUSE http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139046 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dd686335-60d8-4b31-a3c7-2b79a3730b01] 14:06 <@MinceR> https://files.catbox.moe/i9b5sa.png 14:08 < psymin> what the 14:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 55th TOP500 Supercomputer List Topped By Arm-Based Fujitsu A64FX http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139047 [https://pleroma.site/objects/897a3b92-d988-4a9f-af10-511b29955671] 14:08 < cybrNaut> i used to have a boss that would tell workers "you could fuck up a wet dream".. well, in this case of a boolean function, he'd be spot on 14:09 < cybrNaut> how does anyone fuck that up 14:09 <@MinceR> :> 14:10 < psymin> I'm constantly impressed by how much I'm able to fuck things up. 14:10 < psymin> I should put it on my resume 14:13 <@MinceR> i can only think of a few corporations where that's an ability they look for 14:14 < psymin> hehe 14:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in #Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139048 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5f084e77-3081-4d31-9cb2-9219bd68a530] 14:18 < schestowitz> [17:51] RMS activism extends part FSF objectives by a large margin. At times into areas that could problematic for a person in a mangement role. 14:18 < schestowitz> The old "professionalism" nonsense 14:18 < schestowitz> My boss supports Trump 14:18 < schestowitz> and I still work for him 14:18 < schestowitz> because bosses never agree with staff on everything 14:18 < schestowitz> people need to grow up 14:18 < schestowitz> if we can still say, "man uo" 14:18 < schestowitz> *up 14:18 < schestowitz> or "grow a pair" 14:18 < schestowitz> These are attacks on free speech 14:18 < schestowitz> to prevent people in management position having ethical stances 14:26 < psymin> The ability to have civil disagreement is quite nice. 14:27 < cybrNaut> https://www.vice.com/en_asia/article/wxqdwb/restaurant-worker-says-she-was-fired-for-refusing-to-wear-trump-2020-mask 14:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Restaurant Worker Says She Was Fired for Refusing to Wear 'Trump 2020' Mask - VICE 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> It gets worse. They follow you home by paying "Facebook/Twitter narc" companies to record whatever you do publicly and tell them so they have warning if they're hiring an employee with the "wrong opinions" on something, away from work and on their own time. That's one reason to delete both Facebook and Twitter and not use them. 14:35 < DaemonFC[m]> The "wrong opinions" are anything that couldn't have appeared in an episode of Leave It to Beaver, and they're also some of the ones that Leave It to Beaver audiences wouldn't have thought anything about. The ideal candidate is one that votes for Republicans yet is a SJW at the same time, you see. 14:36 < schestowitz> doing another billg article 14:36 < schestowitz> about the FOIA 14:36 < schestowitz> " 14:36 < schestowitz> Hi Dr Roy 14:36 < schestowitz> Thanks for the response. Please have a look at the attached documents. They have advised me at Seattle PD that they will send these in installments and that it will take up to 8 months to receive all. However, I think what is attached should be of use. 14:36 < schestowitz> I'm busy at present with a separate project, so feel free to follow up on these. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> The world is getting to the point where if you have strongly held opinions about anything, you bury those in some deep dark place where you never talk about them again. 14:36 < schestowitz> " 14:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Job qualifications are just the right type of moral ambiguity followed in a distant second place about whether the person can/will do the job or even show up regularly. 14:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Might one inquire what the salary is for going through the Linux world deleting non-gender neutral terms and references to master/slave relationships? More importantly, can we convince management that there's no tool that makes such a thing easy and that it could take years? 14:39 < psymin> Is there a place on the internet for folks who are against this type of mob mentality? Won't those places get "cancelled" by the mob eventually? 14:39 <@MinceR> most likely it's "getting to feel good about yourself" while the folks at microsloth reap the rewards 14:40 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: You mean the BIG BOOBIES Microsoft? 14:40 <@MinceR> that one 14:40 <@MinceR> also the one that makes noises about Linux having "fuck" in comments while Backdoors also has "fuck" in lots of comments 14:41 < DaemonFC[m]> What about the people who like AWESOME BOOBAGE with their hyper-v driver? 14:41 <@MinceR> same people 14:42 < DaemonFC[m]> The Ministry of Truth really has their hands full with this one. The media has been playing along though. 14:42 < DaemonFC[m]> They slammed Microsoft over BIG BOOBIES and then praised them for imposing a CoC on everything. 14:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Naturally, we need to delete the BIG BOOBIES stuff so people only see the CoC. 14:43 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Should we do what we usually do? Stick robots.txt on the BIG BOOBIES so Archive dot org deletes it and then remove the original? 14:44 <@MinceR> lol 14:48 < schestowitz> Microsoft is all for tolerance 14:48 < schestowitz> like putting LatinX babies in cages 14:48 < schestowitz> for ICE 14:48 < schestowitz> and bombing countries that aren't white 14:48 < psymin> tolerance of diversity of thought? 14:48 < schestowitz> for JEDI money 14:48 < schestowitz> Nothing says "inclusiveness" better than bombing babies, women and children along with adult males 14:48 < schestowitz> Mozilla also supports diversity 14:49 < schestowitz> diversity of allegiances 14:49 < schestowitz> like... Microsoft 14:49 < schestowitz> now Microsofters get to decide for Mozilla 14:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Phase II involves paying the media to put robots.txt on all the "Bing is full of child porn" articles now that MiniTrue has gone over it for real this time. 14:49 < schestowitz> steering policy 14:49 < schestowitz> bossing Mozilla staff 14:49 < DaemonFC[m]> I call it the Robot Rock strategy. 14:49 < schestowitz> very good that they're diverse like that. The US Army should hire more general from china and russia 14:49 < schestowitz> it would improve the US Army's diversity profile 14:50 < schestowitz> [19:49] Phase II involves paying the media to put robots.txt on all the "Bing is full of child porn" articles now that MiniTrue has gone over it for real this time. 14:50 < schestowitz> based on true story? 14:50 < schestowitz> they did googlebomb the subject 14:50 < schestowitz> around the time it was giving them a media headache 14:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, the big question is about who will get JEDI and then either leak it or sell it to the Russians and Chinese. 14:52 < DaemonFC[m]> I really hope not. Money talks though. They do manage to avoid criticism of Windows 10 in the mass media even though it's falling about and the only real question is which parts of it currently don't work at all. 14:54 < DaemonFC[m]> When you have money, nothing damaging appears in the mainstream press. If it does, it's coded to tar and feather whoever is causing them a problem without calling attention to it for anyone who isn't aware of it already. 14:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Like when Miguel de Icaza aid "a few anti-Mono blogs that were trying to cause trouble" then went full Vladimir Putin with "What about the Oracle Java lawsuit?". 14:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Java is a different issue entirely, of course. Oracle is not claiming patents, they're claiming that you can copyright an API and trying to pull a fast one on the courts, and Google left the door hanging open by trying to avoid the GPL (like Apple does). 14:57 < schestowitz> years ago he still attacked Java 14:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Android is extremely depressing. The whole platform is designed to let scumbags mine your phone for data, but the iPhone does that too and won't let you sideload apps. 14:57 < schestowitz> still with that old lawsuit (6 years at the time) as his "ammo" 14:58 < schestowitz> he was already a Microsoft employee at that point, IIRC 14:58 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: it's not the platform 14:58 < schestowitz> it's the devices 14:58 < schestowitz> so-called 'phones' 14:58 < schestowitz> it's crap.. with app 14:58 < schestowitz> people who rely on these will never become productive, only distracted constantly 14:59 < DaemonFC[m]> It's in the platform too. Google lets apps sidestep the permissions system and interfere and spy on each other and the user by claiming they're meant for an older version of Android. 15:00 < DaemonFC[m]> So Facebook is for "Android 4.x" to get around the permissions and spy on your phone more than it could otherwise. Google has refused to step in and stop this, and that's one reason why the malware in the Play store (and elsewhere is so powerful. 15:00 <@MinceR> "whatabout" 15:01 <@MinceR> well, i'd advise people to steer clear both of obstacle java and microshit visual java 15:01 <@MinceR> they're both atrocious products from atrocious corporations 15:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Redirect to someone else's bad behavior even if it doesn't bring up a point. 15:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Change where thr conversation is going. 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Google has a habit of stuffing things that barely work into Android, like that horrible vo-aacenc thing that their vendor stole and relabeled as open source. 15:03 <@MinceR> apparently google also became a proponent of DRM 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> All those files they pulled into Chromium where they didn't even know what the license was. 15:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Google does a lot of things that invite lawsuits and the real question is why it doesn't happen more often. 15:47 -!- LarchOye [nonmoose@] has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in] 15:47 -!- LarchOye [nonmoose@] has joined #techrights 15:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: UBports GSI brings Ubuntu Touch to any Project Treble-supported Android device http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139051 [https://pleroma.site/objects/48d5b796-6b53-42be-8987-6d950875b50b] 16:01 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139050 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3db105db-7db3-4c4c-89e9-86500f18008a] 16:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The 10 Best Linux Hardware and System Info Tools in 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139049 [https://pleroma.site/objects/83f9d2b8-03e3-416f-8f90-452acc2e72b7] 16:13 < schestowitz> Folks... 16:13 < schestowitz> I need some help: 16:13 < schestowitz> https://cloud.email.thelinuxfoundation.org/Lf-newsletter-June-2020 16:13 < schestowitz> what does this site run? 16:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- cloud.email.thelinuxfoundation.org | NO TITLE 16:13 < schestowitz> OS/server? 16:14 < schestowitz> I think XRevan86 is good at this kind of thing 16:19 < XRevan86> Just finishing changing thermal paste on my laptop. Performed very poorly with graphics. Now it's fine. 16:19 < schestowitz> we aanlysed their sites before 16:19 < schestowitz> maybe checking on ports and responses 16:19 < schestowitz> not nmap 16:19 < schestowitz> this one is case insensitive 16:20 < schestowitz> and outsourced to some cloud 16:20 < schestowitz> so COULD be 'wintendo' 16:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Linux Headlines, Free Software and MX Linux 19.2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139052 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0ef18ce8-035e-475c-a165-67d346541c6a] 16:22 < XRevan86> schestowitz: I used nmap for this task last time, with -sV (version detection). 16:22 < XRevan86> > 443/tcp open ssl/upnp Microsoft IIS httpd 16:23 < XRevan86> Explains why there isn't much in HTTP headers :). 16:24 < schestowitz> are we sure? 16:24 < XRevan86> A dogma: if you use some crap like IIS, please, please wrap it in nginx or something. 16:24 < schestowitz> how sure are we in this case? 16:24 < XRevan86> schestowitz: No, it's heuristics, but I haven't seen it fail, so 99.9% 16:25 < XRevan86> I wonder if there's verbose mode… 16:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: ELISA, Newsletter, and CNCF http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139053 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef905519-ba21-4c60-9c05-3cf136a6fd89] 16:29 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2019/07/17/we-are-the-windows-powered-linux-foundation/ 16:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Linux Foundation Apparently Celebrates Sysadmin Day With a Microsoft Windows Site! | Techrights 16:29 < schestowitz> are these connected? Same 'cloud'? 16:29 < XRevan86> > Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port 16:29 < XRevan86> > Device type: load balancer|firewall 16:29 < XRevan86> > Running (JUST GUESSING): F5 Networks TMOS 11.6.X|11.4.X (93%), F5 Networks embedded (87%) 16:29 < XRevan86> > OS CPE: cpe:/o:f5:tmos:11.6 cpe:/o:f5:tmos:11.4 16:29 < XRevan86> > OS fingerprint not ideal because: Missing a closed TCP port so results incomplete 16:29 < XRevan86> Aggressive OS guesses: F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager load balancer (TMOS 11.6) (93%), F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway (87%), F5 BIG-IP AFM firewall (87%) 16:29 < XRevan86> > No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). 16:29 < XRevan86> Now these are definitely heuristics %) 16:30 < XRevan86> Oh wait, I think I made it perform worse by setting a port (-p443) 16:32 < XRevan86> trying "nmap -O -sSU cloud.email.thelinuxfoundation.org" 16:33 < XRevan86> schestowitz: But it already seems like this is just the front. 16:33 < XRevan86> Something like cloudfront, but from F5? 16:34 < schestowitz> does this run Windows at some level? 16:34 < schestowitz> front or back? 16:34 < schestowitz> the fronts/CDNs would rarely be windows 16:34 < schestowitz> but that's not what's important here 16:35 < XRevan86> schestowitz: It is weird definitely, to see IIS used like this. 16:35 < XRevan86> oh no, nmap is going to run for two hours 16:36 < schestowitz> is it safe to say Windows? 16:36 < schestowitz> or just "apparently"? 16:36 < schestowitz> I am finalising a blog post 16:37 < XRevan86> schestowitz: I need to find some other way to tell if it's IIS or not, not just a blackbox script that just tells me it is. 16:37 < schestowitz> obfuscation is a security strategy, so we might never be 100% sure 16:38 < XRevan86> I saw IIS giveaways somewhere 16:38 < schestowitz> nm, I cracked it 16:38 < schestowitz> " 16:38 < schestowitz> Update Profile
    16:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- click.email.thelinuxfoundation.org | NO TITLE 16:38 < schestowitz>
    16:38 < schestowitz> " 16:38 < schestowitz> That tells me all I need to know 16:38 < schestowitz> in the page source 16:38 <@MinceR> :> 16:38 < schestowitz> aspx 16:38 < schestowitz> :-) 16:39 < schestowitz> no "apparently" there 16:39 < XRevan86> oh, that is way easier 16:39 < schestowitz> publishing... 16:39 <@MinceR> "linux" foundation 16:39 < schestowitz> indeed 16:39 < schestowitz> Linux Foundation Newsletter is Microsoft Windows and Proprietary IIS 16:39 < schestowitz> 16:39 < schestowitz> Only [cref 128565 About 4.72% of the Web Uses It], But the Linux Foundation's People are on Microsoft's Team and Use Windows in Other Web Services, Even to [cref 118544 Celebrate Sysadmin Day] 16:39 < schestowitz> Another major fluke from the not-so-Linux Foundation, which now promotes a Windows site in the Linux Foundation's Official Blog and in Linux.com as well (the Linux 16:39 < schestowitz> Foundation Newsletter... is Windows) 16:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Linux Foundation - Techrights 16:39 <@MinceR> maybe they're using WSL on their "web server" :> 16:39 < schestowitz> see if you spot a typo above 16:39 < XRevan86> It could be .NET Core on Linux, but considering nmap's opinion… 16:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.linuxfoundation.org | Linux Foundation Newsletter: June 2020 - The Linux Foundation 16:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Linux Foundation June 2020 Newsletter - Linux.com 16:39 < XRevan86> (still sucks, I know) 16:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: no 16:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: If it's IIS, it's IIS. 16:40 < schestowitz> maybe they run it from Zemlin's macbook 16:40 < schestowitz> with parallels and ubuntu 12.04 16:40 <@MinceR> lol 16:40 < XRevan86> No IIS outside of Windows as far as I am aware. 16:40 < schestowitz> (when Zemlin last gave L00nix a spin 16:41 < XRevan86> "Internet Information Services" – is that what it stands for? what an incredibly lame name. 16:41 <@MinceR> well, it _is_ microsoft... 16:42 <@MinceR> lame names are their thing 16:42 <@MinceR> well, one of their things 16:43 < schestowitz> it sounds enterprisy 16:43 < schestowitz> Like "IT" 16:43 < schestowitz> AYE TEA 16:44 < schestowitz> I am an "information officer" 16:44 < schestowitz> "what does that mean?" 16:44 <@MinceR> well, it was probably named by a suit who didn't even know what the world wide web was 16:44 < schestowitz> "I deal... with HEY HI something and BIG DATA" 16:44 <@MinceR> like "internet explorer" 16:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #LinuxFoundation Newsletter is #Microsoft #Windows and Proprietary #IIS http://techrights.org/2020/06/22/proprietary-iis-and-windows-foundation/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/63d4cdb5-4a2b-42fd-81a4-866be355028c] 16:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Opera's "VPN" is spyware, but I keep Opera installed because occasionlly I need to fool a download site into letting me run several downloads at once and sometimes they block Tor exit nodes, or Opera's VPN, but not both. 16:57 < schestowitz> ok, I'm done for the night 16:57 < schestowitz> waiting for vga adapter to come soon 16:57 < schestowitz> I lack site monitoring at the moment, adapter broken (my fault) 16:57 < schestowitz> gn 16:58 < psymin> What kind of hosting infrastructure does techrights utilize? 16:58 < XRevan86> night 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm working on Ogg Vorbis. 17:05 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm altering the psymodel of the AoTuV encoder a bit. 17:17 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 17:55 < XRevan86> > Device type: load balancer|firewall 17:55 < XRevan86> > Running (JUST GUESSING): F5 Networks embedded (90%), F5 Networks TMOS 11.6.X|11.4.X (89%) 17:55 < XRevan86> > OS CPE: cpe:/o:f5:tmos:11.6 cpe:/o:f5:tmos:11.4 17:55 < XRevan86> > OS fingerprint not ideal because: Host distance (25 network hops) is greater than five 17:55 < XRevan86> > Aggressive OS guesses: F5 BIG-IP Edge Gateway (90%), F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager load balancer (TMOS 11.6) (89%), F5 BIG-IP AFM firewall (86%) 17:55 < XRevan86> > No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). 17:55 < XRevan86> The result hasn't changed much. 19:40 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:42 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:45 -!- decnet [~decnet@gateway/tor-sasl/decnet] has joined #techrights 19:45 < decnet> ping ... 19:48 -!- decnet [~decnet@gateway/tor-sasl/decnet] has left #techrights [] 20:01 < XRevan86> pong, I guess 20:24 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:26 < cubexyz> check maxhost.org 20:27 < cubexyz> that should show up as a linux 20:27 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 20:33 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:34 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 20:39 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:40 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 20:50 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has left #techrights [] 20:50 -!- smnthermes [976c22869c@xmpp.snopyta.org] has joined #techrights 21:05 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:05 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:06 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I pirated some instant pot cookbooks and fed the PDFs into FedEx's printing system using the high quality and double-sided option in a binder. 21:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Mom wanted some Instant Pot cookbooks and they were like $50-60, but doing the print job with the binder cost me like $13-14 apiece. 21:08 < cybrNaut> i got an Instant Pot cookbook in a marked-down bargain section for like $4. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> It's impossible to read section 2 of the Monkey's Audio Source License Agreement (which the license for the program itself claims that you have to accept as well) as anything but an incitement to use the software in order to violate another program's copyright. I would suggest that if anyone does this and gets sued for GPL infringements, that they turn around and sue Matthew Ashland for encouraging this. The guy must 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> be plain stupid to put this in a EULA. No lawyer in his right mind would advise their client to do that. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> If anyone uses MAC for anything, it should be to read the data out and put it into a Free format. 21:52 < schestowitz> [01:27] that should show up as a linux 21:52 < schestowitz> thanks for maxhost.org 21:52 < schestowitz> I think you stopped blogging some years back 21:52 < schestowitz> many people stopped 21:53 < schestowitz> I hope if/when the media dies completely people will get back to blogging, not this whole socialcontrolmedia nonsense 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Facebook/Twitter are turning western society into something like China's "social reputation score". 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> It's fucking disgusting. 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> People aren't Facebook's customers. They're the product. 21:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Qualcomm router board offers 10GbE and WiFi 6 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139054 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5674bd8c-1cbb-4b7a-b8a9-0fb008ce77b1] 21:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139055 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f0abeb69-fefc-46b4-bfba-14851d147773] 22:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Sooner or later we're going to be rid of these fucking entitled pieces of shit that voted Trump. 22:02 < DaemonFC[m]> The virus is an IQ test. 22:03 < DaemonFC[m]> It only has to plow the road enough to nudge the election a bit and we're rid of him, and that's why he's freaking out. 22:05 < DaemonFC[m]> 250,000 dead old people by the election because they thought that only Democrats wear masks and it makes you a wimp to want to live ought to balance this out a little. 22:13 < schestowitz> re Gates/SPD: 22:13 < schestowitz> > Sure. Well, I'll let you know when the next installment arrives. I'm not> sure what kind of time intervals they will be sent in, but I'll keep you> up to date. 22:14 < schestowitz> Thank you very much. 22:14 < schestowitz> If we report on it politely and factually, I don't think they'll have a reason to slow down or halt progress. 22:14 < schestowitz> We'll have a breakthrough if and when we find connections that lead us to other people rather than astray. 22:14 < schestowitz> My associate is particularly interested in what can be discovered about Epstein, but we lack public information about the meetings and their nature. Gates met him more times than he can recall and there are political motivations, as we saw at MIT. 22:14 < schestowitz> Let me know if you need anything from my side... 22:14 < schestowitz> G'day, 22:14 < schestowitz> --------- 22:14 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: many new cases 22:14 < schestowitz> Apple store shut again 22:14 < schestowitz> in FL at least 22:14 < schestowitz> lots of seniors there 22:14 < schestowitz> iirc, cdc was ordered to change the way covid19 deaths are counted 22:15 < schestowitz> so afaik us may have gone the way of the chinese dodo for accurate figures 22:15 < schestowitz> like, maybe there has to be demonstration of direction causation between covid19 and the death in order for it to 'count' or register 22:16 < schestowitz> if you look at case/death ratio in the UK 22:16 < schestowitz> it is VASTLY higher than in most nations 22:16 < schestowitz> which I doubt can be true 22:16 < schestowitz> in some cases more than 10 times higher 22:16 < schestowitz> so one might ask questions like, are we the only ones or some of the few (like belgium) who count 'properly'? 22:17 < schestowitz> and, if so, how many deaths worldwide are we not registering due to testing of BS criteria? Millions already? 22:17 < schestowitz> Look at India, maybe they lost lots more old people than they report, in rural areas with no test kids available 22:19 < schestowitz> > Hey Roy! I can't believe it's been three weeks. Things have gotten really crazy here, I have a deadline for a book manuscript in about 6 weeks and it's been my main focus. Time flies when you're insanely busy, as I'm sure you know. 22:19 < schestowitz> > 22:19 < schestowitz> > My OLPC reporting really didn't turn up all that much, unless you want to do a story about a small, mismanaged company that probably shouldn't be in the laptop business. I certainly didn't find any proof that Microsoft/Gates Foundation targeted OLPC (although I'm sure that's what happened). 22:19 < schestowitz> > 22:19 < schestowitz> > When we have a chance to talk, I really want to concentrate on you and your findings — interview you about the reasons that Gates Foundation isn't going to save us from COVID-19. Or anything else, for that matter... and of course, the inherently corrupt practice of using a "philanthropy" to do your bidding. 22:19 < schestowitz> Contact me when you have more time to discuss this. No hurry really... we're dealing with an old scandal here. 22:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, the gaslightling only works if it looks like the horrifying wave of death is over. 22:30 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has joined #techrights 22:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Implications of an Increasingly Corporate FSF http://techrights.org/2020/06/22/corporate-fsf/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/b3a5e676-8685-4def-a281-548b497c57ad] 22:52 < cubexyz> schestowitz, yes the blogging has been on hold for a while 22:53 < cubexyz> all the activity seems to be on youtube now 22:53 < cubexyz> the problem with blogger was that all the comments were spam 22:56 < schestowitz> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-CQFcp1FPY 22:56 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 22:56 < schestowitz> cubexyz: all whose activity? 22:56 < schestowitz> people's in general? 22:56 < cubexyz> schestowitz, yes 22:56 < schestowitz> or yours? 22:57 < cubexyz> mine too 22:57 < schestowitz> in general? 22:57 < schestowitz> I often wondered about that... 22:57 < schestowitz> like fewer people access pages now 22:57 < schestowitz> social control media and videos instead 22:57 < cubexyz> the mathematical/geometric stuff gets the most attention, but mainly on youtube 22:57 < schestowitz> people lost the ability to read 22:57 < cubexyz> speaking for my own stuff of course 22:57 < schestowitz> ok 23:01 < cubexyz> people aren't writing carefully thought out posts 23:03 < schestowitz> Apple cultists still in Planet Mozilla http://tenfourfox.blogspot.com/2020/06/macos-big-unsure.html 23:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- tenfourfox.blogspot.com | TenFourFox Development: macOS Big Unsure 23:03 < schestowitz> cubexyz: [03:46] [Notice] -viera to #techrights- Tux Machines: The Implications of an Increasingly Corporate FSF http://techrights.org/2020/06/22/corporate-fsf/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/b3a5e676-8685-4def-a281-548b497c57ad] 23:04 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | The Implications of an Increasingly Corporate FSF | Techrights 23:04 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 23:04 < schestowitz> some of us out there still research and write 23:04 < schestowitz> videos can be a mess unless carefully scripted 23:04 < schestowitz> in which case these videos aren't videos per se but talks 23:04 < schestowitz> based upon actual articles 23:04 < schestowitz> so you don't need a "reading face", just publish the text instead 23:05 < schestowitz> easier and faster to read, scan, search, link to 23:05 < schestowitz> (and quote parts of) 23:05 < cubexyz> I could write a long article on vance packard and conspicuous consumption but who would read it? 23:05 < cubexyz> it's an unfashionable point of view 23:07 < cubexyz> also typescript is growing in popularity 23:07 < cubexyz> which is a microsoft invention 23:07 < cubexyz> even among the intelligentsia there is a lot of use of typescript 23:08 < cubexyz> microsoft have their hooks into everything 23:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software patents are another kind of disease http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139056 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b4385c24-fc80-41c3-9565-b939889a04ae] 23:11 < schestowitz> [04:07] also typescript is growing in popularity 23:11 < schestowitz> according to... GitHub? 23:12 < schestowitz> I keep seeing GitHub data used to make pro-Microsoft claims 23:12 < schestowitz> and they rarely bother counting anything Microsoft does not control 23:12 < schestowitz> then zdnet and other Microsoft loudspeakers repeat the likely lies 23:13 < schestowitz> trying to make it fulfill the prophecy based upon the lies about "Growth" 23:14 < cubexyz> schestowitz, pretty sure google is using typescript a lot 23:14 < cubexyz> I'm not using it myself, I just see others that do 23:15 < schestowitz> but that's not a measurable stat 23:16 < schestowitz> it's just a statement or conjecture about Google. I have never myself come across anyone who uses typescript 23:16 < schestowitz> always, without exception, those whom I see hyping it up and lauding it, saying it grows, are Microsoft-connectd 23:16 < schestowitz> so it might boil down to fake 'success' 23:17 < schestowitz> remember Microsoft claims about everything is doing great 23:17 < schestowitz> unless and until one day it collapses 23:17 < schestowitz> like Zune 23:17 < schestowitz> it's their strategy 23:17 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:17 < schestowitz> so we must think critically about all those claims 23:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Top 6 Free and Open Source Video Conferencing Solutions for Education http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139057 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e4cc9f47-e5e5-4feb-83ae-130dbfd7e028] 23:24 < DaemonFC[m]> I might have bought a Zune except it used a proprietary sync protocol that nobody ever reversed. 23:24 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:24 < DaemonFC[m]> If you got past that, hey. It played MP3/AAC. 23:24 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139058 [https://pleroma.site/objects/32f49350-e98a-4d72-8708-2ed039e25181] 23:28 < cubexyz> schestowitz, I find the nodejs stuff fairly benign 23:30 < schestowitz> openjs is the threat 23:30 < schestowitz> led by Microsoft 23:30 < schestowitz> who now bosses Torvalds as well 23:30 < schestowitz> I noticed it a year ago 23:30 < schestowitz> also, npm is Microsoft-controlled now 23:30 < schestowitz> these parasites lay their hands on everything 23:30 < cubexyz> really? wow 23:30 < schestowitz> and they call it "love" 23:31 < schestowitz> Microsoft loves [everything_it_attacks] 23:32 < schestowitz> http://www.figuiere.net/hub/blog/?2018/12/10/875-microsoft-vs-the-web 23:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.figuiere.net | Microsoft vs the web - Loud ramblings of a Software Artisan 23:32 < schestowitz> hours ago 23:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Arduino, IBASE and Intel-based Devices http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139059 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2042858c-80d1-4843-b1a6-53e0b65df17c] 23:44 < cubexyz> yes but that says that M$ didn't take over the web 23:45 < schestowitz> it is still trying 23:45 < schestowitz> (of course) 23:46 < schestowitz> This corporation will only be safe when it ceases to exist 23:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Things that use secret protocols are not really my thing, unless they've been reversed and that works reliably. 23:46 < schestowitz> although its culture and people will continue to pose danger 23:46 < schestowitz> billg poses many dangers already... even outside Microsoft 23:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Which is the only reason I had an iPod. 23:46 < schestowitz> lol 23:47 < schestowitz> hypePod 23:47 < schestowitz> whose feature is... that it lacks features 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> It was free because I won it. 23:47 < schestowitz> they call it "UX" and "simplicity" etc. 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> So I found a way to use it with Linux and push MP3s to it.. 23:47 < schestowitz> and they spent billion marketing this thing, so people actually believe it 23:48 < DaemonFC[m]> At the time, there was no acceptable FOSS encoder that could make AAC files that surpassed the latest MP3 encoders. 23:48 < DaemonFC[m]> So I just never bothered with AAC. 23:48 < schestowitz> like people who sell sneakers by badmouthing your shoes 23:49 < cubexyz> now people seem to be worried about "chromium monoculture" 23:49 < schestowitz> to sell you ergonomic ones for 3 times the price 23:49 < schestowitz> Apple starts by slurring the users 23:49 < schestowitz> telling them they're too dumb for computers 23:49 < schestowitz> and APple's "white shiny things" are the "solllllshen" 23:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, Apple was pushing AAC hard, even when their encoder was producing worse results than a LAME-encoded MP3. 23:49 < schestowitz> cubexyz: it didn't start with Google 23:50 < schestowitz> it was khtml and safari before chrome started, around 2008 IIRC 23:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Public listening tests in the early 2000s simply didn't support Apple's claim that iTunes AAC was better than MP3, much less transparent at 128k. 23:50 < schestowitz> it was widely adopted because of the licence 23:51 < DaemonFC[m]> In fact, we only recently got a GPL-licensed AAC encoder that overtakes Nero AAC, which has been abandoned for years and wasn't the best when they were developing it. 23:51 < DaemonFC[m]> FFmpeg AAC is pretty not bad, if you use it in CBR mode. 23:51 < DaemonFC[m]> The open source community just never got behind AAC. 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, about the only usable browser right now is Firefox. I always have weird bugs with Chromium browsers, but Brave is probably the best out of that bunch. 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> If you need a Chromium browser for something, use Brave. 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Webkit was always garbage, and Google just grabs whatever it can and fucks around with it until it's just barely good enough to work. 23:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Like Microsoft and Apple do. 23:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Microsoft appropriating whatever is useful to them from existing open source projects is part of "loves Linux" now, even if the project is not Linux, because everything open source is Linux to the Microsoft people. 23:55 < schestowitz> brave does not support my hardware type 23:56 < DaemonFC[m]> If there's a vulnerability in a wavpack package that's available to be installed from Debian then Microsoft will include it in a Debian bug count to slander it and make Windows look less shitty in comparison. 23:56 < DaemonFC[m]> "Love" 23:57 < DaemonFC[m]> There were like 5 CVEs in WavPack that got fixed in 5.3. David Bryant said they were not exploitable, but because the package is available in Debian, Microsoft will pay some "consultants" to say 5 more bugs in "Linux". --- Day changed Tue Jun 23 2020 00:06 < schestowitz> hmmm 00:07 < schestowitz> can't recall that 00:07 < insmodppa> I wouldn't use Brave. Their original business model was suspect (blocking site ads and placing themselves as the middle man for targeted ad revenue) and they were recently caught hijacking links with referrals. They can openwash all they like and claim to be FOSS, but the ethics do not hold firm. 00:09 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:10 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:10 < schestowitz> there's that too 00:10 < schestowitz> I went back to qupzilla last week 00:10 < schestowitz> the repos don't have falkon yet 00:11 < schestowitz> turns out they make DDG default search 00:11 < schestowitz> which I am NOT happy about, albeit it's easy to fix 00:15 < insmodppa> It was probably chosen as a "lesser evil" since all search sites are thoroughly compromised. 00:15 < schestowitz> yes, true 00:15 < schestowitz> searx instances are not always reachable 00:15 < schestowitz> now I use privacytools.io's 00:15 < schestowitz> but they too are compromised 00:16 < schestowitz> for instance system1/startpage in them 00:16 < insmodppa> ...which ironically has a matomo analytics tracker (privacytool's searx server). 00:16 * DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/sjZXLzivJjXAVIqRpMYzXiey > 00:16 < schestowitz> would not shocked me if they passed on 'anonymised' data 00:17 < schestowitz> insmodppa: wow, any link on that? 00:17 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 00:17 < schestowitz> maybe I should quit using that immediately then 00:17 < DaemonFC[m]> 15 years and about $20,000 lighter. 00:18 < schestowitz> insmodppa: even some forum threat would be a good start 00:18 < DaemonFC[m]> That's what consumerism is. It encourages people to accept closed "solutions" that work for a little while and hacks instead of robustness, and it ends up being remarkably fragile and falling over at some point. 00:19 < insmodppa> It's been a while since I checked but https://searx.space (the official? searx server list) does checks on servers and their served content. You can see the tracking cookie when you view the page source. 00:19 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- searx.space | Searx instances 00:19 < schestowitz> I wrote a lot about privacytool's scandal with system1... so it would not shock me if their instance is rogue too 00:19 < DaemonFC[m]> There's reasons I've never put important data into a format that even stunk a little bit like "I might not be able to use this someday.". 00:20 < insmodppa> Privacytools was listed with a failing grade of "E" on the HTTP column. 00:20 < insmodppa> Or was it Cjs? I don't remember. 00:20 < schestowitz> almost all use "Let's Encrypt (US)" 00:21 < schestowitz> Which I no longer trust http://techrights.org/2020/03/04/lets-ask-lets-encrypt/ 00:21 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Techrights Urges Readers to Ask the Linux Foundation’s Let’s Encrypt (Backed by Companies That Give the NSA Back Doors) Some Hard But Legitimate Questions | Techrights 00:21 < schestowitz> the web is so awful now, everything is heavily tracked 00:22 < schestowitz> in the foia we got some seattle police you can see how google serves up every ip of access, plus registration 00:22 < schestowitz> they keep those logs going back to the genesis of each account 00:22 < schestowitz> and then also scan emails, inc. uploads 00:22 < schestowitz> then they sent tips to the police 00:23 < schestowitz> maybe I should publish those docs 00:23 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-kuxakzcybrnrcsgf] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 00:23 < schestowitz> but someone might misinterpret that as me complaining about Google ratting out pedophiles 00:25 < schestowitz> "CyberTipline Report" 00:25 < insmodppa> The Privacytools.io searx server doesn't have analytics anymore. 00:25 < schestowitz> " 00:25 < schestowitz> Submitter: 00:25 < schestowitz> Google 00:25 < schestowitz> AutomaticReport 00:25 < schestowitz> Business Address: 00:25 < schestowitz> 1600 Ampitheater Parkway 00:26 < schestowitz> Mountainview, CA 94043 United States 00:26 < schestowitz> gmail-ncmec-reports@google.com 00:26 < schestowitz> Point of Contact for Law Enforcement: 00:26 < schestowitz> USlawenforcement@google.com 00:26 < schestowitz> http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/userdatareque 00:26 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ( status 404 @ http://www.google.com/transparencyreport/userdatareque ) 00:26 < schestowitz> sts/legalprocess/ 00:26 < schestowitz> " 00:26 < schestowitz> insmodppa: oh, good, maybe response to some backlash or change of owners 00:27 < insmodppa> People have spoken out about it: https://forum.privacytools.io/t/privacytools-instances/2323/1 00:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- forum.privacytools.io | PrivacyTools instances - PrivacyTools Community 00:27 -!- GNUmoon2 [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:29 < insmodppa> The old searx server list had a warning on it, too: https://archive.is/mr1FF "Uses Matomo for user tracking and analytics" 00:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- archive.is | Attention Required! 00:30 < schestowitz> I have just reviewed those ~30 pages again 00:30 < schestowitz> insmodppa: ok, so for now it's a resolved issue 00:32 < schestowitz> Hubert Figuière does now say where he works now 00:32 < schestowitz> he has his blog 00:33 < schestowitz> started around same month as me 00:33 < schestowitz> https://mobile.twitter.com/hfiguiere 00:33 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mobile.twitter.com | Hubert Figuière (@hfiguiere) on Twitter 00:33 < schestowitz> almost 100k tweets 00:33 < schestowitz> his posts keep popping up again, maybe a Planet GNOME bug 00:35 < schestowitz> Misleading headline http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-06/23/c_139159330.htm 00:35 < schestowitz> it's just a new version 00:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.xinhuanet.com | Apple introduces new desktop operating system - Xinhua | English.news.cn 00:40 < schestowitz> https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/phoronix/latest-phoronix-articles/1188379-intel-dg1-graphics-card-support-lands-in-mesa-20-2-for-opengl-vulkan 00:40 < schestowitz> "how about improve 7gen IGPU driver ?' 00:40 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Intel DG1 Graphics Card Support Lands In Mesa 20.2 For OpenGL / Vulkan - Phoronix Forums 00:43 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 00:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139060 [https://pleroma.site/objects/99ccdeff-899f-4ab4-9222-7c3109ce9bef] 00:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139061 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d42cb9cf-9b3d-40e1-beee-4d4dec2113a3] 01:02 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:02 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:12 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/mogamu/status/1275186620833116160\ 01:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @mogamu: 3 years work experience at one of the largest media companies in the world. 5 Years of coding government systems.… https://t.co/dwLKa2Q8FF 01:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @mogamu: 3 years work experience at one of the largest media companies in the world. 5 Years of coding government systems.… https://t.co/dwLKa2Q8FF 01:12 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/mogamu/status/1275151521487912962 01:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @mogamu: Microsoft has a HISTORY of cancelling projects. I feel bad for the streamers but take this as a lesson. Do your r… https://t.co/4ORA7Xp491 01:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @mogamu: Microsoft has a HISTORY of cancelling projects. I feel bad for the streamers but take this as a lesson. Do your r… https://t.co/4ORA7Xp491 01:12 < schestowitz> wait, what did Microsoft just shut down? 01:12 < schestowitz> Layoffs again? 01:12 < schestowitz> he links to techrights 01:12 < schestowitz> but I do not see context to it 01:12 < schestowitz> stupid, worthless twitter 01:13 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/mogamu/status/1269317549440843776 01:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @mogamu: Im a criminal. Thats news to me. https://t.co/mXlcs4AE0K 01:13 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @HoodRichShinobi: @DemmyBane @mogamu imagine committing a disproportionate amount of crime, and then crying when you get into trouble for it 01:13 < schestowitz> can someone help here? 01:13 < schestowitz> What does Microsoft shut down this week? 01:13 < schestowitz> Stream? 01:14 < schestowitz> project? 01:14 < schestowitz> unit? 01:14 < schestowitz> " 01:14 < schestowitz> Microsoft has a HISTORY of cancelling projects. I feel bad for the streamers but take this as a lesson. Do your research please. Many of us knew to not invest there without a safety net. 01:14 < schestowitz> - http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php 01:14 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Main Page - Techrights 01:14 < schestowitz> " 01:14 < schestowitz> Maybe they took down webstreams? 01:14 < schestowitz> He links to http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Microsoft_-_Dead_Divisions_or_Products 01:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Microsoft - Dead Divisions or Products - Techrights 01:15 < schestowitz> so I assume something just happened 01:15 < schestowitz> Oh! 01:15 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/i/events/1275215637409697793 01:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mobile.twitter.com | Twitter 01:15 < schestowitz> "Microsoft announces closure of gaming streaming service Mixer" 01:15 < schestowitz> So I assume layoffs too? 01:15 < schestowitz> Let's see.. 01:16 < schestowitz> "Microsoft says it will be closing down its gaming streaming service Mixer on July 22 and is set to shift existing partners, Mixer sites and apps to Facebook Gaming in the coming weeks." 01:16 < schestowitz> Ewwww 01:16 < schestowitz> Facebook 01:16 < schestowitz> just shows how close they are.. 01:16 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/WatchMixer/status/1275134189738713088 01:16 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @WatchMixer: Mixer Partners, streamers, and community - today, we've got some very big news for you. While we’ve decided to clo… https://t.co/2ajilUTwA0 01:16 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @WatchMixer: Mixer Partners, streamers, and community - today, we've got some very big news for you. While we’ve decided to clo… https://t.co/2ajilUTwA0 01:16 < schestowitz> " 01:16 < schestowitz> Mixer Partners, streamers, and community - today, we've got some very big news for you. 01:16 < schestowitz> While we’ve decided to close the operations side of Mixer, we're officially partnering with @FacebookGaming 01:16 < schestowitz> and we're cordially inviting all of you to join. 01:16 < schestowitz> " 01:16 < schestowitz> Screwing over lots of people again 01:17 < schestowitz> like they did with Zune, Soapbox etc. 01:17 < schestowitz> where you lose all subscribers by virtue of some company deciding to shut down the whole thing, for financial reason 01:17 < schestowitz> will happen to blogspot one day 01:17 < schestowitz> as happened to MSN Spaces 01:19 < schestowitz> https://www.reddit.com/r/mixer/comments/c3h5ir/seeing_a_lot_of_mixermicrosoft_employees_being/ 01:19 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.reddit.com | Seeing a lot of Mixer/Microsoft employees being laid off.. : mixer 01:20 < schestowitz> What has just happened to #mixer is a reminder that you must never rely on #microsoft for anything. Also #deleteGithub 01:20 < schestowitz> There are #microsoft #layoffs again. Second time in a month. They try to hide it. https://www.reddit.com/r/mixer/comments/c3h5ir/seeing_a_lot_of_mixermicrosoft_employees_being/ 01:21 < schestowitz> " 01:21 < schestowitz> I haven't seen anything like this. One thing to know is that Microsoft employs a lot of contract worker especially in creative fields like design, marketing, and communication. Their Max contract length is 18 months then they are forced to take a 6 month break from Microsoft. Unfortunately, it's rare for people to be "converted" to full time. 01:21 < schestowitz> Source: am a Microsoft contract employee 01:21 < schestowitz> " 01:23 < schestowitz> https://www.windowscentral.com/report-claims-morale-microsofts-mixer-all-time-low 01:23 < schestowitz> "The service is reportedly run by a "skeleton" team, with few employees. " 01:23 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.windowscentral.com | Report: Morale among Microsoft's Mixer team is at an all-time low | Windows Central 01:29 -!- Firee [~Firee@unaffiliated/firee] has joined #techrights 01:39 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 01:46 < schestowitz> Microsoft Layoffs, Second Time in Less Than a Month (and People Lose Their 'Mixer') http://techrights.org/2020/06/23/microsoft-layoffs-again/ 01:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Microsoft Layoffs, Second Time in Less Than a Month (and People Lose Their ‘Mixer’) | Techrights 01:49 < XRevan86> > Device type: WAP|storage-misc|remote management|general purpose|broadband router|firewall 01:49 < XRevan86> > Running (JUST GUESSING): Linux 2.4.X|2.6.X (98%), HP embedded (95%), Dell embedded (95%), Asus embedded (95%) 01:49 < XRevan86> cubexyz: ^ maxhost.org 01:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, everything is designed to capture a small piece of your life (or a big one) and turn it over to the governemnt. 01:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Obviously there's just so much you can do about it. Obviously, the less of these things like Facebook and Twitter you use, the better. 01:57 < schestowitz> mexico is the lesser brazil https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries 01:57 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,192,752 Cases and 474,445 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer 01:57 < schestowitz> 800 deaths again 01:58 < schestowitz> in brazil half of those tested come/turn out positive 02:05 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:05 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Red Hat/Fedora: Flatpak, Podman, Core Modernization http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139062 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3bc249dc-0cac-430f-a2fd-76b82f4f79bf] 02:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE: The 2020 KDE 'roadmap' from Nate and updates from GSoC students http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139063 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f9821af8-1935-432a-9144-b00c7ebae685] 02:34 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:35 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vghpnfzhwxoztaok] has joined #techrights 03:13 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 03:16 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:31 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:32 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 04:06 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has joined #techrights 04:20 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 05:07 -!- psymin_ [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 05:08 -!- vallor [~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:09 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:10 -!- vallor [~Ponzo@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/vallor] has joined #techrights 05:20 < schestowitz> > Hey Roy! I can't believe it's been three weeks. Things have gotten really crazy here, I have a deadline for a book manuscript in about 6 weeks and it's been my main focus. Time flies when you're insanely busy, as I'm sure you know. 05:20 < schestowitz> > 05:20 < schestowitz> > My OLPC reporting really didn't turn up all that much, unless you want to do a story about a small, mismanaged company that probably shouldn't be in the laptop business. I certainly didn't find any proof that Microsoft/Gates Foundation targeted OLPC (although I'm sure that's what happened). 05:20 < schestowitz> > 05:21 < schestowitz> > When we have a chance to talk, I really want to concentrate on you and your findings — interview you about the reasons that Gates Foundation isn't going to save us from COVID-19. Or anything else, for that matter... and of course, the inherently corrupt practice of using a "philanthropy" to do your bidding. 05:22 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:24 < schestowitz> Me: Contact me when you have more time to discuss this. No hurry really... we're dealing with an old scandal here. 05:27 < schestowitz> Yes, I am interested and I wish to also do some text-based stories on the matter. We can exchange ideas and factoids. I can do this patiently and slowly to ensure we separate nonsense from facts. 05:27 < schestowitz> > Here's my podcast: https://anchor.fm/failedstateupdate 05:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- anchor.fm | Failed State Update • A podcast on Anchor 05:27 < schestowitz> > 05:27 < schestowitz> > And here is a selection of my 05:27 < schestowitz> > clippings: https://www.lennyflatley.net/stories 05:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.lennyflatley.net | Stories — Joseph L. Flatley 05:27 < schestowitz> > 05:27 < schestowitz> > Would you have time for a Skype interview (or your VOIP app of choice) 05:27 < schestowitz> > one of these days? 05:32 < schestowitz> seems mostly legit, right? 05:32 < schestowitz> except the skype part 05:32 < schestowitz> recently some k00ks were getting in touch 05:32 < schestowitz> we don't want to associate with the k00ks like 9/11 "truthers" 05:32 < schestowitz> and anti-mask folks.. 05:32 < schestowitz> anti-vaxxers... 05:33 < schestowitz> lots of overlap among those groups 05:34 < schestowitz> the above guy is legit 05:34 < schestowitz> for all I can tell 05:34 < schestowitz> he used to be here in IRC 05:34 < schestowitz> when he did journalist for The Verge 05:34 < schestowitz> I just won't touch Skype though 05:34 < schestowitz> no way 05:34 < schestowitz> > Would you have time for a Skype interview (or your VOIP app of choice) 05:34 < schestowitz> > one of these days? 05:34 < schestowitz> Can you do landline? It has been a very long time since I've used VOIP for anything? Alternatively, we can work on this using text, which I think is a lot more accessible. Thanks for reaching out; I think our experiences ought to be shared publicly for the public to better understand the mechanisms at play. 05:34 < schestowitz> > Thanks for getting back to me. Where are you located these days? I use 05:35 < schestowitz> > Skype to record my interviews, because it has the best quality with the 05:35 < schestowitz> > least amount of fuss. But it's not a problem if we have to figure out 05:35 < schestowitz> > something else. 05:35 < schestowitz> > 05:35 < schestowitz> > My main focus is the podcast, but we can definitely do something 05:35 < schestowitz> > text-based in addition to that. The important thing is getting the info out. 05:35 < schestowitz> > 05:35 < schestowitz> > Why don't we start with an interview/conversation and go from there? 05:35 < schestowitz> > Would you be available to talk one of these days? 05:35 < schestowitz> When Skype is installed on a device it likely harvests people's call records and address book etc. A recent article from a respectable KDE developer also explained it's hard to really remove this malware from a GNU/Linux box. So I would prefer not to even install it. 05:35 < schestowitz> I am in no rush and am available to talk. I'm in Manchester (UK). 05:44 < zoobab> codec negotiation 05:59 < schestowitz> zoobab: see comments http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/06/22/period-of-provisional-application-unified-patent-court-agreement-can-start-this-year/ 05:59 < schestowitz> hiliarious when you read the comments first 05:59 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | 'Period of provisional application Unified Patent Court Agreement can start this year' - Kluwer Patent Blog 05:59 < schestowitz> he'll learn to keep quiet like Por 06:00 < schestowitz> Wouters? 06:00 < schestowitz> Wouter? 06:10 < zoobab> the fact that the UK can also blow up the whole project is interesting 06:12 < schestowitz> fakers gonna fake 06:12 < schestowitz> you take them too seriously 06:12 < schestowitz> you should laugh at them instead 06:12 < schestowitz> BTW, I don't see your tweets or anything 06:13 < schestowitz> unless you reply to me on something 06:13 < schestowitz> (which is a shame, I'd follow if you had an account that I can follow over rss) 06:13 < schestowitz> I don't see lots of upc-related stuff now 06:53 -!- tbisker8 [~tbisk@] has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.7.5 - https://znc.in] 06:54 -!- titanbiscuit [~tbisk@] has joined #techrights 07:14 < liberty_box> https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1296203/china-dog-meat-festival-goes-ahead-but-virus-takes-a-toll 07:14 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- newsinfo.inquirer.net | China dog meat festival goes ahead but virus takes a toll | Inquirer News 07:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: How to Disable Dock on Ubuntu 20.04 and Gain More Screen Space http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139064 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6f468b3a-5782-4df4-bc05-fff80882d79b] 07:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Customize your Linux terminal with your favorite logo http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139065 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9a9ea7b8-b7cb-4677-bee9-6398ce4731d5] 07:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi VideoCore IV Boards Get an Unofficial Vulkan Driver Good Enough to Play Quake 3 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139066 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7ba8e285-35ad-48ba-be58-5ce0ba7646f8] 07:26 < liberty_box> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53148678 07:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.bbc.co.uk | Coronavirus: House sales plummeted by 50% in May - BBC News 07:27 < schestowitz> Who wants to move homes at such a time anyway? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53148678 can't even move countries too easily... 07:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139067 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f771a9b9-a7a0-4841-ac24-0ffb265eab61] 07:45 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 07:47 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:47 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 07:49 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has left #techrights [] 07:50 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 07:50 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:52 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/sexual-reproduction 07:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Sexual Reproduction 08:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Sonic Mania, Steam Game Festival and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139068 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8d80687b-7591-4efb-8de9-301c52e074e2] 08:11 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:49 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 09:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139069 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9ad73bdb-3d89-4b10-955c-eef07c06c73c] 09:45 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS pre-installed http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139070 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7eee71af-71ce-4b05-9fb0-97480696c768] 09:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Fugaku Tops Top500 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139047#comment-25579 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef3b29bb-ece5-4b41-8681-0ba75367b2bf] 09:56 -!- Blue_flame [kopynewmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-mznecsxonawohnuw] has joined #techrights 10:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 10 Best Linux Apps You Must Have For Everyday Use, MBBox and PhotoTeleport http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139071 [https://pleroma.site/objects/55eefb84-d039-483f-b498-29a3200573ce] 10:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: TURNIP, RADV, Intel and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139072 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f54aa716-9dcb-4f5e-be2b-f2f818d37e6a] 10:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers: Bash, Qt, Dylan and JavaScript http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139073 [https://pleroma.site/objects/48e1a775-01e1-4e77-90e3-86e0c97b84cd] 10:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: openSUSE Leap 15.2 Release Roadmap And All New Features http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139074 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b29d974a-4c50-4177-b3b7-a693ce919a9e] 10:17 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q346nJM3uGw 10:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 10:19 < XRevan86> MinceR: He doesn't like that the US looks bad compared to Russia %) 10:19 < XRevan86> with all the awesome statistical anomalies 10:20 < XRevan86> Something like "Russia has the best numbers, we need to do better than them" 10:20 <@MinceR> :> 10:20 <@MinceR> Uhmerica First! 10:26 < XRevan86> But really, if testing were to be too fast, then we'd see the "resource" of new infections deplete. 10:32 <@MinceR> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMZ_rQKAy7c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnkg-yCPryE 10:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 10:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 10:33 <@MinceR> ah yes, the resource with which acceptance of authoritarian changes can be bought 10:33 < XRevan86> MinceR: infected humans? 10:33 <@MinceR> the ongoing threat of a plague 10:34 <@MinceR> "don't try to protest or you and your loved ones will get sick, just let us get away with everything" 10:36 < XRevan86> MinceR: But it's fine if we organise Trump rallies and Putin reset quasi-voting. 10:37 <@MinceR> well, in Uhmerica, people didn't take the whole "stay at home" thing as well as most of the planet 10:37 <@MinceR> i'm not sure what happened in putinistan, i guess it had to do with them pretending there was no plague for as long as they could 10:38 < XRevan86> MinceR: You're confusing it with lukashenkostan 10:38 <@MinceR> :) 10:38 <@MinceR> that's lukashenkastan to you 10:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: I see you're well-versed in belarusian spelling 10:39 < XRevan86> Here at first they said it's fine, but then they actually did apply restrictions 10:40 < XRevan86> except in a very weird way and not entirely within the law 10:40 < XRevan86> MinceR: But now the restrictions are being lifted, because the virus "lost" 10:41 <@MinceR> :> 10:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today's leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139076 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dfab3e75-d325-41ec-aa59-5279800c3a11] 11:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 23/6/2020: Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition, OpenSUSE Leap 15.2 Release Roadmap http://techrights.org/2020/06/23/dell-xps-13-developer-edition/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/414387ff-bd57-4c14-9af7-6cd12b8f1934] 11:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Plasma 5.19.2 Desktop Is Out with More Than 25 Bug Fixes, Improvements http://tuxmachines.org/node/139075 #kde #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/40cc4b08-68c8-4847-af0e-89f9cdb02d6f] 11:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://tuxmachines.org/node/139077 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c3494b26-4b20-4c8a-a4fb-323cfb684c4d] 11:23 -!- Firee [~Firee@unaffiliated/firee] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:24 -!- chasecrum [~user@unaffiliated/chasecrum] has joined #techrights 12:34 -!- chasecrum [~user@unaffiliated/chasecrum] has left #techrights ["ERC (IRC client for Emacs 25.3.1)"] 13:00 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:15 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 13:25 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:37 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:37 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:42 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 13:42 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 13:42 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 13:42 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 14:15 < XRevan86> https://reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/hct0mj 14:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.reddit.com | Are we going to get treated to spam popups advertising Edge and having it duplicate our data from Firefox without asking every time Microsoft decides to update it from now on? : Windows10 14:20 <@MinceR> no, because we aren't going to keep our data in Backdoors10 15:02 < DaemonFC[m]> "There's never been a better time to visit your Cadillac dealer. We have really great deals and we've bombed them for that thing we're not going to talk about between test drives!" 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> "You totally might not die depending on whether or not the CDC approved chemicals worked or if we've even used them at all. Also, Schrödinger's cat is alive/dead." 15:04 < DaemonFC[m]> "If you do get that thing nobody wants to talk about, President Trump ordered some lovely GM ventilators!" 15:05 <@MinceR> do you know who else is alive/dead? 15:05 <@MinceR> kim jong un 15:06 < DaemonFC[m]> And Dead or Alive. You spin me right round baby, right round. Like a record, baby. 15:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: LibreOffice Looks Gorgeous on Zorin OS http://tuxmachines.org/node/139078 [https://pleroma.site/objects/03ad786a-50d2-4ff3-8ede-54d05dad4643] 15:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Librem Mini is Shipping! http://tuxmachines.org/node/139079 [https://pleroma.site/objects/45ec3603-1082-4127-9617-ee2c1e43eeff] 15:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: ARM and Linux take the supercomputer TOP500 crown http://tuxmachines.org/node/139080 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9ffaa8be-32f6-462e-b077-23f9bc6f6dd2] 15:44 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: One of the amusing things I read somewhere was a Christian group saying that the Communists mummify their dead leaders because they don't believe in God and the religion is Communism. 15:44 <@MinceR> :) 15:44 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't suppose the more obvious explanation is that a state will turn to any sort of propaganda that gets people to accept the state's control over them. 15:45 <@MinceR> well, it is a lot like a religion 15:45 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://tuxmachines.org/node/139081 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e138cff9-6839-493a-bbc2-199fefee6c54] 15:45 < DaemonFC[m]> So is any sort of government if people "believe in it". 15:45 <@MinceR> maybe even the state itself 15:46 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The government claims that it "helps" people. You know, like making Obamacare so that people get cut from 40 hours a week to 34 so their employer doesn't have to pay fines for not offering them health insurance. 15:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they get 6 hours less pay each week and no health insurance. That helps. 15:46 <@MinceR> yes it does 15:46 <@MinceR> usually the people controlling it 15:46 < DaemonFC[m]> See, the government is helping. 15:46 <@MinceR> not most citizens, but some 15:46 <@MinceR> a tiny minority 15:47 < DaemonFC[m]> It's cheap for Walmart to dump people on Medicare or the Obamacare exchanges. 15:47 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not great news for our immigration case. 15:47 < DaemonFC[m]> If the government was under no obligation to offer us anything if he needed it, then it would be basically impossible to say he's a public charge risk if they let my husband stay. 15:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Since it is, an immigration official can say "Well, you might need Obamacare someday, so fuck you, go back to where you came from.". 15:48 < DaemonFC[m]> I hate this Obamacare crap. It's so much worse than what I thought it was when they were passing it. 15:48 < DaemonFC[m]> It's done a lot more harm than good. 15:49 < DaemonFC[m]> They say more people have insurance. Which is great. Now you only have to pay the hospital half a year's salary if anything happens! 15:49 < DaemonFC[m]> So you pay and you pay and the solution to a hospital bill for a lot of people is still filing bankruptcy. 15:50 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a disaster is what it is, and since it left employer healthcare out there as a thing, 50 million more people now have nothing at all while the government and the central bank throws about $6 trillion into the stock market. 15:51 < DaemonFC[m]> People are a bunch of goddamned idiots who have absolutely no idea of what they want or what they're doing, and many of these people are like a sliver "in the middle" who will vote for the guy they want to have a beer with. 15:52 < DaemonFC[m]> It's really not good public policy that our system encourages. It's "I can't go back to my district with this!". 15:53 < DaemonFC[m]> So a lot of what Congress does is random and no you are not losing your mind. It depends on what each individual member thinks gets them another term. 15:53 < DaemonFC[m]> It's scarier when it isn't random. 15:53 < DaemonFC[m]> They know that most people are too dumb to take a look at $6 trillion going to wealthy stock traders and say "Well, what have you done for me lately?". 15:54 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I had to take my one time $1,200 check to the bankruptcy court where I actually managed to turn it into something that does help. 15:55 < DaemonFC[m]> $1,200 pays the rent for a month or it can blow up $80,000 worth of "My world's on fire because of last year.". 15:55 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean, like, literally I had medical bills this year that were more than $1,200 _after_ my insurance, and I threw them in the bankruptcy because as Hillary once said, "At this point, what difference does it make?". 15:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Bankruptcy filings have actually slowed back down a little. I have no idea why. 15:58 < DaemonFC[m]> The economy here is awful and unemployment is sky high. 16:00 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Bankruptcy is "shameful, reckless, and irresponsible, and a welfare program for stupid people". Also, "Donald Trump filed several of them because he' a very smart businessman.". 16:01 < DaemonFC[m]> It's really a last resort. It's like that Cleveland gag in Family Guy where something bad is happening very slowly and he goes "Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!". 16:01 < DaemonFC[m]> At the last minute, you can file bankruptcy. It's not the option you want, but it's the one our system has left you with. 16:02 <@MinceR> lol 16:03 < DaemonFC[m]> I would not be surprised if we collapse into a barter system at some point if this keeps going on, but it's an election year, so Helicopter Money works until it doesn't. 16:12 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:26 < AVRS> schestowitz: Hi. Where is the "help" in the title of http://techrights.org/2020/04/28/openwashing-vmware-after-gpl-abuses/ ? 