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This makes you feel great!Ooph! This tastes like liquid fire!bottle of whiskeyYou pass out.You awake with a headache.Gee! All of a sudden, you can't see yourself.You feel rather airy.This tastes like fruit juice.You begin to feel better.Your feet are froz((en to the floor!You sense the presence of monsters.You sense the presence of objects close nearby.You sense the presence of objects.Yech! This stuff tastes like poison.(But in fact it was biologically contaminated orange juice.)poison potionHuh, What? Where am I?Wow do you feel strong!Your legs feel somewhat better.Your leg feels somewhat better.You are suddenly moving much faster.Your legs get new energy.A cloud of darkness falls upon you.You feel much better.What a funny potion! (%d)You have a peculiar feeling for a moment, then it passes.You feel more experienced.Welcome to level %d.You have a strange feeling for a moment, then it passes.0$#dropYou didn't drop any gold pieces.You dropped %u gold piece%s.You cannot drop something you are wearing.Your weapon is welded to your hand!You dropped %s.dropUnknown command '%s'more/usr/games/lib/hack/helpHOMESHELLplayer/bin/shshsh: cannot execute.Fork failed. Try again.You can't go down here.You are being held, and cannot go down.You're floating high above the stairs.You can't go up here.You are being held, and cannot go up.Your load is too heavy to climb the stairs.escapedA mysterious force prevents you from going %d.updownWith great effort you climb the stairsYou fall down the stairs.fall... and are hit by the iron balliron ballFalling, youThe iron ball falls on your head.iron ballFalling, you#)throwYou can't throw something you are wearingYour weapon is welded to your handiron ballYou miss %s.You miss it.%s is not interested in your junk.%s graciously accepts your gift.The ball pulls you out of the pit!The ball pulls you out of the bear trap.Your %s leg is severely damaged.leftrightthrown ballWhat direction?(For instructions type a ?)Use [hjkl] to move the cursor to %s.Type a . when you are at the right place.unknown direction: '%s' (%s)use hjkl or .abortedthe monster you want to nameThis ugly monster is called %s and cannot be renamed.There is no monster there.I see no monster there.I cannot see a monster there.What do you want to call %s? What do you want to name %s? Do_oname: cannot find obj.Do you want to name an individual object? [yn] #name?!=/callCall %s %s: ana%s's ghostthe %s%sinvisible called the the %s %sThe You were wearing %s.Not wearing any armor.[take offYou can't take that off.Not wearing any ring.What ring, Right or Left? You can't. It appears to be cursed.You finished taking off your helmet.You finished taking off your glovesYou finished taking off your suit.[wearYou are already wearing that!You are already wearing a helmet.You are already wearing a shield.You cannot wear a shield and wield a two-handed sword.You are already wearing gloves.You cannot wear gloves over your weapon.You are already wearing some armor.You finished your dressing manoeuvre.There are no more ring-fingers to fill.=wearYou are already wearing that!You are already wearing that.What ring-finger, Right or Left? Strange... I didnt know you had that ring.Your %s off your fingers.rings slipring slipsYour weapon %sslips from your hands.also Your %s not affected!areYour %s!corrodehdsdwd%s is confused from hungerYou feel worried about your %s.%s dies from hungerYou have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes0_%s ate %s.%s devours the %s.little dogdoglarge dogADKSVabhks4=FOXa(<'KEating salmon made your fingers very slippery.It contains spinach - this makes you feel like Popeye!%eatUsing your %s you try to open the tinIt is not so easy to open this tin.The tin slips out of your hands.You give up your attempt to open the tin.You succeed in opening the tin.Blecch! Rotten food!You feel rather light headed.Everything suddenly goes dark.The world spins and you slap against the floor.The world spins and goes dark.You are conscious again.You choke over your food.You die...chokedThat food really hit the spot!That satiated your stomach!You're having a hard time getting all that food down.You finished your meal.Yak - dog food!You vomit.That %s tasted terrible!That %s was delicious!This cookie has a scrap of paper inside!What a pity, that you cannot read it!You finished eating the %s.You only feel hungry now.You feel weak now.You are beginning to feel hungry.You are beginning to feel weak.You faint from lack of food.You die from starvation.starvedUlch -- that meat was tainted!You get very sick.Ecch -- that must have been poisonous!poisonous corpseYou don't seem affected by the poison.ELNOPQRUuxzYou feel sick.cadaverYou cannibal! You will be sorry for this!You turn to stone.dead cockatricediedYou cannot resist the temptation to mimic a