various kinds of mind states ---------------------------- Dreaming (not a phenomenal experience) Daydreaming (mind starts to wander) Flow state (that feeling of being totally absorbed in an activity) Mindfulness (that zen-like state of awareness) Creativity (the mental state of coming up with new ideas) Problem-solving (the cognitive process of finding solutions to challenges) Memory recall (the ability to retrieve information from the past) Decision-making (the process of choosing between options) restating the conceptions in a more clinical way: Perceptual state (processing sensory information) Cognitive control state (regulating attention and decision-making) Memory state (storing and retrieving information) Emotional state (processing and expressing emotions) Social state (interacting with others) Metacognitive state (awareness of one's own thinking) mental states can be factive or non-factive additional factors: chemical imbalances, disorders, hallucinations questions: How do moods affect the mind state?