16:26 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | The Linux Foundation Has Helped VMware Lie About Its Deliberate GPL Violations That are Connected to Microsoft, Another Prolific GPL Violator | Techrights 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Even MPEG-LA realizes that there's a patent cliff a-coming and they're screwed if they don't figure out a way to push HEVC and xHE-AAC on people. Apple alone obviously isn't going to cut it. 17:04 < superkuh> HEVC is being pushed extremely hard by the FCC. 17:05 < superkuh> After they took the lower half of C-band and gave it to the telcos the satellite media operators have half the bandwidth now. Still gotta push the same media. The FCC explicitly has said, "Switch to h265". 17:05 < superkuh> That means all the boxes, the satellites, everything. 17:07 <@MinceR> is HEVC part of the MPEG LA racket currently? 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Part of it is. 17:36 < DaemonFC[m]> You have to license patents from like a million different organizations, and it's a complete mess. 17:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Already, MPEG-LA wants to design a codec to supersede HEVC that you can license from just them. :P 17:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Don't steal. The MPEG-LA hates competition. 17:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh good. HEVC is not just a terrible idea. It's the law. 17:42 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 17:48 <@MinceR> well, i guess at least some folks at FCC get even richer out of the deal 17:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, probably Trump's Verizon lawyer at it again. 18:00 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 18:51 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:29 -!- kgz [~kragniz@nyaa.kragniz.eu] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:31 -!- kgz [~kragniz@nyaa.kragniz.eu] has joined #techrights 19:32 < schestowitz> [21:26] schestowitz: Hi. Where is the "help" in the title of http://techrights.org/2020/04/28/openwashing-vmware-after-gpl-abuses/ ?s 19:32 < schestowitz> see links at the top, 2 IIRC 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> ExFAT is actually worse than FAT32 for my use case. A bunch of WavPack files. All ExFAT brings to the table is more wasted cluster space. 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> I was laughing pretty hard when I bought a new 256 GB USB on the go stick and it was FAT32. 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> I was wondering if I was going to have to do it myself, but Sandisk beat me to it. 19:45 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: NVIDIA Vulkan Beta Driver http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139082 [https://pleroma.site/objects/23d30475-9565-4503-a153-bae57876058e] 19:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Boreal Tenebrae, Stadia and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139083 [https://pleroma.site/objects/72f0cd5a-1508-4885-b437-68ee96d46adb] 20:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: A Complete Look at the PineBook Pro http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139084 [https://pleroma.site/objects/90c5c526-10e3-4158-9a9a-59d524c49532] 20:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139085 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ca59e741-299e-4b66-ae86-20199507686b] 20:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: My linux desktop configuration http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139086 [https://pleroma.site/objects/654f0d75-3d89-48df-bcfc-6b98677f031b] 20:18 < AVRS> schestowitz: if I have to read an older article, I don't see what new thing the title expresses. 20:24 < AVRS> schestowitz: "LF is connected to MS", "LF is close to VMW", "VMW has violated the GPL", "MS has violated the GPL", "LF doesn't like the GPL". How does "LF helped VMW cover up its GPL violation" follow? 20:29 < schestowitz> it did a number of paid puff pieces for them 20:29 < schestowitz> denying the gpl violation 20:29 < schestowitz> e.g. http://techrights.org/2019/07/06/a-nonprofit-pr-agency/ 20:30 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | The Openwashing of VMware, Sponsored by the Linux Foundation (in Turn Sponsored by VMware) | Techrights 20:45 < AVRS> schestowitz: the cited video is 404 20:45 < AVRS> schestowitz: https://invidio.us/watch?v=ydxMZ2bmiNE ? 20:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- invidio.us | Dirk Hohndel, VMware | KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU 2018 - Invidious 20:52 < AVRS> apparently not 20:55 < AVRS> https://invidio.us/watch?v=fA7_H4fP68c 20:55 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- invidio.us | Dirk Hohndel | VP & Chief Open Source Officer at VMware | KubeCon, Barcelona - Invidious 21:04 < AVRS> doesn't explain much 21:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security: Compliance, CISO, Patches, Principles for Making Your Linux System More Secure and TPM http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139087 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a2cef75f-7667-4c8d-9419-4b7b5ba79790] 21:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Purism Librem Mini is now shipping (Linux mini PC with Intel Whiskey Lake CPU) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139079#comment-25584 [https://pleroma.site/objects/13b707fb-124e-48b0-85e2-d5852fb046b0] 21:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Make the switch from Mac to Linux easier with Homebrew http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139088 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7228e472-beb0-4912-b327-e76ab77dfbd6] 21:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139089 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5dd76ba4-c73b-430c-8c71-d94f58af29c2] 21:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kernel: Linux Plumbers Conference, kcbench, and FGKASLR http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139090 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f246652e-1616-4b72-be81-c378cf2e6153] 21:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices/Embedded: Vecow, Arm/Linux. TASMOTA and Pandauino http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139091 [https://pleroma.site/objects/33a1298c-d538-4717-80d2-e0133098c39a] 21:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla: Tor Browser, Apple Stuff and Firefox 78 Credits http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139092 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5d934c2a-b471-44bf-83d2-cbab9a46925c] 21:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Latest GNU/Linux Audio and Screencasts: SMLR, TWIL, LHS, Bluestar Linux and Name Change (Master and Slave) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139093 [https://pleroma.site/objects/315e4ae1-0fbe-4127-93b0-c0de00c7e79b] 21:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139094 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2957a15e-67f6-4d16-a448-f9a1c75d186c] 22:08 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 22:10 < insmodppa> They can barely keep their software functionally safe and yet... https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-releases-first-public-preview-of-its-defender-antivirus-on-android/ 22:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Microsoft releases first public preview of its Defender antivirus on Android | ZDNet 22:12 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 22:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: Florian Vamosi’s Story, FOSS Contributor Survey and CNCF http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139095 [https://pleroma.site/objects/08f0e77e-0546-467f-a929-9d4386ff5bbf] 22:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Dell is finally shipping the XPS 13 Developer Edition with Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139070#comment-25585 @BrianFagioli latest to cover this… [https://pleroma.site/objects/e648b628-ae28-4b69-bb13-1306e065707e] 22:34 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has joined #techrights 22:39 < schestowitz> insmodppa: I saw that and dismissed it as spam 22:39 < schestowitz> skipped it altogether 22:39 < schestowitz> lots of spam/fluff about this 22:40 < schestowitz> zdnet and Microsoft-connected 'news' networks 22:40 < schestowitz> the Redmond ones 22:40 < schestowitz> So you know it's just Microsoft producing shadowed puff pieces 22:40 < schestowitz> and it's not even news 22:40 < schestowitz> "public preview" 22:40 < schestowitz> repeat for PP1 22:40 < schestowitz> PP2 22:40 < schestowitz> beta 22:40 < schestowitz> RC 22:40 < schestowitz> spam, spam, spam 22:40 < schestowitz> and it's proprietary 22:41 < insmodppa> Most articles these days are pointless - you take away all you need from the headlines. 22:41 < schestowitz> yeah 22:41 < schestowitz> this is what we try to solve 22:41 < schestowitz> sorting the wheat from the chaff 22:41 < schestowitz> I'd say like 80% is not really reporting 22:41 < schestowitz> which is why I am moving away from Google News (RSS) as well 22:41 < schestowitz> better to just syndicate directly sites that still do real, honest reporting 22:42 < schestowitz> not the spam machines like TFIR.io 22:42 < schestowitz> ZDNet has become aware of its reputation damage 22:42 < schestowitz> it's trying to respond to that lately 22:42 < schestowitz> people respond to ZDNet with links to techrights 22:42 < schestowitz> and it shows in a damning way what ZDNet really became 22:42 < schestowitz> maybe CBS will cut their funding 22:43 < schestowitz> I'd say, "good riddance" as they just do far more harm than good, except for Microsoft and few others 22:43 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:43 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 22:43 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 22:43 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 22:46 < insmodppa> It's a major outlet for press releases and product announcements (which is all they ever do) that gets picked up by other news organizations, so i doubt they'll go away anytime soon. 23:10 -!- zoobab [zoobab@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 23:14 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has joined #techrights 23:45 -!- willyg_cos [~joed@] has left #techrights ["Leaving"] 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy told me restaurants are opening for dine in, in Illinois, tomorrow. 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> I told him "Not for us they aren't.". 23:47 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:48 < DaemonFC[m]> He said, "Well, the government says it's okay.". I said, "Yes, because our government is very corrupt and the businesses that run it are tired of losing money because the virus isn't going away.". 23:48 < DaemonFC[m]> So innocent. 23:48 < DaemonFC[m]> We're having our worst days for new cases since April again and nobody really even seems to care at this point. 23:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Things are, in fact, getting much worse, and we're going to see a big uptick in deaths again soon. 23:50 < DaemonFC[m]> The shutdown was mitigating it and the reopenings are like a dam burst. 23:52 < DaemonFC[m]> I told my doctor I'll go get my labs drawn when I feel realatively safe going outside again, and hopefully that will be between 3 and 6 months from now. 23:52 < DaemonFC[m]> *relatively 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> There will be about 3.2 million more confirmed cases within the next 90 days at this point and they think we're hearing about maybe 15% of what's out there. --- Day changed Wed Jun 24 2020 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> I joked with my psychiatrist that the virus solved a number of problems for us. 00:05 < DaemonFC[m]> He asked how. I said "Well, I filed bankruptcy with the stimulus check, and since I had to shave my head anyway to avoid the barber shop, the medicine that was making it fall out is a moot point.". 00:07 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: did you see number of new cases? 00:07 < schestowitz> in the past 3 days? 00:07 < schestowitz> almost 100k in three days 00:08 < schestowitz> FL is where many vulnerable people 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> It was almost 35,000 today alone. 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Really bad. 00:08 < schestowitz> *Are located 00:08 < schestowitz> and they shut down some stores again, inc. Apple 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, Florida is toast. 00:08 < schestowitz> 36,000 today 00:08 < schestowitz> was 25k 00:08 < schestowitz> then 30k 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm glad that I'm about 1,500 miles from it. 00:08 < schestowitz> today was 35k before midnight 00:08 < schestowitz> last I checked, gmt, it was 36k 00:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Just let it burn out of control for a while I guess. 00:08 < schestowitz> which might be a new record, I did not check the timed chart 00:09 < schestowitz> 35k is 'small' 00:09 < schestowitz> wait until 10 million get it 00:09 < schestowitz> or 100 million 00:09 < schestowitz> and then you magnify deaths by orders of magnitude and hospitals cannot keep up 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, people are laughing about it and repeating Trump's bullshit that it has a 98% survival rate so shit happens. 00:09 < schestowitz> Merkel (de) estimated back in April 70% of people will have it 00:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Which must be fantastic if you're not part of the 2%. 00:09 < schestowitz> so they need to pace the spread down 00:10 < schestowitz> or find some cure, reuse plasma with antibodies etc. 00:10 < schestowitz> more like 91% 00:11 < schestowitz> depending on the age of the infected and location 00:11 < schestowitz> 5,041,958 (91%) 00:11 < DaemonFC[m]> More likely, it'll fucking trash the economy, kill hundreds of thousands of Americans, and then become endemic while the drug companies guzzle taxpayer money for drugs like Remdesivir. Hey, it may be expensive, but at least there's no evidence that it works. 00:11 < schestowitz> Recovered / Discharged 00:11 < schestowitz> 479,818 (9%) 00:11 < schestowitz> Deaths 00:11 < schestowitz> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries 00:11 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,355,179 Cases and 479,818 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer 00:11 < schestowitz> flu is about 99% 00:11 < schestowitz> and we have shots for flu 00:11 < schestowitz> we give them to vulnerable people each year in the season, later months of the year 00:11 < schestowitz> so the survival rates are high even for them 00:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, it's been like 4 flu seasons worth of dead Americans in 90 days. 00:12 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: rent 'pardon' is over soon 00:12 < DaemonFC[m]> But the government wants you to go shopping. 00:12 < schestowitz> people will become homeless 00:12 < schestowitz> evicted for not paying rent 00:12 < schestowitz> there's no solution to it, there will be more riots and revolts/uprisings 00:12 < schestowitz> this system relies on shopping 00:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, but then the landlords will put their businesses in Chapter 11 and lose a lot of that property. 00:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Who knows where the shit eventually lands? 00:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Try to avoid some of it if you can. 00:13 < schestowitz> it's the only way for 'peasants' to circulate cash 00:13 < schestowitz> the alternative is to force oligarchs to bring back wealth from their tax haven islands 00:13 < schestowitz> and then pour that back into where they stole it from 00:13 < schestowitz> and they don't want to do that 00:14 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:14 < schestowitz> we only buy what we really need 00:14 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 00:14 < schestowitz> you cannot rely on savings either right now 00:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Same here. I use grocery pickup and avoid going into the store. 00:14 < schestowitz> and there's no "Safe" investment of money... like buying a house 00:15 < schestowitz> [12:26] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53148678 00:15 < schestowitz> [12:27] [Notice] -TechrightsBot-tr to #techrights- www.bbc.co.uk | Coronavirus: House sales plummeted by 50% in May - BBC News 00:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.bbc.co.uk | Coronavirus: House sales plummeted by 50% in May - BBC News 00:15 < schestowitz> I bought loads of food yesterday, took a massive backpack for it 00:15 < schestowitz> there are smaller stored where you'd be one of two, at most, customers 00:16 < schestowitz> get back home, throw away the clothes, keep shoes outside, showed, start afresh 00:16 < schestowitz> rianne washes all the groceries one by one with soap 00:16 < schestowitz> the bag stay outside 00:17 < schestowitz> so far we didn't contract the thing, so it's worth the hassle 00:17 < schestowitz> tbf, we both work from home, so we have it easy... other people get all lonely and depressed... and lack money for basics by now 00:18 < schestowitz> Trump will lose your 2020 election IF it goes on... which i doubt is a certainty 00:18 < schestowitz> he can see the polls and the tulsa turnout 00:18 < schestowitz> Started with dreams of "MAGA", ended up in shambles as things stand 00:19 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I have to drop Mandy off at work and pick him up and he works at the Walmart where I order food from. 00:19 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's mostly a couple trips a week. 00:19 < schestowitz> it cannot improve this summer, no sign of the commercial side of things - let aside health - improving.. people are running out of money and safety nets 00:20 < schestowitz> See graph v 00:20 < schestowitz> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ 00:20 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | United States Coronavirus: 2,424,418 Cases and 123,475 Deaths - Worldometer 00:21 < schestowitz> so yesterday was third highest number of new cases 00:22 < schestowitz> most deaths per day was almost 2,700 00:22 < schestowitz> a 9/11 00:22 < schestowitz> +5,370 cases in TX 00:22 < schestowitz> In FL +3,286 00:22 < schestowitz> thrice the UK 00:23 < schestowitz> and they talk about reopening malls and stuff... 00:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Not talk about it. Are doing it. 00:42 -!- zoobab [zoobab@] has joined #techrights 00:53 < schestowitz> So employees are forced to become ill 00:53 < schestowitz> or be unemployed 00:53 < schestowitz> great. maga maga 01:02 -!- Firee [~Firee@unaffiliated/firee] has joined #techrights 01:11 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 01:11 < DaemonFC[m]> How are audio cassettes coming back? 01:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Do people just forget what having the player eating a tape was like? 01:15 < schestowitz> getting devices that can play them is not easy 01:15 < schestowitz> not mass produced, hence pricey 01:15 < schestowitz> my walkmans are all broken 01:15 < schestowitz> my stereo, which still works (it's from 1994 I think) has a faulty tape, both sides 01:16 < schestowitz> tape cassette player, still works for Aux and radio (FM/AM) is mostly OK 01:16 < schestowitz> so, I still have tapes, but nothing to play them with.. 01:17 < schestowitz> planned obsolescence 01:17 < schestowitz> miles upon miles of useless magnetic tapes, with nothing to make sense of them 01:18 < schestowitz> it is already getting hard to find CD players 01:18 < schestowitz> when I reviewed inventories of refurbished PCs/laptops this year, about 5 times in total (including this past Sunday), I found that few still come with a CD drive 01:19 < schestowitz> it is good for the copyirhgt cartel 01:19 < schestowitz> selling you or renting to you (streaming) again and again the same "content" you already paid for.. in an older format 01:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Not necessarily. People are ripping lossless streaming now. 01:19 < schestowitz> as your "old stuff" no longer works and you run out of "content" you can >actually< play 01:20 < schestowitz> into what format? 01:20 < DaemonFC[m]> So at least there's that. Also, I doubt CD will be gone from Japan for years. They were still making fucking Betamax tapes well into the 2000s. 01:20 < schestowitz> usb thumbdrive? 01:20 < DaemonFC[m]> WavPack on flash memory. 01:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I might have to get a bigger SD card for my phone eventually. 01:20 < DaemonFC[m]> 512 GB ought to hold me for a while . Give the 256 to Mandy. 01:21 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: That's exactly what I want to avoid proprietary formats for. What the hell good are they if you can't read the data back out easily? 01:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Someone put about a dozen CDs I downloaded in Monkey's Audio and I spent hours yesterday with my computer plugging along like a dead elephant converting them all to WavPack. 01:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Sometimes WavPack -hh -x6 results in a 30-40 kbps savings over FLAC -8 01:25 < DaemonFC[m]> So if you walk away from the computer for a day or so and let it do its thing you can save a substantial amount of space. 01:32 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The price of a stereo with a CD player in it..... I bought one for $120. A pretty nice one too. 01:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Nobody wants them. Best Buy has like 3-4 LG models. 01:33 < DaemonFC[m]> The CD player is being taken out of cars even though it only costs them like $40 and the car is $45,000. 01:35 < DaemonFC[m]> Super high sampling rates seem to mostly be a good way of wasting space with PCM. 01:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Though WavPack can efficiently store DSDs without a PCM conversion if you can find some. 01:39 < schestowitz> zoobab: 01:39 < schestowitz> http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/06/22/period-of-provisional-application-unified-patent-court-agreement-can-start-this-year/ 01:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | 'Period of provisional application Unified Patent Court Agreement can start this year' - Kluwer Patent Blog 01:39 < schestowitz> " 01:39 < schestowitz> I’m enjoying this thread, and laughing at the words picked out by commenter “One of those” in particular that extremely revealing choice of words “As far as I can see….” to open the sentence. 01:39 < schestowitz> People old enough to have reached positions where they decide the question UPCA Y/N? will well remember Simon & Garfunkel back in the 1970’s singing “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”. No different, I would say, between hearing, seeing and selective memory. The cognitive dissonance of the human brain is a timeless wonder, not least in the corridors of power in Brussels. 01:39 < schestowitz> As an Englishman in Germany, I find it striking, how difficult people find it, to distinguish fact from the opinion of the leading expert. It seems to be a bit of a “chicken and egg” situation. Is it the predisposition to trust the expert that comes first? Or is it the self-confidence with which the experts deliver their opinion that predisposes people to accept them? 01:39 < schestowitz> And why the English scepticism (even ridicule) of self-important pontifications of experts? Perhaps it comes from our adversarial system of civil litigation, where expert evidence is a staple but where it is inevitable, at trial, under cross-examination, one or other of the opposing experts is going to be exposed as unconvincing. Knowing this already, even before they deliver their written report/opinion, experts giving witness 01:39 < schestowitz> evidence in civil litigation in England, are extremely cautious, in every word they write, for their very reputation, the basis of their exalted status, is at stake. 01:39 < schestowitz> I recall that old story about the English, busy losing the Boer War and the reporter on site for the London Times sending back to London one gloomy report after another. Exasperated, his Editor sent him a cablegram which read “Send news of victories”. I wonder, does Mr Tilmann (consultant to Hogan Lovells, one of the world’s most prominent international litigation law firms) sometimes feel a bit like that reporter? 01:39 < schestowitz> Readers, I heartily recommend the current issue of der Spiegel and its eyebrow-raising report on the activities of Philipp Amthor, in pursuance of his employment as Consultant to another large international law firm, White & Case, extremely well-embedded in government circles, notably in Brussels.. 01:39 < schestowitz> " 01:39 < schestowitz> Not from the gentleman who called you "zoo barb" :-) 01:40 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: does it last 20 years and will devices still play it in the future? 01:40 < schestowitz> and will that be simple? 01:41 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I don't see why not. The software is open source and handles pretty much any kind of audio you throw at it and has two implementations (official and libavcodec). 01:41 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not as popular as FLAC but I don't see why you couldn't read the data back out if you had to. 01:42 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:42 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 01:42 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't believe I didn't notice the .wv extension as having two meanings. 01:43 < DaemonFC[m]> A compressed wav file, obviously, but also a representation of a waveform. 01:43 < DaemonFC[m]> I was looking at it one day and the second part hit me. 02:11 -!- Firre [~Firee@] has joined #techrights 02:11 -!- Firee [~Firee@unaffiliated/firee] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:12 -!- Firre is now known as Firee 02:28 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 02:37 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 02:39 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 03:08 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:14 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 03:21 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:29 -!- GuySoft [2e74869c@46-116-134-156.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #techrights 03:29 -!- GuySoft [2e74869c@46-116-134-156.bb.netvision.net.il] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:29 -!- guysoft42 [~guysoft@46-116-134-156.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #techrights 03:31 -!- guysoft42 [~guysoft@46-116-134-156.bb.netvision.net.il] has quit [Client Quit] 03:34 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 03:43 -!- viera [~viera@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 03:43 -!- superkuh [~superkuh@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:47 < schestowitz> Ariadne: viera has just crashed 04:04 -!- superkuh [~superkuh@unaffiliated/superkuh] has joined #techrights 04:20 -!- ghanima [~craig_000@c-69-245-193-1.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 04:24 -!- viera [~viera@] has joined #techrights 04:45 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:13 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:34 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 05:34 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 05:37 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:01 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 06:09 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 06:20 -!- mode/#techrights [+o MinceR] by ChanServ 07:38 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668748.png 07:44 < schestowitz> x https://www.cyberscoop.com/enabling-secure-remote-work-embracing-zero-trust/ 07:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Enabling secure remote work by embracing Zero Trust - CyberScoop 07:45 < schestowitz> # full circle back to the 1980s -- don't trust the network 07:47 <@MinceR> i don't see what's wrong about that 07:48 <@MinceR> especially if it's finally the end of shitty corporate proprietary VPN clients that rarely work if ever, crash all the time, aren't compatible with anything and forget their own settings 07:48 <@MinceR> (but hey, they ship with really flashy UIs on Backdoors and they probably gave some of the upper management some kickbacks!) 07:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Tips for switching your team to a SharePoint open source alternative http://tuxmachines.org/node/139096 [https://pleroma.site/objects/16fe6216-270a-439b-86b6-d4ace1d9ad21] 07:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://tuxmachines.org/node/139097 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ca9e52e2-9553-4d99-9400-c301df3b1d56] 07:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The New macOS Big Sur Looks Like…Deepin Linux http://tuxmachines.org/node/139098 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6ae3e75f-4e83-425d-b408-e51de9dfa8e2] 07:58 <@MinceR> they both look like shit 07:58 <@MinceR> enormous rounded corners wasting tons of space, fisher-price look 08:10 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio:unimportant) https://i.imgur.com/YHNYEWi.mp4 08:54 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 09:09 <@MinceR> https://files.catbox.moe/vz6e9t.jpg 09:10 < XRevan86> https://youtu.be/MlOPPuNv4Ec 09:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 09:10 < XRevan86> and without direct processor cooling 09:17 < schestowitz> ha 09:17 < schestowitz> I like this meme face 09:17 < schestowitz> though I don't know its origins 09:18 < XRevan86> https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/stonks 09:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- knowyourmeme.com | Stonks | Know Your Meme 09:18 < zoobab> pong 09:18 < XRevan86> * https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/meme-man 09:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- knowyourmeme.com | Meme Man | Know Your Meme 09:18 < schestowitz> lol 09:18 < schestowitz> zoobab: ping 09:19 < zoobab> German Ministry of Justice just published some stuff about upload filters 09:20 < zoobab> "What is in the draft of the " 09:20 < zoobab> @BMJV_Bund to implement #Artikel17 or #Artikel13 into German law? I explain that in the video. Unfortunately there are #Uploadfilter inside, but also a lot of good for users and creators. Here you can find the video: 09:20 < zoobab> https://twitter.com/woelken/status/1275780354905985026 09:20 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @woelken: Was steht drin im Entwurf des @BMJV_Bund zur Umsetzung von #Artikel17 bzw #Artikel13 ins deutsche Recht? Das erklä… https://t.co/5jYC7c5y1w 09:20 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @woelken: Was steht drin im Entwurf des @BMJV_Bund zur Umsetzung von #Artikel17 bzw #Artikel13 ins deutsche Recht? Das erklä… https://t.co/5jYC7c5y1w 09:20 < zoobab> "Without #Uploadfilter it will probably not work. " 09:20 < zoobab> @BMJV_Bund just got the first draft for the dt implementation of #Artikel17 (aka #Artikel13 ) of the EU #Urheberrechtsrichtlinie released. However, the following is considered: 20 seconds of film / sound, 1000 characters of text, 1 image / graphic may be uploaded. 09:21 < zoobab> https://twitter.com/kbecker/status/1275775688444907521 09:21 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @kbecker: Ganz ohne #Uploadfilter wird es wohl nicht gehen. @BMJV_Bund hat gerade ersten Entwurf zur dt Umsetzung von… https://t.co/OfyFWaFLUT 09:21 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @kbecker: Ganz ohne #Uploadfilter wird es wohl nicht gehen. @BMJV_Bund hat gerade ersten Entwurf zur dt Umsetzung von… https://t.co/OfyFWaFLUT 09:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Ex-Zodiac, Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139099 [https://pleroma.site/objects/47990944-b7d9-470d-ae8c-a0e7c3d55026] 09:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi and Trace Together (Singapore) Token http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139100 [https://pleroma.site/objects/86f76c09-d6a9-479a-9e51-8b6fa0c6f600] 09:35 < zoobab> https://twitter.com/Senficon/status/1275782824717672448 09:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @Senficon: Breaking: German justice ministry @BMJV_Bund just published its proposal for implementation of #Article17. It break… https://t.co/a4RFCloAVL 09:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @Senficon: Breaking: German justice ministry @BMJV_Bund just published its proposal for implementation of #Article17. It break… https://t.co/a4RFCloAVL 09:35 < zoobab> "Breaking: German justice ministry " 09:35 < zoobab> @BMJV_Bund 09:35 < zoobab> just published its proposal for implementation of #Article17. It breaks with the government's promise not to use #uploadfilters, but includes some meaningful user rights safeguards. 09:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139101 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0c9c6a64-05c2-4e2c-8d8c-6fb63c78e153] 09:39 -!- Firee [~Firee@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:50 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:03 < oiaohm> https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2020/06/17/uefi-scanner-brings-microsoft-defender-atp-protection-to-a-new-level/ wounder how long until this false positive's. 10:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- UEFI scanner brings Microsoft Defender ATP protection to a new level - Microsoft Security 10:14 < schestowitz> microsoft span 10:14 < schestowitz> spam 10:14 < schestowitz> Dear stupid sites that tell us "Microsoft loves Linux" (a lie): #microsoft works for the #nsa and only foolish #gnu #linux users would put Microsoft's proprietary software on their systems, even if it says "defender" and "security" 10:17 <@MinceR> finally Backdoors10 will complain if the user dares to have a real OS installed? 10:18 <@MinceR> well, the article has the usual ratio of bullshit to information 10:18 <@MinceR> (the entire page vs. 0) 10:18 < schestowitz> WHY do 'new' sites even cover this? 10:19 < schestowitz> Shows how corrupt they are... 10:19 <@MinceR> but at least i know that after "telemetry", the next piece of terminology microshit is stealing is "sensor" 10:19 < schestowitz> It should just be some press release somewhere, to be ignored... 10:20 < schestowitz> BillG came up with "pedometers" http://techrights.org/2012/06/19/pedometers/ 10:20 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Billions for Indoctrinating Children | Techrights 10:20 < schestowitz> they actually call spying on kids that.. 10:20 < superkuh> Oh comon'. Don't you start up with that think of the children bs. 10:20 <@MinceR> lol 10:21 < superkuh> Yes, yes, MS bad. But it doesn't mean we should adopt the stupid tactics of the enemy. 10:34 < cybrNaut> when i read "pedometer" my first thought was "pedophile detector".. had to read further to see that it was a monitor to count walking steps 10:34 < XRevan86> cybrNaut: What did you think a pedal was? :D 10:34 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668821.png 10:35 < cybrNaut> i know what it is, but in the context Gates and charity and children.. 10:55 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668793.jpg 10:58 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139105 [https://pleroma.site/objects/50776fb7-3cb3-4ab7-8a09-10f45fa64426] 11:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Laptop With Ubuntu 20.04 Is Available To Buy At $1,099.99 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139070#comment-25586 [https://pleroma.site/objects/09bafaf6-e8b8-4b18-9aaa-90d70de11ffe] 11:01 < XRevan86> racist-approved 11:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139106 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d173d512-92e2-468f-95c6-f755798db345] 11:04 <@MinceR> :) 11:04 <@MinceR> racist tested, racist approved 11:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu 20.04 vs. Windows 10 WSL/WSL2 Performance In 170+ Benchmarks http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139104 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5f32a106-bb58-442b-9824-d6117ea1aff8] 11:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi 4: Chronicling the Desktop Experience – Terminal Emulators – Week 35 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139103 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ce31b92b-6f63-4639-9acc-46a10f4ce02f] 11:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GIMP for Authors http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139102 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b21f62d7-8779-47bf-b4bb-bac5c3d5c2f7] 11:14 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 11:24 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 11:25 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668653.jpg 11:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: Mesa 20.2, AMDVLK 2020.Q2.5, Mike Blumenkrantz’s Work and Microsoft’s EEE http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139107 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7188d76f-67da-430b-bc8e-afdf61ad5ac0] 11:40 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 12:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FUD and Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139108 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6b7094c6-75ef-4532-b2ac-c0d6fc0af372] 12:09 < XRevan86> https://youtu.be/kY5FjDpnfYQ impressive 12:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 12:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming: Python, Rust, Nodejs and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139109 [https://pleroma.site/objects/cec7271c-6053-4892-97c6-42fb8f4a1616] 12:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139110 [https://pleroma.site/objects/25662c49-e5aa-4679-bca6-76ac05bcdc57] 12:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Software Wars 2020, LINUX Unplugged and mintCast http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139111 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9e3bf01d-8d68-49f9-b55d-d9b492563a28] 12:21 <@MinceR> lol 12:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Red Hat, SUSE, Sparky, Ubuntu and GNU/Linux Software http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139112 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4ed2a522-fd67-45fe-a0e3-a48aa93a6999] 12:23 <@MinceR> "civilization" 12:24 < XRevan86> MinceR: No, Saratov 12:24 <@MinceR> i mean, what humans keep referring to as "civilization" 12:28 < XRevan86> MinceR: That's one way to look at it 12:32 < XRevan86> A bit of context: the guy with the phone is Nikolai Bondarenko, one of the five CPRF deputees in the Saratov Oblast Duma… actually, I just found all the information in English: https://izwest.livejournal.com/5724037.html 12:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- izwest.livejournal.com | "Got a bottle in domes": the fight Saratov deputies caught on video: izwest — LiveJournal 12:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 24/6/2020: ARM and GNU/Linux Top TOP500, Apple ARMed, Microsoft Lays Off Workers http://techrights.org/2020/06/24/apple-armed/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/a2db8712-42c8-4da1-a89c-629e726e996f] 12:37 <@MinceR> is the CPRF allied with putin? 12:38 < XRevan86> MinceR: It's a weird blend of opposition and pro-regime. 12:38 <@MinceR> his majesty's loyal opposition? 12:38 < XRevan86> MinceR: The higher you go, the less oppositional it becomes. 12:39 <@MinceR> :> 12:39 <@MinceR> controlled opposition 12:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: Yes. 12:40 <@MinceR> s/opposition/"&"/ 12:40 < XRevan86> But less so in regional parliaments. The results of which we can see here. 12:40 <@MinceR> :> 12:42 <@MinceR> who's the bald guy? 12:42 < XRevan86> I guess it makes sense, as CPRF simply would not have existed if it weren't any different from United Russia, all the benefits for the corrupt are in UnRu after all. 12:44 < XRevan86> MinceR: dunno, I can guess the party with 100% accurasy though 12:44 <@MinceR> (cat) (audio:unimportant) https://i.imgur.com/4cPcjsA.mp4 12:44 < XRevan86> accuracy 12:44 <@MinceR> :> 12:47 < XRevan86> https://saratov.er.ru/persons/10179/ he? 12:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- saratov.er.ru | Саратовское региональное отделение всероссийской политической Партии «Единая Россия» 12:47 < XRevan86> Anatoly Tsipyaschuk 12:48 <@MinceR> :) 12:48 < XRevan86> looks like him, sans the hair 13:22 < XRevan86> https://perl.com/article/announcing-perl-7/ seriously? 13:22 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Announcing Perl 7 13:22 <@MinceR> lol 13:23 < XRevan86> > Perl 7.0 is going to be v5.32 but with different, saner, more modern defaults. 13:23 <@MinceR> double lol 13:23 <@MinceR> so they're giving up on raku? 13:23 < XRevan86> Doesn't "use v5.32" already yield the same result? 13:23 < XRevan86> use v7 is fundamentally different? 13:24 < XRevan86> MinceR: No, but I guess this is exactly because Raku is Raku. 13:24 <@MinceR> i wonder if there's any version of perl/raku where the compiler can actually tell you what its problem is with the syntax 13:25 <@MinceR> or where OOP isn't fucked, or where closures work properly, or where passing non-scalar parameters isn't fucked 13:26 <@MinceR> i've heard they at least wanted to make sigils a bit less of a pain in the ass in raku 13:26 < XRevan86> I wonder if they'll ever deliver decent function prototypes 13:26 <@MinceR> :> 13:28 < XRevan86> > Why 7 and not 6? 13:28 < XRevan86> The exact same reasons why PHP 6 never came to be, duh 13:28 <@MinceR> because there was no point to PHP in the first place? 13:32 <@MinceR> still, i don't understand how bumping the version to 7 would provide new defaults "even without specifying the version" while still having "Perl 5’s extreme backward compatibility behavior" 13:33 < XRevan86> MinceR: Clearly it won't. 13:33 < XRevan86> I guess the point made is that it's easy to write code that's compatible with both, if one just doesn't use crap. 13:34 < XRevan86> (except for perl) 13:35 <@MinceR> just don't make any coding errors ever and it won't matter whether use strict or use warnings was default or not 13:35 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:35 < XRevan86> MinceR: PHP makes stuff like hosting many simple pages easy. 13:36 < XRevan86> MinceR: I guess if one wants compatibility with both, one has to add all that stuff there. 13:36 <@MinceR> it was already simple with mod_perl, for example 13:37 <@MinceR> it's just that PHP promotes bad practices, bad choices in naming and bad syntax 13:37 < XRevan86> MinceR: Perl promotes that more 13:37 <@MinceR> perl doesn't promote embedding code into your html 13:38 <@MinceR> perl doesn't promote making your code depend on a particular RDBMS either, does it? 13:38 < XRevan86> MinceR: Any guide on PHP will tell you "please use a template engine" 13:38 <@MinceR> and last time i checked perl's standard library namespace wasn't the unmitigated mess that is PHP's 13:38 <@MinceR> yes, the guides will tell you that 13:38 < XRevan86> MinceR: Um, PHP PDO 13:38 <@MinceR> PHP will tell you "just embed your code in your html, what's the worst that could happen?" 13:39 <@MinceR> is that the one they moved out of official PHP? 13:39 < XRevan86> MinceR: No, it's very much in 13:39 <@MinceR> good 13:40 <@MinceR> PHP also initializes global variables to GET parameters by default 13:40 < XRevan86> MinceR: It doesn't do that anymore. 13:40 < XRevan86> Since PHP 5.something 13:40 <@MinceR> it was so much fun writing an extra page for a system that depended on this misfeature 13:41 < XRevan86> The best way to get GET is filter_input 13:41 <@MinceR> the best way to get GET is probably some python framework 13:41 <@MinceR> certainly not PHP 13:42 < XRevan86> but many people will just go for the $GET array 13:42 <@MinceR> "there’s still much to be done to make Unicode the default, so you’ll probably need to keep some of that" 13:42 <@MinceR> sounds like they're not ready to make a new major version yet 13:42 <@MinceR> but they'll do it anyway! 13:43 < XRevan86> > What’s disappearing? 13:43 < XRevan86> > Perl 4-style prototype definitions (use :prototype() instead) 13:43 < XRevan86> Well, at least it looks like they're making way for better prototypes ("signatures") 13:43 < XRevan86> would make sense to first get them out of experimental "not yet finished" features 13:55 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 13:58 < DaemonFC[m]> I found a vinyl rip of Back to Black by Amy Winehouse. 13:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Even with the pops and crackling noises, it's better than the CD. 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> I might run it through Audacity and see if I can clean it up a litle. 14:01 < DaemonFC[m]> That was a great album but the CD is so brick walled you can't listen to it. 14:18 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has joined #techrights 14:53 < scientes> wow 15:10 < XRevan86> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-1054-release-notes/ 15:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- MariaDB 10.5.4 Release Notes - MariaDB Knowledge Base 15:12 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/politics-3 15:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Politics 15:17 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Did you see that article about how the GUI of the latest Mac OS is pretty much a straight up ripoff of Deepin? 15:17 < DaemonFC[m]> https://itsfoss.com/macos-big-sur-deepin/ 15:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- itsfoss.com | The New macOS Big Sur Looks Like...Deepin Linux - It's FOSS 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> 5,511 new COVID-19 cases reported in Florida today. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> More than all of Europe in one state. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Jesus 15:35 -!- Sajesajama [Salsa@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/sajesajama] has joined #techrights 15:40 <@MinceR> tuxmachines wrote about it and i commented on it here :> 15:43 -!- titanbiscuit [~tbisk@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 15:43 -!- titanbiscuit [~tbisk@] has joined #techrights 15:55 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/their 15:55 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Their 16:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Apparently, the Trump rally in Arizona was packed and nobody was wearing masks. 16:42 < DaemonFC[m]> This will end well. 17:02 < superkuh> re: Perl 7, it's mostly good. But I like barename filehandles. Guess I'll just enable them manually. tmtowtdi. 17:06 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/thin-ice 17:06 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Thin Ice 17:32 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I saw that 17:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Canonical’s Ubuntu 20.04 Linux now available on Dell XPS 13 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139070#comment-25587 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2ffd1237-0de8-4a6e-9375-b45323b44d94] 17:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The 10 Best Ubuntu Derivatives: Choose Your Ubuntu Linux in 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139113 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4ca2ec42-2ae3-4507-900d-b71d643b1a7c] 17:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Flatpak 1.8 Released with Improved P2P Support, New Systemd Unit, and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139114 [https://pleroma.site/objects/031e1920-2d6b-40e6-b057-3bd9f2671d8e] 17:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139115 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0beff9f4-6fed-49fc-8526-f9b20aa6fef9] 18:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Perl/Raku 7 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139116 [https://pleroma.site/objects/65376115-51c6-47ab-8eb3-3816ffe639a0] 18:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139117 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d029990d-f21a-4cb3-9c26-062ccbfb7faa] 18:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: RADV, Mesa and Linux Beta Driver 450.51 From NVIDIA http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139118 [https://pleroma.site/objects/53289753-c380-451b-b3ed-4b6450252f97] 18:49 < DaemonFC[m]> It's impossible to look at these numbers and not come to a conclusion that the US dipped for about a month and then went right back into a massive second wave. 18:50 < DaemonFC[m]> The death toll lags by about 10-14 days it seems. 18:50 < DaemonFC[m]> So we're not going to start seeing the effect in the daily death tolls for 6 more days or so. 18:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Until then the "It's going away." narrative might work on people who aren't really paying attention or don't want to believe what's happening. 18:52 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:01 < schestowitz> Midnight. +36,642 cases of #covid19 in the US. 19:04 <@MinceR> perl 7 is not raku 19:05 < schestowitz> oh, I see... 19:05 < schestowitz> I was hesitant about this... 19:06 < schestowitz> let me retitle that 19:06 < schestowitz> done 19:06 <@MinceR> :) 19:11 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Stellarium 0.20.2 Released as 20 Year Anniversary Celebration http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139119 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a0cc75e-8aa1-4140-8a6b-107f7e626b85] 19:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices/Embedded: Raspberry PI, CHUWI LarkBox and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139120 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0b7f0f9c-8201-49f3-bbfa-161932c00542] 19:40 < schestowitz> #mozilla : we pushed out our CEO, Mr. JavaScript , we brought in #microsoft managers instead 19:40 < schestowitz> Now we're a political entity. Hours ago: 19:40 < schestowitz> https://blog.mozilla.org/firefox/pride-browser-themes-for-firefox/ 19:40 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | Celebrate Pride with these colorful browser themes for Firefox | The Firefox Frontier 19:40 < schestowitz> https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2020/06/24/were-proud-to-join-stophateforprofit/ 19:40 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | We’re proud to join #StopHateForProfit - The Mozilla Blog 19:40 < schestowitz> https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2020/06/24/immigrants-remain-core-to-the-u-s-strength/ 19:40 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | Immigrants Remain Core to the U.S.’ Strength - The Mozilla Blog 19:40 < schestowitz> does mozilla need to even 'reinvent' itself as a political party? 19:40 < schestowitz> They will only split their userbase 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, your friend Mr. Homophobe is running Brave now. 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> He's basically the entire reason why Tor Browser could possibly leak your IP address. 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's kind of bizarre that Brave has a Tor Mode. 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Most attacks on a web browser only work if you have Javascript turned on because it's hell on wheels. 19:44 < insmodppa> schestowitz: What userbase? ;) 19:45 < DaemonFC[m]> All 4-5% who haven't fled to Google's PRISM browser. 19:45 < schestowitz> insmodppa: the way they're going, there will be none left 19:46 < schestowitz> [00:43] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): At this stage, it would not shock me if #mozilla #firefox started coming up with "Mozilla endorses X for Prime Minister" pop-ups. They also have political #censorship ambitions. In BROWSER level. [https://pleroma.site/objects/bab31fe4-84c6-47e8-a0b0-4821a5f7f4a0] 19:46 < schestowitz> [00:44] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): And even if I mostly AGREE with the political stance of #mozilla CEO I do NOT want my browser to become a political tool, or a vehicle of politics. Keep it neutral, keep it technical. [https://pleroma.site/objects/b5370b54-185b-47ea-8457-044d6f0601c7] 19:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 19:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 19:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Google software development practices are as bad as most proprietary software companies. 19:49 -!- psymin_ [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> We don't even know how many software licenses Chromium violates because Google stuffed it full of files with no license attached. 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> It seems that Google does a lot of stuff it shouldn't and considers potential lawsuits as a cost of business. Maybe your company does not. 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Thanks to them, Android is a rat's nest that can't even be shipped as open source in the United States. 19:52 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I moved off mozilla mostly 19:52 < schestowitz> except thunderbird 19:52 < schestowitz> I use qupzilla, konqueror and falkon 19:52 < schestowitz> never chrom* anything 19:52 < schestowitz> and yes, I know there's blink there 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Better export your mailbox. They don't really care if Thunderbird works or not. 19:53 < schestowitz> but no connections or sessions with google servers 19:53 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I have backups 19:53 < schestowitz> not nightly but weekly (ish) 19:53 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I have some idea... 19:53 < schestowitz> let's see what you make of it 19:53 < schestowitz> I have dozens of pages 19:53 < schestowitz> from the Seattle police 19:53 < schestowitz> they show how police works with Google 19:54 < DaemonFC[m]> There's also an ungoogled-chromium apparently. 19:54 < schestowitz> in this case ratting out pedophiles 19:54 < schestowitz> but... 19:54 < schestowitz> releasing it might be spun as 19:54 < schestowitz> 1) protecting a pedo 19:54 < schestowitz> 2) ruining the law enforcement process 19:54 < schestowitz> 3) giving 'tips' to bad people 19:54 < schestowitz> so I am not sure whether to release it and, if so, in what form 19:54 < schestowitz> it would certainly make people think twice about gmail 19:55 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm not really sure why anyone would do anything involving Google that they wouldn't want the police knowing about. 19:57 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 19:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Perl 7, not quite getting better yethttp://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139116#comment-25588 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0dc7f453-414b-4ff5-924c-8558026c66d0] 20:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Grml - new stable release 2020.06 available http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139121 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4f841d69-967c-4b33-b1c8-1faf216d5a90] 20:14 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: who says criminals are smart thinking how many get done in each year for posting their crimes on youtube. 20:18 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: SUSE/OpenSUSE: Upcoming openSUSE Leap Release, YaST Development Sprint and SUSE Cloud Application Platform 2.0 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139122 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d67f5661-a5ac-4e68-ba3e-b80a5c0db83d] 20:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Or they'll kill someone on Facebook Live. Yeah, many are just plain dumb. 20:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Like, if you were going to have CP, why would you put it on a Google Drive? 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Don't people know that they have software that looks through images and videos and recognizes quite a bit of that? 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Theoretically, Windows Defender could be reporting that to Microsoft too. 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> It sends a hashed value to them about every file it scans on someone's computer. 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Now there's a Linux version! 20:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: FLOSS Weekly, Linux Journal People, Raspberry Pi Video and Linux Headlines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139123 [https://pleroma.site/objects/27360d4c-8a78-4b67-94be-8f14057c55d4] 20:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Bad idea to do anything where you'll definitely be caught, and all of the major tech companies are part of PRISM and almost always cooperate with law enforcement and have back doors into their products. Apple gives iCloud phone backups to the cops. 20:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Then the cops complain that a phone that they don't even need anymore after that is encrypted. 20:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla Politics, Mozilla WebThings Gateway and Voice Projects http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139124 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1ba47156-ae94-433c-a594-d5ac0bd57c2d] 20:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat: Openwashing Mainframes, DMSs, DSPs, Cockpit and Ansible http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139125 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4df9e8d5-ddf0-4115-a404-0a37fbb4f2f3] 20:29 < schestowitz> [01:19] Like, if you were going to have CP, why would you put it on a Google Drive? 20:29 < schestowitz> he did that, too... 20:29 < schestowitz> [01:14] DaemonFC[m]: who says criminals are smart thinking how many get done in each year for posting their crimes on youtube. 20:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, obvious bad idea is obvious. 20:29 < schestowitz> the dumb criminals are caught fast 20:30 < schestowitz> the more clever and informed one can become mass murderers 20:30 < schestowitz> because they're harder to catch, sometimes never get caught 20:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, people who can't sit down for a minute and go "Okay, if I was the police, what would I do to catch me?". 20:30 < schestowitz> the police would rather boast about dumb ones, the "Easy cases" 20:30 < DaemonFC[m]> "Oh I know. Ask Google for me files Herpa Derp Derp!" 20:30 < DaemonFC[m]> *my 20:31 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Yeah, some guy I know in Waukegan is dating a convict on lifetime probation with ankle monitoring. 20:32 < DaemonFC[m]> The cops used a fake account on Grindr and told the guy they were a 14 year old. He went to meet the "14 year old", and got a pair of handcuffs. Then they found CP on his phone. 20:34 < DaemonFC[m]> They get people to agree to something that they know they shouldn't do, then when they have them they have probable cause to check the phone. 20:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Then look what else they found. 20:36 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Police trolling of gay people isn't new. There's just less things they can get you for now. 20:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I remember reading one case from like the 1960s or something where a state that had a sodomy law made a deal with an 18 year old to go entrap some older man they knew was gay. 20:38 < DaemonFC[m]> 18 year old goes into the guy's shop and apparently didn't understand that his instructions were just to get the guy to agree to fuck him so he could testify to that in court. 20:38 < DaemonFC[m]> So he actually lets the guy fuck him and the police arrest him after that. 20:38 < DaemonFC[m]> At least he got to do what he was arrested for, I guess. Good for him. 20:39 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139126 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2672e599-06cf-4196-9806-462c816de96c] 20:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security: Debian LTS, Patches and Some Borderline FUD http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139127 [https://pleroma.site/objects/75fa7066-d2ee-4f7f-b856-d91d83d756ad] 20:44 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: this one had CP of girls too 20:44 < schestowitz> albeit only half a dozen 20:44 < schestowitz> compared to like 5000-6000 confirmed of males 20:44 < schestowitz> but I think he may have also done physical abuse 20:44 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't believe it took that long for people to realize what RMS was. He made creepy obsessive comments about sex with kids. Not even just a casual comment about teenagers or something, but like 12 year olds. 20:44 < schestowitz> future installments may help confirmed (or refute) 20:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Plus there's the obvious Lady Gaga thing. He really likes her apparently. 20:45 < schestowitz> what about her? 20:45 < DaemonFC[m]> One of her best tracks says that she lives for the applause and "the way that your children scream for me". 20:45 < schestowitz> I think RMS made his remark in response to some Dutch political party 20:45 < DaemonFC[m]> RMS/Lady Gaga conspiracy theory there. 20:45 < schestowitz> one that looked to legalise it 20:46 < schestowitz> but I think he made other tasteless remark in other contexts 20:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, he did. 20:46 < schestowitz> no proof that 20:46 < schestowitz> 1) he had cp 20:46 < schestowitz> 2) he abused kids 20:46 < schestowitz> 3) produced cp 20:46 < DaemonFC[m]> There's a point where it's just creepy and that's generally why we have age of consent laws. 20:47 < schestowitz> so the mere expression of a view 20:47 < schestowitz> youtube is littered with videos associating him with amos yee, who went bonkers and was banned by GAFAM 20:47 < DaemonFC[m]> He's made disturbing comments like that very young children should be "taught to have sex" by state officials. 20:47 < DaemonFC[m]> *taught how to 20:47 < schestowitz> how young? 20:47 < schestowitz> I think I know the context 20:48 < schestowitz> sexual education was taught to us around age 12... 20:48 < schestowitz> ... 20:48 < schestowitz> and that means mensuration 20:48 < schestowitz> as girls were starting to 'bleed' 20:48 < schestowitz> guys can have wet dreams etc. 20:48 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 20:48 < schestowitz> erections, and in some case two young kids doing... stuff 20:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah. We didn't get that. When I was 12 we learned that AIDS will kill you, end of story. 20:48 < schestowitz> in Russia they were taught to masturbate 20:49 < DaemonFC[m]> With a video from the 1980s (in 1996). 20:49 < schestowitz> the idea that only once one reaches 18 than BAM! sexual.... is false 20:49 < schestowitz> young girls need to be prepared for things like blood coming out of their guy, hymen etc. 20:49 < schestowitz> otherwise you can be worse off and kids can be mortified 20:50 < schestowitz> so one need to examine what RMS said 20:50 < schestowitz> in context 20:50 < schestowitz> the whole subject is difficult 20:50 < schestowitz> it was even difficult for teachers at the time 20:50 < schestowitz> here they are teaching like 12 year olds about orgasms and stuff 20:50 < schestowitz> and in this age of P-C I suppose it's even more difficult for them to do such teaching jobs 20:51 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:51 < schestowitz> it's not like they teach kids about BJs and stuff 20:51 < schestowitz> but a case of "boys will be boys"... we need to at least provide information 20:51 < schestowitz> the classes were sometimes split based on gender because of more sensitive subjects 20:52 < schestowitz> RMS did comment on people or races that mature faster than others 20:52 < schestowitz> like sexually-mature 16 year olds 20:52 < schestowitz> whether mentally mature is another rmatter 20:53 < schestowitz> CP is another matter 20:53 < DaemonFC[m]> The state sent me a plate renewal reminder for the Kia. Well, I was given very specific instructions not to talk to John about anything. 20:53 < schestowitz> because depictions of that, unless animated, can greatly harm people 20:54 < schestowitz> grown ups who were abused by clergy sometimes commit suicide 20:54 < schestowitz> or live a life of shocking memories long left behind 20:54 < schestowitz> that's why laws were passed and the culprits tracked down on 20:55 < schestowitz> (cultures that allow sex with minors unsurprisingly don't think too highly of women's equality, either) 20:56 < DaemonFC[m]> People commit suicide for all sorts of reason. I've considered it at various points. Basically, who hasn't? 20:56 < schestowitz> there's different phases 20:57 < schestowitz> 1) wish I was no born (RMS) 20:57 < schestowitz> 2) wouldn't mind not being born 20:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, no, because typically the way it goes down is it's some creepy old guy and a young girl. 20:57 < schestowitz> 3) contemplating what if I killed myself 20:57 < schestowitz> 4) considering killing oneself 20:57 < schestowitz> 5) trying to kill oneself 20:57 < schestowitz> 6) succeeding at killing oneself 20:57 < schestowitz> and maybe some in between 20:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, my mom is one of those "You support killing babies!" people over abortion. 20:58 < schestowitz> [01:57] Well, no, because typically the way it goes down is it's some creepy old guy and a young girl. 20:58 < schestowitz> I think I am more disturbed by 20:58 < DaemonFC[m]> One day I said "I wish someone had done it for me.". Got rewarded with a slap across the face. 20:58 < schestowitz> 1) 70 year old marrying a 17 year old 20:58 < schestowitz> than 2) 20 year old marrying a 15 year old 20:58 < schestowitz> should be a case-by-case thing 20:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Pretty much. 20:59 < schestowitz> the whole below/above 18 thing is already challenged in some contexts by US states, like Romeo-Julia laws 20:59 < DaemonFC[m]> When I was 19-20 I had sex with a few 16/17 year olds. Not lately. 20:59 < schestowitz> it's esp. bad for girls as they sexually mature faster and many girls under age 18 have b/fs above age 18 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Nearly (17 in like 2016) but that was before he told me about how much he liked dogs. 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> I suddenly had to be somewhere else at that point. 21:00 < schestowitz> You told me that story 21:01 < schestowitz> that's zoophilia 21:01 < schestowitz> a creepy thing that overlaps animal abuse 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, I thought he was putting me on for a few seconds just because it seemed so preposterous. 21:03 < DaemonFC[m]> People always ignore bad results when they think what they're doing is okay. 21:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Like, my mom is one of those "religious nuts" that did whatever she wanted to her whole life and then found god after life got boring anyway. 21:04 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> As part of being all Jesus-ey now, she keeps harping at me over being gay and not givign a shit about abortion. 21:04 < DaemonFC[m]> I keep saying "Adultery is its own commandment.". 21:05 < DaemonFC[m]> "Maybe your marriage didn't work out with Gonad because you were messing around with someone who didn't care that you were a married woman and if a person is willing to do one nasty unethical thing they're willing to do others." 21:06 < schestowitz> "Found God..." 21:06 < schestowitz> Who ever found God? 21:06 < schestowitz> If it's invisible 21:06 < schestowitz> (yet omnipresent, they tell us..) 21:07 < schestowitz> I "found" the invisible thing... and it's STILL invisible :-) 21:07 < schestowitz> you need "faith" to make such ludicrous statements 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> If anyone ever does explain religious people to me they get an attaboy because I'll never understand it. 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> She's got some kind of mental illness with psychotic features. 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> She said she was seeing demons and shit when she lived with Dave because one of their houses was haunted. 21:09 < schestowitz> many people have that 21:10 < schestowitz> but under religion-tolerating criteria it's classified as OK 21:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Nobody else ever saw or heard anything there so she said demons pick one person to bother so everyone else thinks that person is crazy. 21:10 < schestowitz> "man, do you believe in God?" 21:10 < schestowitz> "cool" 21:10 < schestowitz> "man, is Santa real?" 21:10 < schestowitz> "INSANE!" 21:10 < schestowitz> Tell me the difference, it's all cultural 21:10 < schestowitz> Over a billion Muslims out there do literally believe truly insane things, tooo 21:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, and psychiatry is so full of shit. 21:11 < schestowitz> (not that Catholics have much saner beliefs) 21:11 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 21:11 < schestowitz> but it is intolerant to call them delusional etc. 21:11 < DaemonFC[m]> It doesn't want to step on their toes so you have to consider "cultural background" before diagnosing schizophrenia or something. 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I realize I have bipolar disorder and I knew exactly what was happening to me. What is happening to me. 21:12 < schestowitz> humans are overrated 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I have some idea of what it must be like when a person is developing dementia but they know it. 21:12 * schestowitz thinks 21:12 * schestowitz does too 21:12 * schestowitz is a he 21:12 * schestowitz is a "they" 21:12 * schestowitz sees Santa 21:12 * schestowitz sees God 21:12 * schestowitz sees Demons 21:12 * schestowitz sees DaemonFC[m] 21:13 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not popular to say this, but there are two genders. 21:13 * schestowitz is not crazy 21:13 < DaemonFC[m]> It's an unchangeable fact and cutting your dick off doesn't change that. 21:13 * schestowitz is just different... enjoys tolerance of the differences ;-) 21:13 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: well... 21:13 < schestowitz> biologically 21:13 < schestowitz> you do get ambiguity 21:14 < schestowitz> but that's a birth/conception defects 21:14 < schestowitz> not a popular thing to do 21:14 < schestowitz> nor P-C 21:14 < schestowitz> like Aphrodites 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> If I want to be a woman there's nothing that will make me a woman, so why bother with fantasizing or whatever it is they do. 21:14 < schestowitz> afaik, reproduction is difficult 21:14 < schestowitz> so from a nature/survival POV it's considered an anomaly 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Personally, I don't care. I don't know why anyone would care. 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> It was a coin toss and you got what you got. 21:15 < schestowitz> in those cases we can accept some gender ambiguity, and biologists observe this in other species as well 21:15 < schestowitz> the radical cases are men who pretend to have uterus and PMS etc. 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Reproduction is not a desirable thing in the modern world. 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Consider that there were at least 10 million Americans who never get a job again on top of what we had before. 21:15 < schestowitz> religions like it 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> If you never had legal abortion, there'd be 50 million on top of both of those. 21:16 < schestowitz> it helps spread the religion by indoctrination 21:16 < schestowitz> conversions and defections are harder 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> They're never going to get abortion made illegal. They might drive it out of some states, but people cross a stat line and do it anyway. 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Including some of the activists that chased it out of the state to begin with. 21:17 < schestowitz> by virtue of birth alone religious institutions can grow their numbers (and thus political power) much faster and more reliably 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> In the Philippines millions of women per year have abortions even though it's banned and they don't have 28 states with loose abortion laws. 21:18 < schestowitz> contraception is opposed by the Church there 21:18 < schestowitz> even the thug Duterte challenges the church on iot 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Many people just stop believing on their own because the world is a splash of cold water. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> It's hard to believe in a God that cares about you and all that when bad shit happens every day. 21:18 < schestowitz> that's what apostasy is for 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Leaving religion is not something that requires a lot of intelligence. 21:19 < schestowitz> Saudi can arrest and kill apostates if they 'spread' their sanity 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Just enough to put 2 and 2 together. 21:19 < schestowitz> but there are social/peer pressures 21:19 < schestowitz> like losing approval from schools, relatives, sometimes friends too 21:19 < schestowitz> the support networks of apostates re targeted 21:19 < schestowitz> henece Raif's arrest in Saudi Arabia 21:20 < schestowitz> iirc, some atheists' forum 21:20 < schestowitz> KSA is very radical 21:20 < schestowitz> they even try to convert christian visitors who are there 21:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, well we know lots of people keep it to themselves. 21:21 < DaemonFC[m]> They had Mandy in that weird Filipino cult. 21:21 < DaemonFC[m]> There's like 2 million members and the rest of everyone else in the world is wrong and will burn in hell forever. 21:21 < schestowitz> Brazil has those too 21:22 < schestowitz> mankind or womankind is overrated 21:23 < schestowitz> while some people do capture some marvels and drive things forward a bunch of desert dwellers reproduce like rabbits who then kill other homo sapiens to spread their stupid, fiction-base religion 21:23 < schestowitz> that's why humans are doomed 21:23 < schestowitz> the numbers games favour those who hold society behind, and it's true at a national level too (cf trump voters) 21:24 < schestowitz> holding up a stupid bible in 2020 because there's class/race revolt 21:24 < schestowitz> back to slavery times, with the book that justifies feudalism 21:25 < schestowitz> I still don't know why they use a bible in the inauguration while talking about separation between church [sic] and state 21:25 < schestowitz> the term church is in and of itself loaded 21:26 < schestowitz> https://9to5mac.com/2020/06/24/windows-virtualization-mac-apple-silicon/ 21:26 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Microsoft vague on the future of Windows virtualization on Mac following Apple Silicon transition - 9to5Mac 21:27 < schestowitz> apple is committing suicide 21:27 < schestowitz> so weird 21:27 < schestowitz> it is run by people on LSD (AGAIN)? 21:28 < DaemonFC[m]> They had the idea of Windows on ARM. 21:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Intel warned that it would sue over any x86 patents they had if they tried to virtualize x86. 21:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Hadean Tactics, 3dSen PC, Idol Manager http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139128 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1fe16837-43cd-4229-9a23-b8705d91c291] 21:32 < schestowitz> Intel is lost 21:32 < schestowitz> some key people left recently 21:32 < schestowitz> I know closely two people who also left 21:32 < schestowitz> the writings are on the wall 21:32 < schestowitz> they make overly complex and expensive chips 21:33 < schestowitz> defects, back doors, too high an energy consumption level 21:33 < schestowitz> so the simpler and leaner ('agile') chips suddenly look OKish 21:45 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Loaded terms in free software http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139129 [https://pleroma.site/objects/da5fa5d5-ae03-49f4-a8a7-4a541f035e83] 21:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kernel: LWN Articles, LPC Town Hall and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139130 [https://pleroma.site/objects/04f8deb9-a64c-4851-8606-96dac81ef11b] 21:55 < cubexyz> tell me which cpu is good for parallelization and doesn't get too hot 21:55 < cubexyz> that's what I need 21:58 < schestowitz> "the cloud" CPU 21:58 < schestowitz> GCE 21:59 < cubexyz> you told me to get off the GCE :) 21:59 < cubexyz> oh well, no perfect solution 21:59 < cubexyz> anyways, google uses intel a lot 22:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mesa 20.1.2 Release and Linux Graphics Developers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139131 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1062703e-56e8-4d1b-9bcc-365587a293ad] 22:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu Blog on Kubeflow Pipelines, MAAS 2.8 and “Masters” http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139132 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8284c467-1f9c-45a1-b291-1a9a6ccdfaad] 22:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software: RedPen, Jitsi Meet, Opera, LibreOffice http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139133 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1834aa7e-a421-4b9f-8cb3-27333f618356] 22:45 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: 38,386 new covid19 cases in US 22:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, it's bad 22:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I hope that Shitdick forgets to renew his plate. 22:57 < DaemonFC[m]> That's a paddling when the city gets ahold of him. 22:58 < DaemonFC[m]> I purposely did not renew my free plate renewal benefit because John would be able to renew the plate without paying the $151 for the sticker. 22:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Anything I can do to hurt him a bit..... Meh. 22:59 < superkuh> I think intel is 'lost' because it's the end of the road and now it's competitive for other companies because there isn't giant year to year changes. 23:00 < superkuh> Slowly less margin as CPU move from luxury objects to just another thing with low margin. 23:00 < superkuh> That anyone can make. 23:01 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:01 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 23:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, the 20 year patent cycle and age of the x86 instruction set itself just means that there's a constant patent cliff at this point. 23:14 < DaemonFC[m]> We're at the point now I think where the patents on everything introduced in the Netburst Pentium 4 in 2000 is about to be expired. 23:15 < superkuh> It's only 20 years? 23:15 < DaemonFC[m]> I think we're a few years away from anything on the original X86-64 CPU from AMD being expired and SSE3 around the same time. 23:16 < DaemonFC[m]> So there's pretty much....most of the important things in the ISA in the public domain no later than around 2024-2025. 23:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Intel's threats are going to mean increasingly less, so I can see why Apple is eager to switch to ARM. 23:17 < DaemonFC[m]> They can do something like Rosetta again for a while for boring spreadsheets and stuff and then drop it. 23:18 < DaemonFC[m]> It moves the Mac, which is a secondary product, onto the same family of CPUs as their phones. 23:40 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:45 -!- amarsh04 [~amarsh04@2001:44b8:249:fe00:214:85ff:feee:bcc5] has joined #techrights 23:56 -!- amarsh04 [~amarsh04@2001:44b8:249:fe00:214:85ff:feee:bcc5] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] --- Day changed Thu Jun 25 2020 00:46 < DaemonFC[m]> https://finance.yahoo.com/news/a-scary-number-of-retail-companies-are-facing-bankruptcy-amid-the-coronavirus-pandemic-180604964.html 00:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- finance.yahoo.com | 'A scary number' of retail companies are facing bankruptcy amid the coronavirus pandemic 00:46 < DaemonFC[m]> When is the last time any of these stores has had a customer? 00:46 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't recall shopping at any of these places. 00:47 < DaemonFC[m]> The square footage of retail is on the way down because these companies were already dying before the virus hit. 00:50 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: This not getting a haircut thing is weird, but I guess we were broke anyway, so what the hell. 00:50 < DaemonFC[m]> i went over it yesterday with no guard and just shaved it all off. 00:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I look like Heisenberg (Walter White) and Mandy looks like the default Asian man from Fallout 3. 00:52 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Here's one to note. 00:52 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/technicolor-files-restructuring-bankruptcy-court-194558605.html 00:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.yahoo.com | Technicolor Files for Restructuring in Bankruptcy Court, Citing Coronavirus Impact 00:52 < DaemonFC[m]> The company my dad used to work for, when they called themselves Thomson, went bankrupt. 00:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, I guess without the MP3 patents....but hey, Coronavirus! 01:07 < DaemonFC[m]> I wonder what it is with Apple execs going to companies that later fail. 01:08 < DaemonFC[m]> JC Penney and Technicolor this time. 01:31 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 01:32 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 01:32 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has joined #techrights 01:51 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: zoobab will be happy 01:51 < schestowitz> it's a patent troll in effect 01:51 < schestowitz> we wrote several articles about this 'company' 01:52 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:52 < schestowitz> [05:46] When is the last time any of these stores has had a customer? 01:52 < schestowitz> we went to town on the first day of reopening 01:52 < schestowitz> in fact one hour after reopening 01:52 < schestowitz> and it was like a ghost town 01:52 < schestowitz> I expected a city full of people 01:52 < schestowitz> so this shocked me 01:52 < schestowitz> empty stores 01:53 < schestowitz> reopened just to see a few people walking like zombies with gel on 01:53 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has joined #techrights 01:53 < schestowitz> I found the whole thing a tad depressing 01:53 < schestowitz> went to town twice since 01:53 < schestowitz> but only because I needed a replacement for a broken adapter; ended up buying food too 01:53 < schestowitz> the concept of going there to shop as leisure? DEAD. 02:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, they fired thousands in Indiana to get rid of the consumer electronics division they acquired with the RCA purchase. 02:06 < DaemonFC[m]> They actually ran that division throughout the 90s before shutting down entirely in 2004 and becoming a dedicated patent troll. 02:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Patents aren't gone. They sold like 20,000 to someone else before putting themselves in bankruptcy. The CEO of Technicolor is indicted on serious crimes in France right now. 02:07 < schestowitz> we wrote about the passage of patents 02:11 < schestowitz> 2,678,426 covid19 tests in brazil with 1,192,474 positive. Imagine they tested 10 times as many... 02:17 < schestowitz> just got this: 02:17 < schestowitz> " 02:17 < schestowitz> > Sure. Well, I'll let you know when the next installment arrives. I'm not 02:17 < schestowitz> > sure what kind of time intervals they will be sent in, but I'll keep you 02:17 < schestowitz> > up to date. 02:17 < schestowitz> Hi Roy 02:17 < schestowitz> Thanks for the emails. 02:17 < schestowitz> Yes, the Gates/Epstein arrangement, from what I know, was predominantly to do with Trans-humanism and Depopulation. Many people who met with Epstein explained that he had an obsession with plans to use technology to create a 'superhuman'. He was also critical of Harvard's University's charitable work, explaining to them that they were contributing to 'overpopulation' by doing this. 02:17 < schestowitz> I think the recent Filthy Rich documentary and the testimony of Ms. Farmer has turned the spotlight back on this case. 02:17 < schestowitz> In regards to Brett P., there is still no response from the company, which I expected. Let me know if you hear anything back from them. Yes, like you, I recognize that cases like this normally involve a network. 02:18 < schestowitz> So my interest in Magic Hour is piqued. Particularly with some of the symbolism, particularly the main logo on their website. 02:18 < schestowitz> " 02:51 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 03:05 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:34 -!- mode/#techrights [+o MinceR] by ChanServ 03:57 < scientes> Technicolor! 03:57 < scientes> shouldn't they have done that in the 50s? 04:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming: GTK, Guile, Python and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139134 [https://pleroma.site/objects/155a4576-d035-4aae-a815-d7b700cc8919] 04:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139135 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a563ecf-2404-45a0-9056-dd41f19c68bc] 04:24 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 04:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 25/6/2020: #Grml 2020.06, #MariaDB 10.5.4, #Mesa 20.1.2 Release http://techrights.org/2020/06/25/grml-2020-06/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/279b9d18-f308-4ea4-a832-926231fac155] 04:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Grml 2020.06 Released: A #Debian-based Live Linux System For Sysadmin http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139121#comment-25589 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e3d6f8e9-c583-4720-9690-2e034c5c63d0] 04:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 5 modern alternatives to essential Linux command-line tools http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139136 [https://pleroma.site/objects/51e0518b-e496-4e24-baa2-9ccc268bfdb1] 04:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Getting Started with GIMP http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139137 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c5fc54f9-c643-45d4-805b-03d8b05b7550] 04:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: First #vista10 …now it’s #Microsoft #Outlook users who are hit by serious glitch http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139138 [https://pleroma.site/objects/20633345-292c-4968-b1ec-838f1b4c3278] 04:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139139 [https://pleroma.site/objects/668b1ad4-6efd-4295-837c-fe882e53dada] 05:01 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:11 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 05:24 < schestowitz> any typos here? http://techrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/nat-and-miguel-meme.jpg 05:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in #Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139140 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0fb21af7-f721-47d0-9071-9df9931a6db2] 06:37 < liberty_box> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF-8OFH8PYM 06:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- When an Elephant Smiles. Saving orphaned baby elephants amid massive scale ivory poaching in Africa - YouTube 06:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139141 [https://pleroma.site/objects/22ca3c39-e280-40f8-b079-0e622537ccc7] 07:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Plasma 6 porting work we need help doing now! http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139142 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8d093c98-303b-4bbf-8c74-f52685660add] 07:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Plasma 6 porting work we need help doing now! http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139142 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b9220e9b-879b-496a-a6a9-ca9084aef260] 07:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139143 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0998edc8-d8c9-4753-a18b-e7acb6e46afa] 07:28 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:31 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 07:42 <@MinceR> schestowitz: i can't see any typos there 07:42 < schestowitz> cheers 07:44 -!- ghanima [~craig_000@c-69-245-193-1.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 07:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: BSD Now, Bad Voltage and The Linux Link Tech Show (TLLTS) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139144 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7a12849f-d538-42b3-8952-53300a269a74] 07:57 <@MinceR> (cat) (no audio) https://i.imgur.com/YVqxtDu.mp4 08:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Fedora Magazine Trying #Discourse and #RedHat ‘s Latest #Marketing Pitch for #Developers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139145 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7057d21c-fe1e-4135-8e99-b70b137bafe4] 08:08 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:11 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 08:27 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://youtu.be/zZuL_2hUaoI 08:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 08:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Is Now Available for Download, Here’s What’s New http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139146 [https://pleroma.site/objects/415bdc18-0c6c-444b-90c6-1de920ef48e5] 08:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Cows VS Vikings, Warzone 2100, Pine http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139147 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fed3673b-6fb8-4b19-aa8a-710a5a7e0041] 08:51 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 08:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 9 Best File Systems for Big Data and Software to Install on GNU/Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139149 [https://pleroma.site/objects/87caf723-79ba-4603-910c-717b8c9071cb] 08:59 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022722 08:59 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4389345) 09:04 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 09:24 < schestowitz> MinceR: he didn't say a fictional story 09:24 < schestowitz> this one is fiction 09:24 < schestowitz> you cannot use Oracle 09:24 < schestowitz> Oracle always uses YOU! 09:25 <@MinceR> lol 09:26 <@MinceR> In Russia, Oracle uses YOU!! 09:26 <@MinceR> In Uhmerica, Oracle uses YOU!! 09:34 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 10:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 Gets Approved For ‘Stable’ Release: Download ISO Here http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139146#comment-25590 [https://pleroma.site/objects/35d1aedb-5a78-4630-b715-a1e8a0b9dc9a] 10:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu: Split Personality Snaps, AVs and Ceph http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139150 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d1149e81-2799-44e9-abfb-05b1cb4cde8d] 10:14 -!- Sajesajama [Salsa@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/sajesajama] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:14 -!- Sajesajama [Salsa@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/sajesajama] has joined #techrights 10:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: NVIDIA Patch and NVIDIA Driver 440.100 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139151 [https://pleroma.site/objects/400b7bd9-462e-4951-9acb-b8a18a56ccbc] 10:29 < smnthermes> Do you folks think GTK4 is a sign of the death of desktop Linux? 10:29 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022714 10:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4389189) 10:30 <@MinceR> no, i think systemd, gnome and the systemd cabal's influence on Linux is 10:30 <@MinceR> also microshit's influence on Linux 10:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Testing Intel FSGSBASE Patches For Helping Elevate Linux Performance http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139152 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8f7e6b27-3366-4551-811d-95c24c33783d] 10:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Overcooked! 2, Skeletris and Forgotten Fields http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139153 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5af2a974-20c6-4786-9ebf-bd21babc08b3] 10:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mesa 20.2 RADV Driver Flips On ACO By Default For Quicker Game Load Times, Better Performance http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139154 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4556987c-33b8-4d98-935f-c643acf084f3] 11:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Devices/Embedded: MontaVista, Silicon Labs, Bamboo Systems http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139155 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a38a9fb1-aa10-4bcf-824d-4f13e4ac599a] 11:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139156 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fcddd0ce-c97c-44c3-9b45-68f75afb918a] 11:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139157 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6470a0e0-eb43-4bd1-9db8-b63c1a2b1f63] 11:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security, FUD and Promise of Privacy (Mozilla Outsourcing to Comcast) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139158 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a91223a2-faf4-4bf2-8c18-d16a3828c330] 11:22 < XRevan86> https://smbc-comics.com/comic/lobby warning: the sixth panel is extremely offensive 11:22 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Lobby 11:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139159 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e2a00f40-130a-4880-b8e5-2ef333d06c44] 11:26 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:27 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 11:39 < schestowitz> XRevan86: not as offensive as the number of people in the channel 11:40 < XRevan86> schestowitz: technically people & bots 11:40 <@MinceR> lol 11:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 25/6/2020: Mint Release and Mozilla Partners With Comcast http://techrights.org/2020/06/25/mozilla-partners-with-comcast/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/50a80810-2d68-4f45-9901-e61b22897303] 11:49 < superkuh> Yeah... trust the ISP that has been man in the middle attacking it's customers for the last decade+. 11:50 < superkuh> I don't even use comcast dns and I pay for it. 11:50 < XRevan86> superkuh: You mean, DNS server? 11:50 < smnthermes> MinceR: why do you say "Waylandows"? Is it similar to Windows stuff? 11:51 < superkuh> I mean I don't use their dns servers for lookups. 11:51 < superkuh> But my ISP is comcast. 11:52 < XRevan86> superkuh: I don't use mine either, I resort to Quad9. But… I never thought of it as something I paid for… 11:52 < superkuh> It wasn't the most natural turn of phrase. 11:52 < XRevan86> it's not that expensive to run DNS 11:52 < smnthermes> s/it/Wayland 11:54 <@MinceR> smnthermes: mainly because most of its implementations, including the ones most beloved by the "modern" crowd, reproduce an old windows design flaw: window controls (window decorations) are handled by the application itself, so if the application freezes, you can't move, resize or close its window with the window decorations 11:54 <@MinceR> but also because it's a windowing system with limited modularity and limited capabilities 11:54 < smnthermes> On Windows, does it apply both to UWP and Win32? 12:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Tracealyzer diagnostics software adds Linux support, offers free beta download http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139160 [https://pleroma.site/objects/91b86118-169a-4e3e-bc40-fe2695a6d671] 12:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Open Firmware at System76 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139161 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4a5a50dc-4aeb-4a38-ad06-2bffdf24545a] 12:34 < schestowitz> [16:40] schestowitz: technically people & bots 12:34 < schestowitz> and hey hi 12:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: System76’s New Oryx Pro Linux Laptop Comes with Open Firmware http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139161#comment-25591 [https://pleroma.site/objects/be7ad218-9650-49b7-b653-6827ca47ba7b] 13:26 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 13:26 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:55 -!- CrystalMath is now known as NewAngryLinus 13:55 * DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FWeycbArHxMFnbgkiUlQiOZQ > 13:55 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I'm not surprised to see Technicolor go under, nor am I shocked at the timing. The MP3 patents were, by far, their most valuable. 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The company was completely unscrupulous in the way it treated its employees in the Consumer Electronics division. They basically stole my dad's pension. 13:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I was amused that the MP3 patents expired because I figured that Technicolor would be next. That licensing program was the goose that was laying golden eggs. 13:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Ugh, I need to be more organized. 13:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I saved my call in PIN for the bankruptcy court to Untitled Document 2. 13:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Here I was thinking that Tracker was useless. 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: From the people who brought you Untitled Document and Untitled Document 2, comes UNTITLED DOCUMENT 3, starring Liam Neeson. "So what you're telling me is that there is a number and I have to call it, and if I call this number my bills go away?". 14:00 -!- NewAngryLinus is now known as CrystalMath 14:00 <@MinceR> :) 14:03 <@MinceR> i'm still waiting for Copy of Untitled Document [1]_FINAL_FINAL_FINAL 14:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyway, Thomson/Technicolor became disinterested in RCA's consumer electronics division and spent a decade running a company that used to go toe to toe with Sony for a lot of things under and finished it off by running the patent troll part of it into the ground and getting their CEO arrested too. 14:05 < DaemonFC[m]> The reason they had such good MP3 support on their hardware in the late 90s when nobody else realized what this was, is that they were hoping to increase the market size for their patents. 14:29 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:30 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:36 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 14:36 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:43 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: reboot] 14:46 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:48 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:57 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Christ 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm on the bankruptcy call getting ready for my appearance. 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> There's an illegal Mexican immigrant filing bankruptcy because she wrecked her car into someone, had no insurance, and got sued. 15:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Shit on a biscuit. People wonder why people get aggravated about illegal immigrants. 15:07 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 15:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Holy shit. 15:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Now he's chewing someone out for not exempting any household property at all. 15:29 < DaemonFC[m]> He said "Ma'am, I'm assuming you own some clothes.". 15:30 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 15:38 <@MinceR> "no, i rent them from my relatives. how did you think i ended up broke?" 15:39 < DaemonFC[m]> LOL 15:39 < DaemonFC[m]> "No sir, I am a Ferengi from Star Trek. The females are traditionally nude in our culture." 15:39 < DaemonFC[m]> "Why yes, yes I am hiding some gold pressed latinum." 15:40 < DaemonFC[m]> I was laughing so hard that when they called my case I had to calm down before I unmuted the phone. 15:44 < DaemonFC[m]> My bankruptcy was approved. 16:06 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I'm over here having a celebration. 16:07 < DaemonFC[m]> This horrible year is over and the only people who ended up really getting screwed over by that attempt on me are the government, the banks, and my ex. 16:08 < DaemonFC[m]> You have to think strategically. 9 moves ahead of the other guy. 16:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Let them underestimate you to their own demise. 16:09 <@MinceR> the year isn't over, though 16:09 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Exactly 365 days from my arraignment, the bankruptcy goes through. 16:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Perfect timing. 16:10 <@MinceR> ic 16:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I didn't mean for it to happen precisely on the 12 month mark from my criminal arraignment. It just worked out that way coincidentally. 16:10 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I fucked the state's case up behind the scenes and negotiated it away to a slap on the wrist. 16:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Then threw all of the debt that came out of it into the bankruptcy along with a bunch of medical bills and shit. 16:12 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The punishment comes out to a grand total of piss in a cup a few times and ask my psychiatrist for a note that headed probation "therapy" off at the pass. 16:12 < DaemonFC[m]> By the time we got to December 9th, the probation officer didn't even bother to contest the conversion to unsupervised. 16:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, I filed a motion (successfully) to retroactively reduce my fine. 16:13 < DaemonFC[m]> It caught the judge by surprise, but he said "Well, yeah, I see what you're talking about now.". 16:14 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I was sitting on a mountain of bills from the same village that assessed the fine. 16:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Threw it all into the bankruptcy. Fuck them. 16:15 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: One of the first movies I was watching with Mandy was some action movie with Gerard Butler. 16:15 < DaemonFC[m]> A bunch of guys armed to the teeth are closing in on them. His dad makes some noise. He says "Why did you do that? Now they know where we are!". 16:16 < DaemonFC[m]> His dad says, "Good. FUCK EM!" and hits a button and a line of claymoore mines and C4 go off. 16:16 < DaemonFC[m]> I told Mandy, "That's exactly what you do. You draw the enemy closer thinking he has you and then you blow him up.". 16:18 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: An ex of mine told me that I was off the scales as far as Machiavellian personality type went. I told him "Thank you!". 16:19 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 16:20 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I think it's why I like the Terminator series so much, MinceR Even the really bad ones. I've watched all of them at least several times. 16:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Cold. Methodical. Thorough. Relentless. 16:21 < DaemonFC[m]> "Sorry. Gotta snap your neck. Just doing my job." 16:22 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not to say, at least I wouldn't say that I enjoy hurting people or things. That really is a sickness. Just that I'll do it if I have to. Maybe I'll feel bad about it if you didn't hurt me, but if it's going to be you or me it's not gonna be me. 16:22 < DaemonFC[m]> That's my take on things. 16:23 <@MinceR> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTROMPq1SAA 16:23 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- It doesn't feel pity, remorse, or fear. It absolutely won't stop until you're dead | THE TERMINATOR - YouTube 16:23 < DaemonFC[m]> So John has his car. I hope the engine blows up. Fuck him. 16:24 < DaemonFC[m]> It's finally over. 16:24 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Mom had to do something similar. When she got divorced from Gonad, the mortgage was still a joint account, but in the divorce settlement she signed a quit claim deed to the title of the house. 16:25 < DaemonFC[m]> The judge ordered him to refinance it in his name, so he went and financed a new motorcycle, and then said nobody would refi the house because he was overextended. 16:25 < DaemonFC[m]> So he never did. 8 years later, he has a heart attack and the fucker keels over in the living room. 16:26 < DaemonFC[m]> So now his widow gets the house, and moves the entire rotten family into it. 16:27 < DaemonFC[m]> They're all such bums that between like 5-6 adults living there, they can't come up with $540 a month on a mortgage to keep a two story 4 bedroom house, so the bank started up a lawsuit against my mom. 16:27 < DaemonFC[m]> That was the point where she said "Nuh uh." and requested two weeks off unpaid from her boss at work. 16:27 < DaemonFC[m]> It put her $156 under the filing threshold limit for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. 16:28 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:29 < DaemonFC[m]> So she threw the house in and the Sheriff evicted the Culleys forthwith, and the bankruptcy also voided out some credit cards, over a hundred thousand dollars in medical bills, and several years of unpaid taxes that the first lawyer she went to said she'd never get rid of. 16:29 < DaemonFC[m]> I told her "Find a new lawyer. If they're over 3 years old, and you actually filed on time for those years, you can get rid of it, along with any and all penalties and interest.". 16:29 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:31 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Yeah, if it accomplishes my goal (in this case staying out of jail), and you are the one who put me in this awful position (John), I'll take you down to Chinatown, buddy, and there won't be a damned thing you can do about it because I'll figure out a way to get it done that can't come back on me. 16:40 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:49 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 16:50 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 16:52 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:59 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: The replicator attack has so far mostly benefited me, strangely enough. 18:02 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:13 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:13 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:14 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 18:18 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139162 [https://pleroma.site/objects/98d9a2ac-a041-495e-8b26-03aa82c02865] 18:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Stable Kernels: 5.7.6, 5.4.49, 4.19.130, and 4.14.186 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139163 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b5e40fc6-916b-413f-84e1-9f76ed736097] 18:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Raspberry Pi-like Zynq-7020 SBC sells for $72 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139164 [https://pleroma.site/objects/98644458-17a0-49d4-811a-619113ca70ce] 18:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139165 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a34fdd6d-3db7-4f01-8ad2-41b1e5f00283] 18:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Things We Love About the New Oryx Pro http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139161#comment-25593 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3f034ae9-e491-40b9-bd60-4e848dfeda0f] 18:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Steam, Warzone 2100, and Civilization VI http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139166 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e23eaa8d-42fa-479b-98a5-a5619e5ae054] 18:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139167 [https://pleroma.site/objects/335fc74b-f9f6-4fdc-8fc1-df22ca7a9535] 18:52 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 18:52 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:03 < schestowitz> https://youtu.be/3wQx-BjmfJk 19:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 19:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Captain Obvious Bot 19:05 <@MinceR> :) 19:06 < schestowitz> google ruinwd youtube 19:06 < schestowitz> ruined 19:06 < schestowitz> it would not even open without JS 19:06 < schestowitz> as of months ago 19:11 < insmodppa> Many sites these days won't work without JS. Not that it matters since they're all state corp data mining ops and should be avoided in the first place. 19:15 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2020/06/25/irs-stimulus-checks-dead-people-gao/ 19:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.washingtonpost.com | More than 1 million coronavirus stimulus checks went to dead people according to GAO - The Washington Post 19:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Those dead people are very stimulated by their $1,200 checks. 19:16 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm sure the several million living people who still don't know where theirs is love that. 19:18 <@MinceR> maybe they'll be stimulated enough to vote for twitler 19:18 <@MinceR> just you wait! 19:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I filed bankruptcy with mine. 19:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Our president set a fine example. 19:19 < DaemonFC[m]> That alone is just a mosquito bite for the banks, but when tons of people flock to bankruptcy court at once it won't be. 19:20 < DaemonFC[m]> It looks like there's going to be over 80 bankruptcy filings today in the Northern District of Illinois. 19:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The pace is not slowing down. 19:20 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:22 < DaemonFC[m]> It looks like we'll blow past all of last year's bankruptcy filings by the middle of August or so if this stays about level with where it is now. 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I got rushed through the questions because the Trustee was running behind and overdue for his lunch. 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> We got to listen to a bunch of stuff including a guy who put his business in Chapter 11 because he was prototyping some new technique for drilling for oil and then all of his investors started pulling out at once in January. 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> The Trustee said "How is that the fault of the Coronavirus? It wasn't a problem here until February or March.". 19:30 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> My phone was still on mute and I said, "I don't know. Maybe investors are smarter than you.". 19:30 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:30 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> "They see something killing everyone in China while a big Amazon Alexa says stay in your house and they all scram and take their money.". 19:31 <@MinceR> lol 19:32 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:37 < DaemonFC[m]> https://people.com/celebrity/carly-simon-reveals-she-had-sexual-encounters-with-an-older-boy-when-she-was-7/ 19:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Carly Simon Reveals She Had Sexual Encounters with an Older Boy When She Was 7 | PEOPLE.com 19:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Uh, nice job making her sound like a hoebag. She was raped by a teenager. 19:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Who the fuck wrote this? 19:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump is the worst thing that has ever happened to America, and it's getting harder and harder to measure these things. He's been worse for this country than 9/11. 19:41 < DaemonFC[m]> People were furious that a bunch of Arabs killed 2,000 people. We're still losing 4-5 times that a week to a virus and we're getting ready to go into the fourth month. 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> He's filling auditoriums with a bunch of people where death by Coronavirus is the only thing that might stop them from foisting him on us again. The government said they were pursuing bioterror charges against people for saying they'd spread it and he's putting 50,000 people in a stadium together with no masks on and getting them to howl and cheer (for what?). 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> The stadium in Arizona actually was packed, but you never know with political campaigns. Sometimes they bus people in to fill seats and pay them to sit there. 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Bush did it with his "Social Security Reform Tour" and had people beaten up and thrown out for asking questions like "How are all the old people supposed to live?". 19:43 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:43 <@MinceR> for neofascism, of course 19:44 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 19:48 < DaemonFC[m]> One guy actually had one of his business's creditors show up, but nobody else did. Including me. 19:49 < DaemonFC[m]> This lady grilled him though, like "Did you ever sell any gift cards and how many are still out there?". 19:51 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: yes, weird headline about Simon 19:51 < schestowitz> "Sexual Encounters" seems like the wrong term 19:51 < schestowitz> Floyd has a physical encounter with Minneapolis police 19:52 < schestowitz> Nina had an encounter with Hans Reiser 19:52 < schestowitz> ISIS had some encounters in Paris 19:52 <@MinceR> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n74_IiLAUs 19:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 19:53 <@MinceR> thanks, TechrightsBot-tr! 19:53 <@MinceR> the actual title: Let's Listen - Memento Mori II - Frivolous Encounter 19:53 < schestowitz> MinceR: just sound 19:53 <@MinceR> indeed 19:53 < schestowitz> MinceR: bots age poorly 19:53 < schestowitz> not well 19:53 < schestowitz> as the sites 'evolve' 19:54 < schestowitz> Lots of things I used to do with youtube no longer work.. since months ago 19:54 < schestowitz> afaik, this bot code is used only by us 19:54 < schestowitz> tony manco wrote it, iirc 19:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, they broke it in WebkitGTK, so they had to flip that HTTP Live Streaming crap on. 19:55 < DaemonFC[m]> In a point release with barely any testing, because Youtube needs it for no legitimate reason now. 19:55 < DaemonFC[m]> HTTP Live Streaming really sucks balls on a slow connection. 19:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Your connection will have a slight issue and the fucking video just goes straight back to the beginning and you have to start the whole thing over and it's just awful. 19:57 < DaemonFC[m]> I suppose if you're on a porn site, literally, you have to restart the fucking video. 19:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Or do you have to restart the fucking fucking video? 19:58 < DaemonFC[m]> I really liked that Avenue Q "The Internet is for Porn" thing. They forgot MP3s. 20:01 < superkuh> When you download mp3s you're downloading communism. 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Literally, since the format is in the public domain and Technocolor is in Chapter 15 bankruptcy. B-) 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> *Technicolor 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Also in France, a cessation de la something or other. 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't know. They're French. 20:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Nagahema Nagahema ---- Ehhhh, not gonna work here anymore. 20:04 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm just happy that the MP3 patent train wreck is finally over. 20:05 < DaemonFC[m]> That was terrible. Richard Stallman commented on how terrible it was. At one point it was the dominant format for internet distribution of music and it still kind of is, and you couldn't even make a player that was gratis or libre to play them and give it to someone without Technicolor and Fraunhofer knocking down your door with lawyers. 20:06 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd say that in many ways, despite the shitty bitstream format, the current release of LAME makes Ogg Vorbis sort of a moot point. 20:06 < DaemonFC[m]> At least the reference Vorbis, which is all anyone ever seems to package for Linux, unfortunately. 20:07 < DaemonFC[m]> MP3 is deficient, but not in a way where you're likely to notice that, with a modern LAME release. 20:07 < DaemonFC[m]> LAME improved quite a lot in 3.98 and even more in 3.99. 20:07 < DaemonFC[m]> A staggering amount, really. Turning MP3's inventor's white paper saying AAC would be twice as efficient someday, into a big joke. 20:16 < DaemonFC[m]> I still think DOS was a very underrated system. 20:16 < DaemonFC[m]> How stupid it was, was actually its best feature. 20:16 <@MinceR> indeed 20:17 < DaemonFC[m]> You could extend it to do anything, so it really didn't matter much. 20:17 <@MinceR> that's what enabled loadlin.exe to work 20:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Or DOOM. Or, hell, some word processors, or an MP3 player why not. 20:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Web browsers. 20:17 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Doom, MP3, and web browser. 20:18 < DaemonFC[m]> There's like 90% of what you need a computer for anyway. 20:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Oddly, the ISO demo MP3 encoder had support for DOS and Linux, but it was just as broken as it was anywhere else. 20:28 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:29 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 20:38 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 20:38 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 20:41 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 20:49 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: so what next for us of a? 20:49 < schestowitz> Not just US 20:49 < schestowitz> but US seems worse off than most 20:49 < schestowitz> debt and leadership, firearms and militias, divided society and massive wealth gaps 20:50 * schestowitz doesn't think biden would tackle any of these issues, either 20:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Screencasts of CentOS 8.2 and the New Linux Mint http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139168 [https://pleroma.site/objects/44c291c4-fa78-45f2-8423-abbe3409b4bd] 21:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat/Fedora/Oracle Linux (RHEL Sans Branding) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139169 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7040fe20-cd95-41b9-8c27-872bd5405704] 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> > * <@freenode_schestowitz:matrix.org> doesn't think biden would tackle any of these issues, either 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> No, but he will be a vent for people who think things can be normal again. 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> So I see him as a sort of Jimmy Carter reset after the Nixon scandals. 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> He may very well have a blowout victory that lasts one term. 21:10 < DaemonFC[m]> People saw Carter as a refreshing reset to normal after the country was scandal plagued and rocked by war, inflation, recession and all sorts of nasty things. 21:10 < schestowitz> same as Thatcher at the time 21:11 < schestowitz> her and Mr. Hollywood 21:11 < schestowitz> people dumbed down since 21:11 < DaemonFC[m]> What many people don't really talk about is that Nixon really mismanaged the war in Vietnam and it was something he didn't end quickly enough or pursue to the point of defeating the North Vietnamese. 21:11 < DaemonFC[m]> So that was a massive failure. 21:11 < schestowitz> as if the goal wasn't US or UK excellence but rapid passage of power and wealth to few people 21:11 < DaemonFC[m]> He didn't pick a lane and we lost, and lost badly. 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh, there's just too many groups right now that have had quite enough of Trump and want him gone. 21:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Foundation: The MLflow Project and Zephyr Project http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139170 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1e1bfac6-7756-4665-93cc-2cb9e05efee0] 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The war hawks want rid of him. John Bolton has started slinging all of the mud he can get. 21:14 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: what are your (you and Mandy's) longterm plans? 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The Democrats hate Trump obviously. 21:14 < schestowitz> each iteration of presidency gets worse 21:14 < schestowitz> I reckon Trump isn't going away this year or next year in Jan 21:14 < schestowitz> he'll play dirty 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Survive this, hopefully. Get out of Illinois. 21:15 < schestowitz> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries 21:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | Coronavirus Update (Live): 9,702,189 Cases and 490,987 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> The bankruptcy really helps. 21:15 < schestowitz> 40,184 new cases 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> John got it worse than I did. Serves him right. 21:15 < schestowitz> 40,184 new cases of COVID-19 in one day in US. New record. In late June even! 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> He figured he'd lie to the cops and use them as muscle to get me out of that house and that I'd go quietly. 21:16 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:16 < schestowitz> 1,118 new cases in UK 21:16 < schestowitz> ANNNND... 21:16 < schestowitz> we aren't even doing well 21:16 < schestowitz> compared to Europe 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, watch Arizona. That packed Trump rally was yesterday. 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Arizona is already the second worst hit state by population density right now. 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Then the RNC and Trump are doing lots of stuff in Florida later. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> "I've got a great idea! You know how people fucking hate me? Let's kill the people who still like me!" 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> In the swing states too! 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> His campaign figures it's a calculated risk. 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> He can do nothing and he definitely loses, or he can hope that he doesn't kill so many people who attended his rallies that it moves the needle more than the number of voters it kills. 21:20 < DaemonFC[m]> That's really, frankly, all this is. 21:25 < schestowitz> AZ is on the border 21:25 < schestowitz> so.. 21:26 < schestowitz> no need to say much more 21:26 < schestowitz> xenophobic policies and all 21:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, it's also Leaning Biden right now. 21:26 < DaemonFC[m]> He hopes he can fire up the crazies and reverse that somewhat. 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Of course the way this backfires is he throws gas on the fire there and even more old people die. 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a state full of old people. 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.zerohedge.com/political/illinois-gun-permit-applications-soar-500-frightened-liberals-embrace-2nd-amendment 21:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.zerohedge.com | Illinois Gun Permit Applications Soar 500% As Frightened Liberals Embrace 2nd Amendment | Zero Hedge 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> LOL 21:31 < DaemonFC[m]> +40,184 21:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Fuck a duck. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, half of it is in 4 states, including one where Trump will have the RNC and Disney World is reopening. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Second Wave Accomplished. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> It's bad already. It will get worse, because Floriduh is led my someone who is a Trump anal polyp who doesn't realize he doesn't need a permission slip to run a state. 23:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Python #Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139171 [https://pleroma.site/objects/83752dbf-7934-4262-a04c-c20bc9f7435b] 23:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Linux #Kernel and #NVIDIA Vulnerabilities Patched in #Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, 19.10 and 18.04 LTS http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139172 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d893f8f9-9d2a-4f93-af45-2f55fcd29b69] 23:56 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:57 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 23:58 < schestowitz> [02:33] Second Wave Accomplished. 23:58 < schestowitz> bigger than I ever expected 23:58 < schestowitz> I am not sure the first one ever stopped in the US 23:58 < schestowitz> this is first wave resumes 23:58 < schestowitz> as they prematurely reopen 23:58 < schestowitz> spreading the illness quadratically 23:59 < schestowitz> "elect a clown expect a circus" becomes "elect a clown, get a crown" (corona) --- Day changed Fri Jun 26 2020 00:13 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:14 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:14 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:14 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:14 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:14 -!- schestowitz_log [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:14 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:15 -!- schestowitz_log [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 00:15 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:15 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 00:15 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:15 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:15 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 00:15 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 00:27 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:29 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:47 < CrystalMath> DaemonFC[m]: very few of them will actually die 00:47 < CrystalMath> maybe hundreds, but that means nothing on the grand scale of things 01:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 5 Simple Linux Tools For Enhanced Productivity http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139173 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b9344922-560d-4575-9ea2-7743e0614061] 01:32 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has joined #techrights 02:04 -!- Sajesajama [Salsa@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/sajesajama] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:31 < schestowitz> cybrNaut: in the US about a million recovered or were released, whereas 124k died 02:31 < schestowitz> that's hardly a good recovery rate 02:31 < schestowitz> CrystalMath: ^^ 02:32 < CrystalMath> if you believe that only a million recovered 02:32 < CrystalMath> this virus spreads far beyond anyone's ability to test for it 02:32 < CrystalMath> if you look at studies of antibody testing 02:33 < CrystalMath> you will see that the true number of infected was an order of magnitude, maybe two, above the number of those who were found 02:33 < CrystalMath> it's extremely easy and worthwhile to hide the virus if you're not in danger 02:36 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:37 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 02:39 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 02:43 < schestowitz> you're referring to a study from NYC/NYC, where many died get it, get tested for it, and many died without being tested at all (hence not accounted for) 02:43 < schestowitz> Good luck telling South Korea of Norway that there are loads of people there with covid-19 who don't know about it 02:43 < schestowitz> *or 02:50 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:39 < oiaohm> schestowitz: really we are having a horrible learning curve with covid-19. Australia is moving on to a new method. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-17/australia-to-test-sewage-for-coronairus-as-testing-net-widens/12156858 03:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.abc.net.au | Australia to test sewage for coronavirus as testing net widens - ABC News 03:40 < oiaohm> Major cities you want to test and locate covid how many people are not using the cities sewage system. 04:02 < schestowitz> this is from Aptil 04:02 < schestowitz> April 04:02 < schestowitz> Still valid? 04:16 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 04:25 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 04:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in #Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139178 [https://pleroma.site/objects/13fec548-b36d-4c55-8a46-f912aadbbc8b] 04:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in #Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139178 [https://pleroma.site/objects/afc4bcbe-d70b-4412-a642-2cd5160df3d3] 04:53 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Learn Shell Scripting for Free With These Resources http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139174 [https://pleroma.site/objects/07892c7e-733c-429c-9b7f-6eda3d84273d] 05:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Open source tools for translating British to American English http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139175 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bffad5d4-db5f-4ca5-ba1d-7b788c08657c] 05:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Advice for getting started with GNOME http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139176 [https://pleroma.site/objects/84a95f7a-f686-400a-998b-c41bf67222d9] 05:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux powered STMicro STM32MP1 Solder-down QFN-Style SoM Measures 27x27mm http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139177 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dc832601-8c05-461d-b8a6-32e23507dc2f] 05:30 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has left #techrights [] 05:34 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Microsoft admits there’s a serious problem with Windows 10 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139179 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e01a25cd-c9b5-49c5-b1b8-bbd30768388c] 05:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139180 [https://pleroma.site/objects/93516439-1e67-49ec-91c4-b4e32e4c065c] 05:39 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux at Home: Embroidery design http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139181 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dc827fb3-d44a-40a3-bf08-af4dd16d3566] 05:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: My unusual path to #GNU #Linux system administration http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139182 [https://pleroma.site/objects/cf42c423-7e59-42b6-94f5-78363cce64ff] 05:58 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Microsoft’s New Chromium-Based Edge Browser Is Reportedly Stealing Data from Firefox Without Permission http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139183 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3299597d-f48e-4e9c-89fc-e8bb4284e129] 06:01 -!- x_ [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 06:02 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Apple macOS ‘Big Sur’ Theme Is Getting Ready For Linux Desktops http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139098#comment-25597 [https://pleroma.site/objects/511528e6-1ebd-44da-a415-9a35c4d2e9b3] 06:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: BQ Aquaris X2 & Aquaris X2 Pro Android 10 update rolls out http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139184 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1217b325-aa4d-4452-bb66-832aa5843081] 06:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139185 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d416b626-a295-462b-8720-d3f73ab253ed] 06:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: LHS (Linux in the Ham Shack) and New Python Shows http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139186 [https://pleroma.site/objects/40c99f4d-973b-44e8-806e-0d878157af1d] 07:04 < oiaohm> schestowitz: yes that April one is valid. https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/202006/2001628_COVID-19_COVID-19%20suburban%20testing%20blitz.pdf They are moving on to area blitz testing of course not repeating exactly all the details how they decide where to biltz test. 07:11 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:18 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: “My objection to this is that :prototype was only introduced in Perl 5.20. Code using it won’t work as expected on older versions of Perl.” http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139116#comment-25598 [https://pleroma.site/objects/07952991-a35a-4c4c-bcb6-b9007890504f] 07:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: “What’s better than a machine learning platform? Answer: an en-to-end machine learning platform, obviously.” http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139170#comment-25599 [https://pleroma.site/objects/34d549d5-8732-4a73-8d01-6beb738053b0] 07:22 <@MinceR> (cat) https://i.imgur.com/pEhwcFe.jpg 07:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Tumbleweed Gets LibreOffice “7”, New Breezy Features http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139187 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5d585656-b5ca-4baf-a7c5-1d40929c8c9b] 07:25 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:25 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:26 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Client Quit] 07:26 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mageia 8 Alpha 1 Released With Better ARM Support, Linux 5.7 Kernel http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139188 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bef6fd45-dc44-434b-b515-0d4efde2a88f] 07:31 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:31 -!- rianne__ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 07:33 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Client Quit] 07:33 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:34 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: EGMDE Is Still Being Hacked On As A Lightweight Mir Desktop http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139189 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5d11b116-c4e0-4a7e-b0ab-d473a2263abb] 07:42 -!- swaggboi [~swaggboi@slackware.uk/supporter/swaggboi] has quit [Quit: C-x C-c] 07:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming: Python, RcppSimdJson and PHP http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139190 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bed4cbb5-ff4d-444c-af67-9e2ea55b7677] 07:57 < schestowitz> oiaohm: OK, cheers 08:00 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022712 08:00 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4389160) 08:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139191 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7178a699-afb6-4fc2-aeda-6c48abc7768e] 08:10 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 08:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #techrights Links 26/6/2020: Oryx Pro With Open Firmware, Mageia 8 Alpha 1 http://techrights.org/2020/06/26/mageia-8-alpha-1/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/2a1b8a94-ba29-4446-8a4a-efa3f50cda35] 08:16 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 08:17 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 08:26 -!- x_ is now known as kingoffrance 08:28 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:43 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 09:09 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 09:10 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 09:10 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:11 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 09:33 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/2002275 09:33 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4389090) 09:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Another Intel 4K + GNOME Optimization Yields 5% Faster Render Times, 10% Lower Power Use http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139192 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4c35594e-9a8d-4952-bf7a-513d0e6d086a] 09:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Mists of Noyah, Planetary Annihilation: TITANS and Vampire: The Masquerade - Shadows of New York http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139193 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f47c135f-403f-4d50-9915-4caba34bdc91] 10:02 <@MinceR> (audio:unimportant) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/3a86a9b92399f620.mp4 10:03 < scientes> MinceR, genius 10:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python: Bucket Sort, Regular Expressions in Python, and 5 Python Features That You May Not Be Familiar With http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139194 [https://pleroma.site/objects/957cb2d1-5865-4107-938b-1947ad190a77] 10:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python: Bucket Sort, Regular Expressions in Python, and 5 Python Features That You May Not Be Familiar With http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139194 [https://pleroma.site/objects/60871e33-ac43-4e96-b165-9ec827c610d4] 10:15 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139195 [https://pleroma.site/objects/23614665-f8c2-45e3-a5cd-4fc9a1977265] 10:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Security Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139196 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0dc0ff53-28a4-486e-bcba-cc6686c78bca] 10:26 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 10:40 <@MinceR> (cat) https://i.imgur.com/18PGHxL.jpg 10:47 -!- chasecrum [~user@unaffiliated/chasecrum] has joined #techrights 11:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE/Plasma 5.19.2 for Debian http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139197 [https://pleroma.site/objects/321a5098-6b4e-473a-89ce-bd252fe97d4a] 11:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE/Plasma 5.19.2 for Debian http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139197 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c8e933d1-017f-41cd-bf9d-a400e1bae061] 11:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 ISOs finalised, release due in the coming days https://www.neowin.net/news/linux-mint-20-isos-finalised-release-due-in-the-coming-days [https://pleroma.site/objects/fdd202a8-42ee-4fb5-8e51-0bc2716d55b1] 11:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Maintenance release: #Godot 3.2.2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139199 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e71ac941-6419-4a79-9474-12c19dcc902f] 11:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: AMD Ryzen 5 4500U Performance On Windows 10 vs. Six Linux Distributions http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139198 [https://pleroma.site/objects/51e3a4a5-5e38-482d-ab45-04b40da2fd20] 11:30 <@MinceR> (audio:unimportant) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/f5a3c0a5f01cd920.mp4 11:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 5 Best Ebook Readers for Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139200 [https://pleroma.site/objects/02581a5d-910f-4190-886c-5a7dd9fdb7d1] 11:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Red Hat/Fedora: Tips for Fedora 32 and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139202 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c01a2c99-a229-4210-8597-a8676d6ac753] 11:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139201 [https://pleroma.site/objects/89ee1272-bdd1-4f7b-a000-52f0b0a6a932] 12:28 < XRevan86> http://poorlydrawnlines.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/made-it-598x1024.png 12:52 < XRevan86> The next macOS will be 11.0. Huh. 12:55 < XRevan86> Is it because of ARM? 13:00 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:00 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:00 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 13:01 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 13:39 < CrystalMath> http://techrights.org/2020/05/30/open-letter-to-gnu-maintainers/ <- nice! 13:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Burning the House That Richard Stallman (RMS) Built: An Open Letter to GNU Maintainers Who Opposed RMS | Techrights 13:42 < CrystalMath> i wish there was no hard dependency on the Trump hate train 13:43 < CrystalMath> but oh well 13:47 < CrystalMath> also, what is GIAFAM? 13:48 <@MinceR> not everyone who supports free software is a neofascist? what a shocker. 13:48 < CrystalMath> well we disagree on whose side Trump is 13:48 <@MinceR> of course 13:48 < CrystalMath> i believe Trump is fighting the greatest fascists 13:48 < CrystalMath> which are represented by Biden 13:48 < CrystalMath> the globalists 13:48 <@MinceR> some people believe trump is on the side of the people whom he regularly idolizes 13:49 <@MinceR> others believe those are the only times when he lies 13:49 <@MinceR> or maybe he's just kidding 13:49 < CrystalMath> Trump isn't a globalist thuogh 13:49 < CrystalMath> and globalism is the greatest threat 13:49 <@MinceR> yeah, neither are the other neofascists 13:49 < CrystalMath> there is no greater fascism than globalism 13:49 < CrystalMath> nothing is more disgusting, nor vile 13:49 <@MinceR> "no, you are the fascists!" 13:50 * MinceR yawns 13:50 < XRevan86> CrystalMath: What is globalism? 13:50 <@MinceR> don't expect to find out, ever 13:50 < CrystalMath> the belief in a global system of law, justice, defense, etc... 13:51 < CrystalMath> i believe in actual freedom, individual freedom 13:52 <@MinceR> ah yes, actual individual freedom, as seen in dump's favorite places, north korea and russia 13:53 < CrystalMath> or in Biden's china? 13:53 < CrystalMath> or maybe biden's ukraine? 13:53 < CrystalMath> individual freedoms are not achieved by having a strong unified state, but by being decentralized 13:53 < XRevan86> The European Court of Human Rights keeps finding local Russian rulings illegal, that is very annoying. 13:54 < XRevan86> We don't believe in Human Rights, we believe in Sovereignty! 13:54 < XRevan86> With Putin as Sovereign, of course. 13:54 < CrystalMath> the european court of bullcrap and propaganda 13:54 < CrystalMath> the entire european union is trash 13:55 < CrystalMath> why do you think FSFE behaves the way they did? 13:55 <@MinceR> biden owns china now? 13:55 <@MinceR> very interesting 13:55 < CrystalMath> no, biden's favorite is china 13:55 < CrystalMath> and ukraine 13:55 < XRevan86> It's really hard to appeal to it, they're pretty overwhelmed and annoyed by how Russia pisses on their judgement. 13:55 <@MinceR> also, i didn't know russia and north korea were decentralized 13:55 < CrystalMath> russia sorta is 13:56 <@MinceR> ah, so biden being evil magically turns trump into a good person 13:56 <@MinceR> it's funny how things work in the two-party universe 13:56 < CrystalMath> but there is a lesser of two evils 13:56 < CrystalMath> it's not biden 13:56 < CrystalMath> biden is behind the entire 90s american establishment 13:56 < XRevan86> if it's not biden and it's not trump… 13:56 < CrystalMath> they invented SJWs 13:56 <@MinceR> the 90s american establishment didn't fuck things up as hard as trump did 13:56 < CrystalMath> yes they did 13:56 < CrystalMath> they were the worst 13:57 < CrystalMath> how many wars did Trump start? 13:57 < CrystalMath> what's the net number of soldiers deployed/returned, Trump vs. Clinton? 13:58 <@MinceR> how many people died because of trump? 13:58 < CrystalMath> basically nobody 13:58 <@MinceR> [citation needed] 13:58 < CrystalMath> okay what's your number? 13:58 <@MinceR> i don't have a number, but it's probably a lot 13:58 < CrystalMath> based on what? 13:58 <@MinceR> considering how he "handled" the current plague 13:59 < CrystalMath> the current cold? 13:59 <@MinceR> no, not the cold 13:59 < CrystalMath> yes, the common cold known as COVID-19? 