treasure chest.You now again prefer mimicking a human.Satiated Hungry Weak FaintingIt contains first quality peaches - what a surprise!It contains salmon - not bad!It contains apple juice - perhaps not what you hoped for.It contains some nondescript substance, tasting awfully.It contains rotten meat. You vomit.It turns out to be empty.Really quit?quitYou die ...the ghost of %s%s called %sinvisible %sdiedFor some reason you are still alive.diedquit while already on Charon's boatstarvationcdsGoodbye %s %s... You and %s escaped from the dungeon with %lu points, You escaped from the dungeon with %lu points, %s (worth %d Zorkmids), %s (worth %d Zorkmids), %d worthless piece%s of coloured glass, You %s on dungeon level %d with %lu points, and %lu piece%s of gold, after %lu move%s. ssYou were level %d with a maximum of %d hit points when you %s. recordrCannot open record file!%d %d %d %d %ld %c %[^,],%[^ ]You didn't beat your previous score of %ld points. wCannot write record file You made the top ten list! You reached the %d%s place on the top %d list. %d %d %d %d %ld %c %s,%s Number Points NameHp [max]%3d %6ld %8s -%c escapedescaped the dungeon [max level %d]quitquitchokedchoked in his foodstarvstarved to deathwas killed on%s level %d dungeon [max %d] by %s%sthe an a .- [%d]%dthstndrdrecordrCannot open record file!-sCFKSTWXplayer%d %d %d %d %ld %c %[^,],%[^ ]allCannot find any entries for any of %s%s, . Call is: %s -s [playernames] allSomething is written here in the dust.Something is engraved here on the floor.Some text has been burned here in the floor.Something is written in a very strange way.You read: "%s".#-)/write withYour %s too dull for engraving.areYou wipe out the message that was written here.You cannot wipe out the message that is %s in the rock.burnedengravedWhat do you want to %s on the floor here? engraveburnwriteYou finished writing.Your %s get dull.a an Your %s gets dull.You cannot engrave more.You finished engraving.Error in del_engr?bCDdegIlmnoPSsTUwY~,&Eauy%s %shitsmisses%s %s.You hear some noises%s. in the distance%s is turned to stone!You have a peculiarly sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.%s is killed!You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.%s was hidden under %s!It misses.%s misses.It hits!%s hits!It misses.You are almost hit by %s!You are hit!You are hit by %s!You hit the cockatrice with your bare handsYou turn to stone ...As you hit %s, the boomerang breaks into splinters.OrcristYou succeed in destroying your camera. Congratulations!You hit %s with the cockatrice corpse%s is turned to stone! VWZYour arms are no longer able to hit.You hit it.You hit %s%sYour hands stop glowing blue.%s appears confused.freeinverror in freeobjerror in freegoldtake offwearwieldYou don't have anything %sto %s.else What do you want to %s [*]? What do you want to %s [%s or ?*]? No count allowed with this command.You cannot %s gold.You don't have that object.You don't have that many! [You have %d]That is a silly thing to %s.You have nothing to %s.What kinds of thing do you want to %s? [%s] !%?[()=*/"0You don't have any %c's. (ynaq)? That was all.No applicable objects. %c - %s.Not carrying anything%?!*You are empty handed.You are not wearing any armor.You are not wearing any rings.Save on bad file!cannot write %d bytes to file #%dViTRead %d instead of %d bytes Cannot read %d bytes from file #%d ./mklevmklevwCannot fork! Mklev dumped core. Exiting... Mklev killed by a signal. Exiting... Cannot execl mklev. Mklev failed. Let's try again.Can't open %s!safelock\save/permHACKDIR-dFlag -d must be followed by a directory name.-splaySorry. Player name expected after -u Unknown option: %s wizardplayerMAGICGENOCIDEDRestoring old save file...newsYou die...diedYou hear the wailing of the Banshee...You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn...You can move again.Cannot link safelock. (Try again or rm safelock.)Cannot open %sToo many hacks running now.cannot creat lock file.cannot write lockcannot close lockCannot unlink safelockError: .%d Who are you? End of input Hello %s, welcome to hack! Program in disorder - perhaps you'd better QuitCannot chdir to %s./bin/catmakemon?))[[!!!!????%%%%/=**))[[!!!!????%%%%/=**(/=!?*impossible mkobj&DuxynNFThe trapperThe trapperThe lurker aboveThe lurker aboveYou feel weaker!You hear %s's hissing!You get turned to stone!%s breathes fire!The dragon%s explodes!The freezing sphereYou don't seem affected by it.You get blasted!You duck the blast...You are frozen by %ss juicesthe cube'You are put to sleep by %ss bite!the homunculus'bee's sting%s tries to seduce you, but you seem not interested.plain%s hits! (I hope you don't mind)%s has grabbed you!The owlbearYou are being crushed.The purple wormThe purple wormYour helmet rusts!Your armor rusts!snake's bitescorpion's sting%s pricks in your %s leg!rightleftYou are blinded by a blast of light!TZ_choYour left ring glowsYour right ring glowsBoth your rings glowYour fingertips glow%s %s!