fat16 has a 2 gigabtye partition size limit The original BIOS used on the PC could access hard disk drives only up to 7.84 GB ATA interface uses a 28-bit variable to address sectors under LBA mode, creating a 128 GB (or 137 GB if you use the wrong definition of gigabyte) limit (2^28 x 512 bytes). check /mnt/f/CODE 2011 era /mnt/e/downloads/award-bios/ 1999 era /mnt/e/downloads/bios-8088 1987 era /mnt/f/masm MASM611 to assemble award-bios some parts are Masm 5.10 DMIFUNC.ASM Intel/i810 check *.BIN files PPPBIOS.PDF for pentium pro bios guidelines coreboot.rom 256k build for gigabyte