13:59 < XRevan86> Didn't Trump threaten DPRK with war? 13:59 <@MinceR> is that the new name of COVID-19 then? 13:59 < CrystalMath> Trump was the first president in a long time to go to NK and make deals 14:00 < CrystalMath> he didn't handle the iranian thing very well, though 14:00 < CrystalMath> this is because of his flaw - he's one of the religion-brainwashed americans who love israel 14:00 < XRevan86> Didn't he give Palestine a kick? 14:00 < CrystalMath> yes :( 14:01 < CrystalMath> an atheist version of Trump would be much better 14:01 < CrystalMath> MinceR: anyway, you know my opinion on viruses, people dying is natural 14:01 < XRevan86> the most smartest and atheistist 14:01 <@MinceR> well, then let's kill them all 14:01 <@MinceR> it's only natural 14:01 < CrystalMath> it is, but let's not :) 14:02 < CrystalMath> i think there is something in between 14:02 < CrystalMath> wanting to kill everyone 14:02 < CrystalMath> and wanting to save everyone 14:02 < CrystalMath> and that's just letting individuals decide for themselves 14:02 < XRevan86> Is it natural to grab more and more new viruses from other animals? 14:02 < CrystalMath> yews 14:02 < CrystalMath> *yes 14:02 < XRevan86> it's like saying farming is natural 14:02 < CrystalMath> look, this isn't the first time a coronavirus went from bats to civets to humans 14:02 < CrystalMath> it happens all the time 14:02 <@MinceR> yeah, letting individuals decide that they want to live in a christian fundamentalist totalitarian dictatorship 14:02 < CrystalMath> and whenever that happens some people die 14:03 <@MinceR> civets? 14:03 < CrystalMath> that's just life 14:03 <@MinceR> yeah, and when you inject bleach into people, they die 14:03 <@MinceR> and that too is just life 14:03 < CrystalMath> when people inject bleach into themselves, they die 14:03 < CrystalMath> and that is just life 14:03 < CrystalMath> who knows what their motives were 14:03 < CrystalMath> we can't treat people like children 14:03 < CrystalMath> they're adults 14:03 <@MinceR> that would be a nice idea 14:03 < CrystalMath> their life is their responsibility 14:04 <@MinceR> if we finally stopped treating people like children 14:04 <@MinceR> and abolished the state 14:04 <@MinceR> and let people like trump take their beloved religions and apply it to themselves 14:04 < CrystalMath> well now it seems like we're on the same page 14:04 < CrystalMath> but, we see Trump differently 14:04 < CrystalMath> though i can see your point of view 14:05 < CrystalMath> Trump isn't very good for us 14:05 < XRevan86> I have one question I'm curious about: is there a record of someone mourning a loss of a person who injected bleach into themselves after seeing Trump? 14:05 < XRevan86> I mean, are those intellectuals missed? 14:05 <@MinceR> lol 14:05 < CrystalMath> XRevan86: people did drink it, but survived 14:05 <@MinceR> well, if you follow that thought 14:05 < CrystalMath> life doesn't give up so easily 14:05 <@MinceR> you'll find that most people are idiots 14:05 <@MinceR> and so people dying in general is an improvement 14:06 < CrystalMath> whatever form of life gave up easily is gone by now 14:06 < CrystalMath> thanks to evolution 14:06 < CrystalMath> that's why we're strong and can survive even drinking some bleach, though it's certainly not good 14:06 < XRevan86> MinceR: Everyone's an idiot one way or another. 14:06 <@MinceR> thanks to humans evolving, all life on earth may die out prematurely 14:06 < XRevan86> MinceR: But there's a certain threshold… 14:06 <@MinceR> XRevan86: [citation needed] 14:06 < CrystalMath> MinceR: it won't give up just yet 14:06 < CrystalMath> not even with a much hotter earth 14:06 <@MinceR> it doesn't have to 14:07 <@MinceR> we've given our religious zealots such wonderful tools 14:07 <@MinceR> like nuclear bombs 14:07 < CrystalMath> but even that can't kill everything 14:08 <@MinceR> it may cause so much damage that the planet will become inhospitable to life 14:09 < CrystalMath> hmm, well, try it 14:09 < CrystalMath> you may be surprised how tough life can be 14:10 < CrystalMath> but also 14:10 <@MinceR> they're trying 14:10 < CrystalMath> don't forget genes will also try to talk sense into the minds 14:10 < CrystalMath> of those people who can launch the bombs 14:10 <@MinceR> the scene is being set for religious and race wars 14:10 < CrystalMath> i mean sure it didn't work for Heaven's Gate 14:10 <@MinceR> those minds have no sense in them 14:10 <@MinceR> fundamentalism has made sure of that 14:10 < CrystalMath> nor for Jonestown 14:11 < CrystalMath> but actually, even in Jonestown, some force was involved 14:11 < CrystalMath> not everyone drank the koolaid voluntarily 14:11 <@MinceR> the scene is also being set for famines leading to wars for resources 14:11 <@MinceR> and we're also doing global warming, in case those other methods fail 14:11 < CrystalMath> famines won't hurt cockroaches 14:11 < CrystalMath> they can feed off the dead humans :P 14:12 <@MinceR> the New Dark Ages are also ensuring that we'll be defenseless against external threats 14:12 < CrystalMath> remember i said life not human life 14:13 <@MinceR> remember i said "like nuclear bombs", not "nuclear bombs" 14:13 <@MinceR> biological weapons are also still on the table :> 14:13 < CrystalMath> and tiny organisms get around those great 14:14 <@MinceR> maybe some tiny organisms will survive, and intelligent life will eventually evolve on earth 14:14 <@MinceR> maybe the greatest contribution humanity can make is wiping itself out to make room for something intelligent to evolve 14:16 < CrystalMath> maybe 14:17 < CrystalMath> we don't know 14:17 < CrystalMath> let's leave it to fate 14:17 < CrystalMath> don't worry, be happy :) 14:17 <@MinceR> yeah 14:17 <@MinceR> let the idiots kill themselves off, who cares about the innocents 14:18 < CrystalMath> i'm thinking of a greater level of not caring 14:18 < CrystalMath> i'm saying, live only in the now 14:18 < CrystalMath> only for today 14:19 <@MinceR> i can't do otherwise 14:19 <@MinceR> that's what makes the now "now" 14:21 < CrystalMath> perhaps you don't realize how evil 90s america is 14:21 < CrystalMath> it didn't do airstrikes on your hometown 14:21 < CrystalMath> it did on mine 14:21 <@MinceR> perhaps you don't realize how evil neofascists are 14:21 <@MinceR> because Agent Orange is still being held back by the state 14:22 < CrystalMath> i don't think that's the case 14:22 <@MinceR> so he can't do to uhmerica what orban is doing to hungary, or what putler is doing to russia, or what erdogan is doing to turkey 14:22 < CrystalMath> i think that's the deception 14:22 < CrystalMath> Trump famously said one beautiful and smart sentence... 14:22 <@MinceR> the checks and balances are being destroyed, but it still takes a while over there 14:22 < CrystalMath> "they're not after me, they're after you, i'm just in the way" 14:22 <@MinceR> ridiculous 14:22 < CrystalMath> it's the truth 14:23 < CrystalMath> globalists want to create a prison planet 14:23 <@MinceR> twitler abusing his power to enrich himself in no way protect me from anything 14:23 <@MinceR> yeah, and he expressed his admiration for prison countries 14:23 < CrystalMath> it's really said that the only movement capable of doing something doesn't see it, and doesn't understand why we're constantly being pushed on all sides 14:23 < CrystalMath> *sad 14:24 < CrystalMath> the push is coming from the evil globalists 14:24 < CrystalMath> and from people who are making a big deal from the plandemic 14:24 < CrystalMath> *of the 14:24 <@MinceR> it's really sad that most people believe that the only thing we can do is decide which of 2 evils should be allowed to kill us and wear our skin 14:25 <@MinceR> and that they believe that everyone else has made a choice and it is different from theirs then it's the biggest evil that one could have possibly done 14:25 < CrystalMath> no i believe that one side will put us into a prison planet where everyone is constantly controlled and watched for "safety" reasons, and the other will create a beautiful free world in which people are born, live, and die as they always have 14:25 < CrystalMath> there is a sacrifice no matter which side you choose 14:26 < CrystalMath> but only one retains the dignity of individual human beings 14:26 <@MinceR> neither of them will let you be free 14:26 < CrystalMath> the other crushes it and gives you a long life as a slave 14:26 <@MinceR> one of them will eat you if they believe you to be privileged or politically incorrect 14:26 <@MinceR> the other will eat you if you refuse to live as they want and believe everything they want you to believe 14:27 < CrystalMath> the politically correct crowd are the globalists 14:27 < CrystalMath> they are Biden 14:27 < CrystalMath> if you vote for biden you are voting for kneeling in front of minorities 14:27 <@MinceR> i don't get to vote in that race 14:27 < CrystalMath> literally! 14:27 < CrystalMath> but why would you support the bastion of political correctness 14:27 < CrystalMath> the designers of all that is bad 14:27 <@MinceR> the ones i do get to vote in are counted by people who don't care what's on the paper 14:28 <@MinceR> i don't support the bastion of political correctnes 14:28 <@MinceR> s 14:28 <@MinceR> i prefer "more of the same" as before dump to dump himself 14:28 < CrystalMath> you do whenever you talk crap about Trump while forgiving biden 14:28 <@MinceR> that's bullshit, and it's the flawed thinking i mentioned earlier 14:28 <@MinceR> and you probably can't get out of it if you don't demolish the two-party system 14:29 < CrystalMath> but it's as clear as day 14:29 <@MinceR> yes, to the believers, everything is clear 14:29 < CrystalMath> 1) you're not gonna demolish the two party syste... 14:29 < CrystalMath> (system 14:29 < CrystalMath> 2) Biden is the one kneeling in front of minorities 14:29 < CrystalMath> 3) Trump says whatever the hell he wants 14:29 <@MinceR> and whatever he wants to say is incredibly stupid 14:30 < CrystalMath> i mean that's enough for me to believe Trump is the cure 14:30 < CrystalMath> maybe i'm stupid 14:30 <@MinceR> and as long as he's in that position, it's also the federal policy 14:30 < CrystalMath> it could be a very obvious trick 14:30 < CrystalMath> but being desperate i have a suspension of disbelief here 14:30 < CrystalMath> plus, i know one side did an airstrike on my hometown, and the other withdrew troops from Syria 14:30 < CrystalMath> so it's as clear as day to me - the giant douche is better than a turd sandwich 14:31 <@MinceR> well, under twitler's opponents, the country i live in was a republic with a market economy 14:31 <@MinceR> under his pals, it's a christian fundamentalist totalitarian dictatorship where the dictator's pals get to do business 14:32 <@MinceR> and the latter is very similar to what this country was under russian rule, just with a different state religion 14:33 <@MinceR> and if GoldenDawnald gets his way, that's what the USA will turn into as well 14:34 < CrystalMath> oh, and it'd be great if it the PC crowd wins? 14:35 <@MinceR> no, but at least we might still have the tools with which we can remove them from power 14:35 < CrystalMath> how happy will it be, when america is once again attacking other countries in order to liberate them from patriarchy / racism / their oil 14:35 < CrystalMath> when white people have to pay a tax because they were born that way 14:36 <@MinceR> how do you know this is biden's program? 14:36 <@MinceR> and how do you know he'll be able to implement it until the end of his term? 14:36 < CrystalMath> have you listened to biden? 14:36 <@MinceR> no 14:36 < CrystalMath> have you seen what's happening? 14:36 < CrystalMath> they're trying to take down Trump with whatever they can 14:36 <@MinceR> yes 14:36 < CrystalMath> so they can do this evil crap 14:36 <@MinceR> well, that's understandable 14:37 <@MinceR> i'd want to take him down too 14:37 < CrystalMath> i wouldn't with these people 14:37 < CrystalMath> anyway 14:37 < CrystalMath> if you heard biden 14:37 < CrystalMath> you'd know he has no program 14:37 < CrystalMath> his mind is blank 14:37 <@MinceR> that's a good start 14:37 < CrystalMath> but he's firmly under control from the evil globalist elite 14:38 < CrystalMath> he does everything they say 14:38 < CrystalMath> just look at him speak 14:38 < CrystalMath> he's like an AI generating random globalist propaganda 14:38 < CrystalMath> "150 million americans were killed by guns alone" 14:38 <@MinceR> also, why do you let the DNC routinely cheat at their own primaries? 14:38 < CrystalMath> well i can't stop them :P 14:40 <@MinceR> well, anyway, biden and trump make a pretty good case for anarchism 14:50 <@MinceR> also, if that fascist, zealous idiot would by some mistake do something good, i still wouldn't be a fan of him 14:50 <@MinceR> accidents happen 14:50 <@MinceR> and horrible people are still horrible people 14:55 < kingoffrance> yeah, trump will censor people in the name of "not fundamentalist" just like the "PC" people 14:55 < kingoffrance> two sides of the same coin 14:56 < kingoffrance> there is corporate supporters of BLM/antifa/etc. and corporate people on wall street supporting trump and .... thats about it 14:57 <@MinceR> "Patriotic Correctness" 14:57 < kingoffrance> ralph nader was right, 2 corporate parties 14:57 < kingoffrance> yup 15:01 < kingoffrance> "parties" arent officially anything...its just private/voluntary, delegating to proxies .... electors dont have to vote party lines, they just "voluntarily" (read: are payed to) do so 15:01 < kingoffrance> calling it a "system" is the problem 15:01 < kingoffrance> its not 15:01 < kingoffrance> it never was 15:01 < kingoffrance> they branched off from jefferson democratic republicans IIRC 15:01 < kingoffrance> which was federalists versus non-feds 15:01 < kingoffrance> "if i had to join a political party to get into heaven, id rather not go to heaven" thomas jefferson 15:01 < kingoffrance> lol 15:02 <@MinceR> the system is what makes it impossible for anyone else to win 15:02 < kingoffrance> you should ask the bar why they have parties 15:02 < kingoffrance> they would be the likely reason 15:02 < kingoffrance> and the banks 15:02 < kingoffrance> anything else is distraction IMO 15:02 < kingoffrance> they never were "part of the system" 15:02 < kingoffrance> they are a "voluntary" extension 15:03 < kingoffrance> same as ucc, same as bar some people claim, medieval guilds it has been said is the root of this 15:03 < kingoffrance> same as frns 15:03 < kingoffrance> "private" people granted "public" monopolies 15:04 < kingoffrance> none of them are "part of the system" they have weaseled their way i 15:04 < kingoffrance> s/i/in 15:04 < kingoffrance> they have displaced "the system" ...legal regulatory capture what have you 15:04 <@MinceR> with a different system 15:04 < kingoffrance> yes 15:04 < kingoffrance> i dont expect people to go back to farming out in the sticks 15:05 < kingoffrance> but this is the big problem: almost everything going on is not part of the system, but "voluntary" optional things so ingrained you cant avoid them 15:05 < kingoffrance> like microsoft in the schools 15:05 < kingoffrance> its all "voluntary" 15:05 <@MinceR> schools "voluntarily" accepting corruption from microshit 15:05 < kingoffrance> just.....you will have a hard time finding finding a school that doesnt "volunteer" to mandate them 15:05 < kingoffrance> yup 15:06 <@MinceR> possibly because they're underfunded and they don't care about their professions anymore 15:08 < kingoffrance> well courts too etc. 15:08 < kingoffrance> as techright pointed out with patent stuff i guess 15:19 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/724f7b88cedaefd8.mp4 15:32 < kingoffrance> whenever they say "public" in america, you can almost always trace it back to when it was some private group and they got their claws in to some exalted status 15:32 < kingoffrance> that is the pattern i see 15:42 < schestowitz> MinceR: that's a gas! 15:42 < kingoffrance> i saw a thing that was "summary" circa 1960s of one of the "council of state governors" type thing, or what have you, an aide reporting back to kennedy what occurred...it was noted it was mostly just idle talk, all "off the record" ......there are all these little private clubs where decisions are made "off the record" then maybe they have a "public debate" with open minutes, such is "transparency" ....its gone on a long time 15:42 < kingoffrance> they *like* to have all these little private clubs where they can discuss "off the record" 15:43 < schestowitz> [18:50] CrystalMath: What is globalism? 15:43 < schestowitz> What Trump does 15:43 < CrystalMath> schestowitz: but then why do the people who want global technofascism hate Trump? (besides you guys who also hate Trump but i don't know why) 15:44 < schestowitz> Many people hate Trump 15:44 < schestowitz> He's corrupt, he's racist, he abolishes the rule of law and human decency 15:44 < kingoffrance> then *after* they have discusssed in private, you will see "public legislation" 15:44 < schestowitz> (and you're not in the US) 15:44 < schestowitz> so maybe you want the US to become the basketcase it is, for your own amusement 15:45 <@MinceR> CrystalMath: apparently most people want authoritarianism everywhere but we have two slightly different tribes that hate each other and use slightly different symbols 15:46 < CrystalMath> schestowitz: i just don't want global technofascism 15:46 <@MinceR> then twitler is not your friend 15:46 < CrystalMath> it is possible that one may need something unpopular, like an anti-science movement, to stop technofascism 15:46 < CrystalMath> as Ted Kaczynski said 15:46 <@MinceR> well, we do have an anti-science movement 15:46 <@MinceR> but it's still authoritarian 15:47 < CrystalMath> well if it destroys science and technology, and leads to its abandonment 15:47 < CrystalMath> we can be savead 15:47 < CrystalMath> b*saved 15:47 < CrystalMath> *before they put chips into your brain 15:47 <@MinceR> and anything that opposes authoritarianism is already unpopular 15:47 <@MinceR> no, if we destroy science and technology, we doom ourselves to extinctin 15:47 <@MinceR> s/tin/tion/ 15:47 <@MinceR> when the Sun goes red giant or sooner 15:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Tiny solder-down module and eval kit run Linux on an STM32MP1 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139203 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a3259577-9157-4298-a191-746f475dc2bf] 15:49 < CrystalMath> MinceR: really? you're thinking that far ahead? 15:49 < CrystalMath> please don't 15:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139204 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ac58704f-56ef-40ae-af3d-f64aaa8885e2] 15:49 < CrystalMath> every good thing must come to an end 15:49 < CrystalMath> even the human race 15:49 < CrystalMath> it'll happen one day 15:49 <@MinceR> a good thing can't come to an end if it doesn't start 15:49 < CrystalMath> don't fear the reaper 15:49 <@MinceR> there's very little good about humans 15:49 <@MinceR> and it's going away 15:50 < CrystalMath> because of science and technology 15:51 <@MinceR> no, much of that _is_ science and technology 15:51 < CrystalMath> nope 15:51 <@MinceR> also, what's a follower of kaczynski doing on IRC? 15:51 < CrystalMath> people can't really be happy without their individual dignity 15:51 <@MinceR> people generally don't have dignity 15:51 < CrystalMath> yes they do 15:52 < CrystalMath> i have a channel ##technophobia 15:52 < CrystalMath> but it's empty ofc 15:52 <@MinceR> lol 15:52 < CrystalMath> as the topic says 15:52 < CrystalMath> "Most of us seem to not use IRC. Go figure." 15:53 < CrystalMath> i think? 15:53 < CrystalMath> yeah something like that 15:54 < kingoffrance> science will never admit alchemy because then it becomes superstition/religion as their roots, religion will never admit science because then they can be accused of technologically creating their beliefs......i keep waiting for any pro or anti-vaxer to say "thats just alchemy!" but it never happens, there is this artificial split in the modern world.....i say that not because i wish to see science and religion merged falsely, bu 15:54 < kingoffrance> t like the 2 parties, just another what is arguably an artificial split IMO used for political purposes 15:55 < kingoffrance> anyways, im skeptical of pro or anti-science, because i think thats just another false divide (historically) 15:55 < CrystalMath> yeah 15:55 < CrystalMath> some science is alright 15:55 < CrystalMath> even Kaczynski said so 15:55 <@MinceR> how can be pro-X and anti-X be a false divide? 15:55 <@MinceR> is it its own opposite, like a photon? 15:55 < CrystalMath> as long as it's not something that requires or causes massive organization 15:56 < CrystalMath> it should be okay 15:56 < CrystalMath> but IRC does... 15:56 < CrystalMath> so IRC is technically evil 15:56 <@MinceR> where's the massive organization in IRC? 15:56 < CrystalMath> all communication services are 15:56 < CrystalMath> and transport 15:56 <@MinceR> that's bullshit 15:56 <@MinceR> a lot of our technology is distributed 15:56 < CrystalMath> yes but we have to organize and create a division of labor 15:56 < CrystalMath> to have the internet 15:57 <@MinceR> not really 15:57 <@MinceR> we just need to interconnect neighboring networks 16:01 <@MinceR> also, organization is not in conflict with dignity 16:01 <@MinceR> hierarchy is 16:01 <@MinceR> which is not necessary for organization 16:02 < CrystalMath> it's not dignified to eat pre-chewed food 16:02 <@MinceR> then don't? 16:02 <@MinceR> who even does that? 16:02 < CrystalMath> well think of the equivalent 16:02 < CrystalMath> every time you open a packet of something 16:02 < CrystalMath> which you didn't make 16:03 < CrystalMath> it has been pre-processed for you 16:03 <@MinceR> there's no equivalent 16:03 < CrystalMath> you need to be able to make everything yourself from scratch 16:03 <@MinceR> when someone does something they're good at, and trade the result for the fruits of someone else's labor, there's nothing undignified about it 16:03 < CrystalMath> tbh this is why i insist on simple software 16:03 < CrystalMath> because it has to be simple enough for a reasonably good programmer to rewrite from scratch 16:03 <@MinceR> i don't need to, but it's nice to be able to 16:04 < CrystalMath> it's not just nice, if you can't it can be a disaster 16:04 < CrystalMath> and society does things to forbid you from separating yourself from it 16:04 < CrystalMath> much like systemd dependencies 16:04 <@MinceR> with technological development, we could eventually ensure that all human science and technology is available to us, personally 16:04 < CrystalMath> "most people work like this so you should be forced to be like the rest" 16:04 < CrystalMath> this is the horror of society ^ 16:05 <@MinceR> that sucks, but that is not technology 16:05 <@MinceR> systemd itself was invented to restrict people's freedom 16:05 < CrystalMath> and why society needs to be cut down and restricted by mandatory individualism 16:05 < CrystalMath> that is, there must be lines that cannot be crossed 16:05 <@MinceR> i'm not sure how you can enforce mandatory individualism 16:05 <@MinceR> by its very nature, individual leaves decisions to the individual 16:05 < CrystalMath> by restricting what society is allowed to make public 16:06 < CrystalMath> and everything else MUST be private 16:06 < CrystalMath> aka, minarchism 16:09 < kingoffrance> @MinceR false divide between science and religion i mean i.e. evil liberal technocracy versus good god-fearing natural rights 16:09 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:09 <@MinceR> well yeah, that is wrong 16:09 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:09 < kingoffrance> alchemy was supposoed to be all "imitate nature" as well 16:09 <@MinceR> it's actually evil mind-destroying religion vs good liberating understanding of reality 16:09 < kingoffrance> so ...ignore the religion/god thing, that was the "science" of the time 16:10 < kingoffrance> it was "work with nature" instead of against it 16:11 < kingoffrance> they werent environmentalists perhaps, but if you were trying to technologically control nature, you would be "doing it wrong" 16:11 < kingoffrance> and "doomed to failure" 16:14 < kingoffrance> i suppose you had to know how things *were* not "how we would like to dictate they should be" i guess 16:31 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 16:54 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: looks like Trumpland is set to break another record for new cases/day 16:55 < schestowitz> [20:46] as Ted Kaczynski said 16:55 < schestowitz> LOL, when you uphold Unabomber, a terrorist, as a sort of yardstick for wisdom 16:58 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:58 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:58 < schestowitz> Maybe this weekend we'll have some of the "Hitler did nothing wrong" and "Hans Reiser did nothing wrong" crown, too... 17:01 < CrystalMath> well calling him a terrorist when talking about his research paper is an ad hominem 17:01 < CrystalMath> you also have to disprove the ideas, not just call him out for stuff he did 17:07 <@MinceR> poor hitler didn't know all he had to do was write a "research paper" 17:08 < XRevan86> Are you talking about the new Putin's "research paper"? 17:09 <@MinceR> no, a different kaczynski 17:09 <@MinceR> the unabomber 17:11 < schestowitz> he literally bombed people 17:11 < schestowitz> for just being intellectuals or heads of companies 17:12 < schestowitz> but the cargo cult lives on 17:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 5 ways to watch video streams on the Linux desktop http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139205 [https://pleroma.site/objects/24d908e0-1580-4d00-89ea-e40ae404ba9b] 17:23 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 17:26 <@MinceR> https://img.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/5e06cce50975a29c.jpg 17:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139206 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dd4eb7eb-b09a-4aa8-bc10-f11b1142046b] 17:34 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:34 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 17:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: There’s A Proposal To Switch Fedora 33 On The Desktop To Using Btrfs http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139207 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c5220731-6bd7-4006-99a1-f9fc6a1a1b50] 17:48 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 17:48 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 17:48 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 17:48 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 17:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: MX Linux Now Comes Pre-Installed on Star Labs’ Linux Laptops http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/138924#comment-25603 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f79ff341-08ae-4656-afc1-ada50a90c730] 17:51 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:51 < DaemonFC[m]> You know it wouldn't be this bad if they would just stop testing people. 17:51 < DaemonFC[m]> :) 17:51 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 17:55 < DaemonFC[m]> You know, it's comforting to know that our country is having elections where the voting bloc who is too stupid to understand how a battering ram works is playing off the virus. 17:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: PsychOS: A retro-styled Linux distro for your old PCs http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139208 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f2b5cf1c-ddce-4ab6-90ce-35be7d54ca34] 18:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Black Ice, Dungeons 3 and Dying Light - Hellraid http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139209 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fec254b4-b2c2-4750-bfb6-a348b5424595] 18:33 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 18:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #virtmanager is deprecated in RHEL (but only RHEL) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139210 #rhel #redhat #ibm [https://pleroma.site/objects/fab50bf8-9387-4235-91c6-56b9589832f5] 18:37 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: 42k+ now 18:37 < schestowitz> and it's not even midnight here 18:37 < schestowitz> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ 18:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | United States Coronavirus: 2,547,365 Cases and 127,361 Deaths - Worldometer 18:37 < schestowitz> by state 18:37 < schestowitz> you would know better which ones are now red and blue 18:37 < schestowitz> I lost track 18:37 < schestowitz> FL +8,942 18:38 < schestowitz> old 'conservative' folks voted GOP 18:38 < schestowitz> after the butterfly ballots and all 18:38 < schestowitz> now they will get ill 18:38 < schestowitz> "For the economy..." 18:39 < schestowitz> FL deaths: 18:39 < schestowitz> 3,366 18:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Florida is getting away from Trump. 18:39 < schestowitz> Germany 9,026 18:39 < DaemonFC[m]> It's been polling 3-4 points on Biden's side consistently since late April. 18:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Wisconsin is probably a lost cause for Trump. 18:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Michigan is definitely finished with him. 18:39 < schestowitz> Sweden 9,026 18:39 < schestowitz> another 50 dead today 18:40 < DaemonFC[m]> So is Pennsylvania. 18:40 < schestowitz> for 10 million of so in population 18:40 < schestowitz> multiple by 35 to see what it is compared to US 18:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Virginia threw out pretty much all the Republicans at the state level and voted for Obama and Clinton. 18:40 < schestowitz> 1700 ish? 18:40 < DaemonFC[m]> So no dice there. 18:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Texas is a tie. 18:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Arizona is about 3-4 points towards Biden in the polls. 18:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Ohio and Iowa could go either way, but are about 1-2 points towards Trump right now. 18:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Georgia and North Carolina 1-2 points towards Biden and could go either way. 18:41 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd say Trump is defending too many states and can't possibly win all of them. 18:42 < DaemonFC[m]> If the election happened now he'd lose. Short of the virus disappearing and everyone going back to work pronto, he'll lose. 18:42 < DaemonFC[m]> There's still months left for the virus to rage on killing old voters, and he's underwater with them too right now, by 3 points. 18:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Even though it's his best polling group still. 18:43 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not like the country want Biden in particular. 18:43 < DaemonFC[m]> It's that Trump has failed so spectacularly that a large segment of the Republican Party has had quite enough of this and will vote for Biden. 18:44 < DaemonFC[m]> 2018 sort of foreshadowed this in the suburbs and in light of recent events, I doubt they like Trump more now than they did then. 18:44 < XRevan86> It's almost like the "lesser evil" is not Trump 18:44 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:45 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has joined #techrights 18:48 < schestowitz> this is still awful 18:48 < schestowitz> because they end up with two rather bads 18:48 < schestowitz> and then they will rejoice a bad 18:49 < schestowitz> which is, I suppose, what the country's oligarchs wanted anyway 18:49 < schestowitz> I am still trying to help my country here 18:49 < schestowitz> we're less hopeless than the US 18:49 < schestowitz> one big issue is the push to privatise our health system 18:50 < schestowitz> it's not irreversible just yet 18:50 < schestowitz> rianne was at the stores today, said they were quite empty 18:50 < schestowitz> and promises of many SALES and DIsCOUNTS were also empty (which is what I had also noticed) 18:51 < schestowitz> some people frame this as 'online shopping' versus 'physical shops' 18:51 < schestowitz> but I think it overlooks what is really happening 18:51 < schestowitz> people out of work 18:51 < schestowitz> and those still working having low work security or a sense of 'consumer confidence' 18:52 <@MinceR> the UK will probably fall apart 18:52 < schestowitz> so people not focus on essentials, and that necessarily means lower supply and demand, so this whole system of endless expansion, backed by growing loans, is not collapsing 18:52 <@MinceR> https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/joanna-cherry-alternative-route-to-scottish-independence-1-6718284 18:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.theneweuropean.co.uk | SNP MP calls for ‘Plan B’ which could lead to Scotland declaring independence without referendum | The New European 18:52 < schestowitz> the market just isn't constantly "growing" 18:52 < schestowitz> *not>now 18:52 < schestowitz> MinceR: seems inevitable 18:52 < schestowitz> Scotland has lots to offer and is less densely populated 18:53 < schestowitz> the imperial England is languishing, so not much compelling beef for Scotland to stay in this union of Westminster, they might even want to bond with Scandinavia is not EU 18:55 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:56 <@MinceR> well, last time they wanted to be EU members 18:56 <@MinceR> so pigfucker told them if they leave the UK, they'll have trouble rejoining the EU 18:56 <@MinceR> and then pigfucker maneuvered the UK out of the EU 18:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Kernel and Linux Foundation Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139211 [https://pleroma.site/objects/35fb0091-4738-4f66-a838-b507235e8b9f] 19:02 < schestowitz> well, "pigfucker" is one of the reasons they'll leave 19:02 < schestowitz> as I think they will, eventually 19:02 < schestowitz> we went to parliament there 5 years ago 19:03 < schestowitz> around the time of SCOTUS/Alice decision, that's how I remember it 19:03 < schestowitz> they already have key pieces in place for departure 19:03 < schestowitz> they would speak English/Gaelic still 19:03 < schestowitz> with the odd accent 19:03 < schestowitz> not sure how border would be handles, esp. if they join the EU and UK leaves the EU 19:04 < schestowitz> http://schestowitz.com/royrianne/gallery/index.php/Edinburgh 19:04 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- schestowitz.com | Edinburgh 19:06 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: +43,371 new cases in UK 19:06 < schestowitz> *US 19:06 < schestowitz> the number is not final yet 19:07 < schestowitz> Global total was 180,946 19:07 < schestowitz> so about a quarter is US 19:07 < schestowitz> with 4% of the world's population 19:10 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:10 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:11 <@MinceR> i thought the UK leaving the EU was a done thing already 19:13 < schestowitz> seems so 19:13 < schestowitz> except practical formality 19:14 < schestowitz> like settlement status next year, forgot due date 19:15 < schestowitz> most things have not changed yet 19:15 < schestowitz> like a couple getting divorced and still living together 19:16 < schestowitz> our PM nearly died 2 months ago 19:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Eh, oh well. 19:18 < DaemonFC[m]> It's just going to have to burn itself out at this point because of idiots. 19:18 < CrystalMath> the EU should be abolished 19:19 < CrystalMath> freedom to the people 19:23 -!- Krikey_Sanchez [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has joined #techrights 19:24 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:24 < DaemonFC[m]> Some police charity called wanting money for injured cops. 19:24 < DaemonFC[m]> I told him, "Well, I don't know if you've been watching the news lately, but thanks to that asshole up in Minnesota, we've had riots where I live, and frankly if it sends any cops to the hospital they should have been somewhere else instead of shooting at CNN. So fuck you people.". 19:24 -!- xxdx [5198edc8@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:27 < schestowitz> lol 19:28 < schestowitz> +44,158 19:28 < schestowitz> us cases 19:28 < schestowitz> still rising 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah. Who cares? 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Burns through in a few months. 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Less old people who can hold up the line and maybe vote for Trump again. 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> To hell with them. 19:28 < schestowitz> FL +8,942 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, god fucking damn them anyway. 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Morons. 19:29 < schestowitz> TX +5,097 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Everyone agrees Florida sucks. 19:29 < schestowitz> Republican states 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, whoopsie. 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> :D 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> So much for the "It's over. Go shopping." narrative. 19:29 < schestowitz> [redneck accent+voice] YEAH, REOPEEEEN MURICA [/] 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> The politicians can say all the stupid shit they want at the moment, but nobody is going to cooperate with this. 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> My bankruptcy lawyer is a Republican and she's staying in her house even though the state's "open" again kinda. 19:30 < schestowitz> "the spike in COVID in the three most populous U.S. states of California, Texas and Florida." 19:30 < schestowitz> https://www.democracynow.org/2020/6/25/brazil_us_coronavirus_cases_surge_marcia 19:30 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.democracynow.org | How U.S. and Brazil Leadership That “Neglects Science” Led to Hemisphere’s Worst Coronavirus Crises | Democracy Now! 19:31 < schestowitz> https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/25/texas-gov-abbott-warns-covid-19-getting-out-control-yes-say-critics-because-you 19:31 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.commondreams.org | Texas Gov. Abbott Warns Covid-19 Getting 'Out of Control.' Yes, Say Critics, Because You Knowingly 'Unleashed It' | Common Dreams News 19:31 < schestowitz> from yesterday 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> What it'll do is purge some of the Outer Party who are stupid and more likely to be uninsured anyway and are being farmed for votes. 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump's campaign people are down with the sickness, dont'cha know? 19:31 < schestowitz> https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/06/25/states-overwhelmed-coronavirus-pandemic-face-another-health-hazard-massive-dust 19:31 < schestowitz> "People with respiratory ailments in Texas and Florida, where hospitals are nearing capacity with Covid-19 patients, may find little healthcare support if the dust plume exacerbates their conditions." 19:31 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.commondreams.org | States Overwhelmed by Coronavirus Pandemic Face Another Health Hazard as Massive Dust Plume Heads Toward Southern US | Common Dreams News 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> 8 people that were setting up his failed Tulsa rally got it, at least. 19:31 < schestowitz> how much in medical bills? 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Then he was mad that it made the news. 19:32 < schestowitz> at least SOMEONE will be happy 19:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Fuck if I know. Hasta Lasagna, don't get any on ya. 19:32 < DaemonFC[m]> People going in and out of our laundry area with no mask on. 19:32 < schestowitz> Hasta Lasagna? 19:32 < schestowitz> Spanish Italian recipe? 19:32 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm in there looking like Bane between this hair cut and the black mask. 19:33 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: the issue might be the handles 19:33 < schestowitz> and gloves might not help 19:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Industrial strength hand sanitizer. 19:33 < schestowitz> if you live in communal apartment it's hard, even pressing buttons in elevators 19:33 < DaemonFC[m]> After the gloves come off. 19:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I go inside and wash my hands. 19:34 < DaemonFC[m]> You can only do what you can do. 19:34 < DaemonFC[m]> The hand sanitizer is in case I got any on my hands taking the gloves off. 19:34 < schestowitz> tbh, rianne does the sanitation here, and spends ages on it. but.... it would hardly be possible if we live in a 'shoebox' apartment 19:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I wash my hands because why not. 19:35 < schestowitz> my dad barely left the home... as he's in the dangerous age group 19:35 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The manager at this place thought she'd save money getting rid of the trash cans. 19:35 < DaemonFC[m]> So these animals are just throwing garbage bags where the trash cans used to be. 19:35 < schestowitz> it can leak 19:36 < schestowitz> that can also attract vermin, depending how 'indoor' it is 19:36 < DaemonFC[m]> I swipedsome of those big contractor bags and I've been throwing the Walmart bags in there as they fill with trash. 19:36 < schestowitz> that's how you get things like covid-19, poor handling of biological matter 19:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Then taking the trash out every couple of weeks so I don't have to hang around the dumpster any more than necessary. 19:37 -!- xxdx [5198edc8@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:38 < schestowitz> +44,366 19:38 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Oh this virus is really tricky, and then those people who won't even wear a mask are everywhere. 19:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Cops doing fuck all about it, ,despite the law. 19:38 < DaemonFC[m]> What else is new? 19:38 < schestowitz> unless it's a protester with a mask 19:38 < schestowitz> then they beat the s out of them 19:39 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:39 < DaemonFC[m]> I love the police. 19:39 < DaemonFC[m]> If a black person goes out without a mask, they're breaking the law. Get em! 19:40 < DaemonFC[m]> If a black person goes out with a mask, they're antifa! Get em! 19:41 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I know where the anti-Mexican sentiment comes from. 19:41 < DaemonFC[m]> They have a work ethic and give a shit about their family. 19:41 < DaemonFC[m]> It pisses white people off that Mexicans are everything we say we are and aren't. 19:41 < schestowitz> +44,847 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Good, fuck em. 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Get in there. Die. I want my country back! 19:42 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: same for pinoys 19:42 < schestowitz> very dedicated to family members, parents, kids, siblings 19:42 < schestowitz> even leaving them just to support them financially 19:43 < schestowitz> in the US it's done to bomb people 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Except for Maricel. What a piece of shit. 19:43 < schestowitz> leaving the family to 'work' in the US Army 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Apparently, living here has "changed her" and she wasn't like this in the Philippines. 19:43 < schestowitz> killing countries that are mostly/only "black" and "brown"... IF those countries have natural resources like oil 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> She acts like a spoiled little 5 year old that someone forgot to turn over their knee. 19:43 < DaemonFC[m]> It's terrrble. 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> *terrible 19:44 < schestowitz> there are always outliers 19:44 < schestowitz> in every country/group 19:44 < schestowitz> you go by averages... 19:44 < schestowitz> or medians 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> This woman is fucked up. Crazy insane and insane crazy. 19:45 < schestowitz> +45,252 19:45 < schestowitz> Trump... the bestest numbers 19:45 < DaemonFC[m]> No sense of morality whatsoever. 19:45 < schestowitz> big league 19:45 < schestowitz> and wait, it's not over yet 19:45 < DaemonFC[m]> So? 19:45 < schestowitz> it's growing every minute as the daily sums come in 19:45 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't have a dog in this fight, schestowitz 19:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Except to say thank god me and Mandy aren't old and will probably live if we get it. 19:46 -!- Krikey_Sanchez is now known as Hail_Spacecake 19:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe after it "washes over" America getting rid of those entitled do nothing arrogant shitheads in my parents' generation, we'll get rid of Trump. 19:47 < DaemonFC[m]> They haven't done anything to make me want to like them. 19:47 < DaemonFC[m]> They're literally the reason this country is on the verge of collapse. 19:47 < DaemonFC[m]> They've had it their way for so long that we might not survive it. 19:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Why should I be sad for this? 19:48 < schestowitz> depends... 19:48 < schestowitz> some of them were more hard-working than today's kids 19:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Their parents at least did something besides bitch that they didn't get the correct amount of cinnamon in their Starbucks. 19:48 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean god damn. 19:49 < schestowitz> When I say today's kids I mean kids 19:49 < schestowitz> like under 18s 19:49 < schestowitz> my generation was a bit better 19:50 < schestowitz> but already jilted enough by parents' greed 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Everyone says their generation was better. 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, not good role models. 19:50 < schestowitz> houses still priced out of reach and jobs going where they ought not... for some short-term gains or so-called business heroes 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> My parents are both narcissistic, self-absorbed, self-serving. Absolutely nuts. 19:50 < schestowitz> We're saving for early retirement 19:51 < schestowitz> maybe in Negros Occidental 19:51 < schestowitz> too hard to tell, too early 19:51 < schestowitz> the currencies can rapidly lose their weight 19:51 < schestowitz> (purchasing power) 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Yeah, Thomson sent the Consumer Electronics division to Mexico, then eventually gave up on that, sold the brands to the Chinese, and became a patent troll. 19:52 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: Carl was working in technical stuff IIRC, Madame Harmon still helping ageing people 19:52 < schestowitz> not lazy at all 19:52 < schestowitz> there's far worse than them 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Then they sold the patent division to another patent troll and filed bankruptcy. 19:52 < schestowitz> at least they're not a burden on the system 19:52 < schestowitz> their patents are still used in lawsuits 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> People who endlessly reproduce are the biggest strain on the system. 19:53 < schestowitz> biggest also literally 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Brian Culley (Gonad). 19:53 < schestowitz> because their footprint in terms of mass is bigger 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Spawned a bunch of little Culleys, who spawned some more. 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Clogging up the courts and the welfare offices. 19:53 < schestowitz> but the clogup is the oligarchy 19:53 < schestowitz> not paying taxes 19:53 < schestowitz> not giving jobs to locals 19:54 < schestowitz> pure parasites, but they get their media to label them "job creators" 19:54 < DaemonFC[m]> The patents that my dad assigned to RCA, which Thomson acquired, expired roughly 1999/2001. 19:54 < DaemonFC[m]> So they're harmless now. 19:54 < schestowitz> That's EU's Breton 19:54 < schestowitz> We wrote about those patents last year in December 19:54 < schestowitz> He was in Thomson 19:55 < schestowitz> RCA... when the US - gasp - made something.. without tear gas or gunpowder inside it 19:56 < schestowitz> +46,831 19:56 < schestowitz> rising fast 19:56 < schestowitz> maybe 50k soon 19:57 < schestowitz> if it's not too late for that tally 19:57 < schestowitz> previous high was 39k something iirc 19:57 < schestowitz> back in april 20:09 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Apparently, although court fines and recent taxes can't be discharged in a bankruptcy, if you paid them with a credit card, it goes away. 20:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I guess it goes against the spirit of the bankruptcy code, which is to leave fines intact as a way of punishing you, but not the letter of the law, because credit cards are just unsecured loans. 20:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I suppose student loans would work the same way. 20:11 < schestowitz> credit card is a misnomer 20:11 < schestowitz> I've long rejected the term 20:11 < schestowitz> it's a card-carrying borrower 20:11 < DaemonFC[m]> If you could just file bankruptcy against criminal fines, everyone would do it. 20:11 < schestowitz> it's a loan card 20:11 < DaemonFC[m]> But putting it on a credit card and throwing the credit card in, is acceptable. 20:11 < schestowitz> and the lender is looking for big returns 20:11 < schestowitz> or you could extend the metaphor to "slavery card" 20:11 < schestowitz> "I carry a bondage card, baby..." 20:12 < schestowitz> I'm owned by the bank 20:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Don't you mean a dependent? 20:12 < schestowitz> "anything I buy you in this dinner.. I do at the expense of my fiscal masters" 20:12 < DaemonFC[m]> It's owned by the primary. 20:12 < schestowitz> wait 20:12 < schestowitz> you mock the term? 20:12 < schestowitz> master/slave? 20:12 < DaemonFC[m]> LOL 20:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, if the SJWs redefined masters and slaves, then we're going to have to ban Depeche Mode and come up with new terms for, well of English really. 20:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Including the bible, which actually has a proverb that says the borrower is the slave to the lender. 20:14 < DaemonFC[m]> *all of 20:14 < schestowitz> it's technically true at some level 20:14 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: My in laws nearly lost their house to a primary. 20:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Then a primary company sued them over a dependent card. 20:14 < schestowitz> so ask yourself, who masters the sanitisers of language? 20:15 < schestowitz> lol 20:15 < schestowitz> dependent card 20:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh my god, those people are the biggest idiots with money I've ever seen. 20:15 < schestowitz> mastercard? 20:15 < schestowitz> credit card? 20:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Mark got pulled over and fined for speeding about a dozen times. 20:15 < schestowitz> heck, maybe they'll go after mastercard next 20:15 < schestowitz> forcing the company to rename 20:15 < DaemonFC[m]> They've been sued twice over credit cards and nearly got foreclosed on in 2014. 20:15 < schestowitz> that SURE would confuse many people 20:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Let's play master and servant! 20:16 < DaemonFC[m]> It's a lot....It's a lot....It's a lot like life.... 20:16 < DaemonFC[m]> B-) 20:16 < schestowitz> society is all master-slave 20:16 < schestowitz> like employee-employer 20:16 < schestowitz> banning words won't serve towards a solution 20:16 < oiaohm> Really all this SJW stuff over master slave what are going to do when they get into plumbing 20:16 < schestowitz> in fact, USING those terms will emphasiee the injustice 20:16 < schestowitz> but the masters don't want people to use such terms 20:17 < schestowitz> This won't accomplish anything concrete 20:17 < schestowitz> just a long, slow clap 20:17 < schestowitz> well done, you changed words 20:18 < schestowitz> and yet, blacks still lack opportunities in jobs 20:18 < schestowitz> and cannot afford college 20:18 < schestowitz> slow clap 20:18 < schestowitz> but now python doesn't call any code/object "master" 20:18 < DaemonFC[m]> My in laws have great jobs and they're getting sued to the point the bank is going to take their clothes for a rummage sale. 20:18 < DaemonFC[m]> This is absurd. It's perverse. 20:19 < schestowitz> and used clothes undersell 20:19 < schestowitz> once worn by an unknown person, value collapses 20:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh, she was fucking pissed off at the idea I was filing bankruptcy and they can't. 20:19 < schestowitz> more so than cars, which rapidly lose their value once used/driven 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I just got rid of more debt than she makes in a year. 20:20 < schestowitz> lol 20:20 < schestowitz> who's she? 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy's sister. 20:20 < schestowitz> lol 20:20 < schestowitz> I love this irony 20:20 < schestowitz> class/career climbers 20:20 < DaemonFC[m]> She said she would call the police and have them arrest me because I didn't pay my credit card bill. 20:20 < schestowitz> getting pwned by their own petard 20:20 < schestowitz> a happy ending kind of slant to it 20:20 < schestowitz> you can't buy tact 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> That was racist. 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> (They're Asian" 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Errr *) 20:21 < schestowitz> Most of the world is Asian 20:21 < schestowitz> or hald of it 20:21 < schestowitz> *half 20:21 < schestowitz> in US Asian means eastasian 20:21 < schestowitz> here it means PK/IN 20:21 < schestowitz> typically 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, how does that happen? 20:21 < schestowitz> or "southasian" 20:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Isn't Asia where they make the condoms? 20:21 < schestowitz> but when you say asian people assume British colony Asia 20:22 < DaemonFC[m]> You'd think they'd have some. 20:22 < schestowitz> PH is 'Asiyan' (how they'd pronounce it) 20:22 < schestowitz> ASEAN 20:23 < schestowitz> +47,093 20:23 < schestowitz> neck-to-neck with Brazil now 20:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, you overpopulate and everyone's fucking poor. 20:23 < schestowitz> +46,907 brazil 20:23 < schestowitz> go USA! 20:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Then you wonder why the rich countries are where they managed to stem the tide in the reproduction rate. 20:23 < schestowitz> numba' one! 20:23 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: it's more complicated than this 20:23 < DaemonFC[m]> It still gets a lot worse than the US. Like, most of the world..... 20:24 < schestowitz> the angle of child mortality, financial comfort (not relying on kids to support you), longevity, surrounding, culture... child 'shame' (having too many kids of social stigma) 20:24 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh my God. What's so complicated about "Your country is swimming in sewage and you can cut the air with a knife because you have a billion people in a city!"? 20:25 < DaemonFC[m]> London was just godawful not more than 100 years ago. 20:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Cut the shit. Birth control. Environmental protection laws. 20:26 < schestowitz> still is 20:26 < schestowitz> unless you are rich or borrow a lot 20:26 < schestowitz> it's like manhattan to live in it... near the center 20:26 < schestowitz> or centre 20:26 < DaemonFC[m]> yeah, like Chicago. 20:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Chicago is bad, and very overpriced. 20:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Especially closer to the downtown area. 20:26 < schestowitz> London is inward immigration hub 20:26 < schestowitz> it also attracts some truly brilliant people though 20:27 < schestowitz> it's brain-draining some of the world 20:27 < schestowitz> which is why I'm not against 20:27 < schestowitz> SF in US.. same 20:27 < DaemonFC[m]> The US has been brain drained. They call it Trump. 20:28 < schestowitz> yes, it does harm 20:28 < schestowitz> but... 20:28 < schestowitz> so was Bush II 20:28 < schestowitz> I know some who left back then 20:28 < schestowitz> smart people 20:28 < schestowitz> hard-working people 20:28 < schestowitz> those who could still migrate 20:28 < schestowitz> the people I see now yearning to move to the US are fascists 20:28 < schestowitz> like right-wing nuts 20:29 < schestowitz> they see the US as a land of opportunity for ethnostates 20:29 < schestowitz> and I'm not exaggerating... there's at least one trump proponent in this channel who's like that 20:31 < schestowitz> +47,198 20:31 < schestowitz> Bolsonaro 300 cases shy today 20:31 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:31 < schestowitz> Europe as a whole does 47k in a whole week maybe, combined 20:32 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 20:33 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:33 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 20:34 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:35 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 20:36 < schestowitz> +47,200 20:36 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:37 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 20:37 < schestowitz> Russia+Europe deaths: +47,200 20:37 < schestowitz> oops 20:37 < schestowitz> 598 20:37 < schestowitz> US 660 20:40 < schestowitz> +47,224 20:40 < schestowitz> that's what you call "Spreading out of control" 20:40 < schestowitz> and contract tracing would seem like more of a joke than ever 20:41 < schestowitz> unless it does nothing but providing some stats about number of cases per area, as a generic guidance re threat of infection 20:42 < schestowitz> Japan says it has 836 known active cases 20:42 < schestowitz> so it can map these still 20:42 < schestowitz> or isolate those people 20:42 < schestowitz> or house them in special hospital units 20:42 < schestowitz> you cannot do that with 1.5 million subjects 20:43 < schestowitz> maybe orange nazi will just say some "herd" thing (immunity) and urge to just "let it spread" and "be done with the whole thing" 20:43 < schestowitz> a couple of million deaths later and it's MAGA! 20:43 < schestowitz> and US tourists will be viewed like lepers by the whole world, inc. mx and ca 20:48 < schestowitz> +47,230 20:55 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:11 < schestowitz> seems like the final total was +47,341 21:33 < CrystalMath> why would anyone care about how many people got the cold yesterday 21:33 < CrystalMath> this is the silliest statistic i've ever seen 21:34 < CrystalMath> i work at a university and i've been around hundreds of students last week 21:34 < CrystalMath> the vast majority wore no masks at all 21:34 < superkuh> Because over half of the asymptomatic cases have occlusions on ct scans of their lungs. (only one paper, 16/26, chinese, but still). 21:34 < CrystalMath> and i didn't even get a cold 21:35 < CrystalMath> superkuh: i strongly doubt that, since the lung damage is always caused by an immune response in the case of viruses 21:35 < CrystalMath> which would not have been measurable without symptoms 21:35 < CrystalMath> also.... the fact that there is something IS a symptom 21:35 < CrystalMath> so how can it be asymptomatic anyway? 21:35 < superkuh> The mechanism wouldn't be cytokine storms in that case, no. 21:36 < superkuh> These were people who lived with people who were confirmed positive but reported no symptoms but tested positive. 21:36 < superkuh> Er, lived with people who were hospitalized. 21:36 < superkuh> Anyway, calling it the common cold is silly too. 21:37 < superkuh> But yeah, looking at hospitalizations per day might be a less noisy metric. 21:37 < CrystalMath> in the entire world it couldn't even kill a million 21:37 < CrystalMath> the flu can do better than that 21:37 < CrystalMath> the flu can kill 10 million in a year 21:37 < CrystalMath> or more 21:38 < CrystalMath> of course we should be talking about millions dead 21:38 < CrystalMath> if it's a serious pandemic 21:38 < CrystalMath> but it's not... 21:38 < CrystalMath> this virus is actually milder than Setracovirus was when it first hit 1,000 years ago 21:39 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: What Are Fedora Labs and How Are They Useful to You? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139212 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9ed0547f-9fe9-468e-b749-296f762cea38] 21:42 < CrystalMath> i mean, i don't understand in what world do millions NOT die every year 21:42 < CrystalMath> i have never seen such a planet 21:42 < CrystalMath> on this one, people die, a lot 21:42 < CrystalMath> a LOT 21:42 < CrystalMath> like if you could see every dead person who died today, you'd be shocked at how many that is 21:42 < CrystalMath> it's way more than a thousand 21:42 < CrystalMath> would you even have time to get a good look at them? i doubt it 21:42 < CrystalMath> and they're all gone forever 21:43 < CrystalMath> it's that easy, to disappear for all eternity 21:47 < CrystalMath> actually, i just did the math, you'd literally have less than half a second to look at every person who died today 21:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139213 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5d4f3527-a0d9-4a17-9eee-64dfb3a57dfd] 21:47 < CrystalMath> and you'd have to be looking at them for all 24 hours 21:47 < CrystalMath> at just 300-400 milliseconds each 21:48 < CrystalMath> THAT is how many people die 21:49 < CrystalMath> of course births are even crazier... they occur at 2.5x this rate! 21:52 < schestowitz> sweden reported 50 deaths friday 21:52 < schestowitz> for 10 million people 21:52 < schestowitz> with covid19 21:52 < schestowitz> for flu they have a shot 21:53 < schestowitz> which the vulnerable groups take 21:55 < CrystalMath> on average 200 people die every day in sweden 21:56 < schestowitz> if we delay this spread long enough we can at least use some plasma to spread the antibodies to those who need them 21:56 < schestowitz> CrystalMath: so a quarter died from this virus alone 21:56 < schestowitz> and it's not even widespread 21:57 < schestowitz> in sweden many also die from car accidents, cardiac arrests etc. 21:57 < schestowitz> those aren't easy to prevent 21:57 < CrystalMath> according to swedish antibody research on covid 21:57 < CrystalMath> 50x more people had it 21:57 < CrystalMath> than was reported 21:57 < CrystalMath> which is obvious, since they had NO measures at all 21:57 < CrystalMath> of course everyone's gonna get it 21:57 < CrystalMath> of course it's not *nothing*, some people are gonna die 21:57 < CrystalMath> but it's not gonna double the death rate 21:58 < CrystalMath> especially not in the whole year 21:58 < CrystalMath> you'll see it round out 21:58 < schestowitz> they're one of the world's worst 21:58 < CrystalMath> as many of the peopl who died 21:58 < CrystalMath> *people 21:58 < schestowitz> more than one in 2000 died 21:58 < CrystalMath> would have died anywhere 21:58 < schestowitz> in a few months 21:58 < CrystalMath> *anyway 21:58 < CrystalMath> it's normal for 6,000-ish to die in sweden every month 21:58 < CrystalMath> if some died earlier than they would have normally 21:59 < CrystalMath> (which is tbh ALWAYS the case, the question is just by how much) 21:59 < CrystalMath> you'll see it round out 21:59 < CrystalMath> ultimately it'll be nothing more than a tiny blip 21:59 < schestowitz> in the UK they calculated number of deaths for the quarter or month 21:59 < schestowitz> and found that the number increased by about 50k 21:59 < schestowitz> so those are 50k extra deaths 21:59 < CrystalMath> earlier deaths 21:59 < schestowitz> not people who "would have died anyway" 21:59 < CrystalMath> EVERYONE will die anyway 21:59 < CrystalMath> it's just a matter of when 22:00 < schestowitz> this is a silly debate 22:00 < schestowitz> I'm out of here... bbl 22:00 < CrystalMath> if it's old people the statistical blip will be insignificant 22:00 < CrystalMath> tbh, if your governments wanted 22:00 < CrystalMath> they could have easily hid COVID-19 22:00 < CrystalMath> not that that would be great 22:04 < insmodppa> CrystalMath: One day you and your loved ones too will become old/poor/lame and be an "insignificant blip". 22:06 < CrystalMath> give it enough time and my entire life will be an insignificant blip 22:07 < CrystalMath> and all our lives 22:07 < CrystalMath> and the entire lifetime of humanity 22:07 < CrystalMath> what i'm saying is, whether there's something to fear? yes and no 22:07 < CrystalMath> you can't ever count on being alive 22:08 < CrystalMath> the universe does not accept that as your right 22:08 < CrystalMath> being alive is a huge privilege 22:09 < CrystalMath> so i mean, we're all gonna die... but when? who cares... we were born without our consent and we'll all die without our consent 22:10 < CrystalMath> just live for today 22:17 < schestowitz> make your own closed community 22:17 < schestowitz> fence it 22:17 < schestowitz> stay there 22:18 < schestowitz> leave us out of it 22:18 < schestowitz> fence yourself in... in some ant-vaxxer ghetto 22:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I have no idea who is dying of this, actually. Probably most of them are people who didn't have long left. 22:18 < schestowitz> and good luck with longevity of 25 years like a few centuries back... and child mortality at around 30% 22:19 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: they get disconnected faster 22:19 < schestowitz> unless they are rich and important 22:19 < schestowitz> once they're on the machines they can be on them forever or for months 22:19 < schestowitz> so the respirators/ventilators are passed to those with higher chances of surviving 22:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, it's triage. 22:20 < schestowitz> the faster it spreads, the more competition there is for these "machines" 22:20 < schestowitz> FL and TX have it hard right now 22:20 < schestowitz> dialysis is the same 22:20 < schestowitz> and many other machines 22:21 < schestowitz> some keep loved ones in vegetative state 22:21 < schestowitz> they won't have high priority for food digestion and breathing assistance 22:34 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:34 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 22:34 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/styles/full__3500x3500__-_b/public/images/publications/2020/06/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance_19.png This has the covid-19 death shape for Australia. 22:35 < oiaohm> Yes most of the dead are old but its when you get like 80-89 where you have like 1 in 5 rate gets really hard to hide. 22:37 < CrystalMath> schestowitz: you seem to be complaining about a lot of people for not wanting to go along with your pandemic game 22:38 < CrystalMath> schestowitz: so maybe you people should fence yourself in, see how long you can maintain a worthless life 22:38 < CrystalMath> i'd rather live for only 30 years but make it count 22:38 < oiaohm> schestowitz: https://academic.oup.com/ije/article/34/6/1435/707557 25 years was the time of rome. 22:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- academic.oup.com | Longevity of popes and artists between the 13th and the 19th century | International Journal of Epidemiology | Oxford Academic 22:39 < oiaohm> So that at least 5 centuries back now. 22:39 < CrystalMath> yes that's interesting 22:40 < CrystalMath> but, quantity vs. quality, i guess 22:40 < CrystalMath> the longer our loves have become, all the more empty they are 22:40 < oiaohm> Rome quality of life was not that great either. 22:41 < CrystalMath> *lives 22:41 < CrystalMath> anyway 22:42 < CrystalMath> if i'ma gonna be a slave my whole life then i hope that it's as short as possible 22:42 < oiaohm> Depends what kind of slave. 22:42 < CrystalMath> no it doesn't 22:42 < CrystalMath> not for me 22:43 < oiaohm> There have been historic examples of well treated slaves. 22:43 < CrystalMath> i don't care about that 22:43 < CrystalMath> i believe in freedom 22:43 < CrystalMath> humans should be free, even if it means only living 10 years 22:43 < CrystalMath> death should not be feared 22:43 < CrystalMath> it is better to die than to not live as a free individual 22:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Hmmm. 22:45 < oiaohm> It depends on point in history. There are historic examples of people in the slave class getting a painless death due to decent living conditions and those in the so call free class getting exposed to toxic chemicals and the like and having a slow painful death. 22:45 < DaemonFC[m]> A Pope that lived to be 78 and survived kidney stone surgery in the 1600s. 22:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Interesting. 22:46 < CrystalMath> slow painful death does not matter if you're a free and responsible individual 22:46 < CrystalMath> the important thing is that you lived your life well, however short 22:46 < DaemonFC[m]> 78 back then was like living to be 115 now. 22:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Lots of people live to be 78 now. 22:46 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: You not exactly free if you critically ill for your complete lifespan. 22:47 < CrystalMath> well if everyone is, we'll evolve past it 22:47 < CrystalMath> as long as survivors procreate on time 22:48 < oiaohm> It really does depend on time in history. Some point being a slave you have decent life with some freedoms. Not being a slave equals being sick basically screwed over by bad health for your complete life. 22:48 < CrystalMath> so what? 22:48 < CrystalMath> i mean so what 22:48 < CrystalMath> that doesn't matter at all 22:48 < oiaohm> So the slave in that time frame gets to use the freedoms. 22:48 < CrystalMath> nature has every right to beat me to a pulp 22:48 < oiaohm> they get. 22:48 < CrystalMath> but no human does 22:49 < oiaohm> Funny part was the owners of the slaves where doing themselves in with roman times. 22:49 < oiaohm> Stuff the slaves were banned from having were in fact toxic and caused bad health. 22:51 < CrystalMath> but what i mean is, it's better to die somewhere independently than depend on society 22:51 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: its really a mixed bag of when. Total freedom without the knowledge to live well is normally path to bad health. 22:51 < CrystalMath> and it's better to die from a virus than hide from it 22:51 < CrystalMath> Sweden has the right idea 22:51 < oiaohm> Bad health can be more restrictive than being a slave on what you can do in your life time. 22:52 < CrystalMath> well 22:52 < CrystalMath> with decades of lacking society's protection 22:52 < CrystalMath> we would evolve to be tougher 22:52 < CrystalMath> and then we'd live 20-30 years alright 22:52 < CrystalMath> then die 22:52 < CrystalMath> that's fine 22:53 < CrystalMath> but a ton of people have to die for natural selection to do this job 22:55 < CrystalMath> really, COVID-19 is nothing 22:55 < CrystalMath> what humanity needs is massive death therapy 22:57 < CrystalMath> i mean, i'm not 30 yet, i really feel old though 22:57 < CrystalMath> i feel like i don't need to live much more 22:58 < CrystalMath> the sadness of knowing that i had had the wrong kind of thinking for most of my life is offset by the tranquility in knowing that absolutely nothing matters at all 22:59 < CrystalMath> and at the very least, now, near the end, i am fully aware of the truth about this useless world 23:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Adapting to Microsoft http://techrights.org/2020/06/26/adapting-to-microsoft-monopoly/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/58587696-ba81-4d8a-95e8-1a63b71ec0b0] 23:11 < CrystalMath> idk why i'm here, this channel gives me a lot of frustration but it's also good a lot of the time 23:12 < oiaohm> Lot of the younger people to die from covid-19 had lung damage from smoking and the like. 23:12 < CrystalMath> i guess i'm here because i believe in software freedom, which is a kind of individual freedom 23:13 < oiaohm> Some of the reasons why the death point in Australia is in the older age group with covid-19 is work place health and safety requirements with dust and the like causing lung damage. 23:13 < oiaohm> So back in time if covid-19 happened the death rate in the younger could be way higher. 23:13 < CrystalMath> what does COVID-19 have to do with software freedom though? 23:14 < CrystalMath> why do we talk about it? 23:14 < oiaohm> software freedom has the same problems of the balancing acts. 23:14 < CrystalMath> http://stallman.org/articles/dont-watch-covid-tv.html 23:14 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- stallman.org | Don’t watch TV coverage of Covid-19! 23:15 < CrystalMath> as always rms blesses us with his wisdom 23:16 < CrystalMath> i'm reading this and i'm like, finally someone normal 23:17 < oiaohm> With Australia I have been watching the heath site that really gives what the current restrictions are and what the current death rates look like and the risk factors. 