%s swallows you!%s digests you!It ((totally digests you!bad monster %c (%d)ViTNLtNLBIuyEaElbereth%s's gaze has confused you!BIyLODODu VWZElberethIt was poisoned.The %s was poisoned!The poison doesn't seem to affect you.You destroy it!You destroy %s!poorYour hands stop glowing blue.AcsSDXaeRTVWU&In:PDeV&PWelcome to level %d.NTVm&Itit%s gets angry!whitepinkredrubypurpleblackB GH J #K*L5r ?aIE VhaieO iyvZ}AfN pQqvbCcgjkS F o "R /s8t >W EwOdYlcMiT ou wY|I U  V X xz :D e ~ n , P & m@  batgnomehobgoblinjackalkoboldleprechaungiant ratacid blobfloating eyehomunculusimporcyellow lightzombiegiant antfog cloudnymphpiercerquasitquivering blobviolet fungigiant beetlecentaurcockatricegelatinous cubejaguarkiller beesnakefreezing sphereowlbearrust monsterscorpiontenguwraithlong wormlarge dogleocrottamimictrollunicornyetistalkerumber hulkvampirexornxanzrutychameleondragonettinlurker abovenursetrapperpurple wormdemonminotaurshopkeeperP\_"dp%2 |%%%(%(%2%%P%2%2%d%P%d%P%(%(%%%2*%6% H% ]% dh%w%(% d% d%(%(%(%%F%%2% d%(%2 %(-% 9%FC%FM%Y%h% z%%%% % d%% %,% %2%F%(%F,%9% dM%\% dp%,{%,% d%2%,% %<X)))))) )  ) )) ) /)6)A) K)Q)U)[)dl(Zt( (((0d_d`d[ [[[ [  [ [ [ 6[D[ P[ W[ fw!~!!!!!!!!!-!8>!CM!Xc!ky!!!!!!???  ?# / ?7 D ?P _ ?m { ?  ?  ?  ?  ?   ?!!?!%!?-!6!?A!O!?Y!a!?l!q!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!/ !!/!!/" "/""/ ","/2"@"/G"V"/]"g"/m"z"/""/""/ ""/""/ ""/""/""/""/"/#/ #/##=$#2#=9#F#=Q#[#=a#o#=u#}#=##=##=##=##=##=#$= $)$=1$:$=?$M$=R$b$=i$t$=|$$=$$=$=$=$$*$$* $$* $$* $$*$$*% %*%%*%$%* +%2%*7%@%*G%M%*XS%X%*&^%e%*u%z%*%%*%%*%%*% &*\\"%)(0_`[!?/=*initialization errorinit-prob error for %cprobtype(%c) error, i=%dstrange objectamulet of Yendorfood rationtripe rationpancakedead lizardfortune cookiecarrottinorangeapplepearmelonbananacandy bareggclove of garlicdead humandead giant antdead giant batdead centaurdead dragondead floating eyedead freezing spheredead gnomedead hobgoblindead stalkerdead jackaldead kobolddead leprechaundead mimicdead nymphdead orcdead purple wormdead quasitdead rust monsterdead snakedead trolldead umber hulkdead vampiredead wraithdead xorndead yetidead zombiedead acid blobdead giant beetledead cockatricedead dogdead ettindead fog clouddead gelatinous cubedead homunculusdead impdead jaguardead killer beedead leocrottadead minotaurdead nursedead owlbeardead piercerdead quivering blobdead giant ratdead giant scorpiondead tengudead unicorndead violet fungidead long wormdead xandead yellow lightdead zrutyarrowsling bulletcrossbow boltdartrockboomerangmaceaxeflaillong swordtwo handed sworddaggerworm toothcrysknifespearbowslingcrossbowwhistlewhistlemagic whistlewhistleexpensive cameraice boxlarge boxheavy iron balliron chainenormous rockhelmetplate mailsplint mailbanded mailchain mailscale mailring mailstudded leather armorleather armorelven cloakshieldpair of glovesrestore strengthorangeboozebubblyinvisibilityglowingfruit juicesmokyhealingpinkparalysispucemonster detectionpurpleobject detectionyellowsicknesswhiteconfusionswirlygain strengthpurple-redspeedrubyblindnessdark greengain levelemeraldextra healingsky bluelevitationbrownbrilliant blueclearmagentaebonyenchant armorZELGO MERdestroy armorJUYED AWK YACCconfuse monsterNR 9scare monsterXIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXAblank paperREAD MEremove cursePRATYAVAYAHenchant weaponDAIYEN FOOELSdamage weaponHACKEM MUCHEcreate monsterLEP GEX VEN ZEAtamingPRIRUTSENIEgenocideELBIB YLOHlightVERR YED HORREteleportationVENZAR BORGAVVEgold detectionTHARRfood detectionYUM YUMidentifyKERNOD WELmagic mappingELAM EBOWamnesiaDUAM XNAHTfireANDOVA BEGARINpunishmentVE FORBRYDERNEVELOX NEBFOOBIE BLETCHTEMOVGARVEN DEHlightiridiumsecret door detectiontincreate monsterplatinumwishingglassstrikingzincslow monsterbalsaspeed monstercopperundead turningsilverpolymorphbrasscancellationmapleteleport monsterpinemake invisiblemarblediggingironmagic missilealuminiumfiresteelsleepcurvedcoldshortdeathlongoakebonyrunedadornmentengagementteleportationwoodenregenerationblack onyxsearchingtopazsee invisiblepearlstealthsapphirelevitationmoonstonepoison resistanceagateaggravate monstertiger eyehungershiningfire resistancegoldcold resistancecopperprotection from shape changersdiamondconflictjadegain strengthrubyincrease damagesilverprotectiongranitewarningwireteleport controlironivoryblackeneddiamondbluerubyredsapphireblueemeraldgreenturquoisegreenaquamarinebluetourmalinegreentopazyellowopalyellowgarnetdarkamethystvioletagategreenonyxwhitejasperyellowish brownjadegreenworthless piece of blue glassblueworthless piece of red glassredworthless piece of yellow glassyellowworthless piece of gr((een glassgreen(((()/=!?*WARNING: prefix too short.%d+%dcheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendorcloves of garlicdead homunculiworm teethcrysknives%sheavy iron ballvery potions called of potionscrolls of called labeled wandwand of %swand called %s%s wandringring of %sring called %s%s ringgem%s gemworthless pieceworthless pieces%s stoneglorkum %c (0%o) %d %desiess named %d a cheap the (being worn) (%d) (on right hand) (on left hand) (weapon in hand) (unpaid)a an an %sa %s%d areissthe an a ) named called labeled s of cookiesyknivesfeboxeshomunculiusteethtoothamulet of yendor mail of stonevery heavy iron ball%?!*)wandringpotionscrollgemWhat option do you want to set? [(!)eo] Unknown option '%s'|@|/-\\-/ Suddenly, the dungeon collapses. ERROR: panicat(%d,%d,%c_%o_)Tmp_at overflow?At gets 0%o at %d %d(%d %d)At gets null at %2d %2d.Level %-2d Gold %-5lu Hp %3d(%d) Ac %-2d Str 18/**18/%02d%-2d Exp %2d/%-5lu ?readBeing blind, you cannot read the formula on the scroll.As you pronounce the formula on it, the scroll disappears.As you read the scroll, it disappears.Being confused, you mispronounce the magic words ... Your %s glows silver for a moment.Your %s glows violently green for a while, then evaporates.Your %s glows green for a moment.Your %s glows purple for a moment.Your armor turns to dust and falls to the floor!Your helmet turns to dust and is blown away!Your gloves vanish!YouYour hands begin to glow purple.Your hands begin to glow blue.You hear sad wailing in the distance.You hear maniacal laughter in the distance.You see strange patterns on this scroll.This scroll seems to be blank.You feel like you need some help.You feel like someone is helping you.Your %s glows silver for a moment.Your %s glows purple for a moment.You have found a scroll of genocide!What monster do you want to genocide (Type the letter)? Such monsters do not exist in this world.Wiped out all %c's.scroll of genocideYou feel very giddy!You notice some gold between your feet.You feel very greedy!You feel very greedy, and sense gold!You smell %s close nearby.somethingfoodYour nose tingles and you smell %s!somethingfoodYou identify this as an identify scroll.This is an identify scroll.identifyOn this scroll %s a map!wasisThinking of Maud you forget everything else.The scroll catches fire and you burn your hands.scroll of fireThe scroll erupts in a tower of flame!You are uninjured.scroll of fireYou feel guilty.You are being punished for your misbehaviour!Your iron ball gets heavier.What weird language is this written in? (%d)It seems even darker in here than before.It suddenly becomes dark in here.%s's stomach is lit.Nothing HappensThe corridor lights up around you, then fades.The light here seems better now.The room is lit.2&2I2m22223-3T3{3333%ld AUkilled by%sthe starvation an a19%2d ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | | | | | | | | | | | 1001 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ This cookie has a scrap of paper inside! It reads: rumorsrBe seeing you ... Cannot open save file. (Continue or Quit)Cannot open temp file %s! Cannot find the iron chain?Cannot find the iron ball?Restobjchn: error reading objchn.Restmonchn: error reading monchn.You find a mimic.You find a%s.That is a%s.I can't see a trap there.=/)%?![::::: ;;;Somehow you escaped the shop without paying!You stole for a total worth of %lu zorkmids.Welcome to David's treasure zoo!Hello %s! Welcome%s to %s's %s shop! againonbill: paid obj on bill?onbill: unpaid obj not on bill?You are not in a shop.There is nobody here to receive your payment.You do not owe %s anything.Moreover, you have no money.But since the shop has been robbed recently,you %srepay %s's expenses.partially But in order to appease %s,angry you give him 1000 gold pieces. you give him all your money.%s calms down.%s is as angry as ever.Thank you for shopping in %s's %s store!Shopkeeper administration out of order.Paid object on bill??You don't have gold enough to pay %s.You bought %s for %ld gold piece%s.sError in shopkeeper administration%s comes and takes all your possessions.%s comes and takes the %ld zorkmids you owed him.You got that for free!Negative quantity on bill??Zero quantity on bill??%s didn't notice._0%s seems not interested.Thank you for your contribution to restock this recently plundered shop.%s gladly accepts %s but cannot pay you at present.You sold %s and got %ld gold piece%s.s Unpaid articles already used up: Bad shopkeeper administration.* - %s %5d zorkmidsStrange ..., carrying a chain?sengagement ringwalking caneantique weapondelicatessensecond hand bookliquorused armorassorted antiquesCannot get status of %s.Cannot get status?Saved level is out of date.%s quickly snatches some gold from between your feet!Your purse feels lighter.%s steals %s!Somebody tries to rob you, but finds nothing to steal.%s tries to rob you, but she finds nothing to steal!Steal fails!%s seduces you and %s off your %s.gentlebeautifulhelps you to takeyou start takinggloveshelmetarmorHow come you are carrying that chain?