23:18 < CrystalMath> yes but as rms says, that's a way to traumatize people 23:18 < CrystalMath> and take focus away from them taking our freedoms 23:19 < CrystalMath> a way to fight back would be to ignore COVID-19 23:19 < CrystalMath> as much as we can 23:19 < CrystalMath> if you have to follow reports, fine, but why talk about it constantly? 23:19 < oiaohm> to be correct we have be ignoring many illnesses. 23:20 < oiaohm> Before COVID-19 and having a lot more death than we should have been. 23:20 < CrystalMath> i was always saying we're overpopulated 23:20 < oiaohm> You think how many people had got out of the habit of washing hands. 23:20 < CrystalMath> and should be dying more 23:20 < oiaohm> You think about how hospitials of old use to have soap and sink in every ward. 23:21 < oiaohm> and how many today don't have that. 23:21 < oiaohm> we got stupid. 23:21 < CrystalMath> i don't go to hospitals 23:21 < CrystalMath> if i'm sick, i die, that's it 23:21 < CrystalMath> who cares about health 23:21 < CrystalMath> screw health, long live free software 23:22 < oiaohm> Native tribes people wash there hands more often that most people living in cities before the out break of covid-19. 23:22 < CrystalMath> really? 23:22 < CrystalMath> eww 23:22 < oiaohm> Yes really. 23:22 < CrystalMath> but that's not about free software 23:22 < oiaohm> This is basics. 23:23 < oiaohm> We get the basics of health bad because we get lazy. Software UI being crap is kind of the same thing. 23:23 < oiaohm> Human nature is to be lazy is a fairly annoying problem. 23:23 < CrystalMath> okay that's a good point 23:24 < oiaohm> Everything put forwards so far to control covid-19 is basically stuff we should have really been doing anyhow. 23:25 < CrystalMath> not everything 23:25 < CrystalMath> social distancing is bad 23:25 < oiaohm> social distancing when ill we should have been doing. 23:25 < CrystalMath> yes but only when ill 23:25 < oiaohm> But we had stopped doing that. 23:35 < oiaohm> Also social distancing 1.5 meters is about the distancing that has been classed as historically acceptable. https://itotd.com/articles/6277/proxemics/ 23:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- itotd.com | Proxemics | Interesting Thing of the Day 23:36 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: lot of studies getting too close due cause humans to stress why there has been such thing as personal space. Again social distancing of 1.5 as a target will give like a average of 1.3 that is what studies say humans like and that is before covid-19. 23:37 < oiaohm> Its the old historic thing respect person personal space but we now call it social distancing. 23:39 < CrystalMath> banning people from hugging is not acceptable 23:39 < CrystalMath> and, not accepted 23:39 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: https://saineslegal.com.au/2018/06/long-term-employee-dismissed-for-invading-receptionists-personal-space-2/ Fun one right getting under 1.2 meters of space in a workplace in Australia could be a dismissal offence and this is before covid-19. 23:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- saineslegal.com.au | LONG TERM EMPLOYEE DISMISSED FOR INVADING RECEPTIONIST'S PERSONAL SPACE | Employment Law Brisbane - Saines Legal 23:39 < CrystalMath> i still shake hands 23:39 < CrystalMath> i don't care 23:40 < CrystalMath> oiaohm: australia was always fascist 23:40 < oiaohm> h 23:40 < oiaohm> That came from UK law. 23:40 < CrystalMath> the UK was always fascist 23:40 < CrystalMath> only canada maybe isn't 23:40 < CrystalMath> new zealand is fascist 23:40 < oiaohm> Shaking hands is a cultural thing. We have got out out of tip hat and other greeting as well. 23:41 < CrystalMath> i still shake hands 23:41 < CrystalMath> and i don't care 23:41 < oiaohm> Cultures that historically use to shake hands a lot use to be very particular to wash hands before meals and the like. 23:42 < CrystalMath> and i wash my hands 23:42 < CrystalMath> all the time 23:42 < CrystalMath> all my life i did it like 20 times a day or more 23:42 < CrystalMath> it just feels wrong when they feel dirty 23:42 < CrystalMath> maybe it's a tiny OCD-like thing 23:43 < oiaohm> Remember there were a lot before covid-19 who would be shaking everyone hand and be lucky to wash hands once a day. 23:43 < oiaohm> Again doing wrong things. 23:43 < oiaohm> We need a wake up call on lot of things things. 23:44 < oiaohm> Its like we need wake up call with software development to perform more automated quality control. 23:44 < oiaohm> 20 times a day might be too much. But once per day when shaking everyone hand is absolutely too few. 23:46 < CrystalMath> there's a difference between personal space and social distancing 23:46 < CrystalMath> also 23:46 < CrystalMath> because people can voluntarily give up personal space 23:46 < CrystalMath> while social distancing attempts to make it illegal, foolishly 23:46 < CrystalMath> i saw people hugging even during the height of the pandemic 23:46 < CrystalMath> probably more than usual 23:47 < CrystalMath> so in that above case, invading personal space is when it's not voluntary 23:47 < CrystalMath> however, just because this was a normal thing, does not mean australia is not fascist 23:48 < oiaohm> To be correct when you think about checkout lines and other things like it. Its been down right common to invide another person personal space without permission. 23:48 < oiaohm> That we really should not have been doing. 23:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security: Reproducible Builds , NVIDIA, DoH/TRR (Trusted Recursive Resolver) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139214 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f5b994fc-7a46-40d6-96c9-71e3c452924d] 23:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security: Reproducible Builds , NVIDIA, DoH/TRR (Trusted Recursive Resolver) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139214 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4c9a87fc-e702-4967-af97-52fd385e436f] 23:51 < oiaohm> Human nature has centuries of prebuilt in programming that we have serous-ally been ignoring for personal gain. Lot of ways governments should not have had to do social distancing orders if we were giving everyone the personal space our nature tells us we should. 23:52 < CrystalMath> hugging is good, even though it spreads viruses 23:52 < oiaohm> Remember that lack of personal space increases human stress that lowers immune system. So we are programmed to reduced population. 23:52 < oiaohm> Hugging when person approves of it yes. 23:53 < CrystalMath> in fact, spreading some viruses is good 23:53 < oiaohm> When person does not give them their space right. 23:53 < oiaohm> Lot of these little social things we have been missing. 23:53 < CrystalMath> hmm, i'm trying to figure out what's the conspiracy here 23:54 < CrystalMath> is it a conspiracy to drive people crazy by denying them contact with their loved ones, or 23:54 < oiaohm> Its one of those hard things. 23:54 < CrystalMath> a conspiracy to make people depend on vaccines by denying them the natural vaccines that are found in weak viruses 23:54 < CrystalMath> because then they can be charged for it 23:54 < oiaohm> If harmful virus spread is reduced and human stress is reduced cost to medical system is reduced. 23:55 < CrystalMath> there's some conspiracy, i know it 23:55 < oiaohm> vaccines for many types of virus have limit life span. 23:55 < CrystalMath> well that's good for the sellers 23:55 < oiaohm> Including coming in contact with nature virus. 23:55 < CrystalMath> yes but natural viruses are free 23:55 < oiaohm> Our immune system is naturally forget full. 23:56 < oiaohm> very forgot full in fact. 23:56 < CrystalMath> there must be some conspiracy... 23:56 < oiaohm> Having low stress so immune system is as strong as possible is more important than vaccines. 23:56 < oiaohm> In a lot of cases. 23:56 < CrystalMath> ah, and! the conspiracy is to make people stressed 23:57 < CrystalMath> by sending agents to constantly talk about the pandemic 23:57 < CrystalMath> you must be one of those agents 23:57 < oiaohm> lack of personal space also causes stress as well. 23:57 < oiaohm> This is a mixed bag event. 23:57 < CrystalMath> yeah most people don't like crowds 23:57 < CrystalMath> idk 23:58 < CrystalMath> but there's a lot more stress in constantly talking about the pandemic 23:58 < oiaohm> that is built in human nature not to like crowds. 23:58 < oiaohm> because most crowds ingore personal space. 23:58 < oiaohm> Maybe we will like crowds like respect socail distancing/indirectly personal space. 23:59 < oiaohm> I see this as experiment on a large scale.. 23:59 < CrystalMath> i see this as an evil conspiracy 23:59 < CrystalMath> i just need to figure out about what --- Day changed Sat Jun 27 2020 00:00 < CrystalMath> but the globalist elites cannot have a nice thought in their mind 00:00 < CrystalMath> not even one 00:00 < CrystalMath> they're cursed that way, i don't know how 00:00 < CrystalMath> the UN is all full of globalists and should not be listened to, ever 00:01 < oiaohm> It was globalist elites who resisted stopping travel because it would effect their bottom line. 00:01 < oiaohm> Its also globalist elites who got rid of all this historic quarantine stations. 00:02 < oiaohm> The complete covid-19 mess would have been way less with proper controls. 00:03 < oiaohm> Proper controls mean more regulation and restrictions on what globalists can do. 00:03 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: so really there has been a conspiracy before covid-19 to take apart all the disease spread control systems. 00:03 < CrystalMath> that's a conspiracy i would have participated in 00:04 < CrystalMath> it's a good one 00:04 < CrystalMath> leave it to fate 00:04 < oiaohm> You think how little cold and flu you would need to sell treatment for if global spread of illness was in fact controlled. 00:04 < CrystalMath> if you get sick, fight it yourself, or die 00:05 < oiaohm> You are talking billions of dollars of income per year called by cold and flu spread that is caused by air travell and the like not having proper disease control. 00:05 < oiaohm> It major drug companies. 00:05 < oiaohm> It/to 00:06 < insmodppa> The huge flu shot industry popped out of nowhere. 00:06 < oiaohm> Exactly as a solution to avoid having to maintain proper disease control. 00:06 < oiaohm> and to make more money. 00:07 < oiaohm> Yes when covid-19 turned it remember it was we will just make another vaccine that will fix the problem again. 00:07 < oiaohm> These hacky solutions at some point fail to work right. 00:10 < insmodppa> The last time I saw my doctor was years ago and recently when asked if I got my flu shot, they were shocked to find I never got one. Looks like they made it compulsary even for healthy people with functioning immune systems (Why?). 00:18 < CrystalMath> i never got a flu shot 00:18 < CrystalMath> in my life 00:19 < CrystalMath> however, i did get vaccinated for dangerous diseases 00:19 < CrystalMath> and after years of thinking 00:19 < CrystalMath> took the measles one as well 00:19 < CrystalMath> (i was still a kid at the time) 00:20 < CrystalMath> but the flu? come on 00:23 < oiaohm> Measles is horrible dangerous. Not only is it a risk. It makes your immune system forget everything it basically learnt. Without how forgot full the human immune system is the thing does not need help to forget. 00:23 < CrystalMath> well i didn't get measles 00:23 < CrystalMath> i got the measles vaccine, MMR 00:23 < oiaohm> There are some illness there vaccine is absolutely the right thing. 00:23 < oiaohm> there/the 00:23 < CrystalMath> but i mean, i don't really care if i die 00:24 < CrystalMath> if i die, just chalk it up to fate 00:24 < CrystalMath> maybe i didn't want to die back then when i was 13 00:24 < CrystalMath> that was too little 00:24 < CrystalMath> now i don't really care 00:24 < CrystalMath> i can get AIDS, i won't treat it 00:25 < CrystalMath> i'll let it kill it 00:25 < CrystalMath> *kill me 00:25 < oiaohm> Really its the ass ones that don't kill you. 00:25 < CrystalMath> okay i suppose i am little worried about leprosy 00:25 < CrystalMath> that one is nasty, but 00:26 < oiaohm> Chickenpox virus in older life is shingles and shingles is depression. 00:26 < CrystalMath> i did get a vaccine for Mycobacteria 00:26 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:26 < CrystalMath> oh, i have VZV 00:26 < CrystalMath> the virus, not the vaccine 00:26 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 00:26 < CrystalMath> it's properly installed into my immune system 00:26 < CrystalMath> err 00:26 < CrystalMath> nervous system 00:26 < oiaohm> that would have been one to avoid if you could. 00:26 < CrystalMath> being an alphaherpesvirus, it hides in the nervous system 00:27 < CrystalMath> others hide in B-cells 00:27 < oiaohm> vaccines against those pains in the ass I agree with absolutely. 00:27 < CrystalMath> i don't think a VZV vaccine was even available 00:27 < CrystalMath> when i was a kid 00:28 < oiaohm> and you are going to pay for it now. 00:28 < CrystalMath> why? 00:28 < CrystalMath> i don't mind having VZV installed in my immune system 00:29 < CrystalMath> it's like a DOS TSR (Terminate and Stay Resident) :P 00:29 < CrystalMath> dammit, brain not working, i meant nervous system 00:30 < oiaohm> Exactly brain not exactly working right and having to be more focused on avoiding depresssion that you would have had to be without it. 00:32 < CrystalMath> well i was never exactly cheerful 00:32 < CrystalMath> but really VZV changed nothing 01:12 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:18 < oiaohm> CrystalMath: Like it or not VZV would have changes things a little. As in even less happy go lucky than where you started. 01:29 < CrystalMath> who hasn't had VZV though 01:31 < oiaohm> I had vaccine so me. 01:33 < CrystalMath> yes but tons of people on the planet had VZV 01:33 < CrystalMath> and throughout history 02:18 < schestowitz> https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-spread.html 02:18 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.nytimes.com | How the Virus Won - The New York Times 03:07 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 03:21 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:22 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:33 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 03:47 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 03:50 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:53 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 03:53 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 03:54 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139218 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9c21c2ed-2bfa-4f69-8177-e4b7a5731bed] 03:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 5 Best Python IDE and Code Editors http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139215 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9f2c8eee-b4b4-4ff2-bf77-f62f5bcb5f48] 03:56 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139217 [https://pleroma.site/objects/36b679e4-b243-4627-afe1-a8fc465ec1db] 03:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: An open source browser extension to zoom in on images http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139216 [https://pleroma.site/objects/319b2c6d-e077-4267-9378-9b5788a85b91] 04:07 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:35 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:00 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 05:00 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 05:56 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 05:56 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:16 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:16 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:21 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 07:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: This week in #KDE : We really hate bugs and we want to squash them all http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139219 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ac5d78f4-21a7-4b70-ba2a-a0853895d3ee] 07:44 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139220 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0057a562-be12-4d32-942d-0250466ab9c2] 07:51 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 07:58 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:58 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:59 <@MinceR> (cat) https://img.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/27/23f9a14eb205edad.jpg 08:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139221 [https://pleroma.site/objects/fa16163f-fb83-4b9c-88a6-78f0985f9cf5] 08:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139222 [https://pleroma.site/objects/25168246-5de4-4952-9002-2f9f0de5f7ef] 08:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 27/6/2020: rpminspect 1.0 and Godot Engine 3.2.2 http://techrights.org/2020/06/27/godot-engine-3-2-2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/cc5c0c03-ad5f-4a7f-885e-fb784d40471d] 08:34 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:35 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 09:59 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 09:59 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 10:15 < oiaohm> https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/carolinehaskins1/protests-tech-company-spying this stuff is why I was like why do we need covid applications at all. 10:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.buzzfeednews.com | A Tech Company Spied On Police Brutality Protesters 10:52 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:53 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:22 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 11:41 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:43 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 11:59 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:59 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 12:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Now Officially Out http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e13fa187-4126-42fb-8ed5-e9f726fedc98] 12:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Need For Speed Heat, #Supraland and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139224 #games #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/d04b8d4c-949c-433d-8449-dec484eaf045] 13:32 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 14:25 < DaemonFC[m]> I think PrEP has been disastrously successful. The pharma industry got their new product. 14:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Now that people think they're safe from HIV, they throw caution to the wind and there's been an explosion of everything else, which I'm sure it totally explainable as "Of course people are reading the advice to keep using condoms and taking it to heart, and are totally not fucking random people from Grindr and saying 'I'm on PrEP! No condoms necessary!'". 14:27 < DaemonFC[m]> So on top of an explosion of the everything else category, which is not good, now we're seeing late night tv ads for lawyers asking if you've had terrible side effects from Truvada. 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> People think "Oh God, I hate condoms." but they make all different kinds and chances are you didn't go down the line testing different ones. 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, I read studies about condoms where people self-report doing all kinds of dumb things with them. 14:29 < DaemonFC[m]> It's really all kind of a guess how effective they are, but I'd say if you're not an idiot.....Mid to high 90s as a percentage. 14:30 < DaemonFC[m]> My mom, who actually is a nurse, should know better about a lot of things. 14:30 < DaemonFC[m]> She goes "Well, 95% isn't 100%." I said, well, no it's not, but it's not like everyone has HIV and your chances of getting it without a condom are 100%. 14:31 < DaemonFC[m]> About 1-2% of the US population has it, and out of that, your odds are something like 1 in 1,000 of getting it if you pick the wrong one. 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> So 95% less risk than the 1 in 1,000 chance of getting it (unprotected) if you pick the 1.6-ish person in 100 to begin with. 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> That's actually not all that much danger if you consider it. 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> And if it breaks and you're uneasy about that, go on one round of PEP and that's that. 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> PEP isn't extremely profitable for pharma because it's not something people take forever. 14:35 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The Catholic church has led to so many unnecessary deaths from AIDS and so much avoidable poverty from overpopulation in the third world. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> They're a terrorist organization. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> People in modern countries are abandoning the Catholic church so they're going after primitive folk who have no mental defenses against bullshit. 14:37 < DaemonFC[m]> People make fun of the US for being really religious and backwards, but the percentage of the population that isn't religious has gone from like 4-5% in the early 90s (at least self-reporting at the time) to something like 28% now. 14:38 < DaemonFC[m]> It's going up, up, up because the older people who believe in this die and the younger people who really don't are the ones talking to polling agents now. 14:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The Coronavirus laying waste to the elderly is not great news for the church. It speeds up what's been happening to them anyway by years maybe, and there's nothing they can really do about it. 15:00 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:01 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:07 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:58 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 15:58 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:04 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 16:05 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audacity 2.4.2 Released with Updated wxWidgets Library http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139225 [https://pleroma.site/objects/893940d7-e966-49ff-b90e-11918ba30a8e] 16:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Released. This is What’s New http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139226 [https://pleroma.site/objects/40d50b1b-619c-4315-996d-9cc65df67191] 16:16 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139227 [https://pleroma.site/objects/15466fa5-63a5-48b1-b28d-45c2be9595f2] 16:16 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/email 16:16 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Email 16:18 < schestowitz> lol 16:19 < schestowitz> yes, I did move to reading email once a day years ago 16:19 < schestowitz> wished I had that that FAR sooner 16:19 < schestowitz> email can be a waste of time, most of the time (not always, but mostly) 16:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: System76’s Oryx Pro is a portable Linux powerhouse http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139161#comment-25605 [https://pleroma.site/objects/49a2460f-b163-411c-9bba-56eaefe247bd] 16:27 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:33 < DaemonFC[m]> I did bankruptcy by email mostly. 16:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Because of the virus. 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Much more convenient than meeting with lawyers and filling out paper forms and getting everything in hard copy, and driving to the court. 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> John turned out to be a lot like the android Ash at the end of Alien. 16:35 < DaemonFC[m]> "I can't lie to you about your chances.......but you have my sympathies.". 16:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Later, the company execs "We went over the pod inch by inch and didn't find any traces of that thing you described.". 16:36 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 16:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Ripley goes, "Good. That's because I blew it out of a goddamned airlock!". 16:36 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:38 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/eternal 16:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Eternal 16:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Message From the @tuxmachines Editors http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139228 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e1f7631d-a201-41c9-87e8-05c183ac792c] 16:51 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:52 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 17:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139231 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3f14d7d6-1f9f-424c-a688-e6eaab743bad] 17:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: RPI4 & Ubuntu MATE - How to enable video acceleration http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139229 [https://pleroma.site/objects/602a4280-b96f-48d2-92cc-179f3dc60154] 17:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139230 [https://pleroma.site/objects/503d4024-04ae-428c-8371-8a23c066db1f] 17:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 is Officially Available Now! The Performance and Visual Improvements Make it an Exciting New Release http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25608 [https://pleroma.site/objects/58204e0e-553d-4454-aa47-62554befe8d6] 17:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Classic Board Games You Can Play on Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139232 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a98de55e-38b1-4df1-a05b-d284bceaa561] 17:46 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/tower 17:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Tower 18:06 -!- chasecrum [~user@unaffiliated/chasecrum] has left #techrights ["ERC (IRC client for Emacs 25.3.1)"] 18:15 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:15 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:16 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: +36,026 so far today 18:16 < schestowitz> might make it to 40+ again 18:16 < schestowitz> i.e. second highest 18:17 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.bbc.com/news/business-53204072 18:17 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Coca-Cola suspends social media advertising despite Facebook changes - BBC News 18:17 * DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/EtJojwjbFeIrjfJZeBFblBsm > 18:31 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: +40,521 18:31 < schestowitz> a few more hours to go 18:31 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: we suspend buying anything from Coca-Cola too 18:31 < schestowitz> Those brands pretend to value ethics 18:32 < schestowitz> very convenient charm offensive, but I hope it does help 'kill' FB is not social control media in general 18:32 < schestowitz> i've just taken a photo of my desk http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/setup-portrait.jpg 18:32 < schestowitz> I think that incarnation will last long, suits me better than anything I tried before 18:33 < schestowitz> I can see as much as IRC channels now without having to shift virtual desktops 18:34 < schestowitz> LF: +9,585 18:34 < schestowitz> *FL 18:34 < schestowitz> TX: +4,408 18:34 < schestowitz> covid loves old flesh 18:34 < schestowitz> not sure what this may do to senior citizens in FL 18:35 < schestowitz> 1000 can become a million very fast 18:36 < schestowitz> R/GOP states score higher for new cases 18:36 < schestowitz> which I suppose is predicable 18:36 < schestowitz> even masks have become 'politicised' 18:36 < schestowitz> as if the choice to cover mouth and nose is dependent upon which corporate political party you support.... SMH 18:37 < schestowitz> Puerto Rico tested 13,022 18:37 < schestowitz> and 7,066 came out positive 18:37 < schestowitz> hence more than half, but i suppose they only test those who already show symptoms 18:38 < schestowitz> 15,577 cases in US military 18:38 < schestowitz> 37 dead 18:39 < schestowitz> 21,137 in VA 18:39 < schestowitz> with 1,580 dead 18:44 < schestowitz> +40,656 18:44 < schestowitz> maybe they'll break a record again 18:44 < schestowitz> ratings of Orange One flailing 18:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Major Components of an Embedded Linux System http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139233 [https://pleroma.site/objects/176d7905-93f4-4fde-9220-c19b29d37ce2] 18:50 < CrystalMath> so this channel is now #covid19 18:50 < CrystalMath> or #hatetrump 18:52 < CrystalMath> meanwhile nobody here cares about free software anymore 18:52 < CrystalMath> (except me) 18:52 < CrystalMath> the only important thing seems to be getting rid of Trump or protecting yourself from the COCO-19 18:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE Itinerary, Qt Quick, and GCompris http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139234 [https://pleroma.site/objects/06def4cd-a96c-4b46-b7cb-2da9a6723beb] 18:54 < CrystalMath> can someone tell me though, was this channel always this bad? 18:54 < CrystalMath> why isn't anyone speaking up against the widespread use of Zoom? 18:54 < CrystalMath> that's non-free software 18:54 < CrystalMath> there's so many things to talk about and all we talk about here is Trump and COCO-19 18:55 <@MinceR> well, have you brought up any different topics? 18:55 < CrystalMath> touché 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> People are fucking dumb. 18:56 < CrystalMath> idk, my problem is that i'm extremely frustrated to read the stuff that is talked about here, so maybe i should go somewhere else 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm not touching Zoom. 18:56 < schestowitz> we speak out against Zoom 18:56 < schestowitz> and "COCO" is a big deal 18:56 < CrystalMath> COCO, btw, stands for COmmon COld 18:56 < schestowitz> and in case you didn't notice it impacts every country on this planet, every person too... 18:56 <@MinceR> i thought it stood for Conan O'Brien 18:56 < schestowitz> and it's a factor in the rise of this zoom malware 18:57 < schestowitz> Chanel 18:57 < schestowitz> the techrights (coco) channel 18:57 < CrystalMath> :P 18:57 < schestowitz> sometimes tech, sometimes common cold ;-) 18:58 < schestowitz> Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel 18:58 < schestowitz> "Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was a French fashion designer, businesswoman and Nazi collaborator" 18:59 < schestowitz> Like Hugo Boss 18:59 < schestowitz> (from Wikipedia) 18:59 < CrystalMath> yes i know 18:59 < schestowitz> "In 2011, Hal Vaughan published a book about Chanel based on newly declassified documents, revealing that she had collaborated directly with the Nazi intelligence service, the Sicherheitsdienst. One plan in late 1943 was for her to carry an SS peace overture to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to end the war." 19:01 <@MinceR> (cat) https://img.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/26/225538967b6c3918.jpg 19:02 < schestowitz> kitty-kat-kat 19:02 < CrystalMath> thank you for brightening things up a bit :) 19:02 < schestowitz> kitty-qt-qt-quick 19:02 <@MinceR> :) 19:03 < schestowitz> /me reads https://jucato.wordpress.com/2020/06/27/more-mis-adventures-in-qt-quick-land/ 19:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- jucato.wordpress.com | More (mis-)adventures in Qt Quick land – Jucato 19:03 < schestowitz> hours odl 19:03 < schestowitz> *old 19:03 < schestowitz> qt is still going proprietary 19:03 < schestowitz> a fork seems increasingly likely 19:03 < CrystalMath> for real? 19:03 < schestowitz> make a Kt 19:03 < schestowitz> KDEtoolkit 19:03 < CrystalMath> this is the second time i suppose 19:04 < schestowitz> have they outsourced to Microsoft (GH) yet? 19:04 <@MinceR> KDE is dying too :( 19:04 < schestowitz> IBM abandoned it 19:04 < CrystalMath> who holds the copyright to Qt? 19:04 < schestowitz> days or a week after they said they'd buy Red Hot Pepper 19:04 < CrystalMath> what about all the patches to it? 19:05 < schestowitz> old versions are free 19:05 < CrystalMath> but isn't it GPL? 19:05 < schestowitz> newer one less so, not free/libre, or limited time 19:05 < schestowitz> LGPL iirc 19:05 < schestowitz> they can relicense future releases 19:05 < CrystalMath> okay so 19:05 < CrystalMath> yeah but not without: 19:05 < CrystalMath> 1) removing all third party code 19:05 < CrystalMath> 2) getting permission to change the license from third party copyright holders 19:05 < CrystalMath> one of those two 19:06 < schestowitz> maybe they can dualise it 19:06 < schestowitz> old stuff libre 19:06 < CrystalMath> nope, not if it's LGPL 19:06 < schestowitz> extensions not 19:06 < CrystalMath> well that would be an LGPL violation 19:06 < schestowitz> mariadb does that, iirc 19:06 < schestowitz> or mysql used to 19:06 < schestowitz> so look up what they plan 19:07 < schestowitz> search 'qt open source commitment' 19:07 < schestowitz> they make it ambiguous and value 19:07 < CrystalMath> okay but i mean, who is the copyright holder 19:07 < schestowitz> get a scalpel to get what you can from their doublespeak 19:07 < CrystalMath> is it one organization or many people 19:07 < CrystalMath> like for example, on ReactOS 19:07 < CrystalMath> i contributed GPLv2+ code 19:07 < CrystalMath> but i own this code 19:08 < CrystalMath> ReactOS can't become proprietary without removing all of it 19:08 < CrystalMath> because it's GPLv2, and tightly integrated with everything 19:09 < CrystalMath> hence why i'm asking, is it the same case with Qt? who owns patches sent regarding Qt? 19:09 < schestowitz> not sure 19:10 < CrystalMath> the thing with the GPL is, any derivative must also be GPL, so you can't do "proprietary from now on" either 19:10 < CrystalMath> making OLD versions proprietary is not even possible with the BSD license! 19:10 <@MinceR> wikipedia says Qt is also available under commercial licenses 19:10 <@MinceR> so they probably have copyright assignment 19:12 < CrystalMath> well, okay then 19:12 < CrystalMath> one more reason not to use it! 19:14 <@MinceR> if Qt Quick being unreliable and Qt having 1 or 2 whole web browsers integrated into it (necessitating an upgrade every time they're found vulnerable) was not enough :> 19:18 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:19 < CrystalMath> i like the original X toolkit 19:19 < CrystalMath> XAW :) 19:19 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:20 <@MinceR> i like Tk 19:20 <@MinceR> and TUI apps :> 19:21 < schestowitz> [00:10] wikipedia says Qt is also available under commercial licenses 19:21 < schestowitz> gpl is also commercial 19:21 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:21 < schestowitz> But Corpopedia does not say "proprietary" 19:21 <@MinceR> :> 19:21 < schestowitz> if it's not oligarchs-owned, it's hippie-licensed 19:22 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 19:23 <@MinceR> copropedia 19:24 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: yesterday all time high 19:24 < schestowitz> today second highest: +41,562 and rising 19:24 < schestowitz> the idea is, reopen when it's contained 19:25 < schestowitz> but right now it seems to spread faster than ever 19:25 <@MinceR> https://pics.me.me/welcome-my-lords-to-isengard-how-highare-you-no-gandalf-26170838.png 19:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, it's spreading among the fools who said don't worry about it, Trump knows what he's doing. 19:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Fuck em. 19:25 < DaemonFC[m]> I doubt even this will teach them a lesson, but there will be fewer of them. 19:27 < schestowitz> voter turnout small 19:27 < schestowitz> among the informed 19:27 < schestowitz> higher among the rest 19:27 < schestowitz> and no voting by mail 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy seems to be getting a promotion. 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> That was fast. 19:27 < schestowitz> Trump knows what he's doing, even if he's demented 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> A big promotion. 19:27 < schestowitz> col 19:27 < schestowitz> cool 19:28 < DaemonFC[m]> From the lowest category of hourly employee to an hourly supervisor job in Loss Prevention. 19:28 <@MinceR> https://i.imgur.com/3bGC6Gh.gif?noredirect 19:30 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: same job you had in walmart a decade back? 19:30 < schestowitz> when they union-busted and trained you for it? 19:30 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 19:31 < DaemonFC[m]> No, but he moved up to like 1 step below that and he hasn't even been there 2 months. 19:31 < CrystalMath> MinceR: btw did you know X used to be called Project Athena? 19:32 <@MinceR> i knew about Project Athena, but i didn't think it was Project Athena itself, only maybe part of it 19:32 <@MinceR> after all, Xaw is not part of X 19:32 <@MinceR> and neither is Xt 19:32 < CrystalMath> yeah but they were designed together 19:32 <@MinceR> which is fine 19:32 < CrystalMath> and the original X apps all use Xaw 19:32 <@MinceR> i know 19:32 < CrystalMath> so Xaw is the closest thing there is to a standard 19:33 <@MinceR> the nice thing about X is that it does not need a "standard" widget toolkit 19:33 <@MinceR> all widget toolkits can work with X on an equal footing 19:33 < CrystalMath> yeah but don't use GTK nor Qt 19:33 < CrystalMath> they suck 19:33 <@MinceR> unlike, say, Backdoors, where one of them is built into the kernel 19:33 <@MinceR> it's hard to avoid GTK and Qt nowadays 19:33 < CrystalMath> don't use GTK nor Qt 19:34 < CrystalMath> i used GTK2 only once back when i was stupid (2014) 19:34 < CrystalMath> i'm never using either of the two ever again 19:34 < CrystalMath> Xaw all the way 19:34 <@MinceR> can Xaw do font antialiasing already? 19:35 < CrystalMath> Xaw can do bitmap fonts 19:35 < CrystalMath> in addition to bitmap fonts, you can also use fonts that maps of bits 19:35 < CrystalMath> *that are 19:35 <@MinceR> lol 19:35 <@MinceR> then it's a non-starter for me 19:35 < CrystalMath> and bits of maps 19:35 <@MinceR> Tk and FLTK can do it 19:35 < CrystalMath> hmm 19:38 < CrystalMath> MinceR: the only GTK-using app right now on my system is freaking volumeicon 19:38 < CrystalMath> :D 19:38 < CrystalMath> and nothing qt is running 19:39 < CrystalMath> i checked /proc/*/maps 19:40 < CrystalMath> i should replace volumeicon! 19:40 < CrystalMath> then my system will be free of GTK *and* Qt 19:41 <@MinceR> hm, i think FLDE is based on FLTK 19:42 <@MinceR> so there's a DE that is free of GTK and Qt 19:42 <@MinceR> it's kind of obscure though 19:42 < CrystalMath> i don't use a DE 19:42 < CrystalMath> i'm running FVWM 19:42 <@MinceR> so am i 19:42 < CrystalMath> and xclock 19:42 < CrystalMath> and conky 19:42 <@MinceR> though with some xfce4 components 19:42 < CrystalMath> eww 19:42 <@MinceR> like the panel and the terminal 19:42 < CrystalMath> okay i'll admit, i'm using tint2 19:43 <@MinceR> :) 19:43 < CrystalMath> but it doesn't appear to have gtk loaded 19:43 < CrystalMath> idk what it uses 19:43 < CrystalMath> cairo 19:43 < CrystalMath> it seems 19:43 <@MinceR> tint2 seems to insist on showing all windows from all workspaces, which is not a great fit for my workflow 19:43 < CrystalMath> nope 19:44 < CrystalMath> taskbar_mode = single_desktop 19:44 <@MinceR> ah, nice 19:44 < CrystalMath> but 19:44 < CrystalMath> i'm going to switch to FvwmButtons 19:44 <@MinceR> does it work well on multihead systems? 19:44 <@MinceR> tint2, i mean 19:44 < CrystalMath> i wouldn't know 19:44 <@MinceR> :( 19:44 < CrystalMath> however the issue is 19:44 <@MinceR> so many panels ignore multihead 19:45 < CrystalMath> it doesn't look like it's from the 90s 19:45 < CrystalMath> and that's why it's gonna go away 19:45 <@MinceR> lol 19:45 < CrystalMath> my window frames have hard 3D borders 19:45 < CrystalMath> that stand out 19:45 < CrystalMath> also i made the layout match motif / win3.11 19:45 <@MinceR> RISC OS existed through the 90s 19:45 < CrystalMath> okay 80s then 19:45 < CrystalMath> Xerox Alto 19:45 < CrystalMath> it also had hard 3D 19:46 < CrystalMath> skeuomorphism :) 19:46 < CrystalMath> i want my buttons to visibly depress 19:46 < CrystalMath> just like buttons in real life 19:46 <@MinceR> KDE 1 also existed in the 90s 19:46 <@MinceR> (1998) 19:46 < CrystalMath> because the gods know i use devices with real buttons 19:46 < CrystalMath> and i have no smartphone 19:46 <@MinceR> RISC OS was released in 1987 19:46 < CrystalMath> i'm a proud smartphone non-owner 19:46 < CrystalMath> MinceR: same time as xclock! 19:47 <@MinceR> :) 19:47 < CrystalMath> but still 19:47 < CrystalMath> skeuomorphism is good 19:47 <@MinceR> my window frames have 1px thick black borders 19:47 < CrystalMath> rough 3D edges 19:47 <@MinceR> no it is not 19:47 < CrystalMath> mine are 2px but the title bar is more obviously 3D 19:47 <@MinceR> my title bars are color transitions from top to bottom 19:48 < CrystalMath> mine have lighting and a shadow 19:48 < CrystalMath> why don't you like skeuomorphism? 19:48 <@MinceR> it's cluttered and limiting 19:48 <@MinceR> when used in moderation, it can be fine 19:49 < CrystalMath> i think the stupid flat display 19:49 < CrystalMath> is extremely confusing 19:49 < CrystalMath> i never know what's a button 19:49 < CrystalMath> i can't stand it 19:50 <@MinceR> well, there are some ways it can be communicated 19:50 < CrystalMath> like a nice thick 3D border 19:50 <@MinceR> but i like 1px thick 3D borders on widgets 19:50 <@MinceR> as in ThinIce, or in Tk :) 19:50 < CrystalMath> with floating 3D UFOs around it shining it with spotlights 19:51 < CrystalMath> and the UFOs spin and stuff 19:51 < CrystalMath> that's totally not a waste of CPU :P 19:51 <@MinceR> :> 19:51 < CrystalMath> i'm used to aliens floating around my buttons 20:06 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:06 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:06 -!- gde35 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kubuntu 20.04 LTS - Bland but functional http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139235 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3e167e2f-3ce1-4514-bfeb-c5b47e6dd774] 21:24 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/06/26/coronavirus-adults-under-40-must-help-slow-spread-fauci-urges/3265411001/ 21:24 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.usatoday.com | Coronavirus: Adults under 40 must help slow spread, Fauci urges 21:24 < DaemonFC[m]> Your oppressors ask that you act "more responsibly" to keep more of your oppressors around longer. Thank you. 21:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, it's a hoax and only Democrats wear masks, and Trump rallies with old people not wearing masks are very responsible. 21:28 < DaemonFC[m]> You're supposed to very carefully go to the mall and spend your money, responsibly avoiding clouds of germs there, even though it's impossible to determine where exactly they'll be. 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Eat in restaurants are open, but how to eat with a mask on and avoid the cloud of germs being recirculated by the air conditioning system is an exercise for the reader. 21:30 < DaemonFC[m]> The masks are required by law, but you can't make people wear them because they'll shoot you for asking, and the police won't enforce the law, for whatever reason. How odd. 21:32 < DaemonFC[m]> While this ever-changing situation continues to spiral further and further from any definition of "control", please be aware that President Trump is working day and night on ways to tie Hillary Clinton's emails to Joe Biden. 21:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, exactly which breed of vicious dogs are vicious enough to release on the blacks. 21:34 < DaemonFC[m]> They have to be vicious enough to teach them to respect the Confederate statues, yet not so vicious that the blacks will stop loving Trump. 21:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Which they do. His family tree might have even had a few of them "in it" and his dad Fred wrote "C" so he'd remember to give them a fantastic apartment. 21:38 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/jun/27/coronavirus-us-miami-close-beaches-cases-rise-more-than-30-states-trump-live-latest-news-updates 21:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.theguardian.com | Trump campaign reportedly ordered removal of social-distancing stickers in Tulsa – as it happened | World news | The Guardian 21:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Give me one good reason not to liken this to the Replicator attack on the Goa'uld. MinceR ? 21:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Major plot hole in Stargate. 21:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Why throw Ra through the Stargate when h used a ship to get to Earth in the first place? 21:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Presumably stabbing him to death and incinerating the body would prevent him from being revived. 21:52 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/06/25/youre-not-going-to-believe-the-latest-plan-to-save.aspx 21:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- You're Not Going to Believe the Latest Plan to Save J.C. Penney | The Motley Fool 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh yes. A failing department store will be bought out of bankruptcy by a mall company that isn't paying its mortgages. 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> :) 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> We've also discovered a perpetual motion machine that works. 22:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Looks like the bankruptcy hit. 22:00 < DaemonFC[m]> The car loan is gone from my report and says Chapter 7. 22:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, Scumbucket gets to deal with it now. 22:05 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:06 -!- Digit [~user@fsf/member/digit] has joined #techrights 22:08 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 22:08 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has joined #techrights 23:16 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:30 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:31 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights --- Day changed Sun Jun 28 2020 00:22 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: John's alias? 00:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah. I have his voicemails saved in a folder called Shitdick on my portable hard disk. 00:39 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: He let me play GTA V on his PS4, and when you are at a stop light and it turns green there's an NPC that gets mad and starts honking at you and he yells "SHIT DICK!". 00:40 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't talk to him yet because the no contact order lasts until the probation is up. 00:40 < DaemonFC[m]> When I can I'm tempted to call and taunt him over that stupid car. 00:40 -!- LarchOye [nonmoose@] has quit [Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in] 00:41 < DaemonFC[m]> I've never been so happy to have a rust bucket with almost 300,000 miles on it. 00:41 < DaemonFC[m]> At least I don't owe money to the bank. 00:41 -!- LarchOye [nonmoose@spaceweed.spacetechnology.net] has joined #techrights 00:42 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:44 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 00:44 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 00:47 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:50 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3S5fwyR0rE 00:50 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Shitdick! - YouTube 01:10 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/16/what-to-know-if-coronavirus-has-you-considering-filing-for-bankruptcy.html 01:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.cnbc.com | What to know if coronavirus has you considering filing for bankruptcy 01:10 < DaemonFC[m]> I actually agree with their assessment. 01:11 < DaemonFC[m]> For most people, it makes sense to wait and see for a while. Your creditors are not going to be able to get you into court right away and filing near the end of your state governor's stay on evictions just means you end up living in your apartment for a few more months rent-free while the bankruptcy goes through the proccess. 01:14 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/18/business/corporate-bankruptcy-coronavirus.html 01:14 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.nytimes.com | Coronavirus Bankruptcies Are Coming - The New York Times 02:28 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/28/reported-by-google-and-ncmec/ 02:28 < schestowitz> just done 02:28 < schestowitz> I might release the full report (about 30 pages) at the end, after SPD gives us all 2861 pages 02:28 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Pedophile Working as the Engineer of Bill Gates Initially Reported by Google | Techrights 02:34 -!- xbot101 [~lubuntu@ppp-2-220.glou-a-1.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #techrights 02:35 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has joined #techrights 02:35 < xbot101> ping .. 02:36 -!- xbot101 [~lubuntu@ppp-2-220.glou-a-1.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #techrights [] 02:49 < schestowitz> hi, too late 02:50 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Is GNOME Web the default in Debian? 02:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Wikipedia says it is. Works fine on Fedora, but have to install it. 02:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I know they and Mozilla haven't always gotten along well 02:54 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 03:05 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/hh1b0l/microsoft_edge_accused_of_sneakily_importing/ 03:05 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.reddit.com | Microsoft Edge Accused of Sneakily Importing Firefox Data on Windows 10 : firefox 03:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Windows 10 snatches your Firefox profile and sends the info from it off to Microsoft. 03:06 < schestowitz> Microsoft are criminals 03:07 < schestowitz> so this kind of behaviour should be presumed 03:07 < schestowitz> I can't believe some people still trust Microsoft with WSL and WSL2 03:24 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 03:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139236 [https://pleroma.site/objects/920348a8-527c-45b2-9982-7a4aa22a528f] 04:09 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:09 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 04:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 7 Alternatives to #Kubuntu http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139237 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a4ef3bfc-bb41-42a0-adc9-ba9b00b0c030] 04:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139238 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f4bd7fb7-c6d6-4502-a39d-2d5bc0d8fc0f] 04:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Software: Nikola, LanguageTool and PGP::Sign http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139239 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3c8eaade-5986-41f8-aba4-cb58a6580f90] 04:26 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:26 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 04:27 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 04:27 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 04:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kernel and Graphics: RISC-V, Advanced Matrix Extensions (AMX), AMDGPU, Freedreno Gallium3D and LuxCore http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139240 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3d5411d5-d6a7-4ca7-9d7d-405d9bdd9341] 04:54 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:53 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:53 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:57 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 05:59 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:05 -!- xwindows [~xwindows@ppp-2-220.glou-a-1.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #techrights 06:06 < xwindows> ping ... 06:07 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:07 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:10 < xwindows> ping pong .. 06:12 -!- xwindows [~xwindows@ppp-2-220.glou-a-1.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #techrights ["Leaving"] 06:13 < psydroid> pang pang 06:14 -!- mode/#techrights [+o MinceR] by ChanServ 06:18 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:19 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 06:30 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:31 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:40 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 06:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s #tuxmachines leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139241 [https://pleroma.site/objects/34eeeb5f-e01f-481e-a742-38ad2f942baa] 06:51 < schestowitz> lots of pinging\ 06:52 < schestowitz> human communication reduced from emojis to UDP 06:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 28/6/2020: Mint’s 20 Release, Audacity 2.4.2 http://techrights.org/2020/06/28/links-2862020-mints-20-release-audacity-2-4-2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/49bec8eb-2b02-4f6b-9dad-70e5d971f273] 07:07 -!- openJ [sid276354@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bhjggmvjdjmsejwd] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 07:18 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:18 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:26 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://hugelolcdn.com/v/668432.mp4 07:32 < insmodppa> schestowitz: I might have missed this, but the soi-disant gatekeepers of everyone's Privacy officially approves of Startpage again: https://blog.privacytools.io/relisting-startpage/ 07:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- blog.privacytools.io | Relisting Startpage.com 07:35 < schestowitz> they're infiltrated 07:35 < schestowitz> we covered that 07:36 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Startpage\ 07:36 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Startpage\ - Techrights 07:36 < insmodppa> Thanks. Haven't been paying attention. 07:36 < schestowitz> we're among the main sites that exposed all this! 07:36 < schestowitz> based on anon sources 07:38 < schestowitz> typo, near ENTER 07:38 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Startpage 07:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Startpage - Techrights 07:38 < schestowitz> the trailing slash is a fat finger mistype 07:38 < schestowitz> you can see how we're the one who started the exposition 07:39 < schestowitz> and what they had done 07:39 < schestowitz> based on reliable sources 07:55 <@MinceR> (audio:important) https://hugelolcdn.com/v/668347.webm 08:11 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:12 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 08:46 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:54 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 09:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Nitrux 1.3.0 is available to download http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139242 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4dfd8c45-d715-4d31-bb33-bddbf59543e0] 09:44 < schestowitz> MinceR: wth? 09:56 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 09:56 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 10:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139243 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a52b08da-eae2-446d-a527-2262636e9e57] 10:39 < AVRS> Firefox' privacy.resistFingerprinting pref changes Linux to Windows in user agent. 10:44 < CrystalMath> heh 10:44 < CrystalMath> yeah 10:44 < CrystalMath> :P 10:44 < CrystalMath> you can override it though 10:45 < CrystalMath> but, hiding that you run linux, is a way to resist fingerprinting 10:45 < CrystalMath> in a world of dummies, you can blend in by wearing a dunce cap[ 10:45 < CrystalMath> *cap 11:40 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 11:43 <@MinceR> schestowitz: documentary of the flesh-eating dumpster 11:49 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668560.jpg 11:56 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 11:57 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 11:57 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 11:58 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 12:35 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 12:35 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 12:35 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 12:35 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 12:38 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:38 -!- libertybox_ [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:44 < schestowitz> MinceR: doesn't sound too good 13:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Looks like Floriduh will catch up with New York soon enough at this rate. 13:30 < DaemonFC[m]> +10,632 today 13:34 < schestowitz> it's early still 13:35 < schestowitz> wow 13:35 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/BrideOfLinux/status/1277289435781095425 13:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @BrideOfLinux: Grass roots open source: Three Steps to a Free Software Reboot | Techrights https://t.co/2pJtrbXWws 13:35 < schestowitz> oops 13:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- -> techrights.org | Three Steps to a Free Software Reboot | Techrights 13:35 < schestowitz> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ 13:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | United States Coronavirus: 2,617,847 Cases and 128,243 Deaths - Worldometer 13:35 < schestowitz> +10,682 13:35 < schestowitz> maybe today will be record-setting again 13:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably. 13:40 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 13:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Something changed along the way and GNOME Web is running fantastically on my laptop. 13:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Time for a switch over to this full time, maybe. 13:41 < DaemonFC[m]> It syncs with Fennec F-Droid through the Firefox Sync thingy. 13:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Google silently shoves in tracking garbage into most Play store apps. 13:44 < DaemonFC[m]> They send back "telemetry" to Google. 13:44 < DaemonFC[m]> So obviously Mozilla has absolutely no idea what's in their own browser on Android. 13:59 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:59 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 14:17 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: FL changed to +8,530 14:18 < DaemonFC[m]> "There have been some improvements." -David 14:18 < DaemonFC[m]> No, that was Walter, to David. 14:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Derp. 14:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, apparently the improvements weren't good enough. David kills Walter and then alters his program to adopt Walter's mannerisms and accent long enough to trick the crew. 14:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, so that's become what I say sarcastically when something comes along and says it's better and it's not. 14:24 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I say that in comments when there's another article about Windows 10 breaking things and ruining computers. 14:24 < DaemonFC[m]> "There have been some improvements." 14:25 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm not really certain what to make of rpm-ostree/Fedora Silverblue. 14:26 < DaemonFC[m]> They're saying it could replace the standard workstation image. 14:26 < DaemonFC[m]> I would say that installing it now would probably be jumping the gun. 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I was explaining Wayland to John, and he knows that I'm a big fan of Alien. 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> He goes "Wayland Yutani?". 14:29 < DaemonFC[m]> https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Weyland-Yutani_Corporation 14:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- avp.fandom.com | Weyland-Yutani Corporation | Xenopedia | Fandom 14:30 < schestowitz> lol 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> I must say, that GNOME Web is turning into one of the better GNOME applications. 14:32 < schestowitz> Semi-final draw 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> I have yet to experience a significant problem with the 3.36 branch of it. 14:32 < schestowitz> Arsenal vs. Newcastle/Manchester City 14:32 < schestowitz> Semi-final draw 14:32 < schestowitz> Manchester United vs. Chelsea 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Some news sites have paywalls and there's no extension to kill it, but meh. 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Sites that paywall themselves are putting themselves in the guillotine to try to get a few bucks on the way out. 14:34 < DaemonFC[m]> News sites with paywalls are largely trying to spend Disney Bucks at Caesar's Palace, as Rick Sanchez might say. 14:34 < DaemonFC[m]> There's a million other sources for the same story, usually. 14:34 < schestowitz> they exist? 14:34 < schestowitz> I mostly skip such sites 14:35 < DaemonFC[m]> WebkitGTK generally has the rendering capabilities of a recent build of Safari, only it's entirely FOSS and supports open media codecs. 14:35 < DaemonFC[m]> So site compatibility....is actually not much of a problem. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> There are sites that break in Firefox right now that work fine in GNOME Web. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I believe that, oddly, Apple might be the reason why Widevine isn't spreading to more sites than it already has. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Including Youtube. 14:37 < DaemonFC[m]> They're the only major holdout that says no to Widevine, and it's only because Google is a major competitor and Apple has their own DRM scheme. 14:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The DoJ is pulling out the Sherman Act to go after Google. 14:39 < DaemonFC[m]> But it's probably because they're on Trump's shitlist for some reason and he's using the DoJ and whatever law they can grab to act as his personal enforcers. 14:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The big tech companies are furious that he cut off their H1 visas. 14:40 < DaemonFC[m]> I lol'd. 14:40 < DaemonFC[m]> I've been saying for years now that the US government has done absolutely nothing to make these companies pay their damned taxes and sponsor American students for these jobs. 14:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Forcing us to work at fucking McDonald's while they bring in replacements who will work cheaply. 14:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Laissez-faire Capitalism is stoking "racism". 14:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Because people who are downtrodden and working at McDonalds with student loans to pay back are fuming when they see foreigners come in so that goddamned Apple can send them to our colleges for free and then sponsor them. 14:43 < DaemonFC[m]> You don't see that shit happening in any country that is worries about its own citizens. 14:43 < DaemonFC[m]> No matter how liberal/sjw they sound on the surface. 14:44 < DaemonFC[m]> It was this "Let's put illegal immigrants everywhere." mentality of the neoliberal politicians that sparked this whole white nationalist wave that swept through the US and most of Western Europe. 14:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump's on the way out though. He really is. He didn't even really pretend to care about any of this until it was the 11th hour and the economy was in the shitter, because of the virus. 14:46 < DaemonFC[m]> He was on his golf course fucking yesterday for Christ's sake, grinning like an idiot. 14:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Optics much? 14:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyway.....whatever the virus does to his fan club, they fucking deserve it for being the way they are. 14:48 < DaemonFC[m]> It was so obvious that Trump was an idiot and a crook and a fool before we even had an election. 14:49 < DaemonFC[m]> It's really some "Someone put the court jester on the throne." type shit happening now. 14:49 -!- pankkake [~anus@inara.p.engu.in] has left #techrights [] 14:52 < DaemonFC[m]> People have said Caligula, but this is more like Cartagia from B5. 15:13 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:14 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 15:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Nitrux 1.3.0 Released with KDE Plasma 5.19, Inkscape 1.0, and Nvidia 440.100 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139242#comment-25611 [https://pleroma.site/objects/60933bec-f5b3-477c-89fc-d759d923d842] 15:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 Final has been released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25610 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a9914216-7d0f-4d00-a511-5f789bb9ff5e] 15:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139246 [https://pleroma.site/objects/176d54fc-321c-4513-9e56-893748fa724d] 15:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu 20.04 Review http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139245 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dfcbd1f0-b00e-42b1-b2bf-04e93786dea4] 15:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Debian vs. Ubuntu: Everything You Need to Know to Choose http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139244 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dbcd5f37-9a9a-4091-b65f-68fa7d3217b4] 15:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 (Ulyana) Installation Steps with Screenshots http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25612 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1841f449-fab6-4238-bf30-a94fd6977e37] 15:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139247 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c4cc4ae0-2363-47b4-b181-9873ded835dc] 15:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Godot 4.0 gets SDF based real-time global illumination http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139248 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a43badf7-5c05-43b5-9d5d-897b5b226101] 15:59 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 15:59 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 15:59 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Privacy-oriented alternatives to Google Analytics http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139249 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ae2f592f-92ea-4aa6-abe1-ef9bc3758d63] 16:42 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:42 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:47 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:48 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> https://news.softpedia.com/news/secure-linux-distro-hacked-by-facebook-and-the-fbi-to-track-down-child-predator-530229.shtml 16:50 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- news.softpedia.com | Security-Focused Linux OS Hacked by Facebook and the FBI to Track Down Criminal 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Facebook helping nation states attack Tor with zero day vulnerabilities. 16:51 <@MinceR> makes sense 16:51 <@MinceR> fecesbook has always been an enemy of privacy 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not an attack on Tor itself. 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> It says "vulnerability in the video player in Tails". 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Which video player is in Tails? 16:53 <@MinceR> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 16:53 <@MinceR> i don't know why people use a "security-focused" "linux os" if it's based on cancerd 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> I heard of a buffer overflow zero day in VLC. 16:53 <@MinceR> they could just use heads instead 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe that's what it is. 16:55 < CrystalMath> ugh VLC 16:56 < DaemonFC[m]> It would be kind of dumb to make VLC the video player in a security-focused distribution. 16:59 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/vlc-media-player-3011-fixes-severe-remote-code-execution-flaw/ 16:59 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.bleepingcomputer.com | VLC Media Player 3.0.11 fixes severe remote code execution flaw 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe they like their very secure systemd, where a memory leak leading to systemd swelling to 4.5 GB after 3 weeks made its way into RHEL 7. 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Who would be dumb enough to open a video they downloaded from Tor? 17:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Knowing what kind of vulnerabilities have been found in, well, most implementations of most media containers and codecs. 17:06 < AVRS> Who would be dumb enough to view a page at an unfamiliar site? Knowing what … browsers. 17:06 <@MinceR> :> 17:06 < AVRS> … check anything with antivirus software, looking at how ClamAV seems to get the most fixes. 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> ClamAV kind of sucks at what it does. 17:07 < AVRS> (actually, IIRC ClamAV's documentation, at least in Debian, says it's worthless without Windows) 17:07 <@MinceR> probably less so than the competition 17:07 <@MinceR> considering that most of the AV industry is a scam 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, the intended use is file servers who need to scan Windows binaries. 17:18 < AVRS> I have often seen that advice under news reports about sec. vulnerabilities: do not visit websites you do not trust. 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> So everything on the web, then. 17:39 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: ‘Rolling Rhino’ Lets You Create Your Own Ubuntu Rolling Release http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139250 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dc72107c-95a7-497f-97d1-b4cde9a60dde] 17:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139251 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0508abba-6a8f-4cbb-b854-0ab59e590b78] 17:41 <@MinceR> (cat) (no audio) https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/26/f3eaa2357d227876.mp4 17:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: What Operating System Is the Best Choice for Software Engineers? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139252 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5b39c8a1-36eb-4beb-82fe-1230829b59d0] 18:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GSoC Reports From KDE and Python http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139253 [https://pleroma.site/objects/10ca6ee5-c752-4e64-9d18-db9ff933414a] 18:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Python 3.7.8 and 3.6.11 now available - last 3.7.x bugfix release http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139254 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0bafc377-90ec-4085-8056-ce31dde433c3] 18:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: GNU World Order, Destination Linux. Moving to LBRY and Overview of Jupyter Notebook http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139255 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9e695c09-2968-4d71-953d-cbcfcb663fa8] 18:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Kernel and Graphics: Bcachefs, Macintosh II and Intel Media Driver http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139257 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1c9f2b0e-a464-4847-9c99-43114de7d285] 18:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Meet #Fosshost , a Free Hosting Provider for Your FOSS Projects http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139256 #freesw #programming #sharing [https://pleroma.site/objects/b6c17816-7845-43f7-997e-696815c67728] 18:17 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 18:18 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:26 <@MinceR> https://hugelolcdn.com/i/668557.jpg 18:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Haiku activity report - May 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139258 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9b2f2567-3f5b-4e3a-b41c-53295b575307] 18:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Ubuntu has discovered the revolutionary Fedora Rawhide model, apparently. 18:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Oracle’s New Papers About Servers With GNU/Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139259 [https://pleroma.site/objects/30790074-0e28-402b-a00c-20e393b30042] 18:33 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 18:34 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: yeah, and called it after an odd animal 18:34 < schestowitz> [21:50] [Notice] -TechrightsBot-tr to #techrights- news.softpedia.com | Security-Focused Linux OS Hacked by Facebook and the FBI to Track Down Criminal 18:35 < schestowitz> MicrosoftPedia 18:35 < schestowitz> don't link to them anymore 18:35 < schestowitz> They are anti-Linux 18:35 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/05/12/softpedia-change/ 18:35 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | ‘Team Microsoft’ Took Control of Softpedia to Control Coverage About GNU/Linux | Techrights 18:35 < schestowitz> Looking for anti-Linux slant, only one person writes it now 18:36 < schestowitz> [21:56] It would be kind of dumb to make VLC the video player in a security-focused distribution. 18:36 < schestowitz> depends if you play very dodgy files 18:36 < schestowitz> or stream them 18:36 < psydread> these are all symptoms of a company fighting for its very survival at any cost because it has lost it 18:37 < schestowitz> if you play your own files, you should be safe, no buffer overflows and such 18:37 < schestowitz> codecs are complex monsters and if you don't handle them with care, they can do all sorts of things, even in userspace 18:37 < schestowitz> [22:05] Who would be dumb enough to open a video they downloaded from Tor? 18:37 < schestowitz> exactly 18:37 < schestowitz> [22:07] considering that most of the AV industry is a scam 18:37 < schestowitz> it's not even an industry 18:38 < schestowitz> psydread: SUSE did that too 18:38 < schestowitz> first tumbleweed 18:38 < schestowitz> then leap 18:38 < schestowitz> and then merging SLE* upstream with them 18:38 < schestowitz> as if to say they lack the resources to run that separately 18:38 < schestowitz> now it's Fedora under IBM 18:38 < schestowitz> because their "community" is mostly up in smoke, people would not volunteers for Big Bad Blue 18:39 < schestowitz> at least not those old enough to know what IBM really is/was 18:39 < schestowitz> see Planet Fedora, it's barely moving, it's just IBM (Red Hat) staff 18:39 < schestowitz> trying to solicit free testers to take their broken builds for a spin 18:39 < schestowitz> and then garden bugs for them 18:41 < psydread> schestowitz, I also found it curious that the central theme in Apple's transition plan isn't so much that people will end up using better chips (and likely lose more control over their hardware), but that they will lose access to x86 Windows 18:41 < DaemonFC[m]> "Microsoft uses these people like ‘props’ and rewards them for the ‘service’ (we covered examples of the bribes over the years)." 18:42 < psydread> which makes me think that any large-scale move away from x86 will be brutal to Microsoft 18:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Reminds me of that T-888 that was impersonating a military officer. 18:42 < DaemonFC[m]> "Thank you for your service!" *snaps their necks* 18:42 < psydread> so the sooner it can be initiated the better 18:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux in Devices/Embedded: Bootlin, Texas Instruments and Garmin http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139260 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3e347305-390e-4629-b7ed-d148f08d8905] 18:44 < psydread> I think we were fooled by this idea of "communities" for a long time, but now that we know we can form new independent communities 18:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux 5.8-rc3 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139261 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4d52d5ba-1b21-42b1-84ae-12b327cc5a7c] 18:53 < DaemonFC[m]> RE: Sisvel..... 18:54 < DaemonFC[m]> I think they sued Microsoft over infringing some MP3 patents with Windows. 18:59 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla: Thunderbird Conversations and TenFourFox Feature Parity Release 24 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139262 [https://pleroma.site/objects/cdbcc231-4343-4923-8062-dd31375a8ea8] 19:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Adriaan de Groot: KSysGuard http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139263 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3830b117-1a0f-48f7-822c-d38d1ef58974] 19:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: scikit-survival 0.13 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139264 [https://pleroma.site/objects/355f8cff-e0d7-4309-8824-be636e750649] 19:10 < schestowitz> Ade mentioned here https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2020/06/28/libreoffice-clippings-20200628/ 19:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- blog.documentfoundation.org | LibreOffice Weekly Clippings - June 28, 2020 - The Document Foundation Blog 19:11 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: they sue and raid almost everyone 19:11 < schestowitz> https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/06/18/bundlore-adware-brings-a-new-nest-of-risks-to-mac-users/ 19:11 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- nakedsecurity.sophos.com | Bundlore adware brings a new nest of risks to Mac users – Naked Security 19:11 < schestowitz> shitty 'journalists' focusing on threats... that users need to actually INSTALL 19:12 < schestowitz> while overlooked back doors that are there by intention 19:15 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: +35,906 on a Sunday 19:15 < schestowitz> covid19 cases 19:15 < schestowitz> india is approaching, with about 20k new ones tested and confirmed these days 19:25 < schestowitz> holycrap, mozilla! 19:25 < schestowitz> didn't realise it had deprecated pretty much all remaining extensions in thunderbird 19:26 < schestowitz> almost nothing remains that works or even shows up 19:26 < schestowitz> and... theme-wise 19:26 < schestowitz> they're all obsolete now 19:26 < schestowitz> enigmail issues a warning now NOT to update thunderbird 19:26 < schestowitz> as it would break the encryption extension 19:26 < schestowitz> I found only one theme for thunderbird one can still use 19:27 < schestowitz> their web site is all rust and rusty... lots of dead extensions 19:27 < schestowitz> what's left of them 19:27 < schestowitz> they screw all the volunteers who enhance their software suites/browser 19:27 < schestowitz> and then they'll end up wondering why users leave, too 19:27 < schestowitz> the extensions are what made Firefox so attractive and useful in the first place 19:28 < schestowitz> I cannot even keep count of all those they've disabled, but it's a lot 19:28 < schestowitz> so now it's just some 'classic' mode 19:28 < schestowitz> and their themes are like some shallow css 19:28 < schestowitz> several others suites did the same, limiting what developers can do to customise 19:29 < schestowitz> so you end up with something monolithic, not for you... because MozKnowsBest(R) 19:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers and howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139265 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a7f7ee20-f20f-4b57-98f1-b13ec759412f] 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.zdnet.com/article/apple-declined-to-implement-16-web-apis-in-safari-due-to-privacy-concerns/ 19:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Apple declined to implement 16 Web APIs in Safari due to privacy concerns | ZDNet 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, Mozilla enabled the battery status API and then when someone pointed out it was useful in a fingerprinting attack, they rolled it back out. I'm simply no longer confident that any browser vendor really knows or cares what they are doing and we have a much bigger problem than -webkit- prefixes in CSS with Blink because Google is tossing random shit in there and going "This sounds great!", and it doesn't bother 19:44 < DaemonFC[m]> them at all because they're a tracking company. 19:46 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:46 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: the problem starts at w3c with web as in you are defining protocol over wire not end user security. 19:46 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 19:49 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: lets take one of those 16 api apple did not implement. "Web USB" and now its usage case https://github.com/devanlai/webdfu updating device firmware without needing platform particular application. Hmm this absolute does not read as something any random website should be allowed to use. 19:49 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- GitHub - devanlai/webdfu: WebUSB Device Firmware Upgrade example 19:51 <@MinceR> lol 19:51 < oiaohm> Of course being able to update firmware of keyboards and the like connected to a browser only device would be a good thing if the browser had suitable security. 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I agree with removing DNT from Safari. DNT is so dumb. 19:53 < oiaohm> Really I don't exactly agree with removing DNT but setting it on all the time would be correct answer. Different country regulations here some countries if there is a flag that says Do Not Track and a company does it an offense. 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> "Removed support for any plug-ins on macOS." 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> The NPAPI code has been -totally- removed from WebkitGTK. 19:54 < DaemonFC[m]> I filed the bug requesting that a while back and it started some chatter about deprecation and removal process. 19:54 < oiaohm> The web usb should not exactly be priviacy concerns it should be bricking hardware concerns as well. 19:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Or accessing something and using it as part of a malware attack. 19:55 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean damn. 19:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Who the fuck is proposing all this? Google? 19:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Are they where all of this is from> 19:56 < DaemonFC[m]> You know. I think GNOME Web is not a bad choice, really, considering where things are going. 19:58 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: https://wicg.github.io/webusb/ web usb is 100 percent google. Like how are going to program arduino on a browser only chrome book without something like that. 19:58 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- wicg.github.io | WebUSB API 20:01 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: its not all google but mostly. https://www.w3.org/TR/battery-status/ Battery status was started by Intel and Mozilla but the Mozilla developer moved from Mozilla to Google . 20:01 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.w3.org | Battery Status API 20:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Firefox is more unique than GNOME Web on Panopticlick, apparently. 20:03 < oiaohm> https://www.w3.org/TR/magnetometer/ this one apple is not implementing is pure Intel. 20:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.w3.org | Magnetometer 20:03 < oiaohm> Majority are google but. 20:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 28/6/2020: Linux 5.8 RC3 and Nitrux 1.3.0 http://techrights.org/2020/06/28/nitrux-1-3-0/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/2db706b2-5541-4cbe-842a-fee352217cb8] 20:05 < oiaohm> https://www.w3.org/TR/netinfo-api/ << pure mozilla one as well. 20:05 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.w3.org | The Network Information API 20:07 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: its looking roughly half what apple is not implementing is google and the other half are Intel and Mozilla things. 20:42 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.zdnet.com/article/demand-for-employee-surveillance-software-soars/ 20:42 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Demand for employee surveillance software soars | ZDNet 20:45 < DaemonFC[m]> 40,000 new cases. 20:45 < DaemonFC[m]> What the hell is going on down there? 20:46 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.tampabay.com/florida-politics/buzz/2020/06/28/ron-desantis-on-rising-florida-coronavirus-cases-you-cant-control-what-young-people-do/ 20:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.tampabay.com | Ron DeSantis, on rising Florida coronavirus cases: you ‘can’t control’ what young people do 20:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Ah, governor fails to do anything. Blames "young people". 20:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, yes! Piss off the voters that will nearly all live! 20:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Pretty much all the news I'm seeing is that experts are begging Congress to increase funding and staff at bankruptcy courts. 20:56 < DaemonFC[m]> They're saying it's going to be a wave worse than 2008. 20:56 < DaemonFC[m]> They're saying that if Congress doesn't increase court resources, then tons of companies that could be saved will hit deadlines and end up being converted to Chapter 7s and liquidated. 20:57 < DaemonFC[m]> In other words, we're going to lose hundreds or thousands of viable companies in the coming months because they just get chopped up for parts in a bankruptcy court that can't sift through the mess. 20:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Part of the plan needs to be Congress extending certain deadlines that would trigger liquidation. 20:59 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: So they're talking out both sides of their mouths here. 20:59 < DaemonFC[m]> They're going to do Fedspeak and fake unemployment stats to make things look like they aren't that bad, and at the same time, they're bracing for mass carnage and hoping it's after Trump gets re-elected. 21:00 < schestowitz> #twitter now >always< literally BLOCKS browsers that aren't the Big Browsers i.e. #proprietarySoftware with #DRM -- #socialcontrolmedia is getting more disgusting and hostile as the days go by! It refuses to even render on Browsers That Support What It SERVES(R)! 21:00 < DaemonFC[m]> They have Jim Cramer saying there's nothing wrong and the thought of a Biden presidency is "spooking" the markets. 21:01 <@MinceR> fuck twatter, i'm tired of having to hit "Try Again" 6 times to get something to load on their shitty excuse of a website 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> This is the same guy that was blindsided and going nuts when Lehman collapsed. 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> I was watching him on TV and laughing. 21:01 <@MinceR> also with a bar telling me that i "might be" banned from seeing whatever it is, even if it is visible, and as i'm not logged in 21:01 <@MinceR> twatter "developers" have no clue what they're doing 21:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Twitter appears to work on GNOME Web. 21:05 <@MinceR> i'm pretty sure the content i was trying to view would have been less in static HTML than the bug-ridden javascript crap that's trying and failing to load it 21:05 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.americanbanker.com/opinion/the-calm-before-the-storm-of-bankruptcies 21:05 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.americanbanker.com | The calm before the storm of bankruptcies | American Banker 21:05 < DaemonFC[m]> "But there are countervailing factors as well. 21:05 < DaemonFC[m]> The current unemployment crisis was artificially created by state and local government stay-at-home orders in response to the pandemic. In past business cycles, increases in the unemployment rate resulted from shocks or recessions —not from a deliberate government decision to freeze most economic activity." 21:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, it matters why people don't have money when the creditors come a calling.... /s 21:06 <@MinceR> indeed, dead people do not count as unemployed 21:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Idiots. 21:06 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I have the banks I filed bankruptcy against telling me I have an updated credit report with a bankruptcy on it. 21:06 <@MinceR> which of course leads us to an obvious and easy solution to unemployment that does not rely on any pandemics... 21:07 < DaemonFC[m]> "Ah, gentlemen, glad you could make it!" 21:07 < insmodppa> Twitter sends you several MiB of their "web app" JS to load a few KiB of JSON. You load that pile of garbage every time you open a new Twitter URL. God help you if you're on a tight bandwidth quota. 21:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, or a slow connection, like I am. 21:08 < schestowitz> terrible 21:08 < schestowitz> I am trying to hack around it 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't use Twitter. When I saw a JWZ post about them printing out all of the fucks and shits and "questionable likes" he had made and emailing some guy's boss like 800 pages..... 21:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I was like "Glad I don't use that!". 21:09 < schestowitz> [02:01] This is the same guy that was blindsided and going nuts when Lehman collapsed. 21:09 < schestowitz> and yet he STILL has a show on TV 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Where did that post go? 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> He does. He's a fucking idiot is what he is. 21:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Leading people to financial ruin again, and they probably still won't cancel him. 21:09 < AVRS> schestowitz: nitter.net 21:09 < schestowitz> so much for meritorcisy 21:10 < schestowitz> his recommendations were awful 21:10 < DaemonFC[m]> They were, but it's mostly stupid Republicans who listen to him. 21:10 < schestowitz> AVRS: cannot log in through that 21:10 < schestowitz> I just need it to see who links to techrights and sometimes rt 21:10 < schestowitz> that's all I need 21:12 < schestowitz> by PRetending to be firefox, using qupzilla, I can now get minimal pages, the old "mobile" UI 21:12 * DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FWSqfbpmqPnAEYzXnExuwWmc > 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> -- 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> LOL! 21:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh my God. He has lost people so much money. 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The Wall Street Journal is basically mocking/trolling him. 21:14 < schestowitz> I forgot which company he recommended and was massively mocked for 21:14 < schestowitz> it went viral 21:14 < schestowitz> maybe lehman 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Bet against whatever Jim Cramer says is a buy. 21:14 < schestowitz> but I'm not sure 21:14 < schestowitz> before the collapse 21:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The Reverse Cramer. :) 21:14 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: maybe he shorts these before recommending them 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> It probably was Lehman. 21:15 < DaemonFC[m]> He said buy it and then it was one of the biggest bankruptcies in history a month later. 21:15 < schestowitz> I don't suppose there's a leaner twitter interface one can log into 21:16 < schestowitz> as in, also interact through it 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: If they're not going to be ashamed of abusing the bankruptcy code, like, I mean fucking hell. 21:16 < schestowitz> all I need is a search slice, with possible the ability to RT (not necessity) 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> What they are doing with bankruptcy a lot of the time is a criminal offense. 21:16 < insmodppa> schestowitz: If you don't mind writing a script with wget and grep, you can: Read the gt= value from cookie, get the Auth bearer (regex for =AAAA...) and queryId (queryId:"...") from main.xxxxx.js listed on the page, then call the graphql API with the queryId to get the restId which you plug into the timeline/media API URL along with the bearer and gt in the headers. <- See how f***ed up it all gets just to fetch a tiny sentence? 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> The trustee should be clawing back all that bonus money from JC Penney's CEO. 21:16 < schestowitz> insmodppa: I don't want to diy for twitter, not worth it 21:17 < schestowitz> they also block things and deprecate apis 21:17 < schestowitz> so you're at their mercy all the time 21:17 < schestowitz> I am trying to dump firefox completely from all machines 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> JC Penney has creditors they're saying they can't pay and they gave the guy like $4 million and then filed bankruptcy immediately. 21:17 < DaemonFC[m]> They're not even hiding how corrupt this is.. 21:17 < insmodppa> Indeed. You'll be spending more time getting it to work than actually using it for any good purpose. 21:17 < schestowitz> what's the search syntax in twitter for "live" or "latest on top"? 21:17 < schestowitz> in the old UI, not the "Latest" BS 21:18 < schestowitz> I know "from:" 21:18 < schestowitz> not sure about time keywords 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I have my sister-in-law screaming that it's fraud to file bankruptcy on some old credit cards that blew up on me. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> It's not. It's perfectly legal. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> My lawyer said it happens day in and day out. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> The Trustee waved it through and went to lunch. 21:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean, my god. 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> She's pissed that she can't do it to clean up their mess. 21:19 < insmodppa> schestowitz: Try filter: but I'm not sure if it works with "live". 21:19 < schestowitz> Tried time: date: and when: 21:19 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I threw another medical bill in the pile in an amended filing 3 days before the meeting. 21:20 < schestowitz> tried filter: also 21:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The health dept didn't bill insurance properly and I called them and said "I'm filing bankruptcy and I added your bill, but if you want to re-bill them and _they_ pay you something, that's entirely your business. I suggest you try harder. 21:21 < schestowitz> https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/twitter-advanced-search 21:21 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- help.twitter.com | How to use advanced search 21:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Them and their fucking lab. 21:21 < DaemonFC[m]> I threw $840 from ONE office visit in December in the bankruptcy. Then another $420 for a phone call with some medication refills. 21:22 < DaemonFC[m]> At a certain point, it really makes no difference anymore. If you owe someone $20, throw that in too. I did. 21:22 < DaemonFC[m]> My schedule went on for 3 pages when I was done, including the collections agencies I knew of. 21:23 < schestowitz> "since:" 21:23 < schestowitz> that's the one 21:23 < schestowitz> e.g. New Years -Resolution lang:en near:"San Francisco, CA" within:15mi since:2013-12-30 until:2014-01-02 21:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Kia Finance got all shitty with me because John was behind on his payment and I told them "I don't care. I'm in the middle of filing bankruptcy against you and if you call here again, your ass is grass when I tell the Trustee.". 21:25 < DaemonFC[m]> So that account was forcibly shut down and there's nothing they could do. Repo the car from John maybe, eventually. 21:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Sue him. 21:25 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I'm going to email John that clip of Ash from Alien when this probation expires. 21:25 < DaemonFC[m]> "I won't lie to you about your chances...but, for what it's worth, you have my sympathies.". 21:29 < acer-box__> https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=techrights.org+since%3A2020-06-28&s=typd&x=-606&y=-177 21:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- mobile.twitter.com | Search Twitter - techrights.org since:2020-06-28 21:29 < schestowitz> ^ sort of close 21:29 < schestowitz> if only if could be sorted by time 21:30 < schestowitz> no sortby: that I can see 21:30 < schestowitz> or sort criteria 21:30 < schestowitz> twitter is crap 21:30 < schestowitz> all these years and they still lack what should have been easy to implement with an sql query on their db 21:31 < schestowitz> doesn't even support "now" or "today" 21:31 < schestowitz> the dates are hardcoded numbers 21:31 < insmodppa> It's intentional. Like how they don't like you viewing anything past the last five minutes. 21:32 < schestowitz> ok, byebye firefox 21:32 < schestowitz> good riddance, too 21:32 < schestowitz> bloated crap 21:35 < DaemonFC[m]> I purged several browsers off the computer. 21:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Leaving Firefox as a backup browser. 21:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Deleted the mess they left behind. 21:38 < schestowitz> ok, now I have the twitter monitor with zero javascript 21:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Now the south not only has a Coronavirus catastrophe, but there's a major dust storm that blew across the Atlantic to land on them. 21:39 < schestowitz> qupzilla needs to pretend to be old firefox 21:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Hurricanes soon, no doubt. 21:39 < schestowitz> otherwise twitter blocks it!! 21:39 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: Haiti will become Miami 21:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Twitter probably thinks Web is Safari. 21:39 < schestowitz> it needs to stop thinking 21:39 < schestowitz> stop sniffing 21:39 < schestowitz> use web standards 21:40 < schestowitz> and serve the same to all 21:40 < schestowitz> if it's not supported by all, don't do it 21:40 < schestowitz> but KISS and surveillance capitalism aren't compatible, we all know that... 21:41 < DaemonFC[m]> "The current lull seems likely to be unsustainable. Surely, unemployed consumers will burn through savings and exhaust unemployment benefits, and mortgage forbearance cannot continue forever. When that happens, many consumers will seek to wipe out credit card debts or stop a foreclosure from proceeding." 21:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, I said this many times. 21:41 < DaemonFC[m]> They are waiting to be as fucked as they can get with debt, before losing the house. 21:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Then they will flock to court all at once. 21:42 < DaemonFC[m]> If you can only do it once, why wouldn't you wait until the last moment? 21:43 < schestowitz> I always come back to falkon/qupzilla 21:43 < schestowitz> now I have my work mail working with it again 21:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Nobody expects me until I've already done what I'm about to do. I think it throws people off better when they think you're aloof and adrift and possibly stupid. 21:50 < DaemonFC[m]> You don't want your enemy to plan, you want them to be caught off guard. 21:51 < DaemonFC[m]> With bill collectors, their campaign is psychological in nature. It was designed by psychologists. 21:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Either they will gain information that helps them sue you later, or they will train you to fear them. 21:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Bombarding people who have stopped paying their bills with notices that look more and more serious (including the color of paper and words like FINAL NOTICE), trains them to do nothing. 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> By the time you sue, fewer of them will end up going to court because they don't feel there's anything they can say. 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> So you get a default judgment. 21:53 < DaemonFC[m]> It's an odds game. 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> By emotionally terrorizing them and training them to do nothing, it softens them up in the months leading up to the lawsuit. 21:54 < DaemonFC[m]> They have statistical analysis to see who is likely to be worth spending money to sue and they prioritize them. 21:55 < schestowitz> #Microsoft #linkedin #censorship https://twitter.com/bgiltrap/status/1277247591294656514 21:55 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @bgiltrap: https://t.co/qy8jC5LZW4 .@schestowitz have you been aware of the censorship on Linkedin which seems to be accelerat… https://t.co/71xbdmKUK4 21:55 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- -> LinkedIn: we didn’t realise what a... - Stacey Wilkinson | Facebook 21:55 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @bgiltrap: https://t.co/qy8jC5LZW4 .@schestowitz have you been aware of the censorship on Linkedin which seems to be accelerat… https://t.co/71xbdmKUK4 21:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Sometimes they don't even bother. Oddly, it's sometimes better to owe many people lots of money. They'll each check your credit report and figure they'll be the one to waste money and push you into filing bankruptcy. 21:56 < DaemonFC[m]> They can sit on it for 5-6 years and sue you later if they want. 21:56 < DaemonFC[m]> No rush. 21:57 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Psychological campaigns figure into what gets people into debt, what keeps them there, and what forces them to run on a treadmill to pay it back. 21:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy's relatives fell hook, line, and sinker. 21:57 < DaemonFC[m]> If they don't pay for that house, they go right back to court. If they try to sell it, they'll owe more than they get. 21:58 < DaemonFC[m]> If it's even possible to sell it for a while. 21:59 < DaemonFC[m]> Debt settlements are a joke. Your credit is destroyed and now you have a big tax bill you can't pay. 21:59 < DaemonFC[m]> But the bankruptcy mandatory "counseling" says you need to seriously consider it. 22:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Bankruptcies aren't taxed, but if you negotiate to pay part of a debt as paid in full, the canceled amount is taxed. 22:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139250#comment-25614 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a9e9fd90-02b3-4449-89a5-cecf6a2e6ea4] 22:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: You Can Now Transform Ubuntu into a Rolling Release with “Rolling Rhino” http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139250#comment-25614 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f59b8b3f-bcda-416b-9a3c-de81afab5a42] 22:28 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #techrights 22:32 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: vv 22:32 < schestowitz> [03:23] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Almost done deleting Firefox (well, it's installed, won't be used) from 3 PCs. Every time you open a tabs they spew out ads and company politics now. And they have placeholders that are paid for. There are even worse Mozilla issues... [https://pleroma.site/objects/225ae813-597b-4e78-957e-383f49356cb8] 22:32 < schestowitz> [03:30] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): Want a browser that does not treat you like a product to be sold to someone? Use #falkon (or #qupzilla on older-but-still-supported distros) https://phabricator.kde.org/ https://userbase.kde.org/Falkon [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef039ef3-63ee-4562-85d5-3147b0da327a] 22:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 22:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- phabricator.kde.org | Home 22:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- userbase.kde.org | Falkon - KDE UserBase Wiki 22:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 22:32 < schestowitz> my two other PCs are on qupzilla 22:33 < schestowitz> they have an old LTS on the, no falkon in their repos now (or ever in the future) 22:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Company politics? 22:37 < schestowitz> yes 22:37 < schestowitz> like... 22:38 < schestowitz> gay rights, BLM etc. 22:38 < schestowitz> I didn't ask for it 22:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Don't forget the VPN on the third party company they can't verify isn't spying on you. 22:38 < schestowitz> not against it 22:38 < schestowitz> but I don't need it in my face just because I open a tab and Mozilla does this to promote its brand there 22:38 < schestowitz> AWS login page did the same 22:38 < schestowitz> so to enter AWS you need to be lied to by bezos 22:39 < schestowitz> as if he cares 22:39 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I wrote about their privacy snakeoil 22:39 < schestowitz> shitcastic is their partner 22:39 < schestowitz> and prior to it only clownflare 22:39 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/25/mozilla-comcast/ 22:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Mozilla Shames Itself and Harms Its Reputation by Stating That “Comcast Has Taken Major Steps to Protect Customer Privacy” | Techrights 22:40 < schestowitz> Mozilla is in shambles 22:40 < schestowitz> they list prior board members 22:40 < schestowitz> as if to take pride in them 22:40 < schestowitz> even the one who took bill gates bribes via epstein 22:40 < schestowitz> iot 22:40 < schestowitz> ito 22:40 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/25/comcast-privacy/ 22:40 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | [Humour] Mozilla Firefox Will Protect Your Privacy Like Comcast Does | Techrights 22:41 < schestowitz> this is beyond satire... they actually mean it 22:41 < schestowitz> trust privacy offenders... for privacy 22:41 < schestowitz> and I'm no longer trusting let's encrypt either 22:41 < schestowitz> they never explained what had happened and the US rushes new anti-privacy bills 22:44 < schestowitz> stupid question: 22:44 < schestowitz> can you think of a way to make konversation "latest message on top"? 22:44 < schestowitz> as in reverse order? 22:46 < schestowitz> https://github.com/nextcloud/desktop/issues/345 22:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Fix activities by camilasan · Pull Request #345 · nextcloud/desktop · GitHub 22:46 < schestowitz> wait, they're on shithub? 22:46 < schestowitz> or just a mirror? 22:48 < schestowitz> cannot find a single irc client that would accomplish this 22:49 < schestowitz> could write something to do this in a shell... maybe I shall... 22:49 < schestowitz> I can trigger scripts from inside konversation 22:50 < schestowitz> so this one would tail and reverse the logs 22:51 < schestowitz> let's see knotify interfaces... 22:54 < schestowitz> notify-send 'text' 22:58 < schestowitz> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61623833/how-to-pipe-stderr-to-notify-send 22:58 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- stackoverflow.com | shell - How to pipe stderr to notify-send? - Stack Overflow 22:58 < schestowitz> " 22:58 < schestowitz> 0 22:58 < schestowitz> notify-send will not work with piping 22:58 < schestowitz> However, you can try: sudo pip install notify-pipe 22:58 < schestowitz> Which accepts piping 22:58 < schestowitz> See here: https://github.com/ron7/notify-pipe 22:58 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- GitHub - ron7/notify-pipe: like notify-send just for pipes 22:58 < schestowitz> " 22:58 < schestowitz> Yuck, shithub everywhere 23:11 < schestowitz> tail -n1 /home/roy/.xchat2/xchatlogs/FreeNode-#boycottnovell-social.log | cut -c75-100 2>&1 | ./notify-pipe 23:11 < schestowitz> almost there now... 23:12 < schestowitz> cat /home/roy/notify-pipe 23:12 < schestowitz> #!/usr/bin/env sh 23:12 < schestowitz> read notification 23:12 < schestowitz> notify-send "Command Failed" "$notification" "$@" 23:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Review: #GoboLinux 017 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139266 #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/4a8aab5c-9a33-421a-beab-a430416203ca] 23:17 < schestowitz> Application Options: 23:17 < schestowitz> -u, --urgency=LEVEL Specifies the urgency level (low, normal, critical). 23:17 < schestowitz> -t, --expire-time=TIME Specifies the timeout in milliseconds at which to expire the notification. 23:17 < schestowitz> -a, --app-name=APP_NAME Specifies the app name for the icon 23:17 < schestowitz> -i, --icon=ICON[,ICON...] Specifies an icon filename or stock icon to display. 23:17 < schestowitz> -c, --category=TYPE[,TYPE...] Specifies the notification category. 23:17 < schestowitz> -h, --hint=TYPE:NAME:VALUE Specifies basic extra data to pass. Valid types are int, double, string and byte. 23:17 < schestowitz> -v, --version Version of the package. 23:29 < schestowitz> https://community.kde.org/Plasma/Notifications 23:29 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- community.kde.org | Plasma/Notifications - KDE Community Wiki 23:32 < DaemonFC[m]> What about the program manager for Windows XP SP2, which fixed everything....? 23:34 < kingoffrance> i thought comcast was the one long ago that intercepted unknown dns lookups to take you to a search engine 23:34 < kingoffrance> you dont have to use their dns of course, but yeah 23:34 < kingoffrance> of course, there is no need for this helpful feature now 23:35 < kingoffrance> because browsers probably do it, it is built-in i suppose 23:35 < kingoffrance> you would only run into this feature i suppose nowadays if the browser didnt helpfully redirect you first 23:36 < kingoffrance> its like cascading clippys 23:36 < kingoffrance> you might avoid one, but theres another lurking in the background to guide you 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> No, AT&T still does it, and it does interfere with Firefox's search. 23:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Unless you add a search box. 23:48 < kingoffrance> hmm 23:48 < kingoffrance> long ago, i dunno about now, you could make special bookmarks and then "g whatever" for google, something like put %s in the urls you bookmarked IIRC and assign a "prefix" 23:48 < kingoffrance> i guess that is still around 23:49 < kingoffrance> but they come with "default search engines" now too 23:49 < kingoffrance> i used to set things up the old way, so i always found the "set search engine when using address bar" to be weird 23:49 < kingoffrance> i guess they made it a gui thing nowadays 23:50 < kingoffrance> i.e. in preferences, not just "special bookmarks" 23:50 < kingoffrance> at least, thats what i remember: it used to be youd just make special bookmarks --- Day changed Mon Jun 29 2020 00:00 < AVRS> Special bookmarks still work. 00:01 < AVRS> Bookmark keywords or keyword bookmarks… 00:01 < AVRS> Search engines also have keywords, but they work differently. 00:07 < AVRS> Those non-diversity statistics: https://blog.mozilla.org/careers/mozilla-diversity-inclusion-2019-results/ 00:07 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | Diversity and Inclusion at Mozilla: Sharing Our 2019 Results – Life@Mozilla 00:07 < AVRS> Could they be just because Mozilla Corporation is in California, and Hawaians live on Hawaii and "Latinx" near Mexico? 00:08 < AVRS> Ah, California is more South than I imagined https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2010_US_Census_Hispanic_Population_by_County.svg 00:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | File:2010 US Census Hispanic Population by County.svg - Wikipedia 00:09 < AVRS> Not sure they counted remote employees though. 00:10 < AVRS> gah, need to read first 00:10 < AVRS> "46% of employees work remotely" 00:10 < AVRS> but "38% of our employees are based outside the United States in one of 14 other countries (down from 39%)." 00:13 < AVRS> Why do US companies that suffer an SJW attack suddenly start CoC and diversity propaganda? 00:13 < AVRS> Did they simply foresee todays' events? 00:23 < kingoffrance> well some would say planned 00:23 < kingoffrance> but the "right" cant really say that 00:24 < kingoffrance> because they are in bed with corps too 00:24 < kingoffrance> so they cant be "the deep state" 00:24 < kingoffrance> it must be something else 00:24 < kingoffrance> wall street cant be the deep state, it must be elsewhere 00:25 < kingoffrance> theyll through soros or someone under the bus, but they cant ever say the whole thing is deep 00:25 < kingoffrance> s/through/throw/ 00:34 -!- kingoffrance [~x__@c-67-161-241-22.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: x] 01:48 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 02:14 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 02:29 < insmodppa> The latest F-Droid version causes the "Intent Filter Verification Service" to contact f-droid.org (expected), staging.f-droid.org (this is new), play.google.com, clients1.google.com, www.amazon.com and amazon.com. And I'm on an emulator with no Google services on it (with all the junk stripped out). 02:51 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:09 -!- psydread [eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84] has left #techrights [] 03:12 -!- psydread [eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84] has joined #techrights 03:17 -!- psydread [eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84] has left #techrights [] 03:20 < schestowitz> AVRS: I have NO issues with diversity 03:20 < schestowitz> but make a decent produict 03:20 < schestowitz> if the diversity push harms quality of the product, then we are compromising engineering to appease non-technical aspects 03:20 < schestowitz> and this point was often stressed before 03:21 < schestowitz> [05:10] but "38% of our employees are based outside the United States in one of 14 other countries (down from 39%)." 03:22 < schestowitz> remote work is also dangerous 03:22 < schestowitz> the way I see it, it is a stepping stone 03:22 < schestowitz> no more offices with physical presence 03:22 < schestowitz> so people are lodged in a box away somewhere 03:22 < schestowitz> and replacing them with cheaper labour somewhere else has zero direct impact on operations 03:22 < schestowitz> 3 layoff rounds at Microsoft this past month alone 03:23 < schestowitz> MSN, Mixer, Stores. 03:23 < schestowitz> IBM said it had put 95% at home working 03:23 < schestowitz> it'll sack thousands shortly, it already named the states affected, only 5 US states 03:23 < schestowitz> including NC, where RHT is predominantly based inc. the workforce 03:24 < schestowitz> Many people forget that... 03:24 < schestowitz> being a well paid employee 03:24 < schestowitz> means being an "Expensive" employee 03:24 < schestowitz> which can in turn harm job security 03:24 < schestowitz> they aim to replace the seniors ones who wage as per the promotion ladder is "obscene" 03:27 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 03:30 -!- psydread [eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84] has joined #techrights 03:34 < schestowitz> I am doing to do a mere about MS Stores 03:34 < schestowitz> *going 03:34 < schestowitz> *meme 03:35 < schestowitz> I need to wake up properly, only had 2.5 hours of sleep 03:36 -!- psydread [eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84] has left #techrights [] 03:38 -!- psydread [eace4d91cc@2a01:7c8:aab8:6b9:5054:ff:fec9:fd84] has joined #techrights 03:50 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't imagine how they ever had retail stores or who would shop there. 03:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Then again, that's most stuff at the mall. 03:50 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: http://techrights.org/2020/06/29/monday-no-microsoft-stores/ 03:50 < schestowitz> notice what they did there to workers 03:51 < schestowitz> telling them they're laid off, later on friday 03:51 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Monday Without Microsoft Stores | Techrights 03:51 < schestowitz> not sure what time exactly, maybe 5pm, maybe 7pm 03:51 < schestowitz> unethical and deeply cruel 03:51 < schestowitz> but... that's Microsoft! 03:51 < schestowitz> you can see the timestamp, hang on 03:52 < schestowitz> late friday news: techrights.org/2020/06/27/microsoft-friday-layoffs/ 03:52 < schestowitz> original from msft techrights.org/2020/06/27/microsoft-layoffs-spin-2020/ 03:52 < schestowitz> hmmm... it says the date 03:52 < DaemonFC[m]> It gives them an out. 03:52 < schestowitz> not the same 03:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Blame the virus. 03:52 < schestowitz> maybe for a reason ;-) 03:52 < schestowitz> yeah, I know 03:53 < schestowitz> that is what they did, see the second link 03:53 < schestowitz> I 'corrected' the reports 03:53 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: That's not just them. Those stores filing bankruptcy now all had problems well before this. 03:54 < schestowitz> yeah, but... 03:54 < schestowitz> that does not mean they're somehow special 03:54 < schestowitz> I am just pointing out their biz model is broken 03:54 < schestowitz> our firm is mostly decentralised and home working since 2011 03:55 < schestowitz> so to us the whole thing is like... OK... well, no change here, and... in fact, if you need people to monitor your biz 24/7 we're already experienced in that... no adaptation needed 03:56 < schestowitz> Amazon is not remote working 03:56 < schestowitz> they have 03:56 < schestowitz> 1) warehouses 03:56 < schestowitz> 2) suppliers 03:56 < schestowitz> 3) couriers 03:56 < DaemonFC[m]> I think the focus on consumer stuff is fading fast. 03:56 < schestowitz> they just brush under the carpet to what extend they're exposing their own people mostly to covid-10 03:56 < schestowitz> covid-19 03:56 < schestowitz> tim bray rage-quit the company over this 03:56 < DaemonFC[m]> There's not much of a market for high end stuff with Windows. 03:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Zune and their phone flopped. 03:57 < schestowitz> the receivers of parcels can leave the packages on the floor for a few days to let any remnants of viruses die off 03:57 < schestowitz> Microsoft Azure is a failure 03:57 < schestowitz> around for like over hald a decadf 03:57 < schestowitz> apparently still losing money 03:58 < schestowitz> and we don't really get told its real market share 03:58 < schestowitz> after much spam ('ads') and lies and astroturfed media 03:58 < schestowitz> aws is still 'king' or 'cloud' 03:58 < schestowitz> or clown as we call it 03:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Microsoft plasters ads all over reddit. 03:58 < schestowitz> amazon hardly even needed to advertise/spam its services 03:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyway, how can they be losing this much money for this long? 03:58 < schestowitz> see the following 03:58 < schestowitz> and tell me your thoughts...: 03:59 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/02/03/azure-lies/ 03:59 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Microsoft “Azure” (or “Cloud”) Results Are Most Likely an Elaborate Fraud | Techrights 03:59 < schestowitz> based on a Microsoft whistleblower and techrights ally: http://techrights.org/2019/10/10/azure-is-losing-money/ 03:59 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Azure Apparently Losing Money and Microsoft Lies to Shareholders, in Effect Breaking the Law | Techrights 03:59 < schestowitz> the corrporate media in MSFT's pocket says they have many cash reserves overseas 03:59 < schestowitz> but I am sceptical of any such claims 04:00 < schestowitz> they show amazon, apple, google, microsoft etc. 04:00 < schestowitz> say they have like hundreds of billions in 'offshore assets' 04:00 < schestowitz> but for all we know those numbers may be based on calculations that aren't taking robbing execs into account 04:01 < schestowitz> gates, ballmer etc. they probably do have their offshore accounts 04:01 < schestowitz> as for Microsoft, who knows what's really in its accounts, there might even be debt 04:01 < schestowitz> the debtors won't tell 04:01 < schestowitz> many companies like to talk about how much money they have in the bank 04:01 < schestowitz> even if that money is loaned 04:02 < schestowitz> we have our lessons from 2008 04:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, I think Apple is probably above water right now. I just don't know what Microsoft makes that anyone could possibly have a use for. 04:06 < Narrator> well 04:07 < Narrator> uncle sam will print some money ... 04:07 < schestowitz> so savers will lose their money's value 04:08 < schestowitz> that's just punishing what's left of who's holding what's left of this economy 04:08 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: they lose loads of money on github 04:08 < schestowitz> also, I suppose linkedin suffers... hardly any new hirings 04:09 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/28/linkedin-censorship/ 04:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | When It Comes to Killing Businesses Microsoft Defends Its Crown | Techrights 04:09 < schestowitz> now it's just the social control 'business' 04:09 < schestowitz> which suffers ad boycotts 04:10 < schestowitz> [08:26] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #Bloomberg #Surveillance ☞ #Starbucks to Pause Advertising on All #SocialControlMedia Platforms https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-28/starbucks-to-pause-advertising-on-all-social-media-platforms bad company, but GOOD move! [https://pleroma.site/objects/f585ffc5-a238-420e-88b4-e617c8aabbc9] 04:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Bloomberg - Are you a robot? 04:10 < schestowitz> [08:26] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): ● NEWS ● #TheVerge #Surveillance ☞ #Starbucks is the latest big company to halt advertising on social media https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/28/21306065/starbucks-advertising-social-media-july-facebook-twitter 04:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 04:10 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.theverge.com | Starbucks to halt advertising on social media - The Verge 04:13 < schestowitz> Re: Inconsequential update 04:14 < schestowitz> > Hi, 04:14 < schestowitz> > 04:14 < schestowitz> > Please find attached a piece which addresses our concerns: "The GNU Project is Bleeding into Microsoft" 04:14 < schestowitz> > 04:14 < schestowitz> > Thomas Grzybowski 04:14 < schestowitz> > 04:14 < schestowitz> > 04:14 < schestowitz> > Oh, the license is my usual, the Attribution-ShareAlike 04:14 < schestowitz> > CC BY-SA. 04:14 < schestowitz> > 04:14 < schestowitz> > Tom 04:14 < schestowitz> good, just got that long-awaited piece... 04:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Pulling ads will hurt Facebook. Promoting Trump has a price tag now. 04:14 < schestowitz> Thank you :-) I will try to come up with a suitable image/photo 06:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 Ulyana Cinnamon release now available http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25616 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a4612354-757a-4848-ab50-9812c9832c09] 06:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Nitrux 1.3.0 Released: A Beautiful Linux Distro With Portable App Format http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139242#comment-25615 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b3f0dc9e-8224-45e6-88ce-3483c9d582c2] 06:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The 10 Best Gentoo Linux Derivatives To Explore in 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139267 [https://pleroma.site/objects/cf1b0735-b6c2-4552-b5c7-855fedc1daf3] 06:21 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Five Favorite Xfce Panel Applets http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139268 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a320e0e-3bdb-4dd9-88b4-99293139d091] 06:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Download Linux Mint 20 LTS Ulyana with Mirrors, Torrents and Checksums http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139269 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d67c1eb5-70f2-4065-b90d-db0d393a1e91] 06:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Use intent parsers for your open source home automation project http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139270 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ae93eec0-bb73-4882-b8cb-12f8eebf23e1] 06:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: A minimalist Mac terminal for Linux fans http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139271 [https://pleroma.site/objects/80b167c2-cec0-4293-9531-f7ce77ecdf08] 06:32 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: DownZemAll! – Qt-based download manager http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139272 [https://pleroma.site/objects/489e9252-ad8c-410a-b2f4-92ff495c73da] 06:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Transmission – A Cross-Platform BitTorrent Client for Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139273 [https://pleroma.site/objects/368c1b03-bbe4-4884-b0ab-5cc17d570e0f] 06:34 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139274 [https://pleroma.site/objects/daef4926-2596-4c58-bbb0-85b01355bc7d] 07:20 < AVRS> schestowitz: the issue is not diversity, but on what pretext the diversity propaganda starts, you know. 07:22 < schestowitz> published 2 mins ago: http://techrights.org/2020/06/29/jedi-feminism/ 07:22 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | [Humour] Nothing Says Feminism Like Microsoft Corporation, JEDI Winner | Techrights 07:22 < AVRS> schestowitz: and the consistency on it 07:23 -!- xwindows [~xwindows@ppp-2-220.glou-a-1.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #techrights 07:23 < xwindows> yo wassup? 07:24 < AVRS> schestowitz: how is the second part actually related to Microsoft? 07:24 < AVRS> the bottom part 07:28 < xwindows> ping .. 07:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139275 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6ee573a2-863e-46b4-9b78-8044045d670e] 07:29 < AVRS> xwindows:pong 07:29 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:29 < schestowitz> JEDI 07:29 < schestowitz> I left out a link 07:29 < schestowitz> but I added it to the title 07:30 < AVRS> OK; I'm not really familiar with Star Wars. 07:30 < schestowitz> it is not star wars 07:31 < schestowitz> it's offensive that pentagon thugs even called it 'JEDI" 07:31 < schestowitz> as if war is a movie or entertainment 07:31 < schestowitz> look up "Microsoft JEDI" 07:32 < AVRS> ouch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Enterprise_Defense_Infrastructure 07:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure - Wikipedia 07:32 <@MinceR> there's also https://sourceforge.net/projects/jedi-sdl/ 07:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- JEDI-SDL : Pascal headers for SDL download | SourceForge.net 07:33 < AVRS> Microsoft just was the one who won it 07:34 < schestowitz> Google quit the race 07:34 < schestowitz> after staff had protested 07:34 < schestowitz> but not Microsoft and Amazon 07:34 < schestowitz> Oracle, IBM and Amazon competed for CIA contracts 07:34 < schestowitz> and it tells us a lot about those companies' culture 07:34 < AVRS> MinceR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedi_(disambiguation) 07:34 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | Jedi (disambiguation) - Wikipedia 07:35 < xwindows> Is it wise putting your defence infrastructure in the "cloud" 07:35 < schestowitz> clown computing 07:35 < xwindows> haaa .. 07:35 < schestowitz> it's wise if you want to help your enemies 07:35 < schestowitz> we already hear about how PRC and GRU infiltrated computer systems of the US Army 07:35 < xwindows> It's just an excuse to spend loads of money ? 07:36 < schestowitz> So they thought, heck... might as well make it easier 07:36 < schestowitz> helps keep Microsoft afloat on BlackBudget 07:36 < schestowitz> So they spread Windows back doors to users in Russia and China 07:36 < AVRS> schestowitz: same about the US owning Russian state stuff since the USSR "fell apart" 07:37 < schestowitz> Azure was dying, probably still is... 07:37 < schestowitz> JEDI is like bailout 07:37 < AVRS> the most serious serious accusation was about there being a US embassy or something on the top floor of something financial. 07:37 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2019/10/30/bailed-out-by-militarism/ 07:37 < xwindows> Bailout: state welfare .. 07:37 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Microsoft Looking to be ‘Bailed Out’ by Militarism, Imperialism, Racism and Fascism | Techrights 07:37 < schestowitz> Microsoft in a nutshell, the 'new Microsoft' 07:37 < schestowitz> but they have a Nadella CEO and some women in exec tier, so it's OK 07:38 < schestowitz> nobody will accuse them of helping Trump, either... 07:38 < schestowitz> They even remove "master" from GitHub 07:38 < schestowitz> while helping ICE 07:38 < xwindows> replace master with "uber" :] 07:39 < AVRS> schestowitz: and that "master" had no "slave" 07:39 < schestowitz> unter 07:39 < schestowitz> maybe the masterplan is just to irritate projects 07:39 < AVRS> probably just a "master copy"? 07:39 < schestowitz> I bet those trolls masturbate to the outcome of their trolling over words 07:40 < schestowitz> [12:37] Bailout: state welfare .. 07:40 < schestowitz> it's not 07:40 < schestowitz> it's looting 07:40 < schestowitz> with suits and suitcases 07:40 < schestowitz> and private jets 07:40 < schestowitz> and "lobbyists" and "campaign contributions" 07:41 < schestowitz> the real deal, the "professional" stuff 07:41 < schestowitz> do it right... you might even become US President one day... :-) grab the White House by the Poo-Poo 07:41 < schestowitz> managing your seventh bankruptcy, but this time with rifles and grenade launchers in DC 07:42 < AVRS> https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/12089#issuecomment-644039221 "I am an orphan and the use of the word "parent" also causes me significant trauma," 07:42 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Better words by richsalz · Pull Request #12089 · openssl/openssl · GitHub 07:42 < xwindows> All that urban pacification gear has to be paid for, by someone. 07:43 < AVRS> In a different project, somebody joked that since the word "robot" is based on "slave", it should be replaced… Not everyone understood the sarcasm 07:43 < AVRS> apparently. 07:43 < xwindows> I get triggered by master-slave flip-flop :] 07:44 < xwindows> robotnik == worker in Check, I think .. 07:44 < xwindows> Czech .. 07:44 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/16/offensive-words/ 07:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Offensive Words We Should Uproot and Eliminate From Technology | Techrights 07:45 < AVRS> Well, Slavic work is a cognate of slavery anyway. 07:45 < schestowitz> work is usually a form of slavery 07:45 < AVRS> "Slavic" also is said to be. :-) 07:45 < schestowitz> some are "enhanced slavery" 07:45 < XRevan86> xwindows: It's that way in all Slavic languages. 07:45 < schestowitz> like "enhanced interrogation" 07:45 < xwindows> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoHjfCMKHjE 07:45 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- I Want To Be A Robot (Czechoslovakia 1986) - YouTube 07:45 < XRevan86> xwindows: Except in South Slavic and Russian (OCS influence) it's rabotnik. 07:45 < schestowitz> sweatshops, child labour etc. 07:46 < schestowitz> prison labour 07:47 < XRevan86> Technically, in Belarusian it's also "rabotnik", but the trick here is that it reflects vowel reduction in spelling. 07:48 < XRevan86> i.e. akanye 07:48 < xwindows> Why is this still happening: "UCSF forced to pay ransom to perpetrators of malware attack" 07:48 < xwindows> https://www.ktvu.com/news/ucsf-forced-to-pay-ransom-to-perpetrators-of-malware-attack 07:48 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- UCSF forced to pay ransom to perpetrators of malware attack | KTVU FOX 2 07:49 < xwindows> .. back in five .. 07:51 < schestowitz> kk 07:53 < xwindows> guess what OS ... 07:54 < xwindows> It's deja vu all over again .. I feel I'm stuck in "Ground Hog Day" 07:55 < xwindows> "he university said it is working with a cyber-security consultant" 07:55 < xwindows> Haaaa .... haaaaH 07:56 < schestowitz> https://www.qt.io/blog/qt-visual-studio-tools-2.5.2-released 07:56 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.qt.io | Qt Visual Studio Tools 2.5.2 Released 07:56 < schestowitz> not so cute, qt 07:56 < schestowitz> #qt may soon become #ProprietarySoftware so hey, why not also get down on their knees and lick the #microsoft boot? 07:58 < xwindows> Resistance is Futile! 08:02 < xwindows> https://www.techmarketview.com/ukhotviews/archive/2020/06/29/ukcloud-signs-mou-with-uk-government 08:02 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- UKCloud signs MoU with UK Government | TechMarketView 08:08 < xwindows> https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/us-sent-millions-of-face-masks-to-china-early-this-year-ignoring-pandemic-warning-signs/2020/04/18/aaccf54a-7ff5-11ea-8013-1b6da0e4a2b7_story.html 08:08 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.washingtonpost.com | U.S. sent millions of face masks to China early this year, ignoring pandemic warning signs - The Washington Post 08:10 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 08:11 < xwindows> hi there gde33 08:19 < oiaohm> xwindows: sending the masks was not the problem its the lack of boarder control in response to pandemic notice. 08:20 < xwindows> It's a shambles .. the problem is too much of government has been outsourced to the private sector. 08:21 < oiaohm> Even when it has not been outsourced there has been major miss management. 08:21 < oiaohm> Australia has good examples of that. 08:22 < oiaohm> Lot of boarder control has got lazy over the years lightly lethal viruses. 08:23 < xwindows> They were importing masks here and at the same time exporting them! 08:27 < xwindows> https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/04/20/exclusivemillions-pieces-ppe-shipped-britain-europe-despite/ 08:27 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.telegraph.co.uk | Exclusive: Millions of pieces of PPE being shipped from Britain to Europe despite NHS shortages 08:28 < xwindows> https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52569364 08:28 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.bbc.co.uk | Coronavirus PPE: Gowns ordered from Turkey fail to meet safety standards - BBC News 08:28 < xwindows> It's clown city .. 08:31 <@MinceR> 29 135530 < xwindows> "he university said it is working with a cyber-security consultant" 08:31 <@MinceR> https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120614/01590919314/cyberpolitics-cyberbellicosity-cyberpushing-cybersecurity-to-cyberprevent-cyberwar.shtml 08:31 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- The Cyberpolitics Of Cyberbellicosity Cyberpushing Cybersecurity To Cyberprevent Cyberwar | Techdirt 08:33 < xwindows> Nice one .. from 2012 .. am i stuck in a closed time line ? 08:34 <@MinceR> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 08:34 < xwindows> What next, putting voting machines on the Internet? 08:34 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 08:35 <@MinceR> :> 08:35 < xwindows> Oh, wait, that already happened! 08:35 <@MinceR> and running Backdoors on them 08:36 < xwindows> But the machines are certified and run in the "Cloud" { 08:44 < xwindows> Who owns this: CIS Center for Internet Security: 08:44 < xwindows> https://www.cisecurity.org/cis-hardened-image-list/ 08:44 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.cisecurity.org | CIS Hardened Images® – Platforms 08:45 < xwindows> Oh, we get a video .. 08:45 <@MinceR> Confederacy of Independent Systems? 08:46 < xwindows> "Delivering Security in the Cloud" .. on Azure :o 08:46 <@MinceR> lol 08:46 < xwindows> https://youtu.be/HioINKsTw4o 08:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 08:46 <@MinceR> delivering users from security 08:48 < xwindows> More like CIS marketing waffle 08:49 < xwindows> "Available on AWS Marketplace including the AWS GovCloud (US) region" 08:50 < xwindows> back in ten .. 08:57 < xwindows> Why do i need a CIS Hardened Images, if the "Cloud" is secure? 09:19 -!- xwindows [~xwindows@ppp-2-220.glou-a-1.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #techrights ["Leaving"] 09:46 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-kuegvxsjnqexgjib] has quit [Quit: killed] 09:46 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-kwayptcmkcwiippm] has quit [Quit: killed] 09:46 -!- paride15[m] [paride15ma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-yhvsjbkzxtxfccka] has quit [Quit: killed] 09:46 -!- Blue_flame [kopynewmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-mznecsxonawohnuw] has quit [Quit: killed] 09:46 -!- psydroid [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-lzzjjymhzhvmmzga] has quit [Quit: killed] 09:46 -!- nergal[m] [nergalmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-gjvajsvpmkloppaz] has quit [Quit: killed] 10:06 -!- psydroid [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-zrsmkwpugrbtqcdt] has joined #techrights 10:28 -!- Blue_flame [kopynewmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-kioquecolgoaugbd] has joined #techrights 10:28 -!- nergal[m] [nergalmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-wphfbqzlricqnddg] has joined #techrights 10:28 -!- paride15[m] [paride15ma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-joqluroqkwscpqbm] has joined #techrights 10:28 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-deneylqdeomozbfu] has joined #techrights 10:28 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-tgwznlvherwpanrw] has joined #techrights 10:46 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:47 -!- ohama [ohama@cicolina.org] has joined #techrights 11:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Shallow Space, Crusader Kings III and Lots More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139276 [https://pleroma.site/objects/df96c42c-6068-4002-953d-23e91ece94b5] 11:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139277 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1d881911-e58e-4e1b-a775-3bbc523640d8] 11:28 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/staying-married 11:28 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Staying Married 11:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #MontaVista adds continuous integration support http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139278 #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/94ca102b-209a-44dc-aa10-0d07cfb73aa3] 11:46 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:01 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 12:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The #LinuxFoundation ‘s Latest Announcements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139284 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b522235c-0484-417a-abd1-4d0d0e578bb3] 12:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat: Sysadmins, Success Stories, Apache Kafka and IBM “AI” Marketing/Hype http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139286 [https://pleroma.site/objects/03e1a74d-1057-4468-b2f0-c2a5e0b2cfae] 12:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Meet ‘Rolling Rhino’: A Tool To Convert Ubuntu Linux Into ‘Rolling Release’ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139250#comment-25621 [https://pleroma.site/objects/17f98575-7ce0-45f4-a800-9043cb1332e9] 12:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #GnuCash 4.0 Free #Accounting Software Released with Major New Features http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139283#comment-25620 [https://pleroma.site/objects/16319430-8f23-40ed-a227-1aa9b9d18ec2] 12:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu 20.04-based Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” now available http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25617 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a30b9d4d-26a1-4dba-95ff-335a4689a6ed] 12:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Firefox 78 Available for Download with New Minimal Linux System Requirements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139285 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b2d6f3c4-8e54-4550-88b6-d4495c2c75ff] 12:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GnuCash 4.0 Released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139283 [https://pleroma.site/objects/10b0c568-2ce7-4a29-9b6a-da839bf08de9] 12:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) review http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139282 [https://pleroma.site/objects/34ee979c-f4fe-49da-989d-e410025bd529] 12:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: A decidedly non-Linux distro walkthrough: Haiku R1/beta2 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139281 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b5309644-71d3-4adf-b3b8-e669e4a0f0fb] 12:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139280 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e948ed52-131f-4df0-8868-c9fbca8b8f26] 12:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: What is End of Life in Ubuntu? Everything You Should Know About it http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139279 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a656202d-39b6-4278-8a19-e865a5c563e6] 12:34 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Diskonaut – A Terminal Disk Space Navigator for Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139287 [https://pleroma.site/objects/63eee1df-4f62-4406-9b5c-911a08bdedfe] 12:38 < zoobab> hi 12:38 < zoobab> I think Germany is abusing the Withdrawal Agreement to say they can ratify the UPC with UK in: 12:39 < zoobab> https://twitter.com/zoobab/status/1277606067703349248 12:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @zoobab: UPC boosters are using the Withdrawal Agreement art6 to justify that Germany can sign the UPC by 31st dec?: "during… https://t.co/wwQWHnJjyt 12:39 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @zoobab: UPC boosters are using the Withdrawal Agreement art6 to justify that Germany can sign the UPC by 31st dec?: "during… https://t.co/wwQWHnJjyt 12:39 < zoobab> "during the transition period, the UK is treated as a Member State of the Union and of Euratom for the purposes of these international agreements." 12:39 < zoobab> https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/model-note-verbale-international-partners_en.pdf 12:40 < zoobab> since UPC is not yet into force, it is not part of those "international agreements" 12:52 < schestowitz> they just lie 12:52 < schestowitz> mock them 12:53 < schestowitz> zoobab: a press release from ffii would be more effective then tweets 12:53 < schestowitz> it would be visible and easy to locate years down the line, or even cite 13:14 <@MinceR> https://i.redd.it/96c5vucizq751.jpg 13:15 <@MinceR> https://i.redd.it/326hdh8e4v751.jpg 13:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: AMD EPYC 7F72 Performance On A Linux FSGSBASE-Patched Kernel http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139288 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9aa6f91a-cd35-4d7f-8ec3-266ec40359ac] 13:19 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139289 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1b564c5b-b73f-460e-9cb0-1309b2293e70] 13:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: FSFE urges Denmark to make its contact tracing app free software http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139290 [https://pleroma.site/objects/94441599-2e41-4593-ac30-15eef6bdd5f0] 13:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Mozilla : Extensions in #Firefox 78, #uBlock Origin and What #UX Writers Can Learn From Poetry http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139291 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1ad7d7eb-1122-4029-8eac-a2859551106b] 13:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming and GSoC http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139292 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2fa74dfc-c056-4c25-abe8-ea65a72c936e] 13:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: DeaDBeeF Player 1.8.4 Released with Updated Soundtouch Plugin http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139293 [https://pleroma.site/objects/57824935-abb9-4839-b3c8-aac5c7bab209] 14:00 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GNOME Shell’s Icon Grid Could See Almost Double The Performance http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139294 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a64f8fb8-76c8-440a-8c55-76f3dbd24150] 14:03 < zoobab> I need first to understand the legal reasoning behind it 14:03 < zoobab> because nobody have explained it publicly up to now 14:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Now firmware can depend on available client features [https://pleroma.site/objects/e6c120d6-b265-4870-a8d1-ce0a44c6ae29] 14:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Now #firmware can depend on available client features http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139295 #kernel #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/10f97129-3411-4962-bbe5-9b1ef52bdd75] 14:12 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139296 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9c323a5d-5157-41e9-a076-60b8bdff2c9e] 14:18 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: First video overview of #linuxmint 20 that we’ve found (after release was made official) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25622 [https://pleroma.site/objects/377e8d3b-dc39-438d-8f73-7d15ac2feb33] 14:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Security: Patches, Josh Bressers, FUD and NIST 800-53 Revision 4 Mappings for Wind River Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139297 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1fdce560-5d62-4466-aa67-f052b0bdc81e] 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> > JEDI is like bailout 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Bingo. If the US government relies on it then it must continue to work, so they'll steer other government contracts to Microsoft to make sure they don't go under. 14:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139298 [https://pleroma.site/objects/0a6ac091-00d3-4973-9de2-72eed9968af4] 14:30 < DaemonFC[m]> They want a central point of failure now, I guess. In the before time of the long long ago, they propped up AMD because they demanded two vendors of x86 in case Intel flopped and left them with a ton of software that still needed to run. 14:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they want the Microsoft Clown as their central point of failure. 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> Of course the bizarre twist is that Intel now, basically, has flopped. The only one that sells x86 CPUs that aren't more bugs than good design is AMD. It's like that Austin Powers movie where Dr. Evil spends 20 minutes detailing his evil plans to hold the world hostage and Number Two keeps interrupting to tell him it already happened. 14:33 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: OSS Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139299 [https://pleroma.site/objects/eb95019e-67db-47e0-b9dc-1e117cbff5de] 14:35 < DaemonFC[m]> Azure JEDI will fail and either crash hard, send classified documents to the Chinese, or both, because Microsoft has never bothered to make a good product or even hire a person who is capable. They're a company full of lawyers and evil snakes in business suits. 14:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Debian: MiniDebConfOnline 2020, BTS and Cinnamon 4.6 for Debian GNU/Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139300 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b8e404e6-e55c-47e0-a94e-5c5ff625f9ce] 14:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The government never has done a Microsoft contract that worked right. They've always had to give up after wasting a metric assload of tax money and go with Linux instead after Windows strands an Arleigh Burke class Guided Missile Destroyer at port....or Chinese malware infests a Reaper Drone control system. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 14:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE: Web Site, SPDX and Krita http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139301 [https://pleroma.site/objects/61dd89ab-0c75-40ec-aa80-b815e8596219] 14:41 < DaemonFC[m]> I was.....amused at just how old some of the software the government/banking systems are on. There's apparently some servers in Congress that are on Solaris 8, and Wells Fargo Bank was using Solaris 8 and Windows 2000 past EOL (with support contracts). 14:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Then somehow if they "upgrade" from Solaris 8/9 to Windows Server (current edition) everything that had been working fine, still, somehow, falls over dead. 14:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Ubuntu and Devices http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139302 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d14fadaa-f3c6-4173-b92c-0e8606590265] 14:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Links 29/6/2020: GnuCash 4.0, Firefox 78 Available http://techrights.org/2020/06/29/firefox-78-available/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/6963551e-2f87-4c3b-b460-d9139f6f0eef] 15:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Cadmus is a new #Linux UI for managing microphone noise suppression http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139303 [https://pleroma.site/objects/aceeaf23-1d90-4439-8e73-572ba4fe9b7a] 15:06 < schestowitz> [19:28] Bingo. If the US government relies on it then it must continue to work, so they'll steer other government contracts to Microsoft to make sure they don't go under. 15:06 < schestowitz> Glad you agree 15:07 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: just caught up with what you wrote. Well said. 15:07 < schestowitz> https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries 15:07 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.worldometers.info | Coronavirus Update (Live): 10,335,034 Cases and 506,097 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer 15:08 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm not thrilled with Amazon, but if they're successful, it will badly wound Microsoft. 15:08 < DaemonFC[m]> So something good comes of it. 15:08 < schestowitz> yes, but... 15:08 < schestowitz> Ryan, bear in mind we're in it for the long haul 15:08 < schestowitz> if we replace Microsoft with a lesser evil it's like Biden for Trump 15:09 < schestowitz> and then we're still dealing with his Iraq invasion, Wall Street bailouts, bribed-for copyright law 15:09 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, I think JEDI will happen one way or another. The preferable way in that context is to watch Microsoft crash and burn. 15:09 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/10/the-bezos-leaning-ploy/ 15:09 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | AWS is Not GNU/Linux and AWS Certification is a Bezos-Leaning Ploy That Rewards People for Memorising Proprietary Interfaces (Vendor Lock-in) | Techrights 15:09 < schestowitz> we must not focus on one single company at the time 15:09 < schestowitz> but the concept and the underlying issues 15:10 < schestowitz> otherwise you just deal with a punctured boat one hole at a time 15:10 < DaemonFC[m]> It seems Amazon's lawsuit mostly focuses on corrupt and unfair bidding practices. None of that is new for Trump, of course. They give his campaign money and then they get a contract. Sometimes they file bankruptcy as soon as the ink is dry and then someone else has to do the work and get paid (again). 15:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Happened with the Census too. The printing contract. 15:10 < schestowitz> AWS has been swallowing a lot too and it's hurting stores where we can buy anonymously, try and touch the stuff before buying 15:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Also the one to get power back on in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. 15:10 < schestowitz> not to mention listening devices of Amazon, which seem to have slowed down because some people push bash 15:10 < schestowitz> *back 15:11 < DaemonFC[m]> JEDI is disgusting, but the bidding process is disgusting too. 15:11 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: yes, that's the political angle of it all 15:11 < schestowitz> then there's the bribes 15:11 < DaemonFC[m]> We're getting fucked by JEDI, as it's part of mass surveillance, but the government didn't even get a good deal on it. 15:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Didn't even try to. 15:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump is running the entire government as emoluments. He even rigged up Medicare to give seniors cheap insulin to shore up the 65+ vote. 15:12 < DaemonFC[m]> This can't possibly get worse under Biden. 15:12 < schestowitz> We were gonna do an article about JEDI 15:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Companies like Microsoft thrive when a guy like Trump is around. There isn't even the pretense of a bidding process. The bidding is how big the check to Trump is. 15:13 < schestowitz> then some stupid university in London sort of muzzled our intern who had been working on a story about it 15:13 < schestowitz> and they just slandered me, too 15:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, I think we need to talk about how we even got to where Microsoft got JEDI in the first place. 15:13 < schestowitz> Microsoft controls much of the election process this year 15:13 < schestowitz> so they might even recipricate 15:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump's corrupt "government as emoluments" "bidding" process. 15:13 < schestowitz> reciprocate 15:15 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/13/bill-gates-not-a-liberal/ 15:15 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Quit Calling Bill Gates a Liberal | Techrights 15:17 < DaemonFC[m]> As far as COVID-19, it's possible that the death rate going forward could go down because it already killed many people who were the most likely to die of it. 15:17 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not to say that the numbers will be small, just that it will take more cases being diagnosed to have the same number ultimately die. 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Consider that it's killed about 400 people in Lake County, IL and that about 70% of them were in nursing homes. 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> If this virus was spreading through Nazi Germany, they'd be about as indifferent to it as Trump. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> They would have already "compassionately killed" most of the same people the virus would have to save taxpayer money. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> It wouldn't have a high death toll, because the Nazis just killed anyone who was a burden to the state. 15:20 <@MinceR> lightly killed 15:20 <@MinceR> "Oh, we use only the finest baby frogs, dew-picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in the finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and sealed in a succulent, Swiss, quintuple-smooth, treble-milk chocolate envelope, and lovingly frosted with glucose." 15:20 < DaemonFC[m]> You can see how much like Nazi Germany a particular US state is by proxy of how severe the shutdown was there. Some governors just brushed it aside and never did anything. All Republicans. 15:21 < DaemonFC[m]> What shocked me is how quickly Mississippi moved to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from their state flag. Then I saw why. 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> The voters can approve a new flag design, but it must say "In God We Trust" somewhere on it. 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> If they vote it down, then it goes back to the commission, but it still has to say "In God We Trust". 15:23 < DaemonFC[m]> If I lived there, I'd keep rejecting the new flag. The current state flag loses its official status immediately when the bill is signed, so as long as voters keep rejecting the new ones, there is no flag. So there's no Confederate Flag, and no In God We Trust flag. 15:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Vote to reject it. Keep doing that. 15:23 < DaemonFC[m]> In theory, there's never a new state flag and people can just keep saying no forever. 15:24 <@MinceR> can you find room along all the sponsors' logos/names? 15:24 <@MinceR> how much can this "god" afford to pay annually to have his name on there? 15:25 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: They think that they can get God on the flag because people are repulsed by the stars and bars, but the stars and bars are gone as soon as the bill becomes law. 15:25 < DaemonFC[m]> So you're not voting to keep it. 15:26 < DaemonFC[m]> I doubt people are that smart. 15:26 < DaemonFC[m]> Plus black people adopted the religion of their slavers and seem to take it seriously. 15:27 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:27 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 15:27 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 15:27 -!- schestowitz [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 15:28 < DaemonFC[m]> It's kind of ridiculous that they're pulling down Christopher Columbus statues and they're staying in a church established by their slavers to legitimize owning people, raping them, and beating them for insolence. 15:29 < DaemonFC[m]> That bible has done a lot more damage than the Confederate flag ever did. 15:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Why would slaves, freed slaves at that, foist the religion of their oppressors onto their children. If there' a generational curse, it's Southern Baptists. 15:30 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: same thing happened in PH 15:31 < DaemonFC[m]> All these years later, the government is still throwing guns at them six ways to Sunday so they'll murder and prey on each other and then pray that God will be merciful. Fucking horseshit. 15:31 < schestowitz> The conquerors made the colonised even more devour Catholics than the occupying force 15:31 < schestowitz> *devout 15:32 < schestowitz> [20:29] That bible has done a lot more damage than the Confederate flag ever did. 15:32 < schestowitz> The flag is emancipated or derived from religious dogma as justifier 15:32 < schestowitz> not everyone took the Bible to mean the same thing 15:32 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/pirate 15:32 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Pirate 15:32 < schestowitz> so the flag is one particular aspect of Holy Book/Crook 15:35 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, the church is a blunt tool of colonization and slavery. It has a really bad legacy, and why would free people stick to that? 15:35 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #IPFire 2.25 - Core Update 146 released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139304 #gnu #linux #security [https://pleroma.site/objects/4ea1f7c3-fe58-4d7b-98e4-65e890e597ae] 15:35 < DaemonFC[m]> It's ignorance. 15:36 <@MinceR> one generation brainwashes the next 15:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: OpenSUSE Leap 15.2 set for release http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139305 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6217e2a6-35e7-4aa0-be62-3d6d56329197] 15:38 < DaemonFC[m]> John mentioned how superstitious black people are. 15:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, many are almost as bad about that as my mom. 15:39 < DaemonFC[m]> Hmm, probably need to get an oil change soon. I was hoping to put this off until the Coronavirus calms down. 15:40 < DaemonFC[m]> It appears that things are, in fact, about to calm up. (Teal'c) 15:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe if we give Trump another 4 years it'll be full on Walking Dead and I can just take any car I want. 15:42 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The Future of Linux: The Linux 5.9 Release, 5.8 Performance, Torvalds on Kernel Size http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139306 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f43f2d4a-6f7f-4e78-9c16-a58d9ec6aadd] 15:43 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: this is class related 15:43 < schestowitz> economics 15:43 < schestowitz> access to higher ed 15:43 < schestowitz> not a "black" thing 15:43 < schestowitz> the superstition is superfluous where people lack understanding of some sciences because they can reconcile the delusions within themsekves 15:43 < schestowitz> check which states in the US have many atheists 15:44 < schestowitz> more likely to be found where rents are high and jobs are more 'sophisticated' 15:44 < schestowitz> like "bay area" 15:44 < schestowitz> fancy name for SF area 15:47 < schestowitz> [20:46] [Notice] -viera to #boycottnovell-social- Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊): How quickly we are to remove words and statues that represent #slavery and not the 'holy' books that justified (and to some degree continue to justify) slavery. Because that would be "intolerant"... [https://pleroma.site/objects/d6221a5b-091d-4f0f-a948-1fdf16984d62] 15:47 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- pleroma.site | Pleroma 16:00 < schestowitz> http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/36679/ 16:00 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- LXer: Just one notice : Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Is Now Available for Download, Here’s What’s New 16:00 < schestowitz> " 16:00 < schestowitz> Jun 27, 2020 16:01 < schestowitz> 3:47 AM EDT I experienced one issue attempting to install Mint 20 as KVM guest. 16:01 < schestowitz> " 16:01 < schestowitz> lxer forums mostly dead these days 16:01 < schestowitz> maybe 10 posts per month, 3 topics 16:06 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GnuCash 4.0 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139283#comment-25623 [https://pleroma.site/objects/c6fd1c98-267b-4e2a-82b7-dd908234286f] 16:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Data centre automation for HPC http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139307 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7859a11a-af27-407b-96c3-ac6a09fae41d] 16:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IPFire Linux Firewall Discontinues Support for 32-Bit Systems with PAE http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139304#comment-25624 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1674cbbf-5028-4021-9aad-236bb2a56f13] 16:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 4MLinux 34.0 BETA released. http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139308 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e762f61a-0273-46fe-9659-711a93b0477d] 16:47 <@MinceR> (cat) https://full.pr0gramm.com/2020/04/26/83852a9b22e71960.jpg 16:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 3 Months From Home http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139309 [https://pleroma.site/objects/36b4e2d4-dd96-4db8-ab48-96ad903df850] 17:02 < oiaohm> https://apple.slashdot.org/story/20/06/29/1853223/apple-strong-arms-entire-ca-industry-into-one-year-certificate-lifespans this is going to be fun for web development. 17:02 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- apple.slashdot.org | Apple Strong-Arms Entire CA Industry Into One-Year Certificate Lifespans - Slashdot 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> The idea is that bad ones that CAs won't get around to revoking expire faster. 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> I think it would be better to just de-list CAs that have a bad habit of doing that from the browser's certificate store. 17:04 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: mozregression GUI: now available for Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139310 [https://pleroma.site/objects/aa155878-25d1-4f82-b3da-5788667732d0] 17:05 < DaemonFC[m]> The credit card company sent Mandy his first statement and they got his middle initial wrong. 17:05 < schestowitz> so? 17:06 <@MinceR> i think it would be better to replace this ridiculous PKI system with something that's more likely to work 17:06 <@MinceR> like Web of Trust 17:06 < schestowitz> 31,274 new cases and 227 new deaths in the United States 17:06 < schestowitz> it'll be over 40k again today 17:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Eh, crappy banks. This is the company that basically sends cards out to people's dogs. 17:06 < schestowitz> based on how prior days added up by 9am 17:06 < schestowitz> 9pm rather 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> They don't really even worry about their sloppiness because it's easier to eat a few bad accounts than not send out tons of cards to people. 17:07 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: cardboard boxes for their poop 17:07 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: really you don't need revoking that much if life span is short enough. This brings it back to 1 year from how ever long needing to check revoke lists. I wounder how long until max life span of a TLS matches the Let's Encrypt 90 days. 17:07 < schestowitz> those card are very cheap to mass-produce 17:08 < schestowitz> and bits of plastic make some people feel special and important 17:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Getting things right would mean issuing way fewer accounts and they'd make less money. 17:08 < schestowitz> like people who walk around with keychains that have 30 keys on them 17:08 < schestowitz> 20 of which no longer work with anything and 8 probably barely used for anything 17:08 < schestowitz> all they really need is front door+carkeys 17:08 < oiaohm> Really that one of sending out cards to what and who ever changed here in Australia when a person won in court that it had to be a gift so never had to be paid back. 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: This one makes our groceries cheaper as long as we shop online. 17:09 < schestowitz> drop the purse, leave the massive keychain home, your stupid "smart' phone impresses nobody either :-) 17:09 < schestowitz> they don't send cards here 17:10 < schestowitz> they send only offers of cards 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Apparently, some restaurant owner successfully argued in Chicago bankruptcy court that a Force Majeur clause his landlord slipped into his lease protected him from paying his rent. 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Well played! 17:10 < schestowitz> so you need to ask for one to establish consent, I assume... I get those like a dozen times a year... at least half a dozen 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> *Force majeure rather 17:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Basically, the landlord slipped it in there to abdicate their responsibility if the government made it impossible to operate, but the way it was worded actually protected the tenant too. 17:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm sure the boilerplate will be changed to only protect landlords from now on. 17:13 < DaemonFC[m]> So the restaurant filed Chapter 11, and the landlord files an adversarial proceeding against them wanting to be exempted from the automatic stay so they could continue to collect rent. 17:14 < DaemonFC[m]> The tenant successfully argued that, bankruptcy or no bankruptcy, that clause made it impossible for them to perform their duty to pay rent due to government interference with the business creating exceptional circumstances. 17:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Basically, the court agreed and they do not owe rent from now until the lease expires. 17:15 < DaemonFC[m]> Unless they can successfully operate at a profit at some point without a Coronavirus lockdown interfering with that. 17:16 < DaemonFC[m]> This is going to be funny. Landlords usually aren't legal experts and resort to boilerplate contracts that even they don't understand. 17:17 < DaemonFC[m]> I was getting ready to deal with an AP involving Joy, because she's such an asshole, but she didn't show up. 17:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I was getting ready for her to start complaining about her pipes blowing up twice. 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> I had a counter argument prepared that went, "I informed her that the back door was hanging open numerous times, we lived in the basement and didn't even use the back door to get to the laundry area. She has it in her deranged mind, that due to her extreme dislike of me, that we had something to do with her idiot tenants upstairs leaving the door open at subzero temperatures and blowing up her pipes. I demand proof 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> that we were responsible for this. I deny any responsibility for her tenants' actions and her incompetence. " 17:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Chromium-based browsers pros and cons http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139311 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2cc13716-467d-4f29-8257-b3924250981c] 17:21 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: there is a basic of contract law "The terms of the agreement are impossible to fulfill or too vague to understand" this automatically voids contract. Force Majeure in contract is to prevent this from triggering. Force Majeure in contract does not allow you to take money without providing either or the contract comes under Fraud law. 17:21 < oiaohm> and illegal contracts due to Fraud are also void contracts. 17:22 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 17:22 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 17:25 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: I don't really see any way to have a Force Majeure clause rental agreement contract that does not result in both parties not getting what they want and be legal. The basics that you cannot receive money for service/item not provided is kind of nail in coffin here. 17:26 < oiaohm> Maybe in future land lords with skip putting Force Majeure clauses in and let the contract void so they can kick person out. 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> That would not work. 17:27 < DaemonFC[m]> The governor has invoked the Illinois Emergency Management Act and issued an emergency order that there are to be no evictions until the state is fully reopened. 17:28 < DaemonFC[m]> So you wait, file Chapter 11, say your business is not viable if you have to pay back rent for the months you couldn't operate, and then the bankruptcy court probably agrees and voids the back rent. 17:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Isn't the law great? 17:28 < oiaohm> Technically kicking a person out due to void contract is not a eviction is removing a general trespasser. 17:29 < DaemonFC[m]> So there's a combination of emergency declarations and bankruptcy code and contract law here that give that tenant relief in some form in any event and screw the landlord. 17:29 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh, you're wrong there too. 17:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Under Illinois law, you have to evict a squatter too, and they can stay there until the court orders them out and the Sheriff enforces the ruling, and Sheriff Dart is not enforcing any evictions. 17:30 < DaemonFC[m]> "The court has made their decision. Now let them enforce it." 17:31 < DaemonFC[m]> They have no enforcement arm on evictions right now, so you can get the ruling, but you can't force them out until the Sheriff goes back to enforcing evictions that were exempted from the order. 17:31 < oiaohm> I know under Australian law the voided contract route the person is not a squatter or a tenant. So you are looking for the government written Force Majeure in the rental agreement. 17:32 < oiaohm> To prevent that. 17:32 < DaemonFC[m]> The Sheriff isn't being nice to people. He doesn't want his deputies getting COVID-19 from enforcing evictions on people. 17:32 < DaemonFC[m]> So there's a halt on it on top of the governor's order. 17:32 < oiaohm> with Australia with voided contract private security can be used. 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> I would recommend staying put and not paying rent until it's obvious that the moratorium is about to end, and then filing bankruptcy. 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Your landlord can't get an eviction during bankruptcy and if they have one, they can't enforce it while the bankruptcy is going through unless they get relief from the Trustee. 17:33 < oiaohm> It would be worth checking the finer points in the Illinois law just to make sure that loop hole does not exist on you if you don't have a standard Force Majeure clause. 17:33 < DaemonFC[m]> It's better to block them from going to court in the first place until the bankruptcy is over. 17:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Bankruptcy filing voids out court proceedings that are currently underway. 17:34 < DaemonFC[m]> They have to drop the lawsuit and sue you again later if the debt ends up surviving the bankruptcy somehow. 17:36 < oiaohm> I did not think Bankruptcy voided criminal actions like charges for being trespasser. 17:37 < oiaohm> As I said loop hole on the Australian side. If you are using Australian government created bond system you have a Force Majeure clause that prevents that. 17:37 < schestowitz> +34,771 cases in US now. It'll be over 40k again. 17:38 < oiaohm> Yes you see private rental here attempt to skip out on using the bond system. 17:38 < oiaohm> To make it simpler to remove people. 17:38 < oiaohm> Of course most renters here are not stupid enough to fall for it. 17:43 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139312 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bbfa4dff-ea1d-4962-80d2-80733d1aeb0b] 17:43 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: something else you you have the criminal charge there for company existing while known insolvent. 17:43 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: or not. 17:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Trespassing and squatting are legally different in Illinois. 17:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Squatting actually isn't a crime. It's considered the owner's obligation to notice people on their property in a timely manner. If they've taken up residence, it becomes a civil matter, and sometimes they can even take you to court and take your deed. 17:46 < DaemonFC[m]> It's called Adverse Possession. 17:47 < oiaohm> Here in Australia you would not be able to legally wait until grace is up on no evictions if company. First step voluntary administration does legally have to be taken here once trading insolvent. 17:47 < DaemonFC[m]> If they've been living there, it's their legal address, and they have been paying the property taxes on it, you could end up losing it to them. 17:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Adverse Possession doesn't exist in all states. 17:48 < DaemonFC[m]> It does in Illinois and Indiana. 17:49 < DaemonFC[m]> It's rare, but it happens. 17:49 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: Australian laws Tenant, Trespassing and Squatting are 3 different things. 17:50 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139313 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a2717597-9504-4be1-ac47-17ec5f4de27e] 17:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, you really have to wonder how many Adverse Possessions are going to happen. 17:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Illinois drove people out with high taxes and put thousands of homes on the market that were not selling, before this. 17:50 < oiaohm> Squatting under Australia law done right can legally get you ownership of the property. 17:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm sure some of those houses have squatters now. The utilities don't check your deed before they hook you up. 17:51 < oiaohm> Even if the party is paying their taxes. 17:53 < DaemonFC[m]> So if you squat, don't pay their taxes. 17:53 < DaemonFC[m]> :) 17:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Squat while paying their taxes is a gamble here, but if you get away with it, you could end up owning their house for whatever the taxes cost you for those years. 17:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, if you do get caught, you weren't out much, because the Democrat rent starts out at $1,100 for a studio each month. 17:54 < oiaohm> DaemonFC[m]: https://legalbeagle.com/6779562-claim-squatters-rights-australia.html What form of Adverse Possession does Illinois have. The Australia one could apply in current case been renting for like 12+ and the contract you rented under has turned out to be void. 17:55 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- legalbeagle.com | How to Claim Squatter's Rights in Australia | Legal Beagle 17:55 < oiaohm> and the result is you would then own where you are. 17:56 < oiaohm> If you are renting a properity here you want to avoid the possibility of voided contract at all costs. 17:56 < superkuh> "Do you have a flag?" 17:56 < superkuh> "Well, then." 17:56 < superkuh> It's tradition. 17:56 < oiaohm> as the person owning the properity of course. 18:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: GNU Radio Conference and Many GNU Releases http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139314 [https://pleroma.site/objects/319bd864-068d-4ff8-9a26-be27060cd3dd] 18:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Welcome to #Lua 5.4 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139315 #programming [https://pleroma.site/objects/29c10207-8cf0-406d-9fd2-dee3078c27a1] 18:13 < schestowitz> +37,323 cases in US 18:24 < schestowitz> https://www.bizjournals.com/triangle/news/2020/05/22/ibm-layoffs-hit.html 18:24 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.bizjournals.com | IBM (NYSE: IBM) cutting 'thousands' of workers across US, including North Carolina - Triangle Business Journal 18:25 < schestowitz> https://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article242921881.html 18:26 < schestowitz> https://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article231297813.html 18:26 < schestowitz> what an awful paywall 18:27 < schestowitz> https://www.wraltechwire.com/2020/05/22/ibm-cuts-thousands-of-jobs-across-the-us-nc-included/ 18:29 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 19:00 < DaemonFC[m]> This curry has so much curry and chili powder in it, it would upset Dave Lister. 19:01 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has joined #techrights 19:01 < TechrightsBot-tr> Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77 19:03 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:04 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 19:45 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: OpenGL 3.1 and AMDGPU http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139316 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6ceddb07-756e-48e3-ad3c-aeaeb74840f2] 19:59 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 20:03 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: +44,236 covid19 cases today 20:03 < schestowitz> those are Sunday figures 20:04 < schestowitz> the baboon would be fuming 20:10 < DaemonFC[m]> The Furious Führer Fumes on Twitter. 20:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Mike Pence canceled a bunch of campaign events in Florida. 20:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Obviously, having the RNC in Florida is not going to go over very well. 20:25 <@MinceR> Führious? 20:51 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:54 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:54 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 21:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Maybe the Windows 10 virus will be less successful in spreading now that nobody is even pretending that the monthly update that bricks your computer is "like Apple". No "Microsoft Store". It was fucking embarrassing anyway. Like they had this thing called Miracast which was just like DLNA, if DLNA didn't work at all. 21:29 < DaemonFC[m]> So I asked the salescritter if he could make it work and he poked around and restarted things and yanked power cords for about 20 minutes and said "Sorry.". 21:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Somewhere halfway in, it connected and mirrored the display and then the laptop immediately crashed with a blue screen of death. 21:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Surface Pro! 21:36 * DaemonFC[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/iqKBAIViHHfmktAKrvkHpEpF > 21:43 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/24/business/citi-credit-card-complaints-cfpb/?hpt=ob_blogfooterold 21:43 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Citi makes up more than a third of coronavirus-related credit card complaints - CNN 21:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Not surprised. Citi was the first one to turn me over to collections. One that has a notorious reputation for illegal activities, like calling your neighbors and stuff and telling them about your debts, and ignoring instructions to stop bothering people at work. 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> The credit card people kick you out to a collection agency like that because it minimizes their own risk and "harm to the brand" to let someone else get nasty with you and break the law for them. 21:47 < DaemonFC[m]> The fact that Citi is getting much nastier with people than other banks are even when it's pretty clear it would be in the long term interest to throw them a bone makes me think that Citi is in more trouble right now and may collapse soon. 21:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Even Capital One is deferring interest and payments while people are on unemployment, for now. 21:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Citi is just going straight for your throat the moment you're late. 22:16 -!- amarsh04 [~amarsh04@2001:44b8:249:fe00:214:85ff:feee:bcc5] has joined #techrights 22:31 -!- amarsh04 [~amarsh04@2001:44b8:249:fe00:214:85ff:feee:bcc5] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 22:36 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vghpnfzhwxoztaok] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:47 -!- hook54321 [sid149355@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ccashgsfzlhlxhke] has joined #techrights 23:39 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has joined #techrights --- Day changed Tue Jun 30 2020 01:14 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 01:19 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 01:24 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: CutiePi tablet based on Raspberry Pi CM3+ starts at $169 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139317 [https://pleroma.site/objects/01ff9234-dace-4a35-b9d8-a2fa89973b01] 01:38 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: A First Look At Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Cinnamon http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25626 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a957c7dd-6f91-4ccc-bc2b-0f745db8ff58] 01:47 < psydread> maybe the spread of Virus 10 is not going as expected and it's getting killed in our societies 01:48 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139318 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a352d203-c6a5-48cb-95a8-774787663e2e] 01:52 < schestowitz> [02:48] Even Capital One is deferring interest and payments while people are on unemployment, for now. 01:52 < schestowitz> I hope it dies 01:53 < schestowitz> the unemployment can get yet worse and some businesses that reopen give up 01:53 < DaemonFC[m]> What are they doing? Other than swallowing $20,000 I owed them. 01:53 < schestowitz> many people don't know yet that they're laid off, so deferral is just kicking the can down the road 01:53 < schestowitz> https://www.nlg.org/how-nlg-members-can-support-the-peoples-strike/ 01:53 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.nlg.org | How NLG Members Can Support the People's Strike | National Lawyers Guild 01:53 < schestowitz> bigger riots may come... or at least social disobedience 01:54 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: they do nothing, they just 'manage' 01:54 < schestowitz> like lawyers 01:54 < schestowitz> the financial 'industry' 01:54 < schestowitz> "what do you do for a living"? 01:54 < schestowitz> "I... invest.." 01:54 < schestowitz> "no, mate, what do you DO?" 01:54 < schestowitz> "I sit there at the officer clicking things" 01:55 < schestowitz> "looking at charts" 01:55 < schestowitz> "making calls" 01:55 < schestowitz> "taking a paycheck" 02:53 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 03:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 First Look: Fresh Cinnamon Looking Good http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25627 [https://pleroma.site/objects/80a67581-a61b-4436-a1ac-9947796fcbeb] 03:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Virtual Assistants for Linux You Can Use on Your Desktop http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139319 [https://pleroma.site/objects/a59c757b-e3ed-409d-96d8-e05eeb91aea3] 03:27 -!- gde33 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:27 -!- gde34 [~gde333@84-106-154-98.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl] has joined #techrights 03:32 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:41 < schestowitz> x https://www.zdnet.com/article/baidu-joins-open-invention-network-linux-patent-protection-group/ 03:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- Baidu joins Open Invention Network Linux patent protection group | ZDNet 03:41 < schestowitz> # article does not link to any authoritative source on the announcement 03:41 < schestowitz> sjvn 03:41 < schestowitz> doing IBM's and Microsoft's bidding 03:41 < schestowitz> maybe zdnet asks him to 03:41 < schestowitz> cbs 03:41 < schestowitz> close to gates and msft 03:41 < schestowitz> appalling 03:41 < schestowitz> parrots as 'journalists' 03:51 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:52 -!- Aurelie_ [~Aurelie_@host86-140-50-112.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 04:10 -!- Aurelie_ [~Aurelie_@host86-140-50-112.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:38 -!- psydroid [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-zrsmkwpugrbtqcdt] has quit [Quit: killed] 04:38 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-tgwznlvherwpanrw] has quit [Quit: killed] 04:38 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-deneylqdeomozbfu] has quit [Quit: killed] 04:38 -!- paride15[m] [paride15ma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-joqluroqkwscpqbm] has quit [Quit: killed] 04:38 -!- nergal[m] [nergalmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-wphfbqzlricqnddg] has quit [Quit: killed] 04:38 -!- Blue_flame [kopynewmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-kioquecolgoaugbd] has quit [Quit: killed] 04:41 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:50 -!- psydroid [psydroidma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-mkrgfmtwpfwtzhdi] has joined #techrights 05:01 < liberty_box> https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/brown-bear-attacked-father-son-22273546 05:03 -!- TechrightsBot-tr [~TR@] has joined #techrights 05:03 < TechrightsBot-tr> Hello World! I'm TechrightsBot-tr running phIRCe v0.77 05:11 -!- Blue_flame [kopynewmat@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-xrtgagpdhsibrwge] has joined #techrights 05:11 -!- nergal[m] [nergalmatr@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-pxnxhqyzowdwxszf] has joined #techrights 05:11 -!- DaemonFC[m] [daemonfcma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-mxpravyqkmwskvgl] has joined #techrights 05:11 -!- paride15[m] [paride15ma@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-jumueyomptuvccme] has joined #techrights 05:11 -!- I3^RELATIVISM [alexissamp@gateway/shell/matrix.org/x-ejiiyphdurztbujm] has joined #techrights 05:20 -!- MinceR [mincer@unaffiliated/mincer] has joined #techrights 05:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The 13 Best Music Players for Ubuntu & Linux Mint http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139320 [https://pleroma.site/objects/648618f5-b3d3-465c-a942-825905fa600a] 05:27 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #techrights 05:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Panorama - Part I Of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Review http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139321 [https://pleroma.site/objects/573a2e28-b242-4a95-9e68-6ccb8bf78262] 05:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 10 ReactJS tools to boost your web development skills http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139322 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d3fdeb15-ec25-44a5-be0a-924966944ccb] 05:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139323 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dd73c231-c3e1-42f8-b6f3-1cff38dfa04f] 05:33 -!- michaelis [~michaelis@] has joined #techrights 05:33 < michaelis> Hello. 05:56 < schestowitz> hi 06:22 -!- mode/#techrights [+o MinceR] by ChanServ 06:22 <@MinceR> https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/teleporter-2 06:22 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.smbc-comics.com | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Teleporter 06:48 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:50 -!- Hail_Spacecake [~weechat@lobsters/users/hailspacecake/x-84238744] has joined #techrights 07:13 < oiaohm> schestowitz: you missed one of the attractions of using github in the GNU write up. The fact someone else has to pick up the server maintenance bill other than GNU themselves. 07:13 < oiaohm> Of course that does not make it right to ignore the risks. 07:21 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 07:21 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 07:21 < schestowitz> oiaohm: I don't get what you mean 07:21 < schestowitz> it's actually a risk 07:22 < schestowitz> if means it's like Microsoft funds them 07:22 < schestowitz> and they become projects at risk of Microsoft shutting down, deciding to bill them etc. 07:22 < schestowitz> There's no "free lunch" 07:22 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/29/meathub/ 07:22 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | The MeatHub | Techrights 07:32 -!- sb0 [~lekernel@42-200-147-171.static.imsbiz.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:51 < oiaohm> schestowitz: GNU running it own servers has to pay for that has well. Interesting to see how well off they are for doing that. 07:52 < oiaohm> Thee could be two risks here not one. 07:58 < AVRS> oiaohm: schestowitz named two risks 07:59 < AVRS> that could be deliberately triggered 08:00 < schestowitz> financial control is control 08:00 < schestowitz> like mortgages, where mort is French for.. 08:01 < schestowitz> GNU is not partly at Microsoft's mercy... a terrible situation 08:01 < zoobab> I believe Germany is its own right to ratify the UPC, with the Withdrawal Agreement period covering EU law and some 2012 regulation that went immediately into force 08:01 < schestowitz> you don't replace that which braces you 08:01 < zoobab> so filing constitutional complaints will be critical 08:01 < schestowitz> zoobab: Germany can shoot its own foot 08:02 < schestowitz> it already made a mockery of its Injustice Ministry 08:02 < zoobab> but we should use the 2 months to raise the pressure on the Bundestag 08:02 < zoobab> and ask for the UPC to be renegotiated 08:02 < schestowitz> it needs to be canned 08:02 < schestowitz> don't settle for less 08:02 < schestowitz> or else they'll compromise for lesser evil 08:03 < zoobab> we need the CJEU to have a say on patent law 08:03 < zoobab> this is not acceptable what they have done there 08:03 < zoobab> and fucking up Italy 08:03 < zoobab> all of that because they want the agreement running at any costs 08:04 < schestowitz> they already harmed themselves 08:04 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022634 08:04 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4387214) 08:04 < schestowitz> some firms' reputation 08:04 < schestowitz> some institutions too 08:04 < schestowitz> let them have a knock 08:04 < schestowitz> even UK-IPO looks crap 08:04 < schestowitz> and CIPA which 'runs' it 08:04 < schestowitz> they already had a stigma 08:05 < zoobab> what is good news is that the main justification for cross-broder litigation is melting 08:05 < schestowitz> now they paint over it, to remark the linings 08:05 < zoobab> with UK's departure 08:05 < schestowitz> proving the worse allegations about them and their arrogance 08:05 < schestowitz> why do they even assume bundestag will pass it? 08:05 < schestowitz> only about 31 people voted for it 08:05 < zoobab> 35 08:05 < schestowitz> they'd need to fool if not bribe lots of people 08:06 < schestowitz> 2/3 majority 08:06 < schestowitz> and in daytime, not 1am 08:06 < zoobab> I guess 2/3 majority will depend on the pressure you apply 08:06 < schestowitz> they want us to believe they can pass it 08:06 < schestowitz> momentum by fake news 08:06 < schestowitz> fake assertion 08:06 < schestowitz> false interpretation 08:06 < zoobab> if we apply enough pressure, it will be a 50/50 game 08:06 < schestowitz> mock them 08:06 < schestowitz> it can work 08:06 < schestowitz> ok, so mock them 08:06 < schestowitz> but 08:06 < schestowitz> fuck twitter 08:06 < schestowitz> quit this crap 08:07 < schestowitz> I did 08:07 < schestowitz> and one of the reasons I stayed there was your account 08:07 < zoobab> yeah I will, but I need to find a good replacement 08:07 < schestowitz> which I cannot even read as RSS anymore 08:07 < zoobab> they broke RSS long ago 08:07 < schestowitz> better spend time doing a press release a day at ffii 08:07 < schestowitz> no serious person reads tweets and uses them as citable evidence 08:07 <@MinceR> depends on the topic 08:07 < schestowitz> quit twitter or use that only to link to your press releases 08:08 < schestowitz> zoobab: they broke it 08:08 < zoobab> yeah but writing blog posts takes time for non native persons 08:08 <@MinceR> they work pretty well as citable evidence that Agent Orange is insane 08:08 <@MinceR> :> 08:08 < schestowitz> but I found a new fallback (3rd party) every few years) 08:08 < schestowitz> the latest one broke too, I'm tired of trying to fix something I probably just ought to abandon 08:08 < schestowitz> join pleroma, 08:08 < schestowitz> then your stuff will appear here, in real time 08:08 < schestowitz> viera does that 08:09 < schestowitz> you can join ANY fediverse instance, or make your own, or FFII's 08:09 < zoobab> I have bad experience with FFII infra 08:09 < schestowitz> [13:08] yeah but writing blog posts takes time for non native persons 08:09 < zoobab> shoemakers have the worst shoes 08:09 < schestowitz> tweets too can take time 08:09 < schestowitz> if you value their accuracy and avoid typos 08:09 < schestowitz> at least you can locate them 10 years down the line 08:09 < zoobab> yeah 08:09 < zoobab> that has value 08:10 < schestowitz> tweets have a shelf life of minutes, 24 hours at most 08:10 < zoobab> I was even thinking to go away from wordpress, and have some git based blogging 08:10 < schestowitz> we waste time pecking at bird feces 08:10 < zoobab> with static content in there (html+md) 08:10 < schestowitz> hugo? 08:10 < zoobab> a possible agenda for a vote in the Bundestag is the first session of September 08:11 < zoobab> I checked the agenda 08:11 < schestowitz> jykell or whatever you spell it is connected to github co-founder iirc, I'd not touch it with a long stick 08:11 < zoobab> no one is working there in September 08:11 < schestowitz> so again no 2/3 majority 08:11 < zoobab> sed and awk are enough to generate html from md 08:11 < schestowitz> unless they lie again 08:11 < schestowitz> as they did the last time 08:11 < schestowitz> and make another scandal the FCC will look into 08:11 < zoobab> they will have to buy FDP and some other parties 08:12 < schestowitz> they can't do it right, only Team UPC will pretend they have the major political parties behind them. They pretend only AfD opposes UPC. 08:12 < zoobab> people in NL are also looking at the 2/3 majority for CETA 08:12 < schestowitz> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/06/dutch-law-proposes-wholesale-jettisoning-human-rights-considerations-copyright 08:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.eff.org | Dutch Law Proposes a Wholesale Jettisoning of Human Rights Considerations in Copyright Enforcement | Electronic Frontier Foundation 08:12 < schestowitz> yesterday's news 08:13 < schestowitz> which I think is relevant 08:13 < schestowitz> you might wanna use it 08:13 < schestowitz> copyright, patents 08:13 < schestowitz> HollyNLwood 08:14 < zoobab> I told those copyright guys to get organized for the ratification in different countries 08:15 < zoobab> because you need to escalate once the law is passed 08:15 < schestowitz> BTW, is Pilch at EPO still? 08:15 < schestowitz> last I heard, he was specialising in languages 08:15 < zoobab> don't think so 08:16 < zoobab> he is out FFII 08:16 < schestowitz> where is he? when did you last speak to him? 08:16 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:16 < schestowitz> what about Wessel? 08:16 < zoobab> via FB, but I think he is not anymore on there 08:16 < schestowitz> he maybe wrote a press release years ago? 08:16 < zoobab> Ante keeps doing stuff via Vrijschrift 08:16 < schestowitz> can't think of anyone from ffii would bother with fb 08:17 < zoobab> last time I saw him he was frustrated with some travel expenses that were not refunded 08:17 < schestowitz> so who's ffii now? Just you? 08:17 < zoobab> that's probably why he stopeed blogging on blog.ffii.org 08:17 < zoobab> there is Andre, and Mario 08:17 < schestowitz> Andre - I see him around, never in relation to FFII 08:18 < zoobab> but on UPC none are active anymore 08:18 < schestowitz> Is Andre using Windows? 08:18 < zoobab> no idea 08:18 < zoobab> he works for a voip company in berlin 08:18 < schestowitz> fair enough 08:18 < zoobab> project management I think 08:18 < zoobab> I checked it was all Asterisk based 08:18 < zoobab> cloud calls 08:19 < zoobab> anyway 08:19 < zoobab> I have some people in Berlin, who are interested in making some noise 08:20 < zoobab> we have 2 little months to make a campaign 08:21 < zoobab> and to write a complaint 08:21 < zoobab> but first the submission for friday 08:21 < zoobab> going to Morzine for MTBiking on friday, so our submission need to be ready ASAP 08:22 < schestowitz> cool 08:22 < zoobab> especially if the Brexit road-block "dissapears" with the withdrawal agreement 08:22 < schestowitz> I'd help bring light to it, as best I can... 08:22 < schestowitz> but seriously, less twitter, it's a "burning platform" 08:22 < schestowitz> Even advertisers boycott it now 08:23 < zoobab> I heard about CocaCola and FB 08:23 < zoobab> because they don't want to be seen next to "negative" content 08:24 < schestowitz> you are days behind 08:24 < schestowitz> even Microsoft now boycotts FB 08:25 < schestowitz> which is weird, they partly owned it 08:25 < schestowitz> and FB passes all the data to Microsoft 08:25 < schestowitz> I think about a dozen companies now boycott FB, Pepsi included 08:25 < schestowitz> Uniliver also 08:26 < zoobab> as long as technically it's not made impossible to censor... 08:26 < zoobab> even on linuxfr.org some of my articles are 'downvoted' 08:26 < schestowitz> Microsoft, Ford, Pepsi Join #Facebook, Instagram Ad Boycott https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/microsoft-ford-pepsi-join-facebook-instagram-ad-boycott-1301053 08:26 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.hollywoodreporter.com | Microsoft, Ford, Pepsi Join Facebook, Instagram Ad Boycott | Hollywood Reporter 08:29 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has joined #techrights 08:34 < oiaohm> schestowitz: https://www.incomediary.com/who-owns-facebook-the-10-richest-facebook-shareholders Really Microsoft – 1.3% – $1.3 Billion on Microsoft books this is not really that much. Microsoft is in the Trillion dollar class so a billion dollars here or there is not much. 08:34 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.incomediary.com | Who Owns Facebook? - The 10 Richest Facebook Shareholders - How To Make Money Online 08:35 < oiaohm> Now if this boycott devalues facebook could allow Microsoft to get higher ownership percentage. 08:47 < schestowitz> This is a lie: "Microsoft is in the Trillion dollar class so a billion dollars here or there is not much." 08:47 < schestowitz> Wall Street is a lie 08:47 < schestowitz> and 2008 apparently taught you nothing 08:47 < schestowitz> their fictional valuation or "market caps" are part of a scheme 08:48 < schestowitz> it helps the nation receive debt, based on a misconception 08:48 < schestowitz> also see: Bernie Madoff 08:49 < schestowitz> oiaohm: can I offer you 0.00001% of my company? 08:49 < schestowitz> it'll cost you just one AUS dollar 08:49 < schestowitz> and if you say yes, I'll tell you my market cap ;-) 08:49 < schestowitz> AUD = AU dollar (typo) 08:53 < oiaohm> schestowitz: AUS dollar is not exactly 100 percent wrong its is a slang you see as in reference to "Aussie Dollar" instead of Australian Dollar. Of course is the same thing. 09:05 < oiaohm> schestowitz: Microsoft is in the proper Trillion dollar market cap. Microsoft holds 286 Billion in assets. 1.3 billion in facebook if you look at assets is less than half a percent. Of course even asset valuations and share price valuations are part fiction. 09:07 < oiaohm> The loss of facebook to Microsoft would be less harmful to Microsoft than if the companies boycotting facebook decide to boycott Microsoft because they did not join in. 09:44 < AVRS> schestowitz: you can read an account as RSS using nitter 09:54 < AVRS> Didn't want to support Twitter with that :p 09:54 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 09:55 < libertybox> ttps://t.co/EP9e3eKLVc 09:55 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 10:06 < schestowitz> I know I can 10:06 < schestowitz> but what I need it for is seeing replies to me 10:06 < schestowitz> for that I need t log in 10:06 < schestowitz> (I don't reply to these anymore, I just check them once a day or so) 10:32 < zoobab> after some further discussions, the Withdrawal Agreement clause saying the "UK is considered as an EU member for the purpose of those international agreements" cannot be used for the UPC case, as it is not an international agreement in force yet 10:33 < zoobab> so the UPC is not part of the list 11:02 < schestowitz> aha 11:02 < schestowitz> so do a press release about it 11:02 < schestowitz> maybe we can amplify, reproduce etc. 11:03 < schestowitz> it makes it harder for them to repeat the lie later 11:03 < schestowitz> so they'll refrain from spreading the lie 11:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139327 [https://pleroma.site/objects/616a9080-2e7e-4ced-9970-0a30f18e67f7] 11:10 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Today in Techrights http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139327 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f9bd78bb-221c-438f-9d09-3d19649117a3] 11:24 < zoobab> I will try to pass a phone call to Tillmann, to understand the legal reasoning 11:29 < schestowitz> lol 11:33 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:33 -!- oiaohm [~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm] has joined #techrights 11:46 < liberty_box> https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/broody-mother-goose-taken-47-22278208 11:46 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.mirror.co.uk | Broody mother goose has taken 47 babies under her wing - and they're so cute - Mirror Online 11:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Firefox 78 Released, Bumps Linux System Requirements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139285#comment-25631 [https://pleroma.site/objects/22b658be-a644-455a-9cc5-bf0122ec7e5a] 11:52 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022626 11:52 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4386962) 11:53 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #CutiePi #RaspberryPi CM3+ Lite based Tablet Launched on Kickstarter http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139317#comment-25632 [https://pleroma.site/objects/185ec7f6-7e8e-44ee-ae47-d12edaab71e3] 11:54 -!- xwindows [~xwindows@79-64-187-207.host.pobb.as13285.net] has joined #techrights 11:54 < xwindows> https://www.globaltradeandsanctionslaw.com/new-export-control-rules-confront-integration-of-civilian-and-military-technology-development-in-china-russia-and-venezuela/ 11:54 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.globaltradeandsanctionslaw.com | New Export Control Rules Confront Integration of Civilian and Military Technology Development in China, Russia, and Venezuela — Global Trade & Sanctions Law — April 29, 2020 11:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #NanoPi NEO3 mini PC launching soon for around $25 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139278#comment-25629 #gnu #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/b2d69795-353c-4325-a81e-6e2ce35e85e2] 11:56 < xwindows> Actually, they should continue selling to China Russian and Venezuela. 11:56 < xwindows> ........................................................................ 11:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Firefox 78.0 Released - Also Serves As The Newest ESR Version http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139285#comment-25630 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e50753ec-896f-41e9-87eb-af57bea92d69] 11:57 < xwindows> ........................................................................ 11:58 -!- xwindows [~xwindows@79-64-187-207.host.pobb.as13285.net] has left #techrights [] 12:01 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Convert #Ubuntu Into Rolling Release Using #RollingRhino http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139250#comment-25628 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7f01b1e5-229e-4bce-8e98-a85988020c16] 12:02 <@MinceR> i'd rather convert ubuntu into rolling release by installing void in its place 12:03 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 13 Things To Do After Installing Linux Mint 20 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139324 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2bc1ea00-90ba-4546-8644-4cbb7312ec3c] 12:04 < XRevan86> Ubuntu got themselves a Sid, eh? 12:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139325 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7121f392-675c-4034-85c9-c759d3f1b126] 12:07 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Why don’t /e/ smartphones ship (yet) to the USA? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139326 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3f0974bb-16db-42f1-9d2a-a88cd3563566] 12:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Librem 5 May 2020 Software Development Update http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139326#comment-25633 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3a180a07-80bf-4cad-8428-2b261e153fd5] 12:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Should API-restricting licenses qualify as open source? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139328 [https://pleroma.site/objects/92a28408-40b9-43ac-8eb7-bb8476d25297] 12:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Benchmarking The Performance Overhead To Linux’s Proposed FGKASLR Security Feature http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139329 [https://pleroma.site/objects/bc7a8a1e-4c18-4fab-973f-ba4fb3a2eb7e] 12:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Firefox 79 Enters Beta, Lets You Export Saved Passwords and Logins to a CSV File http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139330 [https://pleroma.site/objects/821a78a2-6edc-42d2-9231-554a6e13825a] 12:27 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139331 [https://pleroma.site/objects/878b6928-4710-46eb-a51f-1187831f5ed1] 12:37 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139332 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ae3dff03-6f3c-4eb0-ba9f-ed8343d22d77] 12:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Open Invention Network (OIN) and Corporate Linux Foundation http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139333 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5bbf0c73-3c8d-4b3e-b9c4-a9560622f740] 12:49 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: The public sector of Bühl uses Free Software http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139334 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2156140e-2b97-401d-a70b-9c032dce9ff2] 12:54 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:56 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games: Android, 7 Days to Die, Bounty Battle and Paint the Town Redh ttp://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139335 [https://pleroma.site/objects/858439ae-641a-400e-a24c-b3540d8ce40b] 12:58 < DaemonFC[m]> It seems to me that Pootie Poot did the bounties on US soldiers thing as a news dump to help get rid of Trump. 12:59 < DaemonFC[m]> The guy is obviously not stupid. Killing a few US soldiers in Afghanistan gets Russia nothing of value. 12:59 < DaemonFC[m]> As kompromat, more valuable. 13:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Seems like Putin is done with Trump and this is very damaging. Makes Trump look particularly stupid and weak. 13:11 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows: Command Line Heroes, #Linux in the Ham Shack and #LinuxHeadlines http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139336 [https://pleroma.site/objects/65474eb9-0731-4741-9471-dd456ed660ba] 13:17 -!- psymin [~psymin@fsf/member/psymin] has joined #techrights 13:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE’s Move to Gitlab and More http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139337 [https://pleroma.site/objects/543167a4-3eb9-460e-8402-7316fa741826] 13:23 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: he is weak 13:23 < schestowitz> so now he threatens people 13:23 < schestowitz> to make himself seem strong 13:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Pretty much. 13:24 < schestowitz> and they can't seem to be wanting ti impeach 13:24 < schestowitz> he helps distract from every evil thing they do 13:24 < DaemonFC[m]> His campaign is collapsing because people who actually are in the middle, or even slightly to the right, can't tolerate this anymore. 13:24 < schestowitz> they as in both corporate parties 13:24 < schestowitz> +17,506 cases 13:24 < schestowitz> and it's still early 13:24 < schestowitz> he wants to stop testing 13:24 < schestowitz> imagine that 13:24 < DaemonFC[m]> John Bolton said recently that "America can recover from one term of Trump.". 13:24 < schestowitz> I pay money 13:24 < schestowitz> I want to be be tested 13:25 < schestowitz> "sorry, sir, this is not legal" 13:25 < schestowitz> "but I am paying you 13:25 < schestowitz> " 13:25 < DaemonFC[m]> Basically, the same as saying it definitely can't recover if he gets a second one. 13:25 < schestowitz> Sorry, can't EXECUTIVE ORDER! Wait for symptoms" 13:25 < schestowitz> "Sorry, can't, EXECUTIVE ORDER! Wait for symptoms" 13:25 < DaemonFC[m]> That's actually not how it works. 13:25 < DaemonFC[m]> The CDC can advise on what to do, but it can't tell states what to do. 13:26 < DaemonFC[m]> The 6,000-10,000 daily cases in Florida are despite the Republicans trying to cover up how bad it is. 13:26 < schestowitz> they fired someone over it 13:26 < schestowitz> over a month ago, iirc 13:26 < schestowitz> in FL 13:26 < schestowitz> but I forgot the details 13:26 < DaemonFC[m]> That's under the guidelines they had in place to try to sweep things under the rug and reopen Disney. 13:28 < DaemonFC[m]> Now it's pretty clear that Disney isn't reopening and RNC is not going to be what Trump wanted. 13:31 < DaemonFC[m]> It's pretty clear that what happens next is another bad month like April probably. 13:31 < DaemonFC[m]> Only instead of the east coast this time, it'll be the south and west pretty much. 13:32 < DaemonFC[m]> The Florida problem quickly became a Georgia and Tennessee problem. 13:33 < DaemonFC[m]> It won't stay there, obviously. In another couple of weeks, Illinois might have to reverse its re-opening too. Nobody wants to admit it until it's painfully obvious that it is flaring up in that state again, so what we're dealing with here is a rolling shutdown where every state governor pretends it's a problem in another state until it isn't. 13:34 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla: New in Firefox 78, Brazil’s Laws and Rust http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139338 [https://pleroma.site/objects/dad8664c-3266-45e6-ad43-da1f080963f3] 13:36 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I suspect that it will be a serious and ongoing problem for many more months. 13:36 < DaemonFC[m]> My psychiatrist was asking me what I thought of it. 13:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I told him pretty much what I said here and that I don't think it was going away, I think we were just seeing the eye of the storm because of the effect of a widespread shutdown, and that it was going to come back with a vengeance soon. 13:37 < DaemonFC[m]> I said that I was going to wait for 3-6 months probably to come out and get my bloodwork done at the lab because right now that's where all of the people are going to get a coronavirus test. 13:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: 7 Best Linux Distros for Security and Privacy in 2020 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139339 [https://pleroma.site/objects/087cee09-0bc1-4b7c-8550-f07047ddd4e2] 13:41 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Trump's poll numbers did a steep collapse and they are not recovering. 13:42 < DaemonFC[m]> They are continuing to gradually get worse. 13:42 < schestowitz> anger doesn't sell 13:42 < DaemonFC[m]> My thoughts on that are other than the mass unemployment and chaos, and people pissed off about everything.... 13:43 < DaemonFC[m]> How much of that is "permanent" in that dead old people don't answer the phone to talk to pollsters and even if the government is massaging the numbers for the virus, they cannot account for that in the polling data...? 13:43 < DaemonFC[m]> It seems now that if you wait a week, his net approval goes down about another tenth of a point. 13:43 < DaemonFC[m]> I suspect that "Dead people don't answer polls." is some of that. 13:44 < DaemonFC[m]> The virus is probably killing more people than we'll ever hear about. 13:44 < DaemonFC[m]> All we really can say for sure is that about 90% of them are over 50. 13:49 < schestowitz> the numbers are fudged 13:49 < schestowitz> you know they are 13:50 < schestowitz> because different authorities count differently 13:50 < schestowitz> and survival/death rates vary from like 1% to 20% between nations 13:50 < schestowitz> poor nations don't even test much 13:50 < schestowitz> what counts in the official number are deaths with test 13:50 < schestowitz> not either in isolation 13:51 < schestowitz> one way to measure is 13:51 < schestowitz> how many death certificates in March-June 2019 compared to same period this year 13:51 < schestowitz> assuming no nuclear war of big natural disasters you can do the diff, then attribute at least some of that to covid 13:52 < schestowitz> some people died from covid by suicide 13:52 < schestowitz> depression 13:52 < schestowitz> bad diet 13:52 < schestowitz> health 13:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Wow. 72 bankruptcy filings in ILND today, at NOON. 13:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, this is getting better /s 13:52 < schestowitz> (unrelated to covid19 itself) 13:52 < schestowitz> indirect death toll 13:52 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: I guess you have "join the club" glee 13:52 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The second phase of the economic collapse is starting. 13:53 < schestowitz> [sarcasm] maybe they all read #techrights and copy you ;-) 13:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Mass wave of bankruptcy as moratoriums on evictions and lawsuits stops, and 31 days until the extra $600 unemployment check stipend goes away. 13:53 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: til: 13:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Watch. It'll be biblical. 13:53 < schestowitz>
  • 13:53 < schestowitz>
    Analysis Warns 11% of Those Unemployed Due to Pandemic Have 'Zero Chance' of Getting Job Back
    13:53 < schestowitz>
    13:53 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.commondreams.org | Analysis Warns 11% of Those Unemployed Due to Pandemic Have 'Zero Chance' of Getting Job Back | Common Dreams News 13:53 < schestowitz>

    "The 10.7% number represents the hard floor that we'll bump up against when the virus vanishes, leaving us in a Great Recession level unemployment situation."