%s stole %s.SheTERMCan't get TERM.Unknown terminal type: %s.pcbcbsTerminal must backspace.hocoliScreen must be at least %d by %d!clcenduposHack needs CL, CE, UP, ND, and no OS.cmUse of hack on terminals without CM is suspect... xdsoseTERMCAP entry too big... Tries to cmov from %d %d to %d %d 40You die because of food poisoningdiedYou feel yourself slowing downYou feel less confused nowYou can see againYou are no longer invisible.--More--You aeiouCCCCCDD)D2DYou escape a%s.A cloud of gas puts you to sleep!You float over a bear trap.A bear trap closes on your foot!A piercer suddenly drops from the ceiling!Its blow glances off your helmet.falling piercerAn arrow shoots out at you!arrowA trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock falls on your head!Fortunately, you are wearing a helmet!falling rockA trap door opens up under you!For some reason you don't fall in.A little dart shoots out at you!little dartdartpoison dartA pit opens up under you!You don't fall in!You fall into a pit!fall into a pitFalling, youYou hit a trap of type %d%s is caught in a bear trap!You hear the roaring of an angry bear!Eyw%s falls in a pit!%s suddenly falls asleep!%s suddenly disappears!%s is hit by an arrow!%s is hit by a dart!A trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock hits %s!Suddenly, %s disappears out of sight.Some monster encountered an impossible trap.%s touch the dead cockatrice.You turn to stone.diedYou float up, out of the pit!You float up, only your leg is still stuck.You start to float in the air!You float gently to the ground.To what position do you want to be teleported?the desired positionSorry ...Where are your chain and ball?? bear trapn arrow trap dart trap trapdoor teleportation trap pit sleeping gas trap piercer mimicCannot change ttyCannot change tty  Hit %s to continue: spacereturnEnd of input? End of input? End of input? L)AU)AF)Yg[AP)Ae[AO)AT)Ae[A_[Ai[Aj[Af[A!%C[(%Jy!Z(AI)Yh[A/=!? Tell me what kind of character you are: Are you a Tourist, a Speleologist, a Fighter, a Knight, a Cave-man or a Wizard? [TSFKCW] End of input? TSFKCWtsfkcwAnswer with T,S,F,K,C or W. What are you? Cave-manTouristWizardSpeleologistKnightFighterINVENTTSFKCWtsfkcwdG@  @Suddenly one of the Vault's guards enters!"Hello stranger, who are you?" - "I don't know you.""Please follow me.""Most likely all that gold was stolen from this vault.""Please drop your gold (say d$ ) and follow me."Where is the guard?fakecorr overflowguardSpecify what? One character please.datarCannot open data file!Unknown symbol.More info? #-)wieldYou are already wielding that!The %s welded to your hand!areYou are already empty handed.You are empty handed.You cannot wield a two-handed sword and wear a shield.You cannot wield that!The %s itself to your hand!weldYour %s not affected.areYour %s!corrodeblackgreenYour weapon seems sharper now.Your weapon looks duller now.Your %s violently green for a while and then evaporates.glowmomentwhileYour %s %s for a %s.glowworm_nomove?wormsee: wtmp==0You cut the worm in half.You cut off part of the worm's tail.Cannot find worm segment Setworn: mask = %d.Setworn: uarm2 set?LLLLL/zapNothing HappensYou wrest one more spell from the worn-out wand.wandwandWVZ&What an interesting wand (%d)Unfortunately, nothing happens.You may wish for an object. What do you want? You pierce %s's stomach wall!?.!The %s hits it.The %s hits %s%sThe %s misses it.The %s misses %s.boomerangSkillfully, you catch the boomerang.blaze of fireThe %s rips into %s%sThe %s bounces!%s is killed by the %s!The %s hits you!You don't feel hot!You don't feel cold!The %s whizzes by you!The %s bounces!DgYFgfWVZmagic missilebolt of firesleep raybolt of colddeath rayMon Dec 17 1984%s 1.0 preliminary version - last edit %s.Hack@(#)termcap.c 4.1 (Berkeley) 6/27/83TERMCAPTERM/etc/termcap/etc/termcapTermcap entry too long Bad termcap entry Infinite tc= loop Termcap entry too long E^^\\::n r t bf @(#)tgoto.c 4.1 (Berkele((y) 6/27/83OOPS@(#)tputs.c 4.1 (Berkeley) 6/27/835MS7) @(#)ctime.c 4.4 (Berkeley) 7/9/83M:/w///:/AV/V/V/VVVNNO0O0ODay Mon 00 00:00:00 1900 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec/etc/utmp@(#)doscan.c 4.2 (Berkeley) 82/12/03  AAAAAABBBBBB : Unknown error FS/etc/ttys/dev/@(#)closedir.c 4.5 (Berkeley) 7/1/83@(#)opendir.c 4.5 (Berkeley) 7/1/83@(#)readdir.c 4.5 (Berkeley) 7/1/83@(#)malloc.c 4.3 (Berkeley) 9/16/83 Ld%d2? FT*UT*_AnH}Rp`k`~,0`t|̴l+6CQ_ny 01 !#(/FGDMtSPT Z[$e/Lk=rJ{X|eq}Lpp0MLP*MN8N ̝"*f2f;CJQ(Xf_j;8t~\}~nxxܫy`,`@pqܬ(@`.ppd($<%L-d6t?HPȷWQfQorPwvhpffXypZty;,;<L(/6?H!O0XApauhqyPdr~|.DLz"y07 S`$* S2 S8 Elo? ooFL4SZl`g>ou{(~ )p 3p  r r r r r 'r " r-  s7 Hs= JsC LsJ NsQ PsX Rs_ wTsh7dqdy B\sS^RWN^@GpPGN ps~6|&:2e\? `GZjQ@[,cm(iJq{1+D;4̴!.H*ܾKXS .ht>Gjux _ f pj  ! ' -  3 F ; vPB  H  P 2~^ )j 'q <lw f . . | M .'  ΂ i) ~ 2R xܑ  0 # "  "  & , z3 $; @ vE XM [U 0/] ^k Xt fFz n ol  J@ 4* h9 *   Z$  z$ F( x( ( 0l 6)  ?4 PT `E B' P$1/  28 &|a? VJ R gY W3` \Ml QT*u k| h  I <+ # 3: [I L | K w 6 R06  { 64 }4 : $. <r $ %~. e:  0K N P XT Z V` @<g &\0p 4bz Zb Y e E z y 1 J2 ; x 00 2 @i A b@A 5 C z< `  #) 1 7 +e? G O tW ] tff >hn 0*7z  "e h  |d a sZ [R T H` 2  |_ 4L  6:A O HG%kg-JW5$(=6F 1NxsU/jD_hWDoS>wFFY/G@{6H\HH*KJK\OVONPQ -#+R4,R>FS[bSf4So zqTA_LL[_ p`'`Gfa ts6h="#/tQ)L1 xsAlL_8Ujza0i\qpy |st@(fXhx2zt8]Juzy R$Sz C{q! 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Hack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor (reputed to be hidden on the twentieth level). You are accompanied by a little dog that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things. On the way you will find useful (or useless) items, (quite possibly with magic properties) and assorted monsters. You attack a monster by trying to move into the space a monster is in (but often it is much wiser to leave it alone). Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, hack gives you a visual image of the dungeon level you are on. Hack uses the following symbols: A to Z and a to z: monsters. You can find out what a letter represents by saying "/ (letter)", as in "/A", which will tell you that 'A' is a giant ant. - and | These form the walls of a room (or maze). . this is the floor of a room. # this is a corridor. > this is the staircase to the next level. < the staircase to the previous level. ` A large boulder. @ You (usually). ^ A trap. ) A weapon of some sort. ( Some other useful object (key, rope, dynamite, camera, ...) [ A suit of armor. % A piece of food (not necessarily healthy ...). / A wand. = A ring. ? A scroll. ! A magic potion. $ A pile or pot of gold. Commands: Hack knows the following commands: ? help: print this list. Q Quit the game. < up: go up the staircase (if you are standing on it). > down: go down (just like up). kjhlyubn - go one step in the direction indicated. k: north (i.e., to the top of the screen), j: south, h: west, l: east, y: ne, u: nw, b: se, n: sw. KJHLYUBN - Go in that direction until you hit a wall or run into something. m (followed by one of kjhlyubn): move without picking up any objects. M (followed by one of KJHLYUBN): Move far, no pickup. f (followed by one of kjhlyubn): move until something interesting is found. F (followed by one of KJHLYUBN): as previous, but forking of corridors is not considered interesting. i print your inventory. s search for secret doors and traps around you. ^ ask for the type of a trap you found earlier. ) ask for current wielded weapon. [ ask for current armor. = ask for current rings. . rest, do nothing. ^R redraw the screen. ^P repeat last message (subsequent ^P's repeat earlier messages). / (followed by any symbol): tell what this symbol represents. e eat food. w wield weapon. w- means: wield nothing, use bare hands. q drink (quaff) a potion. r read a scroll. T Takeoff armor. R Remove Ring. W Wear armor. P Put on a ring. t throw or shoot a weapon. p pay your shopping bill. d drop something. d7a: drop seven items of object a. D Drop several things. In answer to the question "What kinds of things do you want to drop? [!%= au]" you should give zero or more object symbols possibly followed by 'a' and/or 'u'. 'a' means: drop all such objects, without asking for confirmation. 'u' means: drop only unpaid objects (when in a shop). a use, apply - Generic command for using a key to lock or unlock a door, using a camera, using a rope, etc. c call: name a certain object or class of objects. C Call: Name an individual monster. E Engrave: Write a message in the dust on the floor. E- means: use fingers for writing. o set options. (see below) v print version number. You can put a number before a command to repeat it that many times, as in "20s" or "40.". Options: To turn an option on, say 'ox', where x is the optionletter. To turn it off, say 'o!x'. The following options currently exist. e echo Echo typed characters. o oneline Give inventories one line at a time (at the top of your screen). Have Fun, and Good Hacking! te a message in the dust on the floor. E- means: use fingers for writing. o set options. (see below) v print version number. You can put a number before a command to repeat it that many times, as in "20s" or "40.". Options: To tur/usr/games/lib/hack/news 664 0 12 54 3200151422 10315 Welcome to the long lost Hack 1.0 from 1985 ionletter. To turn it off, say 'o!x'. The following options currently exist. e echo Echo typed characters. o oneline Give inventories one line at a time (at the top of your screen). Have Fun, and Good Hacking! te a message in the dust on the floor. E- means: use fingers for writing. o set options. (see below) v print version number. You can put a number before a command H,/,/usr/games/lib/hack/perm 664 0 12 0 3200151667 10266 /usr/games/lib/hack/data 