  • 13:54 < schestowitz> it's for the next Daily Links batch BTW 13:54 < schestowitz> working on it atm 13:54 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Shitty Group was trying to prevent telling their investors that things would be a disaster back in April. 13:54 < schestowitz> Citi lol 13:54 < DaemonFC[m]> I read the minutes on their conference call with investors. 13:54 < schestowitz> Citi Buffet 13:54 < DaemonFC[m]> No questions answered. 13:54 < schestowitz> hallo, shitty... (South Park) 13:55 < DaemonFC[m]> It was all "Read page such and such on the spreadsheet we gave you.". 13:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they're saying that based on what they see in Asia, they suspect the "US consumer will be hesitant to spend money for a while.". 13:55 < DaemonFC[m]> Duh doy! 13:55 -!- dabblerdude [~dabblerdu@pool-96-234-133-17.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #techrights 13:55 < schestowitz> spend on WHAT? 13:56 < schestowitz> I told rianne yesterday, food sector will suffer aso 13:56 < schestowitz> *also 13:56 < schestowitz> people still eat, BUT... 13:56 < schestowitz> how many go to work? 13:56 < schestowitz> In an office? 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Not at restaurants. 13:56 < schestowitz> No more sub sandwitches for $5 apiece 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> The restaurant industry is collapsing. 13:56 < schestowitz> people spend less also in grocery stores, don't get more started on eating out 13:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Many 5 star restaurants in Chicago have already filed liquidation bankruptcy and voided their leases and fired everyone. 13:57 < schestowitz> the dining sector can get better prices on food supplies 13:57 < schestowitz> the margins are huge 13:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, they can. Which is why food inflation at the grocery store has been more severe than it has been at restaurants. 13:57 < schestowitz> but grocery stores like Mandy's will sell biscuits and jam and othee pastries 13:57 < schestowitz> not turkeys and steaks 13:57 < schestowitz> fewer people have the confidence to spent on exquisite foods 13:58 < schestowitz> so that sector too will see a demand after panic-buying and stockpiling 13:58 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I pretty much halted our buying of ground beef and steak and roast and stuff. 13:58 < schestowitz> then food prices will go up 13:58 < schestowitz> to cover up cost of operations 13:58 < DaemonFC[m]> The prices have soared, but not on chicken and turkey so much. 13:58 < schestowitz> tomorrow is h2 of 2020 13:58 < schestowitz> so I take up a step vegetarianism 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> I think that inflation on poultry will be subdued because the cost inputs work out better there. 13:59 < schestowitz> I could until now buy meat only is 2/3 discounted 13:59 < schestowitz> now it'll be 3/4 13:59 < schestowitz> which is super hard to find, a rarity unless it's near the closing time 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: I'm making turkey stuffed cabbage tomorrow. 13:59 < DaemonFC[m]> I bought a ton of spaghetti and sauce back in March because people were panic buying. 13:59 < schestowitz> what goes in what? 14:00 < schestowitz> the turkey in the cabbage or cabbage in the turkey? 14:00 < DaemonFC[m]> So I ended up using like 10 jars of sauce in the last 2 weeks to get rid of it. 14:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Ground turkey mixture in the cabbage. 14:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Put it in the pressure cooker. The spaghetti sauce acts as the liquid. 14:00 < schestowitz> i c... 14:00 < schestowitz> anyway, bbl 14:00 < schestowitz> i need to do daily links 14:01 < DaemonFC[m]> I've been using the pressure cooker a lot because I can make large quantities of food in it and then we have leftovers to send Mandy to work with, and a leftover night each week. 14:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Just grab something from the past week and heat it up. 14:01 < DaemonFC[m]> No grocery expense that day. 14:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, to contain costs, I took out a Walmart card for Mandy that gives us 5% back on our grocery orders. 14:02 < DaemonFC[m]> In the last month that gave us $25 back. 14:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Between our stuff, the cat stuff, gas (Murphy/Walmart gas is a bonus), etc. 14:03 < DaemonFC[m]> I think we could pull in $300 or so a year just off gas and groceries on that card. 14:03 <@MinceR> (cat) https://hugelolcdn.com/i/679071.jpg 14:04 < DaemonFC[m]> I started buying those economy size cans of coffee because it works out to about 30% cheaper on unit price than the "big can". 14:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Half and half, a half a gallon at a time. 14:05 < DaemonFC[m]> Bulk buying works out sometimes, especially when there's two of you. 14:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy will go "So expensive!" and I have to point out, "Not if you look at the problem as trying to get the long term smoothed average down.". 14:07 < DaemonFC[m]> People do behave differently during recessions. How nice of Citi to be Captain Obvious here. 14:08 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: OSS, Consortia and Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139340 [https://pleroma.site/objects/02197a1c-176e-4455-ab97-b3862d177f6b] 14:09 < DaemonFC[m]> They were hoping for a V shaped recession, but we're going to get a sustained one because this damned virus is really at least a 12 month problem without a vaccine and that's if it just blows through doing whatever it does and then it's mostly over with because herd immunity. 14:10 < DaemonFC[m]> They were hoping that there were just a fuckton of infections out there that weren't getting diagnosed because of mild symptoms and if that was the case, we wouldn't have Fauci testifying to the Senate that we could be seeing 100,000+ confirmed per day for a while at some point soon. 14:11 < DaemonFC[m]> For this to be going on, something's happening. Either we were diagnosing more of the total cases than we thought, the immunity in survivors isn't as good as it needs to be, or some of both. 14:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyway, MinceR I was inspired by The Running Man with the fine. 14:13 < DaemonFC[m]> Remember when they're taking the explosive neck collar off Ben Richards and it starts beeping rapidly, and the guy throws it down a chute and says "Goodbye, my lovely!"? 14:13 < DaemonFC[m]> That's sort of what I did with the fine in the bankruptcy. 14:13 <@MinceR> :) 14:13 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139341 [https://pleroma.site/objects/271cdce8-9d82-4942-b0e7-35c484d66388] 14:16 < DaemonFC[m]> "Nothing to lose your head over, eh?" 14:17 < DaemonFC[m]> "You got it!" 14:17 < DaemonFC[m]> lights up a cigar 14:19 <@MinceR> :) 14:20 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I had someone from the court call me to make sure I was still living where I said I would. 14:21 < DaemonFC[m]> I told her, "Do you honestly think that I'm going to go 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?' to escape from two more months of unsupervised probation?". 14:21 < DaemonFC[m]> She laughed. 14:25 < DaemonFC[m]> I said, "I get it. The whole country is turning into Escape From New York and you have to make sure everyone's still where they should be.". 14:25 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #techrights Links 30/6/2020: OpenSUSE Leap 15.2, 4MLinux 34.0 Beta and IPFire 2.25 - Core Update 146 http://techrights.org/2020/06/30/opensuse-leap-15-2/ [https://pleroma.site/objects/5be6192b-266f-4806-bf0d-f51ae67c7e5f] 14:25 <@MinceR> it's actually turning into Idiocracy 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: No, I think Escape from New York. 14:28 < DaemonFC[m]> We even have a warlord, apparently in the "Seattle Neutral Zone". Or whatever it is they're calling that now. 14:30 <@MinceR> :> 14:31 < DaemonFC[m]> According to the far right, it's either a domestic terrorist group, like ISIS, which will take over America one city block at a time, or a few kids making a pillow fort. Whatever mood Fox News is in. 14:32 <@MinceR> it's a superposition of both 14:32 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Of course, chaining Fox News narratives together, it's Time Traveling Weather Underground setting up a base of operations to help Barack Hussein Obama turn America into Communism. 14:32 <@MinceR> and who's the warlord? 14:33 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably whoever they Photoshopped in this week. 14:33 <@MinceR> lol 14:34 < DaemonFC[m]> "NO! WE GO IN! WE KILL!!!! NO MORE TALK! WE KILL!!!!" 14:35 <@MinceR> and who's Snake Plissken? 14:35 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: This seems to be something more like the far-left version of the takeover of the wildlife preserve several years ago by the Bundys. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> No, not Al Bundy, a guy that was mad that the government was charging him to let his cattle graze on public land. 14:36 < DaemonFC[m]> Of course, not learning a damned thing from the Waco incident, he ended up getting his brother killed in the ensuing raid. 14:36 <@MinceR> :> 14:37 < DaemonFC[m]> If you piss off the government just so, they will "accidentally" come in and kill people, including many women and children if the need arises. 14:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The re-election of Bill Clinton just proved that there was no political damage done by the Waco incident. 14:38 <@MinceR> again, proving the "social contract" to be a hoax 14:38 < DaemonFC[m]> They should have known that since it was impossible for Clinton to carry Texas in 1996 anyway that he was probably not in the mood to bring that to a peaceful resolution. 14:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Pretty much, but so did the virus. Remember that part about the social contract where you agreed to give $4 trillion mostly to banks and companies that should have failed years ago anyway which gobbled up "Paycheck Protection" loans while the government did fuck all for peopl? 14:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Because I sure remember signing that. 14:41 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So, I took the one time $1,200 check from the government and filed bankruptcy against my creditors. Or as I like to call it, a tax return. 14:42 < DaemonFC[m]> I mean, you really can't fault it as a strategy. The $1,200 either pays about 1 month of rent -or- shreds something like $80,000 worth of debt that is fresh enough for various companies to try to collect on and harass me with for perhaps 27 years. 14:43 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't feel like dealing with what happened in 2019 until I'm 63 years old. 14:43 < DaemonFC[m]> So fuck all of them. 14:45 < DaemonFC[m]> There was already something like $1.4 trillion in revolving credit card loans out there before the virus hit. 14:46 < DaemonFC[m]> About 3% were so late that the bank was about to charge them off, but ...... That's like $42 billion? 14:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Also, this neat thing happens to make credit card default look low. 14:46 < DaemonFC[m]> They get to charge it off and sell it to a collection agency, and then nobody is tracking it anymore, after 6 months. 14:47 < DaemonFC[m]> So if I had to make and educated guess here, something like $100-150 billion in credit card debt will be blown away in bankruptcy in the coming months. 14:47 < DaemonFC[m]> More after that, because many people stopped paying their cards in April who wouldn't have, to free up what money they had for current expenses. 14:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Now the banks saw this unfolding and have gotten really tight with their lending and have been closing accounts and reducing credit limits to amount owed, to head people off who might be tempted to max the card out and walk away. 14:49 < DaemonFC[m]> The problem is that there were so many people trapped in an endless cycle of minimum payments to kick the can at the point where the banks woke up and decided to mitigate, that they're probably going to be exposed so something more like $400-500 billion in losses on credit cards that go into bankruptcy in the next 6 months. 14:50 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not even talking about mortgages and car payments, which are both much bigger than credit cards. 14:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Or student loans, where Trump tried to prevent mass default and people being raked over the coals during an election year with executive orders. 14:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump channeled Bernie Sanders on student loans, with executive actions he could have taken at any time, but decided that he had an election to try to salvage and that people might not be in quite enough of a rotten mood to do anything about him if they didn't have the student loan people breathing down their necks at that very moment in November. 14:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Then, after the election, guess what happens. 14:52 < DaemonFC[m]> People are stupid and if a problem isn't a problem at that very minute, they're not thinking about it. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> So the student loan thing definitely comes back as soon as Trump doesn't need these people to not be furious. 14:53 < DaemonFC[m]> He's pushing things around so that people aren't feeling maximum pain until after the election. It is not fixing anything. 14:54 < DaemonFC[m]> In fact, we are so fucked after the election if he is still in there for another 4 years that it's not even funny. 14:54 < DaemonFC[m]> There's no consequences in his mind for anything he does at that point, so if there's been anything moderating him for the past 4 years, it's gone. 14:55 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd much rather deal with a couple of months of whatever he does as a lame duck than another 4 years of Trump unchained. 14:56 < DaemonFC[m]> You still have these fucking idiots that refuse to grow up and support Biden because he's not Bernie Sanders. 14:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Presumably not as many as in 2016. 14:57 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So I'm really hoping for a mass wave of bankruptcy before the election, because it's coming sooner or later, and it might as well be happening while Trump can't possibly defend it. 14:58 < DaemonFC[m]> While it could at least kick people in the nuts hard enough to get rid of him. 14:59 < DaemonFC[m]> This Russian bounty hunting thing is blowing up on him right now. 15:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Putin is obviously finished with Trump. There's no strategic value in the Russians paying a few camel jockeys to pick off a US soldier or two, other than as an election year scandal that hits Trump where it hurts. 15:00 <@MinceR> https://files.catbox.moe/01hyrn.jpg 15:01 < DaemonFC[m]> Now it's gonna be all over the news this woman who says my son was killed by terrorists that were paid by the Russians while Trump knew about it and tried covering it up. 15:01 < DaemonFC[m]> That's not going to play well. 15:02 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Well, I think it's going to be an ongoing problem in Europe any way you look at it. 15:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Whether it's mainly an economic one (like they needed one more) or whether it flares up again with no vaccine. 15:04 < DaemonFC[m]> One of the things these decadent morons needed was tourists from the US to bring their money to spend on con games and muggings. 15:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Now that's gone. 15:05 < DaemonFC[m]> The UK has turned into something that's even more far gone than the United States. 15:05 < DaemonFC[m]> They're about 10-20 years further into the collapse of society in many ways. 15:05 < DaemonFC[m]> After Brexit, which was pretty entirely the fault of England, pretty much everyone else wants out of the UK now. 15:06 < DaemonFC[m]> In Northern Ireland, most did already. 15:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Now Scotland wants another swing at an independence referendum. 15:06 < DaemonFC[m]> What they're going through right now is basically states trying to secede from a union. 15:06 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's basically a Cold Civil War at the moment. 15:07 < DaemonFC[m]> They're fucked. 15:07 < DaemonFC[m]> This is not the same society that stood firm against the Nazis. 15:07 < DaemonFC[m]> This is the logical unraveling that began with Margaret Thatcher. 15:08 < DaemonFC[m]> Give her ~4 decades and she's right. There is no society. 15:09 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: So, they can laugh at the US if they want. Whatever gives them a security blanket so they can suck on their collective thumb and not think about Troubles 2.0. 15:09 < DaemonFC[m]> That's already starting. 15:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Eventually, everyone who goes against England and resists wins. They fold like a cheap card table and leave. 15:11 < DaemonFC[m]> So it might not happen tomorrow, but I believe it will. 15:12 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Also, ZING! Another Star Trek prophecy comes true. The banned (in England) TNG episode where Data says that resistance from Northern Ireland was successful by 2026. 15:12 <@MinceR> :> 15:13 < DaemonFC[m]> I was unhappy to see that they took some mild concessions from their invaders and disarmed themselves. 15:13 < DaemonFC[m]> God, even as a teenager I was unhappy to see that. 15:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump has been threatening the states with much the same treatment. The blue states anyway. 15:14 < DaemonFC[m]> That he'd send in the army if he didn't like what they did. 15:14 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Gun permit applications in Illinois are up over 500% from normal. 15:14 < DaemonFC[m]> People who don't want to be occupied and see it coming are arming themselves. 15:15 <@MinceR> good 15:15 < DaemonFC[m]> After Trump threatened us, Governor Pritzker said gun stores could reopen and were now "essential". 15:16 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I'll be submitting a new FOID application the day after probation ends. 15:16 < DaemonFC[m]> Disorderly Conduct is not a violent crime under FOID and I was not convicted. 15:16 < DaemonFC[m]> The "don't possess guns" condition expires when probation does. 15:17 < DaemonFC[m]> So I do plan to get a new permit immediately. 15:17 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.8] 15:17 < DaemonFC[m]> Between rioting and Trump threatening to send in the army, people just do not want to think about how they can respond to that with baseball bats and pepper spray. 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> FOID needs to be repealed or struck down. 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I was really hoping someone could get this one to the Supreme Court. 15:18 < DaemonFC[m]> They've been throwing out anti-gun laws six ways to Sunday and this one needs to go away too. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> That's why we have a second amendment. The government cannot ever be trusted not to do whatever it thinks it can get away with. 15:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Without an armed civilian population, it'll be a complete pushover. 15:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The anti-gun movement is collapsing right in front of us. 15:21 < DaemonFC[m]> That's good. That's one reason everyone hates the left. 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> They're like Arnold Rimmer after he has his anger sucked out by the Polymorph and becomes a guidance counselor. 15:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Suggests hitting it hard and fast with a major leaflet campaign. 15:23 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The problem here is that there's a circus going on, on both extremes. 15:23 < DaemonFC[m]> On the left, it's a polar opposite full of social justice warriors, wimps, and womyn. 15:26 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Mint 20 “Ulyana” Full Installation Walkthrough http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139223#comment-25634 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ef0c0cf5-4836-4f5a-9007-795e1c7ff986] 15:29 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Elementary OS 5.1 Hera Review http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139342 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5ef68d45-a923-44ed-ac6e-a0367756bc24] 15:31 <@MinceR> why can't "right-wingers" in europe campaign for the right to keep and bear arms? 15:35 < schestowitz> bear arm... 15:35 < schestowitz> bears in Italy... 15:35 < schestowitz> https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/brown-bear-attacked-father-son-22273546 15:36 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.mirror.co.uk | Brown bear which attacked father and son hiking in Italy sentenced to death - World News - Mirror Online 15:36 < schestowitz> did the bear have a good lawyer? 15:36 < schestowitz> did he get a chance to hear the Miranda rights? 15:36 < schestowitz> *(or she) 15:37 <@MinceR> :> 15:37 <@MinceR> it could have been an intersex bear 15:39 < schestowitz> not yet 15:39 < schestowitz> let them shoot first, see what happens 15:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Italian men are really hairy, stereotypically, and some are gay, so they probably have many bears. 15:42 <@MinceR> :> 15:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Did you assume its gender? The bear prefers them/they. Sometimes the bear feels like raising cubs and sometimes it just wants to pound beers and complain about all the women who went after it for support, despite being independent, equal, and not needing a man. 15:44 <@MinceR> no, i said "could" 15:44 < DaemonFC[m]> Merely suggesting that it could be anything that it doesn't like is offensive and I'm going to have to report you to Mozilla so you can be removed from Comcast DNS now. 15:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Mark Zuckerberg has started the process of backpeddling from the appeasement of the Nazis now that some giant advertisers are calling it quits. 15:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Facebook has decided to apply its labels of misleading content, hate speech, etc. more often and has started delisting some of the outright Nazi groups it was ignoring previously. 15:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Reddit nuked almost all of the worst ones. To make it seem "balanced", it also removed a bunch of "far left" ones, but the ones it went after over there were mostly inactive. 15:50 < DaemonFC[m]> Removing The_Donald alone was a huge swat against Trump because that's where his supporters gathered to make memes that would then be copied to Facebook. 15:54 < DaemonFC[m]> 107 ILND bankruptcy filings today with a few hours left on the clock. 15:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, this is looking like the beginning of the surge. 15:54 < DaemonFC[m]> It was 88 yesterday and had been hovering in the 60s or 70s per day most of the month. 15:54 < DaemonFC[m]> So filings are trending upwards after a very calm April and May. 15:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Yes, schestowitz is correct. I'm watching this closely because I'm a disaster junkie and I can admit it. I also think that the bankruptcy courts are going to burn down a lot of the pervasive rot that has accumulated, and help spark a banking crisis that will land on Trump's front doorstep heading into the election. 15:57 < DaemonFC[m]> It was never really in doubt that the shit would hit the fan, and the only real questions are how much and how quickly. 15:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: CutiePi Is World’s Thinnest, Hackable Raspberry Pi Tablet, Available for Pre-Order Now http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139317#comment-25635 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7c415057-e236-4dec-b5e9-a128c343ae86] 15:58 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: the US disaster started a long time ago 15:58 < schestowitz> well before trump 15:58 < schestowitz> some would name nixon 15:59 < schestowitz> some Raegan for several reasons 15:59 < schestowitz> some Bush 15:59 < schestowitz> Obama maybe 15:59 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The banks will give credit cards to goddamned anyone and just keep raising the limits without checking to see if they can pay or reviewing the accounts. 15:59 < DaemonFC[m]> So they're going go get hammered hard. 15:59 < schestowitz> I think he took a lot of crap after Bush already put USland in many wars and wall street catastrophe 15:59 < schestowitz> trump has bankruptcy experience 16:00 < schestowitz> and his erratic crime-loving style distracts from the collapse of the country at a level other than ethnic 16:00 < DaemonFC[m]> If they hadn't been as sloppy then the bankruptcy shitstorm that's about to unfold wouldn't be happening. Also, with decreased purchasing power, the push on employer to grant raises would be higher. 16:00 < schestowitz> removing national security 16:00 < schestowitz> and health insurance 16:00 < schestowitz> to kill what's left 16:00 < schestowitz> many will die indirectly 16:00 <@MinceR> lol @ comcast DNS 16:00 < schestowitz> things like no access to basic drugs 16:00 < DaemonFC[m]> There's a big cost to bankruptcy. The debt doesn't "disappear". Someone else had to pay it. 16:01 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's socialism, but don't call it that. 16:01 < schestowitz> MinceR: techrights article? 16:01 < schestowitz> the mozilla ones are old 16:01 <@MinceR> no, what DaemonFC[m] said 16:02 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: what's the ref for this? 16:02 < DaemonFC[m]> The "Someone Else's Problem" factor appeals to people like Trump, which is why they file all the time and let someone else to pay for their parasitic behaviors. 16:02 < schestowitz> I know about doh, but what else? 16:02 < schestowitz> They use another acronym now 16:02 < DaemonFC[m]> These concessions to Comcast and the "partnership" come months after Comcast was complaining to Congress that DoH would cause the internet to "go dark" and hamstring the cops. 16:03 < DaemonFC[m]> So guess what happens behind the scenes.... Mozilla folded and Comcast extracted enormous concession that make any potential privacy go away. 16:03 <@MinceR> 30 215840 < schestowitz> some would name nixon 16:03 < schestowitz> yes 16:03 <@MinceR> i would 16:03 < schestowitz> he did the deal with the chinese iir 16:03 < schestowitz> *iirc 16:04 < schestowitz> then lots of manufacturing went elsewhere 16:04 < schestowitz> and never came back, never will 16:04 < DaemonFC[m]> They wanted Congress to make DoH illegal so the government and Comcast could keep spying on DNS. 16:04 < schestowitz> the chinese too suffered from it... the people, not the dictatorship 16:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they don't want it to be illegal. 16:04 < DaemonFC[m]> How does that happen? 16:04 < schestowitz> they became warehouse and sweatshop 16:05 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/25/mozilla-comcast/ 16:05 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | Mozilla Shames Itself and Harms Its Reputation by Stating That “Comcast Has Taken Major Steps to Protect Customer Privacy” | Techrights 16:05 < schestowitz> http://techrights.org/2020/06/25/comcast-privacy/ 16:05 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- techrights.org | [Humour] Mozilla Firefox Will Protect Your Privacy Like Comcast Does | Techrights 16:05 < schestowitz> I moved all my pcs away from firefox this past weekend 16:06 < schestowitz> mozilla is not mozilla 16:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Comcast & Mozilla made an IETF draft that is essentially a standard for how ISPs intercept DoH and hijack DNS back to themselves. 16:06 < DaemonFC[m]> Think that won't be attacked? 16:06 <@MinceR> > DoH 16:06 <@MinceR> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ArkanoidRevengeofDoh.jpg 16:06 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- en.wikipedia.org | File:ArkanoidRevengeofDoh.jpg - Wikipedia 16:07 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: of course they would 16:07 < schestowitz> "law enforcement" 16:07 < schestowitz> privacy is a crime now 16:07 < schestowitz> mozilla is just posing 16:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Comcast and Microsoft are kind of the same in that if they invest any effort into making something work, it's because it's bad for you. 16:10 < DaemonFC[m]> The rest can just stay halfassed and broken. 16:11 < DaemonFC[m]> The US government letting Microsoft buy their way in and burrow is the reason the Chinese military keeps getting all of our R&D after we paid for it. 16:12 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd be surprised if all of those Chinese students that get arrested for spying lately are spies. 16:13 < DaemonFC[m]> They might be, but Trump's election is in trouble, and rounding up random Chinese and accusing them of being spies is exactly what a guy like him would do. 16:13 < DaemonFC[m]> I would. 16:13 < DaemonFC[m]> If the cases all fall apart, it'll be after election day and you can just deport them anyway. 16:15 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: High Machs score very low on Social Intelligence, oddly enough. The theory is that they manipulate others successfully because they're more willing to do it than most people. 16:16 < DaemonFC[m]> There was an episode of Star Trek Voyager where the Doctor had his ethical subroutines deleted by the crew of another ship that had made more progress getting through the Delta Quadrant than Voyager, despite having a much less advanced ship. 16:16 < DaemonFC[m]> The crew got as far along as they did because the first thing they did was abandon all Starfleet protocols and start acting like a bunch of pirates. 16:17 < DaemonFC[m]> When they sucked out the Doctor's ethics program, he became capable of doing almost anything despite the fact that absolutely nothing else about his program's capabilities had changed in the slightest. 16:18 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Which Ubuntu Flavor Should You Choose? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139343 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2109b895-585e-472f-a5f2-35efd2967b91] 16:18 < DaemonFC[m]> I have no idea where I score on Social Intelligence, but when people cross paths with me I'll cut them to ribbons. 16:18 < DaemonFC[m]> Because I will say or do anything that will get me out of a bind. 16:19 < DaemonFC[m]> I turned two years in prison into bad credit for a little while, kind of. 16:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump isn't that much different than I am except that he is not nearly as smart. 16:20 < DaemonFC[m]> If someone handed me millions of dollars and gave me decades to do what I wanted to with it, I would be incredibly wealthy right now. 16:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139344 [https://pleroma.site/objects/b26230e9-a6b3-4dfe-895d-d849e578c7b6] 16:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Perhaps, even the president. 16:21 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: It's a vicious world. As Londo Mollari once said in B5, when asked why he did some things. 16:21 < DaemonFC[m]> "Because, sooner or later, you would have done it to me." 16:22 < DaemonFC[m]> At some point, with that stupid car out there somewhere, John would stumble over financially and the finance company would go back to pursuing me about it while he ended up filing bankruptcy. 16:22 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Relive the NeXTSTEP Operating System with Window Maker http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139345 [https://pleroma.site/objects/2a4b0194-ef41-4705-aacb-63e44ac0a221] 16:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I'd have a bankruptcy and a repo on my credit, and that's worse. 16:23 < DaemonFC[m]> Now he'll have to figure out just the right way to lose the car, or that will be him. 16:23 < DaemonFC[m]> He's not as smart as me though. 16:24 < DaemonFC[m]> So this was just the least shitty opportunity to hit the Self Destruct that I was going to get. 16:25 < DaemonFC[m]> If you lose a car outside of a bankruptcy to a repo, the repo survives on your credit as well as the bankruptcy. 16:25 < DaemonFC[m]> They might never be able to get the money from you, but the repo on top does another 100-150 points of damage. 16:26 < DaemonFC[m]> So, MinceR, in Star Trek terminology. Do you want to get hit with one photon torpedo before you can get the shields up, or two? 16:29 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm sure that John will get hit with both barrels before he gets out from under that stupid loan. 16:29 < DaemonFC[m]> What did we learn? 16:29 < DaemonFC[m]> NEVER sign a car loan again. 16:30 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139346 [https://pleroma.site/objects/8c645f83-186e-45a1-a21e-24a87995c4d6] 16:30 < DaemonFC[m]> I was fully expecting to get hit twice because I didn't think John would get the car back. 16:30 < DaemonFC[m]> So ironically he spent a lot of money to bail me out somewhat. 16:30 < DaemonFC[m]> I limped on for several more months and filed bankruptcy. 16:31 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: I quoted The Martian when Mandy asked me what I was going to do. 16:31 < DaemonFC[m]> I said, "I'm going to science the shit of it.". 16:32 < DaemonFC[m]> His sister trying to fuck our immigration case would be the part of the movie where his potatoes blew up. 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm going to have to watch through SG-1 again. 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> O'Neill: "You just interrupted a lovely brunch! What can I do for you?". 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> Ba'al: "Impudence!" 16:34 < DaemonFC[m]> O'Neill: "No....tuna." 16:35 < DaemonFC[m]> The Dad jokes just went on and on. 16:36 <@MinceR> DaemonFC[m]: why would the shields ever not be up? 16:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, usually because they're an enormous drain on the ship and are only raised during combat or when it is anticipated. 16:37 < DaemonFC[m]> The Klingons and Romulans have cloaks. They uncloak and they can immediately fire as soon as the cloak generator turns off. 16:38 < DaemonFC[m]> So it's possible to come under attack suddenly and without realizing it fast enough to immediately raise shields. 16:38 <@MinceR> so usually they just take all the micrometeorites down with the hull? 16:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The plot hole of "Well, what about micro-meteorites and stellar dust? Especially at warp!" was finally closed, in Enterprise, I believe. 16:39 <@MinceR> i'm sure none of it will cause any harm. 16:39 < DaemonFC[m]> The ship has some sort of hull polarization at all times that's enough to deal with that. 16:39 <@MinceR> just get a ship from one of the 'verses where the shield can be up all the time :> 16:39 <@MinceR> in Tyrian, you can take small ships out just by ramming them with the shield 16:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, in Yesterday's Enterprise, the Federation had been at war with the Klingon Empire for over 20 years and the Enterprise D was a "Federation Warship". 16:41 < schestowitz> +29,725 covid19, us 16:41 < DaemonFC[m]> It was explained that most of the ship ran at low power in order to have the shields up all the time. 16:41 < schestowitz> 555 death so far 16:41 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022624 16:41 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- ircz.de | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4386909) 16:41 < schestowitz> might be close to 800 at end 16:42 <@MinceR> https://ircz.de/p/20022624 16:42 < DaemonFC[m]> The Federation was on the losing side of the war. 16:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Starfleet had been keeping it under wraps because they didn't want to admit that the Federation would collapse within months at the rate the war was going. 16:42 < schestowitz> MinceR: same url 16:42 <@MinceR> ah, i only meant to send it once 16:43 < schestowitz> I thought maybe wrong paste the second time 16:43 < schestowitz> clipboard mismanagement 16:43 <@MinceR> i probably forgot that i already sent it 16:43 <@MinceR> while i was reading the text 16:43 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: In war, you generally either want your enemy to operate with no information or with information that confuses them and forces them to make a big mistake. 16:44 <@MinceR> DaemonFC[m]: "THIS IS NOT WAR, THIS IS PEST CONTROL!" 16:45 < DaemonFC[m]> If you can't fight them, you make it appear like you can. If you can ambush them and inflict heavy damage, you make it seem like the place you want them to attack is lightly defended and is, therefore, an irresistible target. 16:46 < DaemonFC[m]> I spent an insane amount of resources making it appear like I could defend myself well, that the jury would be sympathetic to my mental illness and a state of confusion brought about by sleeping pills, etc. 16:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I went on the offensive by using the car as a talking point over lunch with John. 16:47 < DaemonFC[m]> Reminding him if I went to jail I would definitely not be able to pay it. 16:47 < DaemonFC[m]> So he started backpeddling by the time the prosecutor got around to calling him. 16:48 -!- obarun [~obarun@host-115-126-165-174.fibre.nautile.nc] has joined #techrights 16:48 < DaemonFC[m]> So, by the time I signed the plea deal, the prosecutor thought that he was dealing with a hopelessly lost case if it found its way into trial and gave up without demanding very much from me. 16:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Then I defaulted on the car 6 days later and drove it for months while John was screaming at me over my voicemail. 16:48 < DaemonFC[m]> Then had it repossessed on purpose and dropped the insurance and took the license plates too. 16:49 < DaemonFC[m]> Then a few months after he paid thousands just to get it out of repo and to cover me driving it for free while I had the Impala under repair, the Coronavirus struck and put him on unemployment, and he started slipping on the car payments. 16:49 < schestowitz> MinceR: happens to me a lot 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> So I filed bankruptcy and left him holding the bag on that. 16:50 < schestowitz> better to double-paste than to fail to paste altogether 16:50 < schestowitz> 30,031 16:50 < schestowitz> it's a numbers game 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Counter-offensive. 16:50 < schestowitz> soon there will be more us covid10 cases then the difference between voters Clinton got over Trump 16:50 < DaemonFC[m]> He spent all last Summer thumbing his nose at me. 16:50 < schestowitz> covid19 16:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Ended up getting hit much harder than I did. 16:51 < schestowitz> *than 16:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I was in such a good mood after my bankruptcy went through I started up my Donna Summer music and started dancing around the house. 16:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy thought I had lost my mind. 16:51 < DaemonFC[m]> It turned into a big problem for John and a bunch of big banks. 16:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Not really so much a me problem now. 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> I packed that bankruptcy with every cent I've ever owed anyone all the way back to 2001. 16:53 -!- dabblerdude [~dabblerdu@pool-96-234-133-17.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:53 <@MinceR> i doubt it's that much of a problem for the banks 16:53 <@MinceR> it's barely a blip on their radar 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The Coronavirus isn't that bad. 16:53 <@MinceR> and if they're not totally incompetent, they've hedged it 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Individually, sure. 16:53 < DaemonFC[m]> But it comes at a time when the Collapse-o-Virus has everyone else doing it too. 16:54 <@MinceR> you don't get to take credit for all of it :> 16:54 < DaemonFC[m]> The hedge is that the CEO already got his money. Byeeeeee. 16:54 < DaemonFC[m]> You don't get how America works, I guess. 16:54 <@MinceR> that's the CEO's hedge 16:54 <@MinceR> independent from the bank's :> 16:54 < DaemonFC[m]> It's the same thing, really. 16:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Ask Mozilla. 16:55 < DaemonFC[m]> CEOs make more money destroying companies than running them well, so guess what. 16:56 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Walmart in the US was going off the rails and so they had a shareholder revolt and ended up installing the guy that was running their operation in Mexico. 16:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Their shareholders and Board absolutely will punish incompetence before it gets totally out of hand. 16:56 < DaemonFC[m]> Mozilla is totally Mitchell Baker at this point. 16:57 <@MinceR> and if it all collapses on the banks, they'll just get bailed out 16:57 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Banks that get big and keep succeeding tend to diversify where possible, but now everything has gone to shit. 16:57 < DaemonFC[m]> Normally, you hedge by holding assets in multiple markets figuring they won't all get destroyed at once. 16:58 < DaemonFC[m]> Pretty much. 16:58 < DaemonFC[m]> We might get TARP 2.0 right before the election, or immediately after it. 16:58 < DaemonFC[m]> It's coming. They'll just calculate the political fallout before they decide when. 16:59 < schestowitz> sounds like many new jobs in Illinois 16:59 < schestowitz> processing bankrupcy paper 16:59 < schestowitz> hiring now 16:59 < schestowitz> put in your job application 16:59 < schestowitz> get more people on 'the dole' 16:59 < DaemonFC[m]> LMAO 16:59 < schestowitz> can become world leader 16:59 < schestowitz> in the "BANKRUPTCY INDUSTRY"(R) 16:59 < schestowitz> there 17:00 < schestowitz> job creators for you 17:00 < schestowitz> lawyers, federal workers 17:00 < schestowitz> stamping away bankruptcies 17:00 < schestowitz> so many "clients" 17:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Bankruptcy filings as a denial of service attack. 17:00 < schestowitz> I mean, broke families 17:00 < DaemonFC[m]> There's going to be so many that it'll turn the courts into a chop shop for companies that could have turned around. 17:01 < schestowitz> +30,532 17:01 < schestowitz> they add in 20 mins what UK added in a DAY 17:01 < schestowitz> and in the UK we test more per capita than US 17:01 < schestowitz> by about 30,000 more per million 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/pizza-hut-wendys-franchisee-expected-to-file-for-bankruptcy 17:03 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.foxbusiness.com | Pizza Hut, Wendy's franchisee expected to file for bankruptcy | Fox Business 17:03 < DaemonFC[m]> SPLAT! 17:04 < schestowitz> good 17:06 <@MinceR> so, Taco Bell will win after all? 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Taco Bell and Northern Ireland 17:07 <@MinceR> :> 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Hey, you have to respect the IRA. 17:07 < DaemonFC[m]> Shooting down a very expensive British Army helicopter with a can of Spaghetti-Os.... 17:09 < DaemonFC[m]> The British decided to get out before the IRA discovered what you could do with some PVC, a can of Aqua Net hairspray, and a potato, I guess. 17:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Guns don't kill people! Potato cannons kill people! Blimey! 17:11 < DaemonFC[m]> This spuds for you.... 17:14 <@MinceR> "Guns don't kill people, I do!" 17:17 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: You know things are getting depressing when the animatronic mouse that was at every kids birthday ever ends up in bankruptcy court. 17:19 < DaemonFC[m]> Trevor Noah was laughing because Chuck E. Cheese's attempt at tricking adults to order their pizza on Grubhub as "Pasqualy's Pizza & Wings" was found out quickly. 17:19 < schestowitz> MinceR: doodoo 17:19 < schestowitz> +32,769 17:19 < schestowitz> US does in 2 hours or so what EU does in a whole day 17:19 < schestowitz> "Stop touching everything!" 17:20 < schestowitz> "wear a f-ing mask!" 17:20 < schestowitz> 1,457,599 active cases 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: No, I want it to get higher. 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The more the better. 17:20 < DaemonFC[m]> Everyone will get it eventually anyway. 17:21 < DaemonFC[m]> We have so many anti-vaccine cranks in the US that Fauci was saying the vaccine would never get us to herd immunity. 17:21 <@MinceR> schestowitz: voodoo 17:21 < schestowitz> At 1,457,599 active cases, US will soon have more #covid19 patients than prisoners (which says a lot considering how many US citizens are incarcerated) 17:21 < DaemonFC[m]> I want to go outside. Also, if it continues to erode Trump's base and ruin the economy, good. 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> There is no "economy" for most people to enjoy anymore. You do labor and it all gets lost with your employer and the landlord and you don't get to have anything. 17:22 < DaemonFC[m]> That's how most people live. 17:22 < schestowitz> well, it's getting more risky to leave now 17:22 < schestowitz> esp. in some states 17:22 < schestowitz> as the ratio of infected balloons 17:22 < schestowitz> every state can wind up like NYS with mass graves 17:22 < schestowitz> because we still don't have any cures for it 17:22 < schestowitz> and ventilators were hoarded 17:23 < schestowitz> (I don't trust # of deaths BTW) 17:23 < schestowitz> leave that to historians 17:23 < schestowitz> they can study the patterns, then extrapolate based on contents of death certificates 17:23 < schestowitz> going backwards 17:23 < schestowitz> ocr may do 17:24 < DaemonFC[m]> The older folks have internalized their own guilt. 17:25 < DaemonFC[m]> They know they've treated younger generations badly and now they're being proactively defensive in blaming young people for carelessly spreading the virus. 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> That's what comes from constant paranoia. 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> They're assuming that young people are so angry at living in poverty for so long that they no longer care what happens to older people. 17:26 < DaemonFC[m]> There's some truth to that. 17:36 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Sans Investigative Forensics Toolkit (SIFT) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139347 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9a4b7190-af45-4147-b625-5b2745d9da54] 17:39 -!- phebus [~phebus@fsf/member/phebus] has quit [Quit: POKE 1,0] 17:40 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Meet UbuntuEd 20.04, an Educational Ubuntu Flavor for Kids, Schools and Universities http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139348 [https://pleroma.site/objects/1b014c4f-7e73-434d-886c-9979fdd763a3] 17:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: today’s howtos http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139349 #howto #gnu #linux #unix [https://pleroma.site/objects/98ac2852-e276-4310-a798-273ff8bdd93f] 17:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux Foundation Latest News http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139350 [https://pleroma.site/objects/d55d32cd-a08d-40bd-9c13-8d897c903c91] 17:47 -!- phebus [~phebus@fsf/member/phebus] has joined #techrights 17:54 < schestowitz> +34,732 17:54 < schestowitz> over 600 deaths 17:54 < schestowitz> 1200+ dead in brazil 17:54 < schestowitz> almost 60k total 17:55 -!- Acid190 [~none@unaffiliated/acid190] has joined #techrights 17:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Mozilla: Firefox 78.0, Nightly, OTF’s Demise and Mozilla Localization (L10N) http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139351 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9cc43b1d-6aa0-4f26-b2af-3cf41fdc53b4] 18:02 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Graphics: Khronos, AMD, Nir and Monado http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139352 [https://pleroma.site/objects/6e03920b-b708-4663-82d4-db51eb749fcb] 18:10 < schestowitz> +36,545 18:10 < schestowitz> it'll be over 40k again for sure 18:14 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Tails 4.8 is out http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139353 [https://pleroma.site/objects/5682ed02-d671-4819-9d7d-78980492fd03] 18:14 < DaemonFC[m]> Oh well. 18:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Arc Menu 47 Released with New Layout, Other Improvements http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139354 [https://pleroma.site/objects/ff54e1bb-2882-4f1d-a5e7-21ab6a470e0e] 18:20 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #ToDo App With Built In Timer “Go For It!” Updated With #Pomodoro Timer, Configurable Shortcuts http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139355 #deletegithub [https://pleroma.site/objects/bdac0fbc-85d4-4cdc-8edd-e378fe4f74e4] 18:33 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYoBrhlTX1Q 18:33 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- YouTube 18:34 < DaemonFC[m]> I have to take a sin away for the Compiz Desktop Cube. 18:38 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:45 -!- insmodppa [~insmod@unaffiliated/insmodppa] has joined #techrights 18:53 < DaemonFC[m]> The Everything Wrong With series goes too far sometimes. Why would the T-1000 throw the T-800 through a window and then walk away? 18:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Uhm, because the primary target was fleeing and it didn't have time to continue the fight with the T-800. Plus, it was a superior model, so even if the T-800 caught up to it, it could just destroy it later. (In fact, it nearly did later.) 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> I always thought that the biggest Cinema Sin with T-2 was the fact that they just happen to be fleeing in terror from the T-1000 and happen to come across a truck carrying liquid nitrogen to freeze it with and then an ironworks with a smelting vat to melt it. 18:56 -!- AVRS [~AVRS@wikimedia/AVRS] has joined #techrights 18:56 < DaemonFC[m]> It's an action movie. Don't think about it. B-) 18:56 -!- Acid190 [~none@unaffiliated/acid190] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:02 < DaemonFC[m]> He dings the movie for the T-1000 becoming "the floor" after the T-800 says "Only an object of approximately equal size.". The obvious answer is that it could spread itself thinly enough to blend in with the floor and get a sample of the security guard (its victim), but that it could not become a "pack of cigarettes" because it was such a small object that it couldn't pack the entire mass of the T-1000 into that form. 19:02 < DaemonFC[m]> Although, in TSCC, Catherine Weaver (a T-1001) was able to break off a piece of itself to put it in a fish tank as an eel. 19:04 < DaemonFC[m]> Although, in TSCC, the T-1001 shows off its abilities when it quickly picks off dozens of heavily armed guards much faster than the T-1000 could with crude stabbing weapons. 19:05 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 19:05 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Incremental upgrades ftw! 19:06 < DaemonFC[m]> If we consider all of the movies and the TV show to be valid through the use of alternate timelines, it appears that the best models are refined versions of something we had seen in a previous movie. 19:06 < DaemonFC[m]> The T-850 and the T-1001. 19:07 < DaemonFC[m]> I keep telling people, WAIT FOR THE SERVICE PACK! Nobody listens. :) 19:09 <@MinceR> ew, "service pack" 19:12 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/78.0/releasenotes/ 19:12 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.mozilla.org | Firefox 78.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes 19:12 < DaemonFC[m]> This is like the 4th release in a row where nothing really notable happened. 19:12 < AVRS> today it's good when nothing happens 19:13 < AVRS> (introduction of compatibility restrictions is not nothing) 19:14 <@MinceR> "nothing" is the best thing mozilla is capable of doing lately 19:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The new ExFAT driver looks like maybe 3,000+ less lines of code. 19:20 < DaemonFC[m]> The old one was like almost 9,000 lines and it contained (among other things) functions that were defined but then never used anywhere. 19:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Laundry list of problems that Greg KH noted. 19:21 < DaemonFC[m]> Shouldn't have ever been in Staging.... It was too much of a mess for Staging. 19:22 < DaemonFC[m]> Are they really that desperate to say the kernel supports ExFat that they put that piece of shit in for one cycle on the way to a much cleaner driver? 19:22 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd be too afraid to even mount a file system with that. 19:26 < DaemonFC[m]> "kmod(exfat.ko)" 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, the new ExFAT driver is in Fedora 32 in the kernel-core image of Linux 5.7.6. 19:27 < DaemonFC[m]> They did not build the old staging driver. 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> The file system itself isn't well designed, but the comments on the code quality of the last one were funny. 19:29 < DaemonFC[m]> "How did this ever work?" 19:30 < DaemonFC[m]> Enough to stick it in Android and call it a day, I guess. 19:36 <@MinceR> they'll merge all sorts of shit now that they have Linus out of the way 19:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Samsung is listed as the maintainer of this new driver. Nobody else. 19:38 < DaemonFC[m]> Microsoft obviously wants ExFAT in Linux for whatever reason. 19:38 < DaemonFC[m]> It's like 15 years old now. Something like that. 19:38 < DaemonFC[m]> The patents will expire soon anyway. 19:39 <@MinceR> they'll try to milk that little time for all it's worth anyway 19:39 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Of course, patents don't mean it's doing something clever. It just means it's doing something in a way that probably didn't have prior art. 19:39 <@MinceR> even that is not probable anymore 19:39 < DaemonFC[m]> MP3 patents were mostly a patent on doing something in a way that was stupid and then patenting it so that nobody could implement MP3 without paying. 19:41 < DaemonFC[m]> MinceR: Yeah, I'm really surprised that there's an open source xHE-AAC encoder now. Those patents will be running through 2036 and I can't name a single reason why anyone would use it or want to. 19:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Much less enough for someone to decide to make an open source implementation. 19:41 <@MinceR> "open source" is now someone's method of luring people into the patent trap 19:42 <@MinceR> just as it was with mono 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, you can use the program, but it doesn't give you a patent license. 19:42 <@MinceR> and html5 19:42 < DaemonFC[m]> So as soon as you do, you're in trouble. 19:50 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: 45,000 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> I think it's pretty bad that we're down to the "Bullshit number" being 200,000 dead by October 1st. 19:51 < DaemonFC[m]> Seeing as it's like 130,100 right now. 19:52 -!- michaelis [~michaelis@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> My guess is 250,000 by October would be closer to what's going to happen. 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> Who knows? 19:52 < DaemonFC[m]> I'd say 250,000 is closer. 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Trump managed to turn the US into a leper colony where everyone else, including shit ass Mexico, is closing the borders to keep us out. 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> For years and years they were telling their citizens how to sneak into the US and avoid getting caught and stuff. 19:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Now they want the border shut. 20:18 -!- mmu_man [~revol@vaf26-2-82-244-111-82.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 20:48 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/30/us-buys-up-world-stock-of-key-covid-19-drug 21:01 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- www.theguardian.com | US buys up world stock of key Covid-19 drug remdesivir | US news | The Guardian 21:01 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: Money talks. 21:04 -!- GNUmoon [~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon] has joined #techrights 21:05 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:06 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> 250,000 new cases in the past 5 days. 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Fauci says "We don't _totally_ have it under control. 21:12 < DaemonFC[m]> Someone said I had a cruel sense of humor. 21:14 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:15 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> I'll have to remember that one if I ever get into court again. 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> "How do you plead?" 21:16 < DaemonFC[m]> Well, I didn't totally not do it, your honor. 21:34 < DaemonFC[m]> It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that it'll end up back in the midwest in a big way in a week or two maybe. 21:44 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:45 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> --- 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> The UK has always upheld patents, backing the argument of pharma companies that they need their 20-year monopoly to recoup the money they put into research and development. But other countries have shown an interest in compulsory licensing. “It is a question of what countries are prepared to do if this becomes a problem,” said Hill. 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> --- 21:45 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, choose. Your corporate overlords or riots in the streets because you're killing your own people to "uphold patents". 22:26 < Digit> n yet the most emancipatory technologies have their patents secreted 22:29 -!- acer-box____ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 22:29 -!- acer-box__ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:29 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:29 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:30 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 22:30 -!- schestowitz_log [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:34 -!- schestowitz_log [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 22:34 -!- schestowitz_log [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 22:34 -!- schestowitz_log [~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 22:35 -!- rianne [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 22:44 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Cropping With GIMP http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139357 [https://pleroma.site/objects/9239bf90-c6a3-48bc-bafc-5d6db75e5c58] 22:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #ZorinOS Privacy Pack http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139356 [https://pleroma.site/objects/f4f77c01-77f6-4cb3-a021-fcad269ca351] 22:47 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Manjaro Linux 32-bit is dead http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139358 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4990b7be-431c-47d6-9669-78a982cfbc61] 22:51 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Review: System76’s Lemur Pro http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139359 [https://pleroma.site/objects/eb8a19b2-cfcb-4227-ba79-ef9dec061063] 22:55 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Compact embedded system showcases 5-core HiSilicon HI3559A http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139360 [https://pleroma.site/objects/e1fe1444-5e71-4b59-a0c2-890db42c47e3] 22:57 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139361 #linux #google [https://pleroma.site/objects/4f9eb5af-10eb-4405-af13-7bae8b6ea762] 22:59 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: so the fight to contain this this in trumpland seems to be over... with a surrender 23:00 < schestowitz> too many cases now, even active ones 23:00 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, it's an avalanche. 23:00 < schestowitz> like 1.4 millions... may need to buy a lot of bed... from whichever country makes them 23:00 < DaemonFC[m]> All you can do is try to not be there. 23:00 < schestowitz> hospital beds 23:00 < schestowitz> because it doesn't spread linearly 23:00 < schestowitz> quadratic 23:00 < schestowitz> and you need to house patients somewhere 23:00 < schestowitz> I think FL is already over capacity 23:01 < schestowitz> may spill over patients to other states 23:01 < schestowitz> before it's another NYS/NYC 23:01 < schestowitz> 40k+ deaths 23:01 < schestowitz> the idea is, you shut the border 23:02 < schestowitz> seal the thing 23:02 < schestowitz> when Trump ACTUALLY had to do this, he failed 23:02 < schestowitz> instead mocking the masks 23:02 < schestowitz> so spreading it internally, domestically 23:02 < schestowitz> "BUT THE MEXICANS!!!!" 23:02 < schestowitz> Mexican immigrants or southern border 'infiltrators' did not kill 130k USians 23:03 < schestowitz> +46,042 new cases 23:03 < schestowitz> yesterday alone 23:03 < schestowitz> in the UK we got that many in over a month 23:03 < schestowitz> so they're registered and tracked, to avoid further spread 23:04 < schestowitz> Spain reported 9 deaths yesterday 23:04 < schestowitz> 301 new cases 23:04 < schestowitz> only 617 still in serious conditions 23:04 < schestowitz> after 296k known cases 23:04 < schestowitz> so they're sort of finishing the thing 23:04 < schestowitz> 5.4 ml tests later 23:05 < schestowitz> in India it's now spreading faster, but it's hard to socially distance there... people live in high-density areas 23:07 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 23:07 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 23:08 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: rianne read on BBC (Gates-funded) that... 23:08 < schestowitz> Fauci says real rate of infection is 100k per day 23:08 < schestowitz> some people say he's a puppet for Gates 23:08 < schestowitz> but all I saw is a photo op with Bill's dad, Bill/William 23:09 < schestowitz> which wasn't enough to show him as a puppet 23:09 < schestowitz> albeit maybe his institution's funding comes from the fake charity 23:10 < DaemonFC[m]> schestowitz: The fucktards are going to be the ones that pay for that. 23:10 < DaemonFC[m]> Believing the anti-mask bullshit. 23:11 < DaemonFC[m]> It's getting the worst in all the places that supported Trump. 23:11 < DaemonFC[m]> Notice that? 23:11 < DaemonFC[m]> More Trump voters, the worse it gets. 23:11 < DaemonFC[m]> New York got attention because it's big. 23:12 < DaemonFC[m]> All these little nowhere places that are getting hit worse, per capita, are being ignored. 23:21 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:21 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 23:31 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: @adcock You're trying HTTPS [https://pleroma.site/objects/1a466aa2-cc14-4506-a9fe-97c89bc6810a] 23:35 < schestowitz> DaemonFC[m]: how do they count deaths? 23:35 < schestowitz> iirc, they try in the nazi regime (aka Trump House) to get cdc to alter the stats 23:35 < schestowitz> not sure how, I forgot the details 23:36 < schestowitz> but basically, they were trying to lowball the numbers 23:36 < schestowitz> something which afaik we don't do in the uk 23:36 < schestowitz> any death with covid somewhere in the death cert gets counted as such 23:36 < schestowitz> hence the high numbers here and in belgium 23:36 < schestowitz> it's bad for tourism 23:37 < schestowitz> but it can give you insight into what really goes on, why people are in hospital in the first place 23:37 < DaemonFC[m]> The CDC data lags. At one point, the far right conspiracy was only 4,000 had died, and that was the first week of May. 23:37 < DaemonFC[m]> Now the CDC has tallied 58,000. 23:37 < DaemonFC[m]> So they're quoting that. 23:37 < schestowitz> see case/death ratio 23:37 < schestowitz> compare to other countries 23:38 < schestowitz> in china it's about 1:20 23:38 < schestowitz> some countries 1:100 23:38 < schestowitz> which imho means they fake it 23:39 < DaemonFC[m]> It's 1 in 10 so far here, roughly. 23:39 < DaemonFC[m]> It's been falling gradually as people recover. 23:39 < DaemonFC[m]> We'll plateau eventually and get something closer to the final figures. 23:39 < DaemonFC[m]> I'm guessing 5-6% which is what I said in March. 23:39 < schestowitz> people who did not recover yet don't count 23:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Right. 23:40 < schestowitz> so, 5 million cases, finished, would be half a million dead at most 23:40 < schestowitz> 50 million cases, up to 5 million deaths 23:40 < DaemonFC[m]> The 10% figure is with like 1.25 million cases with a resolution, so little higher than 10%. 23:40 < schestowitz> 330 million, you get the picture 23:40 < DaemonFC[m]> Yeah, but some people don't. 23:41 < schestowitz> it started as a small thing in seattle area 23:41 < schestowitz> with about 20-30 us deaths 23:41 < DaemonFC[m]> Mandy asked why we couldn't just drive into Wisconsin and go out to eat for our anniversary. 23:42 < DaemonFC[m]> I gave up and shaved my head. 23:42 < DaemonFC[m]> I don't really want to go in to get a hair cut right now and if people knew what was really going on, they wouldn't either. 23:43 < DaemonFC[m]> The people in Congress are all smarter than Trump. 23:43 < DaemonFC[m]> Even the Republicans have cut the crap and started wearing masks and such. 23:44 < DaemonFC[m]> By setting a poor example that only his voters are going to go along with, it ensures that a disproportional number of his own voters are going to die. Especially since it's mostly killing old people in the first place. 23:44 < schestowitz> maybe Trump will get it soon or already had it and hid it 23:44 < DaemonFC[m]> He's just stacking the death toll even more with his own voters. 23:44 < schestowitz> they washed him down with chlorine :-) 23:45 < DaemonFC[m]> I can't imagine how he would stay out of the hospital. 23:45 < schestowitz> maybe near election time 'liberal' press will stun him with some real numbers re how many people his policies killed 23:45 < DaemonFC[m]> He's old, fat, and male. Kinda hard not to have visible symptoms. 23:45 < schestowitz> and then he's sue and fume 23:45 < schestowitz> he'd 23:46 < DaemonFC[m]> It's beginning to look a lot like fuck this if you ask me. 23:46 < DaemonFC[m]> Anyone.....dumb enough.....to listen to him, gets what they get. 23:46 < DaemonFC[m]> If that sounds mean, I really don't care. 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> I think we'll probably see another bad month or two and then be over the hump. It's gotta run out of people to infect at some point, for the most part, enough to start slowing it down. 23:53 < DaemonFC[m]> Look at New York. They got hit hard and lost about 0.2% of the entire state population, but it's slowed way down since then. 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> I think we're going to lose at least half a million in the US by next March. 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> Probably more than that. 23:54 < DaemonFC[m]> It's something that the Germans admitted to the public. How bad it could get. 23:58 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 23:58 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights --- Day changed Wed Jul 01 2020 00:21 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:21 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:28 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Ex-Solus Dev is Now Creating a Truly Modern Linux Distribution http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139362 [https://pleroma.site/objects/01befcb3-2669-4e00-a3fb-596356f459f8] 00:36 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/gibikha/status/1277897053910286337 00:36 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @gibikha: @tuxmachines I recommend => https://t.co/KsHgzrc2mu 00:38 < schestowitz> https://twitter.com/LinspireLinux/status/1275554850848362504 00:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @LinspireLinux: Starting with Linspire 9.0 in August we will no longer ship SNAP with Linspire going forward. SNAPD will be replac… https://t.co/zl836yaxfB 00:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @LinspireLinux: Starting with Linspire 9.0 in August we will no longer ship SNAP with Linspire going forward. SNAPD will be replac… https://t.co/zl836yaxfB 00:38 < schestowitz> " 00:38 < schestowitz>  00:38 < schestowitz> Linspire 00:38 < schestowitz> @LinspireLinux 00:38 < schestowitz> · 00:38 < schestowitz> Jun 23 00:38 < schestowitz> Starting with Linspire 9.0 in August we will no longer ship SNAP with Linspire going forward. SNAPD will be replaced with FLATPAK. 00:38 < schestowitz> @linuxdotcom 00:38 < schestowitz> 00:38 < schestowitz> @tuxmachines 00:38 < schestowitz> 00:38 < schestowitz> @DistroWatch 00:38 < schestowitz> 00:38 < schestowitz> @linuxjournal 00:38 < schestowitz> 00:38 < schestowitz> @lxer 00:38 < schestowitz> 00:38 < schestowitz> @Softpedia 00:38 < schestowitz> 00:38 < schestowitz> #Linspire #Freespire #Linux #opensource #unix #debian #ubuntu #freesoftware 00:38 < schestowitz> "\https://twitter.com/hanscees/status/1274263342450905088 00:38 -TechrightsBot-tr:#techrights- @hanscees: @tuxmachines microkernel design apparently 00:51 -!- acer-box____ [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Quit: Konversation term] 00:51 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 00:52 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 00:52 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 01:05 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Games Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139363 [https://pleroma.site/objects/140b8dd2-a705-4501-9661-d61ed0a0f9a0] 01:09 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Linux-Friendly Devices http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139364 #linux [https://pleroma.site/objects/d4f465a8-f8e0-47df-92bb-46e7e61e5699] 01:15 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Introducing dns-tor-proxy, a new way to do all of your DNS calls over Tor http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139365 [https://pleroma.site/objects/7a6efd5c-fe92-4e3d-901a-5b3f742d67c7] 01:17 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Python Programming http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139366 [https://pleroma.site/objects/4d3757db-798e-4133-b1e9-b0dab7ae055d] 01:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Debian: Sparky, TeX Live and Development Reports http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139367 [https://pleroma.site/objects/067c84ff-5910-4953-af3e-78e1618cdc46] 01:41 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: KDE and GNOME: Plasma 5.19 in Groovy Gorilla, GSo and Fractal http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139368 [https://pleroma.site/objects/3835cac5-e143-4643-8ad1-26d00dd84dbf] 01:42 -!- aindilis [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:44 -!- aindilis` [~aindilis@172-12-3-117.lightspeed.sgnwmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #techrights 01:55 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has quit [Quit: Konversation term] 01:55 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 02:03 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:03 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 02:04 -!- rianne_ [~rianne@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:05 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has joined #techrights 02:05 -!- liberty_box [~liberty@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:06 -!- factor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:11 -!- CrystalMath [~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash] has quit [Quit: Support Richard Stallman and other victims of cancel culture! | https://sterling-archermedes.github.io/] 02:13 -!- libertybox [~schestowi@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:13 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #techrights 02:13 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@host81-152-237-200.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Changing host] 02:13 -!- acer-box [~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz] has joined #techrights 02:22 -!- icarusfactor [~factor@47-217-123-141.mskgcmta02.res.dyn.suddenlink.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:23 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139369 [https://pleroma.site/objects/312b9c8f-deb3-41d4-9ffa-d0b8a2e2547b] 02:46 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: UbuntuEd 20.04: A New Educational Linux Distribution For All Students http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139348#comment-25636 [https://pleroma.site/objects/cf20cb60-209f-4507-92ab-11f2c1866252] 02:52 -viera:#techrights- Tux Machines: Storage Instantiation Daemon in Fedora, IBM/Spark and Talospace Project/POWER http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/139370 [https://pleroma.site/objects/25d4f637-b3ac-4ce4-94df-4d9abf415da2] 03:15 -!- GNUmoon [~GNU