664 0 12 17770 3200151667 10362 @ human (or you) - a wall | a wall + a door . the floor of a room # a corridor } water filled area < the staircase to the previous level > the staircase to the next level ^ a trap $ a pile, pot or chest of gold % a piece of food ! a potion * a gem ? a scroll = a ring / a wand [ a suit of armor ) a weapon ( a useful item (camera, key, rope etc.) 0 an iron ball _ an iron chain " an amulet , a trapper : a chameleon ~ a lurker above & a demon A a giant ant B a giant bat C a centaur; Of all the monsters put together by the Greek imagination the Centaurs (Kentauroi) constituted a class in themselves. Despite a strong streak of sensuality in their make-up, their normal behaviour was moral, and they took a kindly thought of man's welfare. The attempted outrage of Nessos on Deianeira, and that of the whole tribe of Centaurs on the Lapith women, are more than offset by the hospitality of Pholos and by the wisdom of Cheiron, physician, prophet, lyrist, and the instructor of Achilles. Fu((rther, the Cen- taurs were peculiar in that their nature, which united the body of a horse with the trunk and head of a man, involved an unthinkable duplication of vital organs and important members. So grotesque a combination seems almost un-Greek. These strange creatures were said to live in the caves and clefts of the mountains, myths associating them especially with the hills of Thessaly and the range of Erymanthos. [Mythology of all races, Vol. 1, pp. 270-271] D a dragon E a floating eye F a freezing sphere G a gnome H a hobgoblin; Hobgoblin. Used by the Puritans and in later times for wicked goblin spirits, as in Bunyan's 'Hobgoblin nor foul friend', but its more correct use is for the friendly spir- its of the brownie type. In 'A midsummer night's dream' a fairy says to Shakespeare's Puck: Those that Hobgoblin call you, and sweet Puck, You do their work, and they shall have good luck: Are you not he? and obviously Puck would not wish to be called a hobgoblin if that was an ill-omened word. Hobgoblins are on the whole, good-humoured and ready to be helpful, but fond of practical joking, and like most of the fairies rather nasty people to annoy. Boggarts hover on the verge of hobgoblindom. Bogles are just over the edge. One Hob mentioned by Henderson, was Hob Headless who haunted the road between Hurworth and Neasham, but could not cross the little river Kent, which flowed into the Tess. He was exorcised and laid under a large stone by the roadside for ninety-nine years and a day. If anyone was so unwary as to sit on that stone, he would be unable to quit it for ever. The ninety-nine years is nearly up, so trouble may soon be heard of on the road between Hurworth and Neasham. [Katharine Briggs, A dictionary of Fairies] I an invisible stalker J a jackal K a kobold L a leprechaun; The Irish Leprechaun is the Faeries' shoemaker and is known under various names in different parts of Ireland: Cluri- caune in Cork, Lurican in Kerry, Lurikeen in Kildare and Lu- rigadaun in Tipperary. Although he works for the Faeries, the Leprechaun is not of the same species. He is small, has dark skin and wears strange clothes. His nature has some- thing of the manic-depressive about it: first he is quite happy, whistling merrily as he nails a sole on to a shoe; a few minutes later, he is sullen and morose, drunk on his home-made heather ale. The Leprechaun's two great loves are tobacco and whiskey, and he is a first-rate con-man, impos- sible to out-fox. No one, no matter how clever, has ever managed to cheat him out of his hidden pot of gold or his magic shilling. At the last minute he always thinks of some way to divert his captor's attention and vanishes in the twinkling of an eye. [From: A Field Guide to the Little People by Nancy Arrowsmith & George Moorse. ] M a mimic N a nymph O an orc P a purple worm Q a quasit R a rust monster S a snake T a troll U an umber hulk V a vampire W a wraith X a xorn Y a yeti Z a zombie a an acid blob b a giant beetle c a cockatrice; Once in a great while, when the positions of the stars are just right, a seven-year-old rooster will lay an egg. Then, along will come a snake, to coil around the egg, or a toad, to squat upon the egg, keeping it warm and helping it to hatch. When it hatches, out comes a creature called basil- isk, or cockatrice, the most deadly of all creatures. A sin- gle glance from its yellow, piercing toad's eyes will kill both man and beast. Its power of destruction is said to be so great that sometimes simply to hear its hiss can prove fatal. Its breath is so venomenous that it causes all vege- tation to wither. There is, however, one creature which can withstand the basilisk's deadly gaze, and this is the weasel. No one knows why this is so, but although the fierce weasel can slay the basilisk, it will itself be killed in the struggle. Perhaps the weasel knows the basilisk's fatal weakness: if it ever sees its own reflection in a mirror it will perish instant- ly. But even a dead basilisk is dangerous, for it is said that merely touching its lifeless body can cause a person to sicken and die. [From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library) and other sources. ] d a dog e an ettin f a fog cloud g a gelatinous cube h a homunculus i an imp; An 'imp' is an off-shoot or cutting. Thus an 'ymp tree' was a grafted tree, or one grown from a cutting, not from seed. 'Imp' properly means a small devil, an off-shoot of Satan, but the distinction between goblins or bogles and imps from hell is hard to make, and many in the Celtic countries as well as the English Puritans regarded all fairies as devils. The fairies of tradition often hover uneasily between the ghostly and the diabolic state. [Katharine Briggs, A dictionary of Fairies] j a jaguar k a killer bee l a leocrotta m a minotaur n a nurse o an owlbear p a piercer q a quivering blob r a giant rat s a scorpion t a tengu; The tengu was the most troublesome creature of Japanese legend. Part bird and part man, with red beak for a nose and flashing eyes, the tengu was notorious for stirring up feuds and prolonging enmity between families. Indeed, the belligerent tengus were supposed to have been man's first instructors in the use of arms. [From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library). ] u a unicorn; Men have always sought the elusive unicorn, for the single twisted horn which projected from its forehead was thought to be a powerful talisman. It was said that the unicorn had simply to dip the tip of its horn in a muddy pool for the water to become pure. Men also believed that to drink from this horn was a protection against all sickness, and that if the horn was ground to a powder it would act as an antidote to all poisons. Less than 200 years ago in France, the horn of a unicorn was used in a ceremony to test the royal food for poison. Although only the size of a small horse, the unicorn is a very fierce beast, capable of killing an elephant with a single thrust from its horn. Its fleetness of foot also makes this solitary creature difficult to capture. However, it can be tamed and captured by a maiden. Made gentle by the sight of a virgin, the unicorn can be lured to lay its head in her lap, and in this docile mood, the maiden may secure it with a golden rope. [From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library). ] v a violet fungi w a long worm; From its teeth the crysknife can be manufactured. x a xan; The xan were animals sent to prick the legs of the Lords of Xibalba. y a yellow light z a zruty; The zruty are wild and gigantic beings, living in the wildernesses of the Tatra mountains. ed to la/usr/games/lib/hack/hh 664 0 12 3021 3200151667 10010 y k u Move commands: \|/ hykulnjb: single move in specified direction h-.-l HYKULNJB: repeated move in specified direction /|\ (until stopped by e.g. a wall) b j n f: fast movement in direction (until something interesting is seen) m: move without picking up objects Meta commands: Q quit leave the game S save save the game (to be continued later) o set set options ? help print information / whatis give name (and sometimes more info) of specified monster ! sh escape to some SHELL v version print version number ^R redraw redraw the screen (^R denotes the symbol CTRL/R) ^P print repeat last message (subsequent ^P's repeat earlier messages) Game commands: a apply, use use something (a key, camera, etc.) c call give a name to a class of objects d drop drop an object. d7a: drop seven items of object a. e eat eat something i invent list the inventory (and shopping bill) p pay pay your bill q drink quaff a potion r read read a scroll s search search for secret doors, hidden traps and monsters t throw throw or shoot a weapon w wield wield a weapon (w- wield nothing) z zap zap a wand C name name an individual monster (e.g., baptize your dog) D Drop drop several things E Engrave write a message in the dust on the floor (E- use fingers) P wear put on a ring R remove remove a ring T remove take off some armor W wear put on some armor < up go up the stairs > down go down the stairs ^ trap_id identify a previously found trap ),[,= ask for current weapon, armor, rings, respectively . or wait a moment row or shoot a weapon w wield wield a weapon (w- wield nothing) z zap zap a wand C name name an individual monster (e.g., baptize your dog) D Drop drop several things E Engrave write a message in the dust on the floor (E- use fingers) P wear put on a ring R remove remove a ring T remove take off some armor W wear put on some armor < up go up the stairs > down go down the stairs ^ trap_id identify a previously found trap ),[,= ask for current weapon, armor, rings, respectively . or